HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-11-27, Page 6r r e 3he2 geese 13% 4j4,0t; P lee. Avoid ease-,rutleinum coalman. deet Iend =g1 e - • 1 1 "1 1e4,'I"moCne1e "1p 4Vi 1t41- 4,42e tt c r - sII ietcxoerneenfie.leiea l rvwu.o.t etiprn, '0. ym ey , u .I f etetee hobesu 10e/iv1a4It41'nt)Ft"( rs14el 4911 ar'lae er lawn't kind.4111:cord4n,,82 l ROG 0110LERA fl' ONTARIO DEW/. IT :KAY DE PREVENTED .AND CURED. V1b1e Uinta Sent Out by the 'Dote4seion, Deportment of elesrriculture. It is regrettable that bog cholera Is prevoleut again in some a the locreities ha which it had previottely existed /a the westera eeitineele,Qf Onterio„, recently in the County leent. Meg cereeett n, elisettse tbat er.adieeted, ;And ite ietrodnetion eeresen'iete, if interested partier Teo:41;111:e Linea ere tee. pee/nitres thoroughly I.4 veers- oet the eerates ereesseesteeliclisinfeeted lelote. an irspee,tor can tho b7,,lneti,s area regulatioee IS•••ulps44,4 got indereirit,y certilicate, which • by the Dominion Departmeat of isteest, aseemprioleil certitieeites Agricititeire fur their ecreet. ',Mere hoc satisfaetory disinfection; there - is; ro otlier Se:geese so extremely coo-eofter the Minirter .10:12, order the re - • Lind: infeetioore end It een- te =oval of the q. rte to heattiky swine in an ilivisirele, end base nieseeer ef ways, Loth le,y ditevt 'beards a re, shouid removed See:Ince etiel ter-ere:relic:re' :Meats...a:1d eny locse boards with which the lerrileeree, ettie.eaes, pletforrie, veefe-;Itergs have eme:e. iri context hurried. us, tervt,,,•, beOts stirface crartli gt•avel eelerete. teal the ;toes. real yereei. elev.:that rettioved 1;r oJJ te7-ea'efe to a tit -etre of els lietiee. freeie,- cove ceeert e"-eeeence Aeele ere. worse iicsp term- Lev' leleireee, tireel fee-, ierAreeps erpe ererzerY teientle- tszei leen to coerniet the , tereserst eireteer. ressiblIQ tremeen-f A :trees grime it' ,,,?ai,137, to rtil s ors to tee Governteieet leee e.xleeteree,,e( page:roe esealeeeieg, ceettioe es &sense hf's 'looked ferward v' ac to at'',110i. (i4 --,.,?0,41,-11 givq. seottrgO eeeraken heigi t. rverizy. ctoi via 0 p7gs to 1'44, eerie -geed gee teetre, treellse for tl ere, ee.;-;:ers.,- Oesetese tied esse, ceortirg elee Isere: vartheral la liter cerecea, "1i:etc:42er,, ie leo," for,.‘tt, -n, Fcree., enone,,,,- telt , 1e. •-•'" g Ereeersceel will ba paid by Lev4r Srothers eirnited, Teronto, to any pe,reori who can •preen that this -soap contreine zny form of' adulteratiori wbeteemeer, eenteine any inevriotts cbendeele. Agg 4"c1c 14Q Ocenola Nor. els 10 et t1ien riere." levere I"- o . ere of sigs lo .4, t: •!.e 4•141:3, 11,211. d ; s • ir Le t I. k tee otetre teoy * isceet tieel eel keep toreyore nauseriel,te tantil es to eleep egoin or f..0s i 1COO. CrYintr, Vte ore the terror of r ineNVre-cler',41 3z-l'ar'r• Mrs' cation so much Persistent iceeopera- e eo, ed • Vet , is --------etee'er 1:020 12A5 leerned loathsomeness. Snuff -makers must trades become 1.111COLIScioua at their When ceaselessly exposed to PoWerttli odors. Those engagedsin offensive 'The sense of ' is weakeriecl IS -YOURS A TIRED NOSE? The object of this advertiseme-est is to induce you to try. notechaeautly pursue their