HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-12-4, Page 4Ozecter brorate,
John Cochrane still continues ve
le. Sauders,Editor and Peep tIow,John Hudson and little .claug
ten. Anna, are visiting friends m
around here. end Mrs. Dougl
of Marlette, Mich., are visitipeo frien
laere.-Wm. Reichert, who had t
misfortune to get kicked by Itoree
few days ago.. is we are pleiteed
state, recovernig--A, large beats CAW
-considerable excitement m our bur
a few evenings ago.-JosephHods
has moved to Hensell. We are sor
to lose leim but wish him every hap
ness in his, new home -Harry Bagl
has accented a situation at BroceAe
and moved there last week.-Cherl
Troyer is busily veeeiving taxes no
-Municipal matters are await heir,
discussed. The many. friends of oi
respected and well trierl conneiline
Win. Cousin are moving in ti
dereetiou toektog his *event:el:tee
the uotoination of County eminent°
Mr, John Torranee„ who has so ab
Riled the position, having signified h
intention or not being a candidate o
account of not being a resident of th
With this end in view, M
Coneit, with his long. and violated e
perience township Councillor
etrught to All the position. Should It
consent to run he will meet with
soe hearty support front all parts og the
male ealee step and fe.,11. Peeettieg see Idivision, Mr. Consit. we Understand.
SiAtee °''It 4)" -4v13.&VS 14`"' 11)39 coneented to run and will no denbt
'tended the bedured pliaeing it in „eel', a large vote.
piaster aeff sunattol. It will be e""
lime time irefere he will he able to re -
ale hie eintreo-Ameelter accident
orred iee Feierey to Mn, Peter Vim -
He. was. enttling straw at the
f Mr. Horeb eletitlegone when he
got are eirst ilegee hie tight bend. so
Sugar Beet.
ri• The beet suger is fest _attraction the
4". Atte110010 Of .(1110ACIMOS, there raeiog
nd roue .comp.enree Onterip, with an
ess aggiegete capital of $$.0.00,000 with
de 'their factortes. NOR, three of 'which is
he running and the ' feint h wili be rime
elee mpg eleortly„ These compantee 110.V0
Isa art excellent, Ontleek Since OritatiO bee
'proved to be ail .elteellent. beet pros
go slowing country. The :farther north
°4 beet.% 'itantere the bette:r the teen
re' in eager. giving Ofital'10. )1. :preceed,
exwe over many of the $tates, Like
F.le". Many of the notleveloneci reectoceea
te' °ankle,. bee sugar- has been neglected'
es: while we consuine over 80 peunds per
Nvn capita or $1,?,,000.0.00 pets At01)1199R
lg of 'Whleh is beet eugew wording, to •
1r trade and noteigatiou :returns role is
nnported front Germany and Austria,
e Mike" away- - In spite of the had
eerkeon :same of the rectories have large
r. supplies of beets this year. Ontario
being almost eurrounded by evrecer
affords good water rates for beets,
n coal and sugar shipping. A.ceoreing
e to French and German statisticans
IN the sugar .crop is 990.000 tons short
xre this e Oar, many predicting sugar to
reach rte. per pentad wheleenle before
long. The present rapid illefenSe in
a' the price -ort sow would indicate a
fulfilment of the prophecy, The On-
tario :GovernMent has ofteu been an-
phouled for the :eXcellent, bounty of;
ferea, which has -done much to stim-
ulate Itheeincheitree, at wisdom will
pernoit hetolly publiehe
11, KENN% .
xissIle, Sullivan, of Toronto, is visit-
ing her grauchnotber. Men John Me-
eowate-Mr. Wm. Ainreleek has re-
torned twin Manitoba, after several
weeks stay. -Mr, Wtn. ForsYthe is ill
with erysipelan--Mrs. 'McColl, of Scot
laud. is visiting friends here, the guest
of Mrs. John Ketebece-Mrs. Peter
McGregor still eontinues very low. -
Dr. Jas. Bebe], formerly a this place.
has purchased a medical preetice near
Mallet-et:oh-The Arkniversary services in
eonnection with the Presbyteriau
church will be held on Sunday next.
