Exeter Advocate, 1902-12-18, Page 8BIG SN. .This QJth ilk ORM/JIM, S TIN6S1. A NK • FANCY VESTING. A large assortment to Select frons. • W. TAMAN ierchaant. Tailor, Exeter. Ladies' .natural wool health ender wear, the hind that don't shrink, All sizes at Stewart's. Claristanas handkerchief', gloves, eu- £penders. pillow aherus, stand covers sideboard drapes, Tapestry cartains„ at The R. Pickard Co. The Wiaarton Sugar Co. in which a umber here hold shares, began rak- ing sugar on Friday last. Oa Monday they paid out $33,500 as first paynieut for beets alone, Look over the average congregation in a church is enough to make one won• der where are the paor,builook into the where are the rich. collection late and you will wonder Farmers look here! You will et more for your dried apples sand pro - j dance at Stewart's than any where 1 else in town, Just try, Ability to throw a fair present ige sof the females of his audience into hy- sterics seems to be the chief require- .rnent of a successful preacher in sonde ongregations. An Exeter woman says that her loess band n holds the record for balking; in his sleep. Poor fellow! Perhaps he thanks that is his only eh:zu;ve to get a word in edgewise.. While we go to press the Rev. D tl Mrs. Hannon are entertaining t worth League and friends to a RAMC' in the Leafage Room tree James street church. Remember and get voile cited. aliat•A,ed for Certitic.�atee oda that helot fiat- I eitrternatu .& Co's piano. gThe 1t, Pickawrd C',a, The certificaat o cost you nothing extra:. Mlle, Dix Eitiney ails, Dix Cold Cur --THE- 8 T4R— • So�crc�a� �a�� at cou he of ages es e, Dix Lung Syrii, , Dix Little Lir 'Dix Compound Carbolic Ointment, only peed to be tried to rove theirvalue. Sold lay C. Lute, L rater. If you want to save 'coney order yeer magazine,-, riewepaaper3 or other foreign pori Beds at the Anvo- hew office. It will pay own 'ltra`e are aagexits for guy of the akaette pub - 'felted. 2 lbs. of Oros$ & Lllacknell's lemon or orange peel for :tee.; 2 lbs. ;nixed nuts for tree.; 4 lb,s. new currat,nts. for 20t•.; 21bs. geed Choc plates for 2;5e.; I lb. 40e. chd'ei latter of ereaanra fort . At The R. Pickard Co. Mr. A. E. Fiske has entered into paartiiership with Mr. Fraaiik Wow/ in the 1. tcher tittsiuess recently Famine - ed ftxsLta Mr. John Manning. The new final are well and favorably known naiad willea»annralad ar goad. share of the Iraasl- ne., Dr. livens, of London, saarg;;coii, weer list and i fipeeialist. selieettses eye, eat. say aanil throat. Will be at the Com. i1 Hotel, Exeter, Taws -date Dec. ,�.�,i, tatg_; Wed., .Tan, 7th. %Veal., Feb. itis; A'c'ed., 3!;u -eh. 3311; Wed., April let; \%eel., May Gthi Wed. June ;turf, a. Glcaeses properly fitted. Next visit will he Tuesday, Dee. 30th. A lady once appeared before Leo XII. in :L very .low-necked evening cheese. amid the Nope rent a cardinal to cnaunstraate with her. „The Pope, tredam. is rather old fashioned." be :aid,*tend dislikes seeing any lady in 'ening dress. I, on the other hand, t to have spent six years of my life as sa niisionary among the cannibals, nin. quite used to it," EPAII OFFICE TORONTO gXRCt lvE OFFICES MONTREAL L Capital antiant•ized-, ,. Ste000,tltiti,t Capital laid up S1,200,00at CREDIT©R and EXETER Sevitrgs :Departrnent. tams; 414-41.4 ca siege ::s of a n a,+t ap- o, Spe'',al ,atteaatk^a r > farazera't ;.;.ct Rv atttatirccs to Es z? i lrc a ai, Sec:tail, r a• a,ear::wt�, , r. t;t t :, �fa,'a• f i t^etb .4 ; aa:c-s thq.z.;14 attee t92a ar;:i Pc -a react tre4tt:era taaJ. GLAI+!