HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-12-11, Page 2Viet*OitetetetIntintet-etiet*,t.+0
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45 4' 1 RIGHT S * hoblav I had tnnen up the study of very busy just now, and I saw little said Percival. 'nladiele of it no
_ ___ ge - , e
40 in hypnotism some oeurs beforn. sad ef her ; and when I did. the sight of more.”
orate zaore earn my everlasting graan
:tie one d did so. Try as wouldi stammer, brokenly "Heaven blese
tude." however. I eould not induce her to Ton both, and forgive me,"
Now,1 unzst raention that as n get me one. Ethel seemea to be L There is nothing to fornive "
STORYneseein had acquired. considereale powerin her end, nweet fo.ce put an else out: And between us three the subject
en•that directionl'ereival suffered at of nay head. One evening Ethel had has never been apoken of again. -
times from neuralgia of a very pro-. bade me au even fonder farewell London Tit-nUs.
nounced type, and once he laugbing- than 'usual, ere she went to the
Sed rercival aod 1 were et mete ly suggested that I should try ney theatre. The nurse had run out for
from boynooti. ha'e studied at scitool siiill on hint and diorite away ids a few minutes to make some littlle BOIV.`MQ'S liVIED =1,r, -
toe.:ether; we made our cboice of pales. / did so ; and to any delight purchase: 1,sylvas wres_pesrs. and _wel;
Tracee of the Orin,' al Side Show
tro:eseione together; and through' succeeded in inducing st,. hypnotie inn to the Ingo_ 1. ti ew aside tii pgixe.
tint trat weary eeare of struggle on, sleep. during which I suggestea to blInd and I0olied Int° the street.
.. It ne 4 poor week eilth the Mang.under ndneh they transect so meanie
the provincial stage we enanaged to bun that on waking the pains would As I stood there I heard the news -1 Two tnezi of science are exploring, 'or his eon, when they don't have A; fariMIS A blISitleSs. °
nth* pretty eloskAy to each, other. be entirely gone. The expetiment boy cailirg out to main items of 901erstsin:nlbeseti eserilephressli4jetZentesistte. tcooriolevieestx‘ouseaytos laayreocerntanLiionneitoeituutileotn.lplsoziecongzdeoemxpinrgssicitao 4teidiaos.irrizttutee
Then eiedney'e telent bego.n, to and wan .0. distinct nUcCeSs, and 1 had news in the evening oa-pers. A sena'
wnitst if vote ain indinerent or.e at , I placed Iiim in an easy eon:forte ire. 1 wet downstairs to
sort ietelf. lie wen a none actor, treated him once or twice sinc0. den resolution took possession of ende of that' creati°A 434 tile efuniltlYtt, than any other. ulau wring, the King a biotin giving hie mune. oddrenn '
tee street Sair an‘ the "side show." tite ten. 6114111W laid more corner htones ("POI OA PACCaUlt is a.'ihed to nla out
the l,est. ann he soon le2n tee far ' Abte poeitIon now. and very soon he door andi waiting tor him to come lean el /3"rneo• Dr- rael• en°. -",rn' could probably pertorin tittle cern. And otenna,tion, gets a depesetoret,
lse:tird. Ile got to London and be- was tinnier nay hint:ewe. nineen at along, limight a, ilaper. ,:, i Fritz Serasin are the explorers WAIO mow bundrodad and ma,4, an ap, boa jo whih, he writes his same
gait to te tailed onout. as the eolo-' last he senn tack, not; heart gave ta. I Imd barelY glAnced at it when I,neir: linunliinng the wild mon en his tonnprepriate little speech for the occee pays in his lemeey, and hes the sem
itg znen. „great t'33b Here was my enemy.
1 . e
, started up with a midden cry ; ulnae" -15 44t14‘.'''' !skin without °nee tolcing InS Mind recorded in ban o* That is an
eventnally. enabily through Sioneey's at my mercy. Mg head began to
Oleanwhiie I jOgged aiorg and Win weaver. in me' Power ; entdretY was tens e
"To-niglat Mr. Sydney Percival, existence of. tbe wild men and the,e;
When the two scientists landed at ou some ineeeere al siport in
ildacassar they heard stories oi the be Predenbly happened to be interest- couree of three or four days Ile gets'
which .btyherlena jisi t: furit.the:ercep,e,etiptntattroi: the inauenee, obtail.wd a feinting in tta venni again. The memory of
nest -end theatre,s, soon after tee; ter; ngs SUrpel up and nnaddened me.
