HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-12-18, Page 1FIFTEENTH YEAR.
OIT T rarcXs.
Men's Black Beaver overcoats, velvet collar, fly fron t,bor Wein
Iumbrella skirt, Italian lined. were $12.01-.1 cut to........... .
Melee Black Beaver over'coarte, velvet collar, fly front, Italian.
lined, sewn with silk and. linen. were $$,60, HOW....... - - - - .......$'lAL
Mern's Blade Beaver overcoats, velvet collars,. fly fronts, good,
linings, sewan with llnean and s lk'were $ti.tiO, now $5.00,
Men's:jrey Cheviot overcoats, $ilk velvet cosset'?, Mohair nand
Italian finings, Talmo poclaete, umbrella takirt, box beck svero
$12.00, cut to ....., ......,............... ........$$0.;ia0.
Nettie Oxford grey overeoa te, velvet co111ir,Tulrtaa poeketai,cnffa
• on sleeves, Raglan :style, were $%W cut to . $8.00.
v v v o r as
'c and Friecoo a3rcaaaita. a.l eta: lir It
fern . i t l
MensCj Y ,
Talmaa pockets, cuffs on sleeve, twilled Italian tieing,
'11..Silk sewlu, were $$.00fox`.
darn tatyle,
ineta and
ien'e Frieze overvoats, Oxford grey. storm tonere, wool fined,
strapa.on hack, linen ssowingaa were $5.520 now.......... ....$aa.00.
Boy's and Youth's Reefer costa rand Perm jacket* in blue and
grey, lend with Metel➢ie sa;teou and stool lining, all at cut prices.
Boy's and:Youth's overcoats in beat clothe, latest $tyles and
lowest prleea.
Our men's ttu to can't be betttenr in prices, our styles taurpaseed.
And no geode are mode better.
We have unlimited private tondo for It..
veetmout upon farm of YUZago property,
lowest rates of Interest,.
Dlcta>iB>a fliers to , gates:.
�RIlhave as large aznonut of rrivate rand* tri
to ton
on t&rteren aknd village Properties at low
Barrister, Main Street Est ter
South half of Lot 3, in the litxh cwneessiou of
the towinibip of Stephen, 60 acre,!. Apply to
St vitertaL. Goatsrr,
Snowflake, Manitoba,
Real Estatoand Insurance Agent
Farms and vilin.o properties bought and sold on
reasonable terms. Several dwelling houses for tale.
Lands in all parts of Manitoba and the North-west
for tato.
Reliable Lady Agents wanted to take orders --for
the best custom made dress skirts and wanking skirts
in Canada. Write quickly.
1)Oa1S105 tlAltttlIST
BOX 9.09. Guelph, Ont.
The underaignedisoffering for sale that desirable
hotel situated at Devon, on the London Road. This
hotel is in good condition, and is 21 miles south of
Exeter. This road is largely travelled and for Lite
right man chances are good for .a splendid business.
There is a good stable in connection also, II acres of
land. Possession given immediately. This property
will be sold cheap. For particulars, apply to
Dicasos & CMauio, Exeter, Out.
Large two•story frame building; ?S acre land, 9
horse power engine and 18 boiler; with all turning
machinery, together with planer, circular saws, bor-
ing machines, emery wheel, band saw, drill, eta,
etc. There is also in connection . a flrrt-class cider
mill and an apparatus for making apple butter by
steam. There is on the premises a number of out.
building?, such as, lumber sheds, horse stable, eta
Everything is in first-class condition and will be sold
cheap -in fiat it is a rare ,bargain. Terms to suit
purchaser. Apply to
A. Cornus, Exeter, Ont.
Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of
the Electors of the Township of Stephen will be
held in the Town hall, Crediton, on Moudcy, Decem-
ber 29th, A. D., 1902, at one o'clock in the afternoon,
for the purpose of Nominating Candidates to re-
present the Township of Stephen,as Reeve and Coun-
cilmen for the year, A.D.1903. And in case a poll is
demanded, polls will bo opened on the alt day of
January, A.D. 1903, in each polling sub -division at
the places fixed by By-La}v of the Township of
Stephen, of which all persons will please take notice
and govern themselves accordingly.
