HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-11-27, Page 1FIFTEENTH YEAR. EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NO V EMBER 27, 1902. C. IL SANDERS, EDITO seeeseteateeeeteeteaseeseseteaft • • J + • - - 1 - zacanOrg‘'.`" 1, e 44'r 1W 1 1 1 1 NEEDS ! 20 doz. Mens Winter Cape, in very new styles of tbe Hartford. College. Windsor,. vIdecht, Golf, and other shapes bot front lalecte Cep Cot at reduced prices. Our prices 25e. to 50e. 5 doe, /dents nelerehirts and Drawers hot at a 'Agent. These goods are all wool and Dositriukableatill eized.plain and grey were 12e. •' 7 doz. Men's Undershirts and DrilWel'S., eZetra. heaVyt Seft goods with eruall cotton lajW, plait) grey were 50e, Knit top shirta Penman's_ make, dark and light COM. heaviest goods, guaranteed fast colore. unshrittaable, were $1.24 a� $1 now... -ie Knit top shirtstvery fast colors, full meth goed, leostit, were 75e. now. - 50e. Tweed Top shirts.dark col- ors, heaviest malte, loug lengths, full width. siees 14e M, were $1,23 now„ tt`ie. POPLESTON Iadies' Black all wool vests and drawers, 00 fold Jersey Knit. fitst colors and won't shriult: were $1.23now Wk. e. e 5. Ladies" natoral wool vests and drawers,Peninates make fasbloned, best value le the tradwer$1.2now Children's Combination suits in plain grey knit, open hack buttoned at 75e. ;tnd..tO 'White TAMS at half prke. imuted with white feether and rosettes of white, with retl, pink,blue and gold were Woollen bootie in- cardin- al. navy, garnet, weol lined and teadded,Were !Meatiest,. . Ciec. Xmbrella ehawls in white. .trimmed with black, blue, and plain white borders were Slat now.- , .. . „ Ladiete telt ellae$Ia P141*1. aleo foxed with kid, ers and hued regular GARDENER. 33,10Tay inebelsea, Fullart Mr, Ninian Grieve sold a fine horse I, Mr.Samuel Peart. of Guelph . has Accumyr. -Mrsfobn Robinson, x‘ecently for the sum a 2,0().—mr. 14 disposed of bis 150 ;tore ferm on. the while reterning Itonie front Mita/ell a Jam Durr, sr . who has been laid up 8th concession. lesborne, south a fes evenings ago, met with a painful for the IAA three weeks with a severe atteck of paralysis, is still in a very critical coodition.-elte D. Poulter has disoosed of his store and blacksmith husmees here to Mr. Sieet Ma Mee will Who possession about April ist, ifensall Thos Weu, Chiselhurst, intends erecting a, handsome 'Week house on Ws farm next sptinge-Miss Hannah „ ortwein hes one to :V ew Vern, lettere 110:S it.411.1Z anotner of our eating' ladies see hes eeeerea a good tsosi(A00 as Wal bands with one a Exeter's • eadeelatly at a geoid eaters. -We are I most prosperous inerehants in the pleased to state that Mr. Wallis still near faturee-thar uew blaekeinith is improving and that his phyeleiten pee- diete completereeovery,--Alhere Me - Urine haa !moved lot° J. 0. Claesetes house. -At tneeting of the School Boatel Miss Mtwray was re.engaged to teach. for the coming year ond Miss Florence Reytiolde° twpplication for the win Bow occepied by Miss Stevens aleo accepted, MIti.5 Stevens is tee ." g front teaching owing to throet utile. One Board is to be confer ate dated on securing such an efficient et; tif.---Perey teirlisle has token n itti011 Itt Vu ban station . --Miss Lon Moir IS visiting Wends in Toronto. - in Robert Higgins has returned frein 4nitoba, where be has been for a tuber of months on a prospecting Mrs. Higgins has also retarne4 t ter a visit with filtetds in Wroseter, glituu and other places, -Mr. Geo. t Wel moved his family over the . 'which will prove a great eanVen- to Da ;Medd. who woe ale -Mealy in Clinton, few • . le suffering from an attach lit unwed% A medical here, to to Mr. 