HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-1, Page 1FIFTEENTH YEA
ere erie eseeferedereelei ere etereete
0 E nmainErt
ng the incoming council to grant the
roposed amount. The vote was
taken and it carried, unanimoesly.
At the conclusion of the ellotted time
foi eireeiving noinheetioxis the town
clerk was asked to resume the chair,
when adaresses by mostof tlwee neu.
miter' followed. The old council all
being present gave an account of their
stewardship for 1002. slowing a very
reditable record.
Since the Nominations all have
withdrawn from the field except the
followirig, vizi-For Reeve. T. B. Cate
ling and W.. G. Bissett. For Couu-
eillorsi J. T., Maiming. Joltn Gillespie,
i. Colibledicle and Th. ITawkine.
bo4Treetees* Geo. Eacrett, John
erns and S. Martip.
Me' e Bleck e . vet collar, fly fro
mbrella skirt, Italian Une4, were 812.ret cut to „
3fen's 'Meek Beaver overeciats, velvet collar, 8y front, Italian
linedsewn with silk and linen were 8S,ei0. now, • . • • • • $7.00.
Mell's Black' Beaver overcoats, velvet collars, fly front% good
Mugs. sown with linen and eilk were
Men is griey Ciot,
hevovercoats, silk vMohair and
voltam. Mohand
Ration Mw, Telma, pockets, umbrella ekirt, box were
$12.00, cut o.
Merfa Gerard grey overcoats, velvet collar,Taireirt peekRte,ciltie
eleevea, Raglan style, were 89.50 cut to.... - ... .
Men's Cheviot aud Frieze overcoets,velvet collateRagian style,
Tatumpocket% cuife on eleeve, twilled Italian lining,. linen and
silk Sewingee were S9.50 for. . .....
!en's Frieze overcoats, Oxford gey 8totrn collars, wool lined,
traps on 'mete linen sewilegu Were
Beiy's arid Yenith's Reefer eaate and Pea ern:tete in Niue and
rey, lined with Metallic elsteen and woolJininge ail at cut prieee.
Bliees etar Ventife evereuate in beet clothe, latest styles and
lawyer pricee.
Onr nienis suits Valet lie beaten IR prima out° eteive 6utripatr,:sod.
tied no solidi§ ere made better.
NKIV VC/WV–VI VUCIV'.r4ntrg. 7fraarniPial Vt""'
()LaveunUrfterieitte tumid for in.
:mut oi on iaree Ge village erroretey. set
wer& tit laterest.
liarristerseetea Exeter.
e (MEV Tel LOAN.
I bay o lergo amount of priestofunds to
loan on tune and village properties at low
vitas ofintoroet.
la W. GLenieete.
Mr:eater, Ifian Street Exate
felt S
RAO haltof Let a, in Om efeb eeneeseleit et
Menet:glee et etephen, Se nem. Apply to
Mum=ij. tetnewer,
tinawilaet, Manitobe.
WA Peale nne Ineuranee At
Farms mei villaea propertae beuebt and seld on
amenable terms. eeveral dwelling bousee tor nate.
Lends in all parts et Manitoba end the Northevest
ter &Ma
The annual meeting et the Stephen laborne
eranch Agricultural society will be bed in the
Town Thee }Neter, eri Wednesday, January line
tee:, at 2 pen. tor the inapeee ipt electing, President,
vieteraesidentatelDireeters for the ensuing year.
Ail :minket and interested parties are cortlially in-
vited to attend.
Jou s Auasmerresident. It.O.Dvse,eceyerreas.
Theundersignedisofieringforsale that desirable
hotel altuated at Devon, on the London Road. This
hotel is in good condi.
tion, end is miles south of
Exeter. This rola is largely Detailed and for the
rieht man cleuites aro good for a splendid business.
There is a good stable in connection also. el aCres of
Id. lereassinn given immediately. This property
will be sold clomp. For particulers, apply to
Dicesos & Cameo, Exeter, out.
