HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-12-11, Page 5• ••, THE ezeter atwo'at, published every Thursday 1,iontingr. at the OMee. .114.4.1N-STRET, ---ny the-, .t Atin/QOAT4 PUBLISH:1NQ POMPANY TERMS OE SGSSORIPTION.„ One Dollar per annum if paid in advances $I.S0 • if not so pad, -441.-/rogagt-aao zat.too., Q. Its.zsz$34,ce, No paper tikeontinued until all avrearafiesarepaid, 4.dvertisements without specified directionswiU be published until forbid and charged accordingly. s Liberal discount made Mr transcient adveattsernents inserted for long periods. Seery description of JOE PRINTING turned out in the -finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, ,ke., for advertising, sabseriptions, etc, to be made payable to ChaS. U. Sanders, gniToB. *sin ER0E -PXOtesetottal VeattitS, ftt11. lilliSMAN, k JAL A. E. KINS- MAN. 140.3.. 0.1).S„ Honor graduate of Toronto ILaiteristv. DENTISTS Teeth oNtra.)ted without any pain, or any bad effects 0;27e in Fatisea'S Bite% west side S4reett, Pieter. On. P. ALTON ANTIERSON Goner Graduate ot Torontoan rolve0,5- d Royal a:dirge 44 Perm! San:cons Oatano. Also Post Graduate et Obleazo81•2o0 o Prosthetic bentistery (With honorable mention ) Alluminium Gold and Vidraelte Plates made in the Itide positions during the past. year than neatest mannerpossible. A pettertlY bullges5 oo' any tivh sthetiud folool *fl the West Nire would tiee ser paidessextwtlq° "P"'" '1 I ' t t • B ti I. 00let one duar south ofearling Arcs -store, 4P asf g „ IISs s ell- ar eus.trs or a pohral. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal, IGet the Most Out of Your Food Yondon't and een't if your stomach. is weak. A veak Stomach does float, pot all that is ordinarily taken into it. It gets tired easily, and what it tails to iest io wasted, Among the signs of a7weak stomach, are uneasiness after eating, fits of ner. sone headache and disagreeable belch- . t "1 have been troubled with dyspepsia for years, and tried every remedy I heard pt, but never got anything that gave Me relief until r took Ilood's Sarsaparilla. 1 cannot praise this medicine too highly for the geed It has done Inc. 1 always take it in the spring and fall and would not be without It." W. A, 11130E1Tr, Delleville, Ont. Hood's Sarsaparilta StrengtlienS and tones the Stomach and the whole digestive system. Cet Ready. Wm. llassett, aged 78. was found drowned in a cistern at. Brantford on Monday, Seaforth; Tile many friends of Mr. Chesney will be pleased to learn that she is recovering froM her recent ac- cident. WhileinRayfield a few weeks ago she slipped on the floor spraining her foot. • (mon: .A, very pretty wedding WAR soleioni4etl. at St. Pattl's Chnreh on Wednesday afternoon, the eon', tracting Parties being:Miss Alice Reif. der, daughter of. Mr. Geo. Render,. of 1/.h. township, and Me. Wt11111111 Ferguson,3. of linllett, Tho body of the churelvivas fairly well Ailed with friends and well wishers of the y4pp.p,' Couple. Nib°. *ere present to witness the cerern.ony, The bride was prettily gowned and was assisted by her friend Miss Lillie 'Thompson, of Ooderieb township. Miss Rently the organist of St. Paul's church played, the wed,. ding marela as the 11041 couple left the ellaileel. The ofaciatipg Clergy- man was the.liev.C.R. Gonne. As the party