HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-10-30, Page 3Ceylon Tea is the finest Tea the world produces, and is sold only in lead packets. r8lck I. lied and Green. tee dritakene try "Wade' Omen tea, CURING SliMMER BREESE. $1700ESSITIL EXT'endelneFeedITS WIT: OOTeING EQQES. lenewose Impertanee of the Oleeese Iedaestrer tie .0* Pea Canada hes begin/ to produee SUM - mer cheese of quality to teeet SIM^ eeSSfilily tile uost exaoting reehiece Penne el the rearkete of the Tiniten lidegdein ou he mode. deetion in the metneds of mantilla Awl curing will eneble the farmere to obtain about one pouml addi- tional of cbease from every hark, 'area poueds of milk. That repeeee ents ocerly ten per cont. of inereaF? In quantity, diereaver.tb ebeeee cured in the mw way will command H n coming years from one to two cents oer pound bigher price. On tbe average that wilt amount to from ten to fifteen, per cent. increase W. value per penult) 'Pleat the 'United leingdom eppree clatee Capeditin cheeee tprosee by the feet that while in 1671 $5,411,- 802 worth. and in 1$01 0.481.873. dent settee Canatitea cheeee bill to tbe Motheriarod amounted to $20.- co4,tirii. OVer $1,0,00%000 uore than thirty years ago, and more than double that of ten years ago. in 1001 Great Pritein imported total of 289.731.120 pounds at eoet eao.noo.oal. Cateado con tributed of that total 11.15.d26,3 pounds. Valtled nt $20,691.1.051. More titan two-thirds the total Am - parte. Hitherto the eimply from Canada havieg the Cruet mutiny bee teen o September elleeFe, There was P. good demand Mr the Semnier output. but the curies; of it at the high teumerature of July and Attgeet weether &Ave it A IIVATEll FLAVOR: which w dletl In serapi teeteil front over thirty factories* the cooneured June and July cheeee bae! teen found to poses tie* flee. mild flavor and rich body characterietle of the September cheeee. wMle the July cheer° cured in the ordinary /twi- ner in nearly every instance was etrong m flavor and rough in tex- ture. Tho value let the Juno and 'July make of clime, Irene the cool curing rooms as examined by Prof. Robertson was fully one cent per Pound, itigner than their mato cur- ed in the ordinary wov. 'When this Method of curing emcee in cool .roonee durizag eutumer betimes gene. tral the depressing effects of stocks ot heated cheese oa the market will ebe prevented. It is expected that " the finer quality of the summer cheeee will Merest** the consumption ' eo much that ere another decade closes Canada will be exporting ful- ly forty million dollars' worth of eheese per AIII1U311, realizing round the top market price obtal - able for this branch et her dairy produce. In the Government illustration curing rooms, of which there aro A MOTHER'S PRAISE WHY WOOLLENS. WE THIN, A Snedn• IN * Mr, I here Pet -Come.. retied 741);reeit ea tell. Yee. -that you haye .44.49111te1Y Welled 4 Pale Of hienkede .elle neet I. Wale 1 ' lroi, gir. 794.44Te 1 , nierely nett ere lialetelten, teedfina l ' • . I Ann net ellieetahen.. I •Sitiet, ectued IInn little 614 a x. ew dey.a ago3o a geed eareng 59.411 te/... e`Saeli. Qat, some . ite.a.er7 UtinSe., ' in An MiMeence X wine what 704 sent Me, end the reeelt je that my le....leekel* eine Pet the elieleten ot eleat then were. They ant ruietti. eir, an 1Veneur Omit t Y. but I ER.a. -what, 1 temente eeae le *etch. einem, • Whet you tievelly Bead I No Welle ner Mee. Were4 my gelatinor. ceee- Plebe ot nese 49tlees. wearing out; 1 find Treueeeepl., owl Iter tne gee* mien, Ben, madam,. 1. el.Weeee niVe My elees teletell Whet then *tin ton rine Teo 1144404. it Pia—Millar breed et wee you eieuni leave lute IL. • Nemed A Paetieefer brattn. i How ems I. to _kneW alteethanX Of brandet Pet I knew Pettey POW. u.1 lolOW wnat netted my letexiketn—oton der hentheare le a nice plight. to4 f' 1 CAA aSiinTa YCl1t 311341-34-1144.13 4 illOt PI.T. deeire to pelt enietenig Mgt Iffill bO flgilirigilla ti4 Ober tbii. beetle en cletbleg ot lnir ceetemerei and X .e.httel ite Owl to Intim bow you 'peeve ellet whet 1 celd ye4 intereele mit bleelmle eted neer 3i44.0., Well, 1 WAS Ulna; Wee NU Tay trouble, essol sbo lent me A Mtle cut - *Mg, Mid here it la; eon eau mad it :: "len SilertnitOil Macadam. Lederer On 013#413.1z7t. SiirgeeiV41 nall,t gdi.tb. herein 'dericelbets tbo deetreetivo pro. perty et Stitlli. 