HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-11-20, Page 4Ortix., 2.4-toratel
fi.Sooadors, Editor apoi ProP
TEM-I/BOXY, NOV 20, 1.902
SIR W1Irief1)18 FR 11Z.
Sir NVilfrid Laorier left ou M011 -
day for a visit to the Southern States,
where it is hoped he may recuperate
his. Shot teredhealtir, The Premier is
a:very sick, mao. So serious i$ his
condition. that his most intimate
frietnis fear that he will never agalo
take an avtive part in politics. His
conditiou after his return from Eug-
/And was rendered worse by the sea,
lotto cliftex.ences eabinet circles and
it will be sonte time at leis, before
Ile Premier will be We to attend to
his doties•I&rethsemeat from the
leAdership will not be an. unexpected
Ur. Tae's paper. La Pattie. an-
nounces the aloes of Son. A. O. Blair
sod declares thot angther cabinet
shade will thereby be necessitated,!.
Nons cauwars
The Provinceof Ootario bas enter,
ed an oppeal c000tinst the 3talgment of
Judge MaeOlabon, declaring that the
late J. A. Maxey% of Perth made a
ifl.PlaeLaren was an illegitimate
son, and died unmorriedwithout
sue, on December jibworth $125,000.
oso woo eoold be fonuti.bt John
Stewart, of Perth, produced what polo
twice to be n copy of 0. will. dated
1)EATR.-0fle by Doe oor old reoi-
deuts are swiftly passing away, mod
scarcely a Nceek goies. by but what we
have to record a death of one or wore
Qt our citizeos. This week we have to
relate the death of Afrs. jooephRroWu,
which sad event oecorred on Friday.
Deeeased bad been ao inmate, of the
Hcome a Refuge for some time, but a
few days previous to her death she was
removed to the home of ber daughter,
Alto. Cameron, where ohe died. The
remains were taken, to tbe deoeased's
home in Hayfield and loterred in the
Barylield cemetery ouSuntlay,theRev•
Mr, Yelland officiating!, Thebereaved
pates have the sympathy of the com-
Ur, Jaruee Snell left last week in
charge of 4* large consignment of Lei-
cester sheep for the State of Idaho,-
Mr,Frank Seboales, of Laird, Algoma,
after a pleasaut tOsit here. 1,14.S return-
ed horoe,aceonapanied by hiorather.in.,
alr. James Dodds, --Reeve Leech
intends retiring from the council here.
He is: mentioned as a. likely candidate
for the county cooncii. Councillor
Ferris will be a vandidate for the
Acclomo'm -On Thursday Touy.the
tweive-year-old sou of Mr. James Van
Egniontl, of the gravel road. net with
41. painful accident which may east hint
the loss of an eve. Ho was eogaged in
!retillsonie Uindling wood. when
a piece new up and struck him in the
eye. taking a piece otit of the eye. ile
wits at We brought to a doctor, who
tlamight it advisable to tithe him to a
-pecitilist Goderielo where he Wee
at once driven. It was found t hao the
IVWAS badly injured, anti it wits very
None 1$0.7. At the trtal dodge earl'iullY dressed. It is feared ite viU
31zreM1drott deet Lred Fe escort entitled 5nicer the loss.ofhii03'esight hut it 15
knetlettte anal :«getinet thie the op. not yet poosible tletorrooroo few
prolierty xeouto go
to the r0000tee. \I1 -.Hutt, of tido township. met
pea is Wool, a, without o will the daYs agifroil Mat. seeond .on of
* with 0 1,111•1011S i1eCitiellt, He vs etto
4 pluyed a Wiedicate and WAS standing
ooze, eleeeeeeete On the VailwolF trissok when be was
uv. U. 04
ti2:41; tfj,f,,; 40E,1,..:3:r41 work strnek. by it tram and thrown 14. tliS4"
4.4 '4•44:;.4 014 it, r 4,-4:"."t4 L4n4V 44 271 ffer,A1 ». un
tizoo, over, io sooOrg it F. The lot fvoul *if the train. He had preo.