M-37 the deservenly popular actor. will they. -VI -on. ght to be merely* Mitho.it,ecillut me- Majesty- is a, poinstalijog iheeid office, Iie may mene hie next
1 lmexried a sweet little woman 'alio lAnd the a fiendish plot began contmenee his carter as astennninene was said that a- 40110 or P.Fituit.11:4
.,e peter, tylien be will produee at the man waslextant .adn to be Mond in im...414 "(-1 Rat 4t 4i1 bored with mole; deposit in an office at the center end
had ofton Planed leadlrg rade- to rah' w dev4ell ill ukelr d:'•°“'It'rs..4 71;r41.`... etoloese ^ Theatre a nen. fir ct the unexp ored will s..
leacquu", geat in tia provinces. Wit,ii ar.d gained ge.ounet with terrible in-. 'Merit, and it is safe to say that, the , SO- It doeSn't matter where the
*e important matters of govern,. of the kingdom. if he wishes to do
piaelee in London -we tatimeged to • power °ler him
oerrinitit salariee-for sl:e tvas t17.03 i'-sistenCe. My one thougtt-would my plaY l'....v. -Ms' Joh.n. T..e'n.E.es. t, 4 !-4elvt,
IA n.onicee;,, prayirtreent, men. tevect‘,; erne Awanene 'were so shy and untnmanele that it 'nereerestone 01.4
Their ieformants satd the wild men ening
winch he had to; When be wants to withdraw the
was interested mightily in aelteeney is paid
17r° ei,"3:TT'e.„ rii'eletetliTetc4).r.:Ifc)1;i1:stbli.; %Tel!' t5',:.Y58:3'91:5, tr-,1:-81;.--74-v7rad ce121.'e ta, rilleY ,ann..1/ qtafzes .. thse pz.srlt 0! IlaroId. them, even to catch a Eiirerse of year or two ago, for the structure dePartment. in a free 011V0)00e. a
: ba'1%.0*.a'air !n.ff 0 Ilene ' 'file. . ydrieer perilven was almost intpoeeible to get near to lean mortar with n silver trowel a looney be has to send to the central
ree-e. neon en eartin 0.,...ozad bout autler, 4 pulled utysell i7iretlrficr.... zthti lehipest tem p,ay, them,. 'Ile stories were not general -
the, acme in the nieoest enoteige in,. get without cbarg-e at any poetoince.
whore beginning he thus honored is notice of witledrawan which he can
Sedney reeeinan %deo was n vaelae-, wagewer, and in cella, dedisive tones
„ „ i . .. tly believed in hienaeser. end the ex-.
Tb . t 1 0- • '"
Shillings by the MilliOn Roll loin eritIS/t Post
Office 54ving,s Bank.
igbgcs . g
Then talloreed a list of the cest, en niorers thought at first thot escaped i
lore eves aineein sure of a enneorne afiefeierned Lim IV:1717- : n in ie wor . t e nits e ten rA 0 me Rends back a war -
to oar turelli:e hive Lome. ono lie eTo-eigett wenio eon are playing sn-no-dnIs of the neeneren And nein- crnm".. ineis Ind tokno to .014 Pa9141/1-.1-'10st Mee Sae:legs „Hnole, in vetch rant. enact* lie presents with his do-
w,:s a. constant vieitor tazere ttiow„;rcrn.71rii to me: wine's niillicent. in n-d'ats th* the writer- ' teens and hut/ freghtened the nee, mom than 40.000 Eargyna p (Ny . papit, 1100R at 0 ny pog ()film rico
tiV'ea into helieVin,' them to be wild. e d, „ of, ,h, n „ n i ti a ,,i
for :41V-rti I had futerthh;e'.1 it (34'sire th!„ 1,;.;*'' 6411,e .6.4 °'2° “:`11141 443' 30" 1:17'Q Firallr btl,,,ZakIj:rndlIcz?„,r-s, tv ,.v17:,,,,itif?cr niniirrIC004.thoery.,kevrataillit: -ine:5--nit1-1:114 TITS18-gar'Orn"4:5"au:Oten4oftlitesvArerrg.t alundtititeireseiiltalV,
tor I fele 333' 0'8 a j'aisre. but I 1)a4 a pant end will titretigie nee in real mean. ? „Ily piay-raty great effiort 4.
to Treccin-te la, ployn right. ees ee glee 14;44,1 ainetet Iota non are taint wanton sere.
