HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-12-11, Page 1FIFTEENTH YEAR.
Wereeksetesteesletsetreles site etteelketeeetnistt aessietfealsenseen -aee,l'eseteler
• GUT ,...PW4C).:ES.
Men's Black-, Beaver oretcoats,velvet cok1, fly frout.box bock.
umbrella skirt. Italian lined. were $12.50 cut ..... - • • • .
Men's Block Beaver ovacuats, velvet colkir, fly front, Ifialiair
lined, Sewn with silk and linen were eszo. ........
metes Mick lit'aVPr (Werenats, velvet coigne,Uy frontsgood
linings. sewn with linen and silk were 8P.50, now....
Men's grey Cheviot overcoats, silk velvet collars, :111o1air and
lintngs, Talma pockets, umln:ellit skirt, box ietek were
$12,00. cut .. .... ..... — ......SP.:A.
Men's Oxfotd grey overcoats, velvet collar,Talma pockets,enits
On sleeves, Raglan style, were 89.50 eut to . . . . . - 88.00.
eLei's Cheviot and Ftiezeovereoats.velvet cofluRg10,tyle,
Talma pockt.ts, cuffs on sleeve, t willed Italian Habiglinen anti
eilk eewings, were $9.50 for- „ -.....- .... ......... ...enees
Men's Frieze overcoats, Oxford greystorm collarswool lined,
straps on back, linen sewings were $5,50 now.- .....
Boy's and Tenth's Reefer coats and Pee jeekets in bine and
grey, lined with Metallic seteen and wool lining. 4111 nt erg prit'es.
Poy's and Youth's overcoate in best Cloths, /Meg, styles ui
lowest prices.
Our MOWS Snit% Can't be beaten In prleee, our etylee enrpneeetl.
and no goals are made Letter. s
Y TO LOAN. 1 1
. ...
WO lasmoiroligaIted private fun& far to- Mrs. Joe. T ion s le, eon. 4. is &in-
vestment neap farm or village Frorerty, at gerously ill at b4ijt. lier MIMy
lititweid raten Of laterest, .. friende wish bee tereerie everovery.
Incueee ei CALMING. I 14r. Franklin Neil has 11.4tliclle1 frail!
Bairrioters,etc.. Exeter. New meseee ems nee where be bee
been disposing of live eerie:Ids of Mote
miglibred Lineoln sheep. lie reports
I Ittwe a largearaennt of yriva to fun& to a Splendid ti ip and greet side. His nine-
LAU ini 13T611 and 'Mine Fropertleti at low ;; ym.014 son, 'toyhad the misfortune
ratesofintexest. l to fall on the lee at school a few days
liarrhter,M;iin Street Exeter , agobye3iiing both hones in his left
--- ----- - -- - - - ---- --------------- i all% A r,II'. 01111e was sent for told he Is
'Mein non NALE.
..--_-,-..-„,- . now doing nicely. We are sorry to
knu,.1 14.4 a, in et, ai,/14 cialm„,,:,,,, tr luNtr of o .. aq, H aeeident, but Mille IW
to4hip 1,11 Witco, Cis atrea, Applt to will Soon he around again,
Nti10%04431 L. omill37,
si;;.t.407.1;e.'Salsitetr,t. ,
3.1iits 'Willett has gime to Zurich,
Wand InsuraireAgcnt Where She Will letwn tidloring with
cull‘rt.:41.:r-fir,aptivgttoh411;rttiliv4V4441110roje.4,1% pea. Doegeet. she win he umeh
of ltanitalnintit Northea, 10144vd ilthm*` Uhls Atioie 'Hest+. of
SlabtoWn, is ;spending a few days here,
- - ; the gnest er
ter, M. Fassold.
