HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-11-20, Page 2, ir• lwgveNntc,Clefe<og.71% Mt' BUrten it A Aull .41 Ir lady eheerfully, "You go out, and leave 'in to me, wed 'e'll be thet , pleasant you won't 'Artily know 1m !when you see leaarrain. 'Sh, 'ere :lg. coulee. You go out and do a hie, of shoopiug, end, leave 'im to me." A mootent ta.ter Mr. Burton enter - ..ed the ream. ana greeted, his .tuat th cordiality, not mixed with teCnIdeSeellSiOn. 4 airs. Laiab ree'''arded, htai on he eir eao-eao-eae lrt with. someclisfavor. She was "My dear Autcdia. 1 wish ,you ;very fold of him, and had been both would try aud be a little =ore. gen- t aurit and mother to him: but she had teen" !rea patience, with this newhy-acratirod hire. John Burton glanced at her Pride or the •huesies (all ladiesmaids .,,,tt_eq. et.t.ttettte.tatkok 1 ctr#WW44*144r#401t About the ,...House DOMESTIC RECIP2S. White Ceeleies-Two eggs. two c Q t sugar, one and, a113,1t elms shortening. one cup a sour milk, nutmeg, one teaspoonful soda. loasba,n(l, and, sighing itnoateentint were hussies •to her) with whom he velY soft. ran her needle througla the lied:. she ..cons°rtrd- She deter:Mend sternlyt Cabbage Salads -011e bead of was akendttd; into hen flagon tott, see:to what she called "take it out of 'doge chopped I.A"'. "c cull Or SI f aild aothing. Irdeed, there were '.°1°1•''' e milk beiled. Add butter the siZe titan, trete she realty bed nothing E After his wife had left the reom. a waillut, two eggs well bente°' to say. ;,hfr. Burton said: -a cup ot sugar, holt teaspoonfol hire. Iturtane tha youngtst Alva A "Aunt dem.. it MISerone heaping teaspooaful fe the kedked"TeJohn" !toed. poNr aver c:bbrage, then ad ledrest treoghter of gretneefla, . geeeen, had lately married Mr. joiin:, •:1,0 you Isn.Dw,. rui not sure that ., cull or boiling vinegar. Use ime- Burton. former head foot:tunlead 11,r,aeetniltar ;ausisti tYt 4ntte?thhriage of mine •L'6711:t,,ntloi'etn5lanIg°,tu.nattettc.r &:aratoalinoirst ,iolydold prenest ten?er to Lerd Farrow. V enoeolate Cake --Dissolve 2 ou teether the later.er conferred reeetn! Ale you afraid she's too good 3 3:er onsband had complete -le were for :Con, Jot:0" tested his aunt. of ehocolate in fi, tablespoonfuls powered leer already meek spirit, or ..Never tf•divl• lela mho often ain't'ItIgt'aritdan"cifng„g4grar(!UtkagrtreQyaon11),Is wkether is yen:Tx:tat zerniudee Wed enough for the gli'l 'e marries." „tett he hoe married eat -nate, ens, tgo You reuet zee^ rind improve „yourself. four eggs. heat thoroughly ; t nres•ed Ler, 1 cio not enownet. that's oil." add the chocolate, halt a min ettereas Anielite Bueton keel formerly:. 'Me. littrterds ince hnebed. "1 wns 'Creolal or Walk. a cup end tdiretagp . tees o•f hour, two rounding tea,spo Inen the nte awl to„,,,a od tlu, lotto. Ina:nein' rather the oilier wan' OO.:1,31.1as of bakil-,,G. pos,,,-,11,..e. a teaspo tier. at homer, SlIze was 6:D;V,, a:theuedi he sahl stit'3.1r. ''Atisilia's 1.°"34---- full of vanilla. Beat the whites of elk: a bride of eix verelts' etarelierg, 1 '',:ArdlY wihdtr. a. erehdh to a stah froth, stir them i very aletre littte peeson iradetell. i: ' ti-t'll..1:rdiY gdr-t'vl en°"g'7'h You a martare, aed let m reoay to be Ilurwre although io SA4:17;10?, '.' '6"t' if t-' i't nither a 1'34474'4' either in a loaf tee iu three lay fetual time to ray net only reriadd- '%11 tfrza '•41.1 l'''''zd - ta'' ;I'd° w''''d The iayers may te put tonetiter w ton itee frereeeur eoh.F kki, 1;4A /11t7'.1•"- -cl.L.r"`ir:''''':. ,,!..;°;''s °L114'.; ..g."2 the P°,....TIL; hotded ieirg. flavored withc'etiocol dnr, „.....,d 1,,,,,sno. ntio ret ne.:1 4 Z.14 4 • .41Z1 U.N. ....o new. a., e tnotoo throtta hrtantenio hot nn o . „. , 44 /1 , D ,...-.,„ . y 1 i'• rife, tot iteer„ te t ...ti tne ovuver- utr•'""" tel-a!•t-r- "' "C'''',;Vl'e"" r'It21 iS more tempting or more itheleSo looleta. rellire ratth eels, "P'retts 1 di a ti'dhh' Aban the Poster: hrown Dread at -ittathh" he repeated co:nen:etc- l''''t`? to c''";'°(''I'''e F''''73°-410 rd"`lre i"' en,t. To zretke it us it is made 7,7.