HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-1, Page 3TUE RIOR NEN OF INDIA.
vAsT tirEALTE *or Thu, PAR-
Some Examples 01 EOerg--5" 4134
Enterprise of a Few of the
%aye made mizeb, progrees iy bet
coronatien AS the repreeentetive
Calcutta), would not bave perm
ted this veritable Mille of wealeb,
eseepe their not. But, with t
usual diselaie of high-class Hindu
they scorned to soil their band e tri
And slow, because of Parsee Miter^ eaa Leoked Upon ae NOW PO
wile% jute mills ere Si -tieing All along by Date Back for Eton-.
the limighly batik. Aireedy they dretla of Years,
recent announcmth(chief
et i cause a the neamesp rew jute ane
NoWrofee Alanockji Wadia Cbout to toe)) tbat a generation hence they
eonvert 000 00() 1 -
hope tbet. Aid the war Would
be ended that they christ,ened
"Fiala — the end of the war.
Dalueltily, the ettip ran ePon a $1104.1
and was captured by the Spailierds
before it coulO lie got oil.
Steam nevigetion dotes back to
/miler period. IA the POP./ a Oboe.
of SPela on inventor atted up an
eevd1,1•O"ivillaghttorTliibelehailatlioefkitYbeQbgrvrse- JAN .11011WITII IJNOLE
n4cepSiztzliegitstpee.outatvia How .27E 13vsy
of • the petient There is little left -
• do for the poor ereatnre eXtel?t,
to Pet it OW- Of its Misery -
A con000n irlemiels is the eurb
reundipg of tee beim of the bind
ohi wer vessel with peadle.,e werkeo jest below the back pole!. of the
Afeny of the Popular modern, idftis e.y steam, and roi. it et 0, aPeed Of 1.10a-'• ThA's ferraatk"1 dos izO in
are cede- revivals of thieves that ex- nine knots an hour. The iting ie Pre the servee4WenesS the
mull Wrest froist Dendee enure isted ceutury or two 41go. They e4441. to have been much atonsect, ape aPereciably. If patiently rented
btnioneptotrupt:se4;11141:10enelxlsotroLcteteseliA;o41%":; tz7,4hOtai4a jtUuttl,e.pioneer thq ero4iroivitiotif4mayoinhao.,sve Rb:eviii. forgotten gera.:1-evntsti,e Ant; sadeaprexigooptiree.coieirial Imwherneflutee9or,ett4aepgoeamreatliseorrinrab ette:
nhif•e te th? wealthti the' -444-00111" eoncere. became ono et the moat die- The werel Qectence in London iS importance of the ieventiou seetee Orowth. if net too Prominent- _
Celle* 14K toe Parsees ‘) bAkItan tingulshed citizene of Oeleutte,„ and lust now greetly stirred aver a sube never to biree OneUrreel bina nor Whld-broZfell 'verse IS 900 tool'
gording the first, it is e striking, Ultimately its sheriff. And perhaps. 14-tanco celled adectrold, Whiehthao Ufa to eiS ministers. Later on — bas been pernmeeatly injurod
proqf et the generol topsy-turvystiossi following hia venter°, some ocher peeulia.r property of reaein planta e099 — peofl,. the palne man breethine power by overdriving. Vie -
of India (as Judged freest the WesternUouaje etareee win now erroa grow at. au amazing rata. Llader ready mentioned as bating written Jel4 exereie r4ve418 n''eaknesS toeteteemint) that practicaely Om en- new Iron the .Billutt4y aide gen dive tee inference of this discorery they eeeeereieg the discovery • of elect-,
tire COMIllereial 'Wealth of a cenutelr a. new impetus to the working ni• thl'grorir, bloom,, nature. and fade away roid. sitowed A, complete steam en-,
eoo,o00,000 people should be in coat mines of nengal. Then others in tho space et o tew miuutee. Tim gine efore the Vnglish Royal So -
the bends of a community numberiugwm tone up tho iron in ten neutral scientiets ere greatly interested in clots,. Three sears later be fitted ties
lase then 90.000- trhe "wealth of I-Arai:Ince, and the copper in Mbar. the discovery and are trying to COO meek -sine to a boat -Ind ran on
Ind" is a Myth. birlia i* the land Frey, Deep vjuonoua
at extremes; of rallinres of uotlorfed Why note Tile commercial eucceen
peesante on the oue hand. and ef P. of tile Parsecs iS toit mauifestsition
And VerseeS On the other. Regard- postulate, teot a tonstrvative
Ina the latter. the name that akerels community toineritiet must rise te.