emen *hit t380
coi-iiired to a eertain die: ilsetZlein°Y since it was eetahlished Ia ing aR comPared with iii own siv,
creams of victory in the other die:ie.:nes*. You undezeiond : I cone- that I bed atateti go mucli on -to ion: o„ %leen. 'eouicei. i.,s a 5,..o..h eeel. ond has eerved as a model for neeture in his deposit, boob. and the
notion. . min d non to astrentele tier in very te produced te-eiglet. and by Ned- on"" a"" _, 4'7, "",°- "e71- --. .'","-- ' Mmilar gOvernMent saViogs haulm in,MoneY he, paid. If he is in a hurry
As a cIllIntnatien to matey ert-. d trent. 4.r' 5e' zee I' " .47;eV paziceinie to tots 443h r4e5r Veal", --,-. , T
r ey Percival. 1 wos as 0E0 stwaezr. . . .. te iy 4 N.arl.) oery country irt Europe. ;ler ids money he eau get it ilA tWe
lug gifte to the potexata n er -
*81 3.13 I felt sere. if I could dreemy toees. elect- The hand WAS just pointing . . , Proved a success.
presents toe expiorers so worucd on It toolc loom than hair a „stony 311e4u4 " the' tele"
rum 'who Were Win In euPtivitY- radical an experiment. .ht nut the terest la not paid on a, lorger total
Ile had a moth two women. and tar plan was regerded ati rank socialism. of deposits than $1.000. A deposit
ebild brought betore tia0 Wient1"51. and caused far more diseuseion than -Wok may not be used sceurit
who decided at a, glance that they
enie emir. Ilie froze lit tin with he ishook hinteein **Mud VOW 1 MUISt, the n'oloeseum, 1 went. in and tool; reionged to a Friodtteo rave et ma1. the plan parliament 35 33035 consider -lifer a loan. and a deposit in the pas -
hen to esteblieh pulitic telephone It tai ban% may met he- Attached.
onorts tet last written an "I understand." be void, in iy tereft, of reeson. 1 glienced et the tb'o itinueice pt a pup I/lampoon of lurk rathout an exception. have 44'n' three hours from the thy.* ho
18 8 get it neeted, reolad teleg sue- "'You will rerne.nter nothing of to right. Ilastily gatherieg LJ3
eees. Etbl wile as encited otenit, it 'this when nou iteviina" 1 went on. hat, and muffler rusteda itr rajah tthi 4'4 31 44333•4
rbo v,t1.0/%1d7 'of bi117 itanod aargunievnais anodmdaertro.43rialireo ontieth 0.1s,actoeuirinouit0te;eatro. 333131 111.
er 3 c 4 t
es nnyeelt. enn to 0,4A It '1) iii I brought him out of the downFitairs-all 35ea1artp55 gore. ut
rain an Tacehe as nee soon lee Werth eiree• the of excitement which PorP•
r/imeos Settintn' "thantS• ruin. ftel 3333 504 me. feet carried me 3335111'.
3'38"333 in. and gate it to Mtn to ' us fit as a trivet now.'" he Paid, as lei along. ond I readied and entezed
onienree pleastre when he bed mon be going." up a position nhere was not Theso specimens. were halt servic41 e under the control of the poste- I
it, und Le said it was eertaia to pea ; Ile wes gone. and beel paced the ly to re eeeo and reeegnbell frela' tamed end had be1,34,111-ece:Iptivity pa otilee departmeut. A
but va year after op- TUE PATERNAL CARE
Wen. eent it to romager aftee retest with greet strides osni Panting' thee Wage. The curtain had Juet, hogs that they lied last many et -the erations begun, 31'10.000 accounts ,with which the tug John Bull looks
snararer. in el id dy with tize ea peer. Wee a wild nicest t
e notlinen gene up. and the Ale' rio-9 4)548313-4. charecteristies of their race. The aft
rIt sribad beep Retwee17