To the Electors of the Village of
cLimns AND GENTLEAtEN:-At a pub-
lic meeting held at the close of the
nomination meeting on Monday night,
I expressed my intentions of resigning
my eandidittute for the Reeveship, be-
lieving then that there were to be
three or four candidates in the field,
and at the same time being well satis-
fied with the work and administration
of the Council of 1902. Since then
and almost at the last moment for Bl-
ree ing my resignation the inaeicipal
Olerle Mr. G. EL Bissett., informed me
that all candidates, with the excep-
tion of Mr. Cobbledick, Mr, Gillespie
and myself had resigned. I assure you
I did not like the look of things; I felt
that the public interest (mad good name
of our village demanded that some cit-
izen should stand in the breach and
that no matter what motive had
prompted the other nominees to resign
I would not have it said or published,
as no doubt it would have been, that
the civic affairs of ant prosperous and
thriving village wereen such a condi-
tion. No person could be got to ac-
cept the office of Reeve and I thereup-
on announced that I would take the
office, rather then allow it to go by de-
fault. Within half an hour after I had
expressed myself. I was surprised. :to
learn that Mr. W. G. Bissett had not
resigned and would not resign. I did
not want a contest, nor do / court the
office fe one a business standpoint. I
would be better out of naunicipal office,
but I was not going to allow Mr. Bis-
sett to play any Of his double -shuffle
on the ratepayers, and I ain going to
give him a lightfor the Reeveship, so
that if he gets the office it won't be by
any "hunker sliding." The office of
Reeve of Exeter is one ivbich any citi-
zen should be proud to occupy and if
theratepayers seeefit to elect me to the
osition T will not only appreciate the
minor, but will. to the utmost, of my
ability, endeavor to render good, hon-
est ane faithful service; clean, fair and
-economical administration. Respect-
fully soliciting your suffrages and
wishing you all a happyand prosper-
ous NewYear, Tremain,
Yours very truly,
few clays end conetiggently her
death came as a, great e_heck to her
many friends in Grantee. $he leaves
4t mourn her &mit* hneband and
two chiklren, besides he mother, two
sisters and a brother. Ifer remains
et were brought to Granton on Monday
end inrm
teent took place at Prospect,
ill. Rev. W J conducting
t•h( services.
s Dwain -The sits” DM Wa
here a few (105'S age b
et :qrs. Charlee,Waldere cif Pal -
on, formerly Miss -Falco a -err -trim.
tore Deceased had only been
Tlie nomination meeting on Mondat,
night as well attended and, was pleas.
inglieeause of the unanimity prevaiiing.
and the absence of thee eantankerones
epirit which invariably
attend such meetings in this and. other
places. This is certainly as it should be
and augurs well from the ratepayoe'
etanCipotnt, while on Omit-411er hand we
mustsae tint the vie ese of
many of those nominated to the m-
inus positions are far from ',Awe corn -
mendable and in keeping svitii good
judgment. We, like litany others,
would like to know the reason a as-
signed for the many reeignations of
these candidates nominated. On the
day following the nomination we had
a plethora, of aspirants for the various
positions, all apparently anxious and
more than willing to engage in the
contest for whatever 'honor, glory or
preference theremity be in the muni-
cipal arena. Yet we are informed that
eight of these "would be" village fath-
ers deliberately and in a body walked
into the office of the village clerk
about an hour before the expiration of
the time appointed for the reception of
resignations and one after the other
placed his resignation in the bands of
the cletk, one witnessing the other's
signature to his withdraw' paper, like
so many school boys engrigedin a little
game of puzzle of fox and goose. We
hear they offer as an explanation for
their conduct the statement that they
intended the public and the ratepay-
ers should be taught a lesson. What
lesson they intend to teach the piddle
the public would like to know. When
all the expense and work of preparing
for the election had been incurred, the
Public nomination meeting held and
well attended, municipal matters thor-
oaghly discussed, and these gentlemen
pieced in nomination by reputable and
respectable ratepayers in the best of
faith when they accepted their nomi-
nations and led the public to believe
that the business of the nomination
meeting was completed and that areg-
ular and proper election would follow,
it does seem worse then child's play
and was a mighty shabby trick, that
they should trifle with the suffrage of
the ratepayers in the miserable man-
ner they have. We are much mis-
taken if the public will. look with
much favor upon the candidature of
any of these municipal tricksters
shoeld they ever seek office in the fu-
At about 7.30 o'clock the Returning
Officer, Geo. H. Bissett, took his seat
and aftee announcing the object of the
meeting recorded the following nom-
inations, viz:
For Reeve. -T. B. Carling, by A.