drove away. they were follow - • ti' copins showers of rice from en. huSiastie friends. The bride was the. •ecipient Of many handsome gifts. A orge ntonber of friends then drove to he residence of the bride's father There lameheon was :served and an njoyable evening spent. The ponds onpli will begin. life. together on their There was lieVer such a demand 1 -for Ladies and Gentlemen having a I thovongh kunwledg,e- of CluunterteiaV and Shorthand work, The e faun near Constance. lizo assisted inot-e students to proRt. Nedtval ne.,41.1k T. P. McLACMILIII. =num or VIE LI Callegie et PhysiMmts mai Surgeons On_tario. Physielate. s'argeon and Aeconcittur. Paah- wood, Oat. FIR.13 AT ST. MARYS. St, Marva, 1)ee. Ph-- Clark ''&- Com - r, 4.,,,,,,u.i 0. wit,,,n, ti,p,,t, ,,,,,1 11,,,,..1,1,,,,,.,, 4„,131, p. any 4i flax Mill was tidally de:strived ;2 qaergaS Me.. 1....4--a ow, 142).,.;2:4 4,0,±0;Cori 15y Me tit 11111111 today. Tile Wintkildeli ram t .122, ,11, ,.i..eiK,-;:qa,a, ogc•eleputs., 1'4.71 to 4 hod itisi left for ditoiwt, anti it. is ins,- 24. Ea, issilhio to say hots it originated, lint t si it l-a'li to haVI. $I:u ted frOW A spark flora the engine. TV an tn•erlileat. ill Slaaft. The building, with ronteralq, ' nwEcoVNfit illittitn, 11V41:74,,MATeg: was di kst royed. m 4 1,14" WO'S a largo titian - Sol,ll'ijZive-1-1131.1rsa's Ranif:Yete, :Limey to Pico at iitY of gir%-st'41 fl4K In the Mill sviliell owes*. rate -set IWO rot. OlLito....9. Ilain eltv.4, Exeter. WaS Valliant at alone frilln, The 0,,„ 1, Iii, Cultreo.11A., ll, lit, 07.1-"1-'N' i brig.1415tSilleN111111•11 ill saving the barns. " - 4404 and staelis, whieh Were in the ,l1 W. GLUM -W. (Str-...resor to nowt ,x, Glad- • s.3114,, poll. 'nu, total loss- la estinut(t. I ieyauf4.71.4file.':IM 41Tr4M7, IrSanfitrotrIc:SloVestr logItV41144:. 1 Pd a t 61.141). firinred in the Waterloo ..1 um:, 02,I,v. Main am -4, Etitter. I Mutant far $1J1219. The foreman, 3Ir. I: ii 1). 31eDonald, had gone to dinner, but ;1"-vg.megyaiirorgvagygygugwgweivamagyei--% Not tit:1101 no$4 +, 47, ;.r most sosccssful farm. rs. „ read the PAR:lEirti nen,. think About their work. thry act eron 1,:aChipl1s• anti they 4n) ;Is Grcatva - • s. les cantors and contribaiors are 42 The 1.1% kr 1 IA ir; •-•-c Auct toneers seeing the smoke returned, and in gt.t. • z ting tint at team and wagon, whleh nor- a owx, wilrhel.:,3. weac.TAu.tigur,•,•r rowly est;sped being Wilted, he w s e Counties 44 Perth awl itt WillitCpo ., ther' .werely sooreited OM rpr. ra aka ta. ; atteArtior tohot ?r tannoliip VsloarneSl , aes pratrunib, and inind,„, Ablmt thirty. "t men 1, nded la and Icons reasonable. Saks S atra!di Ai , win Ito thrown ont or mumoymila by 21l Pan Offive, Winehevea, 'ifthis iii,e. Tile mill will proluddy he re . .; * ------' '''--- -“vm"..“*. 1 buil t 21( once. TheFilfolsons Ennk itarta-al to Parliament, lay; ) Mad MIN., :iontreat. Pam up Capit ..... .$2,500,0n0 Resurve JAS. ELLIOTT, Gromiar. ittAxmlnn. NEW TAILOR SHOP lIaving jllSt opened up a 'Tailor - EXETER Buxgou- ing Eatablisitment 10 the shop recent. IV Vomited by Mr. J. N. GRIEVE on Ile East side of Main street, I UM pre. pared to do all kin41-3 of tailoring in the latest Styles and at lowest pricey hottm:4..10 ;km, ta 3 pan; Saturdays 10 2.111, 10 1 eau. Ageneral banking business transacted Money felwarel to good Partneri at lowei4, rates, Latest Booti We havejUSt laid in an tu,sort- ment of the latest 11p-10-d1te gondli for 8 VITINOS, ER1UAT1 PA,NTIN(48, , avaiigs limit Deposita tramk-ll and upwards revely- eil. Interest allowed at Maliesteurrent rates. D1CITSON A: t'aulaso, N. II ilimunx, Solicitors, :tanager. ----.