Exeter Advocate, 1902-12-4, Page 1FIFTEENTu YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO TITURSDAA DECEMBER 4, 1902.
-On mite aleaeffeelleellee "tee ettreett. ettee"r„ e'ee. e?ee etheerketieelte ^ere ?eSeten.
20 doz. Meets Winter Caps.
in very new sty lee of' the
Hartford, College. Windsor.
eracht, Golf. and other
ehapes hot from Electe Cap
Cot, at reduced peeve. Oor
prices 25e. to
5 doz. Men'e Undershirte
and Drawere hot at a Mg cut
These goods are all wool and
aial grey were 72e, 50c.
7 doz. itleu's Undershirts
and Drawers, extra heavy,
soft, goods with small cotton
Uii plain grey were 5,0c.
now ..•••••••“..••• “.0.4•T 4004
Knit top Skirts, Penman%
make, dark and light colorle
heaviest goods, guaranteed
fust colors. =shrinkable,
Were $1.25 and SI now.-- 75c.
Knit top shirteeyerY fauey
fast colors, full erzed, g000.
length, were 7e, now
Tweed Top elditedark col-
ors, heavieet Make. long
lengths, full width, sizes 1.4
1761 were $1.25uow95e.
Ladies' Black all wool vests
and dra were, 00 fold Jersey
Knit, fast colors and won't
ehrink, were $1,25now.PQe,
Ladies' natural wool vests
and drawers,Penmait's make
foehionen, hest value in the
trade. were $1.25, now.... 75c.
Childrenhi Colubination
sidle In plain rey knit, open
beck buttoned uI 70e. 4114.. fifie.
White TAMS at half price,
trimmed with white feather
and rosettes of white, with
red. pinlohlue and gole were
Woollen hoods in cardin-
al„ navy. garnet, wept lined
aud wadded.were Via now.. Mc.
Umbrella Outwit; in white,
trimmed with black, Moe,
and plain white borders were
1,59 now.•."•,...1.“..•• SLR
Ladies' felt shoes in plain.
felt, also foxed with ithe„
gaiters alai beed regular
$1.50 now. • .+n•an,tn..$1.25
DRS. -GRUB. .0111t11.
TalophonamIzarmlnk=ara p;aira atria in 4,razaz
Miss Hattie Jell, who has been on
pleasant visie for the past few weeks,
with friends and relatives in Winni-
peg, has returned home much pleased
with her viele.--Miss IncIlhargey, who
bas been on an extended trip, of over a
year, to relatiyes hi. Edmonton, hue
returned home again.-Cluite a HUM-
er of our boys, who went out on the
merest excerelon to :Manitoba, have
turned home again. Among the
number we notice Ala Richard Can-
ning, Who speaks highly of the cann-
iry. and intends going back in the
pring,-Mr. Vi i Ctinninghane, forint
rly of this place, who has been con -
a hotel nEXetee for Moe
'ears, has eold ont and gone to Pogo-
ka. Alberta, where he intends going
to partnership in a hotel with Mr.
. Sellers, forinerly of this place, -
e Hattie Beyer,. of Adair, hati gotie
mouton, where her pareate rnOv.
Webe unlimited private lauds for in.,
vestaneut upon farm or yillolgo property, it
lowest rit,tou of interest
DICa5011 ee CARLING,
Barrloters.oto., Ezeter
have largo amount of private fonds to
1058 on lam and propertlett at low
rites ofintorest.
Barrister, Main Street Ettete
Swath halt et Lot 9, in the hh concession of
the township et Stephen Ail acres. Apply to
Muslim L. Conon;
Snowflake, Manitoba.
Deal &late and Insurance Agent
Farms and siline properties liotight and sold on
?exorable terms Several dwelling houses for sale.
Lands in all parts et Manitolra and 1.110 $01111,,WtSt
for sale.
The -undersigned is offering tor sale that desirable
Intel situated at Devon, on the London Head. This
hotel Is in good condition, and is 21 utiles south of
Exeter. This toad is largely travelled and for the
?Hit man chencesare ood for a 8p1ent1id business.
