HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-12-11, Page 8YOU GAN HAVE A WARM TIME, A11 winter in one of am- an's salts and overcoats, Never a better line of real good ones. Never a better line of moderate priced ones. Never a better line of low priced ones. Then there is this certainty: if yon buy a suit and over- coat of me you get as good oneas the Flee you pay can buy and if the At and workmanship don't prove satisfactory you get your money back. PRICESGO FROM $12-00 W WANT 1-011.1t CLOTHING TRADE. I. New its all in and ready f Ladies' natnral wool health under- The biggest stock a far coats for Xmas. At Stewart's.. wear. the Itind that don't shrink. big men, little men; big women and , , ., All sizes a Stewart's, little women at Stewart's,. Ur, J. W, Watson, of London„ will eessee-e , 15th tet the 19th of December for the Brooce Lose Teo Brooch, containing a number of Rey, Gifford, of Oliuton will preach Pulpits. be at the Mansion Idolise,. Exeter from purpose of oisteanizhe' a Dancing °lass, brilliants. Finder will be saitable re missionary sermons in the Main street e warded by leaving stone at Vale office. Methodist church, ou Sunday next.- rp-to-ditte dancee taught. ' 1 A writer in an exchange claims that a cloth saturated in torpentine and hung near sleeping children a icted with whooplog cough effeet aSpeedy cure. It is a Olean remedy and worth trying. citoopeetels, Having decided to dispose ef my en- tire stock, consisting of Fauey Goode, Millinery. Underwear dee, I will sell at nod below cost. Come early, MISS Hootee, speciat meothigi. Q. F. Miss -tuna Martin, attending A special meethr• of eoart a, F.,. the model school at Goderich, has F t 1. Cid Rev. J. W. Ten Eyek:, whd has beeu io Ilaroilten the past six week, where he was called owing to the illness and , subsequent death of his brother, will lig Cog oecupy hie pulpit in the Trivitt 31e,tee * piliogi oriel elturch on Sunday net -Rev. - C. W. Brown, .A., will Preach in, James street church on Sunday. Dowilt Eltilicrttt l'tleGrggot. been engaged to teach In the NI Room 'Oa nee 12th. for the 1,01,4 After a prolonged illness, Mr, Dun - chasm public school for the coming ibitieteee, emendates awe tneteatee , eau McGregor, who has beep residing' season, her duties to commence :After , e , mg o tea tumuli tiint businees, with ids daughter. -NI's- Geo. Matson. ' the Christmas holidays. members are requested to a ttend. Dr. and Mrs. Ihronon intend giving °Igo. A..xpt-atsos, See'.y. a an ',At, Home" to be held in the base- u must* in couilait went or the Janles street elwve14' ')" Rev. W. J. Waddell. of S. John, " Wednesday evening. Dec_ 1,7th, All a, circuit, formerly of Ennui -111e, receiv- the Yontnn Peorde of tbe church anu. etl an invitation to become the pastor League are cordially invited to be Pre$- of the uethedist ehneeh at yaie,mieb. 'etit, but when the matter was considered Alas for the ingratitude a lemons by the official board a St.John eireoit ityl The local newspaper regularly they unahrinously requested hint to awl persistently urge the people to 'remain with them and as an evidence porch:A.5e ontoeds from the home otee" 'of :Appreciation increesed the selary chant, While in several instances these tee$etto pee year. ease woessee bas merehauts write theie letters !decided to renesese et se Jobe. d make out their acconnts ou sto^ se/0 or work. tionivey pnrehased fin the eitiean the, Tbe Guild of the Trivitt Me- prodoct of labor which never rethrss mores' elinercis will hold sue of worh, one ittrthing to the Merchant. consisting of fancy andedomestic The following oftleers of fleleinon 