HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-10-30, Page 4(f-AtterAbliocate Winclieleea n Mr, Rich. Delbridge while ont driv, UNIT I) STATES INDIANSt NiapittlY About People. Ciedie.H. Sartelers,Eceitor and prop bio, the other day was thrown from Ins buggy aud sustained a rather sev- i 902 ntreshaking up and as a result is now THURSDAY OCT. 20, ROA'. J. ISR4E4 T.ARTE'S RES Hon. J. Israel Tarte, the one recleit, ing feature a the Llurier governmen has resigned. The man who wa "master a the administration," fon IWO, and who brought tbe Liberal par ty into power, reached the ututt a en durance, and uneble to support th Free Trade Protection policy dishe elle for the Canadian people, severe bis eonoection with the most noted aS semblage of political demagogues eve gathered together in Canada. With Mr. Tanen departurefroin th Liberal comic:a board the odeath lenew a the government was sounded. Lib ertenfamiliar with Cunadian politics, are not slow in admitting that awl party bas suffered a blow from widen it will take years to recover. The gay ernment's poliey o eatering to Free Traders and Protectionists, leadin each faetima to believe than it had th sympathy of the administretiou. led to internal strife and then to open d is rd. The climax was reached whe tbe ue toember of the eabinet fran enough to support bis principlee ordered to retract. Mr. Zone's answer was the plaelog of his reeignation the hands a the premier. This, however, was berdly to the lik. lug of theP-tontier ;aid his eonfeilete ate. To get rid of Mr. Tarte was the object of the campaign a tirade and abuse inaugawated by tbe ministers and their personal organs many weeks ago, but they did not prop on to allow it to appear to the public, that the Min. ister of Politic Works threw over the goverment. In order to present a good a front as pnseible to tbe country, Sir Wilfrid. in a letter (toted October alst informed Mr. Tarte that a preen ions demand for the ensignation of his portfolio bele goad. Fortunately for !are Torte, his resignation !tad medal, - ed Sir Wilfrid'e letter by twenty.four hoows,proving conclusively that it was the former and not the government who had toswallow the bitter pill. Mr. Tarte in a subsequent interview em- phatically declared, that it was he who had taken the initiative in the step whieh divorced. him from his former associates. In other words be whin - tinily repudiated tbe Laurier cabinet. The little incidentehows how despev. ate nre the straits to which the govern- ment is redneed. At a time when the great tariff question is before the peo- ple of this country, the premier has tn. sorted to most picayune methods for the purpose of making capital out of a, situation beneath the notice of public. spirited men. It matters not how the break between the parties were effect- ed. The important feature is that Mr, Tante has thrown down a clialIenge, which promises to make good his threat of once more defeating Sir Win fred. The petty net of spite is but a fitting termination of a campaign of hatred against the man to whom the Liberal party owes so much, and its only result can be to strengthen Mr. Tarte in bis advocacy of a high tariff policy for the country. Mr. Tarte has behind him professions of support from many Liberals. He has placed Sir Wilfrid in a position from which he can only extricete him- self by a matey statement of his fu- ture policy, something with which he has never yet honored the people of Canada. Mr. Tarte's loss is a severe one and it will not be long before the Liberal party will have an oppontilnity of appreciating his strength, a Canada has faith in protection and MreTarte's recent triumphs can only be viewed as victories for that grand old "Na- tional Policy," as enunciated by lead- ers of the Conservative party in the hour of victory or defeat. The curtain is being lowered on the government of expediency and "power at any price." unable to attend to his farm duties. - Ono of our young ladee while out - beech nutting in company with a num. her or other