'Win. Earl. the 7th con. of accident Her horse slued and threw 1 the sante towuship. The price paid the lady from her buggy againet a WaS $9.000, There being a good set barbed, wire fence. Iler face was ter- oa. buildings on the property. We are 1 ribly lacerated, and she NVDS at once y to learn that Mr. Earl is at, pre- taken back to alitcbell to the borne of sent in a very low state of health. suf- ber daugirter, atm Alf. Price, where tering from inflammation of the Inugs ner wounds were attended to he VA and that his reeovere. is donlefuh-ln- Smith. Several stitelaes bed to be used etatious ore out annoimeing the mar- to bring the gaping wounds together. ' ge of Miss Nellie :White. it tbis mitataa.agalo tae cote heed of nu .1).14/tet.' ,Elhattee Iv'kt'm• death has entered one midst aud car, "im.'''ee tete ttegemt/er---"Aniernm,1* tied away another °toured(' residents, In the person of dire. Robtreitech, re- iliet a the late Valentine ltohfrettseb, who passed away at her late reside:am LgrittertV4I't-uts'llY :'!leesbels"44Yet'l--411144s 117; ('11141relet.rt:liele12443iir'13"t\:::!titilitilp8elteba'goefl)(iner-eeeetseicienlitii. mozi,Ter TO rio4 We town relva venluzent urn") lama or villa lowelt rates Of interent, PICHCON & CARLING, Ranistfira.etn., __est fONEY TO LOAN. al, I beve large ateenut of trivet(' funds to 10414 OD farm villago reel/retie:I at low reaeolintorest, F. W. (1).AullAle. nankeen dtein Street Eftete ins at , neat &WWI:nail Tourainv Agent Fano %ilinge weenie') rani told on rextenalde terms. tiescral dwelling haw= or tele Ionia a at putt et Ittinitolal and the Notth•west for plc. TRUING OF ItURON cousTY coentee, Au e Council of Sho Corporation of Ow County a nron mat ie the Conned Chamber, the n of Ooderieh, n Tuesday. the :lad day of Pe. ceinber cent, nt &lock, pan. W. Laza:, Clerk, Dated at Ooderli le %big 1.1th tInS' fir Noveralier, 11 HOTEL PROPERTY VOR SALE. Theundersigned 14 offering for tale that desirable hotel situated at Doan, on the London Road, This beta Is in goatt condition, and is miles south of Eseter. This road is largely trave ed and for the ht man elkaneesate goad for a splendid business. ere is a goad stable In conneetion also acres of /and. rOSseSSIMI $0. eti iretiliAlitely. propcity will be said clicap. For particulars, apply to Dmitsaft & Cr, Exeter. Out rrURNINO FACTORY AN CIDER MILL RAI i. SALE. Large Uvo•stcrv f came building; nem land, 9 horse poner engine and IS bailer; with all turning machinery, together with -planer, circular saws, bor.' in g runcXnes, emery -wheel, band s-aw, drill, etc., etc. There is also in connection a firrbelass eider and an apparatus for making apple batter by steam. There is on the premises a number of out , buildings, such as, lumber shads, horse stable, ete. Everything is in firsbelass condition and will be sold' eheap-in MI it is a rare ,bargain. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply to A. COTTGE, Exeter, Ont. Stan , ACV p ecrident hap- pened to Mr. Senile' Thouipeon one day lest week, whereby ho totes the little Ortger of his left band and the top of the third linger. 41.0 neer as we learn he was feeding a StIllW Cat* tend the Sleet' sticking, tried to ) itewhen his hand passed in alittle 00 fan coming in coutact with the knives with the allow. result. He was hastily driven to Clinton, to the office of Dr.Grabane alien it was found that the Imam of the little linger had beell ,0 Shattered that =vitiation at the and W81 neves-same The flesh and hone of the next linger had to be cut alv..)y as to allow the out;ide edges to be drawn together. The wound is 11 pninful one and will necessitate hint !eying. olf work for some time. manv friends here deeply sympathize witlibim in his misfortune. _ Liman Bey. j. A. Ay earst, has returned from his huntiug trip with a very tine deer. Messrs. NV. F. Hawshaw and V. Shevae down have also returned from the 1 f Centralia tons. onivos & eumE, Centralia, Office hours 0 tole a.m., 1 to it and '7 to§ p.m. Telephone communication with