'ticute, et ttse sehoot seam tra Friday front tune to time for several years, passed to his eternal rest on Toe.tday evening, last, Mr. .dfcGregor had been in declining health for some time and a, short time ago entered the St, Thom- as Hospital for treatment, bot his al. ready enfeebled. constitution, coupled with theinfirmities of old age, were against hie recovey. consecmently it agorded no relief and gradually grow- ing weaker the vital Cord. Was snapped Tuesday. The deceased was a former resident of Port Hope and was highly respected by all whe knew him. He was aged 83 years and months. His remains will be taken to Ridgetown this morning (Thursday) for burial. MichWAtt. The eed intelligence of the death of Emma Valman, beloved. wife of James XT W TAMAN 11-75, t • • • • Dee. 12th, commenemg at 7 (Mock. Nilbon. veil here on Tuesday • we)). in Stratford yesterday t Wattles- zAhtur heatrafiti and 41-sef".1 intieles ‘t, The aereeecitesled d b een su ermg Merehain `..entior, Exeter, 'llaYA assisting? the d.egtee ittt 'have been prepareq floe the re? sir 1 from cancer of the liver for some time, the Lodge of ustritetion, von:- • • 4iudi a good time %vet nn,d't„' ;00P-,- but her case w•ts not considered seri- "ire4.1;;PR.M1.0=4.0....."""''6" Vitain", (.4 Sanders Dr. Antos, ;Or. Refreehnients will be serveu 1 I t i. J. I -Immo. A. Stewart and 117. music fornished by the Davidson or- he took, a, torn for the worse nee * us lint; it niti sot Weeks ago wLwn -Tire.- 1T:toilet/. This' Is a Oritilesege whieh„ elteetra. A. freeswill offering will be . . 'speztes mucit for Lebanon vorest anti totett at the door. gridually insiiniSsed away on the igit ail& a 1 ern will do theniselves credit on the i ;Ito eet Dell cor;eert e 0. wive ;ivory isith het hits*hard for 5onie, yeott,, it,In tiny n above date, at, her borne in Niirtii- 11 • . fl[la al we have no doubt bin that the twat. Th latficii concert branch, Mich. where she has resided h Decagon. MAD OFFIM TOReenti oFFICF,4 moyriar.u. Capital annthoa $2,0911,030.4 Capital pakl .. .. CREDITOR au Savings Departnto en, triaMigt At( r•,,,! •-• 1:1,;) ‘; " ' niet teen* well performed, pleasing entertainment in Gidley's Mrs. Mahon WaS a daughter of the Theeis only one way to advertise Opera, lionete on Friday night last. late Thos. Heiman, or usborne, where and that is to hammer y,our "Itue' under the auspices or the /lecke)* she was well-known and highly res. your so constantuY, Per- elarb, The attendance was only fair, pected for her good qualities. tibe 16telltb% t11"43"04." t"til Pe°' but the Program was etweosliniglY was 58 yearsof age, The remains will pws 4 that if they walked in their good. The recitations by .5/iss La Dell be brought here by train this morning L sleep they woidd constantly turn Iteeds1 were entlinsiasticallv encored on her iThurslay) and the foneral will take I to your store. Tile newepeper entur every appearance., The are good place fr001 the depot. to the Exeter best friend in spite of your criticism. taste displayed in her -choice of seter- cemetery. The bereaved yelativcs ETERIt lielns to linkati UP .Toa.vonmputt.1.. 'elms coupled viltikhet clevereloentiou hew the sympathy of thew teeny whohsvpu Yon. IN nen the riaY and power of unnucry made her a fax- Mends. conies that the newspapers are dead mite, The singing Ity Teres3 A, n, ne, et, Elecentsicees. the nroole ;UV IrrecAr the ttdite of the Flanagan was olin bigh older* She ts At the last molar meeting of. Leh. melee, with not one to WIC atO thew passeseeO of a strong.. t;wevt evict: blown Forest Lodge No. MI, A.F.A.M. Wanantaker. The piano solo by Miss 5fartin was I hem mmtday night. the following of, .11 received ailed her parts as accom- seers were eterted for the incoming The, hills of the TWIG' Nietrorillan ›"". ••'W.r,74`...' 