cont. most. prominently is that of S.r .
leveled galaxy of millionaire rajahs of 0. .sahtle jaw D oeonomles. whieh
mem practical two for it in the bee the Weser River. in Germany. So
tanico.1 world.•eucceesful wee it Omit Lim toatmen
ja tee eourea; savents for were afraid that their occepation
1-635 case be found an account. write would be lest,. So a nmeter of them
ten by an ettglueer paired re,pin coneeted end eie,,eseed up 04 a oew
which tells of the diteover,y of a iill'ention end seer- it
r en fro ers aenttst owed Wilde winch eateees1 ALIIIIINIUM1 ARvie AY$.
Jam-setIee JetkeebboY. tho recognised centuries ago by a, reiigious yersecue:/lowera and Plants to. grow te ' Aleminfunie the latest metal to
hved of the P-ees of indite. A reno the paeceee rotate airi Asylum in tuoturity in the Interval of afew came into practical use, bee twee te'"
SPlettaftl 0-,NaloPle Of energy and en -Judie. Dot thoughiadft received moineets„ So it. eppmrs teat. the hlre heinl eXtraCte4 from the. ellen
torprise qualitiee that are, intleech, the Ilinflus, tneo leer. ' d Ilatest eovelty to the esientillO world whieti eonteins it. The first time
;VP Qrthe ., "-a.° 'lee' of the SSW° ArYOrtt rhitZe tbe lanideta wee litiown over two gen-- wee in p.c. aa, when Reams ibluedrstaggeto. overdntelrg and
!Meow lairsoy is of the n▪ itiribieet ore dee te the rigoroea eastie !awe of turlee Age. wort men easze4 Fetor brought to lendden Ceolleg el may develop,
tte horeettem who lietkee to the
breathing. In extreme eesee SAT -
.e 'tee beer the brute roar a 144)4
he care. lees man may neglect to note
ether or get tite animal is deaf;
ye may not to expert ,enougn
that the onering
UPtete4 out where tire
ts. eJ-
bas blietercd .4104114,370.
batt.- Eia,c-4111gd "eep,ped
is cribbler ee he will
ut when the ptore..11,a” tohee
home cud eate ins to nionderto
Overheating may brine; see the
.,leire 4celitery ago. when the Drie; the latter barred tho possibilitY of The POW PoPiller military devieo the Ensperor Tiberius a eup of s— sorenc..--9 end sti.geteea of
erPi„,re:eta 4e2ings tOrmhe Intermarriage between them. Thus lesewn ea tho which'ao 'very white illetal Me silver but, much slibeidera Lend front k5 Abet criP"
ear eue tere criumiong risme tee the r aesecs commned emelt io romeruFed with great sucvess by the Bre.
Pagel and the Mehrattri nd I • lighier- ln terror leet, inns revel Yet a horse suillefeutly to ruin bins
army s rl was .., cbscovery rmett resider ellver of no4 oe Ineeitor in geed Mogan% aomalg
• bert but ener Active, ever viglient.th
ilia Wen in elMOS, the *Mester of the ,nver looking. tor an apportotity for
difejeehhoys wos a Poor lad* ntrivhqineatirrial progrees.
to gain hie deity bread hY the swent4 The opportunity came at last with
at his brow. Sean' a writer In the British rule. The high mete Mete'
Lontiou Exprass. %still ever/led to enter ieto coat: -
Them no sooner wero modern ine-irooree; the low oaote veolia have aa
tholle of etenonties iturceluced liittod :power for eo 111:ewite the
the efirttiry titan this holnhio fortbelen by tea Koren to
forthwith dreamt of lio practice usury. could not eorapete
SflotIon In business As o, small rners:1 under Modern conous. Thus tee OF TII3 IfOlt$b
trat'e of India had been la Bruglish',uo Koran. was left 1%11344114 own,
tke 'Lek t Mb
SI'PoNPt.„Ikl-h; DAY,
Seise Intereeting elatteea ef eXe-
and WEirth Gathered
rrez4 Peilaws,
Illoomineton vi is building big
sehocebouse. ail on elm lioer. to eavef
chlidren the etran stop-pi/41144g.
