HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-10-30, Page 1. ENTHYEARS 4 4 CARPETS • • REDUCED PRICES . We ween luck it few weeks ago in purchasieg odd pieces of carpets. We hot these goods at great cut on the cost prices and eget offerthene toyettat bargainie g pieces of Hemet earpets, time al patterus, heavy stock, 1 yard jykle. Wan 2 now 20c per yard. kplece wU4Englieh Hemp, stripe petteresextra, heavy, 1 yd. wide, watt Me, now 23e. per yd, 1 pleee Canadian Union car. pet, green ground, welt Pett patterns and colore. oplendia stock. was 45e. now 350. per yd. 1 piece common Uniou carpet, cordinal groundfloral designe. with beevy pattern waa tiOeinow 40e. per yard, POPLEST011 Ooppley, Nowes Rautiall'a clothing is the best. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDA1 OOTOBER 30, 1 piece common wool carpet, with lovely design of geetotawn, light brown, white colors in pat- ternsvery heayy weight. was Vie. DOW Ode. 1 piece 3 ply Euglish wove cart pet, heaviest weight. best wool, beautiful rentang patterns, was $1,2it now 95c. 1 piece patent Tapeetry carpet linen back, elose weave, new green ground, well covered de- sign, waa ttec, now 75e. 1 piece English Axminster car. pet, lovely tail* nep, with gond eoft shacles a -emit was $1.2e now ede. lainterive minty hemline m every ?tetertment. Try us and increase, yodteeemk account. ct CAR D EWE R One door north of Post (Wee. WAN* private lurk& for i upon farm QtyliNgo eropetty* es of iaterest. DICatititi Barristers, ate.. Ete Witte eve a, lodge teneetit er trivaie ftu te farm stud village peoyerties at I w nterost, F. vie -01,41Mett. Darriater, Main Street Eitete entietr =tore nee FAICinlitteiri5lire.fl+ Agent Fantf451ar.4 be properties bought and sold e rea.senable terms. bever eal dwelling helms ter sale. " Vtandsiu all parts of Manitoba arid the Nerthacs for Elite. TEACHER. WANTBD,.,,mALE A male teacher for school Section fs, Dutics cenuotetre the first etvear. Apply, Wa- hl; Wilge5 RO Se3vtary Trustee ward. W. Lewis, litinilev, Ont. 'P -- ..stra:t•ed unto the prem4Ses et the nutlet* ., Com 4. Stephen, two uheep. Owner co me by proving peplum/mil paying for nt Kau(4hol Sale Reoster. Nov. 7.-Pann stork and Implements, 7 et Jas. Lampert, Let 4, Can.°, Stephen. ne o'clock. IL Mown Auctioneer. 100 ACRE FARM TO RENT. In the township of Stephen. being tot 8, Collees• Mon O. There Is on the premises a good (mane MUM and barn, good fences. a windmill ptunp and 11141W ether conveniences. This is a splendid farm and will be rented at a reasonable figure. il.pply to JAS. Crafts, Executer, Crediton, Ont limn PROPERTY FOR SAI.E. • The undersigned N offering for sale that desirable hotel situated at Devon, an the London Road. This hotel is in good condition, and is 24 miles south of Exeter. This road is largely travelled and for the right man Chancesare good for a splendid business. There isa good stable in connection also, It acres of land. Possession given immediately. This property will be sold cheap. For particulars, apply to McssOS & Cams°, Exeter, Out. I FAltar FOR SALE -50 ACRES. ' The undersigned is offering for sale his fifty -acre farm, situated in the TOwnship of flay, being the West half of Lot% on. 9. There is on the premises a good frame home and barn, two acres bush, a good orchard and it is well Watered and in a good state of cultivation. For particulars ripply on the premises, or by mail to LOCIS ROM, Dashwood, Ont LIQUORLICENSE ACT. ' Take notice that I have •applied to the License Commissioners for South Huron, for permission to transfer my Hotel License in the. village of Exeter to- hmer Shaddeek. Any objection against transfer of said Lieense must be made to the License Inspector on or before the 15th day of November 1902. • Thum Cumarearrast. Dated at Exeter this 22nd day of October, 1902. • IMPORTAiTT TO ROG RAISERS. You can ave money, time and feed by keeping your piga dry and clean. They, will thrive better and keep healthy, Make the hog comfortable and he