McDonell, Wm. Creech; W. H. Levett,
by Sas. Murray, G. K. Heaman; W. G.
Bissett, by Thos. Sanders, jno. Evans;
I. arrnstrong, by Thos. Gregory.
For Councillors. -John leluir by Sas.
Weekes, Ed. Dignan; Janes Creech,
by J. NV. Taylor, D. A. Ross; Rich.
Davis by S. Popplestone, R, H. Sweet;
Wm. Harding, by J. A. Gillespie, Jas.
Jewell; J. T. Manning by Thos. Sweet,
Wes. Snell; John Gillespie, by Charles
Cann, Wm. Jones; Sno. Evans, by A,
Q. I3obier, Harry Parsons; James At-
kinson, NV. C. Cann, Wes. Snell; John
Wood, by D. Mill, T. B. Ceiling; Jos.
Cobbledick, by S.V.'Trevetbick, S. Pow-
ell; Jos. Senior, by I. Armstrong, John
Evans; Thos. Hawkins, by Jas. Hern,
A. E. Hodgert.
School Trustees. -L. II. Dickson, by
T. B. Carling, Jos. Senior; Geo. Lac-
rett, by Thos. Fitton, W. G. Bissett;
Jno. Evans, by W. Trovethick, F. W.
Gladman; S. Martin, by IL E. Huston,
Thos. Harvey.
D urin g the hour for receiving nom
illations, Dr. Lutz, in behtelf of the
cemetery boetd, made an eaenest ap
peal to the ratepayers for a geant, o
$200, after which a vole of the Meet
ing was taken and nut on re oid,
NI; Guy and Harvey 1,Va1ilece 0
etudon eawnship. were the guests of
14" 3/11S9VS CiedWitttStMlitM
lieereelreans'elEsee - The ehriettiete completed ii anoet sireceseful coulee at
taco entettehtmentut.teutoebine On ehetheratfietti efeelei sehoula-The
eiReatutree night wee a grand sticeeee. alvere.mee tet the Mini iie oar Saviour
Tee, Amelia woe 10 utmost wos 4099;99Pd by Dimino t,ervire in
teipaeity and a Loge number wove IiniF T(ey ehurelt on enrietmas
eemeolleil1 mt Ma, 'rho program, 1 morrilog. Hedy trimiaranion was aleo
whielt oinsisted It 1I. 4! Lu adroiniteeriel.- Mr. Bert T.aeloroif In-
Risrflt ete., hy the settee:ire wile lengths' germ% the gepae of ins brother
inter/eel varied. The rail- Ilene -Mee Mire thinenyla spending,
v Rene illostrated by three young her bolideys melee the parental. 8b
nen and two ladies svas excellent. and is giving excellent eatisfaetion as a
tronght fourth web Brelanse. The teacher at Monktim and has been ve
dialogue entitled ink Trm to Purnkin engaged for another rear. -Mise Edith
Ridge" was probably the hest of the einisocee who has heen attending the
evening. Miss Thebandean, of Gram] Noonal, 'school at London, hes been
Betel, geld, BMW interesting as well engaged to teach on t1e8th concession
amusing recitations, among which ofjekensharel.
WaS the piece entitled "I Iii'ever Shall
Forget Thou Oxen" and it took the Ansa Craig
house by storm. In ,fact it, is unfair
The an •friends of Miss Channet.
to partienlarize as the entire progralni aaa„, e„eeneYae,„ elflaese
with 1i'rntphew
WAS good. The Full:erten:I Quartet
farmslael the musical part of the in.