- - . zem APer. Toon mospioaine, Gel aur Prices. The Great English Remedy. Before buying elsewhere we in - Sold and recommended by an ,. t von to n'et otir prices and :see our druggists in Canada. Only reit- . - ) able medicine discovered. Siz goods. It will , i• • ,. Ie sis s , 10 n - Pdauga guaranteed to euro all thing that• yon 'ty ill feel dre.Fsoil in foul , or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To. f°rins °f Sexual Weameas' all effect° of alms° It Will he loin' value for your money. 7, baceo, Opium or Stimulants. Nailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, 40. One teRbPlerne, six tellteure, :Pamphlets free to any addresa. Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Woods Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by J. W. Browning and C. Lutz Druggists. CREDITON ROLLER MILLS 0.3D*O*000Da*D4170C-11C.VOCiCiCOCQ -Weare giving excelleut satisfaction since Re- ' !modelling our mill. GRISTING- and CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. SWEITZER • -EXETER Real Estate Exchg,llge, Th'e Sale Phrchase and 13.x.cliiinge of Vill?tge :1114'1 farm lands and. properties liciotiatecl at reasonitlile rsites of om For Sale. • Sever -al Valuable Farms in HAY, USl3ORNE, STEPHEN and McGILL- IVRA.Y; also Three verydesirable Re- sidence properties in Exeter. Farms Wanted. We have purchasers for good farm ,..ajrcl in tile vicinity of Excbey, or NV110 will EXCllange. APPLY. TO Win Bawdell,David v.trwttor Qr 01T1.7IC Dicicson Nes Block Exeter. 1V1:!/111 ,ta and "tome MaGAZINg ....nta!us da e1)4111 of aprieuitsand 417.-.,,,,44,11, Q4,4 Pratif741. EiVra CintniAw 4ecad o fl cans': aliie 1:5,7551`U..4 44'41555i so*.rt 1 1:` trw81, _We want (taxagir,ds of rew /0.114 elt-sat:t•t. a-4,*."o a t Mut DILLON ILL AGAIN. Vhe Tourney to. New Toric Was Not Borne Well. New "Vork,'Dee. 9.-dohct Dillon, one the leaders •of the Irish NntiOnalis party, is at the liolfinan'flouse with hi$ wife, who arrived on the thnbria from • Europe. " Ur, Dilion.l'itg had been • In Chicago, and Who had Just arrived here, was affected, materially by bis trip. and was obliged to take to hiss • be at the hotel and deny himself to aU •callers. While his condition is not con• - sidered serious, Irs. Dillon said that he was too ill td see anYhody. TIM -1,1,01,10UT REI''01170. 1,101, Fetter Fricos For Live Stock -British Mattet Fully Supplied -Grain )1011day Evening, Dee. 8. Toronto St. Lawrence Zittarlxet neilreries of grain and bay coastituted the principal business on the street market here to -49.y. Prim ebanges were few and_ comparattrely unimportant. Tile total or, fertn-s of -el vee 2,tth umbeLs. Wheat -Two hundred b stale of Pdte sold ma -ganged at cue to We. WO bushels of red le histher at the and IWO bushels at Roost' Maher at 011ip to 05e. Oats-Tbree hundred bushels sold ifte er at ate to ilariey-l'eed was if followed at 43e to 4$„?, bnl mInfm; sold k higher 1/T 45c to Itelivea wero too mos:hems itYc-0144. hundred bushels sold ullebanneil at 51e, !LW-Mari:et was steadier and offerings gloried a wide rainte in regard to 4p1allty. TiMetby Feld obent et Slit to bill iwe ton, and e.over or mixed F0111 $1 itigle'r at sr to 0 per ton. ileeelpts were 15 loads. Straw -I tia• 10514 or ryc bt1i1W Jz ,-;belt 6011t1 nt 512 per tun. 1)r - '-.it ilogs---Martet was quiet, with rims unchanged at $7.5ii to SS per Cwt. The Visible Supply. Ifigher„ 1).