HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-11-20, Page 7•
AF`f ER THREE YEATS, 1;1Z1,se e
air's fleeting matter. Much of the Prot. W. Hodgson Ellis, OMeial
dust ie roMeral in its character. sesn-alyst to tne Dominion, Ooverne
PIA. JOSEPH ROM:1AT= BE Some consists a infinitesimal slireds meat leas proved by analysis that
LEASED PROM AHABAC4TIS31. of our clothing. A proportion le "Suolight Soap is a,pure end wet/ -
made up of the "ubiquitous gerniS,” "de EoaP, and bag a thorough
of the pollen, er dust of planets, of "cleanslog pewer, withoet danger to
yeast plantk and of the spores of "the elothing or skin.'
fitogi, Storcle granules there are. Clothing is wOrit Moro lit the 'wash
sod fragments of our skin; end the than in use where common soaps
worn out cells of our tissues. It is are need: and the hands are liable
trely n, heterogeneous asseeole/age - of to eczema. Try Slitallfeht Soap-,
the otomee this aerie). dust, and re- Octagon Bal!-eneNt Wa$11 daY, and
Suffered Much, Agony, 'Vs Appe-
tite Failed, ad. ai4 Strength
Left 14i2a-liope f or Similar
Only those wha have suffered front
tlis ?rhin
wigs of. eilath
isna blow oer
nuot agony the suer has at titnee
eadure. The $yr4ptoPNO ottett
very, nut among them will he found
acitte pains in the leitleeleS and
joints. the latter Stnaletiele$ MOON
Alvoliett. At times, the patient is un-
'4.hle to dress liimself. and tile slight-
est jerring sound aggravates the
pain, Lininieut$ end outward ape
Plications copilot posSibly eum. rites -
monisit must be treated through
the blood, mut for this purpose tb.ere
iS no medicine yet discovered Mil
equal Dr. Will/wile' Pink Pals. When
given a fair triol, tbeSO Pills .ever
fail to Cure even the =feet etubborn
cases of rheuseatiem. Mr. Jos.
Itochette, a, well-kneova regident of
tSt. Jerome. Que., in an interview
with a reporter of L'Avenir da
Nerd,. offers a strong proof of the
vahte of Dr, "ttgurts
illi" rills
cases of this kind. Mr. Bochette
sae -et. "For nearly three. yea.ra
Wes 4 greet mttlerer from Thetinsae
4//144'5 °II° °I the Se°td/ °011I9n Yeik will See Prof. Ellis la right.
gorging the xnerins et sheep's head, ltsTo (me shmild ltaow better than
Which Was to the effect titat it Ives lee, 223
AO4s$ of flueetnifused feedieg." eeees-e-seesests-'en-entonennse.
If eve turn to o nientited Which deals
with the diseases that. are incidental unseceesary . noises - all deheand la cases where bronchitis has be -
The ';eabblee" of Vienna. Al'e in a
eorry plight. Owing to the eomple-
tion of the eiectrie cars they 4re left
almost without a fare. A meeting
of the cabmen was held the other
day, and it was agreed to petition
the Oovernment for conmensatioo,
by givino each cabman 8600 - the
'value of 'the issulog no
mere licenses io future. The men
Veen Popo ee to sell their velaicies.
and with the additional grant of
$600 start in, o new business. Ike
fortunately for the cabmen. the Pose
sibilit,y is exceedingly remote of the
(toe-elle:neat meeting their suggestion.
to eertabe trades, we will he sure PP $$�1 the interests the
to tied a large portion of such sww ' treatment So the earlier stages. there
tei Nvo ell desire to lave come chronic from want of osoleer
the oat -emits that. arise Irma the loe
work occupied with the dieeusSiee Of ""'''''nn''" is nothing $o good as lir. August
halation of Koenig's Hamburg Breest Tea '
For exempt% there is a steel iltiSt,
which works havoc the lung,.s of It is wren t k root of the throat. trom close uP
Q11)1111Ction. with which is strong
Oil In N. Ifutehineon's "letting tree-cer,elemoe! we will pface it fel
What to Po When Baby Is Fretful, ,advised the use of St. Jecoles
and Sleeplees, ae an outward application along the
usEALTmEsT Rov-Ar., •FA'Ari-LY. Ir you have ono
said. ,greater wealth titan that
The 'tussles reigning bouee has it a Fore carloads of go
otatoee to offee
(Vete us, or if yea
put your e
ly any other royal family in the world.