S WANTED. -Miss liable A1111180% Who is attend.-
Reliable Lady Agents uantot to Me ordem for big the Collegiate at •Ondeliell, has
the hod: otstom made dre§s shirts and svalhing skirts been engaged as !Malan t teacher in
(14 Canada. Write spric141S- ..-., the public school here for next year.
litelINtoll 0.10,111lICT CV:
DAVI. undo, 084 --Mr. Hahn, who recently disposed a
- — -- ------- ---- his farm itt Slabtown, to MS nephew,
Sale Remoter. Mr. Hoffman, of near Berlin, has tals-
------e. een up his reeidence here, ' We wele
THMSDAY, DEM Pl.-Fenn, farm stock null lin.' Clnale M. Hahn to our burgh. Mr.
elements, two ingt‘is, lour sillattC las and house- II01251111111 hatii taken possession of his
bold effeets. the property of It Williams &Sens, Lot tau. ,
I on. I, lia) tau nship. The houses and lot are,
in LI' teter north. Sale at one Vehicle. II. Brown,
Auetioneer, , Stephen
Seitoor, Ruron.r.-The following are
the names a the pupils who have ob-
The undersigned is offering for sale that detsiratte1 tamed the highest marks, in S. S. No.
hotel situated at. Deven. on the London Bead. Mill .41 •
hotel 1, in good condition, rind is 2 ',kilo Folio, of 10sor the Inman rif December. -..e.111Inets
Meter. This mai is largely trave led and fee the
right mail ehancesaregood tor a splendid business.
There is a goad stable In eminertion also.11 acres of
laud. Pft,ession given immediately. This property
will be sold (limp. For particulars, apply to
Dienson & Cantiso, 'Exeter, Out.
Large two-sterv fnune Z.; acre land, 9
horse power engine and IS boiler; with all- turmng
machinery, together with planer, circular saws bor-
ing machines, emery wheel, hand saw, thill; eta,
etc. There is also in connection a flrrt-class cider
mill and an apparatus for malting apple butter by
steam. There is on the premises a number of out
buildings, such as, lumber sheds, horse stable, etc.
Everything is in lirstmlass condition Mai will be iold
kiierip-in fact It is a rare ,bargain, Terms to suit
'purchaser. Apply to
A. Corm, Exeter, Ont.
County Council Election
County of Huron.
Public notice is hereby given that "a nteeting of
the electors of County Division No. 4, composed of
themunicipalities of the townships of Ushorne and
Stephen, and the village of Exeter will be held in
Town Hall, Exeter, on Monday, December the 22nd,
1002, at the hour of 1 o'clock p..n„ for the purpose of
nominating eanclidates to represent Man in the
COunell of the County of Duran for the years 1003
and 1004, and that in ease 111)011 is demanded, polls
will be opened on the fith day of January, 1005, in
each polling sub -division at the time and place fixed
by Ey-Law of the mmtMipalities 01 the said County
• Nominating Oilleer for County
Council, Dw. No, 4
Dated this 10th day of December, 1002.
Mar's Hill League was reopened hist
Sunday evening with &large attend-
ance. Mr. W. Mawson is President.
The topic was "Do I discourage oth-
ers'-' and. Was taltemby‘Miss Lizzie Dai,
ling. -Mr. Trevethick, sr., is imPeoe-
needg slowly in health. -Mrs. j.. Keown
• has.recovered from her recent illness.
We are sorry to hear fliat Mrs. George
Lewis is on the sick list. -.-Mr. W. Row
has returned ,home from Ramo. Glad
to see him home again. -At he rate
the snow fell Monday the young gen-
tlemen of this vicinity will be. able to
\ take their best girls for a cutter ride.
The bOyS of these parts spent a pleas -
,ant tune on Saturday skating on the
ice on the mill' race -Miss Selena
Hardy was the guest of Miss Jane
' Graven few days last week. -
Dien. -Another of the old pioneers
has passed away. in the person of Mrs.
R. Williams, of West McGillivray, who
died on Saturday, Dec.6th, after a few
days' illness. The f n neral took place
on Monday to West McGillivray ceme-
tery, the service being conducted by
Rev. S. Knott. The family have the
sympathy of all in their bereavement.
aro in order of merit. 'V. -Hector
Mitchell, Edna, MeNaughton, Warren
Mitchell, Rose Wilson, Sr. IV --Ter-
tian Wilsois, R Laura Shine Alvin .33e.-
ker, AIIie Haggai). Jr. I.V.-Harold
Daphnis S. McCoss, Essery, Frank
Mitchell., Sr. 111, -V. Sheardown, Jcie
White, Gladys Esseryc Czar Wilson.
Jr. TM -Willie Sims, Charlie Grafton,
Murray Elliott, Gordon 'Wilson. Sr.
Robinsoe, Malvan Callfas,
Norman Heitman, John White. jr.