-iy; "4"In kr7eVer 1,m,:-.. .. Ji. o,-,irt ,,''y °r'n 'sl'"•41"n i;3' ife• r'"" Y°" rhome, it is meant -ere' AO Obtain •,,,,,,..- / Illace to 1 e hely. Aleteto, eoetti ne..:4; ere erei th" Leal l in rlace of the llour weeelt eeds meter zne tO 410 )“-24 ' .. '''4' (3€ar lad''' s'ad 11'4 3 f°14er:171 oroinetily ensed. hut the re5 dly. -you :eke ray on‘hrt y_ resets elze trouhie. Wit these silly wterte e. n i all'471'7 lone, net it, teteeseive ne tee meal etont. 'Mt iii'l I.41t it --•a. g°1:1'1 uSaulky 1 e foaled nt feed etoree •.r :roe, ei^.1 geed •rt 4--z-3)"^g% 11,0 larsep end better Fort. Min then deliver his praise wholesale when she cannot hear it. (And the above is just bout so.. Editor) -7" CHEAP OUTS OF 3322F. Take a shank of be with eonsider- able meat on it. Have the beae booken, and wash well to remove all hits of bones. Cover with cold woter and boil 'until tender. Skim; keep the ups kettle about half full of weter all of the time. When tender. remove the one meat aid chop it. line. Remove ell age bones.and part of the at. Add the ehottred meat to the bother:, liguld. eale_ season with eeltr then add corn, -met ineal till it i$ thick as mush. Stir or .often. When dope. pour into a. bait greaeed pan. Let it get cold and of hard. Om stme and fry. MS+ Rolled Beefsteak with Browoed d POtwteeed-Tehe &dame. thick, elice heir round steak, salt mod PePPer. spread on dressing of �y bread crumbs. of Fait. PePrer and a ptrich Qi gagxN iotes o'st r anand batter and a well beaten egg ; ,t then roll up and tie to loald it to- oi ,pether. Put in e. dripping pan with hertol- Pt. hot water atzel 1 toblespoon oinlerd. Bake M moderate linen. 'Baste often: BreVra the potatoes in on, the same pan. Make a grohn' of the one the nto he, CTS. ate - cad kit tam Of to - the" /41,'41 May to neeereary to told little water. Cover Wink a :lie:hum, of "•th:e.i. crust (toil Loko whoites. 1ix eripoings. Put meat and potatoes en the Satre platter . and pour the i!gravy over them. I Beefsteak Pie -Cut 1 ticeisteak 4LE P4 -PS 41114 an hot; equate. Filleo Of Pork, tahe out the porit ;hind put in tle etatt: eod fry until sst hroltra on the outside. Coot; 2 me 4etatoee and when half flor,,e Cnt lAs 3440 efigntliS. Mni‘e a crust as yen: at ,;wereld for biecuits, outy a little riche rye is utth tbe creet. l'ut meat and pa- lm ntotoes in. Fewest with ealt peel pep - ler and a few FrAileS Cif OkkiOn3 if de- :hdatell. odd a few vaiall dumpliogs cut [rem the crust, over the wade pow the grow in which the refAt, was hiltree? nee, ere:eta:ell b7k.: wile. ' ti;A- 14 kt,"71 ntielance, wate VV:ie?"' -VE 77k.:D. it7;116,;17 lied tetchy 1,,:cause„ lar thet ett d. oeteer one eed me half pinta of rzh:lft 1 rewr, bite Germ one tco.spoonful tee tenet to "ening. -eery well, • :foe reele----------------------.7leted000 todetnn. ohtn ore raid ontettoadr, none." het. size invent ig:5 crdth? trawe ht•ti'll !theta cha ker VikkIS Lot and taen read IlIN'TS TO 110CSUKEEPHItS, f 4"5sight otere geldrel• eta. meet and ef southern corn ims 14:id yen, eedy 1 tile:et lihe nt, latten. eer. Line the 'Melee of bekleg dish TREY WOMB IN WEN P2CUZIAB CONDlIGT OF THE DOI/X/4.0BORS. Against AB Verms of Government And Win Netter anbmit to Ihew. Mr. It Ilellyer, a Russian student at the Bible T'raining School, in Torerto, is perhaps better acquaint- ed with tho curious castome aud be- liers of the Deulth.olrers, than any Other Person in COMUla. spet five months amoog them this euree Mer, livieg in their homes, partak- ieg of their foea awl malting him- self thoroughly accturented with their everyday life. Being himself a, coil - vert to -Christrenity from Juda4un, aod a native of OcieSso, OAA the illatdc; Sea. and consequently epeaking" their language, he was Vetter under- stood by the Doulilloaore than was any ether peisou who trent antelig them. follow hint e.piritueller. SOMe of the people hold that he was imperfect in eating fish and meat, and othert that .te,s the Creator he had, a, eight to do