HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-11-20, Page 1FIFTEENTH YEAR.
902. 0. IL SANDER
meiPieKzaczeozefir 46.70"4. 44..""" ",,or‘ ."?ear" -41. Az -lac -AU^ Ati.41
Ladies black eoney raffs 48 binatiou eaperine, very nob
in. long, 6 tails, good value by. for 88,7d
for 81.75 Ittisses coney and Astrach-
leolies' black, coney ruffs, an combination caperine for $3,00
very svide, 45in. wide, 0 tails, Lady's black Astracban '
82.00 - lamb criperine, ane end, 2
Ladies!black opossimernffs, taiK for $5.-00
eleetric finish, 40 in. longs 4 Lady $ Electric Seal caper.
opposum toile, for- - -. -$2.75 Me, medium long front, 6
Ladies' brown fox and sit- 1 tails for 86.00
ver foe ruff. 7 heivide. di in Lady's electric seol and
!mg, beautiful good a tete,83,00 beer combinetion capevine,
Ladies' Canadian sablern'ffe high color, wide shoillder
electric: finish, dl in. long, 6 1 ca e, for 80.00
toile, for., ...... ......... • •86.00 . deds electric seal and
Biehop's meids fur COMO AStraehfus combination cap.
guaranteed from 816.00 to $41.00 veil*, extra long front, high
ladies' black Astrachan, collar, 8 tails, for S9,50
oat, German dye guarans Lady's black opossum cap.
teed from 824 to.. - .... $87,00 mine, eta high -Cellar, very
Lady's electric sea' coat, long :front, wide eleoulder
Gernsan dye,bot to sell at $rid cape. a Mile, for ...... ... -$12.00
ent to. - - . . . .. ... - .... 810.00 Lady's combination As.
-ladies' electric seal riiffe traeban and soelcaperintaroll
80 in. long, 4 equirrel tails collar. wave shoulder cape.
for., • • • • • • • • . • • - ... • • .... $0100 long front with squirrel tails
Misses grey anli, black cone- for 813.00
Remember all our Furs are not over
A smart boy to learn the raereautile 'mines, State age and quail.
fleatks. Written application to be sent to to M. Exeter, on or he-
w Nov. 27th,
We haw, unlimited 'a -hate inside for In.
vestuitet Rain Arra Or villikRO rrOperty, at
lowest rates of interest.
IllffREON tia
1 home a large anon;;;f rrtvate taxes to
lean on terra and Village properties at /ow
rates ofinterest.
W. 01.Aincivs,
liar:later. Main Street Nxoter
Real Efiateandinsuranco•Agent
Fame; and 1:Slav-properties lienIit and raid on
reasanable terms. Several dwelling homes feria%
lands in slip -1,130f Manitoba and the Ninth -west
fer ram
Borneo cATTLE,
The strayed on my premiers, est 7. Con. Step-
hen, one red and white steer. Owner Call have same
1v proving property ;Intl paying. entenses and for
Otis ad.
Cusntrs 110FESAN, Croliton, East P.O.
The Council of the Corporation of the County of
Huron will meet In the Condi Chamber, in the
tearn of Goderich, on Tuesday, the llati day of De-
cember next, at 3 o'clock, p.m.
W.1.014 Ile*.
Pated atOsiderich this 1501 day of November. 100.1
The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable
hotel situated at Devon, on the London Road. This
hotel is in_good condition and is LI_ utiles south of
er. 49 rO3d iatiely travelled aud for the
right man ehanees ore good for a splendid business.
There is a good stable an connection also. lt acres of
4 land. rosacssicin given immediately. This property
will be sold cheap. For particulars, apply to
Therms& CSELLING, IRICeter, Out.
.a. SALE.
Large twastery frame brdiding; ?.1. acre land,
horsepower engine and 18 holier; with oil turning
machinery, together with planer, eircular ON% bar:
ing maehines, pinery wheel, band saw, driii, etc.,
de. There is also in connection o firrt-class mder
mai and an apparatus for making apple butter by
steam. There is on the premises a nurnber of out
buildings, such as, lumber sheds, horse stable, etc.