Dr. Misarray,of Kincardine, will occupy
the pulpit and on the following Mon-
day evening will give a leo-mg.-Dr-
Regesee who purchased De.Aveostrong's
office awl tenectice, has his mother now
residing with him. We welcome the
new camera to our midst.
ACCIDENTS ---1. few days ago tele,
Jenues Gray, station reviler, met with
a painful aceidene. He was splitting
woeill anal in throwing a stick aside.
thatleriele Orate Nov. V. -There is
consideotbie elation in town to.night
over the sueees$101 end of the eam-
Reign in Invite of the electric railway
teeny ityyyrt ay:yt a is 14*4.11e1,1 1(1 tas,and tbe beelaw grantiug ate
toe ine riA414Wit'a 31 the fleet eint. /le "NW in toeor of the estglerich °emelt
w' " Pe11ll3v1""e "e"I't* 142 1" tIze Jets., which lately ealtreseel,envere
-.twin when hie ere
Miss 31. eleCulaeollenIte, 3gre -,wrethe eleetrecelon cf heir factory
Tbe Huron Br ee & et
owe with a bed itaeleirt a few daysago. neettee reiheee white is t
she %WS &Wily* sz,111111. 414WS into the se- - •
le, „bee „lee ea'-4eiem tne osetitern ontridary of Huron
„ 1 11
n• to Owen Smiled 1 3 Goderieh„ asked
41 .l? am 14
• or a Wows ose *SA* from the town.
seee- The railway 11‘NI41W NVOS sustained by
Wil191191-eiett 444 to 101, and" tbe Organ factory by.
Mr. P73114 1044114114. visifi Wends law Z12 to 92. It ie se-melee/my see
neoeleaueee_ efee, wee leibeeige ported that both of these industries
• 4t1,-11 3W,ly 1$4,1 P4, ini-lt• -;.zter„ wIll tend greetle* to the deeeloriement
mahon wile verv ill at her bottle in 14- the "v"' ;Tok4-4'p ete44;31444 Lhe
eeeterubrete:b. ewe, ewe nut eeeeteed ,gart fa etory ecep A 4111740 number
.aa swayer, - Hee. notntees, 44f61,tata.14. WiAtinien here who otherwiee would
iteeaeleel to torene fee me owl einem; have 14) MA employment elsewhere,
on the Einovilionelostloudist einiot 411 11 11 the conternetion of the reliway
Stantlety. His teeogieree 1,17,1S On ;me eeeili ieerenee the peseetiger awl freight
gezeoieeee 4' hi tent mei was eeieeee terilities a the town arid confer ace
too with a greet deal of interest. Ie "411.13g3/4441" tkat 1"5 awn greatile
:done: le yeare '01'(' the Rev. gentle-, weene".
inen was on thie einerOt.- Moo G. God.'
leoit neterieed bow Ttleedeer leeto HOURS OF TFRPIRLE TORTURE
afeer epeitilioor ai week vieiting ra Rev. ess _
''4' 41'.41'143»ear fo winter priston se 4`1,14V444 p;linfplIV
Semen. illne ttiet-rhe fellow:erg is 54 aeeldeat ae"eTed 14e10 hetwee"
the resent of S.S.Noe Ile few the month 11144134'3k and Ole "on Wog, hrof :s7,w. N. 44 vhih
.400,,, to el melee „f teem. John Jonees lost hie hie. Daring
• May J011itt•.,, 3110,141.4 Sawyer. Th.-
/I.:the: Brown. Vern I Hagan Maggie
tenvionl. Sr. I IL -Victor Sawyer.
Vera Weeltlawn. selineola Heywood.