„a AM. F. E. EARN, Et:tua Man, ZAesca Ili lti OFFICE, , 6.31 ISIIC-1,1 Cnpltal ']Veld Up Rest A graced 1,1 i•.aaatasst t atiriesv tr Iii cro: at aa -au to ti at:e rant n¢ rats oft ;* t l cn ea t -ave Oa ar ,finita wad Iar{aazn3a Lata igaxra Cerer:crrdiai LM,ce& et t lot;¢ mai* aa;aalaia a gat titFaaa, Japan cat cl War f u+i;anttiuntreea, Travetlia; Utter* at emit' ttFaCiII0£raarlkrs i u.t mats 0 di a to el. TION Fl.IhE t,syena IhNifiac. ) I.11E110EN, airs, til Damao & •'edits' feint qtr, GRE.OITON3 W. S, CHISHOLM, Manager. t 0848110 ti;� rn 6x,000,000 2,700,000 LOCAL DOINGS. The biggest stock of fur coats for big men, little men; big women and little wotnen at Stewart's. Get your Bon -Bons at O'Brien's. A man's thirst is often due to a lack of spirits. Fool friends ruin more men than sworn enemies do. Queen quality shoes for Xmas. at The R. Pickard Co. Love matches are responsible for all the metrirnonial fires. One of the chief virtues often over- looked by youth is silence. December so far bas been very much like some men—full of wind. The R. Pickard Co. are showing some magnificent garments in furs. A fowl supper aand entertainment was Riven by Mrs. 11. Parsons to her Sztbbeth school class, on ' Vednese y night of last week.. Illuminated in- structions were given them from the Royal Scroll, of the sweet story of Jesus from the nativity to the cross, His resurrection and ascension. The pictures leave impressions and bring facts more vividly .before the scholars. All enjnyrd themselves and dispersed by singing, "cod be with you till we meet again." We are in receipt of a program of the Inter -College Debating 'Union, of Toronto, on winch appear the :names cif Mr. C.H. Russell, (,fUniversity Col- lege, son of Ma. 1Viai. Russell, Hay, and W. M. Martin, B. A., son of Rev. W. M. Martin, of town. The former took up the affirmative, Resolved, "That Leber Unions improve the So- cial and Economic conditions of Can- ada," sand took place on Dec. 5; while the subject of the latter is yet to be announced, but will take plaice San. 21. Both are clever young men and are noted for their debating abilities. Girl Wanted. Good girl wanted at once to assist in kitchen work. Apply at Central Hotel. Pigeons wantcd- 500 pigeons wanted at once. for which 15c a pair will be paid. W. JOHNS. Exeter. Cheap Goods. Having decided to dispose of my en- tire stock, consisting of Fancy Goods, Winery, Underwear etc, I will sell at and below cost. Come early. MIss B. HORNE. Don't forget Ten Nights in a Bar i1 Room, Friday, Dec. 10, Opera House. Have you tried O'Brien's home-made bread. "There is always room at the top," but the elevator isnot always running. You will make no mistake in pur- chasing,your Christmas groceries at Pickard s. Ten Nights in a Bar Room, Opera House, Exeter, Dec. 10. Prices, -15c., 25c. and 35c. Oranges at n11 prices at O'Briens. A' man can never fully realize how dearly he paid for his whistle' until he tries to sell it. To -morrow (Friday) evening, Ten Nights in a Bar Room, Opera House, Exeter, Dec. 19. Holycomrnunion will beadmini administer- ed in the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday morning next. A man will soon forget a favor, but if you cheat him he will remember you the longest day he lives. Ten Nights in a Bar Room-12in.the company—Opera House, Exeter, Dec.. 19th. Prices 15c., 25c., and 35e. Turkish Scalp Food is the best hair preparation for the hair in the market. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. 