main office in /mean Kippen Mrs. Gordon, and her two sisters, Missess McKay, who have been resi- dents of Brucefield for some time, have moved into our village and. are now nicely settled in their new home they recently purchased from Mr. Ultshall. We welcome them to our midst -Mrs. Win. Blair, who has been residing with her daughter, Mrs. J. Weismiller, of Hensall, for some months, has return- ed to our village. Mrs. Blair is one of our oIders and most esteemed citizens and we are pleased to have her back again. -Mr. and Mrs. Foster, of Michi- gan; are residing .here with the latter's mother, Mrs. Blair. Mr. Blair intends purchasing' a farm and remaining here. NEW tatURCH.-Thegood. peopre of St. Andrew's eongregation now have a church edifice which is creditable ' to their generosity and Christian zeal and of which they may well feel proud. The Sabbath school room, which has just been completed and which is, an addition to the main edifice, is a most comfortable and commodious attach- ment. It is fitted up it the most mod- ern manner, with.geperate class rooms, etc., and cannot fail to be a valuable auxiliary to the good work of the church. The audience room has also been remodelled. The old windows have been removed and replaced by windows of stained glass. The old seats have been taken out and replaced by pews of the most tnod.ern. design, being both comfortable and pretty. A new dais, with 'a neat • and modern book desk, has been erected. and along- side of which are the choir seats. The ceiling Itas also been finished in oiled hardwood and the walls nicely tinted. The whole building is heated with fitr- naces and lighted by ascetylene lights. Nothing seems to have been left, un- done which would add to the comfort and 'tttractiveness of the edifice. The congregation is now thoroughly. well equipped and will, we have no doubt, enter upon a new era of progress and usefulness. =....,•••••••••••••••••.• tappy hunting grount s o 4 DS at tt4 bringing with them two deer Qui). Miss EVa Conine has resigned her po- to be al oun again wit the aid of a 1 itl going west in a, few weeks, -Mr. .1. J. Schmidt returned Wednesday from Sebeeingvilie, where he bad been call- ed through the serious illness of his father. -Mr. Smith., formerly of Sim- coe. has been appointed G.T.R. agent His duties have commenced --Miss E. E. Atkinson has enlarged her store by baying the partition at the back mov- ed several feet which gives much more room and in every way improves the store -Mrs. Geo, Hodgins is very ill at present. -The Rev. Dr. Gould, of London delivered au address in the Trinit church on Tuesday evening rented his farm for 4 term of years. lira aoafreaseh tees daughter rat the Aare would be eori7 to lose Ma 0.from ottw mitlet, being a good neighbor and hurch woreer, — - ylield MSS Ethel Mares, who has been at - tiding a Indies' College ,at Ottewad turned home, the ecelege being elos. (wipe, to the nrevileuef of emen. late George Pauli, and WAS born in Izi. genheim, telsacte0eranatiy. Site leaves to neaten llee demiee aunily of two -- John at home aud MPS. Peter Schellen- herger, of Ellice. WITHDRAWING.--Mr.HUFFell, there- epected Reeve of this lownelda, has de. eitled to withdraw from municipal pot. itis for the preeent. This will be deep- Prkhiil Ronald 011aeley left lest week for Chicago, where he ben secured oogood situation for the winter on the S. S. Maniteme-Mr. Patrick Hole of alt. Carmel, has moved his family to town fcr the winter, Mr. Hall has a situa- tion in Detroit and intends hoeing his faualy there in the spring,-afe, Wm. Wickert leas gone to Toronto. -Mise Lizzie Ratz bee gorte on an eetendeil visit to friends in Crediton, Exeter and. Centralia. --Louis Meredith left Mon- day for Iter,rsoll, vvbe he has accepted a position ea R. A. Skinner's livery, -Mr. Thomas Mers, of Forest, has moved bia family to town ;tied has ac- cepted a peeition as manager in Mr. G. S. Skinner's beinuiry,-Wea. 3feInuiee who Ts sufeering front an attack of ty, phoid fever., is slowing improving. - A few evenings ago the confeetionery store of W. England wee entered from the tear fkIdd iflt, minus a quantity' of bon -lions, chewing gnm1 takes and ea -Oboe Flanagan. who has een residing here with hersister.Mte. dsto. Neil, for the past twoyears_. left last week for her hme oin North De- note. F.ILLED ELECTRICITY. ux in the eity.