1i3n24 WOO Tern deePIll" ceder.. "&33er Mentioning now etronealli311 1411014 OS pOtafib And SON dieeetreuely•' *tenet eineo ,. liege, awl .woot, lee Faye ; "tha Lone. OCIaSilail X empleyed tble, Property et eede in. a tad% way. Tnere Wen a largo quentity et .now blentet* nett to tete ot our beepitette Whic1. whee givea out, were told by .4h.o.petleote to ne not so Nem ae. Bee old blankets weee, 04 teat lee to ati iinvsetigatlen 4* to we' the 'Identete Writ :WOOS or- nen They 1.0Oked Well, tied weialled lege/Var. end 1 Pt. O. blAallillt liont to Alel :Or 04E444%ton:tie4 famdeele. 'We &wed a that there was oefleie mixed 'with qaoeele".e STOrM. the woce, and the queettors. Wee as eeparetieg. the two, b,lcAlom they 'Wqro t,I4orom141y,' WQVCA tinfeeigheate And it wee piny by deteeking thedee, illirea from tech. other that you identliled the cf.:4MA •finre. ,1 tell on the device, Oh 'eaten 404a, I Steele A btt ot hiaeltet and net It itea wend with rode, end bsflcd it Mere, and very evickly the won net Petell Away IV ti a 494a, and there wes lett helelted tbo cette4.40 4 kiwi, or eneletert—a siert of Otlttit4mpt the erigieel MAO et out widele it WAS .talgaP. X Melit.f04 till* Merely to ledialate to you the pernitielle .effente et Oleg° caustic motoriele, wliee empleyed Wean by Otemeiree. effect woollee artlelee In this was., 0470 which, eeen whieet. no Wee eneetne, 'wIllr•goro Agway, bad with ceuel ca - Minty, teed to neatroy Me weellen fibre." Now, 1 want. to tell yea Met we neigh:bora neve. ?Mel 4 talk over the matter. and we are net going to here o ur cleteita aed honde ruinen In tlite. viteer. .deveral ow eeignberet whe keen' have preved, to ite that Washinn •gedee., 1et4b. wertot ot ume,, find ;wen eafteditetee" are emit internee**. to clothea and bend% • "Free elkelt" SPAP4f spreellcelly tho cauetle syn that bueua the cletbee, dere eet keep Oenetie Feda la a. . tenieteriitMet be to mt earthen See, er %will wee COrTeilii the tin I Now, 13a ter Yete te email**, tut wide peril Pap witbeut bee aka. or WO tenet U lla itelnewhe.re. Metiera, you Miliglitto wolf .8e ntemy Mita rene etiverticed mire, Mee I really teen little heed to guy alarm* between the, I bevel on, however, that bet mettle eertideetee in* freedom fora tine alLnlI, It to geerenteed mon; reed the Prelim oteer d5..ded teval'd tn enly one who roo .provo it le not pure, tied further, I am Siutterleed to retie= tbe purcheze reellen to ay 011.0 /lad - big cmiao for coMplelet. Let me ate Sti Why. rientilebt Vieep Bea. a leematifel deem freetei loonleg *eon, auel thie Octagen flboPo vern uy. Oh* PO eve. name Note bytte eseeseaenidatitele eentecilIced Is coley enalsin eexp WIlf. IWO S2 de274 1 RS Melligatixedet4 OM deutWeli 'pigmies anon efonees even axe teesecewes (44 it Ott to,:1434 ees Watt!. 4 waft 014414;k44.412* Doe totenex ler Wheel feeeseMena esseent else pOR TEE MEDICINE TEAT RE- STORED ECEB. DAUGHTER'S HEALTE. ••••••••••• ,,$he dead Suffered larom Sever aea,daehes Vomiting and Ex.. treme inervousness, and reared She Would Not Regain liter Strength. Every prudent mother will =deft earefuliy the health of her young daughter at the period when she is passing from girlhood to woman- hood. This period is the most cri- eical in the young girl's Ilfe. It is then that she becomes pale, easily tired and troubled with headaches, without apparent cause. The blood becomes thin and watery, and unlees prompt seeps are taken to restore it to its rich, rad, health -giving con- nition, decline, and perhaps eon- ounsptioa will follow. Dr. Williams' P ink Pins havecured more pale, anaemic, easily tired girls than any other medicine, and mothers will ,make no mistake if they insist upon ;their growing daughters taking these pills iront time to time. Mrs. P. Gage, a lady well known in Rowan - ton, Que., tells what these pills have pine for her daughter. She says: !