HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-11-27, Page 5T3511, Pains in the Vack Thoosands of WOMOR I "As r0a "T"'N T=A EXETER MARKET$ A of a, jorpiij or -me 2%,,'CHAKG�I) UAOY� WFDN'R 414V tmarti, V"I, ,na KwIlt. 3" agwilit -condition of t 0 ki 11 Ilver,.�na qyep. warning it is =OU published evory Tbur,437 XOTUIU.- At the Offtee. ba7arq0tiS go neg JeCt, 40 jinportaUt is g,4_4$�S ;L 4 althy gq e tion of these organs -BY the-_ TbQy are commonly attended by loss, of e'durage. Ind sovie� of energy, lick titiles Ily glooply lombo(.1iliz and de, VAK in wlyance, *1.1%q "I wtas taken ill With kidney trouble, and, if 40t so Palo— beq4me sawelk I could is, carcely get around, I took, lnedic4lc­ vithoak beueflt6 s,0 finally ­ZqL�a deCided to try Ifood's Sarsaparilla. After� ton and W. QntArlo to �,W4` Wheat. - - � ............ W os Are keptin SUf4f0Tf1l[ and Many 35 40 Toronto, Nov. 25. -Tb* tloe,01, Oats.,; ........ 29 8.0 iliet st ovwoa 11#4 E. ek#Tagon and ftod 4leo 1�i.! Peas .... 05 60 Pie Owing to False I! roza Oe r ag_._4� $5 90 or disposol of near.4 0111. the' I 4,0040A P4#1013L Pr 001sr 65 .9,00 "I'MOY1111 A er toll ..... ...... 700 $00 Trea North rk. ou. E, J. D , I B ......... 17 alat, ull.1 be tried atX0w;par4et or Am' r, Eggs. ...... 19 ov* oil Pec� 16, $to, �V gaipst Xr. Audrew 44es� per lbs. 5,00 6,00 pbell ((;Onsermtive). At $0,111t 5 'V 6 f)a A 14- r7 9A 17 t>Si the tirst bottle I felt go pluch belt that I te. ),jarjo a Jan Q cqrlullueo its use. and six IMM3 W440 me ram � merpump'nu > $14orts per cwt� 100 a. new woj . When my little girl was 4k, 4iuvitoo, against �,Xr' X, J. lK 1 "of I X ,.pap $ullt -47a per qW fTjh­;tIl slid hforflh nn+ario OL ......... Turke4s. ......... Vert qats w4bout's elfi Uous A%T�Vlbe =611to"OU0=1110 gave her U00413 $ftrf �el NeverlrailsToBallisllDlsease Mr. W. U. Hoyle (Conservative), Cleese, .. ....... . tit XOTbidl A. 3011A wbich otired her." Uos. w4p)[As UNI tr4usterreA tio, Toronto for tri%l On De2- not AllAse XQV 4 D olks ........ b� , 1-5 WA)JACej) aridR�-Zstablisll. Lastjug 4 th Wilk 104 Oil r&, QA t, lk when it is understoo inse for I - ri 0% j 13 ey llicU."en ......... QnK I dr; ped. tPra � on An t 5 aud At 0 Driled Apples ... e Sarsaparilla Hapith. f 4Atg,%-As Ued for CentT44 BT44%. CA 4 f-, for on 40 -able QureA kidney and liver tronblos� re- UPITeS the Inkel;. -axid builij �s up thjp =IPOAT141 Vbas,]K, ftnders, Whole SyAtem. Thougands :of women are kept in Pop hs .TWO A,4AR:%Qk ars owing 0 0 I -OT . _K sickness for months and ye. rit.10 k- Tr do Put M4� 7m7Z Zn"47 Z ;7__ Oct Ready. to false, treatment and the use of QuoUtionlil. ko0ug''I worthless. medicines, and we are, in- Monday Evening, Nov. 24, F There was never such a demand clitied to believ -gom 0 tba� Milton t b irg-mme-.4 ...... deft for JAdies a g 4, Tvrout% St, uwreacq xarlot _ud 0entlemen liNvio of almost dying Nvouieu 110Aor gjOuato of tborou I g I h kpowle dge of Commericial When he said; There Was va Ultlq,� doing audfS'hortband work. The , on tut gtreet for throe, Yom. I liumbascd two 'The angelic gmards owended erg _ ;4 all _ay, ei ft Ill market h tQ,,, Tpfj( rain AIL4 bay. whicu were f4trit a , gtfve� pig imxTISTS. And, sad -1, (ly to easier. 