50 cents a bottle. Mr. Harry Huston has accepted a position as junior clerk in the Molsons Bank here, commencing his duties Tuesday. Honesty is the best policy y for a man during life, but a good insurance pol- icy is the best. thing for his widow at his death. Call at O'Brien's for your gnpas.can- dies, largest assortment in town.. I New fruits all in and ready for Xmas. ' n At -Stewart . s ouse of Refuse Notes. The young man Haggith, of Morris who had his leg broken a couple of months ago by being run over by a threshing engine, is now in the House of Refuge. The bone has not knit and an operation will be necessary to aid in the reuniting. Snell—Kilbourne. The following from a Winnipeg pa- per has reference to the marriage of a former young man of Exeter, to a pop- ular young lady of Winnipeg:—"One of the very pretty events of the season was solemnized to -day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Watson Kilbourne, 235 Donald street, when their daughter, Edna Louis, was united in marriage with Mr. Aquilla Snell, of Exeter. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Arch Deacon Fortin. The bride looked charming attired in white crepe de chene over white taffeta with vat and orange blossoms and carrying a beau- tiful bouquet of white bridal;roses. She was escorted to; the alter by her father, who gave her away. She was assisted by her sister, Miss I110 Kil- bourne, who looked very pretty, hand- somely gowned in pale blue crepe de chene and carrying a bouquet of pink roses. The groom was assisted by Mr. Jas. Black, of this city. After the cere- mony a dainty wedding repast was served and the happy couple received the congratulations of those present. Mr. and Mrs. Snell left on the:North- ern Pacific train for a six weeks' trip to Chicago, Toronto and otherEastern cities. The many costly and beautiful presents received were an indication of the popularity of the bride and those who knew her< will wish her a happy future. New plaid silk for swell shirt waists. They're lovely a t Stewart's. yts. Engine and. Bother ter Sate. ... .. A,. second hand, 2; horse Bowel, en - glue and boiler; in that -class working order. Will be sold very cheap, Ap- ply at Anv'oeutTE oMee, Aneixereary Services. The Anniversary Services of the Attlee Street Methodist ehairch on Son - flay last were attended with a success beyond the )utast aaangninea expecte- tions°,of all, The pulpit was tilled by Rev. 1'. W. Browrn, B.\.. B. l.. former pastor,both morning and eveiiingwho preaiched two excellent, ableand oto- (pelt sermons. The ehurch was pack- ed to Its utmost, capacity, thus testify- ing to the popularity of their former epd tor. the collectiuos in all auaount- A Srtveess. The scale of work under the .auspices of the Ladies Guild of the Trivitt iiioriaal church. held in the scbcol on Friday rnigiit last, was attended with splendid sarceess. The ball a +ass coni- fortably filled end all enjoyed the evening. The Datvideon Orchestra was in attendance and rendered sees- er-al beautiful and rnereh aappreeiaated selections. An interesting feature 01 the evening wads the presentation of a lieanritired sl: ntbering rug to therector, Reg. J, 1� . 'Ten Eyck, liy the congr . �aatlen as an outwaardexpressiots of iltieir aappreciaatian and kindly regard upward ilial, The Ucv',gentleruaau was wholly .taken lie surprise, a tad with ergo- dan$, almost ►rnceantrolable, acrepted the gift in as few well e1arisen renterlie with graffiti atppieciation, 13efieash, meets wea-eserved snarl as !neral all - rotted gond bane was spent. The pro-', ceet16 arniU8ntettt tri over $70. Wee et Inetratclion. A joint Lodge of Instruction Wit held at Stratford on Wednesday of last week in the MaasAnic Hall there, Right " Worshipful Brothers Il. M. Cossets, i D. 13,6.31.. of South Huron District, No. 4, and W. J. l erg neon. D.D.G.tle of North Huron •District. No. v, were in + chew. Ali the lodges in thee a two sn districts w well re resented. The 'ended Master. hf. W. ata, J. Es THerd ait;. of Lindsey. and 'ai.w. Bicap. IL e Murray, Grand Treasurer and Grand Lodge Inr�tiuctor; of Hamilton, were P among the one hunched and fifty chic. gates present., in The withering was F photegrbaphed front of the City THaill in the afternoon. The Lodge: of In- z struction'was the best and most nuns- .