IL -Mervin Elston, Margery -Hepburn,
Archie Robinson, Flossie Mortimer.
Part IL -Hazel Hicks, F. Heitman,
Eddie Sims, Roy Cafes. Part I. -
Fred Fairball, Harty WindsoriAntho-
ny White, E. Cal/fas. -
Lois M. SMITH Teachers;
. -Zurich
Mr. John Preeter is recovering from
his recent illness. -Miss Lizzie Greb
has returned. from Detroit. -Miss Wil-
lert, of Daswood, is learning the tailor-
ing at J. Deichez ,and. Mrs.
John Rapier left Thursday for . their
new home neer Hensall, Mr. Kipfer
having rented Mr. Daniel Bell's farni.
--Mr. Jacob Meyer, of the Zurich 'oad
has moved to his father's farm, , near
Wagner's corner. -The evaporator, be-
longing to Mr. John Hey, Goshen line,
VIS destroyed by fire a few ditys ago.
e -Mr. Wm. • Oswald, of the Bronson
line; who has been sojourning in Iowa
for over is year, has returped. home. -
Me, William Uttley purchased Mr. M.
Meidinger's dwelling for $450 end, will
take possession shoinly.--Misses-rydia
hod Lizzie Rennie have fully recovered
from their illness. -Miss „Elle Gibson,
who has been engaged as milliner,
with D. S. Faust, left last week for her
home in Blyth.-Miss.Lizeie Rats, who
has been on a two weeks' visit here,
the guest of her uncle, Rey.aW. J. la-
ger, left for her honle in Parkhill Sat-
urday. -Mr. Ed. Zimmernian has re-
turned from Brucefield, ere he has
beep engaged the past summer.--eMr.
Harry Little, eeteeinary surgeon, left
town last week. He has disposed of
his practice to Mr. Herman Bender,
Wii0 Will carry it on. -A grand musical
and literary C011eett will be held in the
Town Hall, Zurich, about New f ear's
Eve, under the management of Miss
Minnie Doan and, F. W. .Iless. The
best talent in Canada will be procured,
--A number of ladies attended the rag
bee et Mrs. Foster's,Coremercial hotel,
on Thursday evening and spent an en-
joyable time.
Ur, 1.huT Bilwards, who had the
misfortune to get WS leg br9ken, while
assisting at the barn raising ot M.
Fresliney's, is getting along as well
•ts can be expected. Ris many ft lends
re hopf to soon see him out again.--
What might have proved a serious ac-
cident happened to Mr, Samuel Carr a
iew (Llys ago. While fixing Mr. flan.
s engine it suddenly started and se -
rely jammed his font, but no bones
1 were broken. -Mr. Alfred FOr41 left
lest week to resnrne his work at Lind -
DRS. OrelEr.4 si!
• imirs top a.m.. 1 to 2 awl 7! P-mo-
"ephoneeommtrinvaTieu viith malts Ural
PAsesme AwAY.-Another of otter/id-
et residents linseed to her reward Of
Friday hist, in the pet ,on of Mrs. T.
Alloway. The deeeased has been in
'try poor health for some time, benee
er demise WAS not ottexpeeted, in-
euities of ola ege being the retiree of
nth, She hail-reireheil the ripe old
age of 82 years and was one of the pin.
Deers of thie section. Deeeased
• eighty reSpeeleil 01111 leaves a grown
no family to !MUM her demise. The
emeral took place to the Exeter CND-
•etery on Sunday and was largely at-
• tended,
Hay VOUItell
The Council met ot Town 11.tll on
Mondly, De. 1st. All present. Tito
Mowing polling places avid deputy
1tL1U12 big officers were Ippointed ;
i. D. R. O. Poll Place
John Hawkins S. Rouse No, 2
Jas. liontloon
Fred Hese, See Town Hall
It:m.811mm S. lei men Nee
ihee Senoras
4• 14K0 Suva Snelre office Da
Chae, Traver S. (loose No.
8 R. Dairana Raehand's °Mee
An engineer's report, rethe repine
mg and Meaning out of the Zotirll
Main North ISvhwaien Drain') was
ileul to the interested parties Resent
• ind rater mature eonsideration the re-
port was adopted. Amounts to the
4611100M Or :92902 Wert, peesed and
ordered to he paid. An Itemized state -
molt of these accounts will Ito issued
in (Inc time for pernsal of the ratepay-
ers, Council will meet again on Mon-
day, Dee.. 15, at oivie.iniletteks, sPoit.t.