Everything is M first•class condition and will be sold
cheap -in I set it is a rare ,bargain. Terms to suit
plulohaser. Apply to
A. Corns, Exeter, Ont.
Mr. T. Fulcher and family moved to
Michigan last week, where Mr. Ful -
cher has secured employment We are
sorry to loose them but wish them suc-
cess and happiness in their new home.
-What might have proved it very ser-
ious accident occurred at the flour mill
of Mr. T. Shier, Thursday afternoon,
one of the large stones when in motion
burst and *ent crashing through the
sides of the mill in all directions. For-
tunately no one was seriously hurt.
• Centralia'
Office hours 9 to 10.a.m„ 1 to 2 and "1 tos p.m.
melephone communication with nmin office in Lucan
'Coo late for last week)
In the absence of the pastor, Rev..
M. Hutton, the pulpit of the Metho-
dist church was occupied very accept-
ably by the Rev. Mr. Rigsby,,of Park-
hill. -Miss H. Hicks, of Exeter, spent
Sunday at her home. -Messrs. C. and
E. Sheardown have returned from a
two week's hunting trip in Muskoka,
and report a capital hunt with plenty,
of game and good success. They
brought home in evidence as many
deer as the law would allow. -The
Parsons Davis Co. have this week fin-
ished a most successful season in the
apple packing and shipping business.
--Mr. R. Huxtable and M. Mitchell
have returned home after spending
the summer in the West.- On Friday
next there will be a shooting match
under the management of the Dufferin
Honse. This is an event which has
beenmuch looked forward to, and as
the vicinity has many xnarksnien of
acknowledged reputations a keen con-
test is expected -Mrs Webber has
moved to Parkhill, where she and her.,
family will spend the winter. --We
are pleased to see that Mrs. R. Hand-
ford has recoyerecl from herxecent ill-
31r. Walter Nichol has moved onto
his farm which he rented ere. -Mr.
George Nichols bee sold bis farm here
to Mr. Wm. Shaddock. We hope
George and his father and mother will
not leave the neighborhood, but settle
down inside the cotpuration.-The
tamers around this neighborhood are
busy doing their f.dI plowing and lift-
ing their route.
Claudebe ye,
Mies Blanche Simpson, of Little
Creek, Mich.. is visiting her father
Nev.-Miss Frances Jell, is visiting
friends In Londore-Mr. Ed. Simpson,
of Centralia, has accepted a, position
svitb Mr. Riehard Simpson...41r. Thos,
Collins, C.P.R. operator at Sarnia, is
spending a. few days with his people
around 'tette-The new steel bridge
over the Sauble is nearing completion.
The steel work is finished and the ce-
ment company have startea laying the
floor. When completed it will be one
of the finest bridges in this section of
the eonntry. The Stratford Bridge
Company bas the contract. -Mr. Ira,
Bice has moved to Lucan, where be
has bought out the liquor store of Mr.
Robert 'McLeod.- Miss iNIcCann, of
London, is visiting friends around
bere.-Mr. Seines Curtie, of Detroit,
Mich., is spending a few days at his
home here.-alr. Chown, our genernl
merchant, is building a warehouse.
GOLNO TO Loovn.--Mr. Wen. O. Kyle,
evho sold his farm near here a, short
time ago, intends having an auction
sale on Nov. 21- Mr. Kyle intends re-
moving to Alberta in the spring. He
has taken up land near Wataskawin,
within live miles of wbere his brother -
In -law, Mr. Wm. McAllister, is located.
Mn Kyle's numerous friends will be
sorry to have him remove from here,
but they will all join with us in wish-
ing him success and fortune in the
Dulto ri`ToRONTO.-Many in this vi-
cinity were grieved to bear of the
death of Wm. Butt, son of Elam Butt,
of Toronto. The sad news was re-
ceived by telegram. Deceased had
been suffering from a severe- attack of
appendicitis and peenmonia for a few
days which ended in bis death. Soind`
Iwo months ago be was visiting friends
in this neighborhood and was then in
the enjoyment of the best of health.
He was a young man of is Might and
promising appearance, he being in the
181h year of his age. He had many,
friends here and all are pained to bear
of his sudden taking off. The sympa-
thy of all is extended to Mr. and Mrs,
Butt in thdir severe afflictiOn.