T tete is A good stable TIconnertIonaho,ii acreo of
hale. POS4eSSIOU given inunediately. This property
will be sold cheap. For particulate, apply to
EnntSori & Cantata, Exeter. Out.
Large two-sten* frame building; 74' acre land, 9
horse power engine and IS boiler; with all turning
machinery, together with planer, circular saws, bor-
ing machines, emery wheel, band saw. drill, etc.,
etc. There Is also in connection a Orrt-class cider
mill and an apparatus for making apple butter by
Steam. There is on the premises a number of out
buffdingp, such as, lumber sheds, horse stable, etc.
Everything is in first-class condition and will be sold
cheap -in tact it is a rare *bargain. Terms to suit
purchaser. Apply to
Corns, Exeter, Ont.
Mr. R. G. Nichol has recovered from
his recent illness. -Mrs. J. Bechler has
returned. from Pigeon, Mich., where
she has been on a pleasant visit with
friends. -Mr. R. G. Nichol has greatly
improved the appearance of his store
by having a new verandah erected.-
eWeeare pleased to state that Miss 81-
dona Holtz, who has been seriously ill,
is recovering. .We hope to soon see
her around again in her usual health.
-Miss Pearl Niekolson has retnrned
after a week's absence. She has been
on a visit to friends and. relatives in
Clinton and Hensall.
Mr. Harry Westlake has purchased.
the farm of Mr. Wm. Wilson at a
handsome sum. Look nut girls, Har-
ry will want a cook. -Mr. John Mor-
gan is on the sick list. We hope for
his speedy recovery. --Mr. Cephas
Pym has purchased a valuable mare
from John Homey, Hurondale.-Mr.
and Mrs. Sailor, Sarnia, are visiting
Mr. Wesley Armstrong,Thames Road.
-Mr. Fred Ellerington is home from
the North West, and speaks favorably
of the country. -Mr. R. Fanson was
visiting on the Thames Road on Sun-
day. -Mr. W. Johns was the guest of
Miss Ida Passmore SuritlaY lest. -Far-
mers have been busy the .last week
-.disposing of their poultry. Good
prices being paid. •
evening of last week, the friends and
neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wil-
son, assembled at their home to spend
a pleasant eveningbefore their ,de-
parture from the neighborhood. The
eveningwas spent in games of all
kinds, ping-pong taking the lead, be-
sides vocal and instrumental music
The gentlemen provided the oysters
for the occasion, while the ladies made
the tables groan with the good things
provided by them from their baskets.
After a most enjoyable season ,spent
in this way the company joined in
singing the appropriate song "Auld
Lang Syne" and breaking up at an ear-
ly hour with best 'Wishes for the fu-
ture happiness of our host and host-
ess, and feeling sorry to lose them
from our midst. Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
son have alw"ays proved themselves
genial and kind. neighbors. ,
liss Webb, nt Gianni!), spent a few
lays in town dialog the week, the
gnest of Mrs. T. A. Web ,-'Me. W.
Ilawkshaw has recovered from his re-
cent illness.' --Miss Cella Thompson, of
St. 'MMUS, was the guest of Miss
Violet Donevan last week. --The many
friends of Dr. lIossavk will be pleased
to learn that he Is recovering from his
George Hodgins, who
hue been dangerously ill for some time
1NVe are pleased to etate,able to sit up.
A few evenings ago as Mr. Thomas
Ward and family were quietly seated
at their evening employments a loud
rap sounded on the door. Mrs. Ward
opened the door and saw standing on
the platform a figure all dressed in
Meek beckoning to her with a white
deathlike hand. She was naturally
mizeh startled and could not tell what
elle had seeu for some minutes, As
soon AS Ur. Ward understood what
was tbe matter he immediately went
outside ready for battle but although
the garden and grounds were thor-
oughly searched nothing could be
found. As the house is only it short
distance from the church *rad Mr.
Ghost eaust have slipped qiuetly away
to his former haunts.