work in Oeylon Tei Is the fne4-t etmospbera so permeated with that le 1. el article that the nonshabituated per - Tea the world produoest son caneot breathe it for 0, 11,11/111t0 Witi2OUt eainfel irritation of nose, ered is sold only In lead eyes, throat. and mouth, sneezing Packets. and the litre rest:Rings The teo- testees loss of hie sensitiveness of Slack, Pilixed and Green. , palate to such an extent tha,t sooner or later be must inevitably leave a tee dee:deers try ‘Selatia" Greenlee. tees eusiense is witness tt? tee core esessee............e...._e-ei...erter settee:zees a long -continued use of the testing faculty. The skin shows Pee et' the commonest fees= of °eel: - ration tertdemarks. 17-erpiets and gulittr-playere show callosities ot the lingers. Horny tbickening of the eau from haudling ivy imp/entente scrubbed with a rough brush, and gr celattle--„.41 elle the Callne e"s,Y thle; ee, given O. coating. of lime wash, i 'orere" alln"reser'' u•Ye's 411' ' pound of commercial carbolic acid te eYee.e.' fire gallons of which a b!eaell'Ts 114're the enme, ill eeen- bination with leisters, thickened and hos t 4„,4n1 oddett. py out ot o_ spray, eviler:ed. okin. Porters have sheulder ing,./2teap craelee and cornet, may be knots. "leoineereaids* lances" mean eelase better than by the brush. To blisters fretn long pressure. Xineesi Le el ;e it rermiree to be, done b'Svte' st"ellna%s et hilece 1.144 IliPs- , esst thorot;glety. After cleans:oe ...,.....,e... --..-.-se d disinfection expoee the premises in ii. eto senlight mid ail' ereelir for ateut i olio-. japPLE B t upE , . ii mouths before placieg pigs- in " r- I. to thirty parts of water. The pries, lences, and other permane ent structures with which diemeed pigs lia.ve come in contact should, when poesible, be thoroughly douch- ed with steam or hoiline. "teeter eliould les ?via:tiled as El Eli :BETON UOUNT velaille the deeeeee eei--As teed Attetil tins eleening has beecenee the Meer:se, 411 1'e eistritel on the hoots. 13-irees from eeighboritig lams rimy 'ectioe to other farees. mid tterefore. he 1-irobibited from retiring- the premises, There is po , epee. eoutageeee tweeter fit raea IC Ana steel; ne JOIne all the Othere fered for 'Years ered noel eg...m- pktay Cured. eier OSTeITASTRat LY•ret, TR= DODD'S IT,IDW, T es,OliT TEA. a es• package ; really temeite Paelgits. groctgee MIMS. Etivac, --454do *Headlight 0) EXPEtritnorit with ether and toriQr USE Acgos, .. pleavi.N * w tee ,opticilts cold te oce of the kW ,antwans a doctor r,ill undertrd;ei 1 tinere nowadees without a fi ;Talc* .-01134,1 1 1 43 ray (431 4r0 1i zh t •‘ • , reel in Pre -Wing Ti, AenesZe P,ed Sete ee s Liaigient .110 b24.31 elite LoLe. Abele tetween the owners euil the C1013111421611t veterinary inepeetore. It Lower Witideor. Carleton Coe, N.D. -48 4 i"L 1C" -PS "P•''''3111p4,14.4 ti is I rryti/b14.4 e,,a Ve 11, 'KT Feet. 1 in ft ib.a* 4:010Lot, and most, eeeoe„ e,oer,.(„etreseee)...,,tearretain come, , rye „e ;Tree, es es Colioere "/Ie• tete' ;t:eit tritled with. „ g e.e 1"'r• yea temee from ii-edetietii te eel; ty Ppb have long' ree011417ell v. .r, ffsr -tee. i -e vistV. r4111 Dedd'a Niel:ivy 1.1113 as a sere erre weeetiorerer -•""cn ti All : en."