-. lies Lena Erwin, who ly regretted ity the rittepityere. ae he Seaforth, Nov. tee -John Tulsa cently returned rronk a visit to Xi- certainly proved himself a toost ettnei- ), some years in the employ of e City, gfr• a party, at her home entioes and wieder reinvenahative• man, selt manufacturer. WaS instantly Fxtggaia:vseprIenwitirt.--heelprtelsru.1.cittekrinuseorne., aieuttoejftaitirst unlillebetottgutociteettoo 1.4g. ettbonpuelut PIe te)lee.edx‘hbleenettooetIttor uttucanerwaltes.sbasIta: returned to her home in Detroit lase pera seat at tbe etairity conuen- 5.hts ing tbe electric light wire, to which n Illee'eenekritoileisfstklr'itintigtririrtil.141°Nigs.. t. eteeeeshia, tie luts liven a %vox thy Twins teeeee it widow and eleven oe .ever Maris will be a cauditiate tor was otteehee inemalescen Iztruip. sYporlil;ng$:.t_lielevf.tmlaeleurtieeattiferg;evleryeaele. ihreAtiet.14;coef tlitmeactuti:Le1141, trui:Itwl.h.;eged holt, fatuity. !mid exeleingete pulpits Cm titeraiily.- noulleipld ingwevi eminently fit han tjt- le Vli1,lt1: ntterelteg the for tee nontem. Conservatory Dr Meetly at Loudon.- A.tetupenetnee WaSheldoll MUMS - day (vents= in St. 4tatiren'zi Olio eh. -Rev. V. Ceardater is reetivering frau) That Resolution To 7= EDITOR ADVOME., tlie tepaet of the preeeedi z as heal and it is tbotigat, that tvirt-4- • oar leeird of 114111)11'e Scheel. Tra wi hie strong etinstatution be leas his remnt, n e • t r, Sa*c. 4 Z.77.-4',>at, 1 puldiefized in vont' Inst week's , - 47 iltf^ 110W 0:Inees for ItarOvetaa vaaar has reeoverea Tema her tweet Severe .6itelatinti in the button facterv tie Here 't1 "Pkal Iritteral;; las :made to ) tads hope that geed treater rehotta, and named to Tosetao the, Mr. Daniel e itex.e hos ty444/T4 . PP ay. a -one; NIL -mem resalit- tif he tIU6D4tDt regain Ine woe- lai atid ,Mt-. Forevtite have retitrated _front Manitoba, .where they have been vielting fore the past two nutritive -Mr, and tiara fittpkitio who tenently returned fecon Meeitaa, weeks -Tile Pa esityterians and Church tee Euglattd ark. nlymiritog for their nu. lineeddr. Grlt, of ifeederiete Ire. it weal Sahleith Cluletnine Intitycf belliwYetr 4.Moats:7 Tg 1v5P""51bfaitY for irei'atb314-osvo'ell otrittm, after an eetoedve ....eneettn, was in the village; distueleinces. That estinialtie gen- b tit r I1199 c • I. C't ^'I ^th. Irtortit.a to bet, wede,veeetet , etessret teeleott Mauer tlemen, who eoull1f)Se mule hoard a mv and craa,,„ entesnaner es.tereen home Ideisteee. Alone.' ;allow so sillv piece IO Detroit.i herethel of j.ogon to teroinit a resolutkon of is visiting frwride hem, tbe gneet of , 114 41 -011e of the not.4111e and krom 'ntat4101e 14 44 , , 1 their board is indeed eurprising. The the latter's parents, Me. and Mrs. T. i intereetieg evente 4if the seaeoit Was bet,ve been W‘"e/IF Mk tutitk "Vleaigi I ritemhers of the municipal council ;era Itobertsoit.-Muelt eYmireihF 15 eN" i the mettiege on Wg'tbleStatty evening', Luis' 5ultialrezh-atfr 'I. --; . pia 1,,-,,,l,.,' I just ite Illnelit OppOStifl to rowilisin and tended to .111-e. Atulrew Johnston in of elm Eireetaelt Pollock to Mr. Henry it 1114113"ger th ,"1, ...4°M.441‘c..9 4"...i. ... vandalism as are the Trustees 411anave village eetturt ay.