wIll put on fiesh. You can do m with a very little expense by erecting (redier's Patent). The Elevated Moveable Pigs lied. Simple of construction, make it yOurselves. Send $2.00 in registered letter for pun right certificate and plan of construction to Patent applied for. - JonsFentsa,Exeter, Ont Notice of Application. Ie the Surrogate Court of the Cionnty ., of Huron. - In the matter of the Guardianship, of Elizabeth Jane Haggith and Haggith, infant children of Rich- , %arc' Haggith, of the Township . of Stephen, in the County of Huron, ,5*arrner, deceased, ae is hereby given that after the expiration o Vrl dayS front .the first publication of this notice; application will bb made to the. Surrogate doprt, oI the CounbY of Iluron,.for a grant of letters of guard- isirishie Of the above named itifants,,to Susannah Alioe llaggith, of the said Township• Of Stephen, widow, the mother of the said infants. F. W. 4raintax, Solicitor for Applicant. Dated at Itbteter this 25th day of October AD 1902. Edward, the third. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lindenman, of Eagle, Ont., and who ended his life by shooting himself just above the temple on Tuesday, was a quiet industrious young man, but lald been in poor health since last win- ter, becoming very despondent. He was around the house as usual Tues- day forenoon, and went upstairs, and his mother thinking he was staying an untistmi time, went up, and was shock- ed to find him in an unconscious state, leaving shot himself, Despondency WAS the cause of the rash act. 0 fer last weeis.1 Miss 1. uest visited at her home t Go1ei'eh a few days last week, resum- ing her duties again Monday.- Mtn Bella Box, who WS Item Ott the sick list, is reeoverinte-ldiss Ethel Tens, who was the guest of Miss Hazel Prom le a few days last week, left Thurs- day for Calliornia.-Mrs. Alex. Bo'e fele was a great billeeeSS. Nearly every. thing broughtgood prices. One of the farms is rented by 4. Box anti the oth. er by Mr. Gateliner, of Exeter. -31r. Cheeter Stanlake haft for London on Monday. where be will take couree in the Business College, Bay field 3liss Lillie Martin. of Townto, is via iting, friends bere-Miss Lena Irwin, who bas been on a, months' viten to friends in Matine CityMkli. Into re. turned 'Murray and her nother. Mrs. Fletchee, of the (IRMA' OWL have gone teltoralon, having sold out IIPTP.,-,-MISS Nlltt eAtti is re- eve ering flout haw recent, ntLkek Of in. llama:talon-Last week the occupants of the Queen's betel were moving aut. Having taken one load away that day they returneda,t night for anotherone but WOW was sent to the collector who quickly came and had it warinnt issued for the detaining of the goods and hatl the last load locked up until next day. Word was sent to the owner who came up and had them released by paying the texes.-Messrs, Henry Turner and Charles Qupee, who have been Work- ing at, the Soo during the slimmer, have returned home. -Murdoch Ross and John Torus have gone to Port Frank to commence fall fishing. -The directors of the Stanley Branch eagle - cultural Society will meet in the town hall, Hayfield, an Friday, Oct 31st, to windup all business connected with the show this year. Prize money will be paid on November Ist-Mr. Eng- land, of St. Catharines, owner of the River hotel, has been making exten- sive improvements to the place. I3e has also put an addition to it and made other repairs, whicli put it in first-class shape, with every convenience. ACOIDENT.