- 0:exP.A*.I'DOITS. for ;tit forms of le'iduey Plge0,5e. 0,10.1 "Terlattee:" Sedd Tim ertner of the iittIe lc fr.lan Marilee 11221u1ers Only W. 4.44,".1,1"11 Minard's Wheat for iuEi 'Pd1C;3iS, 1 Po Very on. not reses.oee , maid. 'kb isle lime I e,,,ot teret leelieee, es a cemeetpieeree there i5 etlerked,! dyer Ilea bromeht er tells 41TC env ri -7es to eiee.e see., teoe iero eTere,e; to Ineure nese deereasee iit Clio number of *Imre etre.' , easin „t. impoeeible t in Tenteland. feelitlee 104E&14'L1&in taw, DiTri:„ '4,4V it, to speech your hair. an yo 11-1,leeki ireiVeler. er ce oed heve dere hresA' -4 41i tiCAVZ. 1 PC0V:j ..-a.‘Jele V,• Tf, aee itiret frees diessNeedatLetietsln. elyirei.ghttIdereemyeh,a,m to matAchuel'iMdside .9h.ega% eoeesee es *ii4.---li„ nN thae 44-1fhitn we1 rore1?r- , TdthyOe.. 7'' 441 , 45 4, 1taa' 41e1.%*‘, k4 n,1e- T e,V tte 4o.td i e! 1t-.IL r1 l 7 e e 1 e r I s h o ley v e r n t e r s t r i e r r 7 i l o . O e t h ofea • ,700 411 tr. ,5•e'lat••",•. sere/eel tieereetre 0'4-4 'M I t :141:0 4.410I,7 eireerstee et „e„isez.4.4 Joete teett s 425 katDA fr,Z.Kt cure le reeorted eQ1Wrf., 0e0 497 144 . ifD4etOeoeWt e 8 -144-1i 1e4 0 e 4 71ie n i l ee o lr t e t0il e e et " " " e a itv ° e . t 1e 1 rXe n V *4a lt4l to l4A 4°e e t In t 47w0 - Buz7i,ea4mB scI.1e, ,, 4, -...... 'f.1,- se4d o k,, ."' 4 s o nr 1 e i - lt o' 7 w no.a plDnirgi .le t1ie L e eees, . . eerftne tsel - VW, . e -i S„en-,,M e t 4C ?,. L'5e41IeaV.h reI* 4 rgre a eeen e-tp eedveeW • edfiP.ac teitr ee er e. y meci 4 CDrrd i to or41at 1 i,u07no CToe.114e Mid rt free Oer41aeter TIL Beleao l Ie iea 4torfrdte3n3radlZ1e ",Pi. od elte"4 4.4,111 m,Of eta (41; 44 If 0444 leeees1 a lolARIV4 *41 *v tr4r0.iv1 kad 0, vry bad epel 3 4 0114 c14F1111 paie to .42.4t041ue0 the 1 4teeftnreeneo'rf:(4.014 W. (t-. cit , -1"44 IfWO 1-4414-' hZ1311 ttee4045 ft er ..- ; o . . 4i e r e t " r td O r O r v e 11' 3 .1u 0rt'5e78.t3eP3ia s aetrJ3lrIrwl'ort-eaz4e7eaT.!,r3a 7t.-tieaonie agern.erar( 1sttt sre.7.4.eut4,'i* wet I*Jo 44cieh'r1 .aSizset'n tt. i:tte e,ie 1 ree . ,1epprS'&)8 11 had efor 50443t6teset-.p.rma " . s l A i e 1 f44v44ao p3lea r a n D LLS TO A -:,v. ,a Ir,i1 c LOS of r- 0l2%.t ,,••t iou -eetnOV;e: F1416 .• : 'oW.':4l, 'WO4114.14c.b1, ,. 1. 111,, .le: . we tii iieri.. tein, O 41*4 , -Z- e i P a;1a4 , 4 1 ,• 11 Y 1 1e4 e r g c ' t e : t tee e ' yR I l i s e f et e' ive'or 'd r" r'4r"44`1 l ! to getmuchatleer baei 4 .te ,et eee00ei o r - T n s1,1vet4ete.gl - A 1l.1.e404ae1rr; ;o:11,c(121.c3L131',.ye0;4 i 07 tni14 . i l e t r ' ' " ge e: ;Vetiyr lie w14 e s and 38(43)*(. 334-9 ard tlil o t* 114a(.mer J041B1/111 131a 041411 iiigry • 1 o 4 e t o t t e e v e e - (4 11 4 t 1, e1 e e t e h o s 4 44:4 hearar.Ladd41‘1"3se0'4;ara'tinh' ,i141,iir^Ls t,r tw ly re. 04313)1 TeIleriln`1etase an1et ti44 1106t0taqil 84- (0 4113Q Qikal vtintug_.twold tt7 them, 1144JinnwilOrel 114 41I (3)4834 *34334-2 tI lrrrti1t11. thtW °till 443 L*44i4," ti11; 112iiAlretaf uter 114. t ildc(eithe b V. a t .W e e i4,r meeinIevertried.or01C10 ' 1 ,104 4 I vtree iz , sv:o4eat ';toiiotiee,d:4 eIe „eli riesd r e eteei ie ine. „eIglrreerut ect rDeoa.. .laIIlnodt e e 1iceatwhensoeietive.Un*' WWor i. (47 "Dr. Angusltetitoolelure tlieorane;re)ice Ittnqperliee might Ile h4‘etlade"emIeelma"rite!:13I et t . 