* erously attended ever held in Western ; t Outer ca, The Second or Fellow C`raaft;, m Degree was malted by the ofliceets of Lebanon Forest Lodge, Exeter; las fol- !owe; W. Al„ Bro. I.lt, Carling; tx. W., t Brtr. C. H. Sandere; J. W., Bro. L. II. Dickson; S. D., ilio, Dr. Amos; J.D., a Bro W. J. Heitman; T. G., Bro. X. ° Stewart; J. S., Bro. %l'. W. Taman. `y The work was put on with a remark- i able degree of perfection vhtoli drew h forth merited congratulations 111111 ex so pi•essions Of a high complimentary rico ai tare from the Grand officers presiding, t In fact the AL NV . Bro. Murray. Grand , ba .Caealitreeaand Grand Lodge Instructor. said that be basal been a Mason torover' b thirty-five years, and during that time w be had never watched the exemplifies, a tion f the work of the second degree ru ore interest, better effect and a higher degree of perfection than that . performed by the officers of thislodg;e.: ii The officers of Lebanon Forest are to tl Ire congratulated upon their success. The work of the third degree was per- e formed by Stratford Lodge, and that I of the fleet by Wiwu'ton, both of which 0 was splendidly performed. '1'he offic- ers of Zurich. Lodge, Hensall, even!- g titled the opening and closing of as ea Lodge in the three degrees and also 2 the method of examining; visiting brethern. The delegates and officers were entertained in the evening by S Tecumseh and Stratford lodges, and an exceedingly pleasant time was d spent by all who had the good fortune to be present. B King's boots, for fine wear and .Ahrens' grained calf boots and shores for heavy wear. Stewart sells them ail cinder guarantee. Svitaol The vacancy in the Exeter PO School. caused by ;Hiss Roberts resigning:, will be filled by Miss D rin, on,of Uxbridge, who conwshi ly reconenaended,,,--School will close f the Christmas holidays to-aitor (Friday) and will reopen, on Mond Januar y 5th. --Miss Irwin, who has efficiently taught one of the la rooms in the Exeter public school a number of years, has resigned t posiins for thion e p esent annd to live w her brother. The vacancy will lee, fit by Miss Elsie tteteillgni, who has be teaching in Crediton. ? unicipal matters, Nominations for Reeve, Council] and School Trustees for Exeter a Ccirrnty Councillors will take Owe the Town Hall, on December 20t Time is swiftly approaching the arbo date and as yet little or nothing heard .in reference to municipal IJL tern. It is time "the pot" agars boffin It is folly and the worst kind of fo to delay until nomination day ar then nominate any Torii. Dick a Harty to fill the positions. Let t citizens now busy thetriseivee alto their representatives for Ili i;.: make no mention to the �aresentt coca ell, let theirdleeds and actions speak themselves, This we would impr .. upon the rFatepaayers that now is t time to consider these things, not nomination. day and then Rut up men totally unfit for any office. not false modesty heel) anyone in tit back mound, There acre plenty of ane in main Mika would, make good me 1•s is whatever capacity they midi be placed, and, we trust, if anulicit they would give the matter their ino serious consideration. Let us not a low oureelces to imagine that the are only half a dozen persons in tow who ar'e capable or quaalif:ied to fa these positions. Theme are plenty o o�Men and trate. Let us. tlar"A. ,all petty differences," e.h . ,. ane gone1 mien to put. into :the field nest that those who have served ns past have not performed the ditties e. their office faithfully and. well—hut td it: ever dawn upon you, felloier�ate- ay ea•s that the honors we so velum - ;Indy confer upon these gentlemen ire in reoalitly'twelve months of gratis labor In disgulee with a super- bunclance of "thanks" in the forte of bust thrown in and there is such at ]sing as getting too much of .st good (le 'ling. 