Zurich ,
Charles Fritz has reioved into
his new house. Mr. Charles Hartleib
bas also moved to his new dwelling. -
August Koehler is learning the shoe-
making at P.Bender's.-The telephone
office has been moved to D. S. Faust's
store. -Will Johnston was in Hensall
for a few days last week assisting in
the flouring mill. -The regular meet-
ing of the W.C.T.U. was held in the
Baptist church on Monday evening. -
Mr. J. L. Richmond, of London, dis-
trict manager of the Bell Telephone
Co., was in town Wednesday. -Mr.
Edmund Sipple, well known here, was
united in the holy bonds of matrimony
to Miss McCort, at North Lansing,
Mich., on Wednesday. His many
friends here extend congratulations to
himself and bride. -Word has been re-
ceived from Mildmay of the death of
the eldest daughter of Mr. Wrn. Holtz-
man. Much sympathy is extended to
the bereaved ones. -Miss Ida Heide-
man has returned to Detroit after a
short stay here. -Wm. Lamont, of
Stanley, will again be a candidate and
with his many years experience in
municipal matters, there is no doubt,
be will again be elected by a very large
AcIDENT.-While taking some ba-
nanas off a bunch in her father's store
the other day, Miss Dora Eilber had a
peculiar and unpleasant experience.
A large spider fell on her hand, and
although it was immediately shaken
off the hand began to swell and the
services of Dr. Oampbelfliad to be se-
cured. 'We are pleased to learn, how-
ever, that she has now recovered from
its effects.
MARRIAGE. -A Very pleasant event
took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Hudson, Parr line, on Wednes-
day, it being the marriage of their
youngest daughter, Miss Eva Alice, to
Mr. Benjamin Wilson Carlisle, of Hay.
The bride was attired'in a handsome
dress of cream albaross, trimmed with
applique trimming and cream silk rib-
bon. The ilovver girl was Miss Anna
Hudson, of Marlette, Mich. Her dress
was a cream cashmere trimmed with
lace and ribbons and carried a bouquet
white crysantheninunas. The bride al-
so carried a beautiful bouquet of white
carnations. The interesting ceremony
was performed by the Rev. Mr. Mc-
Lennan. The grooms's present to
the flower girl was a gold bracelet.
Miss Eva is one of our most cultured
young ladies, and is very popular and
the grant is a prosperous young farm-
* of Hay. The, nresents remind were
both costly and ntimerous,* testifying
to the esteem in which Mr. and Mrs.
Carlisle are held. Your correspond-
ent, with their many friends, joins in
wishing them much happiness and
prosperity through life.
ea year ego.-Wno Nichols, who m-
erited from Manitoba. intends open -
g np a elitie etore ehintly.-Fareona
Davie Coe purehitsed a number of tort
keys here last week. -Mies C. Shop -
son spent a few days in London dart
ing the weela-eltss Blanche Simpson,
of Battle creek, Mich. is visiting her
father he. -dr Fred Motgen spent
a few days with Mende in Toronto
(Imitate the weelt-Olre, Fred BroWil,
who has been very ilhis, we are tileaSed
to state, revovering.
Miss Ilelen Moir. ef Co tido, is
fu t the ewiliteoe-Tede Chien?
Ieft last week for Moose die.v.-ears.
Ortwein spent a few days in Zinich
with her parente, during the week.
Rese Dr. Medd will not he ahle to take
his work for a few Sundaye and a sup-
ply is being aminged for him. Much
anxiety bits been felt not only iiiiiOng
the MeMlieri3 of his own congregation,
Init also throughout the village goner -
ally, over his condition. We hope to
soon see him restored to his former
good health. ---The young people or
Cannel church have organized them-
selves into a band known as the Pres-
byterian Guild. A person to become
a, member of this Imola), does not sign
any pledge whatever and the object
of the society is to instruct in theolog-
ical lines. The last Monday of each
month will beef a social nature. -Holy
Communion was administered In the
St. Paul's churelt on Sunday.---Thelece
Uwe in St. Paul's church on Thursday
evening, given ley S. H. Gould, B.A.,
WAS very interesting and the
audience wits well pleased, the subject
being Missions in Palestine. The lec-
tire was illustrated with lime iight
views and the collections were in aid
of the worle.-ttir. Albert Whitesides
has moved into the dwelling which he
recently pt rcbased from Mr. Hank. -
Mr. John Gaetz, has returned from
"Manitoba, where he hail been working
during the summer and fall months, -
Peter Melville has erected anew kitch.