301 3. 14' (411 titproftaby orat-deed in tlio iare-eiia nu -. 2 24 l 4 ,..,st,4”' .i8.M.11t,. ,. 4 ea,lc."..g"IA41 i 01 11°41?""1i5 11444,4"444e44n1 zWecdo280 e(0 gel t430 4183 t:4)r:trt11 13444' tit.etild iettille i.itThe eeialist lem 1hh1:::r--aleVCaleid (44' an eldinate cough ; we feethe; LIn1; 44.4113 14441 *Lepereetii:eel o,„;,;:- ery grteful to the dieerr 4-- f •" Vl.'' t.. , . . ,• ,".1,il i-. : 1 ‘ame dcine." c wine 1 ,,,,,v,Lev414 rto4--4. of 1 iedyaeltowhielisgevheoe Tee 034144.0 01 tee 14313413yyotee hrd of nieenoeutent 1hodterrb1y bad 11'13." co5 pay31 1:q014 thewfe of ' 2222242a) 42 tir' 1741410anowtA01C 1.43.8i:etoaenir"2tlitg AEMtt-'"antithe forgiT *0 hie coreptution in mis- - i 14tlt .t' 41"• L.2 4:s44 1d1L:i€:l,Vl v.11e24!414a 1; i1nu . w.1a ;" ", Ii'i S thte 141 lI4-i2rt3se 0a oe: n .co.l'oot et • , 14 oee44era.e g Ie u lrpreioereie,de eo 7i 041 o n t oe glitd: tf.hoe tun,e..e..."I " . pen••••t•=1••••a••• nroithpseanv‘neoea IeFearY "nt 01 t1;I04'43441paeewll detgo once Utit olt 01214111:!> 31ryttoeofareputed elvo nn ,seA4TO l retwho sl'ait*414484 3, teleee A L ( 10 It s 44(44. theeepeougchaghim for a ml)ion dollars.11iss1lonnir, and uetwhen 1 had IdN4it1/4fi :4reea 13„14,.tAr3ei,ure legeeilrhit I'M tileUr ioil 1100hfo1to.ireteloralee v,1.. MaiIlelatnt7..I MIowdearbeta elyttetto1,,IteI. 310 Arcot iato bae_rirAi41 I 11 141' * 1411;1"itcs1""t" .tIl'" "IItitee nee al 00 /ert , teat sesered late1014622 II 4glin,14, i'6401" I4"0'41'11 ii4-1221S22"d10311IA1443103414:114grore21111107es." lfollowy'e Corn Cms% Seeille foe .e e,1l0,, 474,,,,ion4nt„y cetotte 44 134 *44. it 41 a e , !hie m 1rt l 441443 2' ''"1"2rr* A0 34 * trilincimuse(inuotleyus rNine1enrie-Aft...ttnneLI.11) Imit% f v s r• ote male? tiwive 4144:,. 4114 11!e,1ziltw. ciesreJO rerel iWtlihirelepeneableiestitut elle eeleette /os.L t km..1 .'o4,er ;er-g *373 eet:" to teteeeits weeeg, therMn Ma:chats 517110F0 w lee t u ee onomoss eallitte ltTheeford b4o41 i11s4.teredocorns:nlwarts.Wehas and I eitim 4133. 1;'34. it(1WIJfoethistof TOsilieriltevoneidelit4 oarnever hea" ofsSallie to emov 3,41 Aliit Met of the di erioeingst4le34414v71t*3•111"11.4'''"1Ise441e sem e111lt:111v •tYi'1‘1ll1110I1etilele• I I t e y , „ ,1 , ilv ; n eees l'lalItt1el 4ar4ifel $' (1 et1",1414:1142(1 ilesirac2i11,e0een;sreenn72Iediersneillemee,bttteetll ThieteeethePee CentOf intMe Pr- a;l22j.i4.0., Hutt% 2etnee ngt getne reiefI atlaet was recommended in Britncther st ta o l111.1*4f.1 a 4 thee diebursenioit ,a cote, to eleelhe litionute, Er:lee:ries Ole atrial, but of then tliree live esti:111y re- vileet, anti a v.,:rt• o .r aerte. At cell:ere to tee heir of the Jetts of !3l14rative1,1.• Avey out of which has resulted, after tieing einlit bot- Jaime, cth0,45t. t*ll• troIlie'1l1.4143'44han'SeSc41(4 e'i4241S24 iiiilothetrasvetea 6 2.4 P. pagrsl ub tlits atarae- 143033414(2 ,trottleestene pred'sica211e114ri1•ee,141 n ite- m(Aohetm: ikt nien nlahl lyt; i3413111tie liIa camel r . tle wterw a I 54114 C111'& I blieve niveet xl,etdeto haneeahllfe ---------------------------4 eosorrit 319e 410:84 $1714(41 w 144thee rendering thwmedciuenthevotd,andIwritetidetMi HowThisI oard's Loiriert he hest Hair Restorer ty es i ely !