so, Smite go farther and claim that they are better than Christ, arid members of the sect will claitte that the Bible writers whe speak of -the eating of naeat lio, etatieg thgt it God 21,10.0 the litth lembs to he eeten then, he :mist beet 'Wen a devil- Many contend that 'unless a man is a Doukhobor, that ho is a, ChriSt'S Second CRak lug is eagerly waited fer, theil belief being that he will COM bodily. Then there are seme win beliete that Christ has alreath, eoura and that we cahoot see bin be reeson of our sin Poverty is rereiced IA). and wealti is not considered desirable. Man! rejoiciag that they possess no mot neo. Fasting as long as 40 dasi ims been indulged in by sonic mem bers of the eeet. Idor their woreliii they gather together in privott houses every day. The penale it gate- the folioniug etor' of tins:PI o and woolen 'the are Or OPP° W11010 TWatiOn. In an interview he Prel'er for the day is melted, Tht the hoose co:an:eine to sing, andsiatit the others come in they greet on( Pala set strange aeople :--• isitlee of the hOIREO then elliake iamb Theo are a, sect of reeent birth. 'tthIrcr lettdaniltath4lorn7 thhieS4,,aTe,a UT"' WhICh 4r"0 1444 fr°111"be (14 -ea" one 1 ernen him kiswel another fTill (lturCh' wud fgr this Ire4s" th°Y-inalies.4 deep courtesy and takes bit cl=n7ritlis 1,11;%4' eTest'abitIthiP4tstilrePrr5°":ergittitgQn‘at:101117er olseaallien. ottlilg goiwilit Mr. Ifellyerts account of their strange manners is en interesting one., alswhfox would nu d booth., an. auother with salutations. A p ea oays, it he were to go into theief hynnt iS then sung and n relytes in Ibtesia. Mow of their re-ntheir own homes tingfodn hgirnis ClCele were broken 1741‘.. Ce7k3S47,C;i:Si NVikcp W011141 cut right and left with their latehets. indict- ing terrible iejuldes Me DOWN ON GOVERNMENT. The Pout hohors aseert that 'Mel -SeJat, Le Siberia beetnese titan eerQrannelt.beaUfeldvewiinil4rneYVCfr°11110Ibentlita°tvic bl'•ed to serve in the e.rm:e• The, it. They rtelarti Jess ofi their ont2 l'hterlish itilaherh te(hd an inter"ilting, find do met consider Nint rate' i in at"1"ettlessc4ClogsTeitlek°s:.° '0'tbo e'ltientetQtrCialanel ir,OtIttneiuliigviitrog t tte:4 th:;;„ Isianursytheft45t.iiiiteta tslotadthiasrme ICaareezre're, .13.0 knAlly -PoOliehi f;0041 4neal and left 'gime eaarer Avill not %mist. The! it fee the Coati:dad, going awaYiclaim that they UM AUarelik,ta theInslv(s' "ifiller ;/"`IS.,;;Ini trne settee of the word. end tiler fella WCS tilic-a upon teem in oreeronnoreitists should pot mu, cl ciondeni4V:s1 oftltgre ctoounag.e ani utzehye ale:71:0%11 utnbueritraipraidl icgt3oveursnulthotill rertied by Putting their hand g 014 a community should be ruled 1h end :toying. "%in it YOU &Mee," ;one MIA or any set of men. ant ll'entfirkedridictTantv:it;itAtrtoTR. tIrt 4'7*(701011 teorritCititInt)onntralleuaptalliirirtuicill hOltoUlds.elf Th°01 144 '4!4g 1..14 ;b! ' • „hay." conteen ono% fen „Fanir, and Fa I'm fee efer ted 0: Ltgyi te eel oonful et halal* 1 To tup tbe broom into a nail of 14-.1 tvw.5...1 'Pin 4 t't10 Wa'''',3ltoglizig hot, water toot only cleans it." enne hoths. t5nv ''''44;411 1.0 roll h'tdrall" 01 nedn, -tee. roor lent wai hAtAcTekt 1.n:t MILOS the brush tenet auel ree ettre"' cet was reetly alesr.lh; "es it Iatne, . teen lee Onirtlie 01-01 t eam for 10%q4- 11 =al a teteetLe t tee lrh, ro: een.‘nte al; izenrSe 1'ot v4tb hinter /f eant valet romethieg new and ereaeg, . rte nd.,ht t ono., Ito 0.,..te tot feeeh" t&d.o. rtritt" 'it "k eel or tre te.-- house. 11,2.7icd rxeen rge •aito alitioped^ f reel nhe for deenert. try a !Welt 41,:" nu./ nnit:e 1440 proirehly :arta maim ealt. 177•Fm;Ak-44kia tidetly upen it. Pernong ;iir$ tr4,.-:,tniruno., 1 hut threra. who did L'el. putties; up a pietnre tunialing the veedey agoe hen. it„i Der ire -her -Ste -*Mee., are .0 ere Mete "Arl, in on csWill rerisant, made ;A e;7;-„eet, prooliew pllaciog. it liktP.,, ikrtl-"7"7 rI7%Vi c7.71;17.