glide, the other day met with a rather unpleasant experieuee and what might haveproved a serious - accident. She had gene up in a tree ti and branne manner lest her grip aod fell to the ground, a distance of many feet. No bones were broken but she received a bad stunkieg up and remain- ed encouscious- for several hours, She is able to be around. agent, however. -- The painters are noiv putting on the the iinisbing Winches to Ur. Joint I/abridges new house, which will be one of the best, on the Hue when fin- ished,. -.Mr. Ed. Claelee had quite an experience during the storm last week. Ile was ditched, in the dark and was 'pretty near knocked silly, but e he arrived home neat morning all eafe, --The fanners are having a bad root harvest owiug too much wet weather. Ronson MiSs Doberty. of London, is the guest of her brother, Rev. W. J. Dollen:ie- . Mrs. Steen. of Iowa. is the guest of her sister. Mrs. Rodger. of Redgerville,- Mrs. W. Mitchell is rapidly recovering g from her lee. illnesse--MaJobn Kemp, e who bas been working in Winnipeg for the past few weeks. has returned home. -Miss Polly Meore is spending a few days in St. Marys. --Miss Step. ens. of Clinton, has taken a position an the PS% teaching staff rendered, va. cant by the resignation of Miss Step. eneon. She comes bere highly recoun. ended as a very efficient teacher. - grand concere and recital was given in Carmel church on Tuesday evening, der the ailISPiCeS of the Golden Mis- ou Band, Prof. Ge W. Cline, the celebrated vocalist, of Wingbano gave some choice and. varied eeleetions and Was hearths appreeiated. Mra. R. Beattie. of Wingbano a gifted eloeu- tioniet, also pleaseti the audience by her hemeroue and. well Omen render - legs, and was continnouely ennlanded. The Iocal talent was indeed pleasing and deserve much praise for the way in which they helped to make tbe en- tertainment a SLICCeSS. The concert tbougliout was a decided success, -r. John Willis still continues very ill. - Miss Annie Carlisle has returnea from , the North d‘ est, where she had been ( visiting ber sister and other blends, - Mrs. John McArthur still contiones very NEW ELECTION. There will be a new election for the local Legislature in the riding of North Perth, the seat having been vacated by the Conservative member-elect,Mr, John C. Monteith, an agreement beaig reached. by which the election of May '29 was deelared no election. This ar- rangement was made as a result of a conference between the counsel for the bey° parties held immediately after the election trial opened at Stratford on -Tuesday-. The agreement was an ami- cable one between the parties, being regarded as the best means of ending a situetion that would have entailed a great deal of expense and considerable ill feeling'throughout the riding, Hillegrenn Mr. George Pringle has opened out tailoring business in our burgh. - The apple crop is good this season and the apple packers are busy. -Me. Luker, of Dawson, fukon Territory, ie visiting friends in this vicinity. -- Mr. Wm. Jarrott, who is at present attending the Model school in Clinton. has secured a position as teacher in Sharon public school, Goderich town - Ship, ata salary of $325 per annum. Mr. Jarrott is a very energetic young man, and one who will 4o his best to gain the esteem and respect of the neighborhood. We think the people of Sharoe will in no way regret the choice they have made, and his many feiends here wish him success, o A. fourteen -year-old youth pained Ne6r Arpin, of Ottawa, wes' adcialent- ally shot in the chest Monthly by a lad ;he same age, ,1 Fallartou 1. Harry Rogers, wbo bas been in the Stratford Hospital for setae time, suffering from a severe attack of ty- phoid fever, has returned home and is now recovering nicely. ---Mr. James Woodley, jr e bas rented his farm to his brother. John, and purposes retir- ing. -Miss Nora, Bagshaw, of Exeter, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Sample. - Miss Mame Wilson, of Port Perm is epending a few ;laws at her 1101lle here. Mr. Thos. McCullough bas rentrried from his tried° the West. DIED IN WORONTO.