HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-12-4, Page 5THE I LiudCRUSHED TO DEATH CRUSHED ty, Nov. 24. ---Engineer Barites 0-C was crushed to dearth under his own 3 engine in the freight yards here this morning, 13ernes' train was a double header, and whilebe was down under his engine cleaning out the ashes the engineer of the second started up, Revues' head was completely severed from his body, He was unanartied and issaid to have lived he Allendale, published every Thursday Morning at the Office, taAIN-s.rA a`t, - EXETER, -ay the---•- AOYOCATE PU$LISRINQ COMPANY TIMMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Oaxta peltas per annum, it paid in advance. $1.5O it not so pal& isest'sr eette'_z w n'Zatao, sena 43.1eaolactese Maxi No paper d-tasoonttnuedonion arrearagesare . A dvertiseieents without aitecitaed directions wi he Published until forbad and charged accordu,gly. Liberal discount made for transeaent advertisements inserted for long periods. Every deseraption of JOB I It1ivTltCla turned out; in the finest. axle, and at moderate rates. Cheques. money orders, , for advertising, subeertptious, etc., to be wade payable to. Chasfl. Sanders, EDITOR Ain PROP Professional Cords. it EI_'vait.AN, LBS.. ac DR. A. R. KISS- WaOROal, D.S.. D,t1S„ honor graduate of Tomato. Rniseristt. DENTISTS. Teeth extracted nitha':tt an pain, or any lead effects Melee io Faniou's rate. crest shit 2fafrt street, Exeter. 10,, 7p. ALTO',` AlinERSON (D.RS l,.D.S DENTIST- -- Heuer Graduate of Taranto t:ntsersity anti Doyon Congo of Dental S^2reeuas of Ontario. Also Pest Gr ,dutnte of Chleago *enrol ref Proathetie Dentlsters (with bo'aotable mention.) Altumirietn, Cold and Vulcanite plates tootle lathe neatest -mnn aer peaslhle, A iterfeetty boneless an- aesthetic used for : niesse:<trartion of teeth. 011ie€ one door south of catling lues. atate, Exeter. tiedlexl T3R T. P. dlal,it'Gltt,l'N. MESIDF+II OF Tut eslte;o at leranielana and Sansenns Ontario, Physician. a¢Sargeonand Atcaarheur 05e, Page wood,. Tar elan D. Wilson. 03leo arid llesidet e. Vu it Qtx: ns Ave.. Union O:.t. lipr -isl ascot -ton paid t a tt.:rasee of ero;nen. O :o betas, le-ee to 4 Iseeaaal. DICK'+ON .1 CltltL➢NG. faninaDSTRO. SOLICis tarsi hars3ayss, 11,71M,elizevra, l eamikslenera. 5alie9,'us f'r 310.1v.7:9 t .a b, visa Beaten to lean n, anwcs;rateaelinter,';t. (1.rs,:Iaitaaattert,£reter, r,. Cantaaa. D.A.. 14 Li. WAWA' W. 01,01!11 \'7,. (Sanaa, -ser to Fallon w (aW- taaaa,'➢ l'atrlste: nalarltcnr, \story rtattla�: eow• se3ow er. Eto. Money to !awltsl,�leatit rate et in. tercet. 03 .r, Moine:net. Utter, Auetloneern pBROWN. Worarhe1sra, Untied Awe:Inter I Lw far the Counties et Perth end Milliliters'. also toe tate to vn b' p of 4"s`aaraoe. :Soles pro:raptly Antendell to and terms noel:401de. Sales arranged at Post Of2re, WSuehelsra, ORMLIM The Molsons E3ank (Chartered by Parliament, l*irt, ) Ileal O0ee, Montreal, Paid up Capital $2,500,000 Reserve Fttnd. 2,150,000. JAB. ELLIOTT, ti>rscttt.L. MANN fru. EXETER BRANCH - (ewe Imam -4o no. to 3 pan; Saturdays 10 a.nt. to 1 p.tn A general bucking lyusinesstransacted hfoney adv need to good F.arnaerp at lowest rates, Savings Dank Deposits from 81 and upwards reecho ed. interest allowed at highest current rates. Biasses as emus°, N. D. Woos, Solicitors. :tanager. Dem.'