Pneenter \\ --On Desethd the
home of Mr. James Nixon, wm the
seem? of a very prettk'svedding, when
hie pomgest sheers Miss.: Ella, was mars
Vied to Air. Wm. Holmes, Of Wingbani.
Precisely at half past five. the bride,
leaning the arm of her brother. en -
Weed Gm room to the strains of Med-
lesshon's Wedding niorEb, played by
Mee. IL Drake. The nuptial knot was
tied by Rev. Mr. thwart. of Maybe%
after which some forty couples mar -
ed to the dining room, where the tables
were heavily laden with fowl and all
kinds of cake, pies, etc., including or-
anges and vanity. After all had par-
taken of the sunmtuous wedding din-
ner the evening WAS Melt t in violin
selections, recitations, songs, dancing
and varlogs amusements. The bride
kinked harming in a slate colorei silk
dress. trimmed with pearl and applique,
OS also did the bridesmaid, Miss Took
Pullman, who wore a dress of blue silk.
The presents, which were costly and
numerous, show but the slight esteem,.
in which the bride is hekl, and -our loss
is "Wingham's gain. Mr. and Mrs.
Holmes Ieft for their bomi Monday.
accompanied by the best wishes of
their hoet of friends, WhO wish them a,
long and happy voyage through life.
Mr John Pollack, of Yorkton.'Assa.,.
is visiting his friends in Hay township,
the guest of his brother-in-law, Mr.
John McMahon. He will take back
number of horses with him, among
which will be a fine stallion purchased
from eta Thos. Berry, of this place.
-Albert Oase, who has been employed
on the railroad here, has been given a
Platition at Lucknow station by the G.
T.R: people. -While at work a few
days ago Mr. Robt. Twitchell, had the
misfortnne to cut his hand so severely
as to require niedical treatment. -Jos.
Hndeon and wife moved to town Wed-
nesday from Hillsgreen. We welcome
them to Redeall and hope they will
live loog.to enjoy retired life,L-George
Ross has returned from the Soo,where
he went some months ago. -Mr. John
0oulter isrecovering from his illness.
Rev. Mr. Quantz,,.02 London, occupied
the Metbaclistpulpiton Sunday. He
is 1,11 excellent Speaker anf,T his remarks
were. well"recei ved.e:.'Corn'ey Coek. and
bride have arrived hOme• and are set-
tled in their • new home on Oxford
streets -Miss Louie.Moir has returned.
,from Toronto,. wbers.sbe has been vis-
iting her sister, Mrs, Case. ----Mr. James
,Petty has arrived honie froin England,
alter spending a bont-five Months with
his relatives in Yorkshire.. looks
well after his trip. . His friends gave
him a bearty.hand skaks on his return
home. -The lactase occupied •. Mr,
Dick and owned • .h -y Mr. Ins: Petty
took fire on Mendey. The,fire, started
in the flooring Of • one of the hiestair
bedro CMIS abc1 was well underway
when discovered. • The services 6f the
engine were notrequired.-The many'
friends of Rev. Dr: Medd will be pleas-
ed to learn that he recovering from
his illness. He has also had an attack
of , inflammatory rh e u m atisna. -Mr.
Richard Stoneman, whose wife died in
Clinton ,a few, weeks ago, bas arrived
in town and taken up his residence
with his sister-in-law, Mrs. Johnston.
For nearly eight yeaes he has 'teen a
very great sufferer from diabetes, lat-
ter being linable to do much to help
himself. Mr. Stoneman's ailment is
an incurable, and he has
the Sympathp of t,he community. --Mr.
and MVS. Wm. McDougall are spend-
ing a few days in Toronto, the guest of
Miss Annie Papple.
Mr. L. Downing, of elandeboye, bas
been engaged as teacher for S.S. No.:74
for next year.- The imetion sale of W.
Hodgins and .T. Doyle, ae West McGil-
Beres- Wedne3dity was largely
ed and good prices were realized„ -Mr.
Bloomfield, who recently sold his farm
bere, has purchased the splendid farm
of Mrs. Mc'favish, 15th concession.