Tbe white IRA:se., Waseington.
said to be Pn exect eopy of the
Puke of Leicester"e ralaco at liee-
14111.eiliroerIrs ecIrt' the V.rei.O.A. rooms for
lariviree drieteigg shope eue of the
ta..uxt irnows. weeeere show Altat thee sr,
Engineern for a Thitish noispany
began berin°- for a tubular tuenel on
Ale/inlay uTtder tee Evise Illver
'Ito steamboat Squad. long neown
Ito the active ozeastere of the. Neer
!York polico force as the sift.
aline," peened netia of e.estencit oft
4.4 utrja sr e eb434sd to to r ANIrteeibt:,,
Wanes -Ivor -la Itailreeti COnseriav for
Tee Geaee leclione ef Oineherafe
etre eeid to have ..$stoPOSIVO eaells
deeoeit Wes:Levies eel ona
.4,0inettfallsecree of irraf egti it
pyan the emo eehIe tee emperor promotly bed the his Wad. I Tiee late Colorel Andrew David -
in. TMe. device Is ri.11 arrange. elaucey Teen beheaded, A eimilar ri The Seavee come on nears go ,eon, comsrandaet of toe Now 'Soar
ment of mirrors 1.)y. wriieh sunlight is fete tefeli Freedman wbo brought by1 like aetbma In men. are* Le in- ;stew tioisinto. nerte. ot, p.4114, wos
daahed front, one point to Another OA- piece of tO Vire Frersch.tssratito- The aillaaat is not ‘.e*' ltult at tieettami. Pres,.
cording to ereerranged code of fTardiani Richelieu, lig Wee eerily Intel ter.1 Causiderablo service
It Is a pnrt of every firot- eened for it%
elaes army. oftti is looked upon tas
Mere or lees of a tionelty. Tisere te
evidence that it. woe sieed by the na-
tives of Northern Attire. eleven cen-
turies ago, or about the year 000.
b do
Now. for the dret time, an caeterner That ho fumy deucrced /dal Ewa more ancient is the preetice
chant. So far the entire foreigtvirorscc. boxing alo ea,ote tnas and
en t iese Of tho Co' ipetitor in the tletti. ITOMEOPATIIY 3S ANTIQUATED.
enteree the deld. terial sweet* there Pcrin be no ilea*, Of homeopathy, which has IlOW be".
/I1 a 41-4eace ar IIIIIIIPaI3Ilan .°Tt tion. "Good thoughte. geed worde. conle a reu
ce'gized branch et Inedi-
the part of ti'ci conservative buielis. goal deals " t4W,Lie 44Z4 thZ ZAUVAIra* ChM There was "healing by 6ittlli”
he 1"(Ten'w4"1 Ilin bunInes9* Prbsreere°a g of his faitle. 1:et. the womitkence et arifty" reorly 2.0V0 yeara ego. And
"41411'11Y 473.14"'"41 4 f°111lbe 44 4""".'"'deieeetillov, of Petit. of Viadio • test- curie by inileuto &gee of poisen,
000,C00. Por his purPotei India. was d d
if S T ,ear dud other prattfnee died out
y o tei goo Pei e.
4 Vi1/4/11 6°14 a I" c°4h1137 "tlil ha S also rendered a Oublie etre
lkr v ee o a le a. to a ea-, from I?
eomething over seventeen cen-
witesploittel by inedern methods'
vett on woe the United States all t " t f nn"n t-te reviived our own
verretian age: the cas5o of ws soo..,Itho moderp standpeint, lie hes :day as a nineiteetath evatuey toren-
eoss the. satpr, as thateat the gra shaken Inaba out. of her lethergese he ition,
Ainctiefin millionaire% !Om's shown her that in the twentieth If you go to the big fall faire you
'llttirY Clt /14 Wealth that, asai.ce the pats through a eelf-regiatering Writ-
L'ililASS linsT nitRONFrr. nimi — pot caste nor lineage.