,-..57nit. :.(i n'ar,S retenniel kr Pei Frey. nig, opetted. n $,0 after the lufant department et hia
b4ralala Whied that the real Iv" tIleu
oce tend 1SSO the average number ot cc- ',savings Lank is elinest fumy. Two
n!, fil.,T,Q iittee cote f pe
onte; My wi:e came ha before goirg to flow I hang On everY 11E0 oudi lived in 'tee ntowatoirim
le !'nee'e ; and et lost 4 Feet it ont the theatre ond peat neg her AIT45 350133 *8'. RiT333chs4 ovivrF gestmre„ rote i reotecten by oattire to f i 1 1, largere p,ee,eaulwelte'rlYtI0%tltTeeAalY woruwePrOvidlio! tle
=ret won 0grkat L'3333' 74rovd ny even Sleed me tyeeeeetne tiro* 4et was;tentteelive in tle feehlormtet:114Iaberopyr0aceuuteofcodmiv3ilusoue It:Thige
lee, 1 nein enneoten so moon m ;reCoen j yene-nattle t08. 1'1'35 ON
w 1 vier. ;led a roued of opplanee of tee, etoee. ogee without many of,' Iperiny bank end the ther is the
t"ea, of its siivenete, con had Iltiiit, **"u; it 33 .3t he 1 Ilia° the dupe eigeha. Act after act went by whilst ;t1?.at Feriad, They defend tlienz9elves the "edit of meth ood the total rant economist buss a stamp with
F.:rill eiredlee iie the oio. 38-34 3583') 333385 9 1 eat ttere in a, free; ", of to:element, V with Atonesn
. ot even having /earned 68388483833* on deposit wing anent each penny saved end posies it in
OVER otavep cord
fa I tilta Frown en etteilien to the, -ii my Vmer was etroten enoegin I It brought the certoin t;p egein erob)tee 6reolvolftmenhs or gentlemen ot tnith an
average Of 'f,S0 stending to euee beeauee it's so simple. The In- '
'. 'The latter is most in
ih„ casit".,..3 ,zoli to tia, c„.0.1,, -Ed ifc .. Noe,. z wanaca go I a iinieritee foe- now teen, aoten-itliese two I I lent' gee art, of mating the atone liet.ehet. n$709,eoltobon, for 'abide every de-in/ace ell OM et the ROMS AQW14
L,,3.8 :mem linen w„
4 nin owe, ice:notion deer 11;,•p tomirit9 the hetiZse- reeve even evything like it, end the which indicates that theF. fife Otnalthil"..seiiillor has direct, sovernment re-"liere, 'When he has saved 12 pen-
lra teeing to hiee Ply d1c,:,e1488 401718*4.WhE:ra to tertinle a 15-8.33388' wits to audience rose .et *Lein otter 0.33-8-8cral1388' Mailed the state' ei civilize.- ,.eurity, Ides lie semis it. in and the govern -
meld' I gethh thilnitelhbh inorol'o. and .1...., +-nailed- 1 went. aud pLzeed my- net. ifinn in 'whit% our eticoter's or the'i Iteie tide nstoniehing, growth. that -melt looks after the ellilli
fP inniihe nig ueeebrelf that 1 ceeeht :eelf where 1 could-ee. without he - At lost the fifth, ' act wan on in store. ago lived. . s rig os-
' • teorapelled the posted department to ,gravely as if It were a. million titer-
linitelhe once natell on ine. le,ornieritigeniare ol eerned renceif, winch ocetirreili the great feere.td ttad, They ore cave dwellernnot having .11I03e its barn: lent of the grint Wilde i lingfiehoolinnsters whose pupils
17n more 'then oeCe. A13088t ti;isliti; '• Tw curt:4in woe rutin up for the ' piece. The boitent ' the eliceit as learned to Intild eheltern and prob- eeho It occupied hit Queen VictoriaeWarat to patronize this plan aro pro- e
vaeeeeeeFeicione'heean to tat& root „se„-'oi d got 'I' e,ee eau -two -even/ death. 1 sat as •cone eetrencei. All. /ably not caring to. Tbe.r.are mono- (erect, where it hod 10e ti 310335131303' '*1(8361 with stamps on credit ,ier the .N.