'V, n have a good town but we last not allow ourselves to become t:tgnaant. There is a Rood work to he one by a Reeve and Connell! and sat lie present duce it behooves us to lin stir. Let ns have some industries, (het{towns tyre getting there, why not •e. This kind of tiring certainly rests n a great degree with the council, me let us have the right Wren. It is and, thinking note we want, who Ce mile to cliscein a pod thing when hey see it and to conduct the town's minces as they would their own. Such mien can salons be placed in office y a. thinking electorate, not by those ho are really to dance* to any music ray Tom, Dick and harry may pipe.. Thing: before yon act, wait till the right an is brought out, or tiring him out •ourself and then vote and work for is election. Commence now to select le timber and make the council of 1003 one for efficiency and good works fiat fats not been excelled or equalled. t can be done. ret there be a ripple n the municipal sea at once. WeenetafeWWWWQWWWwWWWWeneetetine PERSONAL. Mr. C. Pen found, of Srncefield, spent nnday in town. Miss Lillie Hill is spending a fere aye in Centralia. Mr. Harry Huston returned from r.entford Monday. Mr. A. E. Bennett, of London spent nnday with friends in town. Mrs. Hugh McMartin, of Hensall, is siting her son, Mr. Peter McMartin. Mr. Crockett, of Dorchester, is star- e with his sister, Mrs. W. L. Talbot. Mr. H. McMartin, of Hensel!, after short visit here, returned home Mon - ay. Mrs. Myers and daughter, De Veri, Cleveland, are the guests of Mr. M. liakins, Mrs. Hoskin, of Kirkton, spent. onday with her mother, Mrs. Treble, uron street. Mr. T. L. Rogers, spent Saturday ght and part of Sunday with his son. Obert, in town. Mr. Frank Snell, who has been tend- g bar in. St. Marys, returned to his me here last week. lie 011 or- gh- or low ay, so wet' for he leahl en ors ltd in ve ,des ly nd nd be to ut for ^er>s he on ,•a. Le A MOM t ed e 11 t av dm NOT COAL Bud C0i Burris NOT wood llt ififON Burners That all Absorbing topic,, the coal situation is what is bothering the mine o the public to -day. It is a momentuous question and while the situation is grave d0.yuu ]:now *t is no good worrying about it, for ie it not true that trouble you'rrrost expect often never estates. It may' be thea sande in th situation. Set it aside and listen to our stove talk if ..art thinking e cen buy- ing auythime in the stove line. 1Ve carry the following lines;_ Pt A.IRTTmG DOUBLE and. SINGLE �E,�,TERS 00AL and, 'WOOD RANGES OAIK IlEA.TBR$ th OO IN O' Ari SELF FEEDER STOVE OA;, STOVE MAT'S _ EURracu AND PLUMING A SPECIALTY. T.HAWKS SQrn XMAS. GOODS! i oUda .Display Different From Any Other Is Our Aim. When We ins from this store you have that pleasant .'assurance hat yon are not duplio�ating what anyone else is .showing;, The best is one tor* good. Our pekes are eight. Panty inerts for Xmas. Presents. Table Linens, Table Naa kins, Tray Cloths, Centerpieces, Carving!. tbs. Teat Covera, Searfe, Towels oleo in sa r able prices" • a ions sizes and at rcaa- , ainiff Waist • engihs, A na efatl Xmias.preeent. We have the goods that care sure to please. nothing, in town as pretty and no two waists alike, "Tie is just what you were locating for, and s e will be pleased. to show you, French. Cashtnere, French Detains, with sateen strip, French Flsuuaels etc A large stock of (lents' furnishings for holiday trade. An elegant angee of ties and neck everts, all