g o ake up a wakeful under the chin to wet/ down to the
Slioneld geinders. There is also cotil bcoY from the cradle and walk it top of the chest; the rive remedy as -
dusk hair dust, aud stone dust, all and down, the floor all uight. It de-ea:hits the other. and as intended,
piszsinto h, pfeet to wegkettog opera, moralizes the infant and enelaves the I'll -my wore in compiete unison. The
tiees and in cuttiog short the term parents. Ilaby does not. cry for the,welialeirlill lienttratinA Po'reer
of their existence. This record fun or the thing; it csieo tecauee it i
reads lees terribly to -day than it did
or YOrne because mines and work -
and factories are better von,
tilated And became other conditiona
of Unproved health have nettle. into
eiiablea At to reach t
is not - generally because its taclitesion of foreign matter whi
stomach is sour. its little bowels the. bronehial tubes and %slid
aengeeteen its Wein hot and feverish. ;makes breathing itiore and no)
Relieve it and it will sleep all night. dotteult,. As tees() aditesioes heceee
every night growing ,5troOger m pro- iesamed end enlarged. St. Jacobs
Rulers of ' Mankind" it is 'd
the namun revenue the Czar de-
rives from the Crown and State do-
rinaine is estimated at $7.500,000 a
/year More than forty members of
the imperisl family not in the direct
line of sueecssion drew e •
lie front landed estates sat eside for
ch that purpose by the Emperor Patti
eh 1. To these estates is given the
e is, t .e illitferrial appatinges.
a Tbey coe-er au arca, of tt,000,0tto ,
pains celned timoa being, But the story of dust and Portion. JOSt What mothers need is on adheeion bre,„...e;
to affect every joint. and the agony disease Is still an obJeet leseon for told in a letter from away, wakswt ing espeetoratim easie,r
I email scarcely move about. and the flontininatter of the air musts ca,,,unot say too riticit in favor of Harsieerg nreast Tea, drook slowly
affected My' appetite. and in this, way ur eellrsen many of the microbes worked like a eltorm with my baby. pails. is comforting, artil uieti
.endui,v,4 was terrible. sometimes the people ill respect of the influence ITnders. Marbleton. Que.. who isaYi*z &Mil WOE* free. Pe. August Ii.'oeultee
NVO4 unfitted. for work. The trouble npon their health. Idappily for us. BabY `tablets- The hare toottl very hot, eoothes atill heals the
my COIL .• arm es. ANOS %cry reStless At 'light but
487 ValailleSS int'reared and di 4:41Tie4 kr the air aro of la s ` •
teen becanee more deplorable. i harneter. though a moiety certaipler IltiPY"o Otrn Tablets soon brotigtit !osesieoro, This manner of treat,.
nothing hoped ene until 1 lean ad, twice. 'lite germs of tuberculosts. be wi.t.,hout a. boic while 1 have a remiediee that win wore together so
, stops the cough ar.d reitetee the
tried a number of remediee, lou epresent2s. ()tweet) producing pay- quiet sleep and rest. .eltalt never meat nosi thsre io other ts.i.0
vised to toke Pr. Williams' rink lun°11g athera• are carried IV the babe'. Baby's Oltn Tablets rum' .Jaieeeesteellej rearileti ale difficulty
aeres aed the total income derivcil
from them is $10.00ii.tion. Pattie
the emancipation of the soils Soil.-
toe0 peasants were. attached to these
vest estat"s and ver o in a sesee the
Troi...rty of *Mir tavuers.
MonLey Wand Soap reozoNes al
i'llAAL. dirt. or ternielt
rubel- rw4. win nay Yoti to 44
;,,„ Ton here ati*,
them. DetufON1
eaten, eve -revel,. eeneeles
U, stir; vine itse feee rite
o vy vet enetet, weal -vane
. tale peeniereet, eee
eaterseat. OinerePW.