2.1 e total 010,1=9T large sizi4 4,nd it Iziffxcd *tea 'W, bushels. bftF, 1,4r. The common sense treatment of to, grain were plelolyP omeplt;W F=$QAPs mock. wg.,5; el4a WAl amt� dayforweakramdown anil sullering Wheat­Tbree huafteo bushels of wbite J. H*, Ow.gpi filactlil, Cal, I sold le lower at 71ii to, 131%v, 3* WOMIell, is paine's Celery Cow O-UP4, 0 red uqcUAuge4 at Ze. A I,- - This niarvellous Welliville is sPolteu Of of 900*40 94chaPP4 at 060. DP. AUTON ANK11,50K (D_P,$� Z in e've'ry, part of the elvilIze4, worK (AM-Onv thovs.amd bushels *Q14 4,c 4.0 Probably you know of and inch Ruld Nvoluen or all classes Ono IQ lower at ZMe to Z�%V. 4SQ Was UWAGY, Ar 40 wIllof le lower vough m44lizinos that re- anowlife troin Its wse� A glorious 0.00. jiut tee4 W�a Qa�"Ier, I Has wAsted Inore students t10 profit- example of the curing powers of th e gs!;c to 474, Deliveries were W bush, licvp little, coughs, all Ittring the gre e 'I - If oeg. I.Tra. 11 Harbour writ - os Ing U lower at W to $16 per too, 4 4 coughs, except deop oned L -r� Ii" i4coinpotind comcs from Wluul� Har-514rUt was weauer, umortly selt� vs any sthool in the west!"'V. m ,I ly bopleasell t0a"91sist you, particulars f6llOws'. clover or nlixw at $7 to 15 "per tog. e. Ora posta 1. �Amonthagolwasvvry, sick And livetles Were, ,9,5 The mcdIcine that h stopdv. foil lwvi�ii U, ven't, li�� rc� bl�-_ r loads of 094 as .1 bappenedtos�eone of -701ir publica. 4,11111l; U00100ged at $10 to �10, ppr top, been curing the worst of J. NV. WESM1111UPU411. tions. In which. 1 reild of Others bein Dmist'd livoi-Dull land vucUAu,.e4 st PrinelpilL I cllrcld� I Concluded to try Paine *$ to *$.w pot 4wt, &Pp couilis for sixty aars is Ayces Cherry celery Coil) tind myrolf, 4d, 'I now vlululv Supply. D% P, 114AVUHUX. =11IM OF T49 r.. del's It acco,10- y colkgo 4 and Nnr�l aftn'). tbank Ood at the won 4 hra A,= "lk- plisbeJ, for lite. I was satrerifig trot" S no sarg7oa A lwftur� Pectoral, NEW heart disease, kidney trouble and gen- W.M1.00 Corn ..UIALWI) 31,404.000 7,209.(" #7 eral weauness. anil $01110 days was not Oat"� O.-UP24(m 11170.000 Thvoft 4]ze*. 2k,, orovv for An o1rdinary J04n D. W4,03. 04,0 Awl Re$, �w. �(L " for able to stand without vxperivuetag Ptye 1,454,(*Q 'Iffl, 1=6100 t,4 4 grea le Coal 1) r(W 31039.wo uoAZ uar 4 caidj� etc.: el. =Qsr ecarang."t o, for 4"Xill blovd. I TAILOR Sil V A Pont) a , nble , ge-L .0iout the, Chease Xqrl;ots� u4m hollao an � wor4, and Van 11 vat auyv- =103M I rllcl. Nov. 214-T 0 Having just openivil 141) a T41101r. thing put before nle", tit ot Tmde befil k, 1 5 ee g In the sliop reekAut. rhll��Ilsmson to -da � TlIv QIerk 9's t, Q FULL W TUR. RIVER, c4. es 1.4 It 111je Quid, 51;4=44 at 4 17 voc;lted 4 �'111r- J- H- GRIEVE 00 F011K TINN9 PIRUCK, 1118 HUI 4D Windsor.'Xov. 22I.