=e.%*;:fil Dee -W01 IMC.10.111) Witent ° ''4 TAX:117010 Glegq,Onfl Corn • !,;48,702.0111) 0„4,1 11,411150111 ......,.. ".7,,•*52,10,a2 nark7 .• . osom • ,• ;1sWirjialr4 5s72'Stritt bushels. the pfist nrPit; a year ago it Inereased itet'Abod OnaLk:7. 444,°. WO Will C1)541 TO new ssier2i o? :he 14A11011111$ ..114V:,•,), A :tom lia tht end ..17:.4.itn.7, it14° Xi55.55,,155' tor %,-•0,, 11741f.riCr4 VT; ..L 11 toil A'704..• y01% ADDRESS: T„fn Ritld CO., 13‘71.11/0. 'Ti'.n:"...v.44911.1'411.21.1tt11,31.11,2,21k1l.'1.4.M.V.414V.".rt.WV,44AL. a.. 4), • s ar.ide N.) ; -me YOU AN APPETITE! t. TONE YOUR NERVESI Y04.1 4Tn04,0 I nlARE YOU WELL! --•,rrfs.e.„ It MI. $apt.orthc Prot. flospltsi MorrotO, T•ioi ettLe3 it constantly • 5, eit 4 ict.ocrnsa. ..11 in Ins his nano. . w Clqrg, 3414. Graf% Elendt113., T11111.1a1). %71, r.AKTI.I.L):Agaltoutedltuatt the batresukv. c. anal:51.00 Bottles. LAWItticeE CO-. Limited- " of Ced Liver OH Aftei a winter outing nothing is so refreshing as -The Perfect Winter 2.,'D warm cream or warm milk. ' • -WE SAVE Yr4 UR FEL. -WE 2AV E YOU TEREA.E. -WE SAVE YOU MOEY. We scientiflcally prepare, thoroughly cook, mechanically malt and toast whole wheat flakes -the most delicious appetizing cereal food known to man. Original Malted Flailed Food. In winter serve with warm Milk or cream. Wholesome for old and young, sick and well. All Grocers. . MADE IN C14.TAIDA• rziox CANADIAN GROWN WREAT •BY CANADIAN WOREIVIEN. • mALFANITA PURE FOOD CO, TORONTO, CANADA \'111tre • ' • • Britleit Pattie Ittarltets, Loat-zi. 1) e. 8.-4;nerM23 cattle. 741; ea:1;1411r% l'.4; siat.ep 04 to 041, Liberal • lira; wealier tett.. liTOUllreal. Live GtheIrs, 11e1511i, 4 Iii"r, S. -There were about 330 head of bundlers' tattle, lft calves and SOO limp rand lambs offered for sale at the ..a t 12ad Abattoir ;osier. The sort. void w(Aher di31 not prevent a large nu bet of the butchers from contlit4 to I market. and trade was fair. with Waller Prives prevailing alt round. A earleall of Manitoba cattle were told at from 4N.. TO rfe 11111` f.' 12241. pretty nomi stool; brought 8!.1.etram e to 4,,e. and the eomarat animals frOni I.! ie toiP,:e. per pound. The ealve4 sold at from Ta to trio each, or fora v to po. 1-4,2. roma sheep sold at from ;le to 4.1:i4.• and tunnel nit room 213le to .11,f4t. p 110111111. Fat hogn sold at from illlie to per noun& weight d off the cam East Buffalo Cattle Atarket. klast Dalai°, Der, 8.-t'attle-1teeelpt5, MO.., I potted steady, closing lower; prow. steers.: dull; ,Itip; tog steers. $5 to elloill; buteherfe steer s ...4,25 to .55; ite Lei's, ‘.v.Zil..j'eui tee '512.."2115:;ettluviti?2;1.3.1 tot° 5$44,2.125; eflelnednelsa. Si1a5 to 54.q5; stoela•rs, 53.25 to $4,25; stnid: heifers, 52,50 to 53; utAlium to choice tretin euws and springers, 53 to 55 per bend; (am - )U.'21 strong; good to I'ZIOlet.. *SI) t(I Gis: me. dintto geed,.,33 to $.15; common, 522 to '52S. Veals-iteeelpts •17111 /Mid/ ateadY: tops. 55.25 to 5S.50; 0 enlitan to maid, :55.c1J to .,..;,s. liogs-Itereipt ). Nam., 1 • oh active. lib-, to :Me lower; he.,vy, $0.1.0 to 5049; 'nixed. 