RE -OPENING SItttvicms.-The dedica-
tion Of the new school room and re -op-
ening sedvices in connection svith St.
.A.ndrew's church, was held on Sunday.
Rey: J. C. Tolmie, B.A.'of Windsor,
one of the west eloquent preachers in
the church, conducted the services both
'morning and evening and the sermons
were indeed most interestirig and , in-
structive and his hearers were well
pleased with his stiring remarks. In
the afternoon Rev. F. H. Larkinep.A.,
delivered an eloquent discourse to a
large and attentive congregation. On
Monday evening it grand fowl siipper
was held. in the basement of the church.
The ladies worked hard to inake this
event pleasing and profitable and their
labors were amply repaid. The tables
fairly groaned under the weight of de-
licious things provided and all were
well pleased with this part of the an-
niversary. At the conclusion -of this
part of the program an adjournment
was made to the auditorium, which
was filled to overflowing. , Addresses
were delivered by Rev. J. C. Tolrnie,
F. H. Larkin, and the neighboring
clergymen, Mr. Geo. McEwen, M.P.,
Mr. Robert McMorkie and others. The
tholr furnished excellent music for the
occasion and enough cannot be said of
their untiring efforts to give the pub-
lic the choicest selections. The anni-
versary throughout waS a decided suc-
eraad 13eud •
Mi', Levitt, of Ezeter,spent Tuesday
liere.-31a. and Mrs. l3renuer spent
Thursday at Port Frank. -A couple of
sports of Ailsa Oraigspent Wednesday
Rithal430n, of -Zurielospent
Thursday in our burgh. -Miss A. Ste-
wart. of Exeter, spent Tuesday here,
the guest of dim Brenner. --Mr. Robe
Sanders, of Exeter, arrived here Sat-
urday to spend a few days hunting.
31e'. Joe 'layette took in the concert at
Dashwood Wednestlity evening.-31iss
Unit Gravelle spent Sunday ureter the
pareutal root -Miss Emma Znpfe left
Saturday for Detroia-Mr. Sheppard,
of Thedford. spent Sunday here with
friends. -Miss Mary ROVale Spent, Som.
day under the parental roof. -George
Zepfe returned home Tuesday. -Miss
Julia Alien has returned from Forest.
'While out hunting one day last week,
Mr. Turman am succeeded in bagging
a coon weighing 28 poundse-Mr. Percy
Mollarcl was united in the holy bonds
of matrimony to Miss Fannie Wolper,
hest Tuesday, Rev. S. A. Carriere per -
forme inthe ceremouy, Congrat We-
tions.--ekr. Francis Allen suffered a
stroke of paralysie recently and is now
confined to his ned.
Axeaviorsarry, stem FoWb SCOPES. -
The Anniversary services ot the Beth-
esda, church were held on Sunday last.
the Rev. 1)r. Gifford, of Oliriton, oc-
cupying the pulpit. Two very able
discourses were delivered by the Dr,
and it large number were in attends
ance. The fowl supper and entertain -
meat on alonday night WAS attended
with a sneeese surpassing the expecte-
thins of all who were connecte4 with
it. The roads Nreiv in a had condition,
but notwithstanding this. the people
tool.' ;advantage of the twat which the
ledies bad so caret:illy and bountifully
prepared, and there were those in at-
teudance for /*Mee 31.ound. Exeter
being particulerly well zepresented.
The tea WaS serml in the liteeement of
the ellureh and after all had done jus -
Gee to this patt of the entertainment
the large crowd adjourned to the up-
per part were they enjoyed an Intel-
ieetual treat, two very able addresses
being delivered hy the Rev. :Vinyard.
