Exeter Advocate, 1902-12-18, Page 6somt ADITT rtu To pA REN Ts a,„ prtotev,t,
v Itombstoues y013 have ereeted faith, tbat briegs the blessing. The 590.eimedossovit. Qt,ottiger,,
- hove wiped AP41.3% Yoe hare madmixeI with faith
e bear it (lieb. iv, 2). Mary, like cl
Children's Captivity in Sin is the Result of Theirieo,„1,
• sougs,.„ sfoobrs willtotocene 70ligtshtatvree stethiele., t(tiD3aletnvitieheeeeeZ.nfi the truth is laid 11
Peleee eche with the sweetest' Detect, eept the znetter in her heart. ey
coeutry, Clod seeds tie forth 5 • •
dada.. th Ono litoti;nne. Nine unit, s ac one olfeItrelelleAtiZs. folyveciii;oexarnz. ptlesb tour tsiesif issaesoce:chooef teett°011d411:•;!s Ptrillhei;elfaaGiOltica,rfd°r4attirit Tim question is ofi. n esuee, vviett
ede see WO, tr viewed it24.ot t•gronxe, In a lu measure of Your
tseeiretaisat itisteeeems. Dewed God inspiri) all pareats to treat all e "
Teaching and Exaitiple. t and prayerfully
(swede eaeree. a ea, ,d, .... a -element ez and ail ti t e h. 11 t °° a mast imeortant infesfon- cr/ .*1 .• ; 11' , ART OF F.faraNG.,
ecl, ao, like the -kin g of old. who pondered, we glean receive the 'edit •
sent ltis • messenger into the far in due time.
S And the seepherdsi reton• ed
despatch front Chicago saYs1,1
Rev. Frank:Tee Witt Tabrage preaehel
is tbe dotfereuce betevetu sauteing and
tbeir childrea (dike, h h
Nor_ t_m (weep_ 1.1,1:nit,y‘tiotimt, thelieda:ttsntiontobtetie_1-1 4.°411 ?IS ,174$ t°14 un,to theah frying? Sauteing is often mietak-
tion tbat they should be atelettle eid
es isw, sur e vela shall lisQlataleutiZell;eniteteeeircittstteetelille, igleeeeney. enly celled frying. To saute is to
on both sides in little hot,
gentler and more thoughtful of the end die: it deeides their eternel
let or butter.
ed from, the followiog text: Pro-titka htephibosde- td, whto was
To fry, is to immerse and coolc en
verhs 17, "-The eye that meek] ;
ono et. his father and despiseth to LAIVE BO'llee r''- s- a liberal quazitity of yery- hot fat.
V his mother the reverts of thei Allowing the servant girl to take
or cooking. If the fat is sufficiently
voolity ellen pick it out aud theltthe place of maternel and Paternal
loot when the food is put into it, a
Frying is a more wholesome method
child who, is sick 03," iS crippled
in dee. end, itee Jeremiah,
they could not, keep etill ebout it
(•ler. sx. e). They had caelglat the
spirit of the angels and praise God
they mrst. and their testimony' Was
nil about Jesus. If we, in our or -
are, UJue. ineuence of noble Ohris-
tian parents upon tho lives of their
children eanaot be deserilied better
by me in closing than by telling the
eistory or my ow home, the home
of my boyhood
young eagles stein eat it," !companionship cen truly be cased
Ilorrible is tine Solomoule, word mewed parental sins, I would not
pietere. The gibbet the st el 1
,eiree'y Yocatoors. eerve the Lord, as ,, ase-pzoof coating will eel formed, • mei ed butter, three tea -
1 ..n tisttuat either say or writeonothers, this clut.e of Parental rare;,".. -"-"F- "(Iv "as'''''°' 14° wIlt shelv ttl° g. rease fr°141 °fltering th° 1°°"e " ' n . 'CP() i 11C
i 1 (011111ze:10, ti) '.01.17, 0 fathers and ,„,,...„0„,„ "..., • , „ '- t -e Iv - r 4 ,:, It C L',: t -ii tl flo ip
3roo,'1'' greaker thillg . . .