—This week we are again called upon to record the death of e. bighly respected resident and merchant of this place, in the per- son of Me. Jos. Morrow, which sad event occurred on Monday, at the age of 70 years. Sotne weeks ago deceased went to Toronto to visit bis brothers, and while at the home of his brother, on Jameson Avenue, took seriously ill and the sad news reached bere that be had passed away on the above day. His wife and sons were with him when be died. A number of years ago Mr. Morrow bought out tbe store and Innsi- eess of the late J. B. Secord, of Varna, and carried on a general store for about ten years; be then sold out to Mr. 3. T. C,airns, aud moved. here, con- ducting a business ever since. De- ceased, was an upright christian man and his death is deeply regretted by the whole community. Rev. Mr. Fer- gnson went down to assist at the fun- eral. Much sympathy is expressed for the sorrowing widow and family in their sad bereavement. Parkhill The coroner's jury has found that Thomas O'Roukess death resulted from natural causes. -Angus McIntosh and family left last week for Owen Sound, where they intend residing. -Mr. V. Rata left Wednesday for Parry Sound on a business trip from which place he will proceed to Muskoka, on a. deer hunting expedition. -J. D. McColl left Friday for Muskoka. -Neil McArthur left Friday for New Ontario. -john Manes, who has been on an extended sojourn in New Ontario, has returned. The Parkhillbranch of the Standard Bank is now opened with the follow- ing staff: &II Allen, Agent; Pred Fox, accountant; Arthur White, ledger kee per; Chas. H. McLean junior. -The death occurred :on Monday- of Mrs. Margaret Anderson, wife of James An- derson, in her 56tb year. FIRE.—Wednesday afternoon about five o'clock, fire started in Pinker's evaporator, the building and contents being totally destroyed.. Amount of loss and insurance unknown at present. PRESENTATION AND (DDRESS.—On Friday evening the members. of the alethedist choir assembled at the home of Miss Lottie Ritchie as a surprise party ancapresented her with a ' hand- some silyer tea set as a token of es- teem for her valued services rendered in the Choir end church. The Presen- tation was accompanied by a well - worded address.. Woonneee-Th Mr. and Mrs. William Ritchie was the soeue of a happy event on Wednesday, Oct. 22nd, when their danghiar, Miss Char- lotte Florence,Was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. William. I3awden, of Chesley. The interesting ceremony was perfortned by Rev. W. Rigsby. Their many. friends wish them every happiness. ACCIDENT. —On Saturday Mr. Joseph Volk, who is in the employ of Mr.aleil McPhee, met with what might have been a very seeions accident. While at work on the new R. C. church at Bor- nish, the ladder on which he stood near the tower slid from under tiro aed he fell a distance ef eight feet to the !first joist, where he renowned until released from his perilous position, at consider- ahle personal risk, ,by Mr. McPhee, who was in the tower above -hi& nt the tinae. Had he fallen -from the joist he wienkl",have'deoppeel some 86feet a was Mr. Volk was oely ited rPli and was able to be at work Moe - The “Courier de Paris" 'relates that a SHALLPDX - RAND vP:rrdtY calorl.,11,0%-BeitTeti neLitiVriltl(ollehbed"bley' Deereun OVER TO CANADA. a man who had a clay:meet in his hand, and who "Gentlemen, excuse me, I 4 4,1„oot000 Azoot noose* to x41 have to melte my living, but I euppose woeue ihaoir.,—They Were red and hyoo would rather give me a sou not to ear ittEt." They took the hint. He In- 3)Cnotrneadje: Qu,:vsehruewEzerpe Hua peated this performance aeveral time.s till, elle day, one of the men said he eon ptilirn.egaTXillefo asetrry.e; saal tareetenhinlwittil Ot taw, Oet. 28,--Taere Ls no the eloriOnet, "but I cannot play a note," truth in the reports. (twat out 1 Ovine I:tong/as, the author et "Tbe anni, reneae„ mown, en Howe With the Green Shatters," ;nye thet onee he