HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-11-27, Page 8YOU CAN HAVE A WARM E. All winter in one of Tam, an'"S suits and overcoats. Never a better line of real good, ones. Never a better line of moderatepriced ones. Nevera better line of low priced ones. Then there is this certainty: Iroubuy a slut aid over- coat >;3� roe you gf "as good � a one as the price you pay eau buy and if the fit and. workmanship don't prove satisfactory you get yotiI' .lone tee . • PRICESGOFROM$12,00 UP. W. WANT YOUR, TU Cls, THING W. W. TAM lof farm produce eagle as cash.Hut- pot othe James street Metio ist National Portland Cement Co„ will be ter, eggs, dried apples and poultry, 1 cb,,o1e'h, both morning and evening, on ; pleased to learn that the worksatDor- e Sunday last, The congregetrons on ham have been completed end for the hath occasions were large and the discourses were listened to with mark- ed attention a=nd appreciation. As well ars wielding' an inttixential pen Edit I M. T. Han, the able edit= of the cement- toren Started, Remember Stewart takes kinds WnghamAdvance:ocupedtheul-T1e matey stack hot ders here of the., t Remy Miss Flannigan's sweetest c i Lar lo" U- .. le I., , • Geode iia p solo, Lo, .Bear the C`zen era Rouse, De,1, It would be en easy Matter to get large crowds to attend church if the legislature would pas a. law prebibit- lug it. 111otiiers can do more to redeem, the world from its present state el Vice, than all the Ltinistei's:imd missionaries combined, The Winghatu journal bas been re- vived after a discontinuanee of three y ear's. A. E. a Sxnianonas is as ;aiu at the: nettle, Songs, stories, inouologaies, irrita- tions, asnpersouations, ballads, etc., Opera Honse. Dec. J, E.emenxt,er the concert an Friday t most modern country sebools in On- night, Be sure to make it a success, l tario. ae. funds are needed for the improve- l We are indebted to Mr. G. G. Gin - melee of the cemetery. son, of St. Louis. o., a fornaier resi- Comity cauneil nouainations will be `dent of Exeter, for a book of beautiz v ori tandaay, Dee. 22nd, tut engravings of the �' Orme Fair to field bias year l and also 110 thatit in �, Moro t; o. c ay ' s on _ � be ell n and mainicipal naniittiataati I _ h d;Ly, December ?9th- Election day. ' for a book entitled The Honsebold. Ex, Monday, January . th. pence /look, copy righted by himself, The Toronto Globe says; "Miss La The former illustrates the great enter - Delle tool; the house by storm' and prise in its import -out feattn es, with received doaaltle encores ter' nearly portraits of officer's and brie_ descrip- very nuanber. Hear theist. (per a tines of buildings, etc,. and is a racist USe. Tli,airsday evening, Dee, 4th. raia►gntflt:ent• piece eft cart ati every par. f Elie we altiiy and the poor, the , tienlar. tislxale the letter is just. the ,used :and the unlearned would I thing for lionskeepers to keep track of sae together in ebarity' each class their exlrenees.. A 1lattce, allele book old be eurptised to discover bon will show the division of exlYertSCS no-- old it could texas ii from the cattier, der the vatrioue Beards --fuel, froit,grec- ex'aes, ere„ etc„ and a.- stated till' III* is not right to be always accueit{g d tet • *'There are setaie who, he girls of ivatnting to marry, It is he men tient want to marry. and the girls merely t ielcl to their prayers and solrcit,atinnS through sympathy. those this boote bias been as most wet- aur vote conies first, Dee. 4th. and i conte aassistent. first trine was Set in operation an Mon= day last, This is thelargest,bestequaip- ped Auld most extensive cement mill in Editor Canada. acrd prenyises to be a profitable Hall is equailly capable in the pulpit' investment to its shareholders. The The Au goers acknowledges a "pleas use of this great commodity is vet in not ea11 fronx Bro, Hall, its Watley and the niannfaicture of it At the xueeting of the TrIIatee Board on. a large scale in this country is only of S. S. No. 0, 'Osborne, held ori Mau- beginning, Cement, as