DOpt, 1,4 VIM St/PPS:Yee:a, di
liamilters, lent, 04
6! ite n ego 4.fl.
vin3 Aretect a real seer. se s issee.
tr. Lti;, ,,;1 NPrzitiTOOti
ally the pains left. ale, iny appetite
Pills, and then relief COW. Oradtt- °VI'
epread through the atmosphere, Our and are guaranteed to contain no ape rgaggo urge.
and smallpox vlarly Is , all Minor aihtlellta Oi little 0»eO. irom the ouiFhle and the ineide at There are now ebout 2:10 towns in Wife --"Re talre to advertiee for
improved and 1 hronrno greatly footle are ale° liable to be infected. 'opiate or harmful drug. The,y ore et I ., t .0 loots ot 13,0 adhesion. ante.
strengthened. Before 1 had taken o an there is no doubt that our lungs ssilti at 25 cents a haze lv all deal- 'and aesios fir. August Koenig's ,g;
1 Si. Jamas 00 the world with °vein 100,010 ittlinbit- Pido in the seeming papere." Nexe
day the wife read as follows in tlee
dozen boxes my health and vigor was receive perpetually the complement ere. or you etin get. them by mail. ,Illaufberg lireoOt Tea. itt clearing i
flow's This 1 'dog. with one eve and no tail To
;newspapers: ^'Lest. a, mangy hip -
such that I felt. better than I did he- of rartieles that Appear to remain , Poet Paid bY %with) di eet t l "t .ent. then both ream:hes act in"
fore the trouble began. I have net i/vilth us beeau5° "ere Is no e57eaPe 1Pv• "Haar': Uedleille ecte Brocke'neieteti in heeling and curing. The 0210 Illawrvd Tiallars 'lley"i'd of Milo. It retureed etureel tv-0
. ffett to willk. Answers to the neme
s2nee hod an ache or pain. and feel for them from (tor breatliteg organs. Onto Or St:1;103144y, N. Y. • 1. merles apply rith equal
. V, J. etterefo'N Ton in%
meinced that Dr, sioilionoo, f dust, then. repro -nate o modern cured by Ilaine isaieres tone ,pouttils reward."
toopieg cough. enlarged tonsil
rills are the best medicine, tun plague -and the Mate of our big
force in flWell -of 04'414144. croup
nr eate o ateivii thee, cannel, he
world for rheuntetism," flies in the warm eatmuter weather UNDER TUE CIIILLOTEST, J. therey fee me feet ie N.C.P.4'c and
Pr. Williams* Pink Pills are sold in testifir3 le the uulsUrieu 41urt il l'rsillrhia EverY' welteve to Ist.411%.131v noiiaratite •nt au !R 1 4 11° a gYnlm'''11141 1""Intetalli
every cized land, .end their emir- nanY There is n Still`F Or a gliaelly 'Wake eltonid have St, Jocobs Oil etteettees 4 traueact.'aus erameette ;•.sen.w.r.cS Piali's weight. on an :Were
coustaute iteelf - the question ;teem -tee of ein hour once passed hy and Pr, Autoist Koenig's Hamburg' kt)le DWIg;140115 treale !ciM rOorgd9^
5 AN410 the matersestera. ente n..
mous vale is due entirely to their of betterment and prevenCon, re -es, young, Durisian who „rendered ins ia vu
.il/re:154 Tea akV."‘V;'° in the "au ---I!' In 11 ,%1".11rial“.*jIll'rtl'AN, iNfteivnie Proomstq.
ell suit troubles ma rheumatism.
great merit as a medicine. The",7 cure ulaills for coositkration• wo shall to the "ellianneer of Ilorrora" at the 'ordPr that ti(01, ran:: he ProalPIIY .roleilo. te Vat 1.1nalial. It'lleetieel 4: MnIal9Thelr Aclilmt-P.trotekq'A Veg.
set, neVer attain any succeen in the re-:!, wax. Aeons show in .I„eselon. Find- used in the tiret etasen. Often the 'tilpielill.neln. atiohrele altuggoete. Takeo, elable.Pulleere very /stadia their cietiou.