511.20 to 50.50; 1:eritera, 50 to 50.0o; pigs. 50; r011iTlis, $71,a) to ,,li.thi; stags, st,bo to 5170; yearlings, 54 to 54.25; 41111151, SZI.20 to 51. Sheep and latabs-silerelps, 21.50 bead; steady; lunar ,, it'' to 1e5higher; to lita.I..k $5.:n tq 5'2.1j3;01114 to go itl, Si to to Si; sheep, top, mixed,. 521.120 20 5.1.75; culls to ,good, 51.15 to .5;3.35. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Dec. S.-Cattle-Reeelpts. 3,400,i 15e to 212e lower; ;rend to prime sleera..,•;5.7., to ST; poor to medium. 53 to 55.05; stockers and feeders, 52 to $4.110; cows.$1.25 to $4.00; heifers 52 to 55; canners 51.25 to $2.40; hulls 52 to 54.5u; call es. $3.50 to 57; Texas - fed owes, 53.25 to 55.40. liogs-Reeenim to -day, 43,000; left over, 3.3.00o; 10k;! lone mixed, and butchers:,*. 55M to $6.30; goo 4130110 1• $5,,00 to 40.15; light, $.1.0,1 to $0.10; .- ., ....a o ,,,, joi , 1011, 1111111 Of sales, 50.10 to $0.20- Sheri/ - Re- ceipts, 35.000; sheep and iambs steady; good to choke *stoners. $3.75 to $4; fair to choice inixed,$.2.50 to $3.75; native Ialubs, $3.50 to $5.90.. - Montreal Grain and Produce. .11outreal, Dee. S.--Grain-Business keep very quiet. No. 2 white oats sold at 3311 to 351.Se OX -store in car lots. Other quota tions are, peas 731.41, high freights, buck- wheat 5ge east on the Grand Tux*, rye 48V.2e to 40e east. Flour -There was a fair amount of busi- ness et steads prices. We quote:-Cholce Manitoba spring wheat patents. $4.20; sec - ands, 53.00; strong bakers', $3.50; winter wheat patents. $3.75 to $4; straight rollers, $3.00 to 53.70;. do in bags, $1.70 to $1.75; 52.012 per e2r1.745115gt.0 S1.90• at $4.25 to $4.30 per barrel, and at $2 to Meal -The market is quit, with sales Feed -There is a good demand at steady prices. , We quote:-2Ianitoba bran in bags, $18; Manitoba shorts, $20; Ontario 'an in balk, $17 to $18; shorts, $10 to $20 in pi er bi au to w re lill In id IT to to to QX 11 to Pa $1 ha pe EXETER MARKETS* ' GO TO T13E CHANGED EACH WED. Wbe.tt...... N6(i.81-)18 EXETER, Ell 111118 , ... . ..... 357 40 .. - 20 .' 'ctR Peas 52: 83 PURE MANITOBA Potatoes, per bog .„ Hay, per ton. 7 00 Flour, per cwt., roller.... I 05 13utter.. • „ . .... .. .„. 10 Eggs- . • ... • IiideS, Per 100 lbs.,. Live hogs.ver 5 50 /pressed Rags • 7 20 Shorts per cwt. - Br'an per cwt.. a a 4 • 4". Turkeys Geese.- • .... - • • - Ducks- - .. . .. • Chicken,. ..... „ Dried Apples- oo 800 200 - • • • 11-611010.E' •FAMILY FLOOR' 00 (Star) 6 GI • I it BEST PASTRY fPrincess) 9 6 WHEATLEY a (Breakfast Food) 4 ‘'I had a SrIOSt sttetnra cc. r filany ;FM'S. It Clepere4 • of sleep and 1 _grew m -y thin. I- then tried Ayr's Chary Pectcral, and was quickly cured." R. N. Mann, Fail Tenn, k: . Sixty years of cures?. and such testimony as 21.. above have taught us NVL:`,1t A yees Cherry Pectoral will do. We know it's the great-. est cough remedy ever made. And you will say so, too, after you try it. There's cure in every drop. cr.la ay tom, r.'„V.,,paat x;;;;G.t for z.-, I earls- ks 11QTL hard colds. 