44,4d It tVc1.411.117 V.a.L) u. treat.
'I he proceeds amounted to about MO.
ter Herrn one of our prosperous young
farmers. has been receiving the con-
gratulations of many friends since his
return home with Ins bride on Christ-
mas night, Walter kept the affair
very quiet, the announeement of the
marriage being quite a surprise to
his friends. We wish him and his bride
a bright and prosperous carter.
Miss M. McGregor, who has been
teaehing in No. 10. Hay, has been re-
engaged for this year. She has prov-
en herself a mod teacher and the pu-
pils cannot well afford to lose her. -
Mr. John McKay, who, is etuelying
medicine in Detroit, is home for the
holidays. ---.Miss Mary MeNevin is re.
covering from her recent
H. Cameron. of British Columbia, is
visiting friends iu nue around Kipper),
The sacrament of the Lord's Suppe
was disperised with in St. Andrew's
church on Sunday. Preparatory ser-
viees were conducted ou the previous
EART.Y CLeSING.-The lotteineeS unn
of the village have ilecideil to elos
their respective places of hueines.s at
30 p.m, exeept 'Wednesday and Sat -
Way eveninge, eommencing, Jane.
`Y 1st. 1003,
ejfIDUCII WEDDING. -The Lutheran
'mech. was the Egon, of a very pretty
wedding on Tuesiey evening of last
eveek, the °evasion beingthe marriage
of Alma, daughter of Mr, Jos. Eats
one at oar most respected residents, to
Mr. I. Peeeten The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. F. Eipert, in
the presence of a, lame number of
friend% Their miner friende wish
them a. long and happy married life.
Mee Dulcie Martin will assume eon-
triii of the sehool near neleee
On jam iith. Mies Martin hes emit
3, 3.* ot ..)4,9 411.44 1$19.b vendee:le a
few days ago. -David H. Stewart, who
hits been attending the Model at Lon-
don, is visiting at his home here. He
leaves In a few days for Harrow, where
be has been engaged as teacher, -Mr.
Hugh Clark has been stationed as
operator at Thedford.-Miss Mattie
Robinson is spending a few weeks
with friends in Detroit
DRAWL—The hand of death again
visited our midst and removed atioth-
er respected resident, in the person of
&With. Mr. John Menhennick, the event tak-
Ing place on Friday, Mr. Menhennick
Services were held in the Lutheran had been ill with a severe attack of
church on Christmas Day. -Mr. Wm. pneumonia, since Monday, but bis
Johnston is assisting at the Hensel" death occurred very unexpectedly.
flour mills. -Mr. John Wagner return- He was 70 years of age. Deceased bad
ed from Dakota last weele-Miss Dina tor thirty years resided at Putnan,
Reckbeil spent Christmas week with where he was engaged in blacksmith -
friends in Bramptom.-Messrs. Sam. ing. A few years ago he came here to
and John Holtzman, visited friends in reside with his daughter, Mrs. Gillies.
Chesley during the week. -Mr. Samuel where his death occurred. Deceased
Holtztriman, who has been in Michigan was born in Cornwall, England, and
the past year,hris returned home. -Mr. had been in Canada about sixty years.
and Mrs. Dan. Fisher, of Elkton, Mich., Deceased is survived by a family of
and Mrs. W. Demuth and her sister, three sons and four daughters.
were here lasb week attending the fun-
eral of the late C. Fisher. -The Xmas.
Tree entertainment in the Lutheran
church, on Wednesday evening was a
splendid success. A large crowd was
ID attendance. -Mr. Ed. Witten, of the
Soo, is spending a few weeks at his
home here. -The following persons
spent the Christmas holidays with
friends here: -Mrs. Sohn G. Schluch-
ter, Christopher Rauch and wife. Lou.
Seeker and wife, D. Rubey and wife,
Mrs. Zimmerrnainall of Cavalier, N.D.,
H. Soldan, of Pigeon,Mich.; Miss Mag-
gie Well, of East Saginaw; Mr. Wm.