siewood Zt `tee' 1,, oe.,,t't ence 01 tuIrel to valve -1 end out of the
,740 lk3t ..„1,401 omca 1
thus f;,-..3pe what utiellet
tri,CF h
;re Hot ! been a horrible death, Wen pleited
I • ;IA esigl eed, ;n.''' :41t lt foittul that hie 04 AU "MR44; tripl.
sad rime to many to learn of the death 4
, GenSoeee-ft will be tal/
on Tuesday At the family resideoce„
Thames Rood, of Ellen SoPtita Arer- WRO MAY VOTECOT IfMnagN.
riles* beloved wife of Andrew Gibsori.
The bennecliete eause of death WAS larrAt DBOEht734B 4,
the bursting, of ot- 1/10041 VOSSO, f0110W,
ing 11111eSS Of several months from
pulmonary trooble, The end came
4100;100Y sodden, (hos canoing much
surprise awl regret. She was much
respected As a friena And oeighbor,
The funeral tokes place toolay glows -
day) to the Exeter cemetery.
elt,,,,teeeeeet.„, el the' ess c.cma 144 -4444-410411'14:4•14t 141:',Z4414'
k ,
1111ZU1010.t.31y -,,F.44--Igh %ley; "-.102 Inista iveatt bee
lei, Aissuein ZOrilOo4 U441.8:4; "T-
esell eier.,e5„ Vtato,l ;cool
•"4 •-
ilsa Craig
01,4444, .4 4. 4,
poopie itot ori,o,to,„Oooll 0r,,F *oh
:woo a'? fillo-At-44M flit° te,4
plizzA`Z.re, ever.
e'en. „Addltel to the seeet tentleeee,
emarse is. It4 :V'Si41. 1441 iva9-31-,
04 rtlo-1 01,134 to 0.•1 11., elle telseei,
r„lf, io."...'ry Ooy fl
V. 0 ta07.13;-ier
lt-ly two, tzqtral:4‘i 0qtav?4.
IPtit'':" sivolo -1,:motoo,„ odlatootooO
reetisee :401 sgeatees, ie thirty cone.
Weise eiel -•o.71tZi ti444
4iZ1 g' 44,0 0 A 1 4W4441 litol
V85011"1,,.ttitti.4 t'o„ .2.;1:1 bct•uNt
t4,:,41,0„ 0.4. V417,-.8, I•r•WW.
YOW•tt t O"Ot 0/'
• '•
CI a
e, - 14O,iottt. i
000 feestet Se
• ese. rut 1,1 mytietle 441
vies itee 4d I lie eialei, toes iteezte• V;:teo.
itt.t _r.,434-;.. 2 t -Page in. Ilia..
•itt% Ifit.A. 511--;.1194i eiee'er
eeseet. 'We set reet et the suemens
w hat tieresse Pelee lioe,siteil, foe the
e hlrelseeremiere iti ii.fce see leo lt
'.i;:'i!.I.. i.i go ieetteiselat.
'mg .-to 3', .'-r.21t,,..11 ','>ai• 13;0,4
other oltot,•-ibtiniloot
ludo 41. Siatoler tlot etuo.
sorb y. and go-sipo e 'moo -Toro
r. Olooy toonuot ult., tool
about elasKelict.4 •2224 2‘'eSVini4 211.2.1*.E4.
rentlY 1,4 f,n2n 'boo h '1'1411 47 W4411 46
eel ;- fo te
4424 t'U 44 3tr he
44110-4-4-1 044-a e.....e•se I -ileac. re end eet-
eeette 002 -44'. •-ty•-e bele ve that '
110. 0. .•0 1.0 LI:.4,1,3;AIINini.040221414'14V1 intId
('o4,aro44 .004 :44201,44.003;20 (10 and
wiLd,uy mute tor lees in the, e cent.
ele-e, leiel it e- cedel Ice well sleet% vault.
zah.: P' 44.4t:/'7t40 ;;:f;:•):1'1!, t't20.
csr Nab A -O.',411 4'40.'4 1. 010 /WInt• 244' g.
t I tl of the e10arae.
tvr wrt,.-%10:0:„ go 3...311t.- London time,
Tilsoniimee Ora,. Nue. Raf-
ferty,an employee 01 the Wind, Engine
and ..1141tor tecenplinee of Toronto, was
tolind dead in bis room at the Arlin**-
. ton Hotel here tly after noon to-
day. Ile had beeu le•re for a week
or two erecting a tank for the T. L.
