HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-12-4, Page 3A TitTING TIME, P=tX0D WITEN` xorrge CARIB ARX =IMMO INTO woN,AwliooD. Xasited by Pale Payee, Heart ral• pitation, Imes of Appetite and' put receutly hy deily newepener. Getterel, Lassitode -.Agee tQ onthr07C iS bloed disease which Overcome This Conditien,, feets all domestic arthaale. Carniv- ore. or flesh. eitterS., dogs for example. After babyhood the moot Perilono enjoy a high degree ef Proteeti°o time in a Yottug girl's life is wilez against it; but At times theytoo, site is just enteriag womanhood. It succumb, matt looeselfs ouito sus - is then that she is sebject tp head, ceptibia„ And sheep, goats, horned ashes, dizziness. beast PolPitotion cattle. and borees are eepeciolly teehle appetite rind bloodless cheekt ble to contract it. The result doe ond tips. This condition may easily pends upon the pertime of the body develop into consumption, 014 te that is affected, g the poison prevent tbis-to keep the young girl PASSee 1e storaecb awl develops in to aped health and strength, rupee., the intestinee deAtle follows. If in ers ehould iosist, upon their toeing the case et a Man a Woland on the a blood puelang tonic, such u.s Dr. hand or the leg gives the poison e lviniums• rink rms. Mrs.. Hears trasiee it1t9 the bod.ls; then lifeDityle. vett Dalhousie. Oat., malignant pustules form. Of - gives emend. advice to Other mothers tentimes such patients re- in ettec.s o tbie kind She says iss cover; pessibly ono in aye "About three yealre ago the health wee' th. Tho eaMe may lee said ol of toy daughter. Iterate, began to horned etock, but sheep Mad goats. .fati, She grow weak ano seemed me with one or two curious exception$. able to etad the least exertion. She MVO little- or Po resisting' Powers* euffered from distraseing headoehes, god 09thrWC nnm in 9, tI9C1"; 9tten rind fainting Ala .• her Appet,ite left ee!atins 01401°11 it4 Realbel" " her end she loet flesb. 1 spent Touch i"llm- looney on =divines but they did Tlut cu ee or this (limes° le plant not help her. Then took her to a tee Man by tar to b"1-4 tba doeter. and Although his treaties's.t ve unaided. Under the micreseepo was persieted in for a lo vg time. he veetned to be growing woree, and 1 ticgan to fear BIT woe going into couzumption, Then I tpok Jr to a epeciolist, but hie treatment wive likewiee oneeecesefol. Finally open tho adViCti a a lady friend. a doctor practisiug in Chleago, liertha lecoan using Dr. Williants" rivet Pills And before lento there was a, decid4 ha- provemen17in her tondition. and by the time slie hod talien boxes she was onSe more enjoying tbo best of health at hod gaieed fifteen pounds in weight, 1 would strongly osiviss All similar sufferers to give Ills Williams' RI& 1Ih , tar triAl, ere her eace seemed as tatoelese se could hes"' Alt weok mud oillug girls and wo- olen, toefferers froze tackache, head- • indiepoeition to wort; or ex- rrelee, who how by their pale ant; • Uow eiteelts thot they or in IU health. will lied prompt relief. bright eyee, rosy einem and active health a for ute of Dr. Williams' Dinh Ville, You can obtain these pills from auy medicine dealer or by mad, rostpaid. at. Sec a box or six boxes fore $2,50, by writing direct to • the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont, Never accept anythine else whit% a dealer ina,y SOY IS "illet us gaud." PREVENTIllii OF, ANTHRAX AND ITS CURE IN.' 311.41X AND Tie-hel LOWER ArilhEAZs, Some Praetical Hints by the Do- minion DePartment Q Ag- riculture. In reply to the question, 'Ts aree tbrax a, danger to humanity?" ••••••••Me•••• WE Ik14174' MEET ItIETEORS. Or071111•11.1 1.Vhiele Night Destroy AU Torres trial Life. The earth is moving round tho sun at a velocity of eighteen 'idles a second. ; while the sum with all its attendant planets, is being hurried on towards the great fiery coutitella- t ien of Hercules at n. far