--Xi's. Eliza Pil- foil) stv"-t. I alu pre. Natteg" as kip. toother-III.Mw of M.K. (Nhwan,.31. t A I at, the U�Ast side of N ind' 311001119 esp(-jer. 0 'Nay. 31. -E- ddlo Rea- ratMses at 217c. 'Ast night had a narrow ese'll'A" 61 Pg. parvd tO 410 At L R Of V f IV In lit 0. IoNvest prict,% vepa6bt], Ailliont 14 yeors. imet with a froul drowlsing. She XV41S boalding British Cattlo Zia 4QUI avoident, luatilor's. farm, Loudop. Nov. cattle. 74, the ferry OR the Wind$01' sloe, wbell Phil- Ilear Ifespeler, ye-stotday loorning. 110 rz�,%w eq-;- r�jjpprd off a strmvstack, Ill, nittilure C"QlNaas. cl4d, WVA%U1r Old, 0A40 bail. tile rusli of ra-ssen F, ers edged her inir WR'1 0 4n. fork dropplugafter 14111. 'A prong of X=t"Ai Uve stocic. into the river. SIP was resmied by ��, )IN ZXT, Cter. Wm. Robini, of Windsor. the fork was driven clean thrhugh (iff% moutwai. Nov, 24. -There were about 700 C $ es Aud IV, 0 havo just hild In an assort, top of the boy"'I head, coming out of 1=4 of buteLem, q4ttle. 30 a r 19j '01'. shvep 3u4 lambs o4cre4 for sale at tUe earit NIOAU HALES BODY F OU. ND luent of the lat(�A 1111-todato ''I ads the sid,o anti then piercing tile Q ond ql�attolr to-doy. pe buw1lers were out tor SIVITIN. 1. 08".. If Illood, poNoulng doe,9 not iset In tile `Qv� lo. -Some urolvlq. wiurb�%V% 1"'A t Uisll OVHPIVONT,� ;ggr aunworp, And there was a NAP 4e. saultste. Met0p, N Vir tile ecunficm of PC r" id I Lai% lad will probably iveover. 'I, for auyth af; rett 004, but Ill# pitrtles wbile ont hunting nortli-webt Alwo for tile towwbip of rillary ily cOmmon st"U are StIll., 4,01, of sale. without ortlietown calucupon the body Of to MW t�trius reV0.9,47 It or 94V "uy, 114proyQuient ja the low prlcQf lately 111U. III r�ud here. A, few of tho b"t *tvero :60114 NN"oah jjale�' who tourdered his -,On, )r at rc5t 0.1UTO %VinzUEFC3. REPUTATION STOOD At frOM V� 4e to 41j4 per 110. prgtty good rAr4jnk, 04 Oct() 1101,81-4, last. Judging Oet our Prices. I 00OD Kru.�D. aiftals sold at frogn 3�'jo to 4c. and Z111 IU;I IQ Ave In.' Lo cominon atock at rfom 2o to Up per Ill, Tho b( ys ilooll, Nov. 20.-Wfu. Hicks r p caniwra -0314 trot" 10 _%e Per lb for tuOt The MOISOnS Bank wtion for honest and, indostry Aood miplAtots. The egives solif. at from Be to 5.1 sonle time It o %nd are, Inclined to �u vito you to got our pricivi, and seo mir per 11). Sheep bl*ought froal 2" Vje lo 3ke. by Parliament, Jili*) gilolu. It will he fitshiouttill hin, it, gooNstinul, this we(, -L-, %Wbea he and Jambi from U!, think- tilt, ("nitso w3s expos-111le 411.4 Lie to a little over 4e pee t, that on %vill feel drpssvi�' w;js 1),,jilight into the court Imas r -0 l ng d If) and S rot, sell lit. 1, lold it frout 01,44 to 00 pe f flourishnient, rather tban s n Mail 0-TIm. Roativat, eide. ills -till was found with the body. 1.0 it will lit- Ut valuth fox- your Ulonoy. 