110,; nwst, sc- naz-nwl, for glaciate oeitaand ?gasp el baud. si. C. ATAX. C4).. 11t.es, 11 031(01100 of Iliggins, the hay Mtn tierer or St. John, Nat,. ha-. 1•41114 commuted to life imprisonment, Seaforthr M. Odin Kennedy is ga. ing around witlt 0 handagitt eye. While %*1II2g a coal chisel the ot her as v a mere of steel new otr ow chi,...) mid struck him in the eye. Although pain. re ful, no serious elTerts will follow. 311rys: Mr. Alexander A tcheson oleo at 1214 ;tome on lapq,doy„ MN 2, aged 69 year4, had been ill for many mouths (If a pidummuy ion and his death was not •unespeet- eth Mr. Atchestut moved tel St. Marys last April from East Nissonri, where he had lived for thirty...even years. er 0,1 Ile Wfiri it native horn Canadian and greW tO illanhOod in tlie county of a family of tut) aoin, and two (laugh. tFetrsmufenac, Besides his wife he leaves A good supply of 1\fillfeecl and Chop always on hand. Give our Flour and Feed a trial and be convinced that it is all right. Roller and Plate grinders in use to suit customers, liarvey Bros. - Successors to J. Colddediek 4.S; Son, Two Second -ban, PIANOS upright • AND One Square FAN E013, SALE C111.1AP New Pianos and • Organs Always in Etck, SEWING i'diAc HMV'S* Onr el:perienee t Sowing. Ma - rhino Domes's' 42 yea1.1.4 0 Fuaran. liet 4'f era° gid, • • • • Wo mall,- in 5f0,47. Ilie 1s'1. Phi/4PN Mot ti -40 tliTt444iQ 414'441 1.4011 c'14SY 1041124. :,114.4•Mos' Pin11 Re. pairs for all lands Maehint always on hand. . . • Sheet l'llusleA music Roolis, BooKs, Ete,, kept In Stocli. CALL AND SEE VS. IT WILL PAY YOU. •S. MARTIN t/ClOril COtt031 Boot Compotta is encecefullyuSed monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Enfe. LadlezaSk _your druggist for Coeles Onion Root Coo - mad. Take no ot lie r, $s all Ilinture,,,pilis and imitations aro dangerous. PrIce.:1*. 1. :1 bort ng nt per box. lor mailed on receipt of price-D.17Am) iteent - - stannah 'rho Cook Company Windeor, out. and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. No. and No.2 are sold in Exeter by Lutz and J. W. Brow ;deg, 1); ug. giStS. Consumption is a hunufn weed fiounshing best in weak lungs. Like other weeds it's easily destroyed while young; when old, sometimes xm- possible. Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and the weeds will disappear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork r; is good too, but it is very hard to digest. The time to treat consump- tion is when you begin, trying to hide it from yourself. Others see it, you won't. s Don't wait until you can't . L- deceive yourself any longer. bt nulile, 523 to 530, as to quality. Clices--Thcre is very little business, and lces are nominally at 12%c to 12%. Latter -There is a good demand for-finet eamery, which sells at 22%,c to 23c. Dairy *lugs 1Te to 1.7hc. Nggs-The market Is quiet, but firm. We ote:.-S2ectea. 25c: candled stock. 101/2e 20e: Montreal limed. 18c in a jobbing ay; straight receipt, 134/2,0 to 19c; 5101n - el limed, 1734,c; cold storage stock, 1734c, western limed. 15/C2c to lie per dozen round Jots. - Proyisions----There Is a good demand for 1 lines ` at„ steady prices. We qeotc eaty ,Canaclian Short cut mess posh, $24.50 $25; Canada short cut back pork, 523:50 $2: light Canada short clear pork, $23.50 24; finest kettle lard, 20lb. pails, 1.21,1kc; bit pure hut.