greater 'velocity. The very loot that small ineteors exist proves tho possibility of the existence in space of meteors of inconceivable intignitude-even great black dead worlds may lie n our path, like breakers in the path of a thip. Fifty miles a SeCOnd is not an un- usual velocity tor heavenly bodies, and some are known to mere nt tweed evet . in excess of 100 miles second -500 times the speed of n rifle ball. Small meteorites, which reach the earth at a velocity of front twenty to thirty miles a see- ond, are instantly consumed by the friction generated with the atmos- phere. Largo meteors, however, oc- casionally reach the earth. escaping containing bacilli be allowed to eon- the clothing was so painful that Result of Wow York Expert"S AnOly4es, of CallatilansMati4 $orips. Pa Deirael leinen-hlesit Ce. writes; "We eget 04111Plee Of the leading "eoaps outdo Caeade to an export "In New Xerk. tiod thom noir- " telighlY mealeeed, As a reeelt Of "this anaiYeis, we god your 'Sun- " light Soap' to theroeglity cleanee "without danger to the clothe% and "we ire therefore Plotted tet. reconte "mend 'ware re of the Pr. Pelmet "VederWear to Nae Stmlight Beeitet "for ivAshing," TrY Sustreiht See/P-Oetagen Dar- „ sod 0e,./4 for yeoreelf, rl°°- At oeq Tate SOMe anglers snY that they cola more Sell wheo they ese the little mirror than they ever caught before. CATCHING WeSiee, In France a, novel seethed of catelis fish is beiog tested by anglers, SCtinY mirror is atteched to the line neer the batted hook. The Aeo eumption is that a fish, when sees Well in the mirror, will conclude that seine other Ash is trying to carry off the bait, and will make haste to wens() the tempting morsel for itselt,. the result beiog tbat. will speedily be caught On the re- lontless hook. Frew. experiments which hove been mode there swots to be $01110 foundation for this aesumee PCITh1()D, IN HORSES. oxy of One Animal Who More Than Its Share, Oney those olio are unfavaiiiiir with animals doolat that they hare senee of humor, says a write.r in "Our Dumb Animals." "Jimmy" a lively road torso 'who has ideas of his own ond very original comps to of witnt is amusing. Om day the children bed erecteel a email rent on the lawn. and sat within it Orinking lemonade aod playing tho they were banditti. "Jimmy,' walk, ed softly to the side of the tent owl slowly meerted his novo through a onvenient, silt. Eyes end ears rot lowed. aud. his bend onet, within at the back of tho unsuepicious revel- lers. "Jimmy" gave one tremendous JUST ONE WAN STRUM ORE, =ADM DISEASE, AND OW/PLAINT BANISP ja--Z POWS =AN= MITeLS. Jr, Fargone-hley dear fellow., ate in deepair. That girl's heort 1 as hord as steel. I can snake PO im- pression on it." Frieud---"Yen don't go at it in the right. way. Try lonuende-they are harder thee eel." Millaifrilnimed tures La Gtippe A. -"That woman w.ho jest went out is the partner of your joys awl sorrows, sappese ?" JL --"She's P,P40 Ai me NOre.411, rostgdet,ma partner to my i0:1,rP all right, hut Qt W"'4944 T.9114 9t 1C9-47 C9P1' when it conate eet eorrowo Plieatien Tt9.9b1t4 444 1:4'911airs over to see ber mother." Eaeily She Got of Them, Weedom Que. Nov, P.4,---(SPosisl Min Moreau, ri351.131.i.SlM,i here. tells A% story of be*' CON of a Y01111eed neeeotigh nil Night Mid die - mei Foie:Irked-et there is no creation fei eoa mooing tee rile ,of eon:meting, in fleinnettion of the lunge, Or tous11111P,lons, US illte a rOd abeut fere times eneeee. of that. hind which is !tali 0. compileatttrit ot 411/14015 arieine to i • - te 1 - A 0 g as it is thick,. Five thou- enort, tt i5 3 011 GM gOo :et,. e. from tlivosed Kideeyit 'that would stunotive Serup. `1:111-1 tnotielus cutvi sand fat these rode or baciiii.put end l'he banditti fell hock ID 45",ery di- be etioeieered worolerful if eirediar rce couglasecolda inttountation ef the lunge to end might urnaelire Z.0,0 111Gh ill reetitlft„ 