remarked by day night, Mr. P. Gowans was re -en- the Toronto World, promises to re- neged for another year, this being the place stone for all kinds of heavy fours- twelfth term. As a teacher Mr. Grow- dations and other wall works, to re* ins has few equals and his genial dis- place stone for paving, to .replace brick position has won for him aa: place in very largi'ly for building and to replace Ole hearts of both pupil and parent 1un)ber where lumber has beery need.. alike, which feet is manifested by his In fact, Gement will soon be, next t longcontinued engagement. Besides steel, perhaps, more than steel, the a vry efficient teacher this schoolsec- chief building inatei'ial on this contin- tion can boast of one the best and eat. 0Ur houses avill soon coxae to be of cement, and every day sees the field. • r -it `rail l , Better. Suye�ig� ail 11 Camila Halm QFFICit TORONTO D. S. 110 LIT. D. 31, STEWART, President, General Man, Capital aautborazed........ $2,0110'000,00 Capitrol Subscribed...,... 1,000,000,00 EXETER BRANCH BRANCHES.. ]►aatiter.stbUrg Unionville Clinton IM[ount Albeit :Market Exeter. Stuudfeille Stirling Ottawa Maa,itteet.Qiae,. Sautton,Qite., Perth St. Catharines Mclvert+oaa Toronto 1V:ata'rloo, Que. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Highest nines Of interest paid on de- posits Of $1.00 and uPwau'tis. Com- pound half -yearly. Deposit, meiptS issued.oe y loaned anetl to, farmers on their ilottt own notes'.. at lowest rates, Drafts bought and soicl, Money Orders, pay- able anywhere" ing Canada. assiiGal at very low nates. Collections made at reasonable rat us, We maakespecialty of New York n, and Sterhng 1•�xebange, Get our rates before haying int selling. A Gess;net. BANKING BeSIi ES TRAY- s\CCr4t .N.T Menrr•ntot>•se*I, F: W.GLA.t141ais,t, F. E. EARN, Sialicitor. Manage • for the use of cement growing at a ewe pricing ratio. The fact that the city of Toronto is experiencing such a short age of cetnent'at present. than a great dead of the sidewallk laying arranged fon thisseason iaaay have to be laud over till next sprirg,aaloite constitutes a key to the true situation, Coini..it Proceed l .tom..:?, Council met at call of leve at Town Han, Nov. 21, Absent, Coentetllor Dee vis, Minutes of the previous meeting read. and eentirarred, he It that the following accounts p and orders drawn ori TreitSurer for tdine:.Thos. Welsh, labor. $lft2S; A. PatYlor, do., tine,- 1.11n, Anderson.„do., S",),; 'Thoe. Flynn, do,. Sil.,,•i; S. Handford, ai.le,: g, Gillespie. da, a,Q.; tro . uc ry,W. Westoett, doo., fa8.7a, Ernest Fitton, , when they bave paid the fiddler don't au„ $$,43; James Murray & Co„ aiW- want to titbit about It agaain. Others cottat, $0.*i Jas. Creech, stone ham - like to keep tub ate they go, amid tet trier, "a.ar.. Fred Knight. naafis, 2.5c.., W. J. Bissett, charity to Mrs. Sutton, $9; I)o.. :qrs. McIntosh, $2. Queen City Oil (.'o., gaselitie.S9,75,-•--Cairried. Har dingo -Muir -that the Clerk be instruct ed to notify the Conuty Engineer t repair the fence at south east co=ne of bridee ort halo street.—Carried. Woon—Lovett—that a reward of $la be offered for the apprehension and conviction of the perpetretot^s of the atop to tate pe=ctin and property or r. Antier;raai, a=loci ail of tlttx piddle atrding-=-Muiaae— ao reply he published to the vote moue posse1 by the Peddle School cl at its last, met'tong.-laurel, de-Ilat'clitwg..tllat, Council aaclycttar totx Desi. ;r, at 7.30 O. G. H. iltssErn, eke' NO.TCQA1 Bal Caal ..uies then the L;a Delle Concert Cowxp"twy . no wanted. Returns of the 't"ote will be green front the stage, Oct your tickets ear- ly and "*et the good Beats, Prices S Win, tt.awl tae, Hain street Methodist church. ser - ices lav the pastor 11 aa,aii„ subteen "The Vision.” 