-On Thanksgiving Day Mrs. James Armstrong and daughters, Misses Minnie and Bertha, of Stanley township, met with an accident which though serious enough, might have been nuich worse. They were return- ing home from attending &Thanksgiv- ing service here when one of the lines became detached and the horse started to run away. It is a frisky animal and after galloping at its top speed down the road it threw all the occupants out at the first corner. Mrs. Armstrong was badly shaken up and bruised and so was Miss Bertha, but Miss Minnie fared still worse, having her right arm broken at the elbow. As it fortunately so happened Dr. Armstrong was at the homestead so that the injured ones re- ceived prompt attention. DEATHS. -We have the sad duty of recording the deaths of two residents of our village, in the persons of Miss Marion Martin, aged 46 years, and Mrs. Agnes Rauatt, relict of the late John Rouatt; aged 82 years. Miss Mar- tin departed this life on Wednesday, Oct. 15. She had been suffering for over a year with throat trouble and went to Toronto Hospital last year to undergo an operation but was too weak at the titne to operate on. She carne home after which she got pretty well, being able to attend to her duties in the shop and house, but it few months ago she got worse again. Her heart became affected from the trouble and it caused her death in the end. She had carried on a millinery business here for several years and was it re- spected and useful citizen, and her de- mise will be regretted by all. She leaves one brother and one sister, Thomas, of Toronto and Lottie, of tlais place- liter funeral took place from her late residence to the Hayfield cem- etery Saturday. -Mrs. Ronatt, whose husband predeceased. her about three years, has resided with her daughter, Mrs. Peck, of this village, ever Knee. She was a strong and healthy woman until a short7 time ago when she began to suffer from kidney trouble but not confbaed to her bed until a short time ago. Her case becotning more serious turning to dropsy and internal hemor- rhage and she passed away on Satur- day about noon. She leaves one daugh- ter, Mrs. Peek. The funeral took place on Sunday to the Hayfield cemetery, the services being held in St. Andrew's church. 1902. 0.JI SANDE EDITOR, illivray Council • ncil met _pkirsuane to adjourn- ment hi Tosvn 1 kll feet-inlet:ay, Oct. 6th. Present, .1,D.DrunitroonthReeve; A. 11. Hudgins, D. Dorman, J. Metx.re, go' and W. Mawson, Coeueillore. Minutes of last meeting read, apPrOv, ed Of andbignecl, McOrtgor-Mawaan that accounts, amounting in all to $347.17, be passed and Orderiseued pernent.-Carried, Mitweon--Flotl- gms-that thisCouncil adjourn to meet in the Town Hall, on the first Monday in November, at one it'elook Carried. - Wu, ERASER. Tn. Clerk, errand Bent:1- ,31r, lineton and son, of Exeter,spent Weduesday and Thursday here. -Mr. Miller. of London, spent a, few daYe here last week, --Mr. Shoemaker owl C. Fritz, of Zurich. spent Wednesday here. --Mr. Richardson, of Zurich, was in our burgh Sitturtlay.--Mervyn Hue, ton, of Perla:till, spent a flair here lest, week. -31r, S. Snell, of Ditsfiwood, wa,e here Friday on businese.--Mr. Sautes Clerk's granary was struck by lightning- doting the heivey tbutitler storm Wednetday. also Mr. !dullard's ari ery little damage. how. Sweet, of Exeter, spent a tinye here hunting Net week. fr. Syrus Oreen spent Sunday at his tome bere.-Tt is reported that Mr, 'haw has told his bonee to Mr. Ruben Sipple. of Zerich, event dneeday here bonting.-.t couple en were here gathering tip on the Wavle pitchttig their aple Oran for a few day& eilittenittrat Cettelte--The memory ting emelt will be Fadden- wsidents of this neighbor - he unfortunate and lament- able accident th,at occurred here on Ftiday 104, whereby little Sohnney Lime son of Mr. Wm. 1303 at the age of fourteen, lost his life. and las 1'6I't,fl. Pant Boa, of about the Satiln age, had gone out into the WOMIS141 shoot t 'Teta Tit tle Sohn ny shot EqUIrret and his tontin, who WaS SUMP distance 6tvisty, was running to- wards the spot where the squirrel bad fallen with e. loaded and cocked gun in his hand, when he tripped and fell. His finger being on the teigger the gun was discharged the contents of which entered little lolanny's leg eust belIW the knee. causing n terrible %mind and shatterieg the bone badly. Pelle Immediately am for ass:starlet and tut' littered noy Ives removed to a near by honse, but the wound bleeding profusely the little fellow