. A e t Toot .'c Tlos 7loa ne, The Great Engzfsit Remedy. Sold and recommended by all. .J druggists In Canada. Only tell - ,,A,...4 Nt... 4 able medicine discovered. Sfz packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness. all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, ono package $1, sir, g5, One tafllptease. siz wilt cure. Pamphlets free to any address. Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Woods Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by J. W. Browning and 0. Lutz Druggists. CREDTTON ROLLER MILLS. TJPe are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. GRISTIN G.and CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. ZTAtEITZER EXETER Heal Estate Exchange, Dr. L A. MatcCabe, Principal of the Ottawa Normal School, died suddenly while at Mass in St, Patrick's Cbureb. Pie had been married only two weeks, An ,ancient Foe To health and happiness is ,Serefall as ugly as ever since time immemorial. It causes bunches in the neck, dis- figures the skin, inflames the mucous uiertlbraane, waystes the muscles, week- -ens the bones, reduces the power of resistance to disease and the ea pretty for recovery, and develops iotas cane "IVO of my children lead S.erofula sore! which. kept gretWitig deeper and kept them front gel= to wool for three months. Ointments and medicines did no good, until I began giving tinea .1Tood's Sarsaparill . Tuts medicine eensed the sores to mee), ant' the children have shown! no Agfa et scrub ulna akwe: d, W. Ce1eS, rsee, Wtaodstuth Ont. flood's Sarsap ri is will rid you of It, dieaally and per, ill =Mealy, as it ilas bier thousaude. The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of Village and fartn•1ands and properties negotiated at reasonable rates of core- . mission. For Sale. Several Valuable Farms in HAY, TTSBORNE, STEPHEN :and McGILL IVRAY also Three very desirable Re- sidence properties in Exeter. Farms Wanted. We have.purchasers for good farm and in the vicinity of Exeter, or who will Exchange. APPLY TO in. Bawdon, David Mill, Vgtlnator. Manager. OFI+ICES: Dickson & C.aarlitng's New Block Exeter, , ONSUMPTION Prevented and Cured. our marvelous free remedies for alt sufferers treading this paper. New cure forTuberctrlosIs,Gonsump• Oath Weal;. Lungs, Catarrh, and a rundown systema. FREE. Do yam cough? Uoyourlungs lain you? Is your throat sore and it;:.u..Cd? Day you strait up phlegm? Does your head ruche:? Is your appetite bad? Are your Rouge delicate? Are you toeing #iesh? Are yon pale and thin? Do yea lack stamina? These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds of the most dangerous malady that has ever devas- tated the earth --consumption. You arc invited to test what this system will do for y-oae, Wyatt are tick, by wntingfor a FREE TRiAL TREATMENT and the Tour Tree Frep;zratidos will beforwardedyou ,a erre. with complete dircettone for use. Tho Slocum t»-.tera is a positivecurc for Cnnsuma. tion, that moat intsstliotas atistarn. and for ail I.tsna Tr,�altlr, rind Disordero% complicated by Lamy o Flesh. Coeds, Catarrh, Aathma, Bronchitis an xl:art:Tamen. WANTED. We would like to ask through the I coltanns of your paper, if thele is any person who has used Green's Aug- ust Flower fur the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and Liver troubles that has not been cured --we also 1n.eaan their results, such as sour stomache, fermentation of