Haxnv Emma, Township Clerk.
Dated at Crediton this 16th day of Dec., A.D. 1002.
County Council Election
County of Huron.
Public notice is hereby ,given that a meeting of
the electors of County Division No. 4, composed of
the municipalities of the townships •of-ilsborne and
Stephen, and the village of Exeter will be. held in
Towa.Hall, Exeter, on Monday, December the 22nd,
1902, at the hour of 1 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of
nominating candidates to represent them in, the
Council of the County of Huron for the years.` 1903
and. 1904, and that in case' a poll is demanded, polls
will be opened on the 6th day of January, 1903, in
each polling subdivision at the time and place fixed
by By.Law of the municipalities in the said County
Geo H. Biases?,
Nominatingg. Officer for County
CDeouncil,bDiv1902.. No. 4
' Dated this 10th day of cemer,
of Mr, E,.. Stone!
To the value of,. English Stock Food.
This is to certify that -I have fed Eng-
lish Stock Food to a horse that was
frequently subject to colic. Since us-
ing English Stock Food the animal
has not had another attack. ' I have
also used itfor other stock and for
fowls with most satisfactory result. I
P stronglyrecotnmeud' it to all stock
t' raisers. It is the cheapest and best
stock food I have ever used. Price 14
pounds for $1.
E. Stone, Usborne.
Office hours 9 to 10 a:ma, 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 p.m.
Telephone communication with main' office in Lucan
l4irs. Paull% President of the W.O.
visited the different unions in
County during the week. She gave .
talk to the Mission Societies of Wes.
ley and Ontario street churches at
Mrs. W. Harland'ts, Clinton, on. Wed-
netiLty.-Ourr merchants afro making
greet preparations for the Christmas
trade. -Mr. John Beuder,of this place,
was united in tnarrial Ye to Miss s, Tnriaa.
onlydaughter cif Mr. W.B. Battler, of
?:oriel]. The nuptial knot was tied by
Rev,. W. 3. lager, in the presence of
alma ninety -flue guests, Thepresents
were numerous and costly. Your coo,
respondent .joins with their many
friends in walling thein plug life and
PRETTY WEDI)INc;,--A very inter-
esting and happy event took place on
Wednesday, Dec, 10, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Monteith, Thames
Road, when their ciatghtet, Marion,
was married to Mr. Andrew Campbell,
a prosperous young farmer of Logantownship. The ceremony wasperform-
ed by the Rev. C. Fletcher in the pies•
ence of about 120 invited guests. Tito
bride wore a dainty gown of white
bengaline, and was assisted by her sis-
ter, Miss Ella, who was also attired in
a beautiful gown of white organdie.
The groom was assisted by his brother,
Mr. Wilfrideampbell. The marriage
ceremony over and the usual congrat-
ulations all repaired to the dining
room, where a sumptuous repast was
served. The evening was spent in
dancing. music, etc., after which the
happy couple drove to their new home
in Logan, followed by the best wishes
of a host of friends who wish them
every prosperity and many • years of
happiness. The host of valuable pres-
ents received attest to the popular-
ity of the happy ones.
O. Dallis, who has been road master
of the L.H. & B. for twenty-seven
years has resigned and will retire. He
proposes residing - in Wingham.-A
few days ago while Master Mel. Stone-
man was playing at the station, he fell
off the platform, striking the ground
with such force as to render him in-
capable of walking home. •Ile has al-
most recovered. -The annual Thank -
Offering of the Mission Band was held
on Saturday. A missionary exercise
in costnme was a feature of the pro-
gram and was indeed interesting
The anneal Thank -Offering of the tiV
F.1vi.S.,was held on Thursday evening.
Addresses were delivered by Rev. R.
J. M, Glassford, of Guelph and Rev. R.
Granston, of Cromarty. -Mr. J. Willis,
who has been in London taking X rays
treatment arrivedhome last week.