+411,111,111••••••• .•11
Became of lila aplentlid MUnifit
Centel he was created lima a, IC.O.11., ATTAR70 TIIP PA
Ma. Pori, If ho rianaw,41, a. fortune,
Inc knew how to 0010 it. Ho Efox0 VILZAGERS TTEMPT TO PUN -
away 41.(100,000. half Ills fortune. ISII 1103ISE TEIEVES.
in charities. lioepitals, colleges end
rest -houses were founded and endow -
and then a. liaronet — the first in In- .1J
Mlle, which automatically recor
tho number of persens who mate
Yet this 64120 device was used eig
teen centuries ago. to hnd out be
many people attended the bigeh
bilk= given at the circus. Tb
saute people at the same date we
using condenaere aboard their trir
me war WSITIS made exactly
,g0.3w You g•A'r =Tzar IlEs
Zoreo Yaleiable Mute to Pfseye
, A Perfect Rene Le a
4 Razity.
oca * Which isoiTherrh le Je4r to
force 418 impeatent lpart in the mar -
Let, value of etan's faithful friend.
finetie ins. too. ore of quite a num-
e704.qa and tetrongly nearlied cherae-
ter. being part and pored of the an-
atomy of a corteiderable percentage
de of the equine family. A perfeet
r. here* plie-eleally is enough of a rar-
b- tty to mem COMMent and much
w heaethog en the part of it9 OWner.
1,- While the perfect horse in forni. ne-
e" MOD. rnalli:erS and disenuition ie sin
re invaluable CreatUre to his fortunate
ee: Ju the regular sales conducted
tel by him. Eight Victim of the Attar' thc4N° vibleh .tealnsliii) car- '111°1'5° 'e4-31tera tht) dQUIer4 Ite44)164
Tho prar
eeent bonet. Sir Jams. sides Thirty Aro In the ▪ l'riee. loxpert in judging the aitimals that
retie° Jeejeehltoy. the third from the Plospital noised type roe the met Is usurd- . their parks t&pa 1 b
(Muter, eUcceeded 1877. and since
then well maintnined tho traditions
ot his house. With Increasing wealth
inta. W t
ly looked upon as a comparatively lightnirre rapidity a9 the oillerloge
An extraordinstry alTraY took Osseo z.e.reist discoverO. So it IS in MS aPPear in the ring to be sold at the
a. few dens aro at Lopatchevo4 a country. In rereia, however. SucIn. band. or, rather, al the mouth —of
lie has increased the aim and M- r°Pultinn "ill '0 " Olio ha e been in uee trout tivao int-;Ithe auctioneer. A subject Is then
Dose el km philanthropy. Andirao of Kieft. Russia. Th14 pl-tee lia lat mensorbl, ilieted as listving Olio or that ldem-
better proof could be given of,uw.L.erly earned an evil repute as hart Motor cars are by no meant, no ;,,ieh. or is 'simply "'sold to the halt,
appreelatloa and gratitude of his !ming a band of cattle and bor. recent In origin as is generally .er" at the buyerfa risk.
Countryinea than the general delight Vauve3, who systematically raided Every one, of courte. knows 4, rutting' aside the blemished of
lath which Ma s.'tlection to represent
se cattle of the online° end bonnets that Steam coaches were put upon /mese in disposition or In training,
Bobay at the recent coronation was
reedited by all Its citizens.
Mord* less convictions is the
rem fondly, Even as the doojeeb-
hots mole their fortunes in foreign
teal° the Petits made theirs in cot-
ton. spinning. Half a century ago
the not eotton mill in Bombay was
ibundell.by a Parsee — the late Cow-
es*, Naava
nabboy Dr, Though
confining himself solely to the spitt-
ed:4r of yarns, he succeeded In ac-
cumulating considerable wealth.
Then the Petits went one better;
for in 1855, Dinehow maneekieo Pe-
tit mew the Oriental Spinning and
Weaving Mill, which not only spun
yarns but wove cloth This venturhe
rL U.UJOinthg district.
The rural pollee took little motice
of the complaints of the victime,
and the latter therefore took the
matter of chastisement into their
Own heads. They organized an overt
the roads of Lirgland early in the which may properly he colle.d blenie
reign of Queen Victoria, and that, „items in the abstract. — 1fl.o vicious -
they worked excellently, only failiog r.esa, balkiness Or awkwartirace-aud
becituee of repressive legiviation. But loolcing solely to the deformities
the self-proreiled vehicle in far more which mar figure and concrete ute-
than seventy rears old. Titer° M o.,fulneS3 of the four -legged eervaut, it
whet:nine attack upon Lopatchevo, truetwOrthy reeord that loather Ver-isfound that one Of the most cam -
width they approadied in three col- loot, a Jcsisit. miselonary to China. 'mon blemiallea 19 the splint—s. smell,
U10118 from various points. There M the year 1560, javented end built !bony formation or button, more or
were no firearms among the attack- a eteaux driven vehicle for road Ilse lois elongated, wIsich is found usual -
Ing earue,% but they were well during his stanfin the far east. It ly just below the knee on the iuside
equipped with stout eusigels. •The wale indeed. constructed aceording ica of one or both lega, and lying he-
'whet la now considered a nervel ,tween the two main bents of the
style — that of the steam turbine. A for legs.