*g.331 rielpitate %We:- etdiistt rue." le' at the I •tct i'NPrtien: n43.7 resa: ;-cepo teiriw.lwt ;ivaisnheeo.er limitred led 1.41:,t 'ayes 3itot.+11 aed enselly. a, heel harn-yard. ns:d to root itito stacks of or al.v caa.e of i•alavr:3 that .1 403 120 1. l t i r02igil 1;,`n, :i".ti erty, H.tarre:ly LaeelS " • hellyde . re12,r 41n 1333(244 die- ‘, ( illiNi..y a. co , turtal31..1J .• Iligl's t_iitarrIt Coil; wed°. 0. • irt the city." remr aked tile frtrrner, "There being uothing, to cultivate tees. 80 eo a let of SO4 1-. 0 hold, the Infection impoesible. Piggeries We . nu ilmh.i,,igi,(47. la.‘e Lnw on io• 'of coulk rse you fos don't hn ave oY " An ;trot in rngomni Taw 1t„c3, should 111„.t.,, hleepo„teat :,.,,t.th,,, .1. Cheney for 1,ie test 15 seam and harvesting time." "'Well," replied he tvisitor, whose eity home was next door to Li conservatoire of 2111/- SIC, '"there are VOireS to be cultivat- ed, and then We 113.1:e a. harrowiug- time." * 41.....1•••••10 teen iii i1 written toe that bee whieli thould ee large. .with a. !iirgle icritel,e Ilini 1"1".1 I.'v "14°11°413 I'l 411 williaz,,,, rink 1;1j73.1a, i s, 1 _ , niebess traueeetions ;ow miaticially t 1.. 4() d 10 le and exliosure, and tney should t111.,.: to carry out a.ay 03 443at4o434 inane her to liPa4.1., and I deterinini41 t 0 he placed. :,tt some distance from the,‘nInd ,..",-,,11!""•• . • 4,1 (2 4(44 pips a tilal. Aftl,r the, „.,,,.., barn -yard. Ojiards rar innall-eized 0. 144 '411 1,,,INN ,,i,:ti 44 • i•KVA.X. esale .11:-.11-.:••10tA, id: 0. vex Loxes 1 ,,,,Gew „ dist.inet fields ihould lie plowed after being eel:lite, weeiestile Druggists, Toledo, it,iProIemiMt in 11.y conditio1*. and freelY cc/yell-a with lime. Lanes ken and ...l- atter using the pills for a few weelzs ien(""s should" d 33ea"cd in the Fame, 3ally, neting directly upon the blood Pairs Catarrh Pure is ta31(3)10 4114' the trtrIbla had completely HI, 1....1.1.er as tee e. 1 d„13111 the grown/. • yid muceon i.-434'4e4e.4 or the SyStnilt. rails ' of the emcee should be burn- l'eF4imu:dalti li me. 1 could .41(43) 44(4111 at night, the . ret froT coug,. Pricy ete per (mote. Mold I,y :al aruggisin. h left Inc: the headaches that ..rho do,thi,"g of au persons 4040 Ilall's 1(5.334413.ly Pals am the nest. had inade me so miserable vanished, li,,,... nem 3 attending to or engaged ag 1114 appetite returned , and I col ud in"' killing and burning the hogs ain perform my houseworlt with Seven hundred British subjects are should. be boiled, and their boots ease. I shall always feel grateful for thoroyearly born at sea. ughly cleaned and sna.ked in a tihst I)r. 'Williams' Pink. Pills - have solution of carbolic acid 111 the pro- claim for T110, anti strongly recount:cud The great lung. lienler is found in that portion of one part of carbolic acid. them to ()titer ailine womeu '' Coustimplive e excellent medicine sold as Jiiehle'i Ante yre p. It soothes and di minishes the sensibility of the membrane of the throat:tad air passages, and is a sovereiga remedy for all , coughs, colds, ST. JACOBS sion. supposed to be. far advanced iu consump- bronelliti,;, ere. It eared many when • boarsenesS, pain 01. has sureness in