'they We'e evidently doli,,,-,- while on the ou side whi h ill prevent SP9ens Pulstardt 1141f euP sti Or Perl-
ioip.e. toe skeleton protruding one word which would wound the and solialtude, May God help as we can beer
elironeli the torn aud mortifyino• l's " g ioi.sands and tens of , to rerforee it so eilleientie tha.t !them and as .Sfe sera we will make
1, , 3, X1434. leathered gormandieers thousands of young women who /erten you pees from earth into the :e1.°°(1 "e Qf teem, TheY also remind
laintucting upea the eiterien, the have consecrated. thetr lives to the!glories of heaven your chiidren malt 'us uf RuallY 511ePherds watchlug °Ireu
clanging. rtzsty chains holding aloft noble calling of nurse -girl's work. ;rise tip to cell vou blessed. May fltil:t.t.s.'"olat!-3 ilil:,,,Id°,rro,til'aell: i'il.43,,....t4 thoids
the putrefygng mass - these are lir, Some of the mightiest inen of the '; Geed answer this prayer of an i;ieeeeeer,,eeepeeieee, enee,"!;-fireeteeeeee seeede
Lenz, e t f llly text. it, is a wettable agie have testified that tney would !anximos father to Leen MS one and --- `'"`"'" ---- - --"” --- -"'" -----
to ail bees and sizes, ae well as to eever bay° been whet they were but ;ell from eounnitting the parental t° summon them to the marriage cif
Fit. grown mon "nit women, that la- Mr the s_elf-ee.eriecing loee of their „:se's which veer -where b eet to end Pim /It° "'Its' °tie° ° P4*° l.°. Ilethle-
ail contempt is never justifiable in nurses, who YlOt WAY rOelied them, wit.ich FO eaSily3leay ileSetArOV 11 11' rld "In'. "Afey Ile, the great Shepherd,
clod's sighs.. No matter what onr to sleep when they were tired.
leileas lime- " er see-, we must al- also started their little feet in the - loNirg trustful ehildr yt .nre Pleasing" 111 Illa sight. and SO
h'4tVor-..parill7e the eternal welfare of our work in ns all those things that
ways rt-spect and honor them. lie- paths of rectitude and piety. Thel . - ,_.,_ e "
..........—.....---,11 .. i ?!en Ifis kingdom (Bch. xiii. 21 *
ceir,e they aro oar fiettier and oir la ...
z x ret. iii. lee R. Nee nee margin); ..a. ne oly„ we gwe it with the
when fresh apples ar" scarce. They:
should be grolind through a meat
eloopper before lieing added to the
meat, lexied cherries', raisins or Cur-
rantS May be 'Used instead of the
other fruits earned,
Slice -thee and boil until tenger
just:- enotigh, weter to keep frone
scorching. Whee tender, lei the woe
ter boil. out aud brown just a little.
stirring in a emelt piece of betteollme
Add. one teacup sweet cream, and
When le is boiling nicely etir tee-
augh vinegar to give just a little
acid taste. It should be stirred eon-
stantly when the vinegar is put in.
or the latter will curdle the cream.
Cabbage Salad.Take three eggs,
eize tablespoons vinegar, xliree table-
ever O.I3:01V 0OrS-1311-1'S to greateSt ill,SPirati011 for a true ee•-
az of Sbaftesbutar cieclared that, the
(0 spice' thee% teen we 5ihall incur the ngtous life was inistiiied into feet toy;
g,er Ged. 'who one of, the the faithfulness of his Christlan3
a",1". -n Conannanchr..zits oxplicitly en- aium.c.
that parents le honored bY Ch. titaii. studying the delot and
°CePr•itee•-• And 'with ti2Ot- ek-ja- 1:3:4,04 #43,143 c.7 ,yotor le:leers, counting
Abe 1,o:a 'who Os;
rubble optnicnt is fully lit r.,e- „7..-tter htindretis of thouS,-
s f
- the sso " 8 00 Montaigne.. Paris, tried tO commit
let is eugielently hot. Place the
each piece thiarouglily before leavim
.1] suNDAy sviloof
gING A -F11444 the rrYing kettle forward and as but aot, too hard. ?oil cat oil oo,
Lw apt to be the result in eeuzeing,
nee it teclogestible. as 19- Oyer the Cabbage when cold and
read,y to serve. Some like it better
rocfsu7oolt, ingly, Axt furby:i kqeutatlicaitaynd (t)tt, won pow coo be cleaned so *hot it
food. and when once learned,
There ia a special art in frying when 6111Y onc cgg is used to the
there tabove proportions of other ingretibi
is no need of failure. It, is not, as eats,
many suppose, an expensive method
TO, CLEAN 11/41.1.4 PAP-E1I.
frying 7)neket ere eseential for best t Dere aro several ways Dy which
nice sweet lard or dariflee drliadlooee eemost es good as . The
pings. Vut it in 'Cho frYinff .A1,,,. -i knowledge may be of use to house-
, , , A
tle, place it on the hack of tte stove i thederez
fore 'needed. and allow it. to heat' .
obollt threeeemareera of an sour be-, One way is an old one, blot as it SS
a ually. ,Tust before using. draw rest. Take A, too of bmad. §-tale,
DUO, 21, Alia Maker Sleeps r/fits cr test is to drop a Piece of hread surfitiv, When the PQ
BUM. the heiling fat" if th g soiled. die off a very thin slice am
TQ soon 4IS it.SAllOket3 in the neocialle, it crest; thee, *eking it 4,11 one hand.
sr,RNATIONAI4 lege:Z(7N, _ is of the right temperature. Anoth- rub the Doper ;conk; w4th tho c.s0,0„5.,
c• dotails of it vast inercautilel OoldenLuke 11,
*StivilarS and carefelln wateloinp,- the ee- 9 'Le i:t% "'"' *,,'stieide a few mornings ago under- ',..