Lehman, of London; Miss Celia Smith,
aUcl Mr. Nicholas Deichert, of Detroit;
Mrs. Baker and son, of Everett, Mich.;
Mrs. D. Gottschalk and family, of Bad
Axe, Mich.; Mr. S.B. Dennis, of Wood-
stockeeliss Clara Buchanan and Mr.
Norman Buchanan, of Toronto; Mr.
josiah Geiger, of North Dakota; Mr.
Alfred Geiger, of Napierville, College;
Mr. Jacob Geiger, of Pigeon, Mich.
PEEsENTATioN.-The officers of the
Junior Alliance met at the home of
Miss Lydia Faust a few evenings ago
in the form of a surprise party. The
President, Emanuel lifoltzmann, gave
a short address, after which Miss Faust
was presented with a beautiful rocker.
Kind appreciative words by Miss Faust
and kindly thanked them for the pres-
ent. A pleasant evening was spent in
singingandplaying. Lunch was served
after which all departed for their re-
spective homes wishing Miss Faust a
happy New Year.
leineete-After an illness, extending
over a year or more, Mt. Christopher
Fisher breathed his last early- Sunday
morning, teac'eseng the age of about 84.
years. He did not seem to suffer from
any particular disease, but gradually
gave way before the infirmities of old
age. He was a native of German and
came to this country when it was a
dense wildetness, and did his share to.
wards making it the fine country it
now is. He was of a retiringdispose-
tion , but those evho knew him intimate-
ly always held him in the highest es-
teem. His remains were laid to rest on
Tuesday afternoon and were followed
by a large number of sorrowing rela-
tives and friends. Rev. W. J. Yager
conducted the funeral ser ICC. The
deceased leaves his aged it in
life a ed three sons and Ii e da ightees,
i°the Ines of aa ikt bauud loving fa thee.' gyie.
thyis eeitend '
is theiv°1voitte
Our Clearing Sale of Dry Clow]; Clothing, Boots and
Shoes, Crockery, Etc, still continues. Every person who
'makes a purchase is well pleased. Such values were never
before offered in Exeter.. Have you taken advantage of the
J. ereemmte, 13. A., (formerly Conine
Statibury)Butisttr, Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer.
Mone y to ',eau -Exeter Ont.
A happy and prosperous New Year
to all. -Mr. Eli Sweet and bride re-
turned from Chesley on Saturday and
will now reside here. We wish them'
a long and happy married life. -The
death of Mr. Nicholas Jeffery, drug
traveller, of London, caused by the
railroad wreck at Wanstead last Fri-
day night, came as a great shock to
his large namber of friends here. -Mr.
Chas. -Ewald and the Misses Clara
Wind and Mary Bertrand, of Detroit,
are home for their holidays. -We are
sorry to say that Miss Ida Winer suf-
fered e relapse a few days ago, but is
now slowly recovering. -A very quiet
wedding took place on Wednesday
last at the Kensington Methodist par-
sonage, London, when the Rev. S.
Salton unitedin the holy bonds of
Matrimony, Mr. Isaac Hill and Miss
Dora Baker, both of this jelace.-The
Nomination meeting of the police
trustees of our village was held n the
Town Hall last Monday evening. The
new trustees foe the coming year are
Alonzo Hodgins, James Clark and
Sternuel Brown. -Mr. and Miss Wage
ester, of Tavistock, were the guest of
Rev.and Mrs. Geo. Dimon over Christ-
mas. -Mr. N. L. Standish, of the Mer-
chants Bank, spent New Year's Day
with friends in Stratford.
XmAS.P.EferivAn.-The manual Xmas.
Festival of the German Sunday school
was given in the church last Wednes-
day evenieg to a very large audience.
The altar was beautifully decorated
with a large arch of evergreens. The
program was very interesting and the
little tots did their parts well. The
committee who had this matter in
hand deserve great credit for their
excellent work in making the enter:
tainment a success.
MomINATIoN.-The Township Nom-
ination was held in the Town Hall
here last Monday. The following were
nominated for Reeve: -Ree Willert
and Sane,':Svieitzer; Councillors, Wm.