403,4 ti borse. witinirawittg p,,arts sevro not cga,ling #09i, difter9,9* ;Old ii11 Liir(r.14 11%1 cleat treultleo It pea lerigth, Tim rod-hke plant goes to from the tott. laughed filerttly to parts ter ti cpuntry alalot 410,11y. IllOtigi a I me awl va.,$y eXtrottwatiell.Wlileh geed under certain circumstances, a biegeele before goillg beet; to his nowever, the resthaiuthehhe ,t ts ftimediatelv relievee the theoet ant latege - f., 11117 ve v- 1 ... titliOt tO he retneteleered becautee it. grays -cropping. "Jima ye"' favorite] go won authenticated that it will out lacelilltichnh this pevuliarity which gives it autueeettent itt that of rcatteting flock of zhcep. liatert lie is Iodine, teeth them in the paeture stops catieg aud then dnelies :vernal; them sending them ecuddieg over the hillside- Then be etarnie almost unlimited power for caueing, loseete `r.lheeit seeds (epores) are euffering from Kidney Cemplainti the frying p-o.n. ja4to" the fire. you prole tritereetnig to all thee« who Ding.t...yth was laze gale from in any form. stand both heat and cold. 0,114 can know Dr. Ilicharge cured FAY Citrottio oe fell a *9 BeVirTZ.*1 litarmy - 11. Wrilietrr LOS'S OF VITA,LITY. nialaillee." says Palm Ili.foreau, "thesj-n.euf4.433Its111- . e lie for yeers a. dry phece combination of beat, Moisture," watching' them until they Again set- znlaefithe"ZreerZtVe5rorturatell:etelfte:Piebatril31"atl:4:41;le44411;417111:rbin".11431 nwl /00,11.9 WiCh. WI the Wilmot toflY tic to their tilbhilug. And after der Trouble ad Itheumatierit. I took or,era. ratty came() the seed to gerenin- .5h4ir""uct".'n elv/11 reFeals1 Medicire. but Pothittg did me Any leeversa TeX (VCIe liee'4111 ate end develop 011 epidemic 0.110W, ihe ple;4"itIg diVewsion, Although Ones within the ollimill l'odY• fla' titi-11 horse is Vie isestlisst creatore in throe; Idontei mutt:4,4y without eeed,the wood, it latekiwa Lim ehetching formation. and if they Cameo the' ity to frighten ony ore witio has 1 death of tho Wilson!. end it iti hurled shown timidity in Ids preeeacto without 0, dieseetion or nuitillattcul. "erinuity"e" two raietrceecs Itaruces Idaleli wet" Pillow olt" to omo.11110i hint without, trouble or therger, but conteet with the blood, then. io a! . he delighte in alarming see girl cog - short time. the plant dies, anti notii- sin who eleng at the home 4euntsa, ing reinalns to germinate illture,erolgeofrigs arid nerrotie eterts of her trouble. Almost invariably, imme- own weve enough to him= iiehsrayi. dintely after deuth. however, blond iiat what mortal, rind temperament eNoilleo Sworn oil tli‘e natural °Per° tette Was, and he is ineeelless in tith- ing's of the entreat, Of On anthrax 'Ling advantage of /runt knowledge. 11 victim; therefore it in elle duty of she enters the stable niiere he etands the farmer to take Cent that the accepting the harness In the most carcase 18 creinated burnediately docile manner, he opens ele mouth, is rctinet. In no ease Should the hilowing a 'melted row of teeth. and cares** be shinned or 1,ho plague lony 0, feint. Of finnpping at be.r. e'ile"d only 41119ng' the edJ"eent'' She shrieks, hitt mistress ecoldn and flocks and bertls but to the tanners reationa v;itli him, and "Jinutty ap- and their helpers who take part in removing. the hide tram the animal. parently la then rerentaut. 'teat year a bulletin Witri issued by the Dominion Department of Agri- culture dealing with antitrox. and A. SURPRISED l'IrESICIAN. demonstrating the efficacy of the use of Pesteur's vaccines to Patient Itecovers Tbrough the Interposition of a Iltuulde German. Chicago, Nov. 15, Some weeks ago. Dr. -very .1111.1.1 duce iromuntty. 