'Yoh' enterPri4e. lades Your Ple7 elver!, $. n4 there were in the s4,1110 %1171:10gel1111104.11, silli"Gielr$:(14 114:011171,111tTICL:S::ekoreletfAIIII;(kottlIliell`711017ultiTlaft ecets;etnbat°sIklethii hr*Aeololt?'.ilteni"(17:4::,,to,„„.-ealidne'd4tille°11eirtient'
lie and mental energies to the Maloof. !country titepherils abiding' M the (leaseback fee baker. Re round ,,,,,gently Into the boiling at and fry soak it in cloudy household OAP'
a ds to be frieol in the frying hose it
.1.41°---!efount of thee neeentlii neglect You :fiiimeat of Ise. vii, 14. "a virgin their bread, t(goo to leave MM.
34" n"I'V Itve to regret. the 441Y th" NUtt cencei" au" bear a suil autt. wil°' IrlIQ* it would m.m. is ot). 4,0.1(1 be drawn to the eack part „„irt. to% emote ma freshen Id
inquiries long cooking, the frying liet. ince is ge-tesed. ends wm cemova
p,:lrente is elespiec j iiis lif
les eery 33:k.i3;01;I: gilteeted
eie vontienitey after his death.
UP 10 giablie Se,3111 X10 lief
toi wore tlie er,cient
lairds ;e-
1, -ma; 1111014 itlf4r roles ill
t;, «k defeeee to puNie view
/i -o 41, the art14 Loadot1
104- UN' until tot Ir.F.t the
zi.1,er. 'Moto shop is in the Run fat giv°8 °IT ° sl?zing noise' and tho proceed with the work. IL is hest t
hreail beglos to brown quleklY t he rub down on th',. paper. mid Weinr:1
siltnni lint.47iothti.:44 ;"1:1°1: 41;tat'iLls.uu tutettur 'It;;'31,418,1117:1'Irtg wetr'lt over their flock in1; er:sible to lteeP °mac I" Illgt"' • until a rich golden brown. rt Wiit monk,. It must, bp •ao wtet that our
t..:4 1•° yoer teirteelleeeareohl liteee ,Sree(7;aj lee previolos veree gimlet of the eget!Ille"hr,ir.:eip:.0,)1,toiY.11:{,PpPflev,ett 4re,(111,,reet.,,bt 'T,'ItaT It1410 s felt- Rra,,,riti;'li'g'ilt"V‘'‘'-11.:111ta. bgit
eis weeely IlliiMalleo• CoUt Y°11 , Sall of Got, ltmee of a woman. made was hurnad to a chafer. The result becia cooked. In riYirg Po- as the ball becOlnes Wiled 943 Mu
"In ought to tahe 'het tinte• CA we -'4 under the late Moil. Iv. 4): Me ful- was that his etiSiollierS, not liking.tatoes, doughnuts, or one thing that outside. kneed it until a, clean euv
P,yoi.r son was born. Gin wolliallt •etteeicio t,ets Wore us a night Keno on aiiie temper, end %a ho had to 411(vOt
• you may think' till$: is the age for reiirih. shepherds watching. over their every rompiiiiet. against her husband.liVasirercouutntanmidprueeniovTehtclnie 11f:001101 dolittuiarTfret=e1 g'ottlinflaoku(ir alnre411
mum- tee emetoripation of Your sistere, lo ',i' filmes; to mve them front tiig ded created a, 5C0110 eielY PArllinfra and°N,tands and place them an a brown with water, it should, to stiff ele
,hond onide you may listen to weelei te-strtner. The little babe laid in the'she told hint that tbe gext time he.peper ta the warming oven lintil °ugh to handle easily. The Pare'
:Ze317,31-eti on woroop's rightS 011li DrIliger teCallEO there was no roma fen asleep dud horned lifs bread she perfeetly dry. If the iirocess Is pro- can he 1,0bbed with it as in the for,
tieeipeetso•J eottl ut•tisit1*14 ee
1 efeed try tles I:torn:11g to t
era,,,,,,•• &max! of the ISII3ortcolatir.gs
iitto which ilec,•letled 34301
tool sinful parol,AT,•; have fa1lei
with I h•13' cleildre
ILIV" 4314 "IS° the 1133r that :;f1.14t1 call UIN Inune inunorluch" nts' bRIs e 1+0 Im'ens Possessed of an gnnie'of the rouge and the articles allowed the paper wonderfully.