- 4155 13 been, and are prepared to 41144n 4'. death of her stave, Mrs. Stoneman Darrow. Itoth welea.nown and poettier , loican, was ID We 1/vowel-ea of the entage. The veleat„os 4 The last Lied of Ilan wits tatten in from the law, when proper evidence and re- evitielt sad event tweurred in Clinton eente offenders to the Monist rigor of on Sunday.--Tetitly Clitutans intentle [ wee pet ammo at spren weieeh, by 1 the fields Friday. This year has been . leaving in. a few days for Moose Jew, tee nee John meNerai to the presence very discouratong to our ilex mem ow.. d • OP I 4 where be will west Iliff father. Ted is' of about thirty 2 elatives and fieentle. a goad, steady boy and an excellent Ti.' rem,* Wit9 prettily decorated, a workman and We predict foe him a lutuk -o? teryeantbenrams lute ferns forming a leteaground for the bridal party. The bride and groom entered the room tin:Mended to the etralus of the wedding mareh played by Dr. Smith. The bride wes becomingly: at- tired in it very handsome. grey gum awey gown. with silk Vittltit to mate t, succeseful future. Zurieb MiS9 Mira Klopp returned ow Tay - stock. where she: LW been 1. Siting, - Mr. Edmund Sipple returned to Lan - Sing Thuteday. aftee pleiteant visa trimmed with dainty sapplupte mid rite Pi4er '1‘7414411eILI 4lise""" bon. After the eereinony a bounteous tinned his nil lk route here for the Ines- supper was seated. we, and mrs. part ent.---alts, Hartung, of the Babylell row havagone to East Saginaw and line, intends inoviug to town shortly. 'Niagara Falls, and on theirretarn will aliss Fretla Becker, 0f-- St• ir---11011114s, lie honie to theheidiends at the Com - spent a few days in town during ti inettial Hotel, a Which Mr. Darrow is week.--Miajohn Scbafer, win> ed martrietor. one of his le et a few Ala itgo, Is able worasmess:*411110r—ms.s.a. 131ansb.ard s t w 1 ' eafillall 4"(1 intends eetne.-Mr. and Mee. Merles leartleib, AMC at :iebrumville a few days diming the week, to visit the latter s father, who is very ill. --Mr. Eddie Schnell is home from Cleveland, where he spent the past seven months as fireman on a railroad. -Mr. Bauch is laid up with a. bad swelling on her neck and face, but she is improvinge-The. Voelker, who is living with ber daughtea Mrs. Gertrude Hess, is very low atul not ex- pected to recover. -Mr. John Sipple, of Waterloo, spent a few days in town during the week. He reports his fath- er, Mr. Daniel Sipple. as slowly recov- , g Th W 0 T here in the place o Mr. A. L. Shipley. in from his (nip ness.- e . . last ins lecture was upon Palestine and. its people, and was illustrated by a series of Limelight views. Dr. Gould is a yonng Canadian who, after grata uating in Divinity, took a tborough course in Medicine and for five years est has been ennaged as a Medical U held a arlor meeting at the home • • p Of Mrs. Rennie on Wednesday evening, which VVIIS largely attended. The lad- ies made good. provision for the friends and a good inusical program was ren- dered. A collection was tuken up,after which light refreshments were served. 31issionary in the Holy Land. He is An opportunity wasgiven a signing now home on a furlough and is using his vacation in giving addresses for the purpose of interesting people in Chris- tian Missions. -Miss Stanley, of this place, has been engaged by the trustees of S.S, No. 8, McGillivray, for next year, Miss 13e11, the peesent teach- er, having resigned. Alba Craig Chas. Williams, who has been in Forest for the past two months, has returned to town, having been traus- ferred to the mill here. -Mr. John Ey- non is confined to bis home here with a severe illness. -Much sympathy is extended to Mrs. John Anderson in the loss she bas snstained through the death of her brother, Dr. Palmer, of Detroit, the sad affair taking place at the home of his father-in-law, 111r. W. Proctor, in Goderich township, on Nov. 18. -Rev. Mr. Deleon, of Stratford, has been appointed by the Bishop of Huron t visit the churches at Ansa Craig, eGillivray and Brinsley to ascertain thelealifig of thepeople with reference tO dividing the parish. --Messrs. Dave and Frank Anderson left last week for New Ontario. -We are pleased to hear that Miss Minnie McKay has success- fully completed her probationary term and is now regular nurse in training at the Rona Victorie Hospital, Ren- frew.