14%nep 011% tblve oltal%es of titealing. IN welghed off tile earn, Pald lip capit-11 ............ *%0AUM 9 Hicks is It farl" 141borpt., and since lie East Buffalo Cattle Narket, Reserve Fliud .............. 211IM10M. UK JQ�I$S lwa4locUedupit couple of wet*s ago Fast Dutra%� Nov. 2I.-Cattlk-Itreol * I for'110P�109 11110s0t t4 Uvo 0vQr00At1K S.W, heatij, all buttlier kind it t hillill OTT, QnNURAL 1; 's' I n Q_ _Q of 9 10- -0, h '9jjvQj_ watch b(0I()ngI0g to Oth"' &MICS V'troag ftlld 1(k. IQ Q III.Per, other tann. jand a _BxruTruil BRA-Nell- ,ove itoura:--10 am. to -3 iv.m; S'dunhvs 10 aM- to I PA. ateg. jtopp$ aitvanpei w gowrparvnen at lowcs.t r, &1kin a 11,4011; Dopm!0 from f�41 and upuarilq mek. rs. Manager. The great zagash nempay. Mg Sold alid recommellded by, All druggists in Comads. 0 reli. * 4 Lblo medicine dtsooveV 81z anteal to care all IV, r=ws 0 ea &fall effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive us* of Tb* bsoco, Opium or Stimulants. Malled on tftelPt of �prlea,onis 1pakage p, six, Z6. ollewiapkar- amphleta freetoen %%dress. Tho W96d Compelays, W d9or, Out - Woods Phosphodi,ne is soldinExeter, by 1. kV� Browning and 0. Lutz Druggists. CREDITON.4 ROLLER MILLS. We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. GRISTING and CHOPPING 'DONE PROMPTLY. 14. SWEITZER parties, 00 police have Ailade laquirles 'ding 111111'and froul QV(A%-% plglce UPU MR. lolver: rime 8ttor.4. CU 40 V%M. shigglul do, $5.2.fto $5.75; butehers* do S-441 deCidedly fhi0rabIP- N.ett 'where to $5, Ofvw. !jZ,= to $4.' 5; cow$, to $4.25; canners. $1,50 to $2; hUm. S.%w to 4; lecders, $3.75 to $4.CA); stoollors, P-23 to A; stock lielfer&$= to ;3; fresh cow$ When you can't eat break. be worked bte;tdilY and kept out of trouble rot, somevoirs.and a West Nis- mitfspil ers �Stea(ly; good to ellolce, 143 to *1 11 il in to good, 5 ) to $40, common, tMi; mril'F fast take Scotts Emulsion. souri mail who inflployed bill) for It yc;jr(lrnjore)oo1-,vd upon bini Its Poe Veals -1 ee('D�ts, 400 head; steatly. tops, to (Vulmon to end, $1.1314) to ',%S, llogs-Itatelpts, 2"JAN) When you can't eat bread U tho ulost trIlAworthy alld il)(11100- t)jla of uIcn, In VieW 1)f 0118, Police flead; active; light gwdezz steaftj Others 5c to IN* 111010r, IWAVY, $0= to 4 M50; 'mixed, and butter, take Scotes Hicks to IN.30; Yovlzen qn� 0411g,4, fg*, roughs, $oZ0 to $5,811; SUIRS, $44 to ' ;,-J. Slit -01) Emulsion, When you have "cilUnice ot only one.11lonih, oil forstvaling It Sil VQr 1,VAtCb from Mro. -kin (gt;, 111111,�j latubs steol y; top larnbs, §4XA) to to 3re't 7 rltuga. fil 4.); vulls to gmld. been living on a milk diet and 1.0jen Hewitt, thv. terin to I coil cur, ront with that I I nposed tiv Aidge Will J�l 76 to S4, O%Ves $3 25 to S. 3 60; 81100 tog Riixed culls !�; good, -LT m to t3.56; W7 want somethinli! a little more E'llititt for the thefts Of tfic overcOlItS to ".7 All fit HICI&IIINCIfeds wQrO euillIllittcd Chicago TAVe Stock. nourishing, take ScotVsj wjjilc� be, Nvas, k1nder tile influenco of Iiqnor. AS aresillt, lie vows lit- will Chleago, Nov. 24.