en to bis dwelling. -De, 3. Blackwell,
of the Queen's hotel, has put up a very
handsome gold lettered sign. -Mr. 1.
G. Bonthron, youngest son of Mr. R.
Bonthron, of this place, is very ill at
Salt Lake City, Utah. The wish of his
friends is that he will soon recover.
DEA.TH.-On Friday evening Mrs.
Sutherby, wbo moved into town some
months ago from Hay Tie, suddenly
departed this life after a very brief ill-
ness. The cause of her death was heart
failure, so that her death was n, severe
shock to her friends. Deceased was
aged 54 years and was n, lady to know
was to honor and respect. The funer-
al took place on Sunday to the Presby-
terian church after a very impressive
service, Rev. J. S. Henderson officiat-
ing. The interment took place to Rod-
gerville cemetery. Much sympathy is
extended to the bereaved ones.
DIED IN Fona Wrreeraer.-The sad
news was received 'here a few days
ago of the death of Wm. Kyle, second
son of Mr. Win. Kyle, of Hay, at the
age of 30 years, 4 months and 5 days,
the sad event occuring a t Fort William
on Nov. 17. Deceased had been ill for
a few days with typhoid fever, but his
case did not assume a serious aspect
nntil a day or so before his death, but
despite the best medical attendance
and nnrsing he passed away on the
above date. Deceased was employed
on the railway for some time. He was
an exemplary young man and a gener-
al favorite with all and his death will
be keenly regretted. The remains
were brought here and then taken to
the residence of his brother-in-law in
Tuckersinith from which place the
funeral took place to the Maitlaudbank
cemetery near Seaforth. Much sym-
pathy is extended to Mr. Kyle in his
sore bereavement.
lowing has reference of the marriage
of Mr. Cornelius Cook, of this place: -
"A very pretty wedding took place at
the home of Mr. P. Hemphill, on Wed-
nesday, Nov. 26, when his daughter,
Miss Minnie, was united in marriage to
Mr. O. Cook, of Hensall. Punctually at
1.30 o'clock, while the wedding march
was being played by Mrs. T. G. Hemp-
hill, the bride entered the parlor, lean-
ing on the arm of her father. She was
unattended, and was attired in a gown
of white silk, and carried a, bouquet of
bridal roses. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. T. A. McKelvie. The
young couple left on the afternoon:train
for Toronto and Chicago. The bride's
travelling suit was of black and white
camel's hair zibeline, with a maize silk
waist and a white felt hat, with black
tafetta sash. The bride will be great-
ly missed by her young friends, among-
st whom she was very popular. She
has also held the position of organist
in the Methodist church for a lumber
of years. We wish the couple every
happiness." Among the number who
attended the wedding from here were,
Mrs. Henry Cook and daughter. Miss
Lavine, and Mr. Norman Cook.
irau(I Bend
Mr. Brenner spent Wednesday In
Exeter. -111r. AVilson, who has been
visiting in Hay tovnhip, returned
home Saturday, -A. num er of the
Zurich boys were here hunting one
day last week.- A couple of Sports of
Ailsa Craig, spent a day here last
week. -Mrs. Brenner spent a few days
at Shiplia hist week. --Mr. Gravelle is
building a new stable. -Mr.
of Exeter.is boa erecting a cottage en
the Parkhill grounda-Mr. Walter
Steller has booght a lot from Ur. Ed-
ward Gill and intends buildieg there,
on shortly,.