-"Ify daughter, Catherine, aged four- teen years, was suffering greatly with severe heeclaches, vomiting anti nervousness,. She was • so complete- ly run dosen that we feared she :would not recover her strength. We tried- several medicines, but they did • not seem to do her any goad. I then 'thought xve would try Dr. Williams' ,Pink Pills, and, the result has bean up to our fondest hopes. She has lolly • recovered her health and strength, :ma I shall be very glad if this experience will help some oth- er suffering girl regain ber health." f Dr. Will i ants' Pink Pills make rich, red blood, and give new strength with every dose. They cure anaemia, headache, heart palpi- tation, dizziness, and bring the glow of health to pale and sallow cbeeke. These pills are also a certain cure for the ailments that make'the lives • so many women a burden. Be sure you get the'genuine with the dull name Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," on the wrapper arbund every box. Sold by all me- dicine dealers or sent post paid- at 450 cents per box or six boxes for $2,50, by addressing The Dr. Wil- , kuakeee Co', Pu each 3 ibe soy - e is pr . and Stria:ego bas teen emelt lees thou formerly. le into test case the eltrintege of an tillWONed duo* ha the orelinar,y room during One month emounted to two pounds four ices, whereas tbe rihrintoge of an ut waxed cheeee In the Government eook1w1n room amounted to ono pound LWOW OillitteSi awl the age on a. eimilar clieeee which had A comroitir AND A. CARR. It Your llama is Blessed With Baby You Will Apprecieto is. baby is n, prieelees comfort, but it utter belpleesrose M also great care. Anything that will re - Ole tired mother and Add to baby's health and happiness is both a bell) and a Went*. This is witat manes the statement of Mrs. Tilos, Little, of Eingeton. Oat. 50 Inter- esting to all mothers. Slier eaYs "When my baby weft eighteen months old I* was trouldcd with a sour stomach end WAS badly con- stipated. These troubles made Min cross iota restless, and 1 had to 1* up with lam a number of times dur- ing the night. 1 finally got a, box of Baby's Own Tablets, and after giv- ing them to hint for few, days his bowels beetono regular, his stoznach was sweetened and he slept well. I think these) Tablete are just wbat mothers nerd for their little ones." Baby's Own Tablets are the best and Most convenient form for adminis- tering medicine to the very young. They are eafe and harmless and free from opiates. Sent post paid on re- ceipt of price, 25 cents per box, by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady. N.Y. A book on the Care of infants and children sent free on request. Write for it been Coated with -wax and put in the Government cool -curing room was - • ONLY EIGHT OUNCES. Many oi the leading exporters of Ocoee have examined the cheese mir- ed in the Government cool -curing rooms. All testify to the great im- provement in (plenty. The follow- ing brief reports are from the Wood- stock station. The results at the others are similar. Mr. Thomas Ballantyne, of Strat- ford, said he had examined the cheese at the cool -curing room. The difference between the cheese cured in the cool room and the others' was most astonishing. Be agreed with what .Prof. Robertson said, and hoped such improvements would be made that all cheese would be cured without being heated. Mr. 11. Steinhoff said he also ha.d examined the cheese. .He en- dorsed the opinions of others as to the marked 'superiority ot the cool cured cheese. In the Jelly's he put the diffceence at fully oue end a half cents per pound. Mr. It. A. Simisterbelieved the ob- ject lesson in the proper