Anclereon, Geo. Kellerman, Jas. Me-
Keever,:gtephen Webb, Fred Wilerth
and Win. Yearly. Messrs. Kellerman
and McKeever resigned, which left,
the old Connell re-elected by acclatta-
ticn with the exeeption of Reeve who
are in elle field until the 5th of J 11
netrnilien a p.dl 11 be held. to
'will be our Reeve,
We would again remind you of em bargains in Cloth g.
re dispositift of a great many len's and Boy's suits
-ats atr'extreinely low pricet,„ and still have several
select from. Come at once and make your selec
Our general .stock of Dry Goods is yet complete in
sortmeut and is being cleared at r-ery low prices.
See our Thmei Sets. We have several nice sets that
wili be sold below cost.
We are offei our grocery 'rock at a E rifle; alt fiesh
a id good. Have your tried our teas? They give unreral
s tisfaction and will be sold at cost. :Val& Leaf Salmon, 2
cans for M.; large tin Pork and Beans, 8e.; Lombard Plums
and Syrup. But there is la) need to quote prices, as every
thing - to be cleared out, hi a short time, at bargain priee.,
en. SteWart W0i4E)U.5 aee leeNtterN.e-els
hig the 19M !," 91111e10 19) Pitttilllirg. (l;,t,i-
W.h 5thitt113P9 in our tremeitate oe. the reekienee of Mrs.
'nage bet week.--arr, DenteerY Cannon), Dniterin rive ono feindon. in
pent Setinallay here•-% Settle WM) the marriage tit bee daughter, Mies
spent the summer in Manitoba, was elahel, to Die Roger% of thie place.
Visiting ReaVerS Bros. last week.- The servieesof leideenittelinal greoine-
Wm. Stewart gave a party to the man were dispensed with, and only
Ylrre4gPleathetlwl the
aet'miatif1144- e°n-
1ienilt.-ia'rytie tls werti;iTs F. aud
gan was a. visitor bere last SaturtlaY. Mre. Rogers made ed here in the even-
-048. Beevers attended the wedding big. Tile bride was attired in a hand -
of Mise MarthaTafte, or Kieleton, to smile itetvelling ('41555' and a. beauti.
Mr. George 5/0el'e, of Londeeboro.-- NI seal coat, trimmed with eable. She
Wm. Pollen will shortly move to the was well known in Weal teaching cite
re•on- erieues,
en Monday, Jau. dtb.--Jas. Harris is
making preparations to put a meek
tounclation under his barn next sum -
teron the boundery now neenpied eies vet
to ee lei
by Wrniiiirelakee-Sellool will
ene S ',1113V
Good morning, Mr. Editor, a Happy
New Year to you and ell the readers
of your paper, -Messrs. Will and Wes-
ley Pierce, of Toronto, are spending
XeRRIED.-ektilong the many mar- the holidays at their bonie here. -Mr.
lieges that have taken place in this and Mrs. Ed. Gilbert, of Maelette,
neighborhood few haPPY IniAlciPants alieln have been visiting the fornaer's
have ntore universally thegood 'wishes pneents, Mr. and. Mrs. John Gilberts
of the community for theirtuture hap- and ether relatives here during the
iness and prosperity than the young week. -Misses Mildred and Eva Cor -
folks who was united in marriage here bett are home holidaying. --Mise. Rose
on Christmas Dare when l'aiss Eva, pierce bee returned home. -Mr. Oscar
eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. Oke, was Gilbert visited his brother, George, in
nutted in marriage to Mr. Seems At-
kinson, a prosperous young farmer of
Biddulph. The ceremony was per-
formed at 5 o'clock by the Rey. Dr.
Hannon. The bride was gowned in
an elegant dress of white and was ae-
sisted berliliss Emily Frayne, of Exe-
ter, while the groom was supported by
Mr. E. Tomlinson, of Strathroy. The
presents were maneepretty and costly.
The ceremony over and the wedding
feast served the happy couple left for
their future home in Biddulph amid
the best wishes of a host of friends of
their future happiness and prosperity.