the latest. They are Knotty bite they « nice, ars. What is more comfortable, sightly or more generally appreciated Fias tett than a handsome�fni+ One stock includes articles of all triads, it Coats, C.ollurette, cape tines, Ruffs, Caps. Gauntlets etc, The priced are a neat fit for either fat orlon pocket books, Call in and examine` our Xmas, goods. You will be more than ile- lighted, No trouble to show goods. E. L! . iv 'fuE' M N endquar.'ters for the C1"elebr ded W. E. Sandford Ready 1f;rde Clothing. Rev. Ten Eyck Resigns. At a special vestry meeting of the s Trivitt fliemorial church, held on Mon- day night last, the Rev. J. W. Ten Eyck, who has been rector of the par vi ish for the past four years tendered bis resignation, to take effect after Sunday 18 next. The Rev.gentlemaan being pres- ent gave his reasons for the step he a purposed taking, namely to again at- d tend College and thus better equip himself for the duties that devolve up- of on him as a minister of the gospel. In tendering his resignation he stated that it was one of the hardest trials of M his life and particularly since entering H the ministry, but be felt in justice to himself and the calling he had chosen to pursue, it was the proper thing to ni do, and therefore asked the vestry to R consider it favorably to his wishes. A large number of those present expres- in sed their deepest regretsand sorrow ho at his intentions, after which it was. moved, seconded and carried that his resignation be accepted and that a suitable address be drafted, setting. forth Mr. Ten Eyck's many good qual- ities as a minister and as an expression of reward and appreciation of his ser- vices during his incumbency in the parish. It may be said that a minis- ter more worthy of these expressions of personal esteem and approval has not at any time ministered among the congregation of the Trivitt Memorial. He has been a most active and faith- ful worker in all his relations with the church and markedly devouted in his ministrations among; the sick or less fortunate of the people. It is safe to say that few clergymen have left here whose departure will be more regret- ted. Rev. Ten Eyck stood high in the esteem of the people of every other de- nomination; his religion was ofa deep- ly spiritual sort,' free from cant and bigotry, and in his dealings with men he was straightforward and courage- ous. He was not afraid to act out his conviction and his religion was not of cloistered kind which secluded itself from the actual life of men. The church has prospered under his incumbency, and in religious work no one could have been more assiduous or earnest for the spiritual welfare of everyone who attended the church. The best wishes of the members of his church and many friends, accompany him and may the most High prosper his efforts in that which he is about to engage, is the wish of the ADVOCATE. Do you want any fancy crockery for Xmas presents. Stewart has the biggest stock and the best values in the county. _ fir TRNITL R - AND UNDERTAKING f�00jUIS. Call and inspect our big on the way for Xmas trade. need in that line, Pictures, Room Moulding, Bedroom Sets, Parlor Suits, Sideboards, stock of furniture and lots more We can supply your every Fancy Chairs, Douches, Dining Chairs, Buffets, Parlor Cabinets, Centre Tables:. PICTURES FRAMED, also all kinds of repairing done. on short notice. • . W. 0. HUSTON, Opera House Block. Mrs. T. Oke, who has been i11 for the Gldley's Old Stand. past seven weeks, is recoving and able to be out around again. Miss Robertson and Miss Irwin leave on Friday for their respective homes. They will not return. Mrs. Bell, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Hugh Oke, returned to her home in Sarnia on Friday. Dr. and Mrs. Anderson entertained Rev. 0. W. Brown, B.A., B.D., of Mitchell, during his stay in town. Miss Maggie Handford has returned to her home in Usborne after spend- ing the millinery season in Zurich. Mr. F. B. Holtby, manager of the Merchants Bank,'Luean, s ,en1Suii in town, the ofp aay geese. Dr. Ande'rson.