B. & R., and appeared to be in his
usual health wben he came to dinner,
-which he ate find then went to his
room where a friend found him short-
ly afterwards dead.
DNA -Tiles -Mr. Joon AA*, At,
respected resident of this township.
died o,t his borne on Wean-est:1AT, Nov.
12th, at the age oftiO years., Re bad
been for about t wo montha with acomplicatiou of typhoid fever ,ttled
tuo1iLe. 11s wife preeleceaSed In
tvver Ove yeas, but he leaves a large
family of four sons arid four daughters
to Memel ble demiee, Be was a
neer Of IT,SbOrne but moved to Bloa-
shard urany years ago and was one of
that township's weAlthylarruers.
Nagle was A MAO stirliug fralitics
and was held In high esteem by a host
of friends., The funeral t oa1. place ao
Friday to S. anus cemetery.
Young and Old Are
With, It.
The pt vest„ 1110St, delicious.healthffil,
nutritions. and altogether the roost
witisfectory breakfast cereal ever 14;14,1 OD= ZBOSPCTS 7011 A
° 1 -
Ant Provides For lise et the Xists
lirsedli, rtiVincier
The question to be Answered,
Toronto, Nov. 1$. ---As, there
doubt in Pease quarters AS
who will he entitled to vote on the
referendum On the liquor hill on De-
cember 4, it may he stated that the
some voters' lists will be we that were
used in the Provineial general eleetfeit
)ay last. The elauee in the Act eov-
etieg this 'point is as follewe:-
4The peretme eettitled to vote uppu
tbe Said etleetien ebell be All pereeene
Wheeee WOWS Shall AppeAT on the voters
lietes ueed or whicli would have been 11S-'
ed hod a, poll been held at the JleXteo
eral eleetien of ruembers to serve in the
Legislative Assemblee held atter the
posing of this net. os entitled to vote
and who were entitled to vote at the
said election, and wbo shall MVO been
foot tbe 'late of the sold general elee-
tion and until the date o 'ot*oig on
the said question vesideuts of and domi-
ciled in the Proviuce of Ontario, and
whose names ore duly entered in the 11011
hooks to he used for tbe purpose of the
voting, under this
- The question whiell will appear on the
ballot paper will be simpiy
°Are you hi favor of bringing iuto
force the Prior art, lo02."
ed before the publie N arssmilast
F(194. Have oom tried hi' olf not. yoni
.awe miosing one of the luxovies of life '
that costs little looney -an agent that
keeps the digestion of young otid o4i
,m perfect conditiou ZAS 110 other tireeke
filet feed ean de. Malt Brea r, feet
j'ooa is eetonneeleitie mete eteeeeele
t ,
Matte, re meal tor tie enteeftee peopte.
Reeonnuendealhy thonsonds of POW-
eivicsos es a true health food. Voile
soils it.