otExeter and the Rev. Dr. Gitford, of
Clinton. Both spealters were listened
to with much interest- and the selec-
tions by the elude were admirably rens
tiered. The chair was ably filled by
Me. Jr. C. Stoneman, of Hensel', in the
abeence of the pastor, Revs Medd, who
was taken siek on Stanley while tilling
the eticariey at Clinton, eaused by Dr•
(hiThaS Absence. On the whole the
affair was te grand success end reflects
great credit cm the committee in
'obarge. The proceeds amounted to
NV. Foster and family, of Fairgrave,
Miele, are visiting Mr. Anti Mrs. Weis -
miller, and other relatives here. They
have sold their property there and in-
tend to purchase a fent in Huron
County.. --Messrs. Miller and Billings
spent a few dity.s in, Toronto during the
week on Immesh -A temperanee
meeting was held in the Methodist
church on Thursday evening trip to
organize for the vote to be taken ou
Dec. 4. -The Rev. F. E. !Minot is in
Toronto this week attending the Sev-
enth Annual Theological Conference
of Victoria Idniveesity. On Tuesday
afternoon he read a paper reviewing
Dr. Drummond's work on "Apostolic
Teaching and "Christ's Teaching." -
Dave Shirray bad the misfortune to
break some cords in his left hand one
day last week. Dr. MoDiarmid attend-
ed him and by skilful treatment allev-
iated the pain. -Miss Aggie Blair vzho
has been living in Michigan for the
past, three years, has returned to town
and vrill spend the winter with her
mother. -Miss Helen Moir, who has
been residing with her brother in
Glendenning, Man. for the past two
years, bas returned hoine.-.Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Richardson, have moved
into our village and are occupying the
dwelling they recently!purchaseSfrom
Mr. George Hudson. Ala 'Hudson has
moved into Mr. Carlile's dwelling at
the west of the village. -Mr. J. E. Mc-
Donell was in London last week on
business. -Mr. Joseph Ellis, vvhii had
the misfortune to get kicked by his
horse a few clays ago, and which in-
flicted a nasty- cut in his knee, is get-
ting along nicely. -Miss Godfrey, af-
ter is pleasant visit here with friends,
has returned to her liable in -Toronto.
-The concert given in Miller's Opera
Hall on Friday evening by the 'Parker
Concert Co:, was indeed good and of a
high order. , The program was chiefly
musical. The violin selections and
the singing were beautiful. The read-
ings. by Miss Boynton were much a,p-
preciatecrand she was repeatedly en-
chored.-Mr. J. T. Berry has disposed
of the well known stallion, Blandon
Williams, to Mn', John Govenlock, of
McKillop. . Mr. Govenlock Will ship
him to the West. The horse was im-
ported by Mr. Berry in 1000, and he
has preyed a money maken He is one
of the best types of shirehorses im-
ported to these parts. Mr. Gosienlock
is to be commended for his enterprise,
-and we trust it will be appreciated by
!the people of the West.
B-usseoss OJECANGE.-Mt. Joe Case,
who has been conducting a grocery and
seed business here for it number of
years, .has sold out to Mr. Geo. Scott,
formerly of the Centennial Hotel, who
has leased the premises for a number
.of years,. We wish Mr. Scott every
success in his new departure. . Mr.
Case left on Tuesday week for Toronto
to take charge of the shipping depart-
ment of a large manufacturing estab-
lishment ata good salary. Joseph was
well liked by his fellow citizens being
of a genial disposition. He has held
the position of collector for the muni-
cipality for three years and toolt'a live
interest in the prosperity andprogress
of flenSall. His many friends here
Wiabhim every sncces 5 his new
sphere. Mrs. Case and family left on
Saturday for Toronto,
Mies Edna Godbolt arrived home adrs..lohn Bradley is very illat press y 31a, Wm. Sturgeon left on Weanes.
from Loudon township, after a two ent. We hose she will soon recover. y day for Ireland with a carload of eat -
week' visit with. frieuds.-Me, John --MP. John Peraming, of London, paid y tle. 3,1eCOPilliCk. and MSS MUT
Delbrelge IS able to be around again,
after a week's illness.
DIP -D. -Very general and deep re-
gret is expressed at the delitlx of Jeffry
jimes, who tlied on Friday last from
the effects of blood poisoning, the
caose of which was very simple. One
of his boots by rubbing an toe ankle
joint baa made a slight abrasion. cane-
ing an imitation that developed the
above result. which terminated fatal.
Ile was the youngest son of Mr. Woe
Jacques, of Elirovifie Line. arellorue.
AP4 was higaily esteemed byhis asso-
ciates and friends. Ile was in his 16th
year. Tbe funeral will take place on
Sonday next to the Zion cemetere.