jet of stenra Wa0 inacie to act direct -I TIIM SPLINT
ly upon, a insned wheel, which. was :is a minor blemish that is ihiefly
affixed to a, tiertic.td. shaft venlig at-- un objection in that it nuns the
smoothness of the leg in the eye of
enemy bad, however, received warn-
ing, and were prepared for the on-
slaught. which was delivered with
desperate vigor.,
The eonflict lasted a couple of tacited to one of the axles.
was so great a success that in 1800 hours, when the attar.king party had About the stune date a, Idisrembuig the horseman. it m Interesting.
Mr. Dinshaw was induced to erect j to retire, leaving live of their num- man named Johann lIaustach. Mann- too, as a study in evolution, many
the Manoekjee retit ber behind beaten to death. The de- lectured what he deseribed aS "a tregarding it as merely a rudiment,
pidnia4 and Weaving Min, thus fenders lost three killed, tea.king chariot going by spring, and malthig
ary 'remnant of" what Was once an
neatied in memory of his father. The eight fatalitiee altogether. There are 2,000 paces an hour." el 1
Inntrce extra member in the prehistoric
laveStinent prOVed So profitable that 33 of the combatants in hospital. Power was, in fact, that of n.mod-
., Immo — the uridevelciped horse of
several cotton mills were started by Mane' 01 them injured for life. lent AMerietill clock — a big semen early creation. Quite certain it is
Dinstittiv, one after 'smother In Yeer by year, at Arm as the'darit spring. The invention failed bemuse that in a. number of strains of the
rapid 'succession. Speedily he be-
came the largest shareholder in the
six leading cotton ntills of Bombay
—the Afanockjee Petit Mill, the Din-
shaw Petit Mill, the Victoria, the
nrazagen, the Frei/dee Petit and the
Glordon Mills.
Besides spinning end weaving, Mr.
Dinshaw also directed his attention
to the manufacture of tbread. hos-
levy and fancy goods, and to the
„dyeing of yarns.
At the present day many cotton
rains are working in Bombay, and
more will soon be started. Already
the entire yarn supply of India, and
to some extent of Chink and Japan.
Is famished by the Bombay mills.
No doubt these yarnsare n.ow of the Thanks to aerial navigation. NVC raaY eases it appears on the outside.
coateer kind, but tne day must discover the north pole and other re- Cures are claimed for it, but are gen-
,• come when the Boinbay faetories will mote regions." Verhaps the most crony discredited.
also learn to spin. yarn of the high- n.
remarkable fact about this early A bony growth sometimes appears
est "Spent." Then the scepter of
the eastern trade in cotton cloth navigator of the air is that not 'only between the fetlock and hoof of the
was its writer of the sartie nation- horse e:nd is "mown as the rinroanne.
most Inass from Lancashire to Born- ality as the present Santos -Dumont .
it may be scarcely apparent, or it
bay. •And all due to the energy, the but his name was also Santos. may come to entirely, fill up thrtt
foresight, the enterprise, of Dinshaw
lifermoktee Petit. , The wearing of , sunbonnets by space with a rough, unnatural
hors,es during hot weather caused
For his splendid philanthropy, riv- a growth of bony substance. The
tremendous -sensation when the lash" blemish is a bad one, quite incurs.-
' tiring that of Sir Jamsetjee jeejeeb- ion first' apPeared, three or four ble, and makes its victim lame. The
hoy, he, tee, was Made a baronet', in
. 18.90. And now, both by marriage 3'earS ago. There is to be seen at hind feet are more commonly cif-
Cenoa, an old Italian print dated nected than the front. .
and by commercial partnership, . the 142, in which is depicted a inan rid- •
Petit family is, clo.sel3r allied with ing on horseback with an umbrella A LITTLE LOWER'.
those of tbe other Parsee million- fixed over his awn head and another next to the hoof, oftener infront
Ores of India "— the Wadies, -the than behind, is the seat of side -bone,
over that of his horse.