in ,sgrabesroare and sculpture and art. in the inn ie eon° other thion the wool lame hint Red 'et a divorce. early done there will be no trace of me method. when there are greaso
e• Von Attie- conolder it a edeelt seetel good. great and elder $heplited Tills tbrvat 141•04bReee a deep erease
spots Olt the paper. lay Coarse
emir ; e do Lie ciumo to elefee z.ou owerd •to you he don this any in
e city „in ensp•tar dreedseg the mez,tirtr. A piece 01 met as large an I: "ea: bC:11411lradehatt 1;071 raes'hgl°971;Ignalvilg
4t5I:14144°3. " 14° grcl."t 411'11°1 Qr 1111-'1dIkh t'° to all Ve°1)1°' 1°P °It' chubs" The unfortunate baker was4 crumbs.
tz•A 0.0 t zaY 11"‘,,1 1,..i`" a tea *IV, riex.t ate:Moen and be the the destroeer (John re, 10 11: eleh •
tootegi eeeeteedlo ttes'e• Peirealtil Kies ;opportomity lo toe o‘ble 10 Joie a Scripture who came to give Iiis life 'pros -sine on her husbaritps mind, and:, Tender Ghicken and all kinds of brown paper over them and Pas9 ;
'MAIO ,V3 4.'0W &tiny' ‘Nvin afternoon atai go to that, Ile might save Ws :Avert from lie rrso.ted to carioes derkes
So2v,!,r26,8 wilha ttroo 1144 e‘tnal czmil Vrh
tige of the reCittl 110, 21)to croquettes dipped in well beaten egg
WAll;" KaviAs W4*42hi of can` prOntinent tit tle,9. ,keep himself 0.wake. But in vain ; 'and fine crumbs, and then cooked by
14 r"'" 114'Y t''341414i &It 33,0 sorial rur worldly haloes' „bring you geeel tidings of greet ivy dud to end his bread horned to no the artiole twice in the egg When there aro spots front
SN -12. l•e)ar not. for, behold, I .1",c1,431;1011°,1:pr altttuur wood; in the morri...Wlieu v. good coating Ls &sired. 'dip
he was snoring. lie tliis triethod. aro particularly line, iarge.
Illiat(OltneiriteQlield°vecer'elt.1 tilna
",414."." t t" 1""°°.F4,-ouit your laneedree e0 that yOu of David a. eiatelouie Which ifi Christ
by the tin or watercolor paints.
n 1.4. tet zo
eetotolea to a hove somartt. Parent -1 Although 'the angel of too Lord'shop aud threw himself into the ivy. if from &Oohing into doughnuts. The
i how t t hat
,444, ri$ i4ta,1 fro,
evile.goite the care ef your the I-ord.
nogleut is rot ia God's slgigt a wes rout front heirmn to ti eSe or the seine, .flappity fat should be clariPed after each" A USEFUL SPLAS1111111,
witit wife. he rin.lied out of iiis addod to the boiling fat 08 will keep
OA g' I jiTt4to liii.1 tta 1::., 0,iiiiren tier, s;PIP'Q' 31411'11$41'"'"hir• it s a eine' a,'Igie elleebeeds With these great, 4,liatil
iiedliveleele leove vai eigno 1 NiOare Of il l'°r+a+Lig ein'"uhleil may olot only de- Ccielles, the world nelthe. k
I new leol• succeeeed In rescuing
be w"s Kea by a pellieonom, who ilsing by drOPPiillg' a piece of raw po-' rfousekeepers who have been an.
bim 10 a bag.'tato into it,
,..., ,1 2„,tr,„,„„. r.,‘,. T1, :troy tioe seiritted life of the Child. camel anythieg about it. God Made drOtriged condition. Ile was sent to cold cover and set away in tho [twit% papers
tam strain, and whoa 'toyed by having thelr beill'oom Iv&
in.,. rhon ,ccuipu.s 0 ness of the father aae mother it is n I s -
of: e•el teonvisee theie hone alai gdis I P t ignroir al:mo tho eierom it.rt.d...