7 p.m, *'The final 414p. �YeAV Com :anal hear it, Services in the Opera House oat d,gO pan, Ever} - bady invited, subject. "Duty." Messrs. John farmer, Wm. U w - haw ;Ind Jobe nIcItityre drove to Seaaforth on Monday to ewer rise their franchise in the Woollen Mill Ry"larrv, which was Carried by an almost un- aninsaus vote, only ten voting against it, jI1I1JtS t Cut LIME OFFICE, hIONTR1 AL opmoodo Good F=lan boy wanted to tearix prietiug, A.pply.at this afllce. I=.iigat1C #tad Boner for Solo, A second hand. 2;a borne power, en- gine and boiler; in ftonclass working. order. %'i ill be sold very cheap, :tp, ply at Auvocamn office. Tax Notice, The tttaclersined Tax Collector tar the village of l xeter. will bo at the Tem.* .Hall, every Tl1nrsdat:y from 0 o'clock a.m. to J ca'eloek pain. for the purpose of t,iving taxea. J, B:V}r*', A circular has been sent out to all', the liven c inspectors in the province. of Ontario, infor'tming theta that ail hotel bar -rooms must lie closed on the 4th of December, the clay on which the vote will be taken on the Referen-' dom. Mr. Harry Brown, of Winchelsea, has beer: appointed local agent for the McCormick Implement Co., here to 1111 the vacancy caused by Mr. Wes. Swell's:Appaointment to gener;sl agent. The company has secured in Mr. Dm= as first-class toxin. 'lease of Retuea %otos. Miss Barbara, Cool:, for nearly five Rears assistant matron of the House of efuge, bas given up her situation, and haat returned to her l=oofa in Laae1R- ncow. Sitehis given clic hest cif esatis- faction, and it is with regret, that ,lire and Mrs. French part; swath her. Feat= ' Shox. The animal exhibition of tlac' limon Poultry and Pet Stork Atesociai ion will be held December :We tend :ilst and January let and 2nd, in Godetieh. The directors have commenced tine work. of preparation, and are trying to make the coning show the most sncces»fitl in the history oP, the o,nsout- Capital Paid .Up 6,000,000 Rest - 2,700,000 A•general Unnking'LRusincss traniaeted. Interest ot uuat tab oroi,te i'grrent rates allowed on t:arings nault ac; omit" and lteposit I3et eiptx. ia l;ortin}a�nr�o in China, Javan otherere counres Tray lingl Bette a t Credit issued to travellers in ane.arts of TILOS FVSIRE, Grsr-au, MANAGED. E.F.HEOUEN, Stir or nue icoas t Cum Lame -ton, CREDITON3 ONT, W. S. CHISHOL� ager. NOTV.. 000 But Wain llun& That all aabsprbing topic, the coal situation is what is bothering tbe mind of 010131011e to,day,. It xs a moneentuotte question and while the situation la grave do you know a is no good worrying, :about it, for is it not true that trouble you most expect often never comes, it may be the sante in the coal situation.Set it aside and listen to our stove talk if yon are thanking ot buy- ing anything ng in the stove luxe. We carry the following lines:— RTTIG' T DOUBL and SINGLE HEATERS QOAL and 'WOOD RANGES. - OAK HEATERS "th COMBINATION SELF FEEDER STOVE BOARDS, STOVE MATS, Etc,, Etc. The annual meeting of the Ontario anon. Fruit Growers Association will be held Feet wanted, in the City Hall, Walkerton. on. Dec. Dnring this week Junes ,t Clark, of 1st, 2nd and $rd next. The twenty- Winehe see,wish to preocnret 4U,000 lbs, fourth annual meeting of the Ontario poultry for which they will pay the Agricultural College, Guelph, will also following prices:— be held on Monday and Tuesday, Dec. Turkey ale.' as lb, alive, the as lb. dead. 8th and 0th. geese arc. a " " nte. ;a " Rev. T. De Vitt Tailanaige speaking Duck tl,e. a " " , die. ai " of the La Delle Concert company says: Chick 1te, to " " , atc. a " " "I have heard you, and may say that or no. a lb. more for each if taken in I will wait with the utmost impatience trade. Ponitry taken any clay during for your return that I may again en- the week at Wincheleen, at Dieter on joy your delightful and artistic pro. ' 2801 end 20th and at Illensall tan "filth. gramme." Dear thein at the Opera lotx lissary tea. Rouse, Thursday evening, Dec. 1. A Missionary Tea was field on Nov. The vacancy* an the LI -I.