* 0E4ITEr" 7%fE 40;11 111In'ts.IJ in'..4'1," 41% :in.IVT;7,14 inuoshAnting11 1054 SUMANCT by A COOL-. ,oAi a lino with the tohv ps of the doors - .4.i ramohls thst,'' *nral(re w -dc Puce 'll"or P tiwP.' )eit.ce the yei16t gene 1:14C14 ll'iliteS iiimily FolibLed tatlAel .9(31-petiltoe9 ./7A,1°.1, Net dit up then er •.etle fee geneinell the viii /oaks- th4wily 4ii.al e:n-',Fere eitoith treed must 10 &rived FlorAsv *MS Or white Uteri! hot ' a 111 e et0pliativelly, "et widel•r widhott. wia ^de fon : tne air, the bread catinOt ba itifedes have Veen set or hot water. Za„f NT rese. 'Tell. T tenet 'dein' vcrY lli,olY 0,4 ';41„'ire il.t :3'.i? y 4.egule 3n a pe:feetly vlean room, and leniihd en tittle, nova parts of I -die nod" Ile Nene.: esetirt 4 nc- 1,11.0y 01 `er 4,744. thou,g-tt_ vv.' tt 11,(-1'.0;-,;ett is a 4* et of dirt. To prove 1i -gee, -n1 oil cnd nieohnl v„iii usually, 1,,, In awl tteuen ehoe, to ien wife, 1.:64:1` 0061',Y 7674 1'14 re 'erne* Me er tte felhary Of Cal *Peary a. Cfnalli I wa,%0 mgell, a. epot 1, Waal. etIlDpilOr , Ni,l'o e Kett:: fare nat nuchrred into '-'.."- "ail a (Nit! la the .(ezdo ree a child, rums wins rtrif red of its furnishiege Reeill oleo, it is Faith rettiere yorniSIL, . C 1-1e /aid ti ren n.ez e aill; 4:"Nft 1:is4g teacher. She heord it eadd theet ne, ono, Spirit lathe. Swan Bihar. Illtite Sunnwould not go low court or on: 'tither. and on the Assinibois. !near Ind= Wad. corsideration. e7.•osperated the rwould use their tints. which iN Cam:: 041).174rt. t'NentriCCUVireilidnterrrAlltlor7of dedeei.tIon they will ift3olIttleesnier lhh el34;;141111Y is kneed In, but there':clalleiren to the puhlie whools. led are no partitions between the lendilthey thount nenomo nontaminatet 0 feevoi veva ids aertte. end who,' c6nf.al Uring on.1 otinente italnding the totem mid was nolo nand if duhhed odor widtdded or, 17-71"e:k CIS j7(7F,liblo: I.Cr forth ehauel "ester?, ut 11 difeeulte tot teuti *1 111;oLf;., lo Mid 'GU. 14TO% *Ws wild& r she agiti the bread wan :et tO rioe. Dot , , . • do ufeh you'd try and ltr :dere ,dionft• ote owl tee .4168 1., it did, not rite. Algother teacher. pane!. Agnetie." eid Pot rAtlinuFr+ 11-‘4'11741V1 lal'”:01FO at not of the theery. put in -1441 eat It a pity you ain't D•itiPel 1140 part will: eta. of Melt: a tonna u" at, lad dd hod hod not vet 'NO Ylite VP 110 idea of 0:H4,Yr *0 lloonit At NN.chter Wena,n,.° , I wn fu“ev, r. end eho mixed tho A VILLAGE, DESCRIBED. Ileidered a heathen custom, a lauxal ,thues sooner than go into court A roulatohor village or comtrinnitY,iTliere would not arrest n, murderer (InIdtains' frOnt lae t° 1°3° l'ealden; they %head lea.V0 his punishment Their houses are Sitilated On a street vino. ig)"fareidelegtheilata4itioYtattlytkeinellaCe4)renZisstsituuafterl reltighioontil."TtleaeirldWralawnonyt it the rear of the dire/ling Phteen , late schools of their Own itomea aro plain, weetten taught by Donkhobors. At pree wildingv, with a, th1;4; elaY .roof.l the parents eduCare their own cletzilitt linty have eimply Ctle MOM. Widen ,dren. PUNTS as kitelien, parlor, diving' Hellyer said In conelusiot Vont and hedroono Serene.: are! that he COald not vonceive what tht dneett around. the Led if '.1%.31, arab-1'0064 1.44;re cL41:.'*orl NNW(' ltleheY to. FC4 fe4 le, nuslay eleuned disinfeetCd. Thin 'whitened emits will hrirq hack Goma ; of the minima lueter. Po Feet knOW that common ralt.1,1 derineried, will remove the elineolora-; tit n on cups and framers which iS the result of tea and Coffee und care-,1 less washing ? That, it Will take the I Itte geed! R would do etre fuel tte t•he adah.it. COMetir.I.v, heroelU iegretlients intreelf. But the dough lien. etain from silver That it will wen gct, uny„ only ye;-;, elei erton tune' I naiad. , t trained OS Melees as the pro- teetore in great measure colors fait - 1" • . ni re, told 1-41P ‘1114kit 'Le thought of the geed of yen tellin* !Of'"? V.",ifi dragged furniture tens re. Ilia notiaii A .i,A,ai ora1t, of eui elier rammer. e 10. It It's it gdf te do with illh'11 I hired, Mal Mere dOugh V.'08 =nee. or willow zurniture so well as ai.1 ig cleans China, matting • 