He is much' better, though mending
very slowly. Should he continue to
improve he may after some time re-
gain hos wonted health. -Miss Howalt.
has accepted a position.in Toronto and
left for that city a few days ago. --We
are pleased to learn that Rev.' Medd is
getting along nicely and is: expected
home in a few days. ---Miss McLauchlan
and Miss McDonald, - of Parkhill, are
spending the winter here. -J. Steacy
and wife and Mrs. W. Ohapntan, Sr.,
visited friends and relatives in Guelph
for a few days during the week: -Mr.
'Wm. Buchanan, and son, Hugh, and
M"r. Geo. Dickattended the fat stock
show at Guelph last week. -The sacra-
ment of the Lord's sapper will be dis-
pensed in Carmel church ou Sabbath
morning, Dec. 21. -Mr. R. Twitchell is
recovering from his recent accident.-
Mr. Geo. C. Petty was in Goderich
last week as -a, grand juryman. -Mrs.
M. Ellwood spent a fewclays in Exe-
ter during the week.-Sfr. A. McMor-
ran was visiting friends in Illinois last
week. -Mr. John Knox, of Auburn,
was in town last week. -The officers
and some members of Zurich Lodge,.
A. F. & A. M. went to Stratford on
Wednesday, to attend lodge of instruc-
tion and conferring degrees. Among
those who attended were Bros, Cook,
Campbell;' Sellery, Ellwood, Robin so.
and Scruten.
Biddulplt Winchelsea
DEkTer.--The death occurred on Fri. Mfrs. Thos, Dtardle's mother and sis-
day last at the residence of her daugh- I ter of Wallacetown, are visiting their
ter, Mrs. Alex. Henry, near Denfield, data iter ;and sister here.
of Mrs Tane .Hodgins, relict of the Lite Wrirmen.-A very pretty wedding
Adam .11odgins. Deceased had not § Wel.9 solemnized at the residence of Mr.
been in the best of health for menthe, iThee. Whits, on Tuesday afternoon of
hut nothing serious developed until this weep, when his yourest (laugh
three weeks ago, when gangrene set in ter, Mors Nellie, was united in ties of
her feet, Newell caused her death. The welled; ; to Ur. Wm. Elliott, a prosper-
late erre IIotlgins was es years of age, 'net young farmer of Blartshard. The
and had beep as resident of this town—ceremony was performed by the Rev.
ship for over half al, century and was •C: Fletcher, Thames Road. at four
much respected and esteemed for her ao'clock. lTtae bride was gownedin a
good qualities. She leaves to mourn ; hrtratlsonae dress of white and eatried a>.
er demise seven daughters and four i heautifid bouquet, of chrysanthemums
sons, who have the deepest sympathy end was etteeded by her sister. Miss
of the community nity in the lo=s they have May White, who was also handsomely
eustaine+d in the deatix >tl? a loving attired on aasinailatrdress. The groom
another. The funeral was held on Bran- : wit3 suppf,rted by ?dr. Nelson venison,
tlicy afternoon to Chendelaoy;•. and was of the ; all line, Blanshaud. The bride
one of the most largely attended ever ` who was given away by her father,
held in Bialdanlplr. Rev. O. Aic aaillin, entered the parlor to the Welltifnl
of C'landeboye, assisted by Rev. Mr. etrarint of music played by Miss Elia
Tharnnas, of Lucent rondnctett the fun- C,Cerium, After the knot watsseeettrely
eral services. tied, the couple. together with the
guests, to the number cif obtain fifty
sat dawn to pnt•taakts of the weeding
Britlttley. te.i't which was it credit to thos=e who
plana railed will he nod itt' sola ea ; peiislaled it. The remainder of the ev-
dill church. on Thursday. Dec. 13th. :ening waas .•pent in the usual games,
A, good time iii expect. to+nle ono arid d+aneitag, rete. The array of presents
held their MURI;IA 'Was sine ly grand, among which were
all. -The Maccabees P .
supper on Friday evening, in the Town anaunnber of costly articles. thus testi-
Hall. West McGillivray, and all en- fyfin,g to the esteem in which the bride !;
loped. themselves,• -Our popular trach. ` is held. The happy couple halve the
er, Mr, Martin, will hold:tit entertain-,' hest wielres of all for their future hap-
tnent in the school here, on Tracy. Inner-aaaad prosperity.