food, habitual costive- ness, nervous dyspepsia headaches, despondent feeling, sleeplessness -in fact any trouble connected with the stontache or liver? This medicine has been sold for many years in all civiliz. ed countries, and we wide to .corres- pond with you and send you one of our books free of cost. If you never tried .August Flower, try one bottle first. We have never known of its failing: If so, something are .serious is the *natter with you. Ask your old- est druggist. Sold by O. Low. The Rat Portage Lumber Company's yards and mill at Noxsnan, pear Rat Portage, were swept by fire."?,.5,004 feet of lumber, six steamer's, including the Presbyterian mnissionary steamer Day Star, and eleven dwellings were destroyed, 1fatna Ent --Tical;! children, Mt. Pe- lee is in eruptions *saint it's sigiliiiaYitIitfitYtlAYMiti►iiit'i"htir rirRia,l, P.4 Simply %•late to the T. A. Slocum Cher:deal :soCo..npany. Limited, no Rim Street Wean Toronto. ;: giving, post office and exprois a,tdrr!.s. and the teen ; tre medicine (the Slocum Cure) will be promptlysent. t +„ PCcrrnna fn Comte arcing Stecum'a free oar In to American paters wilt Please- send for aainples to I Toronto. Modica this paper. NEW TAILOR SHOP Having just opened up a Tailor- ing Establishment its the shop recent- ly vateated lay lair, J. IL GRIEVE on the East side of Main street, I am pre- pared to do nil kinds of tailoring in the latest styles and at lowest prides. Latest Goods. NotVowel/cap sallow Good The most suareaefut farmers in Canada read tho FARMERS ADVOCATE: they think !trout their work. they net town it% teachings, arid theyaroits greatest admirers. Ito editors and contributors are spre minas. lite w a a • tt3I1:Ii1L.i% til a• ADVOCATE and ROME MAGAZINE DR. P4RTAN'S RETURN. Much Gratified by the Bpprovaal of the Rhodes Scheme. Toronto, Dec. 2. -Dr. Geo. IL Parkin and Mrs. Perkin arrived in Toronto yesterday from. New York. Dr. Parkin, in an interview, eat- plaaiued that the Rhodes seholarship plans were, of :course, still too indefinite to make public, and that no decision had been reached as to whether they Audi be for postgraduate or uudergredaaats work, Ile le 1tnuelt gratified at the way to esltieh the scheme bas been received at Oxford, and the cordial feelings express- ed towards future holders of the whole arships. Dr. 7psx is diseredits steries of German and American antipathy to the proposal, and reports the German Em- peror greatly interested in it, He will leave in a few days to consult educa,- tiotusts in the tontine Provinces and Newfoundland. 'T, E AI: T =FORTS. Giem is Tower -British I,ive WOGlr Trade and 'tile Brnbargo. Monday Evening?, Dee, I. Toronto St. T.awrence Market- The ea•tivtty am The street wort et bare to -slay eras aontiaoeti to the sale at grain, pay and oaraw. peltverles of these creme rather large. rota Monday. the total t'n- celppis of grain Itelaa 3„neo huslacDs. wheat -Pal bash et white sold nee lower, end ;.'tee teeth of red le 'tower at Tree to eIe •�ml tn'.k of goose tonehanged at tire. aatltl ;eat lo: -h of spring .'ta lower at Gne to .7Ue t)7ta-Natal bort sold ane lower tet 41e to ;#5e. Iaartry-.target w3% metre and roster: malting Sv:4 le tower at dile to 40e, nod . w feed le fer et 4;:e to 40e. I:.rttpts were 4,UtlU i.0 he ls, Ilal 1 tsn .tltY, a:'as ut t:hanged. setting; of $l1 t $l tn'f rice, inn efuvcp or sagest was all Metier at $7 ta, ala ii r ton. Pe. liveries tun •'t bride, $craw ?tattle t l t eanste'» ou Paco*.that of the larga•r offerings. Fanners are tlarerslte tens more - freely now. anal the cont tarn- ttvc, t ngr has teen relta^s,.. Tinders recellte were ,.ntx three feeds. not they sola .