Mr, Sohn McLeod, of Huntsville,
Muskoka, is home on a visit. -Mr. and
Mrs. Bury Young, of Aberdeen, S.D.,
are visiting friends here. -Miss Anna
Whiddon, of London, is visiting at her
house here. -Mr. Daniel Spencer is
confined to his bed throngh illness. -
Mr. Dixie Bailie spent a, few days at
Marble CitytMicb„ during the week.
-Miss Flossie Stanbary, of Toronto,
is visiting at her home here.
PRESENTATION.—Mr. H. Eberhardt,
who was engaged last July to complete
the term as principal of our school,
was, on the eve of his departure, pre-
sented with 11, sterling silver penman's
companion and a kindly worded ad-
dress. The address was read by Miss
Millie Cameron and the presentation
made by Miss Meta Erwin. Mr. Eber-
hart was completely taken by surprise
and could hardly fled words to express
his feeings. During his short stay here
the pupils had become much attacbed
to him and thus the slight token was
presented to him.
Lee Wing has opened out a laundry
business in the IVIcAuldleblock.-Mrs.
Rumobn left last week for Cass City,
Mich., where she intends residing with
her daughter, Mrs. Robb. McInnes. -
Miss Louisa Fletcher, who has been at-
tending the Normal school, at Lottion,
has been engaged by the trustees to
teach in the public school here. -T. A.
McLeish, V.S. attended the annual
meeting of the Ontario Veterinary As-
sociation at Toronto last week. -Of
those who have passed the Model
School, W. R. Baird has secured a
school in the county of Haldimand;
Sohn McKone will teach near Strath-
roy and Miss Mona Grant in McGilli-
vray. -Mr. James Gough has sold his
stage business, horses, - conveyances,
etc.'and also bis residence to Mr. An-
gusMeIntosh. Air. Gough intends re-
moving to St. Thomas where he will
engage in business. --Rev. Mr. Elliott
has resigned his charges at Nairn and
at Beechwood, to take effect on April
30th. -Miss Susie Saulter, who has
been teaehing in town during, the past
year, has been engaged as teacher in
S. S. No, 0, West NVilliams, for 1903.
Milau,Mieh.,for a few days last week.
-Mr. and Mrsit J. Carter gave a
ner to some of her friends on Monday.
Mr. Walter Stokes entertained a num-
ber of young people on Friday eveniug,
Mr. John Amos is on the sick list. %Ira
hope to bear of his speedy recovery.
Crediton. on Dec. 21, to Mr,
and Mrs Job Sims, a son,
GRET-Careeelexa----Ae the Manse,
Brucefield, by Rev. R Sewers, Mr.
Joseph Grey, station master, ,to Miss
Florence Chrysler, ail of trucefield.
SAGEMAN-LANGFonn-On Dec., 23rd,
by Rev. Walker, London South, Mr.
Charles Sageman. of London,to Miss
Minnie Selina, eldest daughter of
Mr, Samuel Langford, of Gra-nton.
Hera.---13aecen-On Dec. 24th, at the
Loudon West parsonageebY the Rea.
S. Salton, Mr. Isaac Hill, to Miss
Dora Baker, both of Credal -en.
Roeigns-Camerox---At the residence
of the bride's mother Mrs. R Can -
nom, 42S Dufferin avenue, London,
IVIabel Estelle Cannona, to Dr. Ames
Rogers, of Brixeeffeld, Out Rev. J.
W. Cannem, officiated.
BARnow-WEnser-At the bome of
the bride, London West, on Dec. 24,
by the Rev. Geo. Bishop, Mr. Amos
Barlow, of London, formerly of Us
borne, to Miss Alice, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. Thos. Welsh, of Exeter.
ATKINSON—ORE.—AL the residence of
the bride's parents, on Dec. 25th, by
the Rev. Dr. Hannon, Mr. Jas At-
kinson a prosperous farmer of Bid-
dulph, 'to Miss Eva, eldest daughter
of Mr. Wm. Oke, of Ilitrondale.
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