Londonittownship. It is one of the
finest farms in the county. The price
paid was a5,5irP.
s Blake
Miss -Agnes Douglas has gone to Dft2.
bath to attend lier sister. who is very
111. ---Miss Mite Manson is visaing- rela-
tives and friends in Griderich.-eliss
Clara B. Thompson bas rernrned borne
from London, -We regret to learn
that MIss Slflona Holtz is not reeover-
ing asii !gaily as we lutil expeiireh but
at times Is very poorly indeed. fier
innoy Mende oleh bee speedy mew-
Donglas is learning the
operating with It, G. Nichol. We con-
• atnlate .ral. on his new enterprise.
• The latest of one young men to or.
rive home from 'Manitoba are Mesers.
Frank 131ann, John Butt. David Work-
man, David Blain and John Mceregoe.
They all speak well of the West. ---Nr.
John Beitz is shipping a quantity of
wood (0 London.-311ss („'„ Mellis, of
this village., and late of Stratford, hits
entered the services of Mrs. Emrich.
matron of the House of Ilefoge.-Miss
Rilna jitekson. of Ripley, is the guest
of her grandmother,Mns. Jam Craw.
ford, -Lorne.. wiantities of haled hay
are tieing ser greed from thie :dation by
Mr. Wm. thelitiorte
ikubwhic.vo hos mosTa tow:
bie new teepee built 135t 1.111111114'1.
MISS Anna 3lat din. of ESeter. IIiIS been
engaged 04 tegeher in the Winehelsee
sehool and will tone eharge after the
Christmas holidaye. We wieh her
tallePeSS.-0•Ve le:1111 that Mae Ethel
Godbolt whit ieeently Famed •her
seined examinetion with henries in all
snliseets hae seemed 'A schis()i for the
eoming term. -Mise May White, who
has been spending the summer with
het. sister, in Ransimiville, N. Y., le.
turned home On S;ittstiny laht to at-
tend her sheer s wedding on the lfith
.josse Heiner, of Miehigan.
itt'(ifriends here during the week. -
Mr. Howard, 0.11. loyal. mail carrier,
has nhineit earepleted his lab rear of
seeders, mid thurmg that pm foa never
met with the elightest accident until
alew days ago, when his pony, taking
fright at it snow roan, which tiOille
eehool boys had made on the road,
bolted for the ditcb, upsetting the lig
and tossing him raughly on the hard
road. Asi a result he is the °wrier of a
broken cart and a badly wounded
shoelder, which will confine him to
the house foe some time. NV'e are sote
ry to hear of his misfortune, but hope
to soon see him aromid again,
D. STAND= 11: A., (formerly Collins
tiviburyl Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Conveyaneer.
Honor to Lean -Exeter, Ont.
Mr. Mathew "Winer has moved into
his new dwelling.-Mt'.WS.Chishohn,
manager of The elerchants' Bank, bas
rented the house °weed by Mr.August
Heist. In the meantime Mr. Mist is
having the interior of his dwelling re-,
painted and papered. -Mr. Wilfred
Finkbeiner, of Duluth, is visiting rela-
tives in this vicinity, after au absence
of about seven years. -Mr. Jerre. Tre-
vetbick, of Brinsley, was in the village
Wednesday. -Miss Evelyn Kerr suf-
fered another sudden attack of illness
on Sunday, and. is again confinecl to
her bed, lint we are pleased to state
that she ai
s slightly mproved.-Win-
ter has come in earnest. Sleighs, cut-
ters and snow shovels are brought into
use. Mr. H. Haber has been acting
the good citizen by keeping the side-
walks open with a snowplow. His
kindness is appreciated. -Mr. Williarn
Heilman is again on his rounds with
his meat sleigh. Billy is a good botch-
er and is doing considerable hnsiness.
-The Missee Emma. Brown and Ida
Winer are on the sick list. We wish
them a speedy recovery.- The flax Mill
strike is still unsettled. Both sides are
determined not to give in. We hope
it won't turn out like the coal strike
111 Pennsylvenia this summer. -Mr.
Paulin, of Dashwood, is placing a fur-
nace in Dr. Heist's d.welling.-Mr. Geo.