Dee.1Jth. IA't ever.- one attend as it
promisee to be good. Me. and Mr .
Oscar Gilbert was in Exeter Tnewdaty.
Mereur'y dropped L'll deg�rreeesbelow
zero here art Saturday night.--Met.sw.
Levi 'White and Jas. S.entt bin t gone.
to Oriavenbur t. Mnekokat, where they
intend working; In the lumber *slurp. --
Mr. Wm. Treiethick still continue('
a inted
R l t
' 1 s if'2R
It. , �
cel rick h
I � Tee
*gent for #las, lucnla fittel R i
=.%Ifrii'tl Stott has gone to Anna Craig
where he will le. -ern the bermes mak-
ing with A.S. Olitrk.-.& number from
hemi took in the concert alt Mita end
on Saturday night and report a g
thee.=-Illit:s May Sceliepcnt a a few days
rat AiISR Craig last week.
ACCIDENTS. -D1111. Watson slipped
and sprained her ankle the other day.
We are pleased to state that she Inset-
sget-ting along nicely. -Mn T. Canning grit
his foot caught in a< sleigh at the saw
mill one day last week. -Mr. H. Blore,
while threshing one dray last week,
had the misfortune to get his right
hand entangled in tbe rutting box.
talking two of his lingers oft. -Air. S., doles dressed tI fur alae t'neistnnas £roti•
Watson, while tllresbiulr at. 'J'fr. jos. days.=Mr.Walter Clark has olai "San-
ta Ohms" in his window surrounded
With e• vergreenta, candies. nuts and
everything else which the good old
Santa uses to cheer the lives of the
little ones at t'fttistru as.--f'ouncil
nleeting was held in the Town Ball
last Monday. Areat deatl of busi-
ness was tralisactepd. The municipal
pot willsoon begin to boil. No doubtthere will be as number of candidates
for Reeve and. Councillors.
evening, the 10th inst., the pupils of
our public school will give an enter-
teinment in the Town Hall. The pro-
gram will consist of solos, recitations,
dialogues, drills, etc. Let every body
come. For more particulars see bills.
Xeres. FnsTKVAL.-The choir and
Sunday school of the Evangelical
church will have their annual Christ -
arras Festival in the church on Christ-
mas eve., Dee..24th, at 8 p.m. An ap-
propriate program has been prepared
and we feel satisfied that it will be a
success. An admission fee of I;ie. and
10c. will be taken at the door. Every
person welcome.
IsTt'.NUI'i,\. ia,- A.. alenterly L'/^.',`QCs fd.
ll.aNtr. C:.eg.O ��srt^,.7'. :this. t'2$litga1:'zr.
lei:me to+l4 — t ear. (t a
Me .5rr, Jnta. Herr, Ileo. IIvrtacei.jrio..
0. Wein and Win. 11, Mut➢.tel. have
returned from Ooderich, where they
have been acting tie Mary inert.- alio
MIS are feeling happpy, on account of
the conal famine+. They are kept laatsy
bringing wood to taw n,aand;u'e receiv-
ing t'lIMaa $# to $a per cord for their
wood. Lecky is the man who has his
coal bin i:l➢ed.--We understand the
flax twill strike bits leen settled. The
workmen receiving $1.20 per day ill.
stead or 81.)0 as formerly. V r k in
the milt will be conaaneneed this week.
Mk.s Clara Heist is on the sick list.
Her many friends trust she will have a
speedy recovery.- - t number of our
tz )cart€i titok In the shouting not ateli at.
Belch on «ednesdn .-.-ear nier-
clrants care presenting their customers
with handsome IItE5 caalendera.--Most
of Our business putt rte have their win.
Amos, got his thumb flail torn oft
Mr. "tt . H. Hoffman liin8 recovered
from Iter recent illness. -Miss Therese
A..t, who has been ill at the hospit-
al in London, !tats returned !rotor again
and isgetting along nicely- We are
pleasto see her back again.• -The
many friends of Father Valentine will
learn with regret that he is not improv-
ing in health, but is gradually growing
weaker. lite is still at London. -Mr.