1?.214i; are very bilirliki4.13,4144:" rd 41 IA51. -oyear, vizi W. M, Bro. L„ B. Bich. fully engraved. The denominations rsary. soW n; S. ., Bro. T., A. Amos; J. W., I are Ave, ten. :49. 44 and Ittk The chief The seventh annivels;aryof the Main 1 lho. II. N. Anderson: Treas., Bros. B. , design on the face of the note ale two street Methodist rhumb, was held on S. O'Neil; Chap.. 13ro. O. A. K. .11c- '" 4 female flames retlirdogin !lowing nnilay and 51tinday. the 71h and Rh Lead; t-lee'y. Bro. C. H. Sander. A r i ;Aces and eptenenting indust:-' and iust.The Ittev. liktard Hobbs, of epeeial Weenie of the meeting was a lituallare. Between them is a cupid ngunne and forum ov a jilGiOr Itils. ii -Wt. WWI V. Won, Bro. M. Eacrett, of 0 oprto-enting a young country. and tor of thiSehargelpreacned both morns Brantford, an honorary member of '11"'i1ing. two lights, lighting i, lioth ing and evening- 3ilt Hold* has lost the Lodge, being his first visit since estesT figiyes. The we of the note is tint- none of his youthful itaivity as a e left town, over four ymrs ;Igo. eat in olore of old roset with a snsges• Preacher- Large audienees at both Bra. Haerett is one of the most en. tion elimndate. Tile reverse sale is services were held spellbound by his thusiastie 314,110nS 10 Canada, and his in green. showing the royal arms and elutinonee, peculiarly his own. The presence was indeed much appreciat- 'etty filigree work. owl siIPPer on MondaV evening was ed. Dining the evening Bro. Eaerett n all respects up to t)ie suppers for presented the Lodge with a very an - The Turrimto Telegram of a recent to waucti the ladies of Maim street ine omit document, being the certdicate contains the following: -"James • f mom se,r went oot to noted- In addition to the tatiMer and of membership to his mother Lodge in • ' sreeehes front Revas. Mardi), IL dated NM Thos it win be READ 11W.4E, MONTI:MU. anit0bn, whore the harve4t, truly i en,h,,,„„1 TI, u„„„„„ In.4„,,p,„,„ /4„1, seen nett Deo Barrett is nifi old .Mason, e plentiful.. He red.thence‘d Tr. yrikarlde fire.."4 -freao%.--e-TiVg-s'o-n-1-0' -tre7eVlia over net -ears a memher, - alter bringing In we • ue, '4.4.4 4 4 solos, She NV,ILS encored again and cootwit orogecotozs, last night he found himself in Toron. again. The spiritual and swat). enter- , ,- Capital Paid Up 6,000,000 to wit% four tens and a live in his .1.=Vinrailtit of silk nrirar.,0,..,,,,- ,ro.. o. ,. ( °until met pursuant to adjourn - Rost - - . 2,70E000 pileket,. besidt s a gall watch and 0 -o -a 10' i'li-,m-i., ot ft°h°eT)a-s-t,"itn'ti'eht."itlysitosItey" client in Tor llalkien Dt ee. ii. Absent, ehain. There being an abundance of I tratol t ti. 11 weather, B4-,ery, of Iruron. swallowed 4113"; ebureb' O. r1,,aceralt of itirrg- CinTeutlicolgibil•teadaivuliqa e-onliAtulneect 13.:Ike Sp' (Al! F4,-r.a li, e 9,1T'1,/, r1.1€.14''ai '':i liquids to obtain that Iv:moth which r! ,-.• s cum, Inam,„ were t sapro u (4 In not being able to attend th s success- tion signed by a umnber of residents ezinz,, ;4;4 c 4'4.. all 114 p.:•.it na ,typ•oi ) .41 ab"A I. Nt.4 deehre is trztnsitoey 'of lint,on street, asking An' 1111 electric r .;,3 11. v.., ft*Glit fa I 4" a • it antuverzary, isqttt.4 to travtllers 41 the hearing of the Pollee Ma isttato J°21;-*Yell°w* track, Was presented end on motion of ",,!"4.