—vis Hilton left. last week for England where he will spend the Christmas holidites.--Mrs.Mima Thiel - wall, el Lobo, was the guest of Mrs. W. A. Ilitteis lest week, prior to leer - leg fol Birminghatn, England, where she will spend the winter. a .ACCInENT.-While practising rugby in the rink one evening last week Mr. John McArtbur, Jr., had the misfor- tune to break his left leg below the knee. De. Gunne was Summoned and after bandaging up the injured limb Mr. 1VIcArthur was taken home. His many friends here wish him a speedy ecovery. the pledge and joining the Union. Votes of thanks were passed to all who took part in the program and also to the host and hostess for their generous hospitality, after which all returned to their homes, having thoroughly en- joyed themselves. WEDDING. -On Wednesday after- noon a large number of friends assem- bled at the home of Mr, Justice Mel - lick, Bronson line, it being the marri- age of her daughter, Miss Mabel, to Isaac Hudson, eon of Mr.- Jos. Hud- son, Parr Line. The ceremony was performed hy the Rev. W. .J. Yager, after which all sat down' to a sump- tuous repast and did ample justice to the good things provided. The pres- ents were noth numerous and costly andtestify to the esteem in which Me. and Mrs. Hudson are held. Your cor- respondent .joins with their many friends in wishing them tesafe journey through life. DIED IN DETROIT. -The residents of Zurich were shocked when, it became known on Sunday that Miss Clara Sip- ple, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sipple, had died very suddenly. Clara had been at Harper Hospital, Detroit, for nearly seven 'weeks suffering from an attack of inflamtnatory rheumatism but she was reported to be improving satisfactorily until the news reached here that the end came unexpectedly at 7.40 on Sunday morning. Deceased was born bere and was highly respect- ed by all who knew her. Her age was 23 years, 5 months and 8 days. Her remains were accompanied here by Mr. Edmund Sipple, of Lansing, and Misses Ida Sipple and Ida Heidenaan, of Detroit on Motday. The funeral took place Wednesday to the Luther- an cemetery and was largely attended by relatives and acquaintances. De- ceased leaves father, mother, two sis- ters and two brothers to mourn her demise... The family have the sympa- thy of the citizens generally in their sad bereavement. Richard Stevens is very ili.is a reSUIt of a paralytic stroke. He was suddenly striken down a few days ago and has been very low since. His left side is paralyzed and he is unable to utter a word. His many friends will hope for his recoverv. NARROW Esteem. -While Mrs. Dale, wife of Prof. Win. Dale, of this place, WaS driving home from St. Marys, on Monday, her buggy was struck by freight train on a crossing, about two miles from that town. Mrs. Dale es- caped without serious injury; the bag- gy was knocked. to pieces, and the horse was so badly used up that it was found necessary to shoot it. Mrs. Dale is a daughter of the Rev. Dr. Ryck- roan. of Brookville. DHA.TES,-We have this week to re- cord the death of Mrs. Bruce, wife of Mr. Frank Bruce, of Riverside,Blansh- ard, who passed peacefully away to her rest on Nov, 15. Deceased was in her 5841i year, /tad until some months ago enjoyed almost perfect healtb. In Junuary she was taken suddenly ill with what proved to be a serious in- ternal trouble. For eleven weeks she was an intuate of London hospital