114;3101n' :14id. '1 11,Wr saw eela 1. rather Loan eiy. time tite tweed raleed. ealt. and Water Ferubblug with a „1 stronger is a goeA at their house- gUIIY rAtiouyreare°tpos--t:iesuesilcial wp•tiotglesowoinel jet -1'1 A regular Itmeiten own made of Initiation that no jaw could (mere' :ricks is built in the interior 01 th° them. and still they were a most in- louee, and is used for heating anti offensive people. It seemed a ritz ;uu(til'Illuato sQidIrs It'rtatelTd etiozaltra., n. country which was rich in fruit% that they had come to Canada., at eirult\dosessietelidmitutteem tilveatstetry.arnitint me Cooking w deY UMW; Plate. telieved that the hest thing to dc 'heir feed consists of a laud of coup at present, was to send eniseionarie; Negetablon, width are he:4 warm amorg them who odono their owr n the Ma for the dih'ere" Mewls. language, and to inn:rats :Mon theft )111Y uue dish is used by the 'anion the truths of the Bible which would nd each person hate a. spoon, thee utensil being employed to eirt oelgi!',111.eeletogntiejleedirell)liahtldsthisiltev'oulidlowin. vith. All meals are alike, there ‚.err difficult task. ITe thoeghl etas srecial meal on S'undays or east days. They are "tory generous I ea but that ' tl t 1 tt that they might exist on Negetablei o Strangers, supplying. them with mine ,c Imo. heir best food, which eonsists of it Wits impossible to bring -up chit all cooked black bread, onions and Irloroekti uu.psosnatglielonoaisyTlotesep,rieritledieletd. out/ adishes, feed a hard boarcl is pro- f ided to sleep upon at night. The younger men for the most part WEAR/NESS Or wEALTu. ork for English-speaking settlers uring the summer time, returning o their villages during the winter onths. The women and children do ue cooking and sewing. All their owing As done by hand. and they eave their own goods for the most tut. Ihe women are very fond of right colors, particularly red, and As color is used even in their wels and aprons, samples of which ley presenttgd to Mr. Ilene -ea The der men go into the fields and do e ploughing and general farming. ILO women yoke themselves as oxen t leit own account, and Mr. ellyer states that he has seen wo- en shoving a, waggon which was eing paled by a horse, in order to beastIp the o bunion. he most them cannot 'conceive of using nitrate for work, and they. assert nit the wild arimals have 13e011 lOn- rod ferocious by reason. of the ns of the world. IA ...ley Me -e Brown. the Dacheeh 44 hurd Lid dent's weitaishwrbial doernail. Then tlie windows ed in washing or map them from,1 Att441442; :with who is sta:.inp; tit our lel aiel goodettenreren face. "What's" were Innteen, a strip eitan carpet fading, it mud in the rinsing water ?I.., ln 1 ,,,t::::erS 14..i. :tottr:-; "Wily they'd taiie "Wed. Joint. 1..r uoi. ,vcel SKI. Sia' wmt,I. Serail -411g brkISIl ? That it 19 an exa 'I t '1 c' • • von 'Yet • fort got t. elidd for herralt, did et a eaywhere. they 1:00,7 any „ 44 "4•44"...4.4 rellent dentifrice ? That if the CIIIM• 1',14-11411 '411 or a 1:0:,Val pal- tide oidder orel 'e waen't 'er' ute, Atel the .4 1'. etre Ate% I e;13.,..w at :Ali :Telly. but she just! 110W TO TREAT 'YOUR It110E. filier"Ve tgeloitistioeanderifit"heSnatill'Hie mei bow 1,1 te Pr $,ArvE 4117. tint% ire in goed reef- 1 tag 11.1sr. 211urtm, John put upon the '1 1,;s.e. A iwn your eldllies' Illost Lintels called 'lin. tni'l I:1(1'Y Man 35 slulliefled to lovf.123;tmiluenbYheiNe.e.eafroolntiterblittspiknIgl°fNvuetiolant vitliellet vo-r.. 1.er Nue,: oorelt. Are you lie -1 dolen Burton sprung to Mc kon, Wife. hat hieny Ituebands love them- ,didd.od Auddnen. e owed thonoy.....dhote 1,13p g4 .138 fano, hi:eh:elves more than. thee, do their coale is charrieg the steal: they are la wive': and thi ' s is the ,fortile cauee of broiling, the trouble can be stoPried'o tot les wife took a fr,,tranent ont of vied rend llng aziah-ty. "Who ' . a ta,;het by lel` Ni`40. .:7.; vomits, end um. '0„ mid lliIttlil"nilti writ98 the by thr°wing little salt ell the 't 11 with oe oir thetreetion aod her