UMW* John E. S_parrow, Arthur
Johns anti Joseph Ward, who have
been out west, helping to thresh the
immenso crops of Manitoba. have re.
turned home. They report a magnifi-
cent and bountiful tiarvest, fine weath-
er and a good time. They look as if
the country agreed with them. -The
anuivereary service in connection with
be Varna Presbyterian ehurch Was
belt) on Sunday last. Rev.31r. Murray,
of Kincardine, occupied tbe pulpit
morning and. evening ittul delivered
two able and interesting discourses to
large anti atteutive congregations. On
Monday a choice and lengthy program
was diepeneett with. tbe Seaforth Pres.
byterien choir aiding in the ;program
and rentiereal splendid mush, The
services on Sunday and the entertain.
meat on Monday evening! were largely
at tended.
Mr. Hudson Hope, who has been en-
gaged M. Alex. Thompsou. of Mahe.
for some thue. left it wee': for Liver-
pool, England. Mr. Hope is o highly
esteemed ,voung gentleman On4 dor-
ing his sojinirn here has made nianY
want Mende, who will wish him a
safe and pleasent voyoges -31r. Allen
Esler. of Blake, reeently &opined ot a
valuable horse for a handsome figure.
-Miss Sadie Holtz is tong:Med to her
bed with a SPVM illness. Her many
friends wish her a speedy recovery.
Miss Esthee Marray. of Drysdale, is
learning the dressmaking at Exeter.
Miss Emma TitOMpsOis is learning the
operating at air. R. G. Niehol's store.
Messrs. Jesse Gravel aud Mr. Eli Chat -
let have gone to the lumber woods at
Sault St. Marie. We wish the boys
every succesa-Fall plowing is in full
bloom in this vicinity and the farmers
are hopien that the fine weather will
continue tor it few weeks. -Wild geese
and ducks are very munerous around
the shores of Lake Huron mid come -
fluently are attracting the attention of
our sportsmen.
St. Joseph
Mr. 0:Bisonett a.nd Dr. lantchiebad
an unpleasant experience on Sunday
last by being upset out of thele buggie
into the ditch, but luckily they escap-
ed injuty. The buggy was badly broke
en. -Mr. H. Bourett bits opened up
it new boarding house and restaurant
here and has quite a number of board-
ers. We wish 3Ir. B. success in his
enterprise. -Mr. D. Spencer has dis-
posed of prat of his property ana dwel-
ling house to the St. Joseph. Land and
Improvement Co. Limited, for a good
figure. -Mr. L. V. Bachand spent a
few days in Toronto on business. -Mr.
E. Becigneul is at present in Montreal
on business. -Mr. N. M. Contiue spent,
a few days in Montreal last week. -
The trustees of S.S. No. 11 has shown
their appreciation of Miss Flo. Mac-
Leod's services as teacher byengag-
ing her for another year ai
t an ncreas-
ed salary. -Mr. Geo. Campbell, who
has been conducting a mercantile busi-
ness here,' has disposed of bis stock to
the St. Josepb Co. We are sorry to
loose Mr. C. as a merchant, but we are
pleased to learn that he is not going
to leave us as he intends running a
wood and lumber yard here. --Mr.
Frank Jeffery disposed of his lot here
and is having his house removed to a
lot he purchased it short distance out
of town.
Rev. W. 3. Yager has retnrued from
Redney where he was visiting friends.
-Miss Emma Thiel is learning tailor-
ing at W. H. Hofftnan's.-Miss Mary
Hagan will leave shortly for Tilbury
to resume her duties as dressmaker. -
Mr. J. B. Dennis- left, last week for
Woodstock, where he has secured is
situation. -Miss Minnie Doan is tak-
ing music lessons from Miss Walker at
London and makes weekly trips to the
city. -Ma Isaac E. Winner, of Pres-
ton, purchased Mrs. Hartung's 25 -acre
farm on the Babylon line for $1100,
and will take possession the' -first of
next month. -There seems to be very
little interest taken here in the coming
vote on the 1Liquor Bill. Both sides
are very quiet and the indications are
that a very light vote will be polled in
this section. -The regular meeting of
the W.0.T.U. was held at the home
ofMre. H. Oiagel Monday evening.