dur- ing which time she greatly endeared herself to her attendants and nurses. On the 13th of June she returned to her home and fora few weeks was able at intervals to leave her room and go among her family. The doctors, how- ever, could give no permaneat velief and from the last of August she was confined to her bed. During all her illness she was waited upon by a most devoted husband and family, and one could not fail to note the vigilant cate and kindness tbey Showered upon her. She was patient and cheerful to the very last, always happy to greet her many friends and talked constantly of her home, her beautiful home in hea- ven. She was born in Fermanagh county, Ireland, coming to Canada in her seventeenth year. She lived with her brother, Wm. Rinn, until her mar- riage, when she moved to her husband's home on the Base line. Here they re- sided about sixteen years, moving to their present home at Riyerside. Be- side her sorrowing husband she leave§ a family of two sons and four daugh- ters to mourn their first and greatest break in the family chain. -By the death of Mr. John M. Robinson, which occurred Friday, Nov. 14, Blanshard loses one of her respected pioneers. Mr. Robinson had been a resident of this township for over half a dentury. He bad been ill several weeks and was in his 77th year. His wife predeceased her several years and since that time he has lived with his son James, on the family homestead* lot 10, con. 3. He was a native of Yorkshire, Engt land, and leaves a family of six sons and one daughter. Mr. Robinson was a man of sterling character and had many friends, mg to the wet weather and lack of working. people.-- Messrs. Orcle end Dichert, of Zurich WOW, the guests ot Mr. and alto. August Hill Sunder. - Miss Evelyn Kerr has sidliefently re- covered inom bee severe illness as to be able to leave liee bed. We hope tt coon bear of her complete recovery, --The trnstees of the estate of the late Henry Sweitzer are offering the store aud dwelling, formerly ocenpied by Mr. F. Siegner, for sale. Any person desiring this valuable properly eau buy it very reasonable.estila Herb. Young, of Loudon, spent Sunday the guest of his parents. --Miss Emma, infotraatton 18 enbutitted to them. Evidently the framer of this frothy resolution overloolted the tact that it is Just ae exult the duty of the Trnstees as of the Council to prose- cute for Mien:les Cir the kind in gees - ion. Ommutiielpel cotmeil took the precaution of appointing three con- stables to pieserve the peace and pro- tect property on Hallowe'en and the damagt complaiued of eannot be at. teibuted to any neelect of dote, or want of precaution on the part of the eonnell. The council when t hey learned of the disturbance were prepered to take action and invited aetion ott the part of any person destring protection, Lewis entertained a number of her A or the assistence of the council and. at friends last Weduesday evening. pleasant, evening Wee spent by all. Mr. August Kahn bas accepted a situ. with the Sovereign Bank, as clerk. 'tire congratulate August on bavin seamed such a worthy position, am wish Min every success in the banking business. -Our villagc fathers are hav- ing the sidewalks anti crossings re- paired. Thanks, -Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Brenner. of Grand Bend, were the guests of Mr. Wm. Fritz Thursday. - Pour weeks from to-dayis Christmas. Our merchants are beginning to buy their Nanas. goods and confectionery. Ping-pong is becoming very popular. Our young people are spending many a, pleasant evening with this interest- ing gaine.-Miss Norris, who has been visiting friends here, left for Staffa Saturday. -The .Merchants Bank have just received the three and a half ton safe for their oface.