r -,o0E-t 0
011ogity of lomiloolo
raver Sueb. COIIIVOOti011
goinento Wing !Code,
Le000toio,NPT. poll of the Irio4
l0000tio vbrola otos troOOrtolien
f00000:toc,,, tr-,f ot00000 inteet "lid le the
eetitei 0:i Cee preeeeelt' oaU
The 440:1ny ffilevelle a elle Ieerrigier - .- 4
liVill 1L!'.1.. -0,41,t7 to, poor that sbe. le eon. sooroodo om olo eine meek etepeet„, , a „c_. 0 r , of 1= :., zoo ewe tee lee,
te'ettell ;" ihc,° heeese Ilis aegis illnese.- led tee:lie:it ielithe town (11,4 in tb,„n„0.„ 1 'v • t , ..' . le t -,;e -I- of 0;0 14.k221 V)
420;0 oor $:141119.113te night tool-tow/oleo tom toe ;Vie, 1). goir,1:-: two %woo. olt ... 1 •,t,1 1 • ors ilotoroo: in a ret0 et
t4 :4-j. 13°DivvLig et't tteetipit.lrisisellaiu fA'T 4 :i11011`4411 had 111'.,`.1i an imolai for a Tomo., ' 1,4;48 in favor, 44 44 teg tto 4-3•41,,
''n-. d3V*4 din ZIP' the Weeks Ne. IWO: little. Two tiatight4qt;i :NM;•Of ii !'''''' °!. 1'0'0' 1,7likti 111,^50:t1 1103:114- will be,
s .4.11 4
Wt1sitillitlif., Mb.. 0 11.1r-.. 1,11,-01 1:1 ti,w1). and
f 1, 1 with.
ho', ut tip, Sinathern 'Seabee Twee
t tt fseass 1 srlitlle and IN C2ent2:4122a 271,24 ,enne we home ta attend the teue.e.
tire hone.. of Mt e. John Me.Alpitte.-.T. 1
•ki. ?too too booi. foruleilY Soilite110; „I flog' 0 1011% orol
za imia, oaDlti 1 ilmiy a rote et. Ins:tee:, :are, Ilisissein 314 14:eletir. 44:
'; le ill: °.e. 1.4.1404.e..11 te, 04., .1,0f, et, igtV3V 4041 Srlilld
0;101 1:3"140'41' 000-44-4 vo,141 „ed. She ve.telia.4 the lige of lifty
• • I
L444'4. nak'41111t1 5/01:4441W cetherhse $100 Woe4 1104 1..4') .'4% N. V. 1▪ '''422'.2.2.
Lee art :OW ,1 01'.11; I N'.04" 011131 sl might 4.11f :1413.• :1131`4141 Met4.4.34 I o • 4a A
• 4t24 4-rt°81:41 010- we -1k muter.' lote iseelemitie she Aso. " 211. qta41 'ev•
T00"" 5 "or of Me. .1.0131:S " .' leete 4 i., 108400,1;AL)),
10; ,•% , k'40., 44 te g' :tt it1,.1 .t1r. ietelle 010 4 • „ kJ. 4'4
.16"' t'. n el1^e,1" i."I3 (the Tr td- ;20)41 llos deo,
•se* .11.0,40.1 -orl, v0.00; oleNtll.p. 813e WA.; a 10:il'v4. Cape
10 p 10 00. opt an t^:0001101 Vi•ii 00 rt'l,k- Mown* hut ealue to MeKillop '
1.41."?' of the yell Jae
te to eeteli We: eeleoemere, ho
epie ;11)°,..0
novor c000l
01 040 IA .0 41S i0 00I. • 0. • e eight par& 1141' Maiden notillt. Toorotoo Got
'4%% 6 idled 1*.A0:17.te•
i4"/ :!l.ira.'41 t"wit younig. She was irieti r, 3 s%o. f-44^
54:1 400ziyteea Su th44440' C""1""141 thotnolters of herfamly when
t ' 1040 '4+14 it the ,Sictseer
0 t4,11, 4:4 te 31.eue
tete aa ieeeenite tem ter
hooLd A° tWalit•l\Pitt, fell0
10 0-' 4*4"414-4lit
John II, u•iy4sint have retut ilea • ereehegor ;theist, thirty -live yew.: ago 1 o. i .: t ..i ,•' tv 41.4ye .-.1 1414 • blace•'4'..1e' Lett ‘,
ifeein Manittai 1, Where they Imre h, -en and thee euntinned to live tan ot 140111 ; tht ,,,, to, to : '.1 O .4le. o -toret Oeotl-bYe .
woo:1;111.o, dattiog 110. tKirt Dott; 1:10i11hA, lin MeKillop until about t peo ye -at.; ago ; IA, ii to. i‘ , .. .2, , oi• 1, .4j, 'Olil.'r tireot?thlit '4,400Al11.