$t rawer cat 32 to $tai goer ton. no Visible Supply. 1131 l:tri la; C.'a"e►l 1rve.a,'8l 'Moat , .•4 nrellttfo1 a ro'artaf*( es; 3rt,t+Uia teats . 7 *1*1% d5J•1 t+.'13:,u to :1,17:.:477.7.:44,11013 1l ..It4a>urt Itycs .... i ..,,testes 3,st 1,5,;•.,aaor 1lcao.ei la 1 o,4e(• .4V. tnsr W3aa3* Itsw,,aet41 *.4111.ute latrstocls stag i� a it .te.0 tl ever ago it Ina waved netsitt c e 4 42 Slaels. British -Cattle l►Iarkets. 14 ndan. nee, L' -.tum tlr m cattle, G'a,1; C'anaudl;ra4.., tit;11 bli ep raid. ur at eaa- eiteta7eaat lore owns to idea enalaarba, Pull virgas au she Mattel; still tent he zapgoretlabta for ten deee. Montreal Live Steele, Atoutmeal, Pee, 1. -There were about *floe head of l atehera rattle, tit patrol and n,u txh't•p.neo loonies offered for Maio at F the at mud Abattokr today. Tho Bauch - era enema- cult t•truag. and trade was fair, with hlelaer pelves prevailing all retina- Tito nett eattle nosh] at abort 4.nie Per iao:tntl but they were not very cholee. reify bten P amhnake ee'd at front*- e_to�skie. and the r'uuauaeux ntstvh at from to alit' per pound. 'awe. nalrtat cera* nearly all grans era, and some at them rather lean in rleeh. They mold of front $3 to IS each. Sheets sold at from 2%e to mei, anti the Intnlas at term *1i1e 10 scar ao p per pound. boost tat'. at .fat lam •t ,:old at about GO per pure neighed oil the ears. EXETER MARKETS. - ° ANGED EAOH E NESDAT I Wheat 60 Bowley , . . % 22.7 leas 00 Gate. .... Potatoes, per bag- , , ...., • May, per ton. l7 00 00 10 East Buffalo Cattle Market. Matt fu3alo, We. 1,- Caths...Ite(re1 tts. 6,5+tu bread; heavy grades a to 15estehatdg} e; r,butcher StreougirlgeeIo1 50.:,i to $0.50; ship• contains the cream of agricultural tltonght, n toad it tee. en nue m „and practical m continuo p cause it pays them and because they wart the best. %Vo want thousands of new aub- 3 scribers wile will appreciate something goad. 15 The sooner you subscribe, the more you 35 willgest ti 15 I We have just Iaid in an assort- -r. -went of the latest up-to-date goods. for SUITINGS, UVEItCOATI1i•GS, P ANTI\GS, Etc. Before buying elsewhere we in- vite you to get our prices and see ourgoods. It will be fashionable, some- thing that you will feel dressed in and it will be big value for your money. ' Get our Prices. z�t1. JG1i$s. For $1,0o wo will send to new subscribers ce`eryissue of the FARMER'S ADVOCATE from now till the end of 1903, including the beautiful Christmas Number for both years. Time is money. Read! think act! Send for a free sample copy if you want to see a practical, uptodatefarmer s paper. It will please you. ADDRESS: the Wiliiam Weld Co.,Eta. LONDON, ONTARIO. It site el •y •, , jrlii}r fRN W S1tD, 1110I10116 1113 GOOi iii i4�fflG (IHD FiYCsi "ii0. r� n ted1.5., - b,_1<tectal,, t.+,,,,.!.., 0.. ire UC1C S 4' l- O oestar;.sw55:1n. aa, iOn,L,11 or ear mer..h„ ,a,+s=woc" .v art, ms MARIA •HE MOD G`:^APPsnsi Pure, Palatable, Popular Millions are eating M/ILTA-VITA, 11 g sies Health, Strength, and Happiness • Flalta-Vita is the original and only perfectly cooked, thoroughly malted, flaked and toasted whole wheat food, and is manufactured under letters patent. Insist on.etting Malta -Vita, the -perfect food, made in Canada-from Canadian grown wheat, by Canadian workmen. 