-A. number of our sports took in the shooting match at Centralia on Friday, -The -cation Tem- perance meeting, which was held in the Evangelical church on Sunday ev- ening, was well attended. Revds. Damm and Knowles spoke very forcio- ly on the great question whioh will be put before the electorate on Dec. 441. The choirs rendered some very choice anthems. Next Sunday evening an- other Union service will be held in the German church. Rev. Knetchel,P.E., of Berlin, will be the speaker of the evening. Tr:t • OBIT. -It again becomes our sad duty to chronicle the death of one of our most respected citizens in the person of Elizabeth, beloved wife of Mr, Con- rad Kuhn, who departed this life on Monday, the 241.h inst., at the age of 49 years, 9 months, 8 days. Mrs. Kuhn has been ill but a short titne. Although always in delica te health, her death can -ie very unexpected to her large cir- cle af friends. The remains will be in- terred In the Crediton cemetery to -day (Thursday)at 9 a.m., after which a burial service will be held in the Evan- gelical church. She leaves to -mourn her detnise a hosband, three sons, two daughters, brothers and sisters and it large number of friends and acquaint- ances, who have the sympathy of the vicinity in this their sad bereavement. Green be the terf above thee, Friend of my better days, None knew thee but to love thee, Nor named thee butto praise. Tears fell, whep thou evert dying, From eyes unused to weep, And long where thou are Ivang, Will tears the cold turf steep. When hearts, whose truth was proven Like thine, are laid in earth, There should a wreath he woven To tell the world their worth. --Halleck., the Council meeting, on the all inst., expected a. delegation of citizens, who had intimated their intention to be present, but who, for reasons of their own, did not attend. 21.11 the council can legally do to discover the perpa- trators of the offence has been done and they have offered a reward for the conviction of the offenders. Respectfully Yours, W. H. Leivara Reeve, BIRTHS. MANNING -1n Clinton, on Nov. 15, to Mr.and Mrs. Walter Manning, 8808 Poss„ttn-In Dashwood, on Nov. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Possald, a daughter. Mennes-In Biddulpli, Con 3, on, Nov. 204h, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert McFalls, a son. SWEET. -On Nov. the 20611, at 110 Queen street, St. Catherines to Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Sweet a son. MARRIAGES. HEDSON-MELLIcx-At the residence of the bride's parents, on Nov. 19, by Rev. W. J. Yager, Mr. Isaac Hud- son, of Stanley, to Miss MabeLyoung- est daughter of Mr. justice .Mellick, of Hay township. Mitchell: Wm. Babb, Jr, who was "firing" on the GrandTrunk, met with an accident at Fort Erie a few days ago. While loading coal he slipping mid fell, resulting in the fracture of three ribs DEATHS Crediton, on Nov. alth, Elizabeth Kuhn, beloved wife of Conrad Keha, aged 49 years, 9 months, 8 days. STONEMAN-In Clinton, on Nov. 10, Mary A„ beloved wife of It. Stone- man, aged 51 years, 7 months. McQunzaa.-In Ola.ndeboye, on Nov. . 13, Victor St. Elmo, infant son of of Rev. G. and Mrs. McQuillin, aged - 5 months, 1 day. Asthma. You've tried almost every- thing for it, haven't you? And we presume you are about discouraged. Now what do you think of our idea of breathing -in the medicine, bringing it right up to the diseased part? It looks reasonable, doesn't it? And it's successful, too. When you inhale Vapo-Cresolene your breathing becomes easy, the wheezing ceases, and you drop to sleep. For croup and whooping - cough it's a quick cure. is vapectesonee is sold by druggists everywhere. The Vaporizer and Lanap.., which shouldlast a life. time, and a bottle of Cresolene complete, St.5e, extra supplies of Cresolene 25 cents and 5o cents. Illustrated booklet containing physicians' testi- monials free upon request. VAPO-CRESOLUNE CO, Ise Fulton st., New York U S