curing of cheese at a low ' temperature, in branding, • and in handline° the cheese had been tbe greatestad- vance he had known in the cheese trade for twenty years. In 'order that every daleyman may be fully ,educated up to this latest Phase i dairying irnprovements, the Department of agriculture at Otta- wa will publish during the fall and winter months months full informa- tion regarding the methods to be fol- lowed in improving curing rooms at all cheese factories, This will he prepared under the supervision of 'Mr. 3. A. Ruddick, chief of the dairy .ilivision,. who. had the direct 'oversight of the ' Government dies- tration curing rooms during the past sumnies. Department of A gricul ture,Otta- wa. death is a.nnoaticed of De Munro...who has been 'for 'nearly halt a. c rntury in practice je -Arbros.ne. ON QT1OSP UTV. 'Amt. Ilavt, Malaria in iltecriting hM experlencee duraig the South Macau earapeign, eays that -ea- pcst duty was a very voile* ofee through OM long nightie Yet Ofteli COTtio lttUo Invidint OCCOFTed to re - Belie the monotouy. One night when Me countereign was 'neastateliewan,“ a Cornwall patrol VOsite along. and was clod - longed in the usual way. "Halt 1 Who goes there r. 'Patrol." "Stand, patrol I Advance oue. and Ivo the eountereign "Oh, 1 can't remember the word, Something Hee featcloas-catelocatel" Vic outpost gave Mtn a lecture on the pronunclailon of Canadian words and then allowed him to pals. .tit another time the countersign Was "Halifax," and a Frencheeaua- diart sentry I:hallowed S011iel one. Ihbo goes dere ?" "Friend." "Advance, Mete, Say 'It:teem:ter and pace on. All is Nell." .—.+ wrrn "What's your baby's name 7" ask- ed a visitor who bad called to se- cure Mrs. Johnson's services as washerwoman, "Pm 'most isbamed to tell you dat. thlio's mune," eald Mrs. John- sen, "'cause do fonts round here say It sound' like he was an Injun. But bis name, that his paw 'sisted on gibing him—his name am Hosea; lenssy. "Horse -car ?" feebler repeated the vistter. "Yasare-Hosear," said the mother sorrowfully. "Dere was an English- man dat was omele1 good to Mr. Johnsing when he took dat foolish trip out Incee" four years ago, axe put him on de cyare to cenie home again tee when my Masbate ax him his namehe smile an' say, 'Deer eall xne Hoscar wben Inn home,' he say. So when dis baby was born, nuffin would do but we num* call him This - car, after dat leaigliehman." ta.•••••• Little Dot—"I know something my teacher doesn't know," 31fanarna- 1'Indeed ! What is that ?" "I know when the world is coming to an end, and she doesn't. I asked her, and she said she didn't know." "Oh, well who told you ?" "Uncle John. He said the 'world would come to an end when childre.n stopped asking questions that nobody could an- swer." To Those of Sedentary Occupation,— Men who follow sedentary occupations, which depreve them of fresh air and exer- cise, are more prone to disorders of the liver and kidneys than those who lead active, outdoor lives. The fernier will find in Parrneleea Vegetable Pins a re- storative without question the most efa- cacioas on the market. They are easily-. procurable,..easiln taken, act expeditious ly, and they are surprisingly cheap eon sidering their excellence, Nubbins (shouting across the gar- den fence -to his next-door neighbor) —"Hey, there whet are you bury- ing in that hole ?" Neighbor—"Oh, I'm just replanting some of my gar- den seeds," Nubbins—' 'G ar dee. seeds. eh ? Looks to me like one Of my hens !" Neighbor—"That's all right, The seeds are inside." BoWnre of Ointments for Catarrh that eonealn hiereury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and COM pletoly derange the whole system when entering it through tho mucous surfaceS. Such articles Should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do latest fold to the good you ean -possibly dedvofrom them. HalEa Catarrh Care, matiataotered by F.S. Charter dc