James Ilagaan,Se.,haspurchased twen-
ty-five acres of land in the big swamp,
just east of Mr. 1'. Laamont's lot. The
land in tbe swamp is being.rapidly ta-
ken up. -Much sympathy is extended
to Messrs. J. A. and R. A. Williams,
in the loss they have sustained in the
death of their mother, which sad event
occurred in Quebec last week. They
.attended the funeral there last week.
A. shooting match was held at the
Dominion House on Wednesday. -
Messrs. Sohn and Conrad Fuss, attend-
ed the funeral of their sister, Caroline,
at Adrian, Mich., last week. Deceased
was a former resident of this place and
was highly respected, and her many
friends will be sorry to hear of her
death.-Afarewell party was given 'to
Miss Handford, on Wednesday even-
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Preeter. Miss Handford left for her
home in Exeter Thursday. -Miss Ella
Rennie spent a few days at Dashwood
during the week. -Mr. Joseph Zettel
has been quite ill for some time and is
not progressing very rapidly. -The
good sleighing ;of the past few days
has made things quite lively and wood
is being brought to town in large mien -
titles. -Mr. Henry W:alper, of the Bron-
son line, bad the misfortune to lose a
valuable horse a few days ago, which
he recently purchased. -Messrs. Fred.
Hess and Jacob Deichert have purchas-
ed 20 acres of bush from the Rohner
boys, on the Bronson line. Mr. W.
H. Bender has taken the contract to
cut it into logs and cord wood and has
a gang of men at work. -Mr. C. Hart-
leib has the contract for puttin a
furnace into the Evangelical parson-
DIED IN MIcinoix.-Word was re-
ceived here by friends, announcing the
death of Mise Myrtle Hardy, second
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon
Hardy, of Carsonville, Mich., formerly
residents of this.' places Myrtle had
not been in good -health for a number
of years,'but it was hoped, that •owing
to her''yonth,: she might regain her
strength; but all that could be done
for'her proved of no avail. The par-
ents and family have' the sincere sym
pathy Of, their many friends in and.
a around Zurich, in their affliction.
PRETTY WEDDING.=A pretty home
wedding took place on -Wednesday,
evening, Dec. 10, at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Battler, when
their only daughter, Miss Maria, was
united in marriage to Mr. John Ben-
der, of Dashwood. The ceremony.
which was witnessed by about ninety-
five guests, was performed by the Rev,
W. J. Yager, at six o'clock p.m. The
bride was becomingly attired in a
beautiful costume and indeed looked
charming. As she is a very popular
and an estimable young .lady she will
be much missed here. The presents
received by the young couple made 'a
magnificent array, which go to show
how much they are respected and es-
teemed by their host of friends. We
all join in wishing thein all possible
happiness and prosperity inthe future. ple every happiness.
To -day, DECEMBER 1 l tb, we commence
our Clearing Sale of Dry Goods, Clothing Boots,
and Shoes, Crockery*, Hardware, Etc. Our pres-
ent lease llama expired we shall be compelled to
clear out the above lines at once.
All goods Will be marked clown
AT and LO _... COST.
Dream -Mrs. Peter ;U{c(ira ger pass.
ea ss
ell on lire, ,r, after an illness of
nearly two years. *luring MINI time
She was at great sufferer. l+let through
it 111 she was sustained by the canly
power which can enstain army one in
the great triaalsat this 1'afe. 1)eeeat ed
was a daughter of the late John stat-
tcnbauv. and was born in the village
fully half as century ago. being in the
32nd year of her net* at the time of leer
death. While quite voting rhe was
married tit Mr. Peter McGregor, who
with an only slaughter, The. Ban
gius, mnarn over their great loss. She
was a consistent member of the Pres•
byteriarn church and was touch inter-
ested in missions,, having,r idled the of-
fice of treasurer of the Ilrucefield W.
F.M.S. for twenty years. She will be
lunch missed in her home. the ehurcb
and the community. The funeral took
place on \lon'laay to Baaird's cemetery,
the keel*. Mr. Sawyer officiating.