Mrs. J. D. Merner gave an excellent
report ,of the provincial convention
held in Toronto. -Miss Katie Hart, of
Brucefield, who is at present attending
the Clinton Model. has been engaged
as assistant teacher in the Public
school here, her duties to commence
after New Sears. -Mr. Robert Rich-
ardson spent Thursday at Grand Bend.
--Returning officer Lewis,of Crediton,
has the proclamations posted up for
the coming Liquor Act vote.
Annaseno.-Mr. Edward Rupp VMS
arrested here on Wednesday evening
by Deputy Sheriff Wilkie, of_ Brown
City, Mich. Rimp is alleged to have
received some money under false pre-
tenses from is merchant named Wind-
sor, in Brown City las week. The dep-
ufy Sheriff and his prisoner left here
Thursday Morning and if the charge is
proven, Rupp will likely have to work
for Uncle Sam for a while.
allying visit to his sister here one iday y eon, of Chicage, are Niemen .tig•
receetty.--Mr. A. Morton, teacher of bere, the gueSt of thelatter's uncle, .
Brinsley school, attended the Rughesi Mr. James Sturgeon , -Mo. jas, __
match at Parkhill 'Thursday. The !demisi has gone to reside witlahlasoa-
match was betweenthe Parkhill .and in-law, Mr. John Torrance, of OlinttM,
Craig teams, the Parkbill team coming for the winter.--afr. W.N. Woods and
ont ViCtOrions.-Miss Mithei Gilbert, of sister. Mee G. N. Heweon, vzho bave
Parkhill, spent last week at her home 11 been on a pleasant trip to liehind,bave.
here,.-Mg.1.. Downlog is engaged astrefeweee home, Mr, Woodssays that
teacher for S.S. o. u, McGillivrasy,forl they had a very stormy passina on.
next year. -Mr. Lester Lewis return -P;, thew return. The passage to Liver-
edbome Monday looking well. Glad pool was much hetter.-Mr. john Big -
to see hint in these parts again. -Miss ; e,,art and sister. Miss Jessie. of Wyonie
Mary Pres t has been visiting friends ing connty, New York state, are home
In doe eieinity,-Mie Charles Knott 1! on it visit. -The trustees of our
took !qr. Murton's- _place as teacher I scbool bave euglged Mr. Robinson, .of
here on Thursday. -We are eorry toy Seaford), as principal of the Poodle
hear tbat 31r. Trevetbick. ere is very School.
ill, but we hope he will euon recover. t Actooneers--The Rev. J.C.Oeincluer,
of this place, while out duck shooting
Grata on
!on the :river Saturday morning. Met
with a serene accident. la bile step.
Oned to his bed for the past fele
Mr. wbo has been con- day ping out of tbo ,boat‘ his :atm accident,.
is t'S,disehargetle lenity wounding his
recoveriug.-Mr. jos. Case IS bidia-o kit esas
ng HU addition to his store,whieh ts at
present ocetipied by Ma IL Ward. -
towboat: sAlvhuel,hiii-ti?hlraest;Velia thf1;1/pluils:itir,wl• 3. a susuritv, u 4., wrmerly eimxs
Months, lie 19911'5 bale Ana heertea- stmlamd 113"i6tea sot'itea ttatatia rentrePszet-
Mr. S. Russell has returned tohis3141,7aue4;111ica,-110''t;ere' et'Lhet'vis bits posted
home in Chatham. 'owing to the 6er--
10W/illness of his sister.--Mr.Harvey P19 InvIelarnatinn vesPectinff coni -
Mowlway, who is untiergoine, :medical 4°,1 .ele!'"°n nn December 41h... -.Me.
treatment in New Yort for sitcoms- VitIt V""1,11.' s"eet"leti shooting tn.()
tiSin• says it is notes eatisfactory as he Blvit7t, Ip* irloe 171 reesatrakillseeivtigliraegast i$npsatrt74enka!
wtooliedadrowttshhititittsbueiptie °az, ppolpelisal will nu doubt make a better strat than
milliner. sow had ths tosfoot000 to his father.-31iss Small Kuhn is at.