-r theriliore in no way lieneficiel. In light, to be plaCed near the railway ail u-' th u 1 . V ety pretty wedding took place on J. Wood, seconded by W. Harding, Wednesday, Dee. 3rd, at the home of the requeet of the petitioners was Mr. and Mrs. Elijah dory, of the 2nd granted, Mr. Snell to he notified lie - concession, Stephen, when their fourth cordi ngly. -Carried. Muir -Wood- dito*ter,"Miss Lucy M., MIS united in 'that the following persons be appoint - marriage to Mr. Joseph S. Yellow, ed Deputy Returning Officers in the youngest son of Mr. Thos. Yellow, of following named polling snb-divisionsa 'this place. The eereumny was per- J. T. Westcol,t, at No. 1; Wm. Weekes,, formed by the bride's uncle, Rev. ,Ntr. No. 2; E. S. Howard, No.81 G. IL Bisset t, liestie, of Stilton. The bride was beau-, No. 4. --Carried. Harding -Muir - Wally attired in a slate belayed skirt &hat the following accounts be passed and a fancy blue silk waist4 with white and ,orders drawn on Treasurer for silk and pearl trimmings. The bride same: -J. W. Dennis, account, 8a25; entered the parlor, leaning on the arm 'J'. T. WiSsteott. tenant officer, $1,01 P. of her brother, while the wedding R. Knight, coal oil, north end fire halle march Was beiug played by Mr. H. 18en Hegh Spackman, accounts $1.35; Shapton. After the ceremony was Jamee Willis, lumber, $8,77; George performed and the happy young map. Anderson, 'firemen, salary, .$210; H. E. le had been warmly congratulated by Huston, insurance, $1.50; E. Hunt la - about fifty guests,which were present, bon $2; Thos. Welsh,"do., $0.31; Alf. they then niade a move for the dining Taylor, do., 62c.; Wtn. Anderson„ do., room where a sumptuous dinner was $3:45; Thos. Flynn, dose $7.50; G. AL - spread. After all had done justice to kinson, do., $1; J. Gillespie, do., $1; the good things provided, the remaind- W. Westcott, do.. $1.50; D. Rumohn er of the evening was Spent in various do. e $1; Fred HatAshaw, $1.00; Rich. games, music, etc. The happy couple Davis, $1.50; Geo. Ford, part payment drove to their residence ou Andrew on gravel, $500eW. 3. Bissett, part sal - street, followed by showersof rice. ary, $85; Tremuine & SnelJ, electric The presents, which were munerons light, $89.60, less $63.00 for water. - and costly, go to show the high esteem -Carried. Wood -Harding -that the in which the young couple are held. 14thtof December, being Sunday, the The ADVOCATE jOilis with their host time for paying taxes be extended to months on o, prospecting tour with a of friends in wishing them a life of Dec. 15.-Oarried. Woods -Harding Tuns thisram, zit F.D141N. rrur lioNscars4Contplsmsrar,a, CREDITON, ONT. W.8. CHISHOLM, Manager. wzrov.-„rim-a!,:to-ootafaeloovi-graeot LOCAL DOING -S today he swore that John . unbolt and Albert Colby highway robbed him, taking his watch gtud chain and his $111' The men were convicted, but the wealth wns not ree0Ver ed. The following figneee, taken from the annualreport of the Postmaster - General, gives the amounts paid for catrying the mail from the different poet offices in the countrs' to the rail- way stations. The contracts for this work are let by tenders, and form an Interesting compArison: Blyth and loacko=leacesestaosemettetav station, half mile, 21 times a week, $17128 a year. Brussels and railway ...1C.........MCW31...3tilealY 1 New pleid silk for swell shirt [station, :half mile, 12 eimes a week, wallet-. Illi -fre lovely at Steirares. Kane a year. Clinton and station, gnarter rile, 42 times a week, $147.87 -------------..