allyels. nervous hea.thiclie, kidney all- -^"hg cl-^•----- ---- --- --
ntlea* laeliniaar ataxia" Partial Par- aPite.55144e4,oeefeedeu:t`toteridISWeee iCneate 14131'1 ling IdnIt.6 41116114'' ihe 17:41 .1''I.4 13143a41('-3 "t",t'el°P w„i7"..."inllerfpill. jilettot foment cure te texce mien. ggitilie?e)agetTI:t Li!"!rtilliftnirtglg:TtIlly
i with eft inspiration, What a glee,. raPidit2c,, gine comPoea (eons tase zany, actirg dirat4y VIDOR to blood Vile do. Thmtle, the Omit deliette
meats. neuralgia, and the weaknesee-s GREAT CROWDED CENTEItS. "43:1151110tignligo itte'llePreuti lilis il,..ailr. untermtclete. PilPee .4Itila..—.—ellual 5..-514411---"mcs.
that afflict so many women. Do not int! MUCOUS Aetferk`5 et iMI.' eSslcia can take them wielient fear of noel sweat
netlitioineas ient lore-tViice gal:. err metal% liew eatt, teob
, e alininietered
let givy dealer persuade you to try There can be no hope of ohliterettitiff of Marie Antoinette! Be lay down, bottle. Sold loy all Oraitgens, oebiltiten wItiliont %%peeing the penal..
rometillos dee mach he =ay Eoyfto duet from our world. but NV@ Fh011iel touched a. *sling and eloeeo tile eon, /feline Pautily Pine are the toe -t. feewhielt feilow the the of pale nee fie
• 'tjust ate good." See that the ull be able to treat it, as we do the lee. net how woo ito to mimeo
., Lop 0 js on the wrapper , sion and the lessening of its amount. .epring the fatal use Might descend. P441 " len l'''ieet8 cd Papers and all
direct to The Dr. wilinuns. medicine- in the number of open spaces in he eelled lustily for 'help In French, !soiled. is to ie41. it 01. 1341114 gcttilift
Co., Brookville, Ont„ and the pilie cities; would imply. With the freer and before long a crowd of vieitore I ten e"nalplete 'Anthems
1 ' at little ex-
ner 'MX, or 6iX boxes for $2.50.
The lateet is the "ten eouree
ehirt. It. lies a front formed of a
twine "Dr. 'Williams' Pint: Pins for mac problent. towards its noires- ,hineeelfe 7f he t A Scottish minister was asked ----
e carefully prepared.
pray for rain. Ile dill so. and the
nround every box, ef in doubt. send i Think' for IL Moment what an inereaee IVnable to speak a word of English. Old' weiIrer Jaw" to 40' ni en 0" In
will lie mailed. post paid. at 50e
High Mountains and the Ocean.
Are the Only Places Free
From It.
With his usual eloquence, Sir Je
Crichton Browne discoursed recently
on the subject of "Dust" to the con-
gress of sanitarians nesembled at
Iftiochester. The topic has always
been a favorite one with &whorl:ins.
They, of all 113011, hnONV Nviutt dust
means end implies in a hygienic
sense. They appreeiate the part It
plays in disease production and in
Weakening much of the energy
througb which humanity is able to
do its work in the world. The sci-
entific aspects of dust, however, do
not end with the consideration of its
' pathogenic powers. To the physic-
ist, dust must ever form an attrac-
tive subject, seeing that many of the
phenomena which concern him, from
the Ise say to the volcanic du
Emit forth from the active cratei
and sunset gioWs, are intimately coi
nected with the problem of dust di
tribution. Cosmic dust also r
bents another phase of the sam
question. Our earth is perpetual'
receivina considerable accretions ,
e 1 o bound to led by an attelldiTht C41110 on the "me' *
rid ourselves of 11. large moomot or scene. The guide Woe a bit of a t . --
the floating matter which, as thinge linguist and &LW
are, is pent. tip, "'cabinet!, cribbed with himself as master of the Woo-
" ul)PurIlluttY I Mani s Liniment the best Hair Restorer
and C011illied" among us. With a ,tion. Ile at once began a Practical 2.200 different species of fob have
and scavenging we should also re- Ing Ids remelts with little asides in been fluted in the Nile and
better organized system of cleansing, lecture on the guillotine. interrupt -
its tribe-
prees the invisible dust clouds. French to the indignant victim. ask.- lnries'
This is precisely where a better on- ng 1818 I '
o scietim louder or writhe
tiered municipal We comes into di- .inore agonizingly. "How well lie
sect touch with the public health, acts:" exclaimed the gratified °li-
ne difficulty here is to interest peo- !Where. Finally, the Parisian was
plc in a question which scarce/y ap- released, and, answerin tl
peals to them unless it is in the form
of dust showers that annoy us. 'These
are the least, of the evils. It is the
far more subtle unseen dust which
Sure Itegulators.-Mandrake mul den
Wien are known to exert a powerful in-
fluence Oil the liver and kidneys, restor-
ng them to heulthful action, inducing a
regular flow of the steretions and impart.