• tio _may oeutper. Preseilla Pens
wareen, Everett Seinner. Pi0354)104'obba(t51 4111' when in 51>5I0 WAY his aPla
to Jr. 11 1.-Ne4e4 Ikon -end, Verde Dele w" e""ght between the cog wheels
epbee Aimee mewl Kea eieyweee, rind he SIM.) 110:LW to exteleate himself.
eebe Keetem pemeeeee14) este IL_ The hero being some distence from the
Leta teemet, jeat myweee. leo buena, all efforts; to malie the. family
men_ r e, y 141' any One OAP hear Wer01111$11PCVSSA11.,
"4:;;;,, TiN1.0`;1): ea; Mrs. Jonese heard him guing ont. and
woe told SI by. thinking It WAS near-
ly MVO, felt nn e011eiC1'0 over his
failure to rettirn, supposing he was
feeding the stock, as the sons wete
away, so that be was not found till be-
tween 7 and te o'clock this morning,
when his son, Friel, who lives in town,
went down to assist with the chores.
Deceased leed suffered six or seven
boors of terrible torture and suspense,
pinioned 418 was his Anil in the =chin -
res. and every riwolution of the wind.
xeill soused the most intense pain. He
retained consciousnes.e, however, and
was able to eall for help when he heard
his son ateive. The arm was not badly
mutilated, Ind the severe shock ocen-
sinned by every revolution of the
wheel in the high gale that prevailed
tints too much for his system, and al.
though receiving.the attention of doe -
be lapsed lilt° uneOnseionsness
about noon and passed away at three
he high wind lave night the windunil
on the Nrn at Retreat Dairy Farm, the
home of the Jones -se% hersame nnfas-
toned, and hearing it Ain Joness (AMC
shortly afeer midnight and went ont to
ashburn. lloiltert Jones, Anemia
leoultis. Alex. Ilerryldil. Iley ?Lewitt -in
Promoted to Part 11 -Lillis Godbolt,
Vine Kellett.
D. .M.MeDoneetli 1
E. E. Halls 1- Teachers.
Stephen Council
The Connell of the townsitip of Step.
hen, convened in the Town Hall, Vt''d-
435 Mototte• Dec. 3st, at 10 a.m.
All olvered. Ai inottes of previous meet-
ing read and adopted. Resolved that
the clerk. write Thon Folli, requesting
hint to attend the next council meet-
ing to give an exple nation re James
Cro meet s statute labor. And that Step-,
hen 'Webb examine the (1011111111111t Te
blocking of water on -Cons. 20 and 21.
Yearly-Wttertli -that John Broken -
shire be otpprented Township Auditor.
The Eet.Vtc appointed Remy Doyle as
the other one. Wizerth-Webb-that
By -Lew No. 4 of 1092, to appoint Dep-
itty Returning (-Hikers and WellingFIGURE ON OIL BOOM IN WEST
Booths for leinmemal elections. nem WILLIAMS.
read a third time, be passed and signed
by the Reeve ;tad Clerk. -Carried. Another oil boom is in sight, and
YearlyegeWnerth--that By -Lew No. 5 this time it is nearer Exeter. Drill -
to appoint Auditors for the Municipal- big operations will be resumed in
ity of the Township of Stephen for West Williams townsbip, not many
the year 1002, being read the third miles from Parkhill, and it is claimed
time be passed 4ted signed by the Reeve by the promoters that the pros -
and Clerk. -Carred. The following peets there are good. Some five years
orders were passech-Henry Willert, ago there was considerable talk of oil
selecting jurors, $1; Jos. Guinan, do., and gas in West Williams, and then
$4; Henry Eilber, do., $1; John Honk- the matter went so far that promoters
ban, rep. cnlvert, $3; 5. M. Sanders, do., leased a large amount of ground in the
eon. 2, $4; H. J. Kuhn, tile account, vicinity, and a contpany was formed
$6.35; Thos. Whitaker, charity re Mrs. to develop° the field. A. couple of oil
Striate, $7; Municipal World, municips wells were put down and very fair in -
al forms, $17-40; Express Cotnpany, ex- dieations of the presence of oil in pay.
press on Assessment Roll, 40e; R. Sceli, ing quantities were discovered. It
elm lumber. $27.54; W. Brunner, gra, was just at that time that certain
vet, $15.76; W. H. Mor -lock, rep. ettl- consolidation movements were in pro -
vert. etc., $2.50; P. Flanagan, -putting gress amongst the colossal oil inter.