died about four Lowe later. A physician arrived but too Iate to save his life. The acci- dent is indeed a slut one and it will be bard for the parents to realize for many clay to come that the young man whom they loved so much and so full of life has disappearrd forever from their midst. When death comes in this way the shock is always more Se- vere aud its grimess all the more tete tibia The contrast throws out its black colors in horrid relief. He was a. particularly bright boy, clever at school and loved aud highly esteemed by all his school nudes ana associates. On all sides the keenest sympathy will be felt for the bereaved family in the loss of one so dear. Brucelield Geo. Simpsoneeft last week for the Soo, where he has secured a good post- sition in a store. -Dr. Alex. Murdock left for Muskoka, where he will prac- tice medicine. His trimly friends here wish him every success in his new field of labor. -Dr. Armstrong held his sale of household goods on Thursday and good prices were realized. -Mr. Gran- ger, who had his foot hurt some time ago by a stone falling on it, is slowly recovering. -Mrs. Geo. Hill, who hada alight operation performed on her eyes a short time ago, by Drs. Rogers and Armstrong, is recovering nicely. -Mrs. A. McEwen is recovering from her re- cent illness. -Geo. Simpson has sold his driving horse to Mr. B. A. Higgins, of Varna. -Mrs. Baird has had the rooms lately occupied by the I.O.O.F., pre- pared for a dwelling. The Foresters are now occupying the building recent- ly vacated by Mr. Delgaty. HOTEL SOLD: -The American hotel here, lately vacated by Dr. Little, has been purchased Mr. Philip Murray, of Blyth. The price paid by Mr. Murray was $3,700 and is considered a cheap property. Mr. Murray, accompanied by his wife, arrived here Wednesday and assumed possession the same day. Mr. Murray is well and favorably known in the vicinity and should keep a good house an1 one that will be pop- ular with the travelling public, while Sirs. Murray knows well how to make an hotel attractiVe and homelike, the greatest charm a hostelry can have. We are safe in saying the hotel is un- der capable management. MATRIMONTAL.-On Thursday even- ing, Oct. 16th, it very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr. Peter McGregor, of this village, when his only daughter, Miss Lottie, was united in marriage to Mr. B. R. Higgins, of Stanley. The important ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Sawyers and was witnessed by agoodly number of the immediate relatives and friends of the contracting parties. The, services of bridesmaid and groomsman were dispensed with. The ceremony con- cluded and congratulations over, the company partook of a suntptuous wed - cling supper, and the remainder of the evening was pleasantly and socially spent. The bride and groom are among our iost popular and respected yoong people, and they have hosts'of friends who will unite with us in congratula- ting and in wishing them all the hap- piness and pleasure this life can afford. Mr. and Mrs. Higgins will settle down to the sterner realities of life in their ponafortable home on the Hayfield road a short distance west of this village. Ribbert STnreit BY POEITNIND.. -Daring the •vere etorm which passed over these parts on Wednesday last, the barn. of Mr, Ti ni Pepper was struck by light - tang and completely destroyed, togetht er with the season's crops, it will be a severe loss to efr. Pepper es he had no ipeurance what &I' on the building - A seperator, owned by Mr. John Jet - fel -son, was standing on the floor at, the time and was destroyed. On this there was au illatkraikee of Off/. DRATO oV Jetneetttrienote-Eatly Satuntley morning Mr. James Atkin- son, Of tiaeeth concessiompessed away in the2i'1year of his age. A cooPie of years ago be met with an aeehlent while going to Mik”, bis horse having hacked, over all effkballkMent from Whiek lit' vever folly regovered. De. ceaeed wee an old and respected rest. dent of the tOWIISIlip, a man of uninte peachable diameter and a loyal Coto servidive. tie. Atkinson was a native of Langford County, Ireland, mei (rime ("anode when seven years old, sett. ng in the township of Teeinnseh for fifteen years. He then moved to Hite bert, hatiug resitled on the lot on whieh bellied for fifty years. Ilieftin. oral to St. Coluanhan on Monday WitS largely attentletl, showing the WO es. teem ilk which he had been held by the wholetteighborhood. iticainivray DEAT OP JAS. MILLER.