As; ESrnatne CE. -Mr. names Rap-
son, of the 10th concession, has had
quite an experience. For months he
has been in poor health and the doc-
tors were unable to effect a cure. They
supposed the trouble was due to an at-
tack of blood poison front which he
suffered last spring, but this diagnose
Mr. Rapson proved to be incorrect by
vomiting at live lizard a few days ago,
Almost instant relief followed and he
has since felt like n new man.
DEA'ra.-We are sorry to announce
the death of the wife of Mr. Harvey
Jackson, con. 9, which sad event oc-
icurred on Tuesday. Deceased had been
suffering from lung trouble and her
death was not altogether unexpected.
She was formerly a Miss Hancock, of
Port Hope, a member of the Metho-
dist church, and a most estimable
young woman. She had only attained
the age of 25 years and 4 months, and
her death will be greatly regretted
here. She leaves a sorrow stricken
husband behind to mourn the loss of a
loving wife. That Mr. Jackson has the
sympathy . of his many friends goes
without saying.
MtRRIED.-A very pretty wedding
took place on Wednesday, Nov. 10, at
the residence of Mrs. Christopher Dale,
where her. daughter, Mess Rosa A.,
was united in marriage to Mr. Wm.,H.
Knorr, a prosperous young farmerof
this township. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Dean Hodgins, of
Seaforth, and was witnessed by a good-
ly number'' of friends of the young
couple. The ceremony and congratu-
lations over, a sumptuous repast was
served which was fully appreciated by
all. • A few hours were then spent in a
social manner before the youngcouple
took their departure for their comfor-
table home, where they will commence
the sterner realities of life. Their host
of friends will unite with us in extend-
ing to thane the heartiest congratula-
tions and in wishing them the great-
est measure of happinessand prosper-
ity in theirnew relation. -Another
event which causes two hearts to beat
as one transpired at the manse, Blyth,
on Wednesday, Dec. 10, when Miss
Bessie, daughter of Mr. David Pipe, of
Morris, was united in marriage to Mr.
Robert Young, of this township. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
A. McLean. We wish the young cou-
St. Joseph
Mr. E. Reeignetil removed from the
Qneetes hotel, on Monday, of this
but we hani a not learned who
hissuecescor Is to bee -Mr. 1). Smith
is vision; friends in Ha ntourg this
week. -:hiss FIo MacLeod has resign-
ed her position of Id. 8. No. 11, Huy.
We erre sorry to lose Miss Mae eod,
but such is life.- Mr. Leon Jeltroy
moved here tide week from the fame
he recently sold to the St. Joseph Cu.
We welcome :ala: Jeffioy to our midst.
-Mr. N. M. t'untine bpent several
days in Lundon on lousiness last week.
Luean 1,
Messrs, W. F. Ilawkshaw and Tho4
Armitage acted as jurymen on the Dli-1,
centime assizes heli in CYodertch last
week.. -Mr. Jno. Rollins, of Plattsville,
spent a few days in town last week,
he also attended the wedding of his
brother on '.Veduosday.-Business bus
certainly been booming in the villagt,
during the past week, owing to the
good sleighing. The Church of Eng-
land Sunday school of the Orange
lI)Q1, (on. 3, Biddulph, intends holding
a Christmas tree on the evening of
Dec. 23rd.-Mrs.Brumwell is recover-
ing from her illness. -The annual elec-
tion of officers of C.O.O,F. will be held
on Friday evening, Dee. 10, followed
by an oyster supper. -Mr. L. Howard,
who has been in the employ of Mr.
George Bass den since last spring, has
returned to his home in Exeter. --The
annual Christmas entertainment in
connection with the Presbyterian
church, will be held in the church on.
Tuesday evening, Dec.23rd.-MissJos-
ie Simpson is visiting friends in Lon-
don. -Much sympathy is extended to
ilir. Jas. Park in the sad bereavement
which betel hint in the death of his
wife, which sad event occurred at her
home in London on Sunday, at the age
of 26 years. The funeral took place on
Tuesday last to the Mount Pleas-
ant cemetery and was largely 'attend -
Stephen Council
The council of the township of Step-
hen convened in the Town liaall, Cied-
lton, on Monday, December lath, at
10 a.m. All present. Minetes of prev-
ious tonin read and approved. An-
derson -We )b --that the sum of 8100
be set aside from the township funds
for the use of the Board of Health of
the Township of Stephen. -Carried..