eeede in the limme leging that Canadian otileiels had emit mt Pr a4 oxford 4911., ottp4 attoubie fl into the United. States Canadian he the historian eemarked be Douglas, ni dialls suaering from smallpox. The In- asteuisbiern You're the living imam of diens ceueerned, aeeording to the 1,7 la°tend' ti4e late abitli C°Ilinf"" information suPPligd bY 09 United Collates elje°ougilites'?.ere bgerewanasagurhoritc4'beea; States Indian polite, had been put Virgil, For EX Moment Freuden thoughts amiss the boundary into Canada 14"111.0 to be busy Witb the *ac."4-. Pak Coemgtent, lie then added, dreamily, woo the order of Major Men. "was the eigneet man I e-.'er dapped teith, a (hated State a Indian Agent, Whe an eye en." aian gave iestreetioas that they were A beginner in newspaper work in a net to be, /Mowed to re-eross,not be- SouthernOwa who MaRcwallY "sent Stile to One of the New Teri; daitteS Mune they were Colledista Indians, but picked IT lastemex mot a to w o ellle beeallee they did uot talon to his (WM' iglu a "in, story." Rurrying to the tele- teitins) reservation. As a matter of fact MI& office he "queried:' the telegraph the,y are Amerteall Indiana, On Oet. eth editor: "Col44)7 umn sq and tee Shall eendt" The enply was brief and Monipt, but to the entleuelast otteittie- tannery. *Tvad 000 word.-,,' WaS all it wild. "Cent be told in lees than 1,200," to the camp. SOW of the Indigos could he wired beck- Bann lned the nentt net at the time be moved without en, twatStor of matIou ef world tQ4U clangoring their lives, so the bend wee in wv, 447 1.W. quarantined, food gent to Om and med. .Cellgio,"ddid"ameelig,"d otbor thlwe" iteeteieu in charge reported the Incline* leeetreiget5.ttuceetsPtrilex, 4Indiruggisle• Wit= the Utinellt5 qUiCklY Telleved by Vavo,Cregp, teal .attendaece preaided. t to be moved gerois the line, Major Monteith, the Vented States Agent, whom the trotted Stut o ludien polio say had erdered the deportetion, rrss requeeted to make arreenemeote for te. ceivieg them. He refused to receive .Catiadmo effleiels were eotitind tbat La ited Steto ndians euiferitig froM satull- PQX ha. d gasket the beundarn. C5u- dbut Mounted Police were at 011ee seat CAUTION! This is not tt gentle word -but vvhen you think how liable yen are not to purchase for 76e. the only remedy ;inn vereally known and a remedy that has them, saying ; "I shall rest- t by any awl bad the largest sale of any medicine in Olt inenos the puttiug upon Oda reserve- the world since MS for the cure and ti011 at any Indians affected with treatmeut of Consumption and Throet pox who do not belong here," lie far. and Lung troubles without losing its tber suggested then it the Canadlau pol. great popularity all these years, you ice desired to ems the Indian* bite the , will he thankful we called your atteo- United States they would have to lake Men to Beschee's German Syrup. them beyond where the eastern beim. There are so many ordinary cough deg of his reservation intersects the in. remedies made by droggietsand others ternatioual boundary line and erose them that are cheap and good for light, gelds; at that point. Later On be telegraphed, perhaps, but for severe Conghs„ Brow - "The Indians aro not Peigane. I wen not I cbitie, ('temp -and especially for Con - Row them in Blackfoot reservation." ,sumption. wbere there is difficolt ex. It thus appears that the United States poctoration and coughing dining the A zit deported Om unfortunate In. inights and mornings, there is nothing dtuns„ a t lough they were Amerman; Ins like (lemma Syrup. boldby all drug. dints, amply beeauee they did not be gists in the civilized world. long to his perticular reservation. The Canadian police, on the other bend, pro. Sold by O. Lute. sided there with food and medieel at - St. Joseph tendanee, although they had no claim 11wr . BMWS BMINED.