& B. of the 12, at the home of Mrs. E. J. Specimen G. T. It., causedby the death of Jer- milli Fitzgerald, conductor, has been filled by Mr. Alf Ireland, one of the oldest freight conductors on the sane branch. Mr. Ireland lives at present in Wingham but the promotion will necessitate him removing, to London. seirenrevagwestreveavvarevrew LOCAL DOINGS. saaessasemasseseisesemisseekv Nearly a hundred men and wo-� FURNACE AND PLUMING A. SPEGIALT tinnOnire P ARSONAeasseaseactetasesol Mr. P. . Di •nan. traveller. spent ,Sun - clay at is home here. 'Or.Anderson and Mr. F. R. 0111 spent Monday at Grand. Mend. Mr. W. F. May, of :Mitchell, is vis- iting his parents ter this week. Mrs. Crocker. of St. M;.aiys, is visiting her sister, Ma's. Johns to town. Mt'. W. J. llawkahaaw, ta;iavellet spent Sunday with his parents. item Mr. Percy Bruce Dignan nand Percy Howard Browning Sundayi d ;at Sari- oma—Qoan. Miss. .T. Cunningbam and Miss Tillie Yager left Monday to visit friends in Sarnia. Mrs. Yager left 'Monday 'to visit her parents, -Jr. and Mrs, Cunningham, in Clandeboye. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Atkinson and Mr. Wm, Forton spent m few days in town last week. Miss Lille Johns, who bas been vis- iting friends in St. Marys, returned home Friday last. The 7th anniversary of the Main street Methodist church will be held on Dec. 7th and Sth. On Sunday Rev. R. Hobbs, of Wingham will preach at 11 a.m. and 1. -pan. On Monday even- ing the annual anniversary tea will be held. Miss Eva N. Roblyn,of London, will give some vocal selections after the supper. Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Holman, of Eg- menss far coats to select from, at mondviile, called on friends in town Stewart's. Yes, the biggest stock last Saturday. Mr. Flolmau having and best values in the county. moved to East Huron tendered his re- signation as Sec-Treas. of WestHuron 'We could live without fools, Teachers' Association to Mr Gowans, Mugwnmps and politicians; the President of said Association,here, We could live without love on Saturday. We are glad*, to know Under certain conditions. that our friend G. W. is still active in We could live without trusts, the profession and has a good position Combinations and Banks; But the world would not move If it wasn't for the cranks. Sunday next will be St. Andrew's Day. A man is known by the company he keeps away from. Advertising pays a great deal better than advertisers do. Employment brings enjoyment pro- vided it brings the means to enjoy. The horse, unlike other animals, can eat best without a bit in his mouth. Figures may not lie, but the figures of some women are awful deceptive. A man may live a life of integrity, but he invariably hes on his death- bed. Revds, Crossley & Hunter will hold evangelistic services in Godericli next which tvasin every respect a g1.11.) l Messrs. N. D. Ilnrdorr and Jas.;I3eer :success. Following the transaction of left sys. iL. for . =week's shouting the business of the meeting, telt was let Monday fo served, after wbich a well rendered program was rendered to the delight Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes Neil, of present.M'eGil- oflcall ersect for lye re- are 1W. C., Hustoere n, She unday.s Mrs. tlr,arnd:lits. Mrs. Jos. Oobbledick; 1st Vice.. Mrs.. Mr. James Bonthron, of Toronto, W. G. Bissett; 2nd Vice, Miss 13. Hart- spenta few days of last week with his noir; Sec'y, Mrs. Anderson; Cor, Secy, sister, Mrs. R. H. Collins. Hiss Harvey; Treas., ell=s. C. B. Snell, friss Hannah Parsons, of Loudon, Captured the Reward, is visiting friends in town, the guest Fred Walters, son of Mr. Sanies of her brother, Mr. Henry Parsons. Walters, ot town, who left here some Miss Lizzie Ratz is on an extended mouths ago for the Soo, has captured visit with friends in Crediton, Exeter the reward of $100 for finding the and Centralia. --Parkhill Gazette.Re- body of Noah Hale, who murdered his view. son Frank and attempted to kill his wife on October 3rd last. Fred and Mr. James Walters, wbo has been an uncle were out in the bush hunting on a business trip to Hamiltou,for the Northwest of the town when Fred past few days, returned home Wed - came upon the body. Judging from nesday. appearances the finders say death Miss Clara