-C4ttIQ--R0QelPtS, 23.- ow. I, �v, loe lower; good to prIale Iteers, Emulsion. ,ill the ranks of the total abstaluers. S-176 to floor to medl m. 3 to �5.50: storkors and. feeders, 1,td to J.60; COWS, $1.40 to $4.50: heifers, S121 to $5; canners, To get fat you must eat Malt Breakfimst Food N,1.40 to $" 2.40; buffs All to $2 50, calves, v-60 to $7, Texas-fW Xers_143-io N4; west. ern steers. 13.50 to $455. Ilogs-Recelpts, fat. SCotrS Emulsion is a t;5,000, Ieft over. 6.000; bulk- steady: cloee 5c lower; mixed butellers. $5.90 to vreat fattener, a great The Most Delicious wid and S6 35, good to choice heavy R�6 25 to S6 45 - ro�gll Reavy, *-.5o to %ht. vi.85 t� bulk to Slice strength giver. Nutritious of All f(UP: Of sales. ZO $6,29. tteelpts, 38,MU; sheep and lambs. &-st nattv&, steady, good to choice wothers, Those who have lost flesh Cereal Foods. .60 to $4, fair to choice mixed, 0 00 to V3�50; native Iambs, 13,50 to want to increase all body Montreal Grain and Produce. tissues, not only fat. Scott's Uontreal. Nov. 24.-Graln-The warket keeps quiet. We qnote 2 white Emulsion increases them all, The science of otir progi,essive age has evolved an ideal food combining Oats. 37c, ex -store locally; peas, 721/je, high freights west; bucUyvheat. 52c enst; rye, bone, flesh, blood and the health -giving properties of ptire 11fil,lt with the virtues of the choicest 50c afloat; No. 3 extra batley at 40c. I Flour -There is a fair amount of business at steady prices. lVe quote :-Choice Mani- nerve. Canadian Nybeat. It is tile food tbzi t isrelisbed and 11sed to -day by all class- toba spring whent Ilatents. $4.20; seconds �3.00; strong bakers', $3.59; winter wheat For invalids, Jor con. es of onr Canaditm P�ople. -'Un"t Breakfast r, ooa has become an almost patents, $&M to $4; straight rollers, $3,75; do In bugs, *1.70 to $1.S0; extras, P.55 to �1.00. valescents, for consumptives, universalfaV(.irite. Thaprice puts it the reach of every family- It 411cal-The marlpt Is quiet and consider - able cutting Is going on tit $4.25 to *4.30 barrel for weak children, for all within is as cheap as ordinary oatmeal and per and at S2 to $2.05 per bag. Feed -There is a fair demand at steady who need flesh, Scotfs gives blippier results in bealth and strength building. Being partiAl1v r es. %,quote -Afaultoba bran, in anitoba short§, $20; Ontario br : In u 17 to I . lqhorfs, $11) to Emulsion is a rich and com- predigested, M,11t Breakfast rood do(.,s not tax digestion. lilze oatmeal and $2 a 0111, :YJ to $3 , as to quality. eese- e is little or no business, as fortable food, and a natural othercommongrainfoods. It contains all the trite elements of nutrition, and buyers and -sellers are much apart in their Ideas Bu" tter-There Is it good demand, and fin. tonic. is adapted for t lie sopport of life froill day