Readyrnoneys, the Camas, Nowro- a. blemish less familiar to ....-14-.-.
eights of autumn begin, a. veritable all four wheels were fixed, and not
plague of horse -stealing breaks out in pivoted. So the machine was use -
the rural districts of RuSsia. There .less, except on a. stietiedit road.
seems to be no means of checking
this evil, which in now at its early
' When. one considers tha.t the peas -
There aro hundreds of people at
work, at present upon the perfecting
home fainily the .splint is register-
ly inherited and appears on. nearly
ly 1 nherited and appears on ne.arly
every foal. A splint ran be reduced
all or in part by early manipulation
or later surgery.
One of the • first blemishes looked
ant's horse is almost bis only Pro- oi the flying machine, and Santos- for by the horse buyer is the spavin,
perty, end his chief instrument of la- Dumont's steerable balloon has at- earomenly called a "jack." Tke
bor, one can understand his bitter track(' an enormous amount of .at- hind leg is the home of the spavin,
hatred of the horse -thief. His hat- tention. There is still in existence a and a bad tenant it is indeed. There
red is nourished and fanned to fury letter written to the King of Porto- 5s the bone Spavin; and then there is
by the knowledge of the light pun- gal in 1709. "I have invented a the "bog" spavin which is not of
ishment which the Russian law pro-
vides for horse -stealing. This is the
explanation of the presence of lynch
law in Russia and of Its recent vio-
lent manifestatiou
machine," the writer says, "by
means of which one -can voyage in
the air more rapidly than on land
or sea. It will travel more than
200 leagues in a day, and be inval-
bone. The former is the bad ono,
and as a rule inakeS the horse Rune.
The spavin comes on slowly and in-
creases in size and its power to
cripple its possessor aS 'UM° passes.
FATE OF THE rionsE THIEF. uable to send despatches to armies It grows on the hock, inside and
The modo of lynch law eript, pre- in the meet distant countries. jest be/ow the big ioint In rare
valent in Little Russia. is this: When
a horse -thief is caught the men in
the village club hitt to death, each
trying to strike in such a way as to
inflict no injury more serious than a
bruiSe. Far more horrible is the
method of binding the feet of the
criminal to the tail of a young and
active colt. A lad leaps upon the
animal's back and gallops away over
ditch and meadow. A very few min-
utes of a ride like this, atid little, is
left of the horse -thief.
A similar punishment is to bind ,
the thters feet to the axle of a cart
and then drive away as fast as the
horse earl travel.
Less general is the relined method
of severing the knee tendons, which
makes the thief a cripple for life.
A death of fearful agony is that by pin -pricks. For this mode of exe-
cution the thief is bound hand anti
foot to a benoh or log, and the wo-•
men of the village are then called
together, and proceed to thrust
needles ancl 'pins into the soles of
the wretched victial's feet and other
-Sens iti ve parts .
If the horse -thief is short of sta-
ture his hands and feet are grasped
by a number of peasants. One of
the biggest and strongest of them
then approaches from behind, seizes
les head, and roceses it backwards in
jce Ma.nocati Wadia, whose recent TIIE0FIRST IRONCLAD.
eye than any of the foregoing. It
gift of £1,000,000 to- charity has . Neither the steamboat nor the has come into notice in this come -
been already mentioned, is the fore-
mait of these.
ThORC represent. Parsee enterprise
ironclad can claim to be nineteenth try more conspicuously with the acl-
cent.ury inveetions. In, the year tont of the heavy draught breeds.
1585 the . Duke of paeme imiettne Heavy weight and Work on herd
on tke western side of India; on the Antwerp so closely that the burgh- pavements are Conducive to the &lee -
eastern it is nO less singular. The crs were almost at their wits' end. bone, which is not more or less than
tAVO great modern industries of In- They set to work and built a large the upper and new growth of the
dia aro cotton and jute. The Petits ship, the hull of wheel they plathd hoof rendered tender and disessed.