Biddulph has lost (nee of its (Ades
and incise respected reeidents in the
pereon of Mrs. Mary Alen Atkinson.
who died at the fetidly meidenee, tind
OUCQ451,011, on Satowilayt Nov, Ofith, at
the advenced age of S5 years. She
leaves to mourn her death eight child.
rent 44 grandeleildeen and 23 great
gramichildren, SI in all. Her sons are.
James. of Fafeter; Edward, Detroit;
,I..Stephen; JoseplaKillarney.
as London end Robert on
the homestead in Iliddolph, _Her
daughters Rte.:4M, R. Atkinson, Tor-
onto. and Mrs. John Hoilgina of Kil-
larney, Man. tier remains were in.
Meted in St. Jaime' cemetery, Bid-
dulph, on Monday. The Rev. Mr.
stout, of jeirktou, whopreached her
funeral sermon, referring to the de-
ceiieed sold ehe woo the respect and
esteem of all Who knew her lay her
Christian example end kind deiposh
thin. She was followed to hey last
vsting pliwe by a large eonconrse of
friende and neighbore,
The following IS a comet report o
the eninding of the pupils of S.S. No.
3, for the mouth of November. :Stones
in order. of nieritoSr. IV.---Ilattie Wil-
lie, Will Ttiehner, Vitale Penhale.Clara,
Beaver, Elroy Parsons, Sadie Willis.
Jr. IVhallei tie Beaver anal Minnie
Sanders eqnitl, Mitchell Willi% Lizzie
Senders, Eddie Willis, Edith Pareona
Sr. III.-Thoa Sanders, Sam Hicke,
Alfred NVeurtle Rad Box. Jr.
Harry Weimer, Annie Hick% Fred
Beaver, Cecelia Ford. Tom ?Made,
Hilda Preszeetor. Garnet Craig, Ralph
Willis. Sr. IL -Levine Cookson, Bad
Persons, May :tenderise Edith 'Whit tit -
ker. Jr. IL -Sherman Eddie
Teichner, Gladys Dearing, Geo.
Fred PreszcatoreSam Staulake. Pt. II.
Preston Dearing, Geo. Whittaker, Earl
Shapton and Chester Parsons equal,
johnnie Willis. Pt. 1. (Bh-enda Wil-
lis, Gordon j. 'haulers, Abner Willis
anti Florence Triebner equal. Pt. I.
lithe -Edgar Wuertle Olive Preezeator,
Garfield Stanlake, Fern Box. Best
spellers for the month: Sr. IV. -Clara
eaver; Jr. IV.--lierbie Beaver; Sr.
III. -Thos. Sutlers; Jr. III.-Anuie
Hides, Sr. anti jr.11L-Sh er man Willis.
No. on roll 50, averege attendance 43.
FRED S.VgDniti4, teacher.
Too late for Imt wets)
Miss Florence Edwards has been re
newing acquaintances in those parts
the last few weeks. -We are glad to
hear that Mrs. John Bradley has re-
covered from her illuess.-We MT sor-
ry to hear of the illness of )Jr. G. H.
Morgan's little girl. -Mr. and Mrs. Os-
car Gilbert spent Sunday at Mr. Mill -
son's, Whalen. -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Morgan, Sr., have moved into thew
new house on the eth concession. Long
may they live to enjoy the happi-
ness of their home. -Mr. Alvin Amos
deserves credit for the beautiful job of
painting done on Mr. Morgan's house.
-Miss Jennie L. Lewis has returned
home from Hamilton.
DEATIL-Again death has taken
away another of our old residents in
the person of Mrs.Richard 'Watson, of
the 12th concession of McGillivray,
the sad event taking place at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Win. Smith, of
Lieury, on Sunday, Nov. 23rd. De-
ceased had been ill for some time, but
bore all her sufferings with patience
and fortitude, and had attained& good
age. The funeral took place on Tues-
day to Mars' Hill:cemetery and was
largely astended, testifying to the
high esteem in which she was held.
The Rev. Mr. Ailsworth, of Parkhill,
ofaciated. The bereaved ones have the
sympathy of the community.