.in Ine. ania.d. Enth8nf,,,,, dedinite at Cret.,',Intiot the tart. She eitate on. end it was over t Igemeus. Culture is at bud) it IOW the international headquarters of 'pu.rpote, regardlees .of the appalling
nut lust tee C.roz taint glimmering of i the hottee nen! at tier and. cheered it- Then burst out the annlanne thati Oh with reltf.bern, thlet the?' eehaillet esTen (len. Booth's Sale"ation Army. to a .eixriount, of bookkeeping required to
'what woe to lezemeto . IfayI
' n00;544 ` se I !waren -She *p 0831 Ilin-. Imew vo etinting, Age,iri and .5' coma, hrhi toeh, tto 3863* Know oew liveeetere home out at Weet Reusing. ,record the fact that Ills efasest.ya
mid Ink,antirree,:e .1,14:d a, vast cee-Vreen tbrotTei the euret jewel at the.prineipel.aCnors carnet before the," to tell a lie- 1140/1 'aro in "eh a tone where it had for LI, tittle Dar- 'government. his lent to John Smith
taiity". As .1 iiirvie 33i3341. :4:n1*4on' !..tte been came Percival em Ilereard, clertein. 1 could ere that Perei%•al Primitive etate that they have to num% .eireus for a nent door neigh- three .eltIllings' worth of stairipe,
Ike .0 Kai wan re COW -natal. tit nor to ,'. the dlerareed lover. With paoion wan malting a speech, hut eould not tell tlie 'truth. -PossiblY their vo..bets •
0* 8' !little ilat. Ithat be has paid ninepence on them,
i in his Vniee Le pleaded to her -in V.ear his words, All .1 had cees tory ealollari, in not ruffichmtlY develeP-'1 Although the new building 85 the 443344*. ono . eitiliing threepence is now
'• At this bartienler 'time rez,/ wihe, eoilt. „wan the cry of "Author I author : oil- 'largest bank building in the world. 'overdue, and tliat the remaining
wee pianinei in the nitrite moraine ati,h elly 1Teaven I" he erled. "if you ' lioraeoce came and eeplainecl thati Then' rtoriee of .ilie rejah hay°. 131",inoney is neither deposited nor 'With- „stamen ton be dee one month hence.
Limcoli% Ono daY 1 filso:ed 1 as:cannot be intne in lire. at leart no- the author wan na present. bilV forested firm evieletiets, end the), art drae.en. there. and probably a large ['Where the school is big C•nough the.
te'tel d Platwe which Pef-Fed hoel tlt tin shell part Un denili." st;11 the crv rang out. Pull IiVe," now in 'the mountains thYlog t -o nod proportion of the tle usitors ever POstraiaster-General even takes the
tweeu tiltithatiNe or a semt Ile seizEd her in his nuts and minutes went by came the cry
nrfle atonding• 1 had Men Oulu rlauted one. wed. frame- hi,r. lier ef "Author I" 1 turred to leave
nh.epering teeetlaer, 1 caned 38831 to aod th, 11_01(.1e -hie liege7s oral wen paesing out when I felt my
nind. e• r,ri.'atc'lleal of 'etc ; end condi reund he: elereler throat. and erm, graveled mail a %eke, width I
en . -0. just after my great tileap-nt.hey swayed downwards together. N dimly reeogneett, said en.
Poiutuunt-the sereral of loi, Pia"- How I 15ee:114ot I 3. almost fell.1 oily joee, Terepeft, old team then
When 1. in my bitterness. railed Thq nonee wan quiet -so quiet. gine: said you **ere not here, Come along
reeinst Percivat'o led; in granite: a 'did not knav what 1 Ram. Tien' we elan never get the people out
1:0•Iirig Ilettticn *Toll the 1-41404'31 'env: only the nett.e-helieve,1---as. me' else."
teeige wirliet 1 WAS neither lucky ah•intee Were rennet to the soot wherei 11e led me along, half-deieed, to
en actor nor suceesefel as a PlaY-etent, grim straggle was going• on. the Lech of the stage. 1 flaw my
wrieht, 1 remembered how warmly „iez„. wife ond Percinal as in a mist ;
. . head seemed huretiug, and my
the real "wild luau of Itoreco." ',e0 much as see the place. The nee trouble to send nrotind a. clerk to
tual money changing is done Over matzo the conecti0119.
the counters of 13.800 little post- Equal*pitins are taken with the
LIAIVILITY '1'0 IIPIAVICESS. • „Onkel) all over the United ICIngtioin, lreney bone% toe
French surgeon says that men t ie big new building is' devoted 'usually the echool teacher. makes
which a. trustee.