the chest, 111 11.1,..41 Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have ac roleidishect just such good restil s113ao*r-Abtke8m.A.P.,,r0.1.3x0:1**00c,p5,04 thousands of other cases among ail - mg men and women, and sufferers from an,7,7 of the numerous ailments resulting from poor, watery blood sell() will give these pills a filer trial will seon le on tile high read to health and serene -tie Imitations it.re sometimes offered by enecrepuloes dealers, who care more, for their oavn profit than for thnir custonters' h rah h. Tie sure 'that the full name, 'Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," is foun(6 en the wrapper nround every box you buy. If your dealer does not keep these pills' send to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., mid they will be mailed post paid" at 110cper box or six boxes for e2.50- tablisliecl, the actuelly diseased pigs Iiiimecliately slaughtered end the carcases burned, or deeply buried with lime; all cosittfet hogs will also be iinmediately sia,ughtered; if, on post-mortem examination, the car- cases are found free from disease, they rimy be used for pork, other- wise they also will be bunted, in- demnity being paid for those actu- ally diseased to the exter,,t of one- third of their 'value befoive they be- came diseased, and for aniinals in con tact t111ee-gu114ers of their Value. Every pig on the filian must 3." POSITIVELY arzEs Rheumatism Neuralgia Backache Headache Feetache All Bodily Aches AND vz4414418tIttftrataxtfititti2. TNU 403 •rt The IIusband (during the quarrel) -"You're always making- bergains. Wits there 04-e1'4e time when you didn't?" The Wife -"305, sir; 01.1 my wedding day." okroversbwmpoitrarstamossowseekoksmaaseaseausapoommeol, Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co. Centlenion,-Theoclore Doritie, customer of mine, was completely Cured of rheumatisi*4 after live ,years of suffering, by the judicious use of MINARD'S The above fact can be verified by writing to 131111, to the parish priest or any of his neighbo.rs. A. COTE4 Merchant, St. Ten clore, Que. Bitty 12th, 1808, "What do you think that girl said svhen she refused me ?" "I'll never guess." "She 43 411(3 she had so many Similar experiences lately that she couldn't offer to bo more than a half-SisteP, to me." When washing greaey dishes or pots and pans, Levers Dry Soap (a Powder) will remove the grease With the greatest ease. ••••IIIMI•em.•• • APPROPRIATE, "Ms music • reminds the of that phrase ',Sweetness long drawn out.' " "Indeed?" "Yes, he plays an accordion." For the Overworked. -What are 410 causes of despondency and melancholy ? A disordered Heel. ht 0213 cause nude prime one. A disordered liver means a disor- dered stomach, end a disordered stomach means disturbance of the nerrous system. This brInge the whole body into .subjee- sloe 34144 411(4 viethn feels siek all over. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are a reeog nized remedy in this state and relief will folow their use. ••••••••• The record of timber produced Iron one tree was 80,000 feet from a red wood 30 feet in diameter, cut last year in Califonfia. Good Dieestiou Moult wait on Appe tite.