Dimcan McGregor, of the lOth
concession, sustained a heavy loss i
few days ago, when a valuable mare,
one Of a matched Mena died. Mr. Me -
Gregor had refused 5200 Inc her. In-
flaiumatiou of the bowels was the
eause.---Mte W. Ebetbart has sold his
farm on the Mill Road, to his nephew,
Mr. Gecrge Eberhart, Inc KWh Mr.
Eberhert will have an auction sale of
his stock and chattles shortly, and in-
tends removing to Seaforth to reside.
Miss Bella McPherson has gone to
spend the winter visiting her sister.
Mw. Ft W. Shetier in Buffalo. N. Y., -
Mr. and Mrs. 0. IL Wilson and son,
Thernmin, have returnechfrom a visit
to relatives in Loudon and Kingston.
-Me. Thos. Bullock received word
t1at his mother is very Jt
'Mon, Bible Society Depositor. has
a aock of Bibles on band to sell at
Ur. Robert Crawford, aa old re`.11PPen I•eresal:,111tb;°ftsf tl.b.:stePlel-"meofeutell'da 1441: n'Et exr; t
Ida Abe Dearing, vita has liven a
boy, has purebased the drug and s a ee
t -North. He will be missed in Sodom.
fromRait'Appelie. Nelv-Ir- If P"s" 141rh'" London Ibis week an latsiness..-Ar-
14c4r4er,T business " C^ C3rthe":4 -Eltler Leland spent a few clayS
ergy count for anything nOtpert thug. Ford, bee been in the North -
mete a euecess of in, His old friends ilivest dining the 4timmer. bus retwve4
here wish him every '511"els*---Mr` home•-„Mre. Samuel Staniiike and Mrs.
P.Bell has returned from Itainy 11 jam Ford hove gone to Detroit for
where he hes been engaged for sone
time. Mr. Bell says it is a great coon -
try up there. but will never make a
farming country. The great inthiete
jarinoesdseapmttitiribin3iTgliri,e1--:eniet?iitviritel '
a short visit with friende.-flazel
Prouty spent a fow ttly in Hay town -
stip visiting filende,
St. Joseph
N. M. Confine WAS in London on
the MallitOba 0Nei8,400. min* teturne laiSitirhs on Saturday last, -Mfr. iind
ed home. While in the Weit they Mtt. fsWildieng, of ?nowt efieb„are
euck NM: up Ine acres of amd.
the eeMgr.4"..1,Aler33itilic'lanaliuMsrsi:eiee.b.9e13rithne.
f ODUtirittl otmgtn the main sewer
tired iton from he Balinorat Mock and bas now
ST4NOVIW. 41.., Homely Ce3
rrnrr,1411:4a; NirUltro, r -Zit
te lenr4a-roctur. oat.
rs. ViirtZ. of Min:mama. is visiti
mother. XI% Brown, here. -
t Huntable aseleting Nr. eWl1to hOrSe$ here heel Nevelt-Mr. Frank
Weitzel to mate a 101119 ta 014=1 perpi(py,, who haeepeot the Tt;pst sea,
on and eleightte-Mr. Eli Sweet kiS 'COD fr:ailirog the lal;es. 4.4s returned
accepted el tpittla VIM'S with Ma W.. 3.1it% 1 home for nee wham Root; hereto es
Kerr us ellet.k in MC', store -M* ; jr no. ereeh Innevrri tig• gre.rit hears
oreimied bv 31r, Edward Kestle.-Mr. "
Greenlee^ hee moved into the lisVeilltni; 11p•reva 111*8
1)444,id KA% 011 KiliMamaglia, WOOdlettIll
Mrs. Adam (Weer. of Ituffelo,iind Mr.