to day. Ti btillds '-M) flesh, bone est creamery has ndvaliced 4c per Ib to V, 21%c, and dairy butter sells at IWAc to 17c. Eggs demand Scott's Emulsion for bone, and muscle; i I gives activity and clear- ness to the bl-aln. Ask your Grocer -There is a fair at steady prices. We quote :-Selected, 24L; candied stock, 19%L to 20y2e; IvIontrenl Itined, 18c, lit flesh, blood and nerve. for, it. R Jobbing way, stralght receipts, 181/_�c to 19c; Montreal Um9,, cold stored W. -ill .."Cl OU SLOCIZ, 171/ic, and s ImeU7 aur -c EG j 15c Ver dozen. in round lots. ProvIsIons-There Is a gobd demand all a free sample. Ion round, and no change In prices. We quote Be sure that this picture 41 as follows :-Heavy Canadian short cut IF -al Estate Whange. mess pork, $24.50 to $25; Canada short cut In the form of a label is on back ork, $23.50 to $24; Ught Canada short the wrapper of every bottle cut Ant pork. $23.50 to $24; finest kettle of lArd, 20-1b palls 121/&c- extra pure lard. Ill Emulsion you buy The Sale, Purchase and ExchW,;,,e of 20-1b palls, 10VIc to il%a, choice refined compound lard, 8�12c to 9c; Boar's Head SCOTT & BOWNE, Village and farm lands and properties brand. I,, 2o -ib �Wood pails. $2 to $2.08; ne�gotlated at reasolittble-rates of coin- FOR Globe at $1,80 to $1.90; 20-1b till palls, 1/4c UEMISTS, less per 1b; hams, 12c to 14c, and bacon, Toronto, Ontario. mission, 14c to 15c per 1b. Brain and Muscle Made frown Cannaian grown wheat. Leading Wheat Naekets. r 50c. and $11 all druggists, by Canadian workinen in the city For Sale. of Toronto,, Canada. Closing prevlou.s day. Closing 04daY- Nov. Dec. Nov.' Dec. Several Valuable F"ws. in 'HAY, fdaita-Vitz, th t 1 food f Chicago .... ... lrs% 74% New York USBORNE, STEPHENand McGILL old and young, sic or -vve 1. 801/2 80% Malta -Vita contains more ftutd- IVRAY; also Three very desirable Re- Toledo ... 70% .80 18"A 4t tion, more tis�ue.building qualifidg. Minneapolis .... .. 791A VIA sidelice propel,.4es in Exeter. more neTve stimulant than is found in Detroit, 2 red .- 80 r ' I. . t I . 1 :11 , Milwaukee, 2 nor 75% 75 73%, n 'A 4 - Cod Liver 011, 'a 10 'hor '00 Duluth, I hard 76 75T/j A d et Of 111aita-TItA161- 6'8'." Tgul.' St. Louis bl�okfast 4nd nq will ieftio�vi the 6 691, a (Ty. CIO Altirk-) WAI#ed. .... . P r .1 dyspepsia, British'Narkets. 6z Lung Troubles, r Ejat hialta.V1 a We liive p-archasers for, goo(l f"'ral 'N' o v. 24­0j)en.!a,--Wheat, on London, re Coughs 'Colds, Rild in the Vic* ait�r of U, xeter; or. wbo It.gives heilth,strengthlind happiness. passage. qulLt mid steacb% Corn, on pug- ScvL &C.j &C. will Exchange. Dialta-vits, nee& no coqki�;. -t�. sage, quiet and Steady, English cOuntry, n Ways ts o� yesterday �teadv; 'Prench qnIet. ; ad 0 eat. markic GIV r� -ol PLY Al fe y London, i6v. 24--Close---�-Kfiirk Lane INV- retplrB call a-plDillate Pure AP s6LD MY GAOCERS jer jjarket_WIjeat, fol7eign fine and rathor rs hi A & L.", 108 16' ant add )g11,qh flnu. Corn, AiTiedetan noth- LudcM,e.fible. NUIbuildyonup; Vill. dearer, Ei fle6h, VVIII bring you back, AL F00 Co. Danubtin firm; Aineric �Ojiij pf�jjjjag of, 'Iff A. awdn, Dayid Mill, TA -VITA I PUILE D Ing dofng t an,'botter to hwlth. domantl a full rates; Ellgllsh, f] valuator. -Toronto 0.ftnada. of 0j. I I qQc.a;id �61.00 bottles. Nov, 24 -Close-Wbent stead.11�, INt)' il -DAVIS L�,WRENCR CO.j'Limfted. 