fall and breal; her ankle a few dae-s tstnt1114t, ,h1,11" Convitdh Sh Thunaka.
ago, is So far reeiteems As to ahh, ia.*4,, vve.in het' everY bilevess in eel;
3lonstee, who has been ligille for , htVP Ils5t tog her lataanta ohd Moos
tit1114 t° her businet's a"in.-31159 f4e4twirlea
ndan. is
Lou Af
attended the shooting tweet* at Melva
on Sehmtlay -and report a .gteol
Mr. N. L Standish. of the Merchants'
• pante vent Stirelay in Stretford. -
Henry Either. 31.P.P., returned home
Friday from',Hesitate where he has
been hunting the pest two weeks. The
pletion. Abe Gibson, the cantraetor, Peitiorgs thltanfl,r. elie4allt,11F:n1:11seskel filsntootir:
the openo!g. eeeekes win sane onge oif Centralia. and Gordon Bloomfield,
is rushing the work. It is boned that
of Mooresville. mare in the village Sun,
about Chnstmas or ,IsTew ideers. day -evening, renewing old acquaint -
5. - ancee.-aliss F.Celyn Ki41,, is stila
fined to her bed. -bait is slowly improve
Robe011 Leolcileltzr mved ing.-Mr. Win. T. England, post trias-
ew housese e sot..haise se ter at erCilittat Eta, WAR In London on
Mco. Into
business Friday. -An artesian well-
Doupe left last week tor London, diggerie outfit passel thiough the vil-
whttre be intends residing.. -Me. Saturday enroute to St. Matys.-
Bice. of Clandeboye, has timed here , lage Ieuac sr.. moved to Devon
aud taketepossession of the premises momoy. _no snot stivond .tht, dys
he recently tuirchased from 31r.Bobt
Lingo:lige toogh,,,,e or the 'sign &noon etetzersuns Ord MUM itpallt 110D7 the
alcLeott-Miss M. Trenanian, Modern issng bag 19 nnw heota everYwhare.
has returned froui St. Thomae . where nrdee a the dar--Que rods are in
di t foie eepeekilly the one
she was attending the funeridvery poor con
i of her througb the village. -31r. uua Mrs,
father. Much sympathy is extended Win. la tintz, of Exeter, were the guests
to her in her sad bereavement. -Invi- of airs. Dora Lint; last Siinclity.-Mrs.
tations are out for the Annual Assem.
fpr.) Heist visited friends in Toronto
C. -
lily to be given by the Irish Nine B. B. day. --31e. -Glii»ore, manager of
to be held to -morrow (Friday) even- ‘-`nes
The Sovereign Think. VMS the guest of
ing.-A shooting match was held at Mr. and 3.1r4. A. P. Smith, of Exeter,
the Donnelly House Yards on Satin.-
Sunday. -The Linlies' Aid of the:Meth.
any last. The match eonsisted of 100- °dist thumb gave an oyster simper in
pigeons, 50 geese and 50 turklea- the biteement of their ehnrcb. Monday
dVhile a car of ,cattlle was standing on evening. st goodly ;maw were pees -
the siding one evening last week wait -
in some -ent and all enjoyed theruseives.-Last
ing to be started Eastward, Sunday evening,a union Temperance
Way six or eight of the occupants got
serviee Evangelical
lot had to be removed from the oat: IsTlihsellitir•geinehttlilrech was filled -
to the doors, which shows verrPlainlY
off their feet ill a heap, and the whole
und. one of thern sustained a, broken that our citizens are taking an interest
leg in the mixim.-Mr. A. L. Shipley, in the coming election. Be. Knowles
who has been station agent here for a
and Rev. Darinn, addressed the con -
number of years, bas resigned from the gregation. the former in English and
services and accepted a -more lucrative
the latter in German lenguage. The
position in Toronto, and assumed the
Rev. vntlemen spoke very forcibly
duties of his new position Monday. Accronsa..-Mr. H. Collins, while and earnestly urged the people to do
their duty. The union chow sang very
engaged in pruning a tree a few days
ago had the misfortune to give his left acceptably. Next Sunday everong a
temperance service will be. held in the
wrist a very severe gash, severing two
arteries and exposing the bone. It re-
Methodist church, when the pastor and
quired seven stitches to close up the ef the Evangelical church. will
wound. Mr..Collins will be Unable to ass's"
resume labor for some time, but the T-RolAnd, youngest son of
wound is getting along nicely.