Daniel nweiteer„ of Hernia gmendvilj Montettoe.--The Rev. L SaWyer,
the fonetoi of tut. conrto Kam on veTeet,ewatter. wa9 Married 1.11t Stint-
Thureelay,,--Idies Ida Winer,of Water. forth on Wedinallay. Nov. 20, to 3ifiF9
eiteting her parrege 11pro ene a Florence May St Jelin. The pleaeuig
few weeks.--Onr merchants have ehite Piaei" at the home et the
ped a great de,e1 of fowl the ireiNt ;vett. hales biaer, Mrs. 11 stop of the Clas-
Mr. W. IL hevett. of Exeter. was in sie (347 and was witlweeed kir a, cm -
the village Tnestlayeetelies Kerr ny which initheled gueete from Lon -
continues to improve. -Mr. . Woudlwan inid the vicinito of
son Were= bas fimeted the contract Ittef4:411tIftielirtvetl,W.Ate:tr;litlipliowluIV:it
for dt ming the 51 ton safe from the
statiou for the :Merchants' Mule and a'AIIN by her brother-in-law, was
ed Itvinese elite trimmed with
placing it in their office. 31r. AnderItItit -
m applitine, and carried a. bouquet
ryminthemums. The services of
oomemen and bride:Isiah] were dis-
nsed with, but there were two little
maids of honor, Bessie Hyslop ;mid
Clara Bello Welteter. whit earried
tont of the eountry.- -The ihret snow of ,eirt,tieslitinogsilittinatilt
SAWyee and his bride. left for London
where they spent their honeymoon.
The bride is a gralue te of t ( hat ham
oat te tee ogons 4tna wheelbarrows Hospital School for Nureee. Rev. Saw-
yee le a son or A. Sawyer, of this
place, aud is ono of the rieing young
ministers of Lonaon Conference. He
was ordain( d at the meeting of Con-
ferenee in St Marys two years ago and
ie now stationed at Teesewater. Be is
a graduate of St. Marys Collegiate In-
stitute and I, is a host of friends in
that town. That Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer
bus a wide Omit? of friends was shown
by the array of wedding gifts which
they received. His many friends here
wish himself mid bride a long and bap-
py married life.
Ansa Craig
Dr. Charles Stewart, of this place,
who has held the position of superin-
tendent of the Ottawa Protestant Hos-
pital, has left for England to further
pursue study. Dr. Wm. Hackman,
formerly of the London Asylum, suc-
ceeds him at Ottawa. -F. C. Dulmage
has been stationed in Hamilton for a
time, where he will look after the in-
terests of tee Remington Typewriter
Co. -Mrs. (Rev.) Knott, who is under-
going treatment for .her hearing at
Toronto, is getting along -nicely and
the reports from her are most encour-
aging and great hopes for her ultimate
recovery are entertained. -C. S. Mc-
Vicar has gone to London where he is
attending the Business Oollege.-Miss
A. Canning spent a few days in Lon-
don during the week. --Mrs. Will At-
kinson and children returned to Chica,-
go last week., after spending some time
here with friends.
DEATH. -MISS Catherine Thomson,
daughter of Wm. Thomson, departed
this life, after a brief illness, on Nov.
20th. Deceased had been in her usual
health until three weeks previous to
her demise; when she was suddenly
stricken with paralysis. It was hoped
for some time that she would recover
from the shock but she gra,dually grew
weaker and it was easily discerned that
it.was but a matter of time until the
end would come. The funeral took
place Saturday. to Carlisle cemetery,
the service being, conducted by Rev.
W. 11. Geddes. Much sympathy is
felt for the family in their sad bereave-
got a h.: ge fotix, of men at we" 00 it,
Two of Mr. N. M. Vontinen elaildren
are rit preseue very sick mai under bo
re of Dr. Bueilartart.-!iles$1v. Either
2114 M44Alem elipped several
son. deserves to he congratuleted Inc
the manner which .110 handled the
huge safe without the assistaneo of Oily
special tot*. We have no hesitation
in saying that the Merchants' Bank
have one of the finest safes in this sec -
the ems= fell last week. -Coal seems
to be as SCAM as ever., Our business
people can be Ea,ett taking Wiled 10 11511'
res lective places. of business idnitist
art, brOUght ?'to ttr,e to beteg this val-
uable article up town. -Council meet-
ing wits held In the Town Hall Mon.