in box cievert, $1.50: S. Stanlake & ests of the continent, and the state -
Son, lumber account, $11.36; Wilson went is made that this had a most
Anderson, drawing brick bats, etc., inimical effect upon the operations in
75c; Jacob Link, rep. bridge, $7; FIenry West Williams, one of the big corn-
Pahner, drawing brick bats, 50c; Dr. binations of capital, interested in the
MeLenghlin, inedicat certificate ti nd consolidation taking every means to
bet, account, $10.80; John Kerr & Son, discredit and belittle the prospects in
tile aceonet, $12.10; Sohn McInnes, the new field. This interest went so
gravel S.B., $15.60; Do., do.$21.60; H. far, so the story goes, as to see to it
Shank, rep. bridge, con. 21, '$2; Joseph that that the drilling operations were
Heist, grading, $28; J. G.. Wein, cone thoroughly spoiled. Be this as it may,
mission work, ete., $7; Do., rep. cul- certain it is that the eight men who
vert on N.B., 50c; A. Hodgins, black- were behind the operations "in the
smith account, $1.25; J. Finkbeiner, new field lost heart, and interest in
commission work and culvert, $4.50; C. the matter and operations were aban-
Welesdrawing lumber, $1.25; J. Qua!, doned in toto. .From that time to
in, gravel contract, WM 5 and 6,$2350; this the only reminder of the oil boom
J. K. Goetz, lumber, $66.01; Do., do., in West Williams bas been the num-
- N.B.'77e; G. Kellerman, gravel, $8.48; erons leases which certain the gen-
Do., do., N. B., $3.68; W. Ryan, two Verner: behind the original scheme
culverts and lumber, S. 13., $10.92-' 11. still hold, covering almost. two thous -
Carruthers, gravel S. B. $2.73; Do., and acres of the choicest lands in the
do., $1.60; Edwards, pating lime, township. It is said that the agents
$L50; J. Rollins, gravel and work in of a big oil and gas firm have already
pit, S.B., $6.35; Do., do., $14.10; Chris., visited the scene, and attempted to
Stady, rep., bridge on E.S.R., $1.50; lease the lands in the ' vicinity, but
°Apt. floweret, balance of cedar lum- found tutees to their chagrin,that all
ber, $10; J. Madden, rep. culvert, $2; the best part of the supposed new oil
A. Morrison. gravel contract, block 7, field is alreade leased, the holders be -
$12; B. Cunningham, commis, ing some of the members of the origin.
sion work and rep. culvert, $2,25; F. al company of some years age. An-
Triebner, gravel, $110.20; Do., gravel other story that is told goes to show
contracts, blocks 1, 2, 3, $45.15; Do, just 110W- powerful the flow of gas is.
rep. bridge on E.S.R., $2.50; W. Brown ft is related thee a farmer was boring
Relief Officer for smallpox, $3; Thos. for waterwhile thi•eshing .operations
Kestle, et al, ,commission work on RS., were in progress in his yard, Sudclen-
R„ $47.75; J. Lawson, rep. road on S. [y the drillers' struck a powerful flow
R., 500; J. Hill, putting io 'hex, 0. R., of gas, and the drill" and casings shot
$1.50; Feed Heist, work on 3rd SR heavenwards. The gas took fire, and
$11. Council edjoruned tp meet aguifi he flames spread tothestraw stack
in the Town elan, (nese Lose on mote and barn, and before they were 14011 -
day, Dec. 15, at 10 :ten. trolled, eonsidera damege Mal been
ErLesee, Clerk; inflicted: ; • •
GleneeteNov.20.-Al15e Jennie Kelly,
11 years of age, who formeris lived
with Mr. M. teouldiug, Glencoe, lent
lately Ileum on a feria three miles
sonth, met with 41 Adel accident yes.