1 4 the worlirs ruler to take pare in ful• the lim.pital,, ITN wire visited th "kettle until wonted. spattered and spoiled, hi
NOW TO COON RAIIIIT. igeneroily tired, should try coverhe
i the wall. where the woehstond in to
Auto Spiced nabbiteetneee nee rune° :Sand. with te piece of paper eiunbe
cold water
r, I. will 1.0 bring about the hospital in great distress, and read-
,. o ,, /..rootni bran a ;‘,bal`p two e,lged sword whieli, with hirth of this child at Bethlehem. but P"Y 14'°"*.eii to f°1'8"1" him °lit°
- ere leen every atie-r chile. foor when elie strulte down feild auOther efroee'ile waS 'wholly UneedinloitS of it. Tlie ;Mere^
4 10'1 l''ilb% to feel that the tether ode et n dof,...roy not may the roi‘e ; world i its Ili 1 A .1. d • i NO WASTE TN FRANCE
n 'i lit inbS Inv lite. tiPtos S
*i- -,o-t:I.,..1 tines not tale, fee Lion es het fl,o Inch eold eater4 or freere ..e. 12 six feet wide, and four feet high
e . , e ay. III. rad oi toe. thddree well(ei rues,: rr inirrit 4 thinks, nOul seemingly doit r
es as reta11 (tragaiii•V
1 , .5, dotes its owe wen os it There is LO better plate tO etenly;lootirs or more before cooking. To froon the mopborael. and of the pre
t!'; d + idhl lailleelitdefe foefelse 10 i 7,urit of ustirs,,rs. di.‘eiplive clu l'ploases, hut God in heaVen is wOrk-ianh °Pen S(111"4-1; 91' reds, GO t0 !Add Hatt, Pelnier. butter. several to.- it eeenrelee With fillo tacks; then cOd
d l• ei. t• teal
1' 1* al I otrtialitei ' et/toed:heel 1 e cite:sett 'onoutine .31,..-, intr 011 3,111133lS after tee coonnel of thrill in the paths ;cook, Wave in a roasting Pan and valling Color of the r0Onn, fastenite
I toet• iteole *et !tow., Awl eet tilltre e:41.0 blial, or, Attlit,rr Inititaillt.q.1 We:1,1361 oWn Will and Illakinq all 111ilirfi 000 Of tbe second -band heirs held orOblespoons good, strong vinegar,: wa. er this with a piece tif (lotted Swim
et,. eeteteeede meet thoeseee of . tweed not did, to eon t -14: .. rtt.wir -"0.‘ -te e e 1 i i 1 nee countries would be east aside ea USe-
i ,,,,, ,tons. of , . ., . . i t i n ng rigii n 0 cloves /hike for two hours ir a
, the outer boulevards. What In other [tee tO diver and holt teaspoon, whole MUSIM. silkoline, or any Ratable mot
_. . In An.. le a oto e.loteet e ou ti teo intpd.,,,,0„ parcut by stall tf.wlio was the Bribe in Rethlehtert. Ills less is here exPOsell for sale, haling lee -le'
ete re •- . 6 .2,, • .t.
rabbit, and three if ton old tom, and put the washetend in Otto 'ea",
le or three teteel 1 3';Orl* ;VOn C°1041. who. wrote th .
. ..t ha -4( to 1..,,,1 Mot'. tlia.1 bi,u, 01 wool es sin yet selemee, 3 thrtlre On earth, will be Iheoldei teen carefully sorted over by rag -4 we,
e words of les t . • -. ethrore at T • s . , am all Mugs I •
ers, whose sole so renewiu tile • t • ' .e- n 0 Center of the covered sitace
iterial, gathered at both top and bot
-eel, Very. tell wheel wee the feed ' . t dealt is the •conoes too dry. Just toefore serving, Of course, the wall IL'ehhal the w"84
e ei e•eere d q pa bettor drit'S` 9 31 '1 • s
Z Vit14* 1.° tor dielfeldir. That tided ii t• see tope n h.11.,14,r 6..0i/ion, 11 i Jor. iii, 17; Ira. is, 0, 7; Ps. bits of glees, pieces of stone, old Merit to brown nicely in the oven. Washer rack, with which most wasb
" toe iqtrontal anietakes oi olive- and' natione will boner IIini (Epb, 14 'rubbish which you eee-hroken china, i Pour elf the water and anew the stand itself neetl not he covered. der
'elol Jewett erouldel the it.10.011N1.* (1
As . . .. . .. dm that. ef "e. eee said ..n. le t 'Isxii 113. X trust that ntl. who nallS, old pOtS and pans, old shoes, Stuffed Rabbit. -Prepare as f ' stands tir " I. • Y e entbel.
i• I, ri,,,, That Odle' will have a I et -
It%,, neen in the houre thee the eta,. : a rimit to tooho by toil wtotutins :are doing all they can to make 1310 en, ber key lost . Behoid a thousand.
simple deduttient that if a father ---.,+
tr rhildren. /le will lai‘e more
tidings known of the Satiour who from Is to choose 1 'rho poor itablospoon butter have been added.