-Tie have the stomach weli is to have the nervous system well. Very delicate are the digestive organs. In some 143 sen- sitive are they that atmospheric chneges affect them. "When they become dimm- er:need no better remedy is procurable than Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They will assist the digestion so that the hearty eater will stiffer no inconvenience and will derive all the benefits of his food. The, average rete at which rivers flow doenot exceed lee miles an bour. Even, ro torrent does not ex- ceed 18 to 20 miles an hour. IMPERIAL MAPLE 8MP Tte quality 411025410 from ocean to ocean. Your money bank if nob eatlatanulry. 1:10SE a LA.PLAMME, .Agent4, - Montreal, "Did you ever try to say, "Peter Piper picked a peek of pickled pep- pers' 7" one of the other boys asked him. "No," responded the little col- lege boy. "Consider the impossibility of gathering peppers that are already pickled." TV.r. 1 Frays eteeva Weeefertreere .C4 41,4eNraei,:ta. Mo. rft1114 e - Dept. ee,eit ti,10 iitz---.• ,,-t-T4% eeer.eeeir. te' xnAti,cw-avx leirecre a4ttiere einef. A cntcgferoerfoarleeerrenfe tunieaInelese*444344 meunieer ge41iettelyetetepel. enrrtee eesPratont ft AndrOnvvtwf 411t0r1P004 Or OMprow IMa la14Cr. cosllaymetettilei ree, V33411 SUPPI reocitten, Crate TOOs :NZQ preeti e iC ;Ott Poes, firer pee -7 If yan*44341*443414i oriat momoof tatito pole put *one pzoou *13 iti eus b onOsAVigI$.nmeTiOniINiIRiEtR0IOAsSRNIPPLTIftI O, tirelfrc':°e4' Cranerrs b"" "Y 01CCOUON CO.,tigrmut ^.4 re Are r. O. L! ste p,•gto,l; Zerf•fc 1.0.14..0 goo a,,..1•7ea • Morals tliartil.rue to, La 91.7 int,rirtmit,AltaiSOUrrA3Cee4r.:11. • tlaidt54910X•4rZe0314% egtia46 LIBBY,McNEILL& LIBBY, CfliCAGO Tim World's Greatest Caterers. Our no***A.Won el"ripwreMaIll 020=2 20E -sir, sent mentor Val The most expennlve wine in. lite W03'1(1 le 001120 1778 Madeira recover.. 1814. It was eold at 8520 per bottle. Afother GrIt.VW Worm Exterminator het no equal for destroying. WorMS in children :Ind :Ault% See that you get the genuine when. purchasing. The average height of women of the upper and middle chisses in 13r1- 1ee42 has inereased more than inch In the past 30 years. liniment Cores La Grippe 'A. bee, unladen, will fly forty miles on hour; but on conting, home laden with honey does not travel faster than twelve miles an hour. Ali ADMIRABLE F0014 FOB BIAMTAIMNa ROELIST HEALTH 31 To increase our already large Ma I Order business, we will deliver free of alfa1ght ohargos, to any station in Ontario, (proportionate allowances to all outside points) one of these haildeelne Parlor Suites at general wholesale prices. We ship you direct from our factory, thereby saving you all middle- man's profits. Remetnber FriEICHT PAID 1%0 ANY OTATION 111UNTARIO, THIS sao.00 5-PIEOE: PARLOR SUITE, '02"4-03;01221:222tetentegyse-my The par/or suits are handsomely upholstered in the best French velours, fringe, cord, &ere best terripered steel spring seats. This suite Is exactly as illustrated, and consists of Sofa, Platfo Arm Chair, and two Reception Chairs. NOTID ;-Send for our Xmas Catalogue orrurniture, everything freight charges preemie. THE DUFFETT CO.) aial:1,11113 ees4ale TOPONTO to match, m Rocker, 4.414418414, - 1.1„. 6, 8, ,0 et 12 Cou,el S . )tt