and. the Wadies had captured the
thickly with iron, to prOtect it from In extreme caees it leads to the quit -
cotton on the Bombay side. It re- Spanish_ shot. In its coestruction ter, when it renders the worker use -
mined 161- the Mehins to cross over they embodied another peculiarity, less, Taken in its early stage, it
to the 13eegal side and capture the ,usually supposed to be a modern in- submits to treatment ond rest. Pas -
jute. ' vention. Roomy platforms were turage often puts the hoof back to
- One would have imaginea that the
Tegoree, the great Elindu family of
built upon its masts, where sharp- its normal growth and enects a cure
shooters might be concealed rego- ' A 'disease that ends in a ("neer
.lietigal, (whose heir. the Maharajah ,the direction, of tile spinal colon -in Jar lighting toes, in 'fact. Tile Dlitch growth on the very poll. or top of
. Nagler '.Pagere, was here for the untinthe vertebrae snap, launched this ship with so certain a the head -of alre'horee is called poll
, te0owp;ei
znier: ts: :iseeerectvel freinii"Grvirmehtilotirsow4i,f 4::::::13,7.41zserrter is:aolw:13::47:7wmafi:1:47e: ratalsisaimg:
iund feeling him QUIly damp -tee -1 "Can° fl)gi "3 to :47. end the
Ao. hoortabeotmhauyxeliz '141,elnlilea7vortm!viehowl limn -14.1!:0-‘c.`;h0,51)t.moilletslaarreeter4evr:';:trye'coilvecr-r7;eQ "
movesas remeeebrarcee of b"e dere the telt- ,,a coneue. areordine to
paeturee fenced with barbs; lee, eeeitel report. weft $11.854.818„
feroy have a, beeach; he moy Nero en aeeeoge ceet of 15.4 gent* eer
eorns: he triev he ooreefooted front capita of the Fopeletioe tne,
1;kajtralcVes' ront:rtahc151:74g'arcTinuigit propwee: laver., and rausettla
to oleo okle — ail these defezts vit'101 whlch to le metal, far at New
deh*' hkaIrain ss.iar alIoti *luft Yortn. Iftelorieni Seehteee ole a east
comititoto "tlegntlIa* .".0 /4111" VA -VA" on eenteal Porli Weett
'omelet' of the horse &Wife;!Pro' will be on ornameue diet Freet1611
flel:17t 4ainnald *IoIli171: 41o; tt::eck o River bailee at Ae-
in tee bleeing and '1J 01 00 rilron top of tho tilianTfeltton Fier
inal kingdom meta's. b.tit, feiendt jauc-,y emet 41d reeea1447 $11-fiblet
the Lem. 099 worth ef damage. oed alle.yed
the completion of tee titIrgaue for
primes a year.
PROGIYESS OP P. E. 1. ben a latego falling oil
in the huildiug of teeneeet, hors
CenntlIS Ramose Show Uow the New yorn. coy tbie year, gpiais Is
Limed gold* Its Place. duo tim new tenement heueo law,
whiela impoeee mew reetrictlene oz;
The Comm, Department has Issued
• bulletio concerning agriculture in §,,th„ail.itg„,*Irallkin uf /3'14 C1459 at
Prince Edward The belletin _
fcaotramtai eigloistt tiotisailiniest,eborataiyInna.elearov tiotitaintga,
term lots, frulte, grains,
nve week, annual products ood frout the station on Manhattan Is -
laud to Dread etreet, at the foot of
VOWS. In all the tattles the returne
I 1411:7;eleestztratt.'oef
have been compiled to show the
• isties of (1) eve acres end ovezeill 31341"1"'
09 home, and (2) areas under fivel!o. third een.513 of A. T. filtva'art, the
acres as lots, together with the
./cew York millionaire, Leo served
total of both classes. ea en tee, te„e„.„ ne 1
no numbers or acres in orchards .1.0*-Ia171,0V os—tIt7e:i0"r`o'le-r- j"Wda-01.10"tey,
I, present total 3.109, or ars in- et„,_ee tent Le, am ,„,„, r,,,
crear.e of acres elate the latipt_uct_.n.:1-saT.07-1:iit'o--e;tiiie-i'i-w74,-tti"i4e-nTe
eus. The yield of apples and I um .000.000 or over.
19 three times, and cherrio few
times aa great Its In 1091. No pro -
/Mee is shown in the cultivation of
small frisks, and vineyards have al-.
moat disappeared from the Wand.
The crops of hay, oats. Wheat, foe'
tatoes—those four traps occupied 4 tru.veler toUs ot the method
04.80 per cent of the whole gime le pursued by the _trans. of litlt..i*sb
1900. Columbia, in tan ueer. sew
There Is a decreate in horses and nIllantnie seav;p1:ed ee'etens, this hunts -
sheep since last census, but a g thut shows practical skill
-ainand sompathy and knowledge of ne-
in mach cows. 'This census shows al
production of 2,06,251 dozen egga "rya c°bditiebs' ile says:
"The Indians. to negin with, do
valued at nearly a quarter of a . . _
not indeer tor tho fneasure or
nIlilion dollars.