14ALTAnV1TA PURE FOOD CO. TORONTO, "'CANADA. • ? fir,+h s f>kK ikk s..esprsttOaskaar s'X: xt' nt' .'•Y ,... „'.. �. ..• w•x4ad It ile;; do 53y25 to $5..o. Witcher steoraa, $ 4 ;, to $5...5:Iceifers. $L.oa to $1,73; ctitrs, $2.74 to $4.25; canners 31.50 to 52.2,i; burls, $2.75 to 54.20 feeders, $3.75 to $4,01; stockers. $3.25 to $4.25; stork heif- ers, $2.3(1 to $3, fre.it cows and sprits •err ra,. tittady gad to <holce, $1,5 to $05: uardintn to gond, ;35 to 518; common, $25 to $30. Veals-itecel�sts, :esu head; stt ndy tops, $8.23 to $8..5; common to god, $5.:10 to $4. flogs--Reeetilts, •21.300 Lica ^ active. eft ed. 50.5o to $0 00;cYorkers.$0.50 to'$0 13; Pigs. 50.'30 to 56 ',5, few at KOS to 56.7*; roughs, $5.80 to $0,10; stags, $'1.73 to $a 25, Sb. ep and lambs -dere 1 ata, 21.10+0 head; sheep steady and lambs 35e to 25e higher; top Iambs, $5.25 to $..33; culler 30 good. 54.23 to $515: yenrllugs,.a to VI ewes. $3.59 to 51; sheep, top mixed, 33.23 to $3.36; euSln to good, $1.7o to $3.15. Chicago Live Stock. ('hleago, Dee. 1.-Cattle-Itererpts, *3.. Ot10: 15e to 2.1e lower; good to prime steers, $$5.75 to $7 poor to mediate, 33 to $.;.75; stoekers and feeders, $2 to $4.69; cows, 51.40 to $1,60, heifers. 32 to $4.7,5; canners, ttale to $2.40: bulls 52 to 54.50; calves, .50 to $0,75; Texas•fed steers, $3 to $4.25; western steers. $;.50 to $4.75. Bogs --Re- ceipts, 45,000• left over, 4,000 steady; close strong; mixed and butchers', $5.85 to.30.30; tt ood to choice heavy, $0.30 to $6.50; lla;ht, rbb,5.03 to $6.15; bulk of sales. SO to 50.20. Sheep-itecelpts, 50,000; sheep and lambs lower; good to choice wethers, $3 60 to $4; fair to choice mixed, 32.80 to $300; native lambs, S3.75 to $%.40. Montreal Grain and Produce. Montreal, Dec. 1.-Graln-The market keeps very quiet. No. 2 white oats sold locally at 37e ex -store, peas 72%e high freights. Buckwheat quoted 52c east on Grand Trunk, and rye 480 to 43ysac east. Flour --There is a fair amount of busi- ness at steady prices. We quote •--Clfolce. Mn.iltoba spring wheat patents, $4,`20; sec- onds, $3.90; strong bakers', $3.50; winter wheat patents, $3.75 to $4; straight rollers, $3.60 to $3.70; do in bags, $1.70 to $1.75; extras, 31.55 to $1.60. Meal -Tie market remains quiet and about steady at 54.25 to $4.30 per brl and at $2 to $2.05 per bag. Feed -Business Is fairly active. We quote :-Manitoba bran. in bags. $18; Mani- toba shorts, $20. Ontario bran, In bulk, $17 to X518; sborts, *19 to 520. and souffle, $23 S30, as to quality. market Is quite active and finest creamery sells locally at 221/c. Dairy brfugs 17c, );ggs-There Is a fair jobbing demand at steady prices, We quote : Selected. 2.50; candled stock..191nc to 20c; Montreal limed, 18e, iu a jobbing way; straight receipts 18%e to • 19c; Montreal limed, 17334e; colts stored, 171�e, and western limed, 161/se to 17c per dozen in round lots, Provislous-There is a fair trade In ail. lines. We quote :-Tneavy Canadian short cut mess pork, $24.50 to $25; Canada short cut back pork, $23.50 to $24; light Canada short 'et t clear pork.