eftli.:4111.frAnxt a.,..1.1,1111(24reld,e11(11 ti17'1,0Jelk)bnuiLlo'n'ilevIltif(011C1k*,doSirlssticoesblisiss nr0 ? lead enry 1-u113 on one tide. -To tell the truth, Jehn, tra, can't yoler iriage Is not 11 liktlern 70'1U b d RABBI EurNED inTE RAILWAY. t aettl.1 stand enettlue patch," eh*' --oft-the-werlehon.e "*.." V. 4 qtsh ring if thie Nest of yours uShe-e.he went and fetched lim out - ---• tUs un ;John," iereetually in front end wife run- The town of Gre:01.7.1r. Russia, is h "" ming behind him. &Wired swee.11y, um] moluent later Lwered the old lady bltiWiy. !connected with the outer world by r A Model 11U.stand never plays the a railway, which. derives the major' :generally goes to pitrcete 'rrue rear- was tookire• nenut whit a darad • .1), • • * eel resslon at her huilee I's enepte _ s. Thirton wps audod, of o tyrant. lie treats ids wife as an pareof its revenue from .7 gradual and exeeedingly plesteant Preeeally there eaane ft rap at the change in ber Itueliatith'e. manner to - 2 4. 1:10Itt wa.s innuediately wards her. Ire no longer f-nubbed • • equal, not as a subordinate. After :ding to seek preternatural aid fromc winning her he does not commence the Rabbi of Grojetzlc, a reputed 111 to crush her spirit or teach her to'Iniraele-worker und &eine heeler I unloutal In. the ample form of a los wife, and has maniters, if not lama her place. borne women arell who. by the way, as principal share -'111 it stout, red-faced old lady with u.ectually apologetic, or' ahr411 S married to bears, some are caged it:older of the railway, had recom- cheery face. •einil and often pleasant. eine on iter 7 birds, too sad to sing ; others have, inended his followers to u.eo it At the Mrs. Burton sprang to her ftet eide made oo allin,ion to his paet with an exclamation of surprise end treatment of her, but fussed caer him :Leasure. Olt. Aunt June, she ami spoilt him whenever ho eaMe that whea they can not 'find. anylsale by the rabbi of his stock_ At the b at them. that woad otey eternally thrown last shareholders' meeting, however, la conflict of opinion arose between I p rt 'aro so mean and small .those present, which restated in the eried gladly. "'I am glad to see eve...home, only too glad of the change, Whatever has brought 3,...cu, over !and too anxious to love WM and be tile else to tyrannize over they go i same time lie strictly prohibited his. , ti 'again?" iloved in return. home and maltreat their Wives. 1 'followers front using the road, ow- often wieh such a bully had mulled ing to which the trains are now run- ti Mrs. Lamb was Mr. Burton's aunt, ; But even the be.st or medicines And Mr. Burton's foster-MOther. She have their moments of eon -efficacy, a woman twice his size and capable niog entirety empty. s ' . . ol , th ui g 6 um occasional chastise - greeted ins wne afiectionately, then and one day Mr. Burton. having been me". sat down. to a large servants b. 11, min. If I were Wife, and my husband -Well. ray dear," she said kindly had received even more adulation • MAN WITH A WOMAN'S VOICE, T m sestematica .y abused me, he would "nfaclarne Stuart," tvho is appear- ge and half he:iitatingly. "To tell the i than usual, forgot himself, and inane live in one eide of the house and 1 big at the Amba.ssadeurs, Paris, tin truth there was a sort o' something, ;senate slighting allusion to the weaa woald live in the other, and my- side with great success as 0, chanteuse, is b not exactly diecontent, bet a sort ;of gentility about Ids home sur- would be the outside. 