day. -Very little is beard about our
nmuielpul elections, but WO Ultliit still
remember the old adage "still water
runs deep" anti we may expiat to See
a number of unmiciphl aspirants ap-
pear on the (layer nomination. -About
week ago a number of workmen were
working at the town drain, in front of
Mr. Trick's residence, So far the hole
hasn't been filled in and it is not only
an eye sore to one citizens, but it is
very dangerous to the public, when
driving a.t, night. We trust that some BIRTHS.
steps will be taken to have this matter
attended to.--To-day (Thursday) is the Uhborne, on :thee. 93rd, to
polling day. Let every man come out Mre and Mrs. Albert Canna, a son.
and cast his vote as his conscience di-
TEMPERAXCE.-On Sunday evening
a union Temperance meeting service
was held in the Evangelical church.
There was a large audience present.
Rev. Knetchel, P.E., of Berlin, who
conducted the quarterly services here
on Sunday, was the speaker of the ev-
ening. He explained the Liquor Act
to the people and gave several striking
instances of the evil the liquor traffic
has upon thehutnan race. He further
stated that be felt confident that they
would win if the church people stood
together and did their duty. He said
that if they did not win it was because
the members of the church would vote,
as mentioned in a poem where people
went to church and prayed "Lord, thy
will be done, and then go out and vote
for rum." Rey. Knowles was the oth-
er speaker of the evening and spoke
very earnestly to the people and asked
them to do their duty.
FLAX -MILL STRIKE. -Last Tuesday
our flax -mill proprietors intended to
start with the winter's work. At one
o'clock all the workmen were present.
The whistle was blown and the ma-
chinery was started, but.not a man
went to work. On inquiries being made
as to their actions, they informed one
of the partners that they wished to
know what wages they would. receive
per day before starting work. They
claimed that in former years the firm
simply paid such wages as they saw
fit after the work Was performed,
which was very unsatisfactory to
them and that they should at least
know what they were working for.
The senior partner of the firm, was in
the engine room at the time, and on
being called refused to consult with
the men and told them if they did not
wish to go to work at tht former ar-
rangement he would lock up the mill.
When the men received the news they
left the mill and refused to go to work
under any circumstances. Tbe work-
ingmen's side of the question is, that
after working for a month, the firm
pay them just what they think fit,
averaging from 80e. to $1 per day, and
as a rule this arrangement is held out
during the whole winter season. They
further claim that in the Dashwood,
Zurich, Shipka and Hensall mills, the
men are paid and have been paid high-
er wages for years than they ever re-
ceived here. The firm say they do not
intend to be ruled by their laborers.
We trust that an amicable settlement
will soon take place.
UNDIER-WALL-At the James street
Methodist parsonage, Exeter, on
Dee. '3, by Itev. Dr. Hannon, Mr.
Summer, Iowa, to Miss Wall, of
CA0LISLE-11EDSOX-At the residence
of the bride's parents, on Nov. 20, by
the Rev, Mr. McLennan. Mr. B. W.
Carlisle, of Hay township, to Miss
Eva Alice, youngest daughter of Mr.
Joseph Hudson, Parr Line, Stanley.
000K- FIMIPETILL-At. Wroxeter, 08
Nov. 26, by Rev. L A. McKelvey,
Mr. Cornelius Cook, of Hensel', to
Miss Minnie, daughter of Mr. T.
Hemphill, of Wroxeter.
YELLOW-JortY-At the residence of
the bride's parents, Stephen, on.
Wednesday, Dec. Srel, by the Rev.
Dr. Hannon, Mr. Jos. S. Yellow, of
Usborne, to Miss Lucy AL, daughter
of Mr. Elijah Joey.
SHAW. -At the residence of Mr. Wim
Ba,wden, Exeter, on Nov. 80th, Eliza
Shaw, relict of the late Wm. Shaw,
aged 73 years, 1 month.
CoLGAN.-In Woodhanl, on Dec. 1st,
Margaret, infant daughter of Ed-
ward and Mary Colgan, aged 4
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