$23.50 to $24; finest' kettle 'need, 20 -Ib pails 1214e extra pure lard„ In 20 -Ib pails, 10%c to a114e; cbolco refined compound lard' Stine iso 0c; Boar's Head brand, In 20-1tt wood pail., $1.05 to $2.03; Globe, at $1,75 to $L85 20-1b tin purls, 1/.c less petslb; hems, 12c to 14c, and bacon 14c to lye per lb.. Leading Wheat Markets. Closing previous day. Closing to -day. Nov. Dec. Dee. May. Flour, per ewt., roller,.,. Butter. ......... ....... Eggs Hides, per 100 lbs 5 00 Live hogs, per cwt..... , 5 50 Dressed .flogs.. , ..... t ta Shorts per ewt Bran pee ewt Turkeys Geese Ducks Chicken Dried Apples., 0$ 40 34 9900 8 00 00 17. 19 060 100 89 a 7 G 4 Asthma scone et my ;Welters had a terrible case of asthma. We tried atnlpst everything, but withent :t lief, We then tried Ayer's Chem Pectoral and three and etic:h431 bottles cured her."--Buurna Jane Ratsminger, Laugsevill; Q. A}rub's Cherry Pectoral certainlyeures manyroses of asthma. Audit cures bronchitis, hoarstrness? weak Ilr_;!gc, whooping.,cough, a:roup, winter coughs, night coughs, and hard colds. Ttareta s3aei: 3 r•, eeerigla for AM old" sa r9 Caa t ,, Bit TWA ger rreattrti nova tar tt orO * e44:1&no to Ircee pnep h utts;etr l 4. t°, ?l a t 1 CLV. r,FAtr,.e, Z0 3. k DARING *mamas ROBBERY. . I.'wet'd. Out,. Nov. „ .-Alltert Skel- tcen, as cheet,ent:tktxs^. \v;a' braoetr;ht into town last night. shunt thrmagh theheed by as man unmated J:tattt'a Oliver. It steam they were driving to Oliver's planete and when neming their de'dina- tion, Oliver demanded Skt•ltsnta's mon- ey and drew hist see algae and Ib ed, the balls passing through Skeltcsn's head. Skelton fell out of the buggy and Oli- ver pounced on him and in tlw scuttle Oliver last hire revolver. About this time a Mr. Lockwood drove up, but in the darkness Oliver did not see hila untilhewaas.quite near. Then Skel- ton broke loose and jumped into Lock- wood's wagon. Oliver drove off with Skelton's buggy. Warrants are out for Oliver's arrest. The revolver was found on the rood ttt'day. Skelton may recover. Oliver seemed about $23.- -_ Chicago . .. 73 72% New York. - 80 7034 Toledo . .. .. 77% 77 - 77 Minneapolis , 717 71 Detroit, 2 red 78 79 77 Milwaukee, 2 nor 75. 78 Duluth, 1 hard 741/ .. 727 St. Louis . 67 67% 68 British Markets. 751 791 70 l8% 78% 75'Je 68 The walking sick, what a crowd of them there are: Persons who are thin and weak but not sick enough to go to bed. "Chronic cases" that's what the doctors call thele, which in common English means -long sickness. To stop the continued loss of flesh they need Scott's Emulsion, For the feeling of weakness they need Scott's Emulsion. It makes new flesh' and gives new life to the weak system. Scott's Emulsion gets thin and weak persons out of the rut. It makes new, rich blood, strengthens the nerves and gives appetite for ordinary food. Scott's Emulsion can be taken as long as sickness lasts and do good all the time: There's new strength and flesh in every dose. We will be glad to send you a few doses free. Be sure that this picture be the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT ec BOW Ni:, Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. 50c.. and '51; all druggists. GO TO TEE XEfU1 BOILER MILS FOR MBE MANITOBA CHOICE. FAMILY FLOUR (Star) REST PASTRY (Princess) WHEATLET (Breakfast Food) A good supply of llfilifeed nd Chop always on hand. Give our Flour and Feed a trial awl be copyiuced that it is all right, Boiler and Plate grinders ii use to suit customers. Rc`1trvey Bros. Successors to J. Coblile•tlirk; $ .Soo, Two See end -hand PIANOS upright AND One Square PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP New Pianos and OrgaDs Always in Stook,. SEWING MACHINES. Our experience i*3 the Sewing Ma.. chino rttsineay t1..