—Dining the ser. on Canada. The Indians were ASSin - ere storm 00 efine,,,day evening last beines.on sixty dayerms from the United the barn of Mr. Thos. Turning!, Sauhle States Belknap Amoy. It is custom- Line, Hay. south of here, WOK struck ary for Indiana from the United Statee by liglatniug And together with the and ads, t int val un WI' Irene, but tents wits bunted to the ground, the United State medical authorities T‘ re loss is a heavy one but we under. should have taken every possible me, ans stand Mr. Turnbull carried an insuto to prevent such u visit when smallpox anee.en bama h barn and mas, was prevalent. DIED FROM STARVATION AND FATAL IDIITATIONi Parry Sound, Oct, 23. -On Sunday Inlet the body of an unknown manovho -- apparently had died from starvation A WILLIAM TiilleL ACT wnicri RE-, Mid exposure, was found in the bush Surecrina IN DRAWL -..... e on Perry Island, near Depot Harbor. _ An i nq not WAS belt' yesterday and ad. Y""maTd° on The Stie °-, *trued until the 28th for further evi- c 4 I tUnign - deuce. The body nppears to be that of Theat*1/2.-' t Swing Harbor. a seaman from the steamer Immo or N.T.--Te...5t, bryor Areeeted. .) ••• . Cleveland. Ohio, which arrived at De. ------ pot Harbor on Oct. 2nd from Asbtabn. Cold Springs Harbor, N.Y., Oot. SO- la, Ohio. His age Was about 32, mean John Voikman, 18 years old, a barber. um height, dint complexion and black moustache. Evidence was given at the who was employed by George Van Aug- booed, that the man had been a ban - dell, was accidentally shot and killed tender, formerly employed at Aehtab- last night on the stage of Thespian Hall ula. He had given the Captain of the by Charles Meinel of a company which ,17.mtlinalsaI , 4tli;odu hb !led' 1 toi nee in delirium tre- ploced in hew has been giving a two -weeks' show there whilst on board. The case appears to in connection with the sale of medicine. I be one of neglect on the part of the One of the star features of the show captain of the Yuum,allOwing the man ! to desert while in a demented condi- was Meiners feat of shooting an apple tion, and afterwards leaving tbe port from the head of any person who would1 wil•hout notifying the local authorities volunteer to stand up and allow the . as to the mates disappearance, apple to have his head for a resting - place, When no one volunteered a num- ber of the troupe performed this ser- vice. Volkman volunteered to act as the support of the apple. Meinel did not appear to be in good shooting trim, and 'had been jeered but a short time before because he had missed a card at which he had teen shooting. When Volkman had had the apple placed on his head Meinel began shooting at a distance of about twenty feet. The first two shots missed, but the third struck Volkman in, the fore- head. He dropped to the stags and died an hour later. Meinel was arrested and will be tried for manslaughter. TELEGRAPH BREVITIES. Galt has a case of smallpox. Scotch miners are demanding an Increase in wages. Gen. Booth addreised a meeting at Wood- stock last night. Mr. E. G. Barrow has been appointed City Engineer of ,Hamilton. • Mr, 'Sam& Perrin of Listowel was kick- ed by a horse and fatally injured. I Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain will accompany the Colonial Secretary to South Africa. I George:W. -Cook was sentenced et .41 -all- 1 fax to be hanged on january la for wife Mr.' J. W. Hanna, barrister, of "Windsor, was brutally beaten while,on•his way home at night. • • • The strike arbitration commission will be- glnurisadvad;tigations at Scranton (pa,) on Tia , Wm Stumpf, who was run over by a G., .n. R. train at Cobonrg, died in the Gene- Hospital BUTTER EATERS Are Particular and Critical. In the large majority of homes, con- sumers of butter -old and young -are particular about the color of butter placed before them. Whitish or im- perfectly colored butter does not at- tract the eye or tempt the taste. It i4" the well made butter colored with It Wells, Richardson & Co's Improved Butter eolor, that is looked for and ap- preciated. The lovely delicate June shade produced by Wells, Richardson & Co's3Inproved Butter color is well I known. It is easy to detect the 'but- ter colored with crude and: common