planse with maledictions, fled, /men Ing to the armies complete power to per-
ing his hat behind. form UWE functions, These valuallz in-
eredients enter inro the composition of
Parineleele Vegetable Pill, and serve to
afflicts and affects our heath. About 70 million aninuils are kill- reseistao they awe Tints are few
render them the agreeable and salutary
Smoke and dust - and, we will add, ed yearly for the sake of their fur, effective ea they in their netIon,
pt e as
William Henry, the Celebrated English Medical Authority, Experiments on
Himself with Dodd's Kidney Pills, and Gives the Results.
Englishmen axe proverbially slow*
St to take up new things. They cling
to the old till the new has been
o.. proven beyond a doubt that it is
5 -
new intater in the shape of cosmic
dust coining trorn other worlds to us.
This last, indeed, is our only source
of income as a planet. Dust within
us and dust without as, thereiltre,
teach us the wide nature of the sub-
ject whereof the sanitarian touches
but one phase only.
Still, that phase is of high im-
port to us all. If we want an at-
mosphere or environment free from
dust we must seek it in the high
mountains or in the open ocean. We
may not escape all contact with dust
even there, but, if researeh is to be
trusted, at least wemay find an at-
mosphere in which one species of
particle -germs, to wits -are con-.
spicuouS by their absent°. We find
0121,1351 record that while over 80,-
000 bacteria per litre were found in
the air of old houses in Paris, only
'six were to be found in the air of
give us bigger amounts of the air
in the same quantity. Other figures
give us bigger amoulits for the air-
. of towns 'and cities, .It is ioterest-
ing to contemplate the effect upon
us of being encompassed by this tre-
mendous einomit' of floating aerial
matter.- We awaken to its existence
when the ray of sunlight streaming
through the clink of the
• shutters of a closed room
reveals o us the cloud of
mites mid atoms dancing in the
track of the beam, Those of us
who have read Tyndall's volume,
-The Floating -Matter of the Air" --
a book to be read and re -read with
)LS .el a rrn fie account of the germ
theory exsoriments-wil I remember
his demonstration by aid of the elec-
tric ray of the same fact, that of.
the mass of suspended matter in the
Sir J. Crichton l3rowee sampled
the chisit found on the top of the
warilrol,e in a sick chamber and
'cued it -to 'consist of the various
Sotind in its every principle.
' But once they have, possed on it,
anti passed favorably, it goes forth
,to the world bearing a atamp of
genuine value that nothing else
'could give it. And from that time
!forth that new thing, be it a
ithought, a fabric or a remedy, bears
?the hall -mark of sterling worth that
inothing can destroy.
It is for this reason that Canada
fas now cause to be proud of her
t!advance along the walks of science.
an English aothority one of the
'highest in all Englard, one of the
kughest in the world,. has declared,
:and declared as emphatically as man
(can do it that Dodd's E.Iciney
:a Canadian discovery, is the one
'remedy that 1.1ats die:eased ICidneys
as they should be treated, and ef-
'factually and permanently cures
William Henry is the Dante of the
,Englisli scientist who makes this
statement. Ile is known, respected,
and followed in thousands of Brit-
ish homes, for as the- author of
:-The Penny Medical Library" and
kindred words, he has talked medical
'science in simple words to almost the
entire British family. And William.
Henry makes this statement con-
cerning Dodd's Kidney Pills, because
he has tested DOLId's 'Kidney Pills
thoroughly, because he has given
Dodd's Kidney Pills the moet thor-
.,ough ard practical of all tests, he
has used Dodd's Kidney Pills him-
self for Kidney Trouble, and has
.been cured by them.