Co.. To. ted, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken In- ternally, acting directly upon tee blood and mtusetui 'surfaces of ths system. In buying Hall.'s Catarrh Onro be auto you get tho genu Jae. It is taken internally,and hada in Toted° Ohlo, Oy F. J. Cheney k Co. Testimonials Via hy,DrUfglats,'price 71.3 per bottle. . Matra rand e elfin ate the beet, . JOHN DITIL S'I'ILL LIVES, NeWSPapere and politiciene are COntipually relegating Great Bri- tain to a back seat among the no- tions, but John13u13 just am regular- ly decliees to sit where he is assign- ed. A deeayieg land arrnement. ie SedlY nieWed by pessimists within and joyfully contemplated by ene- mies without. Yet, eetWIttletrancls Ing its defects the Array Worries through mad sieve stronger 3mappree Clatioll of Ike failings. The etevy described as an important collection of antiquated ships. A denionstra'- tlon on the part of a toMY Of those OtiqUa.fed ships itS seflicient to in- timidate the etroegest aliiaace ia Revere. And so whit Britain's coor peercial prestige on the me. It le Pictured &I a tottering fabric, at John Dull turns up in good time and secures his Ascendancy as Com- placently as 33 13 had never been tbreatened. joenson—"Ifow is your .rbeunita- tista gettingor " gettiug .along slowly, but I am very hopeful. pow." Jecesert--el en0. glad to hear that." Wileen--"Yes; it mar menced in my feet and Joie gradually wetted up into my shoulders. I'm in boresteat in stout e. week it mifl gtt ieto my bat." Evereetee has tweed of Ste sifteet4 053 for rheeetatieta, etreiee, braleee, lame tact, .riend all ..museelor aches 'gild Pities, heft- few Immo that tbere liOthing to equnl it for .relieving .4eitleg .feet, trouniesonie come, and for eoftening the, herein callieue Stall frequently forum on the soles f the feet. Auyone silfferieg from eitive epoin on 'the Wee. eidee of 10 feet. or hetween the Ono, eitoUld a little St, sTfiCebfl 011 on Me not .enery Inglit, The ironic - relief oletoined Is eimplywette ehould to without einem 031. le will lie wanted after cricket. after tennis, after a day's bootteg ; in feet. it is the athlete's hived. 41,11 •tiottaiata meU St. Jecolte Oil and a .50 (vet bottle Suflicient to provo t-eyozel ndoutt alitive sae:neat*. "WELL TIM !OUS" iTON NAN IS NOW AB B '1MS ANSWER, ti ui lade Did Not Al -ways ita Cbeery Reply Il e for Nosey Years Er. Plet- cher Suffered With Lumbago. ton. Ont. Oct. 20. --(Speciale e John Fietcher, a well-nnown ei this place, who suffered for long tin.e with Lumbago. and Niel - *fey TrouWr, him at lant ,found cure, Now, when Itis friends lequire n to hie health, he cheerily tells thou that he is Well, something which he bas not teen alae to do for a Meg time, till quite recenthee Mr. Fletcher tells the story of lde Mete and how he was cured, os fol- lows: "I was troneded for A 10K tirelo with Lim:bole" o ' leidney Trouble. My urine woe at if- red colas. i iii tried many is o e it could get nothing to bel g "ilk' ,e,:. "I consulted ,.. tigienneeett meeical doctors M Gramtnieeenedeet. )Jary's, but they could do nett,' &este me. "At last COM day a druggist in Grantees suggested Do's Kidney vas es e. cure Mr my Lumbago. 1 purchased a box and began to take them right away. Tbe fleet box helped me and 1 kept on till at last I was completely cured. "I ant now as well as ever 1 was and have not had any trace of Lum- bago about inc. I run perfectly sound and I 'thank Dodd's leitirey Pills for it. I recommend them to all loY lends, and as for myself 1 never in- tend that my house Shall be Without , Item. for I believe them to be the greaten medicine in the world," Mr. Fletcher is a. num who means every word be Says and is prep:wed to substantiate the truth of every statement matte above. There seems to be no case of Lum- bago, Backache, Kidney Trouble or Rheentatisea, that Dodd's Kidney Pills will not cure. e. . A white frost restets from the coldness of the earth; a black from the coldness of the