- :sire, Fe Knett lies mese to Toronto, when they retired frli
tn farittilig 0002.5, 4., ' ,. .,•4." ' 7 I ',4. I'll tL.. 81...11$1.1 ...'''r.
..11"'" t.'lit'' i, uodeogoiint 1 l'eatnill'lli for iseenovetl to 81 -:forth. Mr, .:11s,Gr,egise ti a,.. •,;;..:,,,,, ,'..., . 'i, . 1., ..., . Link. t;raand
1"1.' hearing. Ilei' '11'1418V-4 1101)(' '410" died about ten litooths ago and ut that I., • 4142,1 .1 ir 4' port eQ1 'i* 10
O • F.1,481110 14000,10 1"10e110te'llt---\• Int" time :41.rs. Mali.egos,'s loto. wile ;1160 I c3\,/,4 ,000. „el e."." 0 uL ram
18 .01.1 '.11 0.004 fl41' the tate :qrs. 1.1M,'" 4 (lespitil'411 of, init she ritilied for a time ltre,e,:seg te1s. vie" e: someone 1,00
‚11. wit' lit tit".?4,1,s
aPtit;t (40111(.10 )11018)U10 wn
its ever 00044)1.4 over- hie .,„! ' n U44-.04420 1411"453Y 440(01.00.411g.4.''''41W4 "17 et1-4- -r.ttne the (nudge tsi .31v. WIIS 13. k4: ;11 ?1,1 • ;;,,,lo?.. 1: • 4`
E.10:100,000, jug ut her 0000011.; filen bni,j",tra. Tb,y bo*a1 4.;a ;17,,14.1 4 i-t;t: oil.. Li "214,011) MIA
of One mmt and two o4-1 1'. The '0.1 110. 0 j„,,oe ,,„;eheA on000lito
..1110111e0' (Mr Old rei41- • Stn1 Wad f•Var PnIrti 01441 Mil +*" .o' kit itti4 utiLution
dentri lyet.11 WV tat 1 41041ny, No -
3 ION Ito 1 be pi-r,;t312 of Moo 1,
S410410 llarrison. zoliot of the late JOhn ,
Harrison, 10) Ilf1"75til year. 110-9,Ntspd
eves horn in Yorlil,;111 Ewell:nail, where
elie Wee ionerisel (:011110(11; with.
hese/oast:old to this conntry 18:15.
Aftea• tee:Filing hi Guelph for three or
fear rime they naressi to lift pot of •
the tetisiiteee. end since then have- re-
sided in the neiglilatrilOOd (if (.'oirlisle
and -Ai 1Sit Craig. Their .child died
soine foetteenie Yeare. 3Irs. Har7
vison u -as predeceased liy• her husband
some four years ago. Deceased. was e
eonsistent member of the Methodist
church for Many years. The funeral
tont: phiee Wedneeday to St. Geoege's
cemetery in London tOtenship. •
Toronto, Nov. 17,-oAsIted regarding
the ease of Walter Herbert, wbo plead-
ed guilty of assisting in the nnarder of
Joseph Sifton, for which Gerald Sifton
has ;lust been a,cqnitted at London, A t-
to:they-Ger-feral Gibson this morning,
seid, that Herbert wonld be brought up
for sentence at the next London assiz-
es. After the sentence it wonld be for
the Minister of justice to onsider bow
far the sentence shoula be mitigated in
consideration of Herbert's evidence for
the Crown at the Sifton trial. How-
ever, the verdict of not guilty in the
Sifton case left Herbert's testintiony
disbelieved by the jury, and compli-
cated the case considerably.