-.. Queen ,voity shoes for meas. at a year. Exeter and station, one mile, The Ils Pickard Co. 24 times a week $156.50 a yeah God- teich end stetion three quarters of a Nnti" the heW add of the Sovereign inile, 36' time's a eivek, $114160 a year. Bank on this page. Homan and station, quarter mile, 12 The R. Pickard Co. are showing times a week, $100.16 a year. Sea - some magnificent garments in furs. forth and station, quarter mile 24 Harry. L. Huston has resigned his times a week, 5160 a year. Winghara position in the Sovereign Bank here, and station, one mile, 30 times a week, and the vacaney has been fined by Mr. $250.40 a year. E. J. Christie. 'Messrs. Thos. and Asa Williams Yon will make no mistake in pur- chasing your Christmas groceries at Pickard's. Miss Mellis, Kippen, has taken a position at the House of Refuge, as assistant Matron. It is understood that several wed- ,. ngs are to take place shortly. -Watah the bake shop windows. Christmas handkerchiefs, gloves, su- spenders, pillow sheens, stand covers, sideboard drapes, Tapestry certains, at The R. Pickard Co. Retnetnher and get your cheques marked for certificates on that beauti- ful $450 Heintzmau & Cos piano, at The R. Pickard Co. The certificates cost yort nothing' extra. The voting ien the Referendum Thursday lost passed of very quietly In town. The result in Exeter and other .polls in South Huron 'will be found in another column. Mr. 3. W. Watson, of London, will be at the Milbsion Hoose, Exeter from 15th to tbe tOthtof December for the purpose of organizing a Dancing Class. Up-to-date dances taught. If you want to save money order your magazines, rievirspapers , or other foreign periodicals at the Aovo- CATE office. It will pay you. We are agents for any of the above pub- lished. 2 lbs. of Cross & Blacknelrs lemon or orange Peel for 250.; 2 lbs. mixed nuts for 25c.; 4 lbs. new currants for 25c.; 2 lbs. good chocolates for 25c.; 1 Ib . 40c. chocolates or creams for 25c. at The R. Pickard C/o. King's hoots for fine wear and Ahrens' grained calf boots and shoes for heavy wear. Stewart sells them, all under guarantee. have returned from Manitoba, where they- have been for .the past few view to purchasing land. They suc- uninterrupted joy. that Council adjourn to meet on Dec. ceeded in procuring MO acres of choice Fasliiott Mitts for Wittter. • 5, at 7.30 p.m. -Carried. . • • soil in the vicinity of WoOlsely and in , Velvet, velveteen and corduroy cos- G. H. BISSETT, Clerk. March next, in company ,with their turtles are among the season's smartest - father„ther, and sister will move modes. An excellent choice for street to the Pialrie Province. They will attire is a fabrie showing a. shaggy, dispose of their 25 acres of farm ' land, hairy texture, such as zibeline or faxen stock and implements in Hay camel's-hair. The sloping or drop - and also their dwellings and village lots and, household effects in Exeter North, no Thursday, Dec. 18th. Asa, the younger of the two brothers, met with an unfortunate shootinge-acci- dent (luring his trip out Wet which might have resulted in the toss of his life. He, in company with his brother and another friend, was out shooting and when Abont to return home his friend put tbe gun in the light Ovagoti loaded. In some Manner the gun was dischaeged the load striking Mr. Wil- liams in the elbow, literally tearing the fieeh froth* the bone azid making an ugly wound. The injured member was dressed but it will be* some time before he will have use of the arm. Had the accident happened a few seconds sooner .he would doubtless have lost his life. Boy Wauted. Good smart boy wanted to learn printing. Apply at this office. Girl Wanted Good girl wanted at once to assist in kitchen work. Apply at Central Hotel. Buoitte aud Boiler for Sale. A second hand, 2e horse power, en- gine