I eolors. Such butter is usually bricky ' in color, sometimes mottled, and often strong and rancid. It pays butter - 1 makers to use Wells, Richardson & Co's Improved Butter Color. When use by buttermakers, it gives an extra value of from 2 to 1 cents per pound. Doust he deceived by any dealer; inbist upon haying the kind that makes prize butter. All druggists and dealers. A staff -sergeant of the Imperial forces,, travelling 'from Esquiinalt io Aldershot, died on the C. .R. empress at ehaplenu. , . The suit of the Dominion Iron & Steel Company against the Government in con- nection with claims for bounties IS in pro- gress' In the Exchequer Court.' itePorfs_to the Bureau Of Mines "point out •. that Americans interested in iron ore de- * pOsitS are' making careful Obaervations in northern and northwestern Ontario. , The big" apple crop of Ontario is creat- ing a dethand for cars Ili Move it- to the - 'seaboard, and the railways are • having '-iliffidultyitt linding,,the carsx,, Considerr' able of these apples are going tw t1-4 northwest this year, while the exporti from Montreal are cxcUtie.i.irlly heavy Eat slowly, masticatin possible!, then is regoired spends en the mouth, the a-. the food thoroughly, even more, if itt leealtle. The more tin e the food less it will spend in the stomach ktit ,;••••.• '10,441.0V-4:4 4112MOTHIOWft 401 -1-1'frygjkialSWIgrifiONAL 'or- 40 ,'1.114:4kricitt IST164trinff13:i 051N .3- !IDruqj.f5jenj • Price. . water. Six bottles tor $5,00T # y help stomaCh, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and .this is the 'honest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops .and breeds the energy which accomplishes much. Avoid drinking at meals in general, dyspeptic stomachs manage dry food better titan that containing much fluid, Jat neither very hot nor cold food. The best temperature is tbat of the body. /3e careful to avoid e•NCeSS ill eating. .Eat no more than the wants of the system require. Sometimes less than is really nee,dcd must be taken when digestion is very weak. Strength(17C13.eW,9 lJQt on what is eaten, but on wbat is digested. Never take violent exercise of any sort, either mental or physical, -either just before or just after a ineal. Never eat more elan three thence a day, and mak::: !ast meal very light. Ior :Fspepties, Lwu meals are bette4 144;tlt more. Never eat a morsel of any sort between meals. Never eat when very tired, whether exhausted from mental or physical labor. Never eat when the Mend is worried or the temper TU ed, if you can possibly avoid it. Ea only food that is easy of digestion, avoid. ing complicated and indigestible dishes, and taking but one to three wCOAUrrsseussa: a4,11:41201:„ lavatic wortra After meals tate two ST. IAMBS then a are the mold eumplete combtna- 44 1 flirrilt5=644 rtr eggliZoi glassful with*" Mr. Robed riToTotylv-, of het spAi '.."../4,04re1t5cilthlt4/ Grant Alrbeun,ugrd 10,of Port Hope died Thursday of peritonitis, which re - suited from infamies weaved in a I; *nesse match in Milibreok a week ago. Oece Bristol, of Ammeter. while driv- ing home from "Hamilton Tnesday es' - ening bad his rig run down by a T. It & B. freight train west of the city Bristol was tbrown out and sus- tained serions injuelen but not woes - sully fatal. The rig was mashed to pieces, but the horse WaS uninjured. St Anna in:fent:re art a- • e.rel "eirse4r: &lire nzonexcseAraci at sal. CONMet4;ne. Om ts Coo' ,C4EV 14 eraft14e,fbrmsto see tepor. Where alesletsate Vat sdfliugskc Wafett, theyare areited ewe ve. veep!. of inlet at tee CalUIR btauch: at, 'WU WgVa 0,18Z4 5t. liazto;t1. oweheap low Good Tim most scaccescuit farmers in .Carzaa read iho FARMER'S AIM:MATE: ..tlwy think about their work., they get we?, its. tcachig2s. pea thoy ere c.sgroatestodiForsi.s, It* odaers aod contaoters are speasias,e. NSUMPTIONo. FARMER'S ADVOCATE Prevented and Cured. Our marvelous free remedies for an sufferers reading this mere Now curoforTubenutosis,Consutnp. COD, Week Lungs, Catarrh, tend n rundown, zystent, FREE. Do