It(iondthel army of clerics and baoltkeep- tbe combined deposits. The g'>-
3828> 138088 more subject to aural diseashes
ers required to heel) an nceeiintS eminent supplies rules for the roan -
then women and that out of every
seven iniddie-aged persons there are onti attend to the tens of thousands agement of suck banks, by nitich the
two Who do not hear as well 'With Of letters that 'pour in each. day. children go through about the same
one ear as with the other. In every Net one of these letters bears a form for banking their pennies with
thousand children under 82! teen yeara stamp, for the government manes no tho teacher that tlie eiders do for
of age four sh0n, sl,naingins anle Charge for earrying letters connected Latticing Itecir shillings with Llio
h • .L t d postoffice. 1110 gOvertunent even
supplies at cost. 'eucli cash books rand
ledgers for the use of these Penny
banks and carries depoidt boas,
cards, cash books and ledgers back
and forth from the central office fre0
of Charge. If the penny bank is
patronized sufficiently well the gov-
ernment even goes so far as to print
the JtaMe of the little institution on
its books and cards
elle had riniste upon the Injutth e ,tititieu was netting blurred. 1 rement- could just discern their start of stir- (83 g ,
ear disease. nud six a marCed de-'
of min thoun'as. ond hew ae, willed ter etunibling forward and being peon. and then I was before the ficiency in hearing power. tae lia_ 1 wilI take Infinite pains to correse
to rfnent MY. haii-dinParaginP re" ;men, by 50111041" and as I fell, house lemming to the applause of Wiley to dieease intreases from birth .pond with 'a boy in the northermost
marleo amt. Pkreivel. 121)'. eyes etill riveted ou the strug- the people I vould not 500 . Vol' a
oicione Ineame stronger and etrong-;land swift fall from the flies awl vision. and a merciful unconscious- to the age of forty, and then begins .torll in the kingdom who wants to
lib the days went on my stint ig1ing figuree, I saw something big mist shut everything from gradu
my ally to decrease as (ad age d- o,'piece as small a sum as one Atli-
vantes. Out of the totat number of „ling ill the :hands °f 'the r"tan"thr"
-1-Intrike the head of Sydney Percival. miss fell On my poor. dared brain, cases subjected to surgical
es. I detected a seertt meaning i i
, ori:en calm a bleu* ; 1 knew no and even as they claruorid ivildly for enent, it is eeti t d tl aabout 53
ma e la
treateiGeueral, even if, as frequeintly hap -
Pens. he wants to draw it out again
eeery look.. and *1 ought I could
*48- on a . ` ' ' k''''' • i• g '2 ,MOrn. i a speech I fell, prone upon the stage. per cen4. are cured, and 130 per cent, a, few days later. And when that
eeelt emlence that passed between • • • e# '1 • * I came to myself, Ethel and I permanently relieved.
11 too The first thing1 became aware of 'were alone She had n rah %vatting.
No one linows what I suffered at and together we entered it and
that time ! The Livros of my ses- was tbe sound of subdued Yokes. and •
picione overwleilmed me. grow so
unlilie my usual self that I believe
Ethel seas half afraid of me at
the eliman came. one day. 4 88831
come in softly from the street. As I;
nearea the door of the sitting -room,
which was slightly ajar, I heard
. voices -my s and Pelona' s. I
stopped dead. They had not heard 0
nie ; my wife was speaking : '15e
inust persuade him to go to some
quiet little spot, away from the 0
world, fox. a change of air and
scenery. Some place where ho will.
hear no news. Then we can mature'
our plans. Oh, I feel certain of
success ; what a surprise it will be
for him. lie must not know of our s
plot ; that would spoil everythino,„"
Thea Percival's voice broke in : h
"lin shall not know. He cannot p
8383311 0C*. I wouldn't have him find s
us out for the world. If you can
perseade him to go to your rela-
tions at that. quiet little ,viIlage on
the Cornish coast, it would be splen- *13
did. Get *dm. to see it dll
doctor. Te
hm youifear his hoitIth is breaking.
• The doctor is almost sure to order
hien a change of air and .scenery.
TI -ten corue our. opportunity."
I waited to hear 110 more. I went
out noiselessly and staggered along
tbe street like a, drunken man. Here,
then, was the thing brought borne
to me in its very hideousness. Get
rid of me ! ha, ! Me a poor
fool -deceived, deluded, discarded.
Deceived no longer ! I was up to
• their plotting n.n,d planning. I would
be :even with them. .
Blindly, madly, muttering Oncoher-
• ently, 1 atumbled along until I found
myself Hyde Park. I sank on a
seat and tried -to think. I could
not. My head. zeemed whirling
round, any brain on fire. I retraced
my steps sad ,reached home again.