We would like to ask through the
columns of your paper, if there is
any person who has used Green's Aug-
ust Flower for the cure of Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, and Liver troubles that
has not been cured -we also mean
their results, such as soor stomach e,
fermentation of food, habitual costive-
ness, nervous dyspepsia, headaches,
despondent feeling, sleeplessneSs-in
fact any trouble connected with. the
• stornache oreliver?„ • This medicine has
been sold for many years in all eivilis
eti countries, and we wish to corres-
pond with you and send yon one of
our books free of cost. If you iteVer
tried Augeist Flower, try one bottle
first. We have never known of its
failing,. If so, semiething more serious
is the matter' with you.., Ask your old-
eoOdruggisto ' •
:Sold. by C, LoTe.
death was a severe blow to be011 par. nee.; e„„,„ 15400
eon,. The donglooro are Fooitit, quo 4,1 , , • o' 104 o tbe
*if and Miss Met; 2.1 0o1,-4 :2 t. 101 7.4.. -2 ' • • I O08I1 tO
home. The (lb seised wets a 1i44-4-0 1.1114- a4ai 511 4440Z'.054200I,- „ e.
ly women mid wee meth I:elev.:1 by
dome who knew her littAt. The death
of both parents conning so email 00-
2 00 01 severe bereavement to the
&lighters awl relatives, all of whom
will have the sincereet l•wilipathy of
many friends.
BritoLeteser.-The London News of
Monday tinis refers to the robberies
which were perpetrated here early
Sunday tuor»ing:-"Yesterclay after-
noon about floe o'clock Crown Attor-
ney Magee received a telephone mess-
age informing- him of tiering robbery
at Ailsa Craig early yesterday morn-
ing by three tramps. Three places
were broken into and: many valuables
taken. The three men were strangers
in the neighborhood, but were seen
hanging about by several Ailsa Craig
townsmen. Ore Sunday morning, when
the burglaries were discovered a num-
ber of residents and policemen banded
together and are now on their track.
At C. R. Watcher's jewelry establish-
ment the thieves stole $100 worth of
goods. At White & May's dry goods
house they secured three suits of cloth-
ing. The marauders also broke into
the Queen's Hotel and seeured $2 in
silver from the till, together with six
bottles of lionor tied a basket of pro-
visions. It '.vas While they were oper-
ating at the drygoods store that they
were discovered and an alarm was giv-
en. Constable Priestly being notified,
started out on the teazles of t,he tramps
and came face to face with them on'the
railroad track to the east of Ailsa Craig,
It was between four and five o'clock in
the morning and in the gray light,
Constable Priestly were close upon the
three desperadoes before they could es-
cape. They at once whirled upon lain
and drew revolvers. The constable re-
coiled and the tramps- threeteeed to
blow his brains out if he molested
them. They thus made good their es-
cHpe, bat Constable Priestly secured
two or three snits of clothing, and el -
s() one bottle of liquor. Detective Rid-
er end Noxithgreaves were notified of
the -burglaries yesterday afteenoon at
5•.80 o'clock, Word was sent to the
Ailsa Craig constables to take charge
of the matter end inn the robbers
clown. It is believed that the three
;neer \eerie 801.101 from' Anse Craig."
ThOusantis. 0 Women
Are Kept in Suffering and any
ilia Owing to Faise
Paine,sseelerj Compottlld
Never rails To BanishDisease
and 116-Estab1ish Lasting
Thousands of women are kept in
sickness for months and years owing
to false treatment and the use of
worthless medicines, and we are . in-
clined to believe that Milton thought
of this class of almost dying women
when he said: .-
",Tbe angelic guards ascended, mute
and sad."
The common sence treatment of to. -
day for week, rtindown and suffering
women, is Paine's , Celery Compound.
This marvellous medicine is spoken of
in every part of the civilized world,
and net and women and all classes
find a new life from its use, A glorious
example of the curing powers of the
greatecompon nd comes from,Wintillieg,
Matt.; Mrs. H. Harbour writes as fol-
"A month ago 1 whs very sick and
happened to see one of your publica-
tions, in which I read of others being
cured. I concluded to try Paine's Cel-
ery Compound myself, arid I now
thank God for the wonders it aceom-
plished for me. I was suffering from
beart disease, kidney trouble and
weakness and some days not able to
stand without experiencing reat pain.