-Diefl at hia late residence, on. 2, township of .14111eS B. ott the 7th day of Ost. 1902, aged 07 years. eased %Uri %UN in the townehip of trkbani moved with lae paxents the abave t twashi 31 GOB c % ray te a paling man and WaS one of tb WW1 helpers in making a home in tbi5 new seetian. He married leabelle Mutter. of Halton.and eettled on a, gelato iVely TIM fArtki, not far from hie parente and by wise and careful menagement built up a most beautiful .toine. Ile leaves to mourn the lots el' kind 'husband and father a widow end five cbildren, three eons and two ti Otte of the (laugh- ters. Aunee is the wife of Jamea Neil. near the leamesteatli Clara. the second daughter, ie now in the Yukon Teeth tory with tier husbend, A. W. Robin. son; Limit . the third diteghter who died some 0.11)1' years ago Wilik the Wife> of We'll. linstort. The eldest aou Hiram !Ivan just aCrOSi the road from his fatliel :11I1 is the only one mar- ried, the tater two boys Murray in the Not rest and Alexander at home. melte etteneoe.. qualitiee, h ossessed in a marked de- gree a very sealable nature, and in - indeed their are veey few who (quad remember an :Leg utuntauce once made as well as he could. His last illness was very painful ite titues caused by gangrene and other complications and death was no doubt it .sweet rolease. The vicinity have indeed kat Ivery kind and obliging neighbor. 1Prty Zurich Miss Lydia Rannie is visiting friends in Dashwood this week. --Miss Ethel Williams and Miss Lydia, Roehler re- turned home Monday evening, after a pleasant visit with friends in Hudson and Montreal. -Mrs. S. Munn left Mon- day for Toronto to attend the W.C.T. IT. Convention.-Rev.Philpot, of Ham- ilton, assisted. by. Rev. Samon, of To- ronto, and Miss Knight, of Bermuda, India. conducted special meetings here last week. -Mr. It. Richardson' spent Saturday at Grand Bend. -'--Mr. Shoe- maker and C. Fritz spent Wednesday at Grand Bend ou business, Mr. Sim- ple also spent Wednesday at the Bend. -Mr. and MIs. C.R.Wagner has mote ed to town. We welcome Mr. and Mee Wagner to town as citizens and we trust they Will spend the remainder -of their days here. -Mr. Abel Schilbe purchased Mr. Sam. Dietz's resalene* ha 13 In. d Mr. T. Rae, of Toronto. Mrs. G. lloltzmann, Mrs. 0 Fishereittended the young couple .$130d-- e °to in town. The price paid was e ongratulations of the coMmunity and Mrs. Ben Surerue are spending a few weeks with friends in Michigan, . 'Stephen Mr. M. F. Stumpf is giving up farming .,,kaTE ow j'AMES BORLAND. -Again and is Selling his farm stock and im- the hand of death has visited our midst plements.-Mr. J. V. Rickbeil was in and. taken away another of our well - London last week visiting his wife,who known citizens in the person of Mr. is undergoing treatment at St. Joseph's James Borland, he having been tailed Hospital. He also spent a. short tirae away on Saturday, Oct. 18. ceased with Father Valentin, who is under had borne it lingering illness vvit 'much treatment. -Daring the thunderstorm patience and fortitude. His dea will Which passed over this place on Wed- be deeply regretted throughout this nesday lightning struck the barn be - township as he was a man of stirling longing to Thos. Turnbull, Saubleline, quality. The funeral took place Sun - and the building together Nvith con - day, the remains being interred in the tents was burned. Alfred. Melick's Mt. Carmel cemetery. barn on the 13ronson line was also t. 1111)1), Crediton b .111 rbtoT lo gill mt tasheAtabeb4theaol 1 ofeft tafe art! 3L11,40,, .I.J.,ar.).7,--e,,,...iNix...,,,.4r.y6.4.),„.4r.: NE for 4 r2.ter., 7,,,Ciuellir...4,:et ael Carrol's film ori the Oth concession. ' 44erv.19wIa'"13ZIt -LZ114,,u'flerk of tile 11th "Division Court, bits been appointed Ret ;waling officer ear South lemon itt, the , coming Referendum elestione. Con- * gra tulatiMASI--The graphophone con- cert, whicit tette gilveri in the Town Thoe, Lewis is leavinge.