21f 156; March an(i Tilue, 21f 8,5Q. FFIC 17ES: Dickson 4 041,41)g,j N010V tea (1y;, Nlovembev� 29f JQQ; NAVVIr 08 f OQ� 131 o L, k and Jr;i L a w�, -W, GO TO THB IETE 8 RUH MIL18 FOR,, PURE MANITOBA INOICE, FAMILY FLOUR (Star) BUT PASTRY (Princess) WHEATLET (Breakfast Fooc!) A good Supply of Millfeed u.4 Cbop always on baud. Give our Flour and Feea trjaJ and be con-vinced that is a1l r6ght. Roller and Plate an'uders ia 0 -1 �Se to Suit oustowers. Rarvey Bros. ucce,55ors,, to J. Cobbledick & Son. wo Second4umd upriglit NANOS AND he Square PIANO F01 1ALE CHEAP Vr "0: New 1-ianos and f"% vrgans Uways in tStocko MWINU Mlkcmllivis. Our oNperienee in tile 14ewing Z40. �Itine Husluei;-s 431'yeau- � of C, lu. good% . * . Wefmrry in atock tbo Uest Ua- �billeq thilt,the market Iliforil" 4md mhs lor ah kinas of Muellint's llwaya )31 bAlld. . , � 0 iheetMusla, 1411810 00ous, Hymn DOORtl, Etc., Upt In stocl(. 1% ILL ANXI)REE U.S. IT WILL PAY YOU. S. MARTIN 000k.'s Cotton Boot COMPOWA 10�%._ctsstully twdmo bg 0"t .dies. .%;Ad on&* I at bly I Ur drurgoist for'PoWs WOO Root 004K. tm*. 4kenoo or, so aU Mixtureo, pillif wad boz-.,Wo. 9, 10 degrees strongerm per b6z. 6. price in . d vio totut staull It Tbo Cook Uquivnir Nvindeor OuL tow' nsponalft DruSSists lu, N'o. I and Nxt).2 are �;ola III Ti:;eter 117 C. Lutz and J. NV. Browning, Drug- gists. EXETER JASNURRA"Y'lCo. 3TANWFACTURERS AN.D DEAL- ERS IX ENGINES, 801LER8, PLOWS, 8TRAW OU7ERS, PULPER8,8HAFIM, PULLEYS, HANGERS. General Repairs and castings of every descrip- tion in Iron and Brass to order. 1000feet of inch and 500 feet of 2 inch pipe in stock. tiAs. MURRAYN DASHWOOD 11, FURNITURE KORE. yotl are invited to call and inspect my large assortment of Ftirniture and furnishings Nvbich I offer at very close prices. Afy stock-, con- sists of the following:- Parlol: suites, Bedroom suites, Spring Mattresses, 'Bed- steads, Couebes, Lounges, Tables, Chairs of all descrip- tions, Sideboards, Rockers, Fancy Rockers, Cur&dn P'01es and TriminingS7 Shades, Mouldings, Mirrors, Pilow Sham Holders, Hat RaCks, Towel Rollers, -&c. YictureFraming a specialty Baby Carriages,Go-carts,Express wag- ons, Cat�C�, Rocking hc)rses, etc. Undertamug. and well assort.; ,I carry a large t edistock in this linei In time of need do uot fail to C1111. Theahove stock is., bonght from the le,tdhl�o- Al"Im1facturers of Cant(la Z111d bou�ht at �tbe closest prices 0111, expenses ave low there- f()I,e Ive caii sell at prices xlaich will slll'prise yon. I dive us ou, call before Inirchasing olsewhere. P. Mcisaac.