i.p. raiimr 11143pey: Ile will be allowel •,Iddill not 3310.1O' a child lt,torn to Obey has etnue and Of nisi great salvation ftutlents may find their books, moth -111'110n done, ellop linely, add Wolf cup
loo deo that the other children. are "14114 then he IS \WY apt to let •.n. , tht,y am not interested in 'His corn- ers their children's shoes. I•lach salt pork, minced fine, and one quart For lar•actice Just Wsta,blished. re
bee toga in. house in Paris is provided by theibread crumbs. Smitten with pepper Aldershot
rtar,on or the inadequate splasher
.at clitt' JOfit• eto t to
it.; ether el iloiren 14.$' 1,11,Fing for 11N laketh hilu, chustenent him Atom; and show to all whom they broken a eativer ? For two cents she made as fellows: Cook the heart thoy hooks screwed IOW it for teeth
oh his red hateth Ids ;Am but ,,teaett 14138 leSS011 will 5 e f • I 3h ont brtoslies. eras she rolleting, and stuff with a dressing reinteved, oe it may have a row o
. Ph, 11 f IntolY .ottrucs.o. 30 other words.. we have jean roach that unkos all believers eau replace them. Ts her lock br 1 anti liver le \rotor to corer t brush..s etc
o , .0 •
which a. scant teaspoon salt and one
telt -allowed to do. On tht• other chile'. learn t deg hini.
thi, child which is not par..1 Atyporrisy is the _most awful of
4 11.1, 14. Glory to Goil teo ems with e "ergo ewe, into this the and sage, and pour over the whole
nu 111 1, th oat heteettetttnd or vent away...father or mother may do, 118 ThIlg 118 ,he
leeled favolefe vil + • • , - will towerd men el by the family wb eh • of I d
, ,, e el oo boiled IT t 01 t I add mum° of but ao yards in length an
. no m s enoug 1, a . . .
- -1i t den be eiarre i 'reroute] sins. No mutter what the highest and on eurth petlee, good servants throw all feint is not need- the water in wbieh the liner was Ari Flown:eh pnper lieseribeeda rife
lettnetest eon, meted, off to tend the Paronts are living- consecrated, god- • V,' to '1
lo 1 Le country. as, Jt sso seat his . the
Iy, pure and noble lives, that child fft "1 1.0 sPo.ko to the shepherds, and to search thrgoPugichketherearbooxpers
privileged chopPed line improves the flavor. army service rifle and anununitim
child ran firmly boded that his v, 1,,ouis ;z4,.. neiltituele of the heae or ra'inient. letery morning tee cliff- cream or sweet milk. A small onion allowing of Perfect Practice with till
o accompanied the an: foniers or ra - rs
q:•-ep. 31 is cosy enough or par-''
Fill the rabbit with the dressing anti that lute recently been most suceese
..arts, to eny that they have no favor- i is boutod to the foot of the cross won wilt
.sve think or the millions of angels the contents are carted by the dty foldsthe edges, together. If need+. fully experimented with at Aldershot
Ors, hut the words of the lips do not, ..with blonde of steel, hut When 1110: — - yet say,. "Worthy. is the to diseant fields, where the refuse IS arY. take a IOW stitches along the Those who have conducted the triali
iltveys correspond with 'child. 'believes that his mother an +
hypocritteal lie -0:: ("r
e Lamb that was elam to receive pow- em doe -ed in fertilizin the soil. Ier
and riches and alsdom and thel ho' edges of the thin flesh on the anodeo are enthusiastic °vet- the remits, ant
THE leACT.e3 OF ''IlIE Lim. ;father are leading
tnes of the wealthy the poor . .-
g . em side. These May be renioved just it is probable that at all suitabe
/acetone work I have heard a. state- html '
to God, and the redeemed on earth Pickings.ree14e `.., , (hob, move from the pen when done, pour wholly in the open air. The •pene
e as a. rule, there is very little
Sr at 1-tifj**••
At marey every funeral of a. little t° the "rid t blessrar (Rev. v, 12). The stint of veer% manyti te.e.sk ?f teal vAllote. oven from one to two hours, basting range will be shortly installed, ye
tprttcndn.tg- one thing streneth and honor and glory and r .t. • • belie.° serving'. Bake in a moderate military depot.s the neW safety rife
which jur,,,„. atteaaha lay • and living another kind of life a•t all angelic 3:ertilee IS to bring glory
teed- is used, an,d the shooting h
.ousau ira.gpic4ors6,0soay elle frequently with butter or lard. Ite-
went Iiiie this made by the eide of tezeporal or sniriturtl hope for the froin ell
illo While OtIS.liot: "it is too 'bad .
was bad children.
shed. Ilad parcels- generallY have are so to live that God in ail thingsoff some of the grease, mix 000 the trative power of the Lee-Ientield rife
the little one was taken; She
Art li•is -blespoon flour in three of sweet when loaded with service annnunitim
h..,—........-4,--_,EtacitreiAL. sAimp
loas hitherto rendered it impossibe
9.1ie sins er these ;ay, 1.1? t gioyillir. ICI or.: vii 110; x,
her fatheree or mother's favorite.
e declare l the children, even to the third and 15'1.6* his one cup boiling water, and when it to give recruits that practical t•tx
,,, , fathers atatitiothers are visited epon *" ' e "er' ' . 11' 1 )" milk, and .pour into the pan. Add
Now before God to -day
ifoerth genez•ation. Bethlehem and see this thing which.