atmosphere. Minard's Liniment tor sale everywhere "Wha,t makes the lady pull such Et bad face when she sings, Ina, ?" "Hush,* Willie." "Does it hurt her worse than it does us ?" Biek le's An ti -Consumptive Syrupstands at the head of tbe list for all diseases of the throat and Mugs. It acts like magic in breaking up a cold. A cough is soon subdued, tightness of the chest is relieved, even the worst case of consumptiou is re- lieved, while in recent cases it may be, said never to fail. It is a medicine pre- pared from the active principles or virtues of severatmedielnal herbs, and can be de- pended Upon for all pulmonary cern- plaints. "Cook, my husband complains that the coffee was cold, the meat over- done, the biscuits burned,. and the oatmeal soggy.'"`Yes hev nae sym- pathy, maim. It must be aWful to live with such a. man." The Most Popular Pill.—The pill is the most popular of ell forms of mediciee, and of pills the most popular are Parme- lee's Vegetable Pillabecause they do what it is asserted they can do, and are not put forward en any fictitious claims to excel- lence They Etre compact and portable, they are easily takenethey do not nauseate nor gripe, and they give relief in the most stubborn cases. A Ewhoolboy remarks that when his teacher undertakes,: to "show him what is what," he only finds out which i switch. -- Monkey, Brand ,Soap cleans kitcben utensils, steel, iron and tinware, knives and-forkss • and a all kinds of cutlery:, , APPLES as& POULTRY Wo oam handl* any quantity of prOmnly paukoil 4010 Also any quantity of Po/007(00 or Wive.) Write no, T E ON 001431, ' ito4, TORONTO. t wan in t "lime era touriet. "Pretty tolertible, etrendele". re- spouded the old man, who wile mit- m etoutp. "I bad some trees to cut dOWit, but the e,ycloue levelled them and skived toe the trouble," -Teat was good." "Yee; awl then ti* lighteing set fere to the thrush plie, and eaved Me the troulde el burning 4difeenerlieble3 But what ere neu *loiter uow ?" "enntitittg for an earthquelie atm along end Veal* the potet et of the ground." of ArlieriCa. :totted the Minard's Liniment Cules Bandit% 2.2.10 square widen of the 12t,600 Intro miles viltielt conmeze the ver- ge of the United Kiegdout aro wo.ter. The bealtby glow dleappearing from tit cheek and moaning and reetlevinese night are suet eymptoute of wenn.; children. Da no fall to get a Linde Mother Graver Worm Exterminator; le An effectual medicine. Documents iluuned by ere may rendered readable by the application of a weak, solution of leydrochlorie • fAtmo-an If:Alt:do tittlaxi. 1 .141niaati, nold li Natural Flavor Food Products arc 4i..3. Garernsitint infiPtcach 1 getp hi ills Unto for eatergont4t-fer :Rpm. fcr tantirietes,-fer soy 01110 *Ms 'roll well.; Mrathica dcoa MA nth St 4pli4t, 15Imply Inns a go.? aad the CAP OA 15 01115, Au appallcing Neck la lesey ta 0 15300401. t USK liclifill a Lint CHIC160. tWrlie for OR fret tes'alei, *glow ta Xate Good Thing; to .44040400.414444404640644Lds NIOB PA Low Rates I A MOUNTAIN 01' BAGGAGE. Few persons appreciate the tremen- dous passenger businees that is being handled by the railroads. Here is an illustration Mat will open the eyes of some: For the first eh; &ye of Septem- ber there were received tit the New York Central's Grand Central Sta- tion, NOW York, 81,250 pieces of baggage, an average of 5,700 pieces per day. During the seeond week of September the average was a little ov?r 3,000 pieces per day. The bag- gage came in so rapidly and there was such an amount of it to be handled in a eoznparatively snmIl space that it was with the greatest difficulty that the platforms were kept clear for incoming trains. The first week in September is al- ways the heaviest week ia the year; SO matey people returning on the first of September from the Lake and Mountain resorts, in ord?r to put the children in selio01, that it makes an immense traffic. The fact that this estat amount of baggage was handled with reasonable