Nor is thie eminent Englishman
mild in expressions of the satis-
faction he feels at the, result: pro-
duced by this remedy."Dadd's Kid -
Author of "The Penny lfedical
Library"' :
"As a Kidney remedy I
would back Deddis Kidney
Pills against an the drugs
in the Pharmacopmia."
rev Pills is certainly a wonderful
remedy," he declares. "As a Kidney
remedy, I would back it against all
the drugs in the Pharmacopaeia,"
William Henry has of course
watching the working. of Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills from a.s0ientjj5e stand-
point, ard he affirmsthey are alike
right in theory and practice. He
says of the theory :
"I had read , one of the Dodd's
ICidney, Pills pamphlets, and could
tell from it that the discoverer of
Dodd's Kidney Pillhad really
stedied what I may call Kidney
Therapeutics. I saw that he was on
the right track, cleanse and tone
up the Kidneys, and they will not
only get rid of the -uric acid, but
will peevent it accumulating. That
is his argument. I take it, and it
iS a sound one. This soundness has
been strongly proved in my case."
Mr. I-Ienry goes on to relate how
he was so troubled Nvith --------- tat
flie Wa3 often unable to follow bis
literary calling -he could not stoop
or sit, and so could not work. The
pains In the back and loins were
exeratiating. Another marked symp-
tom Was bladder irritation. He also
had heart "fluttering." He was de-
pressed, irritable, and subject to bad
dreams, He was frequently op-,
pressed by a. drowsiness. he could
not throtv off.
REstrurs 0I3TAINED.
Hc tried all sorts of things for his
trouble, medicites old and medicines
new. Some gave him temporary re-
lief, but that was all. Then he tried
Dodd's Kidney Pills, and he gives
the following results of kis experi-
ment :
" (1.) Before I had finished one
box of Dodd's Kidney Pills I was
perfectly free from uric acid, my
water being quite normal.
" (2.) Three doses brought a
great improvement, though 3 was
extremely bad before taking the
first one.
"(8.) Every one of the symxtoms
I have mentioned, as well as the
violent headaches which I had forgot
to mention, had dissepeared.
" (4.) Though it is now six months
since I took the hest dose of Docid's
Kidney Pills, there is not now a
trace of uric acid in my urine, not-
withstanding that my diet and mode'
of lire are just the same as they al-
ways were."
This, in. brief, is the experience of
William Eenry, perhaps England's
greatest and best-knovvn medical au-
thority. It puts the stamp of genu-
ine worth on Canada's greatest
medical discovery, Dodd's Kidney
Pills. This, added to the testimony
of the thousands who have been re-
lieved and permanently cured bys
Dodd's Kidney Pill», must convince
even the most sceptical that Canada
stands to. the front rank of medical
research, and that chief among the
remedies she has furnished the world
stands that sure cure for B.heinnat-
sra, Bright's Disease, Diabetes, and
all other forms of Kidney Com-
plaint, Dodd's Kidney Pills.
rain came down In floodThe Columbia Inver a882
and de- ;mon catch varies from 4,50.
etroyed the crop;. Irritated at tlio !I -upwards. Last year the rev
result, the elder confided to another reached of elk minion vat,es.
that "this e011tee et* intrustini eic a
request to a nweinster who item
qUent. NV1' agriculture."
Thrt e never 'MIS. And 1100er 10:11 ILt
nu1ver4al penacea, le one reilledr, for all
ids to whit+ flesh Is heir -the very nature
0( nsuiy guratirca hang smell that were
tee germs of other mid differently vested
disc:vice Tooted in the viten% of the
petient-what would relieve one in
turn would aggravate the other. We
bal'e', however, in Quinine Wine. when
obtainable in a sound unadulterated
eta e. 0 reniedy for many a itil grevious tile.
By its gradual and judielotie use, the
frailest eysteme are led into convalescence
and strength, ht the inflneuve which Que.
idne exerts ounature's own reetoratives,
it relieves the drooping eptrits of ZliOND
WWI 11110112 a chronic state of morbid d-
pondence and lack of Interest in life iseea
disease, and, by tranquilizing the »erves,
disposesto eountl rind refresidee eleep-
imparts vigor to the action of tile blood,
atich beiug stimulated. course.; through.