'The anthrax themeelves are easily killed. but their spores resist ordinary germichico. and even 1±11Cil go -4 4,1:41 tried Ideddle Ireideey "1 have tale= three boxes uow 1 feel Kt' a :mum woman. feel no pain mid am iso that roy advanced eget I do 441 lAy prat Vor%. of t Seep Devolve le a boon to tete, it dieintecte ard cleere • teeeteA IrSt. Coronet-, wilco object , dare may hire. of work thot 1 sew thee Dedd's .Kitlizey Pills ere, !deo with tontot latior.". Fees good tor Kidney Dieeaees, 1 roil ord, Conciete-"Elaylea d Le common' Doild's Kidney rrois cs 1141' Ile to let Po 1/1314 our 'time rdolao. ,loargtaes' tooltet ACEN_TS WANTED vir,41,74,- re So4th A.41,e44 W. verktE arIPS. rir4eforunizt. MNPreitWOOO aNa? Wo00 CIAAtelgileNt. l'opgto, Ora , POUtt d Want- alive. We e ea szlev anarer *en p• r. Fromortr. 0474 P001.g= CO., 17 Cdaw 4e., ',FPrOtalo, 0r q- *SI see rs goosfemau swate4 leoeSoe vre AM ofer:oge'll'a a o oz• efface: berooite it, te loweelerel. For *2 35 wo licala haw .ot 7 eogeoved esoe„ ood beo goo, a., o-.- C...4,!Vi **CM wiplairlieeee,. telle exoriettee4 a reitetfile tleaelieeper, _ mt.. tv goot N2'410.10 0-44? Fl_Qor 41111p ;144, Ptcer.7.07or ras4 Is 04, PX gi7V241..ig43;4!. Af44;g' 13. Vent g. Vial gttsPtSs, Cds. Simonton, loos Z wamt 40,000 Turkeys ek• k epa:54 0 1111 u; you have onv 0::,itici:ohurefeer: We zt%o hackeis 4 TelIONTO, Geese Ducks te5t relitV:l$ for roe that have over zed. lte remotes who would. like to get inforesation con apply to me. 1 q111101 lel illananlai Meet& Mineral fel. he shell alwaes ifspoteed to givo. them all the itifornetlien Cies de- "4"" 1.""" "4" *4"1.11". !toddle Kidney glare Ithel- eee myr Complaint% They maim the old feel young again, It In dieeeeraging. to Say the least, to a young MAU SOO has been Ivan In question. WS 31Ifit returned tenderly Mash% few F,trairgling to MI/Web. Ilin featuren were deo baire on Ws upper lip for three toiled twenty years ago ly tt months. to 'hove eay "OlolelefeW ,,(1,eatt5t„ho woo Polling 01; Charley, why don't you let your °Be 01 Ins 1,‘""", moUstuche grew ?" Sleepleseneee-Vhen the /term not un strung and the whole body given up to The .Antericou authorities recently Owed aDow a. German emigrant to laud bemire, be wes "teo ugly." They maintained ,that with (euch tea- times he 'would Lever find work i tlie State. Hormonal, the wretchetinero. when the Total is filled uncheelted and preventive measures ski"' living " C- street, pny- with gloom mut dional foreinedinge, the was JeStitt of deraugentent of the tligestive degrees of heat as kill other spores of bacteria. If the disease be left reputable and widely -known be neglected. -not only may present called to attend a very complicated farnesS;.81elefilt/eulN4."rse CAMi.ettaea0114141r sletig serious lossea he experienced hut the case of Illteuniatism. Upon arriving term would be obileion for it while and land itself may_ lie rendered, infeetive at the liouso he found a Mart abOttt temporttry relief. Parraelea'a Vegetable for centuries. The. spores of 'he ba- forty years of age, lying in a pros- Pills will not only indnite 'deep, but will eillus in some way ga into the tratcd and serious condition, with act so beneficially diet the sublect will ground and remain there in a dor- his whole frame dangerously affected mant sto.te for many years. The With the poinful dieease. Ire pre - skin. hair, wool, hoofs, and horns rerlbed for the pAtient, but the num of infected animals, if nailed with tontinued to grow worse. and on blood, are contatubutted with the ba- Sunday melting he was found to I aster! him since I discovered he or- cillus. It is an infection the very be in a, very alculoing condition. The Joint; tiered the carriage in which we ran reverse of that of contagious pleura- knees and elbows and larger pneumonia., which requires the con- were greatly inflamed, and could not tact of living diseased animals with be moved. It was only with extreme livr. rtIlIAL IVIAPLE SYRUP living healthy anbnals, whereas an- difficulty that the patient could. 