-The Workieles a (Ma ar441Y:wm: v:bYn Plo‘oll'altra Auxiliary, of St. Patrick English ,Irg.°.„"ei.:74'4aa. Illg-..klelPfES 41 t& to sehalrgebwia$:;kotiiital:::el:rjAnlit"nachtildttellt,14 Pall:e*"talirPrage'fri!ivq;;ac-Ilanover. where she it e;stat Ste. efarie. This le tee fifth, has been Visiting her siseerolk.s.csurtz, •Permit' the sum of 81,400 for it, -Mit U. Abbott has purcbated tbe resit deuce at present occupied by Mr. 8, Davis, of Centralia. -Mr. Wne Broek, of Lendon. has taken possession of the, Crawley farmtile late tenant, Miv e sent int ay during the mentubency s,s elyn Herr le, or the present rector Rev NS' Stout we are evilly to team, very iBl mad emit ato ebotet steloy Esuerct;e of* effort: fined to bet. bed.- Wee hope t,o eoon see i her ound agait-Mr. HerbeIt Young Its cost valne wee Se(11e-gh arn g as rweepted a position in it, arge tut - r ; shop ha tentd Ate- eitize Ogir tte tire pat. iubar trq, i ting in their simply of sauerkraut.- W. Poliou'R baby has been siek with1 The Misses Snatio, ot Exeter. have op - 1 rellebitiSt requiring the ettent Ion of este4 a e.f- eSS-Making tztiop in the stone, medical aid, S. Pollen's little gig.) le formerly ttecupied b,y Mr. F. Siegner. Ito ill with the sante ilisease.-Mr. E. -The Miss Wilson, who have been • er is tesiting at Mr. ,Andrew Hod. visiting reienes here foe a feet weeks, 311SS JOSie Wesillit:e. Wilo is have left for their home in Wiarton, e rning tile dressmekine. in Exeter. --Mr. Frill* Snell te heeding a wood. W35 home the past weele-Thoe. Bal. thed and summer kitchen to his Iasi. lautyne eras kicked on Ow leg by it I-7 .',. 'S - ' - 4,,tP,14. Of ENeter% liOrSelatit Thill,NdaY Arid has been laid , was in the villti"ge Fritley. We are Il!) sinee„,-The R.T. of T., itele an open glad to learn tliat she iS t Telly regain. meeting last week.-- There was it good tug het. former health.--lt, k3 ruinoted attendance arul a spleedid prOgraild.- that out' private lemker Mr Seines . p nuttrager ot one of our lotiel benks. very Iteav„y, apple trees have been very Mr. Richerd Baker. or London. was Oa PrOafictiVO and roots have heen exec?. the rabso Tileidmr. 4% Dicke tionally heavy crop. Help has been bole and hearty and we are pleased to scarce null farmera have been willing bear that bele doingiwell in the city, to pay any wagee from St te $2 4 dee'. -Mr. Wm. Wenzel is lamentiog the death of hie rot dog, Fid4.-31r, N. D. Dashwo041 Hue don, rklAffitg.ter °it the MoleUrte Bank Mr. J.Snell spent Friday at the Bend at, Exeter. was in the village eftnelayt on businees.-Mr. Charles Steinitagen --Dr. Ezra Haig, le visitiog &lends m will move with Ids family into the re. Motriston. Dafile rumor lia.$ it. that eidenee he reeently Re:dieser! from he WOE't CAVA(' it,lek. atrae.---.11. phOttl- Nine Me(*orniiek.-Mr. John Jacobs graplier was in the village Mouthy has returned from a visit. with his NU- takirtgeiewisof the luttlitessplacei with ents in Waterloo. -Mr. H. Wiliert the object of eelling them to our towns. ehippcd. a carload hoge from the Rm.- p001114.- -1.15'. anti The. Rose, of 31ilver. ter station Wednesday. 6.0E. BIM the gille,51tti Of 31r, and Mrs. DIED IN Tiff); PIELD.--All extremely August 11111. -Henry Eileen eagle, sad death took place in our midst on left for Percy Steind Dit triet.on Wed- Tuestley last. .Tolin Raeder. who was enetzs.titytaf4711italnrioTtaillttiltreilt.;lguititntti.leSruit employed with Mr. John Ellis, Day, went tnit in the fleld ttt plowend while lage is in it. wretched condition. No thus engaged it is simposed he was gravel has been placed on it tbis veear seized with tin attack ot heart. trouble and now we have nind galore.