Hirtzel is attending the Grand Jury in
Goderich this week. -Mr. F. E. Kern,
Manager of the Sovereign Bank at Ex-
eter, was in the village Saturday -Tile
result of our two polls in the village
Thursday was as follows: -No. 2, 58 for
the Liquor Act and 31 against. No. 3,
71 for and 37 against.. The temperance
party polled IS more votes io the town-
ship this year than hi 1808 at the .'Pro-
hibition plebiscite., --Please bear ib
mind that this is the last week to pay
you taxes. -The Lady Maccabees of
our village gave Mrs. James Hodgins,
their retiring Lady Commander, a very
pleasant surprise party on Trieseay
evening. Mrs. Hodgins was 'presented
with a number of handsome presents,
as a mark of their appreciation for her
services in connection with the. lodge
since it was orgauieed in this village.
A pleasant evening was „spent by
ACCIDENT. -On Tit esdwreven i n,g last
while threshing at the farm of Mr. Eli
Ring, Mr. WM. Sims met with a pain-
ful accident. While rapidly descend-
ing from, the top- of the machine his
Wind missed the proper support and
he was precipated. to the barn floor,
fracturing his night foreleg in two
places. He was conveyed to his home,
where Dr. Rellins set the iojuted limb.
It is a bad, break and will lay him up
for a good naany weeks. His . many
friends are sorry to hear of his mis-
fortune but hope he- will soon be out
. .
To -day, DO BE 11,th, we commence
our Clearing Sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots
and Shoes, Crockery., liardware, Bte. Our pres-
ent lease having expired we WIWl be compelled to
clear out the above lines at once.
All goods will be marked down
T. G
-Grant ou
m1'.W1111. Fo8te2 18 surferitr„; fa on au
at tack ef iaeselpeee-Miee Carrie Mime
1474y ie vieiting her eieter, Mrs. II. Ai 101.
itages liamiltere-ellee M. Mad. of
St. Marva has awned a 111014e eines
in our hutgli. She intends coming
here every Seturtlay.
811041TI3'ti twelve-
momdti sop of Me. James Gileon. of
tins place, formerly of the police force
ae Loudon, may Iwo the sight of hie
right eye, es the result of an itecident
that happened on Tuesday. The hid
with several ()there was at play in it
Mill. lb was on the third their when
a companion, who Wart tibooting with
an air rifle, ataidentally shut him iu
the right eye. The low Was' taken to
London and Attended by Dr. Butler
mid Pingel. Both doetors hold out
hopes •that the boys eyesight will be
saved. The lad was able to return
homes Ris mauy friends hope for his
no wood imeinees is engaging more
eiple's attention now. Reavere Bros.
tad a woral bee last Tnesday and
Wm. Bray on Ftlilay.-Robert Gardi-
ner, jr., and (12418, Borland are cuttingo
wood at Win. Kay's. Bobbie ts an old
Fan ubar boyand it 3001119 00a to
have him m
aong again. -D. Brown
is horae from London, having left his
job with the city gas works. --The
tencher and children of 8.8. No,
tend having ith entertainment before
Christmas. -Out of oue hundred and
forty-nine voters eighty -form voted
"yes" on the referendum eight voted
"no" and the rest steyed home. -The
Royal Templars will bold. an oyster
supper among themselves on Tuesday
night, Dee. 16th. Each member in
good standing. will be admitted and
will be allowed to bring one friend.
New members will be admitted by
having their names sent in to the Sec-
retary, accompanied by the initation
fee. A. good program, will also be pro-
Wnonixo. -Wedding bells are again
heard in Our midst. On Wednesday
evening Miss Ida, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Fulton, was united, in the
holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. IL
()barters. The bride was handsomely
attired and indeed looked chaeming.
The presents were numerous and use-
ful, showing the esteem in which they
are held by their many friends. The
evening was vent in musie, games
and dancing. We wish the young
-couple every prosperity.
Usborne Council,
Obinacil met at Township Hall, Dec.
Oth. All present. Minutes of last meet-
ing were read, approved of and signed
by the Reeve. The report of the en-
gineer on the drainage work known
as the Scott drain, Township of Hite
beet, was read and considered, a large
number of the owners of lands affected
in the township of Usborne, being.
present. After careful consideration
the couneil resolved to adopt the re -
pert, and take the necessary steps to
raise the proportion of the funds ne-
cessary for the completion of said
death accordinge to the provisions of
Drainage Act. The nominations for
Reeve and 00uncillors for 1003 will be
held at Township Hall, Elimville, on
Bfonday, Dec. 29th, 1902, at 1 o'clock.