1 tbrax infection rarely takeS pike be turned in bed, with the aid f She euxlIty rexedara !from mese to meas. from living animals, unless the blood three or four persons. TI '2 ci" Ymn"""eqwkif ""wilwrs. ie weight ox Ross 4 "Arts, Mrt, Astntl, - Montrexl. They Are Not 'Violent in Actin:L-15(mm ptreens. when they wieh to cleanee the etomacle resort to Epsom ;end other Intro. move petite. These are epeedy lit then* AR vion, but eery() no permanent good. Thele use prodnees tuelpient aed ft eisted in they injure the utomach. do they mix upon lite intestinee in a Ione- nojal vox. kormeites vegetoote ping answernll purposes in tide respect. and have Ito suetrior. walie refreshed and restored to lieppluess. She....epo you 'wee me for mys Alone, dearest 9" lIe--"Of courr,e yoDualo-r"goltistilowldwitThillleil:cd1"iefe7figtehr Ycliduot. Weeks --"Forgiven sne ? 1 haven't you • 7,. destruction from their size, but are tarninate the food, or inoculate a means had to be adopted to keep it atistress-'1Margaret, I don't think Irene the patients body. ' that your -cooking, is pleasing to Mr. The doctor saw that his assistance Goys, soreant--"Of course it isn't, would be of no itvail, sod left the mom potet yer sse, mum, if I rook - house, the members of the family ed to suit him he might become too following him to the door, weeping, fond of ate, and it's not for toe to Almost immediately the grief strick- make nte mistress jealous, mum." tound to intve their surfaces fused wounded surface. The carcass and from heat generated by the passage excreta are to be dreaded as the through the atmosphere. SOURC1:$ nnzmarrozi. .Although .it is not probable, still, If after death the blood be con - it is possible thot the earth may need within the body, and (lis- some time . encounter such a shower charges from the rtatenitl ovetungs be of small' meteors, perhaps in theprevented by plugging them with form. of a. comet, that the heat of combustion front friction with our atmosphere, and the poisonous gases thereby generated Might deStroy. all terrestrial life. A LITTLE TYRANT. The Trouble Not Due to Original Sin. There is no tyrant like a teething baby. His temper isn't due to or- iginal sin, however ; the tyrant suf- rers Moro than the rest of the fam- ily. Ile don't know what is the matter. They do. 'The trouble is they 'do not always knew what to do for his lardShip. An Ontario mother writes to tell what is best to do. ''When My baby was teeth- ohe'says, ''he'was so cross and rest%ss that I hardly knew What to do with him. Ile had a poor epe petite end ate but little, and was graving thin. 1 got a box of Daby's Own Tablets an they made a great O change. now rests well; has a • splendid appetite. and gives me no treuble ;at.. all „This is the depot • rien co 'no t only of Mrs. D. K. Schroeder, of Hanover, Ont., ., but Of thoteands of mothers all h . Over ,te beby,teethg ie is cross because his blood is heeted and hiS little bowels ,constipated or unho!,,lthily n nd his system heated by the 'effort of getting the teeth through the gums. 33arhys Own Tablets act like magic not oirly th this, but in all ailMents of little ones. Sold by druggists or sent post paid at .25 cents a box by wi;iting dire,Ct ' to the De. Wit ams' . Medi ci no Co., 13 r oekville, Ont., or .SchellectadY, , Banks (fliCking the ashes with his liOtle finger) --. "Yes; smoke a good A cigar is company for a 'fellow when 1208 lonesome." Rieers (101 the the windoW) `you! must liarYo' been hard up. for companions Ship. When 'you lit that one." tow saturated with a twenty per en ones were addressed by an hunible German. Ile had heard of the de- cent.' solution of carbolic acid, and spair of the family, and now asked 'the carcass be carried . no t dragged, to the place prepored for bonito** them to try, his remedy, and accord - it, no infection is likely to take ingly brought forth a bottle of St place from it. As a preCautionary Jacobs Oil. The poor wife applied and measui•e, hoWever, the stall sur_ this