Dunsford, who has been must have taken place some time ago visiting her brother, Fred, in Cleve - and are inclined to think the cause land, returned to her home in Stephen was suicide, as his gnn was found be- Saturday. side the body with a string ;attached Mrs. William Edworthy, of 1 illar- to the trigger. ney, Man., and Miss Hodgins, of Ln - can, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ardagh Rollins this week. Mr. Henry Cann has returned from Winnipeg, where he accompanied a load. of borses, shipped by Messrs. Handford & Elliott. as principal of the Egmondville. P.S. at at salary of $500. The West Huron i Silver Weddixtg, Association will miss their genial Sec-) Twenty -fire years ago Mr. and Mrs. retary, a position he has held during John Barnes were married, and that Christmas Groce AT , tL SPAOKMAN'S. . ,., .. II tg e'xocf'3ries tool Fine uew 'ru m stock for Christmas tri select goods, New Currants, New R. A flue stock "of Cross and Blackwells Peels. Mince lVIeat a trial, Al Give Capstan Dressed ways reliable. ies the past fifteen years. Chief of Police Zeats, of Woodstock, writes the following "Warning to the Public" of that city:—"In. view of so they are more than content with ther condition is evident, from the fact that they celebrated the event on Monday last in a most fitting and ap- many burglaries being committed i propriate manner. A large number. throughout the country and neighbor- of invited guests were present both ing cities and towns at the approach from town and at a distance, and the of winter, I take pleasure in slightly affair was a most enjoyable one. Din - warning the public against such class- ner was served at 8 o'clock, the spread es of people who go from house to being most elaborate. The many beau- house as agents, etc., some just simply tiful presents received. by Mr. and to get the outlay of the premises. Mrs. Barnes were a marked feature of Close the door against them. These the event. May they live to celebrate people will enter an unfasten doors the event of their Golden Wedding is without knocking,, and should they the wish of the ADVOCATE. find no one present will quietly and air. mgnitit% noes to London. quickly appropriate any valuable in W. N. Manning; of Clinton, a native sight. of Exeter, who has been looking round The youngest of ;the Bossenberry for a location for the organ factory brothers, of Grand Bend, a pugilist of which be purposes establishing; has decided upon London, according to the following item in the Advertiser: An- other industry is shortly to be added Calmed Goods. Canned Tomatoes, Coen, Peas, Etc. Breakfast Foods. Shredded 'Whett Biseuits, Wheatine, Cream of, Wheat, Malta Vita, Swiss Food, Grapennts. We carry Cross and Maekwells, Stephens, English Imported and John Ewll`iet:les. They are the best, Teas. Sole Tots for the celebrated Aroma Tea with eepons. It is tea at wil�you. �v SPAOKM N. for the Celeln teed. W'. B. Sandford Iteaaaly Macle Clothing, monw. The lamb, makes no enemies, but local celebrity, is likely to branch out fears inane; the lion makes many fears none. but for higher honors., The Winnipeg Mrs. ,(Dr,), Anderson gave' an "At Home'' to a number of her friends on Wednesday. Tactsimply:means a ready power of appreciation preciation and ' doing what is re - grimed by circumstances, Mr. Win. halkwill is at Grand Bend this week erecting a: cottage on the • Parkhill side for Dr. Anderson. A meeting •of the Huron county council will be held in Goderich coni- mencing. On Tuesday, .December 2nd., $6;11.0 for IytLd'tesi swell American ruff• and.$6.7O ,for genu- sable neck..,.. � ......, .:.n at ' vette ie- ` xska sable neelc, ru , _ yin Al ane , p for, Stewart's Lad �es!'now s your. ornate o .portutirty.; • They will all be RrSne by Xmas Telegram of a recent date says; -"The arrangements for the boxing and ath- letic tournament to be held in the Al- hambra hall, No. 24, are nearing com- pletion. A. C. Bell, of Morris, has thrown down the gauntlet to the box- ers of Manitoba, and it, is likely that one of the Bossenberry brothers, of Grand Bend, Ont., who at present are in the city training for the winter's events, will take it up. * * * John Lauder, of this city, authorized a -re- porter for The Telegram last evening, to state that he was prepared to back the younger of the Bossenberry broth- ers against Stemyr, Bell or any other boxer in Manitoba, for a ten round contest. When questioned as to .the c .'