► yea; . i i;? it guaran- tee c'f goods. . , We 51*71y ill; stock the 1set . Mat. chines that the tat;arkrl -i(Tanrsl+a onrl, sell on e aey telB1ia NC4el14,5.1 et*'l Ro pairs for alt kinds of 11aelainc s always aft hand. . . Sheet :Hosie, Music Books, Ny ase Boosts, Etc., Kept In Stook. CALL AND SEE I'S. IT WJI.L, PAY Yoi-. SMARTIN Cook's Cotton Root Compoatz'a lel Etteel stole AINYI monody byorsr IOAOOLadtes. Eafe.e3retual, Ladies ask �d. Taour druggist for Cook's Cottee Rset Gat- keaoother, asall .�➢Altures,;e mmand imltatiuus re dangerous, I rice.Iio. I, it Or box:No.11. 10 degrees stmna;er.13per box. m'(o. los 7, scuttled on receipt of price and two teeat stamps. The Cook Company Windsor. ant. ns�pe�Dlo ilrugg sts IniVIaade.aendcal alL ','n.1 and :'-o.2 are sold its Exeter by G. Lutz and J. W. Browning, Drug- gists. f' a. �� -. •' of Cul Liver0ll i London, Dec. 1. -Opening --Wheat on pas- (Time ilInrk.) e. sage quiet anii steady. Corn -On . passage, nt s. 033/5 YOU 5 N A?i =+IEE I ' buyers withdrawn.: English cou Lary,. mat- _ a(y* n11 TONE YOUR NERVES!leets of yesterday, diW french stead3'. r.1t11(5 YOU STRONG London --Clo$e-`btark Lane hiller mar-, „ •e het: Wheat, foreign dull, with a moderate ila1(5 YOU N ILLI business; English dull. Corn -American, Dr.>;nra e,sh,.5 Supt. oftho Prot. Fl,u,bill nothing doing;. Danubian weak. Flour- r r Tnsntu; 1431o.u.reaa, pr.'crib«v is e„asttntly American quiet but Steady; ilalgllslt the utl i; ive4 a.s )ertnissl, i, to nun m h is hue. 1'r „g Obtrkt, -A not. (.1r,1 co Hospital. Torn -to, St11ne. ,,.,Entheyhnroafsousudit.riththo bostresu,ts. Paris,' Dec. 1. -Close -%,hent, quiet';, De- ,(?c, i>.aael . 1.00 P.o-ties. s comber, 20r 70c; May and August, 21f 15e. s Flour -Quiet December, °$f ?Qc, ?alp **pd f DAVIS b, I.AWREI CE CO., Limited - August, 23f ' ,- ,.,„- ^ie..,.: :". ETES FOUN�R�' JAS.MURRAY&Oo a MANUFACTURERS AND IDEAL - ERS IN ENGINES, BOILERS, PLOWS, STRAW CUTTERS, PULPERS, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS. General Repairs and castings of every descrip- tionin Iron and Brass to order. 1000 feet of inc:h and 500 feet of inch pipe in stock. J.FIS.MURPANI. DASHWOOD FURNITURE STORE. You are invited to call and inspect my large assortment of Furniture and furnishings which I will offer at very close prices. My stock con- sists of the following:- Parlox suites, Bedroom suites, Spring Mattresses, Bed- steads, Couches, Lounges, Tables, Chairs of all descrip- tions:, Sideboards,. Rockers, Fancy Rockers, Curtain Poles • and Trimmings, Shades, Mouldings, Mirrors, Pitow Sham.. Holders, Hat Racks, Towel Rollers, 736c., Picture Framing a specially Baiby Carriages,Go-caarts,Expess wag- ons, .Carts, Rocking horses, etc. Uude;rtaking. T carry a large and well assort- ed stools in this line. In time ,of need do not fail to can. The above stock is bought from the leading Manufactflters . of Canada :earl hongbt est tli`d closest• prices and oar eiapenses atie.low there- fore we can sell it at prices which will surprise you. Give 1-t. a call before purchasing elsewhere. P. Melsaac.