outthe vebis. strengthlining the healthy
iiiiimal functions of the system, thereby
malting activity a »misery result,
Strengthening the frame, mid giving life
to the digestive organswhich naturally
demand increased substance -result,
provedappetite. Northrop it: Lyman of
Ioronto, have given to the publie their
superior Quinine Wine at die usual rate,
sad, gauged by the opinion of ecien
thiawine approaches neareet perfees ion of
aur 2U the market. All druggists se/I IL
The highest rallwny in the United
States is the Colorado Midland,
which, crosses a. pass 11,530 feet
Mioard's Liniment Cures La Grippe
The Bodleian Library at Oxford is
just three centuries old. It is the
largest University Library in the
Why will you elm, a cough to lacerate
your throat and lungs end run the risk of
filling a consumptive's grave, when, bV
the timely use of Bickle's Anti -Consump-
tive Syrup the pain can be allayed and the
danger avoided. This syrup is pleasant to
the taste, and unsurpassed for relieving
healing and curing all affections of the
throat and lungs, colds, coughs, bron
ehitis, etc., eta
At Konka, Central Africa, the av-
erage annual temperature is 88.5 de-
grees Fahrenheit. This is the
world's record for heat.
Mioard s Liniment tor Meumatism,
• -
Kind Old Lady--4-'Herd is ten cents.
Now, promise me you will not go to
that public house over the way and
spend it." Thirsty Thos. --"I prom-
ise, lady. But is there any special
one' you would like me to patron-
:Every- day in the year. The Chic-
ago, Delon Pacific. and North-West-
ern Line .runs through first class
Penmen and Tourist Sleeping. (Jars
to points in California and Oregon.
Three thro-ugh trains daily. :The
route of the famous "Overland Lim-
ited." Persona -BY condueted excur-
sions from Chicago to San Francisco
Lo S Angeles, Portland and other
Pacific Coast points, leaving Chicago
on , Tuesdays, ..Wednesdays, . Thurs-
days and Fridays. Lowest rates,
Choice" of routes. Finest ecenery.
Maps, illustrated folders, etc., fur-
ished; free. Rates emoted, Addrees
B. H.' Bennett, general agent, 2
Wee Oter steer Terme.
Av 02,e AND We:sutra steurer,
wieviews reetheieSrree he's trenteel for over Neel
vriasbe ne4g,1111 of raz tem for alms tuner:In whes
teeth ea with pernet sveze 1, It te.10114 the cLitt
4311NA the gems, retne ram, cure; veal rola Ana
remelttn niers:Ma. P:C3:411% (0 Ole
"fele. beM nowisol 20 eNerT tart et ILD
riAANAti.troferita iggne... Ir5.1241 *5 ITC11,-ttlible.
tft MVP AM 5.* ter !ere, ltleatewa, tieetteee esrete
tea wee ea ether eine
Lord Lister, who attendod the King
and invented the an tieept ie treat-
ment, is tie:wended front Edward
Lister. PhYslcian to Queen
Minard's Liniment Is the best,
The fog -hell of the 'Bishop Rock
Lighthouse, off 1110 Seillys, is 145
feet above high-water mark, mud
weighs three hundred -weight. Yet it
has twice been curried away by
Excellent. Reasons exist why Dr
Thomas' Y.:electric 011 should be used by
persons troubled with Affection.- of the
throat or linigs, $oree upon the skin
rheumatic pain, corns, bunions, or ext
ternalinjuries. The reasons are, that it
is speedy, pore and unobjectionable,
whether taken internally or applied out -
Quito, in South America, is sink-
ing faster tha1 any other city. It
stands now SO feet lower than it did
hi 1780.
'h. quality standard (min otean 11, ocean.
Vonr roonnylusa if not sattafaoL•Iry.
ROSE a LAU-ULM:, - 'Montreal.
Tile -Capital seotence is not car-
ried out in Britain upos persons un-
der sixteen years of age, although by
law anyone over seven is liable to
capital punishment.
Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co.
C ant lemon ,-Theodore Dorais,
customer of mine, was completely,
cured of rheumatism after live year0
of suffering, by the judicious use o4
The above feet can be verified bet
writing to him, to the parish priesn
or any of his neighbors.
Merchant, St. Isadore, Que.
May 12th, 1808.
wammenamounsomamm....4•• esamacmgmaersvgat
Kind Fatber--"MY dear, if you
want n. good husband, nutrry Mr.
Goodheart. }Ie s really and truly
loves you." Daughter -''Are you
sure of that, pa?" Kind Father --
"Yes, in -deed. I've been borrowing
money of hixn for six months, and
still he keeps coming."
25 cep CLINMES.
East King street, Toronto, 01t. T U