Anderson -Yearly -that Mr. Gottleih
Brown, Collector of taxes, is hereby
instructed and authorized to continue
the levy and collection of the unpaid 1
taxes in the manner and with the pow-
er provided by the by-law for the gen-
eral levy and collection of taxes. -Car -
Died. Orders to the amount of $1103.07
were passed by the council. A detail-
statement will appear in the Treas-
urer's report. -Council adjourned for
nomination on Monday, Dec. 20, at
one o'clock p.m.
H. EILBER, Olerk.
DE ATaa: Tt is.our painful duty this
week to report the death of a well-
known and highly respected resident
of our community,in the person of Mr.
William Johnston, who was suddenly
called away on Sunday. Throughout
life he had been the picture of health
and strength until very recently, when
he complained of weakness of his heart
nothing serious, however, being ex-
pected. On that day be arose as usual
and after dinner sat down to rend but
not for long. • The fatal spell came and
he dropped to the floor. The doctor,
who chanced to be passing, was called
in but life was extinct. The deceased
was iu his 66th year and was one of
the pioneers of the settlement. He
leaves behind a widow, two sons and
four daughters, to mouru the loss of a
loving husband and a kind and affec-
tionate father. His remains were in-
terred in the Bayfield cemetery on
Sunday, whither they were followed
by a large concourse of friends. The
family have the deepest sympathy of
the entire community.
ed. Mr. Parks has been engaged here
for some time, and was called home
last week owing to her illness. -Mr. G.
B. Patrick, of llderton, has taken up
his residence in town. We weltome
him to our midst. Miss Rebecca Pat-
rick, formerly of Montreal, will also
reside here. -Mr. Fred B. Holtby, of
ltlitchell, has been appointed manager
of the Merchants Bank here to succeed
Mr. Campbell. Mr. Holtby comes high-
ly recommended.
PRETTY WEDDING. -The residence
of Mr. J. H. Hodgins was the scene of
a happy and pleasing event on Wed-
nesday. Dec. 10th, it being the mar-
riage of his daughter, Miss Bella, to
Mr. Wellington Rollins. The inter-
esting ceremony was performed by the
Rev. H. A. Thomas, in the presence of
a number of invited guests. After the
ceremony over and congratulations ex-
tended to the happy couple all sat
down to a sumptuous repast, which
did justice to the occasion. The bride
was handsomely attired and looked
very bewitchiug-indeed. To gaze at
the magnificent array of presents one
would at once kuow that the young
couple were highly esteemed and very
popular among their many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Rollins left ou a the 3.36
train for Orangeville. The best wishes
of all.areextended to them for their •
future happiness.
At the last. -regular meeting of L. O.
Lodge, 217, held Friday night, the fol-
lowing officers were elected for the
ensuing year: -R. Hutchinson,Master;
C. Ourtz, Deputy Master; A. Morish,
Recording Sec.; Jas. Wallace, Finan-
cial Sec.; Sand. Webb Chaplain; Jas. I.
McPhersbu, Treasurer; H. Belling, 1st
Committeeman; I3: Gill, 2nd .Commit-
teeman;l.. P. Mash, 3rd Committee-
man; J. Hodgins, 4th Committeeman;
Herb. Sherritt, 5th Committeeman;.
Brophey, Director of Committees. -
Miss M. Upshall has been re-engaged
to teach in school No. 14, McGillivray,
and Miss P. H. Tufts in S. S. No.—
Stephen, for 1903. -Mr. and Mrs. C.
Wilson took their little boy, Herman,
to Victoria Hospital last week . for
treatment. He would not be parted
from his mother so she is stoping and
taking care of him, T hey expect it
will take abouta month' to cure `biter.
-Miss Alice Wilson and her aunt
Mary E. Wilson, went to London last
week to visit,W. A. Wilson and other
friends. -The Boston Methodist Sun-
day school are to have Rev. Thos. Wil-
son, lecturer, and lime light views, in
place of their Xmas. tree, Christmas
Don't Wake
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