- "Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 'Redden and family returned' to their home in Exeter last wee]:."—Crystal City Cour- ier Mr: B.Higgins, who had somewhat recovered from„.;his illness, bas had relapse and is in a critical state at his home. Mr. M. Vincent, who has been on the road for some weeks with a moving picture concern, is home spending a few holidays. ,G; Mr. Harry J. Browning, who has been attending Trinity College at To- ronto, returned Monday to spend the Christmas holidays. Mr. S. Vandusen, who has been with the Sutherland Innes Co., at Ilderton, returned to town this week to contin- ue in the Company's employ. Mr. Wm. Yager, of` Willow Ci g �Cy, N. Dak., arrived here Thursdaynight and will spend a few, weeks with ends and relatives in town." Reeve Levett was in Buffalo this week on. business. Dr. Rollins was in Blyth on Friday last. Mrs. Rollins, who has been visit- ing her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Holmes, in that village, returned with him. Mr. John Willis, of Rodgerville, a .former resident of Exeter, has return- ed home, and it is thought much im- proved, but is yet far from being re- stored to his former health. Mr. Jos. Davis is expected home from the Gray enhurst Sanitarium next. week. ; During!his-tebeence, he haeein creased in avoirdnpsts to -131: podinds, the heaviest he has ever. weighed Mr. Uri Cunningham, who left here a few weeks -aago for Ponoka, Alta., returned home on Saturday, and will remain "till spring' shett he intends returning to the Prairie Province.:, Kippen. A quiet wedding took place at the manse here, on Wednesc'laly, the con- tracting parties being Mr. F. G.Tom- linson, of Stanley, and Miss Levina Kyle, of Hay. The interesting cere- mony was eremonywas performed by the Rev. M. C. McLennan. We wish the young couple every happiness.—Messrs. Wrn. Thompson and Thos. Workman have returned from Manitoba, where they have been for some time. --Mr. W. W. Cooper was in Goder•ich last week act- ing as juryman. --Judging from. the 'mintier of weddings spoken of as like- ly to take place in thisvicinity during the holiday season, our clergymen are likely tohave turkey and plum pud-, ding galore for Christmas. MARRIAGES.. BATTLER—BENDER--At the residence of the bride's parents, on Dec.' 10, ;hy, Rev. W. J Yager, Mr. John Bender, of Dashwooci'to Miss Maria, only daughter of Mr. W. B. Battler, of•Zurich. ' TOMLINSON—KYLErAt the manse, Kippen, on Dec, .10, . by Rev. M. C. McLennan, Mr. Frederick . George Tomlinson, of Stanley, to Miss La -•i vina Kyle,~ofl3ay. '' SNiE LL—I iLEO17RNE--At the residence seer of the bride's parents, on Dec. 10 Mr..Aquilla Snell, of Winnipeg, for- riier)y of Exeter, to Miss Edna Louis daughter of Mr. Watson Kilbourne,, of. Winnipeg, Man. CAMPBELL-MONTEITII—At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, on Dec. 10, by the Rev. Mr. Fletcher, Mr. Andrew Campbell, of Logan, to Miss Merian, n, daughter of Mr. Robt. Mon- teith, Thames Road; Usborne. RoLLINs--HOnones—At the residence of the bride's parents, on Dec. 10, by the Rev. 11. A. Thomas, Mr. Welling- ton Hodgins, to Miss Bella, daughter of Mr. J. H. Hodgins, all of Lucan. ELLIOTT—Wa1TE-At the residence of the bride's parents, on Dec, 16th, by the Rev. C. Fletcher, Thames Road, 111r. Wm. Elliott, of B1aa:nshard, to Miss Nellie, youngest daughter of Mr. Thos. White,' Winchelsea.