remedy. The first application roundiegs where the death osent.red eased the patients ersr much ; after should be thoroughl,y disinfected, os a. few hours they used it again, and, Well as the cart or Wagon in which wonder of wonders, the pain vanish - it has been carried. ed enticely ! Every subsequent ap- After burning the carcass bury plication improVed the patient, and the ashes deeply With lime. The in two days he was well and me:. risks that are run by any careless- "When the doctor called a few days ness in dealing with the carcass after, lie was indeed surprised. from which millions of millions of i infective spores may be given off, "rm. a plain, everyday business which many years after infect and man," said Meritt, "and I am no - destroy cattle, sheep, swine, and thing if not practical. Miss "Wisely, horses, and enormously reduce the will you be my wife ?" "I admire veils° of the farm, must be obvious, your /rankness, Mr. Meritt," replied Vaccination or protective inoculao the fair object of his aifections, "be - tion should not be undertaken by cause I ant inclined to be rather any inexperienced person, and on 00 matter-of-fact myself. How much account should old or doubtful are you worth?" lymph be used. Protective lymphs • illa. y be obtained through the Domin- ion Do,partment of Agriculture at a There never was, and never will In 11 cliscoimt of one-third on the ()rain- julinsivteorvtliPeahliflitesceial'isinlieoiti,ILINIte,clei frioartulel! Sery retail priceof many curatives beim; such that ' were She germs of other and, differently seated diseases rooted in the system of the fl ' ows This I. patient -what would' xelleve ono ill,, in We oriel. One. liundred Dollars ltewitroturn would agghe ravate tother, We or any qmse of Catarrh that cannot be have, however, m Qninine Wine, when 'bured by 144111s Uatarra • uurc. ' • obtain able in-, a - sound unadolterated I?. .1. 0 Eft:NV, Y & Uo.. TOIC(10. 0. state, a remedy for many itu dgrev ions ills. We, the undersigned, have ,kii ow a V. By its gradual and judicious use, the J. Cheney for the las 1 15 years, and frailest systems are led into con vadesce n ce Oolievo binu perfectty hauorable' in all an il. strength, bY tbe influence which Q,ut- " 81n 0.28 1. v""saCti°11'4 a" (1 linanciallY nine exer Es os!..ature's own restoratives. 2.1.0e to carry out any obligations ninon - It relieves the drooping spirirs of those by their Aria. • . . . ' ,, ... . id i•lV 4..- ' vitt} A X. Wit-oh:sole J)ruggists, with whom a eltionic state of nun um aes- roledo, 0. WALDINt,,, k LN N AN Os. POIlltelley and lack of interest in life is a 1.1.A.RviN, ‘VholeSale ' Druggists, 'reicdo, , disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, O. • • disposes to sound and refreshing slleep-- , 'Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter- imparts vigor to the action of the blood, lolly, acting d irectly upon the blood which being stimulated, courses through k.nri mucous surf aces of . s veins.. strengthenhig the healthy e .L. tb Testimonials sent free. Trithce 75'system. oi 5 0. per animal functions of. the system, , thereby Gatti°. soloby- att ciruggista. making., lietivity. a necessary result, Ilene Family Dins are tlai best. strengthening the frame, and giving life to the digestive organs, which naturally "Who won that long dlstaltee walk- 'demand increased Substance -result, lin- ing Match?" "Spriggins." "He did . ! proved appetite. Northrop & l.,yrtian of Who was his trainer ?" "His baby." Toronto have giveu to the public their , r\flo-rJ's Lioirt cot Is the best i superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, and, ganged by the opinion of scientists, this Wine approaches nearest perfection of any in, the matkez. All druggists sell it. **or Over Sixty Tears. A.'s OLP A g'n W2Ltel'ittEn Itz3turr. Winslow's *intaglio Syron hos /wean used for 0511 8/X)if reArg millionk of notbera for their children trlite teething', with perfeca oilmen,. It zoothei tb. chat, infteno the gunut elloya ell intim cures wind coda, oral isthe hest -remedy tor Ditirrhtra. 