Let es now go even elite f . . .. .
ast. curacy found the ladies of the thickens, pour over the rabbit and• ,.-
gyinan duri»g
that no parent has a right to have
a favorite child - no favorite unlesS i
seems to be true. Good parents,
S'onietintes the reverse of this rule fiS come to pass, svhich. the Lord •
his successor. day thereafter he met naked Rabbit. - Cut the rabbet!
I steadiness and good markSmanshij '
parish too helpful. ile soon bet the serve at once.
place. One 'Penance of firing so necessary tt
• that add is a boin itliot or an in-;
for awhile may see t a There' was non queslion.ring .t1 into small pieces, dip into water,1we:hout journedieg to the nearest.
ail h hath nride know tont ue
e•ttlid or one who should be cared for 'se,
, nee butts, entailing loss of time ant
"flow are you getting on with the sprinkle with .salt and roll in flour.
ladies?" asked the escaped curate. Use a deep covered baking dish and expense. The new range, boweyer
"Oh, very web," -was the answer. in the bottom lay several. slices of overcomes the difficulty. The firinf
"Thete's safety in nonnbers." fat salt pork. Next put a Myer of end is a sort of box ."tunnel" -or
quick reply.
"1 found it in Exodus," was the rabbit, and over this bay bits of but- legs. The marksman is compelled it
-- a ter, and sprinkle well with pepper, I stand well within it in order to resi
COMPARISONS. , then -another layer of rabbit and his elbows. Ills riflennuzzle pro -
butter. , Now cover closely and bake truths slightly toevards the targei
"It is a solemn thing," said the in a, steady oven for three or four beyond the other did of the "tine' •
young man, "when a woman _trusts hours. Remove froni the dish, stir act" the four sides of which how.
a nian with her affections." flour into the gravy left, .and dilute ever, check the i•ille from being teen.
'It ain't as solemn,"esaid the man with milk or cream. Allow this to
with the pink necktie, "as when ' ed too far' either ' to left or r• ett
sbe won't trust him with his own
an guai ell the more carefully ene l'ad children, bet if you will care-
"- wens no doubts, there was no hesita-
rause of his or her helplessness. The •fully study the hist Or of different lion in acting out their faith. Ther
bat ernal hated] existing tat wed' Christian homes e-ou willgenerally- believed all that was (01(1them;
Esau and Jacob can be directly at- aye, I believe always -find that the they went with haste and found all
Isaae's favoritism for
trilluted to
children of consecrated,' things godly as the Lord's messenger had
his eldest son and Rebekah'e favor- enis who i,-. 5-1 tr d said. Elizabeth said f AT •
ism for her yourger, boy. And .the way they should go will always
MATT and ninny a home is broken up turn out right, while those hypo,
to -day because fathers cued mothers critleal parents who dd. not train
0 will persist „in showing preferdtee for Op the' • h'
!lion they ought to show ior thew wrong.
ether children. Parental examples anil training 111- me,"
teat it FAlall be even as it eyes told
and so it came to pass (Acte
.."131eseed is she which believed that
there *hall be a performance of thoSe
things ,which Wore told, her froin the
Lord (Luke 3, 45, inargin):-,Paul
en rig t ultimate- said concerning the angel's message
:one child at the expense of the toffee- ly have their childten turn out in the storm at sea, "I believe God,
Parental favoritism has caused variably reproduce 'themselves in the xxvii, 25, 44). 1, do believe
many a boy or girl to be skeptical nves of children. There is a beauti- that all that is written in this bless -
01 a father's or a mother's love -the ful story- told of a noted king in ed book which is not yet fulfilled
none kind of skepticism which, in the far east who was about to take shall be fulfilled as literally as were
India, a little girl who had a few a journey into a• remote part of his all the 'prophecies concerning the
rears ago made a significant cam- kingdom. ITe that-dor° sent ahead of humiliation and ffi•st corning.of oer
°ariseto an Antedate missienary.
him a. trusted minister to bend for bless:id. Lord. Every purpose didGed
le India a, daughter is supposed to his rodae „taste, -
Ce of such a low order of creation . shall be fulfilled in Christ Ma. siv,
:hat some -Mohammedan priests as- A SUITI113LE PALACE 24; Jer. 11, 29).
ocrt that women have no souls and where the king could lodge' ore
• dri e i oe 1. cou the 17. And when they had seen it
no hereaSter. And so one clay when far country. 'W} • th ' • , i ••• • they made liDONVo 'abroad, the saying . , , , , , „ ,
YOU moony boy - for nome lane
"Do yoe . think the photograplier
.flatteecie her?" .
sedpoee so. Eeeryode" does"
Officer'e Wife (fondly) - "Do you
rememlier, John, how you used of
an evening to hold my• band -, 'my
sweet little roselead you. 'used to call
which ems told t concer g
hours? How silly, Silly my old boy
t. little girl was trying to describe
;‘od's love for her sex, she said:
'Why, it is the smallest love in the
eorid, if it is love!" "Uow small
is that?" asked the lady missionary.