Home The bitter mockery of it. .1
entered and found Percival,' 'awaiting
me. The sight of him calmed me
st an fly.
eTerereet.- old ' man," be began,
"I do ;wish you would exert your
sell" on Inc again. Those confounded
neuralgic pales have come on badly,
and I don't want to give lip
a:si fOr..me, and •
they seemed a long way off. 1 di.d ,dsve home.
not nen enes, but lay in. a. hair We entered the tittle eitting room,
tire.uny state, listening to the mei.- and'834.'woo, erearen bless her. put.
mur of the voices. As I became ber arms around my neck, sank on
more conszious I discovered I 35a3 my breast and,shed tears of joy.
in bed. and very weak. At last 1 Sennething had come to mo during
of the South African Constabulary 'You con 'open . account with
opened my eyes on a. darkened roem. 'that quiet - drive borne ; sonde little
Turning my head over a little,Isaw 'voice which scented to impress and the brides genuine Doer maid- shilling at almost any postoffice in
mien Dm
two fiiures seated at one side of the my consciousness something of the ens, who, with their imperfect knowl- the lancl-and in London, for in -
boy has saved as much as a pound
bik gets interest on it at the rate of
ne per cent.
Aside from the comfortable knowl-
Britons making South Africa
o oedge that the bank can't !wean 3131-
r home
oafretbere uta
nirlinonnsilhaeve juetr wo- less the government goes to smash,
lien place 4 Port Elizabeth. Tne the chief beauty bak is e
ings nof the postal sae:-
tabridegrooms were stalwart members " ITS SIMPLICITY.
ed. They heard 1110 move, and one Amon and which made me very,
1 them bent over me and met my•enry sad. I tried to disentangle her
laelice. , arrns'frotu, nay neck,
"Thank H " Heaven !" she said. he - **Don't tonch Me, Ethel ; I tun
rinis is passed. Ile is saved." not worthy. You do not know what
It was any wife. She kissed me, a wretch 1 ani -what, but for an ac -
and I felt tho hot tears drop on my cident. I might have become." .
0"John," the said, nI know' all,
`e`17.ou must neep very quiet, dear," and it makes no difference. Percival
She said. "You will soon net knows, too, and you may still
tronger„ now." "How long, I :count him amongst ' ir-our dearest
sked, in n. whisper, "ha" 1 loon : friends. Think no more about it.
ere ?" "Six loug weeks," she. nal Let the past go ; the future looms
lied, "but you will soon be 10380-upbrightly before us frone to -night."
elf again, now." 1 In nay ravings during the weary
She went from the room, and left weeks of brain fever I had disclosed
le other woman, whom I.found to tlie hideous secret, and, had- explain -
a a nurse, by any side. 'J
'hen, and ed the occurrence which tamest end -
en only, came the recollection of ete in a tragedy, and would have
that awful night, and the muses done but for a. piece of wood falling
that led up to it. I cannot describe from the Mel and striking the 'head
my sensations at that moment. The or pereiyah rendering him uncoil -
elle fact that stood out before all
others was that Ethel was alive- scious,
This, then, was the secret under -
my plot had failed. Then I remem- standing between them -the plot
bared the falling object wind), des- which I had so vilely misinterpret-
canding from Ufa flies, had struck ed ! . Tb.ey had resolved to produce
Sydney Percival. my play, Percival being confident of
The nurse, seeing my restless cora its success. He resolved to take a
dition, gave me a sleeping ciranibht, 1 theatre under his own management,
and once again I .sank into uncoil-. and . proem° it with Ethel in the
sciousne.ss. The days went on and can. They- -did- not wish Ina, to
grew to weeks, and I began to leave know anything of ituntil success
the bed and get about the room. 1 lia,d been assured, and so desired to
had said nothing to Ethel of what get me ineity where I should be lit -
so occupied my mind. I Could not fie likely to see any theatrical
breach the subject ; but, trnsted to news. It was to be produced on my
time to make ell things clear. She, birthday, and was to be a glad sur -
bless her, was the very embodiment prise.
of gentleness and loving solicitude. Next morning Ethel caane in with
During all -that time Sydney Pere a great bundle of dailies. We glanc-
civat did not nome nigh and his ed thein through. The critics were
name •never ranged between us. unanimous • in their praise of my
' I was rapidly approaching cora play, and predicted for me a brii.- rtirsi Chappie (just froln. abroad) '
valescence, and was nearly fit to liant future. I looked at Ethel: Her e -This is the last time I seal' cross
leave the side -room, when a „thought faee was radiant ,with joy, and , in .December.
suddenly struck Me Ono Morninglater, when Pcxieival came in, and Second Chapple -Was it very
During the few weelis I had been greeting me with a hearty hand- rough 7
conscioue I had not semi a news- Shake said, 'in that earnest way of ; First Chappie-Not only that but
aPer.‘ . .