In case more than the necessary num-
ber are nominated, polls will be held
as follows on Monday, January 5th,
1902. Div. No. 1, Township Hall, Elim-
F. Morley, D.R.O. 2, Lot 6, N.
T.R., John Harney, D.R.O. 8, Lot 2,
Con. 10, M. Bentley, D.11.0. 4, Public
Hall, Farquhar, Alex. Duncan, D.R.O.
The vote for County Councillors to be
taken at same time and. places. By
Law No. 4 1902,appointing Deputy Re-
turning .Officers, fixing title and places
for nomination, pollieg, etc., was read,
passed, signed by the Reeve and seal
attached. The account of the Board
of Health for services and expenses,
amounting to $20.50, and the M.H.O's
account for vaccine points, $5.25, were
paid to the .Clerk for distribution.
Otheraccounts amounting to $772.12
were passed and orders issued in pay-
naent. Council then adjourned to meet
Dec. 15th at 1 o'clock.
F. Niel -mos-, Clerk.
Meta 4' '3 iog friends
142 Lley Vete', ie stee NV. Sid-
-nel Jet= ie left lest
week for Lee ego' , organ- where
they will 81401;11 I la Met' see.
Willietio end Oliver Aleeender. John
aud Ravina
e na109 Oral BM! Bender -
NM have mein veil from Manitoba.
whet e they heve been for the paet
few nointlee-tapiii e Smith IT, TretWer•
brig front his rereut illneee.--B. Attlee,'
wee: in town Thimeley Inman; borsea,
GAL, thieve and Ches, Willienis, who
WP/111141 tiff week Let week. owing to
illnese. have :now -red. -While band -
ling irit,,,logent thobtotion a few days
ago Beet iVhite hail the oilefori nue to
hese the end hie little finger token
off. Ile was laid off work for several
•McGillivray Council
Conn{ 11 /410 t on-,01ntlt t4t seleanter.
went 111 Town Hall, eletiillivrays Dee.
len Present, .1.1), Drummond, Reeve;
A. H. updgin,, 11„ Doman, J.MeGreg-
or and W. Mawson. Conneillors.
inutes lir• t meeting read, a pprov-
' of and signed. IhnIgins-Mawson
that the piwnship ongitieet 14$., and is
1 1 •
11 o rontinue his
award. merit on the requisition of W.
Lewis, through Lot he N.D., the pro-
perty ofmCou
Tiothy ghlin, in accord-
ance with petitiou preseeted to the
counede-Carri0. Dorman-McGregoe
that By -Law hee 3 of 1002, appointing
Deputy Returning talkers and fixing
places for bolding municipal election,
as ead a first and second time, be onw
it third time and finally passed.
Carried. --Hodgins--Maweon--tbat
the accounts, amounting in all to
$414.13, be passril and orders issued in
payment•-em.ried. McGregor -Maw-
fon-tbat ti•t,ns adjourn to -meet
in the Town Rall, on Monday, Dee. 15,
' at one o'clock n),3.-('.airsnv
s11.FitTp. clerk.
Step—hen, on Dec. 2, to Ma
I and Mrs, Thos. NV. Boyes, a daugh-
JONES.- In Stephen, on Dec. 4, to Mr.
and Mrs, Wesley jones, 4 sov.
the bride's brother, on Dec. 3rd, by
Honeets---Nixon-At the residence of
Rev. R. S. W. Howard, Mr. 'Wnn.
Holmes, Winghtim, to Miss Ella Nix-
on, of Hibbert.
Aor.owees..-In Centralia, on Decem-
ber 5th, Mrs. T. Alloway aged 82
ATCHESON.-In St. Marys, on Dec. 2,
Alexander Atcheson, aged 69 years.
Sam:inns-In Fullerton, on Dec. 3, be-
loved wife Christian Sanders, aged
78 years.
MoGnostort.--In, Exeter, on Dec. 9,
Duman McGregor, aged 83 years, 6
MAITON.-In Northbranch, Mich„ on.
Dec. 9, Emma Balman, beloved wife
of James Mahon, aged 59 years.
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