-Reee and dropped deatl in the field. He O. D. Duran will preach an English was plowing near a filklall Streatil at termon fleet Soneley evt-oing on "Les - the time anti it -appears that when sons on the reeent coal stri-e."--mr. nutkittg the tureat the end of the C11;19. lirelk, of Zerieb, was in the vil- field and quite dose to tbe e.reek the Lute Monday.-Rov. Danivl Staebler, attack value on birn fop when fountl of Iowa, occupied tile pulpit. in the his hotly lay partledin the creek. He Evang4leal church on Sundaveveuing W1' itetiveen te and ee e eat: of ago Vet. • , 0 1,,,, . k.,..::,,un.., prom bed aud was mute) respeett tl by all who an excellent eermon on "The Vine." knew him. The dereased was a son ttf Ile is a forceable /speaker nud holds the Mr. Ballantyne Raeder and his malt- etten lion of las audience clueing the et. WAR at the time on a. visit to friends whtde service. in Berlin. The bereaved parents have DESTROYED nv IFIRE.--One of the the sympathy of a lerge circle of worst electrical storms of the season, friends, missed over this neigh:hot:Loot! Wed- The funnel" ea,ve bad a prosperous Hill, le applying for the position hervest this year The grain era was Ansa Craig Earl Hodgins has been transferred from the Forest Branch of the Stand, aril Dank te the Ansa Craig branch, where he has been promoted to thepo- salon of teller, in the stead of Mr. Santis, lately transferred to Canning - ton, Mr, Ryan left last week for For- est. -The Misses Nellie Reid and Lily Gunn attended the Sabbath School Convention at St. Thomas last week. WEDDLNGS.-A quiet wedding was solemnized on Wednesday, Oct. lee at "The Pines," the home of Mr. W. G, Shipley., when Miss Ellenor Bruce was united in marriage to Mr. Sohn Mor- gan, a, prominent business man of this village. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. H. Geddes, in the pres- ence of the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. We join with their many friends in wishing them a long and happy married life. -Anoth- er happy event took place at Norval, Ont., on Oct. 15; ayheiat Miss Gertrude Munroe, of, this place, became the struck but the damage there was light. CELEBRATED TET WEDDING. -On Monday last, ten years ago Mr. and Smoot, REPORT. -The October Ex- Mrs. Abraham Dearing, Sr., 5th eon - emanation report of the Zurich Public cession, were married. Theyhave seen school. From Sr. III. to Jr, IV.- ten summers of connubial bliss and are Pass mark 405.-Oleva,Praner,552; Ger_ enjoying the best of health, and it was trude Hartleib, 531; Irene Lipphardt, therefore appropriate titi celebrate their 518; Luella Wesloh, 505; Frieda -Haber- tin or tenth wedding anniversary. Ac- er, 490; Glieva Weseloh, 482. cordingly the irnmediate relatives of jr. III. to Sr. III. -Pass mark 395.- the faniily were invited and it right Melinda Fuss, 492; Alvado Weseloh,455; pleasant evening wa'S enjoyed. The Joseph Rantlell, 451; Aline Fisher, 443. company toasted the health Of Mr, and II. to Jr. mark 315.- Mrs. -Dearing and the arra•y of approp- Dlimore Weide, 376; Arno Brenner,827; riate gifts were large and varied. Laura Sippel. 818; Arnold Wurtn, 313; There is not otie who knows them but Eva Williams, 316; Kate Howald, 31-11i, what will pay, tribute to their Worth Melvin Smith, 315. nd will wish them happy returns of the anniversary and hearty enjoyment of them • Sencron BY LIGHTNING. -During the severe rain and electrical 'storm on Wednesday evening of last week light- ning struck the north-east corner of the house occupied by Mr, Rich. Penhale, on the 3rd con., shatteringthat part of the building considerably and taking a down -ward course passed into the cel- lar,tearing down a poabion of the stone wall and stunning little Samuel Hicks, who was in the cellar at the Mine churning. He was rendered uncon- scious for some time from the shock and it Was thought at first that he would not recover, but he finally came out of itf apparently 'none the worse for his unpleasant experience. A lot of plastering was broken down OD the inside of the house and a large piece of carpet on the floor in an up -stair room was ttent in shreds. Jr. II. to Sr. IL -Pass mark '316.