10 Venlant 50 the lesio• Sold by drnggiets erery iA0 of the ItOr 1. Twentg•five cents a,1)01*10. Its raloo ircalculahlu. Ile hum and aslt for hlra. Winalown Soothing Syrus. and take no otherkind Jones -"Drown is an unlucky dog." Sinith-"How's that ?" Jones - "His object in marrying was to get out of a boarding-house." Smith - "Well ?" Jones -''.Now his wife is running one to support the family." • .......•womme....nraidooramokommealmat• Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co. Gentlemen,-Theoclore Morals, 4 customer of mine, was completely cured of rheurriatism after live years of suffering, by the judicious use of MINARD'S LINIMENT. The above fact can be verified by wetting to him, to the parish priest o*anyof his neighbors. A. COTE Merchant, St. Isadore, Que. May 12th, 1898. ' 'rho Maid --"I see they 'have now 'a 'Woman.'s Dictionary.' Do you sup- pose it differs from any other ?" The Brute--e'Probably has More words in it."-- ese,ineeseammemuzeonameaereaseeesoieeieso 3PEC)1VI301 '1I71741:20 • We trent the services of o naraher of families to do knitting fec as it hems, whole or more time. We furniali e35 machine and suirply the Tarn free, and pay for the work assent hip IDIolanco no hindrance. to S10 is !molt niedo sto2ording to tittle ilovotell to tto Work. Writ* at onoe for partionh:s. X4, Name 7efgrars00P. The Dominion Knitting Co., Dept, B, TORONTO, O. TNU 404 MI MIMS Pea MAINTAINING fiGnuST flEALTH 11* *OLD c1.1MATES. Ine dm bee heLltee, act all the r.eace twat 11, and co:mea5T:0e It to the uttermost. lu 10Gauze of ear Extract there Ss zel the zaitr.tIm at; tuaav I cutlets a tea. ¶ocet mere nutriment W tine 14:11110 ftz,r1leztlet.'' MOW Nake Coed TISses 12 Est.' lasst4 tItliBLE I, MST, 41{ICAGO. you 100 a Z701114r. Wini9i.11* niaklng 9 'USN (flirt' *1. Wita(M Ceti OW.. dren, it's a sign that 11 she don't ooss acquiie n right to correet thero it won't be her /atilt. Tee Pithile should bear in mind thnt r, Themes' Deleetriat Oil Wet uothine rn mitten with the impure, tleterloottiog class et eo ealleti medicinal elle. It 3$ eminently pure nutI reolly relieving pain and lainstie-,s, stiffness ot the joints and museleq, anti seveser httrts, beeides being an eseelient sort:Jet(' for rheumatism, coughs and bronchial COM* plaints. "Do you know why Mr. Smart has sorb hatred for women ?" he used to be behind the bargain coms. ter of a large dry goods shop." . Mord s Lioimeot Ilia best Han. Restorer 5. S !ALS UPON RECEIPT OF :0,00 deposit We Will Jay aside either of these lines and dcliNer san:e Xu.so Eve, or sooner, if desired, 0.,0.1). for the balance. FREIGHT PAID TO ANY STATION IN ONTARIO. Proportionate allowance to ail outside points. MOO TURKISH NUNES 3 Thoroughly made, and beautifully upholstered in the best Monarch Velours, best teinpered steel spring scats, fringet all round, handsome roll Turkish Head, exceptionally comfortable. Upholstered in the follow- ing shades : Crimson, Bine, Green, Terra Cotta, Golden Brown, and OliYe. Remember we pack free and prepay all freight charges for $6.93 $35.00 Flue -Piece Parlor Suite $23.55 Hanclsornehy upholStered in, Silk Tapestry, Mahogany tiniehed frameN elegantly carved, best tempered steel spring seats, shaped legs, braced backs, etc., etc. Tlais suite consists of Sofa, Platform Rocker, Arm Chair and two Reception Chairs. This offers a splendid opportunity to purchase a handsome .5 -piece parlor suite at less than city prices. Packed Free and Freight Paid to Your Station. Remittance can be made by either P.O. money order, Express or der„ registered letter, or marked check THE Di FFETT UR ITURE CO 341 YORGE STRIET and. 2. 5, 6, Et, 10 end 12 COULD STil/t-S intiltTes, NOTE. -'end for our Catalogue of Xmas Pornitir