promp- titede, and that very feW trunks were either lost or seriously damag- ed, speaks kolumes for the efficiency of our transportation. lines. Mote you tried Hollowneas Cora Cure It has no equal for removing these trouble- some excresences, as many have testified who have tried it. Little Girl—"Please, sir, raanama wants a spool of red silk." Crusty Shopkeeper—"Why didn't your moth- er have sense enough to tell you the exact Shade of red 2" Little Girl— "She did, sir ; she said about the color of your noses" neeesneeamemaeoweearsoomereaeeeemea Messrs. C. es Richards ei Co. Gentlemen—My daughter 18 years old, was thrown from a sleigh and injured bar elbow so badly it re- mained stiff and very painful for three years. Peer bottles pf MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT completely cured her and she has not been troubled for two years. Yours 'truly, J. B. LEVESQUE. St. Joseph, Pea:, Aug. 18, 1000. - A Polish .few was arrested the other day, and when taken to prison was told to strip and have a bath. "Vat, go in de vater ?" he asked. "Yes, take a bath ; you need it. How long is it sine you had a bath 9" With his hands liftea up- wards, he answered : "I never vas arrested before." IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP The euality atandard from ocean tO Imes*. Year mosey lwk if net astisfasairr. moSlta LAFIAMMS, Agents, - Meatreal. Every Day. AY. Eveey day during the ntonth of 'October. 11102, the Union Pacific will evil one-way settlers' tielietS SA, the folhovieg rates 1 IMISSOURI RIVER TO Ogden and Salt Lane.— ...... ...$20.00 !Butte And Belenti... ..... .. ..... . 20,00 ... eee 2Se50 'Spoltene...... iPortland and Aehland 25.00 Tacoma and Seattle-. ... 25.00 '.SanFrancisco.— 2500 Los Angeles and San Diego25.00 Correspondingly low rattS from In- 1 termediate points. For full information call on your nearest agent or address. 1 IL F. CARTEIL T.P.A. 3.# :ranee Building. Toronto, Canada. G. ee. HERRING, G. A., 1 e36 Woodard Ave., Detroit, Miele Merino sheep have realized the highest prices. $5,775 was paid at Sydney for a merino rnm, ten y,ea.rs agoe , FOUR SHEEP TO LET nut on Maxim Double Ind seam 4.1pplIPXRCIf Love, se Morse -se, Toronto. kisdl Poultryilanted send empty crates, lety highest price% and. re- mit promptly. ()swam EOM:rex Co„ 17 Carlarneve., Tomato. THE CAUSE OP FAILURE. "What reade Jenkins fail?" "His friends say because he didn't take their advice, and Jefikins says because he did." - -- far Over Sixty Tears. .ass Oil) As. iV2LIAAISD ItsITEDY. —• Mrs winsloVa saatieffsyrue has been used for over allay fears by inillteas et sttethers for -their children -while teething, with perfast sueemd. I6 soothes the child, softens the gums, salays all pain, sures mind colic, zmd is the best remedy let Diarrhcett. 23 pleasant to 'the taste. dela by druggists in erery part ef the world. rwenty.ive cents a bottle. Its value le inealculable. Ele sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. and take no other Mad A player at whist may hold about 635,000 million different bands. The chances against holding seven trumps are 160 to 1. Totally Deaf.—Mrs. S. E. Crandell, Port Perry,writes: "I contracted a severe cold iast winter; which resulted in my beeom- ingeotally deaf in one ear and partially so in the other. 'After trying various remedies, and consulting several doctors, without, obtaining any relief. I was ad- vised to try Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. I warmed the Oil and poured a little of it n to my ear, and before one-half the ho - Ile was used iny bearing was completely restored. I have heard of 'other cases of deafness being cared by the use of this medicine." In January, 1900, recruiting for the British Army reached its top level of 6,500 men. Millard 's Liniment Cures [turns etc, Last -year Britain built 20 war - vessels for foreign nations, and 242 mercantile vessels. Minard's Liniment relieves Neuralgia, T ti• .309