'4 reSolVed
edge of the English language, had
stance, there.is a dingy little post -
some difficulty in getting through office with two or three girl clerks
the marriage ser -vice. But this Tittle every fent blocks. Except in the
hitch was overcome, and the girls busiest streets, these postoffices con -
looked happy as they drove away in
their wedding carts, The vehicles sist of one little bare room, or even
one corner of a shop, yen in almost
weh decorated with yellow ribbon, 701 of these unimposing pens you can
the ex-Pree State- color. while the do an astonishing amount of loasi-
horses were adorned with red,
and blue. white ness; for each is not 0814.'a post -
Only 5e, per
land surface Is
cent. of the globes
lit for cultivation.
office, but a public telegraph sta-
tion, from which you can'senda
message to Victoria or to St..Pet-
ersburg, if .yon want to; a. message -
station. where '3,ou can get a. blue -
coated boy to do an errand for you
at sixpence that would cost half a
dollar in Toronto, and a banking
house where you can deposit or
withdritee money or buy governtnent
stocks without a. letter of introduc-
tion, and without being known to a
soul in. the place, providing you
have followed a few simple rules. Not
onlyy this; but you can get your life
insured there, er buy an annuity,
for these are recent additions to the
government banking department.
There 'am ilve. young women in the
postoffice around the corner from
my lumen ancroiniehout aid from a`
man tlity •transdet-' 'thin' neeming-
ly intricate business from 8 in the
morning 'till 8 at night nil a simile
SO oierrow that' the counter running
/lawn the center of it gives the girls
scarcely room to pass eachother
behind it, en(' the customers scarce-
ly room to pass each other in front
of it.
It is a dull hour indeed when the
Public part of the room is not so
croirded that the three or 'four inese
nenger 'boys who' are in •attendance
do reat have ,to dive and squirm
when they went to reach the door.
Yet the women never eeem flustered
and I have not heard orineof them
a marvel tbat Is explathedvonly by
their long experieace , the 1,8 10 with "paradise, in the og6' P Pa la co,
lij5 1 ni ,So glad, olcl lnan,' int we were, obligee eo contend ivith which they care marked for promo- at Venice, It .10 ices .W.ide and -
to ask the nurse for too full',,Ok words, and could only those beastly "trade windS." • tion and tine simplieity oi the rules 31 feet hjah.
in addition to all this banking
busiriess, one can invest itegovern-
went, stock through the postoffice to
it total cd $2;500. 'rhe stock an
also be sold through lite postoflice.
The same department also pro -vides
fife insurance and annuities up to
$500 at the lowest rates.
The prodigious success of the pest -
till savings batik played havoC for
a while, with the other savings
banks. Since the postal bank was
established in 3861, 421 of the priv-
ate sayings banks Ineve been elosed, A
and there are only 280 left in the
United, Iningclom, but most of these
are said to be in a prospenous con-
dition, and the decrease thOUgh:t
to have stopped altogether, 3zi
most cases tbe accounts of thi de-
-positors in the' banlis that went -out
of business were transferred by
agreement to the postal bank with-
out loss of interest.
The prodigious increase In the
business of the postal bank and the
pains taken *with small depositors- •
require 8,006 -clerks .at the central
office, and in the olal Coraptu'atively
smell building in Qacen 'Victoria
street they were packed 'Ake sar-
dines. A glimpse. down the great
rooms where the entorrants are „writ-
ten and examinee], each rooni, with
its co -tuneless clerks, would innicate
that more bookkeeping is done in
those atite Peones than perhaps in
any other's in the 'World.'
n Yet, in- spite of theenreate expenee
the.postal savings brink has turned
over to the goveenmept $8,500,000
in profits since it was stinted. •
Customer - "That umbrella: you.
sold inc isneed° of ;inch miserably
poor stuff that it won't, last a
month." ,Dealer "Yah. Ve al -
Yews zells dot kind -to intellectual
•men like ,you. You gets- thinking on
-great s8*bje6ts, and pecomes zo ab-
sent-minded. you lose' it in drea
veekso and den yon haf de za,tisfac-
neon off knowing clat de mane who
iands it vill get vet."
TintoreLto's record pictere s%lie