* in 20 -lb. pails, 10%c to 140; choice reaped =mound 1040, 81/2c Pc: Boar's 1;load lu•and, 20-1b. wood 1.1s, .M.95 to 52.03: =Globe at $1.75 to .85; 20 -lb. tin pails, -1c less per pound; ins, 12e to 14e, and bacon, lie to 150 r pound. • 'Leading Wheat Markets. • Begin with the first thought to take Scott's Emulsion. If it isn't really consumption so much the better; you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment. If it is consump- tion you can't expect to be cured at once, but if you will begin in time and -will be •rigidly regular in your treat- ment you will win. Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can, eat- all you can, that's the treatment and that's the best treatment. • We will send you a little of the Emul- sion free. Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the rampper of • every bottle of •uiport you buy. ,ma•SCOTT ec BOWNE. Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. • soc. and $1; all druggists. Closing previous day. Closing to -da'. • Dec. Alay. Dee. May. Chicago .-72ty, 7514 7234 70 et) York' 8034 7934 8134 7934 Toledo . 761/2 791/2 77 80 Minnekpclis 7D4 7334 72 744 Detroit, 2 rod 78% 7!') - 70. 7934 Milwaukee, 2 n. 7434 75y, 75 7534 Duluth, 1 hard. 72 , . 7234 St, Louls 0834. 7434 (391,6 7434 • British IVIarleets. London, Doe. 8-Opening-VvThent, on pai sage, less offering. 0041, 011 passage, sell- ers and buyois" apart: Illogash country markets of yesterday firm; French quiet. M London, Doe. 8.----Close-ark Lane Miller' Icot Ilea foreign, firm and rather dearer; Engligh steady. (Mrn, American, nothing doing; Danubian, firm. Flor, Am- crteat th a fair, business; Eng":ish ' 'Dee. S.-Close--WhefiC steady, De- ' eemper,- 212 Cie; May and August 212 ViO. lour quiet; Deeember, 82 30e; May and A11! -mi 242 25a. ,• Lt. • - I • God LIver 1)1;(2ade Mak. ) For Lung Troubles, Congits, Cokls • Estiaciatieu, Few est'ms pore Oil, lmt ns combined " I). & L.", i2 is pluai;t alge,tilf,e, '\\ iltl you ; 2111 <)li1 4021004 of flesh; Lring you back - "50e. an0. .8i2.00 bottles. DAVIS & LAW11E1);CE CO., Limited, Antwrp, 2 red winter, 15341. '5- ETER PFND JAS. MilllyNt,,tig. MANCFACTURERS AND DEAL- ERS IN ENGINES, BOILERS, PLOWS, STRAW CUTTERS, • PULPERS, SHAFTIN, • PULLEYS, HANGERS. General Repairs and castings of every descrip- tion m Iron and Brass to order. POO feet of inrh and 00feet of inch pipe in stock. DASHWOOD FURNITURE STORE. You are invited to call and inspect.iny large assortment of Furniture and furnishings which I offer at • very close prices. My stock con- sists of the following:- , Parlor suites, Bedroom suites, ring Mattresses, Bed. - steads, Couches, Lounges, Tables, Chairs of all descrip tions Sideboards Rockers Fancy Rocker, Curtain Poles and Trimmings, Shades, 1VIOuld.ings, Mirrors, Pilaw Sham Holders, Hat Racks, Towel Rollers, &c, Picture Framing a specialty • Baby Carriag es, G o- ca rtsEpress w g OnS, Carts,Rocking horss etc. lUuderteticing. I earry a large a ncl well assort- ed stock i11 this line. In t line of need do not fail to call. The above stock is bought, from the leading .Monufacturers of Canada • and bought at the closest prices. 2(14 0t \lor C\punsos a t it °prii°e, Nevs 0131(311 Will sinprise y00. Give -Ps a call before Purellising elewhere. P. Illasaac. 22