.' ash'':amount of his confidence ce inhis ` champion; he said he wasWilling to put up as much as the backer of Bos- senberry's opponent." eat the please} ttrt Conversation Overheard on the Street:" "Have you noticed thoseTables and Chairs in Huston's Shopwindow. How pretty they are?" "Of course I noticed them, and thought them fine enough to have one each for marior and do you know they are quite cheap and -white I 'was in his shop I was pricing several articles and discovered that he is selling good goods forlittle money. I advise you to call and compare his goods with others of the same kind. lie can save you money. W. C. 4. S O , Furniture and Undertaking Rooms. Gidley's Block. Mr. Chas. Snell; sr., and Mr. ` Jas. Gould of Hay, returned last". week fawn their hunting expedition in Muskoka, each bringing home two deer. -„ Mr. Adam Whiteford, who has been sojourning with his son in Virden, Man., returned' Monday and will take. up his home with his daughter, Mrs.• Thos. Hawkins. ' Mrs. J. E. Williams, who has been the guest of Dr.,and Mrs. D. A.Ander- son for the"past two weeks, returned to her home in Mitchell Monday. Mr,. Williams also spent Sunday here, Mr. Uri .Cunningham, left on 'Fri- day last Friday:last for Ponoka, Alberta, where he will enter into partnership: with. to the many which go to make London Mr. Geo. Sellars, formerly of lande- the enterprising and prosperous city boye. Mr. 0. has the best wishes of all that it is. The factory of the defunct his friends for his future success. Canadian Veneer and Lumber Com- ' streets Mr. J. P. Clark, of Winnipeg, Man.,. any, corner of Elia and Pineh t of psouth of the G.T.R. maim line and east. of Egerton street,) has been purchased by Messrs. W. N. Manning, of Clinton, and J. F. Sherlock, of South London, who will at once start an organ factory there. The building will be enlarged to double its present size, and a most fmodern plant will be. installed. It is expected that the factory, which will employ a large number of hands, will be in full operation by February 1st. Mr. Manning has been for fourteen' years Manager Of the Doherty Organ. Company at Clinton, and his experr enee should go far towards making the new venture a<succeaa, a former well-known mere an . Exeter, gave the ADVOCATE a pleas- ant call on Monday. He speaks in. glowing ;terms of the west, particular- ly of the city in which he lives and says it gives promise to be one of the best cities in Canada . before many years. After spending several days renewing acquaintances, our friend. left Tuesday„ morning on the return trip for his home. Mr. Clark has die-; connectecl'himself with the insurance: .' bi'isihesai aril ,is Yid�v brayer for the *shoe 1e boot of and s nl esu Ryan wh Thos. „ compan, of 'Winnipeg, the position being. a lucrative. one, • The Icing of flanges— "BUCK'S UAi'PY THOUGHT" One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Canadian Women have decided for The "Happy- Thought Basi 'e. Common Ranges were not good enough—why should they be for you ? Don't be imposed on by " just as good" talk. The construction of The "Happy Thought„ 'is patented, its design registered,' it is totally different in every respect to any other. There . is none like it: There can be none so good. If you only knew the time, the trouble, the labor it would save you, how little fuel it uses, you ,s would not be one single day without one. iThewMBUCK. STOVE yCO by. . • b7 4 T Exeter. J. •guest 's the e Y1 1 .. ., _ - .,. all of'Actog Miss Corrigan, ,. ah s eatg S t P , m p Mr. and M A.. , , our ney. r.R R. J. G. a Lucan. 04 M s y day