' hunting. Thee- go for deer us te
Agricultural valises have been taken e„„:„.o.,,,o.
per goes to morket for reef.
for the first time in this census. They 7.4-17—hat.s 1220ce, in pritish cohnu_
show for farms and lots in the is- --
.bee at. any rate. they don't go of -
land a total for lend and buildingsee,
u Salmon aro plentiful in the
f e23,119,946 ; for implements and.
nachinery 62,628,78? ; for live- ivers and are easily caught. So.
why chuse animals when they tan se-
tee ,in Newfoundland, where I went a.
cure fish? it is something as it is
The total value of farm property couple el seasons ago. There
is $30,434,089, and of this sum land l'srenvajtihnIgnelitseho'egaae ytieleueelniisghnto
represents 49.78 per cent., buildings
^5.76 per cent., implements and rem- to the variety of edible fith that can
chinery 8.60 per cent., and live stock be taken, the natives never think of
eating anething else. Cod is plenti-
1546e repenrtcvenatlu.e of /eased farms is pfuols:.ndTtililiesy ifsurinsotiMinIgiarbailitj
95 cents per acre, and the rate
wages for farin iabor is $3.(18 peorf tgleienyuscallsi codfish 'fish' siniply. The
divided into cod ;rind the
week, including board. The total rest of fish.
gross value of farm products for tbe "Well, when the British Ciolumbia
census year is a4,764,674 for ceops /moan mates up his mind for rani -
(64.27 per cent), and $2,648,623 foreson, he goes at it systematically nod
animal products (35.73 per cent.) 'without sentiment. A group of half
This makes the aggregate 0f...$7,- a dozen or ten eien split and take
413,297, or 8564 in the year for an either end of a valley. 'Their they
average farm, which ie 24.36 per proceed along the mountain slePe
from the two ends to the center.
They choose the eheltered side of the
valley on which the doer seek to es -
COSTLY WEDDINGS, cape the wind. Each party covers
w Northern Utahans Secure
Venison for Their LarderS.
cent. of the investment,
A Royal weddinfr is a very the Mountain side, Come neer the
sive affair, not only for, those who
exIlen- foot and some at the top, and °the
give it, but for each guest Thers between the lines, keeping abreant
presents eecesearily cost the guests - 'Ica f.tnwini(nuililtga,topdtuosett,ilt hohoat.N.,0 tt'alliee trick.
of leaping away down the slope, un-
like the goats, which go up, and
house. As there are numerous air thee, between the two aPProaching
, parties, they
ere swept together at
servant and attendant in his host s
the fiaiddle of the- valley. A good
,,tip,, attending to ms rank, a sized herd will thus be killed off and
tendants, and each one must receive
supplied 1(.1.- many weeks
the marriage of the Grand Duke and
thivie tIwnodiaoIndians
three days' exertion.
treat deal 01 money is necessary. At "
Duchess of Ilesee the guests left al-
together $3,705 to be distributed,
besides bestowing over $7,500 rvorth
of gifts among the servants before
their departure.
it great deal, for only the richest
and rarest gifts can be offered to
Royalty. .Desides a gift, each guest
must leave a sum of money for evert'
After a recent railway- collision, a
wreckage by a companion who bad
escapee unhurt.
"Never mind, Sandy," his rescuer
remarked, `'it's nothing serious and
you'll get damages for it."
'Damages) '' roared. Sandy.
I no had enough.. guid sakes!
repairs seeiing noon',
Doctor Cane ani , af t er it oe re
study of Italian earthquakes, iinels
that all such disturlAnces strong en-
ough to damage buildings, even to a
slight extent, are iir,ariably preced-
ed as Well as follo‘ved 1)'T .1SjltOt
shocks. In other words, an r CU-
cira.'.te is not 4:11 isolated phenomenon,
but is one of a series oi 1h -
Scotsman was extricated from the auce-i' When the depth of the oca.-1
of disturbances is small be f 11.7.11.orp
last al:out ten 44y8, whon of m0,...1-1
er at e depth about three leo/Trost, an
whcn of great ClNatb."..ro:isibly r a 1
years, Professor Orni'Yi.i .tralian
.ifae has° arrived at, o 111:lS i 011 s -
it's about minor Sllocks eenneCiett Aeite
s t ro no earthquake