-- Perirl Johnston, 395; Elenore ETartleih, 380; Henry Fuss, 302; Harold Apel, 362; Victor Deichert, 339; Erwin Greb, 425; Roy Faust, 351; Lee Whoffman, 323; Edward Shoereacher, 321; Clayton Zirnmerman, 316; George Hess, 315. Jr.' II. to IL -Pass mark 200.-Thea- dore Weseloh, 255; Clayton Bossenber- rv, 254; Gideon Koehler, 250; Alvin Wurni, 247; Sulinda.ltandell, 231; Ger- tie Nagel, 225;Ifertry Price, 216; Alinah Brenner, 207; Wilbur Rummel, 202. Jr. Part II. to Sr. 'Part IL -Pass 187. -Lillie Weber; 313; Esther Letter, 288; Peter Randell, 268; Elton Schnell, 275; Harry Fisher, 269; Leonard Heist, 264; Lilly Johnston, 258; John Thiel, 252; Jacob Deiehert, 241; Milton Dietz, 23.9; Alex. Foster, 187. - R. F. STELK , } MISS M. 180 , Teabhers. Miss L, ANDREWS , nesday. During the evening the barn of Ma lettriek Flanagan nits struck by ligIttning and burned to the ground together with the season's erops. Mr. Flanagan was insured in the Hay Tp. Insurance Co. for $1: -NA WEDDINO.-A pretty event took place at the tit sideuce of Mrs. Sims, 1.105 Russell street, Detroit, on Oct 15, when her daughter, Miss Elizabeth. Wootlhall, was united in marriage to Mr. Woe Sweet, both formerly of this place. The bride was assisted. by her sister, Mills Bella Sims, while Mr. Eli Sweet, brother of the groom, assisted as groomsman. The Rev. W. J. Lee, L.D.1, performed the ceremony. We join in wishing Ur. aud Mrs. Sweet a long and happy married life. TEMPERANCE ORGANIIZATION.-A vig- orous temperance organization has been started in our township, On Tnes- day afternoon officers were appointed in the Methodist church to carry on the campaign. In the evening a, pub- Itc service was held in the Evangelical church. The Revds. Morlock, of Dash- wood, Tibbedeau, of Greenway, and Martin, of Exeter, Mr. Tom, I.P.S., of Goderich, Mr. F. W. Gladman, of Ex- eter, and Rev. Daniel Staebler, of Iowa, addressed the audience and ably- ex- plained the evils of intemperance and. •earnestly requested. each and every vo- ter to support the Liquor Act for the prohibition of intoxicating liquors. NEW BANES. -For many years this village has felt the need of a bank, We can now boast of two, which is more than some of our neighboring towns can say. Last Wednesday Mr. A. M. Campbell, of Lucan, Manager. of the Merchants Bank at that place, came to this village and interviewed our busi- ness men as to the advisability of start- ing a branch here. He met with good encouragement and on the strength of their promises, he opened a bank on Saturday morning, next to Dr. Raises office. No sooner was it known that he had located when the Sovereign Hank -people of Exeter came here and rented. the room formerly occupied as barber shop and began business On. Monday. morning. It is indeed very unfortunate that two banks have lo- pated here, as there is not enough busi- ness transacted for both. The Baby Sick? Thee probably it's a cold. Babies catch cold so easily andlecover so slowly. Not sfowTy, however, when you u Vapo-Cresolene. Then a si gle eight is all that is necessary for a cure. You just put some Cr.eSolene in the vaporizer, light the lamp beneath, and place near the crib. While baby sleeps he br eathes- in the healing vapor. Cold loosens, inflamed 'rnembranee heal, and all trouble ceases. It's a perfect specific for whooping -cough and croup. 8 ,VaPo-Cresolene is sold by druggists everywhere, A Vapo-Cresolene outfit, including the Vaporizer and Lamp, which should ,1ast a life -time, and a bottle of Cresolene, complete, ti,5o; extra supplies of Creso. lend 25 cents and So cents, illustrated booklet contain-' frig physicians' testimonials free upon request ,Varo- Cnssox.Ents Co., BD, Fulton St., New York, U.S.A.