"Oh. very, very small." "But how
small?" "Why?'' answered the
ening Indian maiden, "the lone of
eod for us women is as small - it
Is as small as the love my father
for me on the clay that I was
iorn." May God never elloW you,
D father and mother, to distill such
diStOrLod idea of parentai alfec-
eon into any eloOd's mind and
;wart accoUnt of favoritism for
upwrie of your childreri at the expense
Df the others. May 74",od. inspire ev-
iry one of you to (-ch ;voter boys.,
leached the remote part pi the,king-
dom, he'found plapaie raging tede
and people were dying by thoesailds'
and tens of thousands. So, • ±11 -
stead of taking thaMoney from the'
royal treaseey aed -.et:end-Mg .,it for
bricks and stone e and' incirtar, tee
1.•beal. messenger ' 'epent' it for bread
and medicine. With it he dug graves.
pad buried the dead. Wield' it he'
eeught clothing to pretectethe.
ing, when' the king came and
found what his meSsenger. had deed,
instead of punishine his notester. he
cominended him. 'Ile seid, e011,
fait:Wel servant, you have banded
for me•e. palace. You builded it in
ehe warts of My poople.,, • you Wave
builded white, walls the
hem nie this
child. . used to be!" Old Doy (grumpily) -
• Ily they spread the tidinee and
Joy filled their own hearts, and -Nonsense, Jane, don't, be &tepid. I
tic)Inifileimply what 'they' had seen,and like. I did that just to keep you
0 was alway8 practical and business -
heard.. If we. have not yet been made from tee piano„
'exceedingly 3oyful ,by the glad 'tid-
ings concerning Jesus so that we A gentleman who had been travel -
cannot but speak of it, how , far we ing in Prance related that in Paris
must be from the experience of thoee the barber who was shavinghum
Ethepherds and of thoEe of whom ,Nve stepped two or three times upon the
lead on Joint iv, 28, 20; Acts iv, side of his foot. At last the ces-
20; viii, 4; I John 1, 8, 4 ? ' ride
called out: --Please don't do
18. 10. And tin they that heard it that any More! 1 have a corn."
wondered. * * '1' But Mary kept nil "Exactly what I was trying to find
these things and pondered them in ()lit, in OD Si811r, ' ' said the barber,
her hour t. , blandly. • ltie bave an, excellent pre-
Delder da ponder 'than medely,„ to ihtirat'l01i for removin2. n
cors, for
wonder. • ',is 'not wonder, ,but sale at one franc per bOttle."
come to a boil, then pour into a
deep -die and serve.
top or bottom. Some dintance iron
the "tunnel" is a wooden shield
tightly backed by tin or shingle
, .
and having an open "doorway." lec
Cook the, poik in salteciwater un- snot cart be fired from the tanne!
til quite teticeer. Wben cold, put that does not •go through the " door.
through a sausage grinder. Pareeve.-y" towards i,he target or embeds.-
and core some tarte apples arid chop itse"f. , in the shield. _Beyond this
rather fine; for every four pounds of again are wing shields to stop shot
meat add -six pounds of apples, one rieoehetine from the ' ''doorway'
glass of currant, quince or plum jel- sid'es, and other shields, near tie
ly, one quart boiled cider vinegar, target, ensure absolute eatety to
with sugar added, one pint maple wards tlik- sides. Ninety feet - Iron
syrup, 1e pounds granulated sugar, the rine the earect is backed by all
two grated nutmegs, two teaspoons
impenetrable wall. No bullet can ga
ground cloves, six teaspoons ground over the top of the (arget, as al)
Cinnamon anci two teaspoons grated bullete that go clean through tie
orange .61. lemon peel. shield "doorway" must strike tie
Put •the above ingredients over the target, and those that do not musi
fire in a preserving kettle and let be intercepted by the shield. Th€.
heat well without boiling. Then add target bears a. "bull" of about hall
four cups canned or preserved cher- an inch, and is °gee' to an 8 inch
ries and two cups currant jam. •Mix hull at ZOO yards. It den be varied
all together and let remain over the to snit other distances, as the ,in
fire five or ten Minutes 'longer. There sight is corrected accordingly. Tin
should be a veryslow fire, or else great advantages of the new verge
have the kettle on the back , part of are its perfect safety, its moderato
the range. If -more salt is needed cost, and the immense value it is te
beside that which was added to the recruits who accustom themeelecd te
water for boiling the meat, it should the weight, hang, pun, report, nee
be added now. lf the mixture is hick of the ordinary- rine, eed ih
not sweet enough., add -more syrup.- ordinary t111111311e1ti011 r_. -,dere bei,/
Dried apples will answer very well taken to the betas,. • .