1 would break in realitya young man. Els voieo r. '0 Somet.hing 1 didn't like about you ,roundines. last time I canto over, and so I've Mrs. 13urion was busy sewing, as come again, to see what it IA. Are usual,. at the time, but she laid her you sure you're quite 'appy? You :socks down on the, table. "What needn't mind me," she added gent- tory, dtar?" she asked gently. ly, the old face softeuing as she 'el wan only wishing you had -a bit spoke, "you needn't mind tellin' mernore style about you, A.melia," said 11 you ain't, 'Melia, for I brought iher husband, who wits in high In/ra- tan up aad know his faulte, and 'is or with himself ON'er the StieeeSS he goodness, of 'cart, too," !had attained at the ball. Mrs. Burton looked half timidly at "More style," repeated Mrs. Bur - her imshand's aunt. "Well, Aunt ,ton, still more gently. -Yes, I. Jane," she said with a visible ef--"s'pose there must, be times when you fort, "I'M afraid we ain't getting wish that, John, mustn't there?" on. gate as we ought; you see, 1 She rose as she spoke, and, cross- eie't good . enough for 'in. 'B's ing the room, went over to the win - 0212(04 such tigh places and among dow and stood looking out into the eech 'igh people, end he rays 1 ain't night. genteel enough; and he says„ too, "1 Wonder - when - Aunt ,Trine - pm vulgar for 'bre" The young, will be over again?" she said slowe wife's eyes slowly filled with tears and added cleprecatingly, "1 wish le: she Ppoke. "And sometimes I was a bit more tip to your level, thiek 'e feels that in marrvin' John." 'es demeaned 'isself, and -end 1 There 'was morneet's {ewe' sit - don't like it." once as her husband recalled with a. -1eold bless the child," cried Mrs. sudden qualm his aunt'e words: "'Is Lamb. "Cheer up, I'll soon tell you wife. don t know jam, but if 'e Low to bring 'im to 'is- rightfutsen- dou't innirove iu .menner to 'ee, SeS. Next -time 'e puts on any' of there's no saying but what she 'is airs and graces you juet mention won't get to: know SOmeow.". My mime not e' purpose, but just "Oh! you're right enough, Anielia,"" casual like. You say, 'I wonder now said John Burton, malting e visible Winn Atilt jene 'II be over again!' effort not to rook desperately and you'll see it'll act like magic, conifertable. • "You're quite goo -d and bring ih enoegh for me, Amelie; more than Mrs. Burton looked astonished and 'geed enough in fact, and, :.ne to • ineredulous, but she determined to etale, ,well, ethle ain't everYthing take Aunt Jane'S advice, When all's said and done." , "Very well, aunt, try it," she, 4 said deubtfully, "Shall I go out, The railway bridge which connects ' Aunt 'Jane?'" Venice with the nia,ualand is 12,000 . . . "Yes, zny dear," enswei•ed the old feat long, and has 222 arches. away and run a boarding hoesa if I is a failtett°, and (If such Pure (Walt of could do nothing else. And to every ity that the illueion as to his sea is a woman ecotemplating matrimony quite complete. . Stuart wears cor- u say, if you have any money of your Sets when he sings, and his pretty de OW11, keep it in your own name. hands are covered with rings. He • at Again, a model hosband will give receives two dr three bouquets every his wife a reasonable sh,are oe his evening, and a few days since an time and attention. He does not 'aniermis Frenchman made his way spend all his, evcnings at the clue, e into the dressing room and laid his ol believe the club Louse has its place 'fortune et his feet. NOT CHRIST'S drEACHING. They consider that our modern tristianity is contrary to Christ's ac Angs. rllIOy believe in sinmlicity dress, and would oot use factory ado- clothes,' because they consider at people must slave to produce em. They believe that . churches O unnecessary, and that. the people ould simply gather together in eir own houses for religious wor- ip. Music is considered an linen- = of the devil, and an orean uld not: be tolerated. The minis - r or missionary, in their opinion, go about like St. Paul ; he ould not receive a sedate*, and ould but it should never overshadow the home, which ortght, to be the dearest spot on earth. A good husband will afro oie wife a certain sum for spending money, of .An order was received by a lai.ge 111 shoemaking firm in Cawnpore from th the Middlesex Regiment for shoes for (3*the Men. The manager passea the regular allowance she can call her Order over to the head balm° and ar own. /1 she is a good housekeeper told him to see it was attended to s"h she is entitled to it, for she earns it. at once. The baboo read it Over11* A good dhusliapel will