Mr. Henry '
Motz bad the misfortune
to break his leg last Thursday. The
little fellow was playing in the barn
McGillivray at his grandmother's. Mrs. Krein, and
in juinping off the hay to the floor, a
distance of about six feet, the accident
occurred. He is resting easily and we
trust he will soon recover.
the past three weeks, bas returned to
Baia& to resume her dunes at the
State hospital. -3h. Mom. of .1son.
don.. hue nitwit possession of the Cent-
ral Hotel. Mr. lonkin, who retired
from the business, will !mete here for
a time. -The new Presbyterian church
buildiug Israphlly uppretwhiug coin -
ACCIDENT. -On Tuesday, while Geo.
W. Carter was doing some chopping
in his woods,bad the misfortune of giv-
ing his foot a very bad cut, nearly sev-
ering two of his toes. After having
investigated his injnries he returned
to the h. ouse, when medical aid was
summoned, and his wounds dressed.
The Wound, though not considered
dangerous will 'confine him to the
house for several days.
DEATIIS.-Again the cold hand of Is.A.A.C-SwnET -At the Main street
death has visited our midst and taken Methodist parsonage, on Nov. 19th,
away another of our old settlers in the by Rev. R. MilIyard, Mr. William
person of Mrs. Mary Windsor in the Isaac, to Miss Ida, second daughter
75th year of her age, the sad event oc- of Mr, Thos, Sweet all of Exeter.
curring on Saturday, November 8th.
Deceased came to the township about
50 years ago from Pickering township
Gsnsose-In T.Tsborne, on Nov.18, Ellen
and she and her husband have since
resided here. Of late years the young-
Sophia Kernick, beloved wife of An-
estdrew Gibson, aged 85 years, -1 day.
son worked the homestead, and
they have made their home with him. JAZQUES.-In ifsborne, on Nov. 14t1s,
Among many other estimable qualities Jeffry Jacques, son of Mr. William
she possessed. in a marked degree a . Jacques, aged lp years, 10 months,
very social nature, and her death will 12 days.
be deeply regretted by her many rela-
tives and friends. During her life Mrs.
Windsor was a consistent member of
the Methodist church, belonging to the
Clandeboye circuit. She is Survived
by her husband and nine children, all
tmarried:-Mrs. Bunt and. Mrs i Brown,
of London; Mrs. Mat thew, of Denfteld;
Mrs. John Elliott and Mrs. Geo. Snell,
of Exeter; George, of Centralia; Hiram
on the 2nd concession, and Dirius, on
the homestead. The funeral look
place on Monday to Marr's Hill ceme-
tery and was largely attended, testify-
ing to the respect in which she was
held by all. The bereaved husband and
family have the heartfelt sympathy of
the community -This week we are
called upon to record the death of an-
other highly esteemed resident, Eliza-
beth, beloved wife of Aaron Blathers,
• aged 50 years, the sad event taking
place on Monday, November 10th. The
deceased was of a kind disposition, and
her death leaves a vacancy which nev-
er can be filled. The funeral took place
on Wednesday.
KERE-TE Parkhill, on Nov. '1, to -Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. .Kerr, a daughter.
Have you had it in your
house? It's cough and
cough and cough, and then
that terrible whoop! Don't
upset the stomach more by
giving nauseous medicine.
Just let the child breathe -in the
soothing vapor of Vapo-Cresolene.
It goes right to the spot that's dis-
eased. Relief is immediate, and in
a very few days the cure is complete.
You can't say the same of any other
(treatment. For asthma, catarrh,
and colds it's equally good. 14
Vapo-Cresolene is sold by druggists everywhere
The Vaporizer and Lamp, which should last a life,
time, and a bottle of Cresolcne complete, $1.501
extra supplies of Cresolene 25 cents and si cents
Illustrated booklet containing physicians' testi
monials tree upon request. VAeo•Cassof,ams Co,
180 FUlt011 St, New York, U.S.A.