terday. She went to the well to draw
a pail of 1* ater. having ou new oboes,
nil when about to draw the pail up
she slipped and fell into the well and
vas drowned,
Sandwich, Nov, Ste -Wm. Holden.
a Sandwell south fartriet4, telleert weird
tale of en adventure be had while dries
ing home Saturday night. It was a
wild stormy oight, ealculated to make
the experience more gr5SS01111Q., 'When
wine distance front Windsor, the Corm -
et: Wile accoeted by 11 hearily-veiled
W03334131, who aeked him for a lift. Hol-
den complied, but soon regretted his
kindness. The Welueris hat blew away
anal sbe ordered the farmer toe recover
it. Holden refueed. so that the woutrus
alighted to get it hereelf. In stepping
to the ground 41 pair of trousers were
revealt.d. Holden whipped up hie home
es and raced home, leaving the o Wil.
man In• the wayside. A. 6111)111 bag
left by elle stranger contained a pair
of revolvers and a large knife.
Galt, Ont., Nov, 28. -Two burglar
suspects were bighted on Samuelson
street on the outskirts of the town,
about six o'clock this morning. On
being challenged by Policeman One
man they immediately took to their
beets. Gorman and Singe:II Constable
Caldwell sprinted after theill. C411d-
We11 W1)0 was unarmed, martin one
of the men, who tittered and fired
twice at hie pursuer, hut Caldwell
grappled with his man and overpow-
ered him after a short struggle. In
the ineentinte ltis companion, W1)11 iS
said to be the well-known 4',Foxey"
Smith, and who has given the police
many a bot chase and as ninny slips,
got awno. This prisoner, who gives
bis lumens Wm. Pepper, aged 18, oc-
mutation painter, and residence Strat-
ford, was ehawged berme the Police
Megistrate this ofternoon with shoot-
ing with intent to kill, and MS re-
manded till toenorrow.
St, Thomas. Ont., 'Noy. 2.9. -John
Scott, who is employed by A. S Smith,
liquor dealer was seriously and prob-
ably fatally injured shortly before 12
o'clock to -day, while assisting to take
a barrel of whiskey down the cellar
stairs at the Grand Union Hotel. Air.
Scott was going backwards down the
stairs when the weight of the barrel
overwhelmed him, and he fell to the
floor. The barrel crashed down on top
of Mr. Scott before he was able to
regain his feet, striking him on the
head and face. Mr. Armstrong, pro-
prietor of the hotel, removed the bar-
rell from Scott's body. The injured
man was removed to the Arnasa Wood
Hospital in the ambulance. At the
hospital it was found that Scott's
skull had been fractured at the base,
and he had also received a bad gash
on his forehead, above the left eye, in
addition to Many bruises to his face.
He cannot survive his injnries. The
unfortunate man is a son of Christo-
pher Scott, M. C. R. Conductor.
Chesterville, Nov. 30. -Salem Koory,
an Assyrian, aged 36, lies dead in this
village with a gaping wound, into
which several fingers contd be thrust,
on the left side of the throat. Callil
Abraham, a compatriot, is in the lock-
up charged with murder. The motive
of the crime has not been ascertained,
but it mew have been due to a, sudden
out burst of insanity on the part of the
prisoner, who is of a low order of in-
telligence.' The scene of the tragedy
was a supply store conducted by Koory
who provided about twenty or thirty
peddlers of the same nationality as
himself with articles to peddle about
the country. Abraham entered the
store and erept up behind Koory, who
sat with his back to the prisoner, read-
ing a paper. Abraham placed one
hand on his victim's head and with the
other drew a razor across his 'throat
and then fled. After the fatal assault
upon himRoory staggered to his feet
with the blood pot:ring in torrents
frees) his throat. He managed to reach
the outside of the store, and then fell
unconscious upon the road, expiring a
few minutes after. Abrahien tvas cap-
tured and arrested but refuses to state
what motive led him to commit the
deed. Koory has been in Canada sev-,
en year's trid leaves a wife and four
children in Asseria.