Since I used the compound am _able
to get ab(mt tbe house and work,. and
can now eat anythiog put before me."
We tees or ch„,,thrua wn
on the rallwry.
Ur. NV. 11. /laceeltvg, rostula at Lis -
tenet, eke in hie tellti year.
ea:other vittint of the eieetIon night fire-
works e411.3,1 In Ilvw York is (lead, mak-
ing fifteen deatIts in all.
The Temit3k30rai2og froght blockade has
been releed end the C. It. announces
that fr,i13,-11t will be oxeepted.,
Workingmen and the public generally dis-
reo..artled the boycott ordered abainst the
i:cliatectinly Street 11.311,1w34n
Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurier, Mr. nen-
ri Laurier and Sir William :Unlock left Ot-
tawa rot Rot Spring 3, Virginia.
Sir Gilbert Parker anil 1)32. Partin spoke
at a dinner in the ilotel Cecil, Loudon, in
cele'oratiou of Trinity versity's Jubilee.
IItury Saxe and David Levy were acquit-
ted at ltontreal of the charge of conspir-
ing to defraud the creditors of M. Saxe &
An illuminated address, and a handsome
gold cross were presented to Monsignore
Falconio by the Kul,ghts of Columbus of
°t1t131:711George Bryce, father of De P,01
Bryce of the Provincial Board of Health,
and of Ilev. Dr. Bryce, Moderator ofthe
Presbyterian General Assembly, is dead.
The Clmirman of the Robinson' South
Africa Batik considers inisinees conditions
In South Africa ere such as to -warrant the
reduction of the bank's capital by 0183(400
The' Provincial Secretary connilains that
persons are committed to asilurias tts lu-
natics who a're not SO, and toOt this is
done to relieve those responsible for their
Are wally times i
They are in most Mee
• BRibutreqtrattICh
4iliOntqqta etematia
ndication or symptom of furletiottal
due to functional wrongs, to wbielte
women only are subject.
- OUT" OV NRVES " womott
are the nightmare of doctors;
$1`ClIANICS" is often the designation
QE those patients by playsicians uuable
to understand the cause a their
'irritable COleditiQ13,
j-A%As Warns liave Tendered
great service to such physicianS in
Great Britain, who precribe them. to
nervous women„
8T. Aztgs W414'0,g afford great
relief, simply by strengthening every
organ affected by the fouctional
wrongs in women, such as weak
stomaeh - weak back --and weak
ST. .,TA31,4$ 1.1elp stomach,
digest fQ0d eettet the nutriment
through the Wok= and this is the
honest way to get health, and strength,
the kitid Hoot Inas, 4UVelOPS and
bTeeciS the energy Which fi,CC911t4
plishes ranch,
"110111.0 115ed Jatesee Wider*
wish omen, AgoOOso go to plat
thelin 9P, my 110 01;0101eleete'
74r, Ir. Springer,
Yfendeee Rieglateit
ogliog Odor.% fa (.1
41 Me firmortg
re dealerettreneteelliegthe
eters. they are itiotied evolve.
lot et price at floe Canadian
ects ee. Jostee Wats% Co.. Ittil
atioiteit 4te, Illsateet,
EDITOR'S NtriE,-770.,,,-;
ystent of Treatment for the ?me, of
Constunrtion, ralmon.a v Trouble -4,
Catazrla, (1.;4tr4411 fai.1
istt a'41
tel te" an exact Vesestee
corld'oofteeeieseet eteci-
y chatty '
apparently ; ;„"7. lor.o 11-o, o
permanently tit% 1.
The Ratmic- rt,:ver Cp.
Chicago swindlers trice uesueccssfune to
get $80 fioin Zullus &le Brule of Wood-
stock by_sending word that his sister had
died in that city and the money ivt!i'S want-
ed to send the body home.