and boiler; in firsttclass working order.. Will be sold very cheap. Ap- ply at ADVOCATE office. -volviAroomilamaaamp IDo yon want any fancy crockery for Xmas presents. Stewart has the biggest stock and the best values in the county. romaiesnms. setesen---1 shoulder effect is seen 113 many of the newest bodiees; and the Duchess dos- ing is a distinctive feature of the new- Miss Robertson spent Saturday in est shirt waists. At last a change has London. . come in skirts, which for the street are noticeably shOrter; there is a Marked tendency to give rip the furbe- lows and ruffles and adopt the severer tailor-made models. The hip yoke is a feature of the majority of the skirts. The boa is a picturesque stole, and cape collars of every shape and depth Miss Maud. Harness is recovering are prominent emong - the. season's froth her recent illness. fashions. A m'ong ,the innovations in natiteriali ate the metallic tints and effeets in heavy,rough cloths,zibelines, vigognes, home§pons, etc. and "Cor- onation cloth," a heavy Winter goods snitable for slegtinee golf, etc. Long nap plush is being revived this winter, and P0113 padou ri silks as a* foundation for net, chiffon and other sheer tex- tiles are established in high favor. Among the sraartest accessories of the toilette are a tall stock -collar, cuffs and belt girdle, preferably of a con- trasting material. Embroidery is Very prominent in all the fashions. One of the latest novelties employed in trim- mings fontailor-made gowns is suede undressed kid skin. An unique trim- ming.is the new cloth ribbon embroid- ered in Oriental colors. --From The Delineator for .Tanuary. IFarmers look here! You will get more fer your dried apples and pro- Mr. Hugh MCLeod, of Seeforth, has else in town, Jest try. duce at, Stewart's than any where taken a position with the Sutherland- nnes Co. , t (ROCATAMSTKA A 7tiSITATATOKATATAVYMIPAY120 PERSONAL. allIkLitialltiWitrktitearAgrAMikerAormikotitim 'Mrs. F. ...Wood spent Saturday in London. Mr. Chappel, of Mitchell, was in town Thursday. Mr. L. H. Dieleson was in London on business Saturday. Miss ,Alice Welsh left Wednesday Morning for London. James Atkinson, of towneis around' again after his illness. natty May Russell, daughter of Mr. James Russell, is quite ill. Miss Talbot, Nef Londont is the geest of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Talbot. , „Miss Lillie Hill, of London, is here visiting her aunt, Mrs. 13rewer. Mrs: Fred. McDonells • of Hengal4 spent Friday with friends in town. 'Mrs. sp. Huston spent a few days with friends in London last week. Mr. Fred, Gould, of Sea -forth, visited at his home bete during the week. Mr. Crittenden, of Blyth, was the guest of Miss Emma Penhale on Sun - Rev. Hustle, of Mt. Forest, spent a few days of lase week with relatives in town. , NOTIN.001 111001 B14618 That all absorbing topics the coal eiteation what is bothering the mind o the politic to -day. It is MelneittiMile question and while the situation is grave do you know it is no good werrying ;theie it, for is it not true that trouble you most epee t often never comes. It may be the same in the, coal situation. Set it aSide and listen to our stove talk if you aro thinking at WY. in' auxthing in the stove tine. We carry the following lines:- . AM-nal:IT DOUBLE and SINGLE ILEATERS 00AL and WOOD RANGES OAK BEATERS with COMBINATION SELF FEEDER STOVE BOAADS, STOVE IVIATS, Etc., Etc, FURNACE AND PLUMINGl A SPECIALT T. HAWK Christmas Groceries J SPAKiAN'S en buying Groceries look or he be e new fruit in stock for Christmas trade, A elect goods. New Currants, New Raisin A. fine stock of Cross and Blackwells eels. Give Capstan Pressed Mince Meat a trial. Al- ways reliable. Canned Goods. Canned Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Etc. Breakfast Foods. Shredded Wheat Biscuits, Wheatine, Crean: of Wheat Vita, Swiss Food, Grapenuts. , 1Ve cavev Cross and BlaeltWells, Stephens, English Impor an Teas, Bull 'Plekles. They are the best. I s Sole agents for the celebrated,Aroina Tea. with capons. It is It% tbat will please you. Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sandford Ready Made Clothin B. 3. SPACKM&N Asmissommlizi MalI RNITTIR - AND UNDERTFIKI$G 'ROOMS, • Call and inspect our big stock of furniture and lots more on the way for Xmas trade. We can supplyr?your every need in that line, Pictures, Room Moulding, Bedroom Sets, Parlor Suits, Sideboards, Centre Fancy Chairs, Couehc,s, Dining Chairs, Buffets, Parlor Cabinets, Tables. PICTURES FRAMED, also all kinds of repairing done ,on short notice. W. C. HUSTON, Gidley's Old Stand. Opera House Block. awe Mrs. Alex McFaIls, of.3rd cOn., Us - borne, who has been quite ill, is recov- ering -nicely. Mr. and. Mrs. Hill, of °dyers-, visit- ed at Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Harvey's, dur- ing the week. Mrs. Reginald Ema, of ]Norwich, is Smailaconabe and daughter started for Oar - ling, Huron street. , visiting her moth, er, Mrss Isaac Oar - Exeter, Ont., Vueaday. Crystal. City Courier: "Mrs. Thos. Mr. Wm, lIarabg tteodocl the fun- eral of the late Mrs. S. P. Brimacom he at Londcm do Tuesday; '• e Miss le11i Swdtzers wbo has. beep engaged with Miss Torn, left Saturday for.her heme Initiate?. Mr. Frank Swdet, after- spending a few days at his home here,returned to Thedford Thu esday morning last Mit John Davidson and little son, Wilfred, of Wingharn, -visited friends, and relatives in town ee Thursday. Harold I. Collins, who bus been in Manitoba, for She last two years, re - returned home to spend the winter. Miss E. Caldwell, who has been visit- ing hi town for some time, returned to her home in Ifensall Wednesday. Me. R. S. Lang left ThursdaY night lest for Edinbergh, Scoeland, where e will combine business withpleasure fer a few weeks. , Garfield Sheere, an- employe of , the .S7 evil)? Works, :after a pleasant week's stay at his home here, returned to Brantford Tuesday, Mrs. R. EllevortIfy and son, Harry, has returned home, after visiting friends in Albitio, Mich. The latter attended the Fat Stock show in Chi- cago. 'Mrs...Tits. Wear and daughter, Clara, and Mrs. Lumley, after a pleasant visit here, the guests, of itlqand Mrs. Jam Barnes, left for their homes at Iona station Friday. Mr. Noxon, who has been conduce ting the apple evaporator at the fouedry, has finished the season's work and will leave shortly' for his home in Prince Eclwited Coenty-. Mr. 'encleMes. Win. Heiman who were called -to Ndrtitbrarich, Mieh., ow- ing to the seriOns illness of Mr, Bal. than's sister, MrS. James Mahon, re- turned home Wettnesclayelffrs. Mahon having passed away Tuesday. Mr. M. Etterett, ` of Brantford, who is shaking hands with his many old friends in town this week, was a pleasant caller at the ADV,OCATE office on Monday. Mr. Eacrett still eisjoes his usual good health, but bis eye sight has not improved any. He will visit his brother in Hay township be- fore returning. Clinton: One of the very old, resi- dents of this locality passed away at the advanced age of 82- years and 8 months, on Sunday, in the person of Mrs. Follend. Deceased. was former- ly a resident of Sea:forth, but " had re, ,0 sided here for a brinaber Of years, and was a Ilighly respected resident.