cultivate and seemed rather mystified, but 1!!1 cheerfulness. and always carry sun_ went away: After a short time he shirie into the home. He will cause returaed and said to the manager of fro the domestic machinery to i•un„ the Orin: "Please, sir, don't under -1'c smoothly by a plentiful 'application stand. Male sex I know, female sex sh of that valuable oil known as "good 1 Meow, but, what is 'Iiihdlea-ex?" nature." He will be handy about the house. When his wife asks him to mend the sewing machine or put a new wire on the screen door he will not petit and say, "That was 'not yes, mane, you resemble a knife - down in the marriage contract." a table knife - you never shut up." Be never ceases to show those deli- --- cate little attentions and courtesies Thomas James, aged 10, a ser012 - which mean so much to a wornan's geant in the 2nd 'Vunteer Bat- be fo Mrs. Thigsby-"You can't deceie-efo me, John! I'm eliarp, you know, sharp as a knife." Mr. Bugsby -- an by pr ol The very rich iUOfl of the 'world are growing exceedingly tired of the vast wealth accumidated. rn Now York scores and hundreds or men to -day are pitying anywhere Iron $9,000 to $16,000 a month rent foi suites of rooms, not homes which they have built for their famil es, but simply apartments- which they have rented for a while; says a writer in the Homiletic Re -view . The godless magnificence, the selfish pro - the overwhelming ostenta- tion of the wealth of New York in certain circles cannot be described ; but it is all an. indication of the fact that the climax has well-nigh been reachell ,, in the dieplay of what wealth can get. The world is wait. ing now to krow what wealth can give. It is the nemesis of vast wealth that it brings its own retri- bution, and that retribution is thd weariness of being unable to find her piness in merely having thiags. "Ile was a rackety young man, 'and kept very late hours. Ile was go- ing a long journey, and on bidding farewell to his beloved, he said -to her: "Darling, when 1 am far away, wilt thou gaze at yon star revery night and think of me?" "I will, indeed, dearest," she eel:died. -If needed anything to remind Me ,01 you, I would choose that very star." r '.'Why?"- he asked. "Be- cause it is always -out so very late at night, and looks so' pale in the morning." between Nainanda, mitt Nikko, in Jar ocl. and clothes 'should. be provided The finest avenue of trees is that The literal ordinanee of baptism 131.tra5e0ne.sfeeltatlile:gi:17t°51110etirailse's alloi:11g;trerla'ghe r hie m, d the sacrament are not observed enticed in the 'spirit. The atone- The record speed for an electric eat the Doukhobors, they are sheoly iiiietveocif in.Cluest is genertll 32O14.is 26 miles long. long theni, and the resUrrectio n rit8ewtielee'llnied0 13e075:1111eltshaerfclectineZet°hrsics)cueir12:.ail N:11.1111137Le9 IlVhiane: ---. Vesta is the only 0110 of tte sinal) planets which can be seen with tha ;011)11 e_ileeiscili neet:Snilied. tlill cailit'eslo:ufiddintbut 'raa'cue:,coptelell.cii•IS 14 efoll.tet:3 i300 rnan. Sonne say that, ChriSt is the ------- . n of Cod, and olliers that he was airlSoll imn illEi7rsepeo of forl' onrisitist eall-Ye a.l.Pnuirl perfect man, and that they only poses, inc heart. He kisees her just as he used talion, Highland Light Infantry, I ve in the Bible, as they abhor all oks. Certain passages of Scrip - re which support their belief are nsidered inspired, and others are isidered to be ereIv t/ 0(18,4• to do before marriage. He never outgrows the civilities of life. He plens little surprises as he used to when he was courting. He takes an inierest in her new dress and bonnet, and speak words Glasgow, cOlD1111tted suicide the he other day by blowirg out his brains. be „ tu Fossil coral, found in Fiji, is the CO best building stone in the world. It col 18 soft Nvlien first cut, bet hardens to 01- 01 praise .while she is -yet living and the -consistency of fire brick after a So does not wait for the funeral and few months' weathering. n a general sense thy do not. lje