The police of Drussoly arrested Mr. James
Kier 'Hardie, a well-known English labor
leader, on suspicion of being c011certe1I/1n
the attack on King Leopold, but released
him on learning WS identity.
The Object of the Hudson's Bay Com.
pany in securing an extra -Provincial
liceese is to enable them' to sell certain
lands \elicit they held in thee,Provitep
of Ontario This is a somewhat -formal
proceeding, and adds but iitle 'to the
ninny pow ers given them by Charles,
the merry monarch, 111 1670.
e by
.5 2
by others,
r any *Irma, or or any
Cistc`:, inlay be 0too41 oltooly or in corn-
accortlio,t; nc;,;1s of
17;.11 ',eta sei.
f iPa-tratekl here.
o' 10i50 to take
32i%01t3251' o'' 1)r.. toonerous
The honor of thus effectively arresting
the progresS of this fatal m4 -lady rests
with the wortderful system of treatment
which has been reelueed to an exact
science for the cure of Consumption and
for the cure of Catarrh and miter prevalent
conditions which pave the may for Con-
sumption --that successful rnot hod ovotrcd
by 'America's greatest scientific physician,
Dr. T. A. Slocum, who great liberality,
through his Free 'Friel Treatment, seet
broadcast throughout this broad land, has
centribeted most to tho ront of the most
i)o,-ent agency in the destruction of human
life in -this heinispliere.
His Free System Of Treatment has*
arrested the hand of death in the cases of
thousands of consumptives a.nd has pre-
vented the disease in countless instaoces.
The Sloctun Treatment consists offour
distinct • remedies for the ,cutie of cow.
sumption, Weak. Lungs, Bronchitis,
Catarrh, and all pulmonary and wast -
mg diseases, and is based upon principles
essential to the correction of function, the
rebuilding of the tissues, the overthrow of
parasitic animal organisms and the esteee-
lislitnent of health in all the departments
of thi . human body.
The four preparations embody all the
necessary elements of a complete treat-
ment for Coesumption-its cure and pre-
vention -as well as for most of tho chronic
and wasting ills of life. Apparently hope-
less carle.s are mired by their timely use.
These free remedies comprise the great
curative teeces discovered by the emi-
nent physician, Dr'. Slocum, they represent
the acme of tbe pharmacist's skill and
with them will .beifoenci explicit directions
for their 0000 211 anY P414ae
'You are invited to test what thiesystern
will ole for you. if you are sick, by writing
the Four Free 'Preparations will be for-
warded you at once with complete direc-
tions for bse.
'Sittiply write to the T. A:Slocum Chemi-
cal Company, Limited-, 179 King Street
West, Toronto, giving post office and
express address, and the free medicine
(the Slocum Cure) will be proof/30y sent.
Persons in Canada seeing Slocurres fret,
offer in American (eapers will please send
for samples to Toronto.
Wm. McInnes is confined to his bed,
suffering from a severe attack of ty-
phoid fever. -J. Roy Gilbert eels ac-
cepted a posit ion in the Standard Bank
here. -Mr. Walther has decorated the
new Ociclfellows' hall in the Lindsay
1i1ock,----10Irs. Arnold, wile has been
seeiottsly 111 for t,he past few days,
WO ere pleo.lsed to sta Le. DO 1-4,' 01102 of
danger.- elft -ed Hendrick, of Water-
loo, has accepted a positeen in Stage
1,4der3 Bros.' tinstuit hing dOpai Linen b.
-Mr. O., Jenning, who has been em-
ployed on the Wallaceburg Stigitz.° beet
factory for the pase two months, hes
reterned boo:ie.-NV . Holmes, of St.
Marys, is engaged. with the Ready •
Shoo Co. here.
Mr: Jolla BrOWn ex -M. P. P., was
nominated by the North Perth Liber-
als for the Legislative ASSembly.
Coughs, colds," hoarsenees„ and other throat
ailments are etticklyeelie`reed b'y Van°. Creso-
iene tablets, tett cents per boa. All drUgeista. _