you cough? Do your lungs pain you? Is your throat sore and inflamed? Do you spit up phlegm? Does your head ache? Is your appetite bad? Are your lungs delicate? Are you 1 esmg flesh? Are you palo and thin? Do you lack stamina? These 'Symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds of the most dangerous nutlady that has over tlevas- fated the earth -consumption. You are invited to test what this syntern 14 Ill do fur you, if you are sick, by writing fora FREE TRIAL TREATMENT saddle Pour Free Preparationswill be forward el yen at oncewith ommlete directions fel- use. 11.0 Slocum Sxstern is a pewitive eure for Corivimp- tion, that most insidious disease, and for ail Lung Trouls1 and Disorders, camplicatel be Is of Flesh. Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma. Sroachitis and Troub!es. Simply write to the T. A, 'Slocum Chemical Coippaoy. Limited, tee King Street West, Toronto. giving post office and express address. and the free medicine (the Slocum Curs) will be promptly sent, Persons in Canada seeing Slocum's free offer in American papers will please send for sas.pks to Toronto. Mention Bus paper. Rod HOME MAGAZINE contains the cream et agricultural thought, on4 practical men conttrate to read it' be. cause it peva them and boxtune they want the UAL Wu uQ111G thousands of too ea). scribers •wina will appreciate serer thing goisi, The sooner you suistoribc, the ramo you will get. e "511 Iv, • For.$1.00 we will send to rew everyissue of the FARMER'S ADVOC.1,1 it Eie from now till the cod of tect3rineladkJ,; ll beautiful Christmas Number fur botis tears. Timis is money. Read think! act! 'Simi "4 for a free sample copy if you want to sena practical, up-to-date farmer's paper. It will please you. 31. ADDRESS I the Wiiilath Weld f/0.10d. LONDON, ONTARIO. 10, /tn.YRnittAWASPASAMIMMAWMAnnliAttnnif 74 rArrr KE dnementamelmorsemoomml Specialists in the Treatment of Nervous, Blood, Private and Sexual Diseases of nen and Women. 25 Years In Detroit. sra•No Names used without Written Consent. Cures Guaranteed. Thousands of young and middle-aged men are annually swept to a premature grave through early abuse or later excesses. Chas. Anderson was oue of the victims, but was rescued in tinie, He says: "I learned an evil habit. A change soon came over me. I could feel it; my friends noticed it. I became nervous, despon- dent, gloomy, had no ambition, easily tired, evil forebodings, poor circulation, pimples on face, back vreak, dreams and draine at night, tired and weak mornings, burning sensation. To make matters worge, I became reckless and contracted a blood disease. I tried many doctors and medical firms—all failed' till Drs. Ken- nedy & Kergan took my case. In one week I felt better, and in a few weeks was entirely- cured. They are tile catty reliable and honest Specialists in tbe country." READER—We guarantee to cure you or no pay. You run no risk. We bave a reputation and business at stake. Beware of frauds and impostors. We will pay 31,000 for any case we take that our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will not cure. We treat and cure Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Weak Parts, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Consultation free. Books free. Cali or write tor Question Inst for Home Treatment. DRS. KENNEDY & HERCIAN Cor.MbchlgmiAvcs!sel,yst The rung of Irangee-" Duch' snappy- Thought " uyin aPk' a n ge.k7.:60° There are three essential things to consider when buying a • Range,--Qualitv, Consumption of Fuel, and the Price. The price is the least important. A good Range will left many years, and when it saves in fuel it pays for its self, while a cheap Range is • constantly adding to its price in extra consutuption of fuel; he "Happy Thought" Range Is the lightest fuel consumer in the world, and the most perfect Range constructed. It is a perfect cookitg apparatus. Write the Mirusfacturers for an Illustrated Catalogue. THE :WN11. BUCK STOVE CO 1O R» aeeie,c-istiasetweise aNst,VNtinte'S Oak Sold Exeter. '