James Douglas, a laborer, despond-
ent over his poverty,committed sui-
cide Wednesday by cuttine his throat
. • e
his body being found in a creek neer
otonS ta Lou.
. nu= Acgoip,x,.*
Saved. the. Bank Be WaSi Employed to
Goad, but Was Efeled. by the
Chieago, Dec, 2. --The Tribunehan the
siclionieg epeeial from Inpeete. Ind. :-
Crouching behind, a, pile Of clothing In
the tere and bank at Weetville, thie
county, Wesley Rey110111S, a sixteen -
year -old boy em,plo,yed to geerd the
bank fought a desperate battle with
gang of bank rabbets earty thee morn-
ing. He saved the fund; but pee up
his life to do it. Tire boy, awakened by
a emelt of breaking gless, erept
the bank into the store with which It
ie connected, carrying three revolvere.
He saw the rebbere elimb througb the
broken window. Theo. sheltering
self weed a noses leaded with elothiog.
he opened Are. A desperate battle in
the derknees followed. Tbe Tole:ern evi-
dently three or Mar in number, return.
ed the the. NVCry f341614 of tire boy's
revelver Was answered by a volley from
the robbern who bad eiseiteree them
wives behind countere fillf) tables.
Wounded in the head anii neck, the boy
Arnett on, He had emptie4 one mole.
er and ib -ed Ave aborts from etrotber.
when a bullet struck Min in the heart.
and be fell dead. The rubbereboeieving
that the ebots bail Aroused the town,
tJed.Stole a twee end bugey, and es-
capee, leaving a trail of blood that was
followed fer an eighth of a mile, and
leek was ample evidence that some of
thou 10e40 11,01111(14 The bore betty
was Mune evely thie morning, end the
town aroused, A big posse was formed
ane traoree4 the robbers S1N 16110S to the
spot where they had abainleued the
boggy and lied toward the railway. The
possee 13 determined upon lenclung the
niurderere if ehey aru eettght. Tito
eiterili is in purer*, awl reword of
81.090 hae hem offered for the eapture
of the meu,
eckaga Reported by the Rockefel-
ler Probably Belonged to the 111 -
fated Steamer -Not Expected tbat
• the Bodies of the Crew Will be
Buffalo, D epeoial to The E.
press from Sault Ste, Marie, Mich., says:
-There is no longer any hope for tho
eafety of the propeller Ilenneekburn and
tag erew of teseety mete The death
LIwil to Um hopes of the twners anti
relatives of tbe crew was sounded to-
day, wben 0 despattet was received fool
the Captain of the tug Boynton stating
that he had traversed the crane ehore
where tbe missing vessel was believed
to eat. stranded. No trace of the boat
was di-eovered. It now seems certain
that t: wreekasee found by the propel.
lor Rockefeller In the middle of Lake
Superior marked the grave of the ves.
r el and crew.
As the waters of Lake Superior reach
tbeir greatest depth at that point, it ie
probable that none of the bodies will
ever be recovered, as this /eke never
gives lip its dead. What events preceded
the disappeanuiee of the big steel boat
beneath the weves will never be known,
but n broken rudder, a break in the
machinery. or a loosened seam inight
have resulted in this, the greatest loss
of the season of navigation an the great
Ontario l'ruit-growers.
Walkerton. Dec. 1.- The convention of
the Ontario Prult Growers' Assoelation,
which began hoe to -day, promises to be
excefitionally pr0fitabl4 to the participants
In this Important Industry. T1., tttendanee
is large aud the addresses so i • delivered
have be. listened to with nee, bed inter-
est. The reports of the President and the
Seer 'IT show a growing membership and
a wine:dug field of usefulness for the as-
sociation. A feature of the gathering is
the presence of 11 large number of the su-
Derititendents of the Ontario Fruit Experi-
ment Stations. who have brought with
them many samples of fruit, which show
the results achieved -under the conditions
of the severai localities. There is also a
tinge collection of excellent fruit brought
by Mr. R. M. Palmer of British Cohimbia,
showing the fertility of that Province in
this direction. The convention will last
until Wednesday afternoon. This aftegc
noon was occupied with a dire.tors' meet-
ing, at which the report of the Secretary,
Mr. George C. C:arlman, was presented.
Charles Carter pleaded gulity ,at Kings-
ton of passing forged check?.
An unconfirmed rumor that the Czar had
been blown up wits current in Vienna.
President Roosevelt will present ids an-
nual message to the p. s. congress to -day.
The Woodstock (Conservative) has
been purchased by The Express (Intrepend-
The French and Germ .11 commanders have
refused to evacuate Shanghai before Feb-
ruary.. •
W. W.. B..11er4ties lip beep swern In
as Pim/Metal Seeretat:y. of Rritisli Co-
The purchaSe of the White Star and 1)o-
11140100,Lines was completed, 'the payments
totalling 622,500,000.
Hon. Raymond 'Prefontaine, and Mr. J.
A. Labelle were nominated' for the Com-
mons in Malsonnewve.
November, 1902, was the warmest Ne-
vem ber recorded by the Meteorological Of-
fice in .the records begun In 1880.
1Ir. Cornelius Ilermingliern of the Kings-
ton Locomotive works has returned from
Germany, bringing 61 "skilled machinists for
the works.
A warrant has been issued at Montreal
for. J. A. Couture, C. p. R. agent at St.
Scholastique; Que., who liOs disappeared
with an 'express parcel of 61,200.
. In response to a request' from the iron
hierarchy, the, Nationalist members' will re-
turn to Parliathent to be pr.,,seht when the
eflucatioP 'bill comes down free) the, House
0f Lord.
4114 -3aktMiffAL
44611110914C4 80.
Alqq1.51-5. 4 Nay
Debility Of Systein Mises neural-
gia, and whatever tends to produce
eufeeblements induces it. This affec-
tion i$ undeniably due to lack of
vitality, an4 hs very existence is
evidence of deficient strength,.
Remedial measures should there-
fore be directed to improve 04141010
system, for when strength returns to
the system, the neuralgic condition
of the nerves will disappear,
Tidr BOW IS supplied by ST. JANBS
WAVERS; they seldop. fail to relieve;
their effect is a general building up
of the system.
ST, j4lill•-.1S NtrF RP 7:tip stomach,
digest food and ,e nutriment
through the bhp.on, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which, accom-
plishes much,
cgst.Taxaca Wikfqra ACTS r vntleit,
1:hey We A remedy 44wititotit 41
neer, settle:rat * TilTet." In att
erieete9I AMA TAIgigt they have etas
vect41 noble im4 true env',
Vetrtele Boyle,
$1.,14mAr 'fir/mare not a 4terct
famereaaio,v effort() Aga rialien4
14o formula oparr ragal.
Where ecalereere net eviting ii;
Wafers, they are malle4 gpstn re-
voipt ef ence ot tee Canadian
breach: St. Junes 1,114fcre Co, 1119
et-Catrearina Ate Siner43l.
errili day Itas gone past
when a wise woman
will put up with An inferior
cooking apparatus. Sheba
heard of
her neighbors telt her whit it will do.
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Any readee of this paper •who men-
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A sample copy of The World may be
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in felling
°ugh; colds, hoarseness, and other thrdist i
e Wallacetown, ws ngag
On SiLtneclay while Alex. Leitch, of
ailments are quickly relieved by Vapo-Creso: I lre0s, i. tree fell, In king his leg in
lene tabiete, ten ctp per kcpc, eel are - t ' tet o pl a ee an cl o t 11 E`I'lVi se inj ere et h i M
Sele a , i
There was bevel- such e dee:land
for Ladies . and Gentlemen haying a
thorortgle knowledge of- Conimericial
and Shorthand work. The .
• roiu-'' Ty.
Has assisted inoed students to profit-
able positions' during the past year then
any School in the West We would
be pleased to assist you. Particulars
or a pOsta. 1. •
Frio ei pal.
FrcerDeyo, bralremati, WaS killed at
Kingston, his heed striking an over-
head beidge and his neck being brok-