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Exeter Advocate, 1902-10-23, Page 8
Y�UCANHAVEA WARM TIME. All winter in one of Tam-_ an's suits and overeo ts* Never a better line.. of real good ones. Never a better live of xnoderatepriced ones. Never a better line of low priced ones. Then there is this ce 1tailt If youbuy a suit and over- coat of me you get as good a one as the price you pay �� bL y and Utile fit and can. workmanship don't prove satisfactory you get your money back.. PRICES GO FROM. $12,' 00 VP. l'& 'E iVskehi ... YOUR R CLOT1JINer TRADE. TAMAN N t k,Ip Tante, B'e'rn., �lF 1,16 41) OFFICE TORONTO a, HOLT. D. M.STEWART. President. teaieraal Man.. Capital :aantlaerrizeal, . • - • . , $ Capital Sitiaset•ibed ;a1,,000.00 EXE'l'EP BRACH BRANCHES. „ a,En1i4'trstbnrr V niouvitle Clinton Mount Albert New Market, E'Aeter teidl'.ville Stirl'aatg Ottaws otnra",al,itiall�.. .latera Q;ne., Perth 1 kir :. EAaa l 1 r �.' aanten St. :attt;at•raae li 1 a< t . M i «'attE i lac . Qum, SAVINGS' DEP.I.UtTMENT. 1Ii \'tarot rates of interest paid on ole. posits of $1.t an nand war'te. Coi-' pound halt --1 Early. Depositp receipts ts h ssneai. M ine}- loaned to twitters on their. owls motes. at lowest rates Drafts bought anal slid, lltanry Otelere. pees.. able ,anywhere in t'.tn;aala, ISsilecl at sears lowrate. • , aE, (.� �o]lections nettle cat reasonable aates, We mole n specialty of New York and Ste rhtig l.at hunse. Get our rates befoee baying, air Riling. A GrAllti.'tt. i aNKINea 1.ns:is 'ss Ties':., s:1Veran. T P.S.Errl,Ci 191.,4tii't2. F. W.GLAD?tit 1M, F. R+'}RNt Solicitor. Mcanager. Boys' and Girls' grain; calf sebool boats. The kind that every pair is guaranteed, 25e, in advance for the Apsoosri o Jan. 1st, 1903. Thanksgiving Day was generally observed in town: and business plecee were closed.. Use Foot Elise for tender, tired, ach- ng orswoolen feet, Sall by C. Lutz, Price 2.5 cents. A poet says tloat all angels are blonds; but teat does not mean Chet, all blonds are angles, General Booth, founder of the Sal- vatton Army, will be in London on" Saturday and Sunday next. a'fiessre, Bawdien 4 McDonelt have had the interior :o their lal.rrts roan- vated and greatly improved. The man who contends that the world owes him a living is generally too lazy to go out aud collect it. The Toronto Eedtibition of this year shows a surplus of almost $12.0QO. af- ter paying all liabilities, including last year's deficit. When a girl begins to And faultWaith the fit of a. young mans clothing tae bad about es well go and get the Eniarriege license. The everage young girl feels that she is perfectly able to cope with the world after she bas made her first, chocolate layer cake, When a girl gets an etrgageneut ring she becomes very much Ihatbitatat- eat to feeling to find out if the bade of be heir is fixed tight. The Bible tells ns that the imeek shall inherit the earth, but in these days; the fellow who wants the earth 't built on these lines, NEW TAILOR SHOP Having jest opened up a Tailor- ing Establlshtnent in the shorn recent- ly vas awal by Mr, J. H. GRIEVE on the East side of Mein sheet. I am pre• - pared to do all kinds of Mitering in the latest styes and ;it lowest prices. Latest Goods. We have just laid in an assort- ment of the latest rep -to -date goods for SU1TINGS, OVERCOATI:a7GS, PANTINGS, Etc. Get our Prices. Before buying elsewhere we in. vite you to get our prices and see our goods. It will be fashionable, some- thing that yon will feel dressed in and it will be big value for your money. SCIENTIFIC EYE SPECIALIST T. P. SMITH SILL %3E AT THE...... COMMMEROIAL, HOUSE, EXETER --Two days only— FRIDAY and SHERRY, NOV 7th. and 8th Call early and avast' yourself of his -valuable service, a as this is a rare op- portunity to have your eyes properly tested free of charge. No guess work, but a seiehtific certainty. ''Difficult cases accurately_ titted. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. A full line of Artificial Eyes added to :our stock. . ,ate it;emmfewbewliwetz LOCAL DOINGS. aaoeera►aAZc:cssiagkelBulA2ISINNIAWittstalo Black fur, neck ruffs, natural head and tails. Only $2. Stewart's. file Sohn Wood shipped a get.a Elliott carload lames 'to.,Buffalo me Wednesday. shipped lliess'zs.73aandford & pp a carload horses to WinnipegMondaay If you wish to man's 'attentio tell hire that you dislike; to encroach on his valuable time. s, M. J. Whites anetion sale of hold effects on Saturday was E� target atteetleal.and eve-rytliieg tight fairly good prices. The eclipse of the moon on Thursday itght was a perfect sight and: was wit- tessed by many of oar citizens The atmospheric conditions for riew h g it coutd not bare been better. The most successful aatattstt.n aker. we have heard of lately Is the Boston girl who aeeepted a- position in a iatetch factory ,end AN mouths later tela:n fed the superintendent. As a general tonie for the eyelet)) aataol to earnail the blood, nothing will equal Blaand'a Laxative Blend.' and Nerve Tonle Pills, lftQ hills In each betties Said ibv C � Lutz. Price . M. SVm. Fisher last Tiatir stay mor- f eat ffaam Mr. John Welsh's ilwelting on JAM'S street and bas taken up his residence in a part of .lir. Senn, Pog- ley's house on William street. Turkish Sealp Food is the hest rem edy solar for !totting o f the scalp, pre. nrErEfalling of the l►u li dtri"tr ,tarin; salters of grey leafs, Price all cents, Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. A sueeessfttl man is one who keeps his heart piing, his life clean, repeat to nu:stakes. follows the dtetaates oaf his own vanselenrra and tries to make the world better for his baying lie ed n it. The Parker Co., six in number, will he E\ E, life first of their series of enter. give In Gidley's Opera House. on (Tuesday evening, Nov. lath. The ser - see will consist, of four entertainments and al will air s be all nl alai E t1E •,..c i)fa 4 iii h or- der. e- l: n Di. J. A. Rollins, wbo left east week for St. Joseph Hospital, London, nn, dement a painf nl and rather criticaal. operation at the hands of Dr. Wlsliert on Monday morning last. The Doctor's ninny friends will be pleased to learn' that the operation was suuecessful end that be is recovering nicely from its effects. The annual meeting of the Exeter Branch of the British and Foreign Bible Soeiety will be held in the Trivia. Memor a l a ehool Hall this (Thursday, Oct. Int evening at 8 o'clock. The agent of the Society, the Rev. 7. H. Moorbouse, rector of Christ's Church, London, will be present as well as the resident ministers. There is an old saying that is often called into use at this season of the year especially that if there is a heavy crop of nuts it will be followed by a, hard winter. If there is any truth in this propheey people had better look up their supply of fuel for rarely has there been such an abtrndance of nuts, especially butternuts.— Clinton News - Record. Ladies' new three quarter coats. Biggest stock in the country. Stew - Art's. Mr. W. W, Taman has hung out a new sign of very tasty get-up, Mr. Uri Dunuinghate disposed of his hotel furniture and ot er er feet s on Monday last to Mr. ,fames Sbaddock, a former hotel keeper of Corlett. Ie satisfactory arrangements. cola be made Mr. Shaddock will lease the Mansion House for a term and will -lei -Ice posses- ion about the 1 th of \overuher. We understand \Ir, Cuuninglaam intends going West. Mr. Sbaddock enjoys the highest reputations as a hotel man, aud while we welcoune mils to our midst we cannot but express, our re- gret that the, town is about losing a good citizen in Mr. Cunningham, Steeppy heads will no longest have ex - vases for being absent at midnight and early morning fres, The town fath- ers in their wise discretion have shade the purehase of a new fire Alarm known as the devilene whistle and have bad it placed on the grist Knill. It IS Well Maier' and if bis satanie majesty had no band in the manufacture he ver - Willy only hasin its unearthly prodnetions. as it produces the most hideous sounds imeginab,e and can be beard for miles. It will doubtless amply serye the in- tended purpose, ander*. person caught sleeping under its lailli*ying (?I tones ehoold get sax months twice a year ar iii real good ping pong sets o be given away with 4o 14b. this rarest City beking powder. • $atur- y: night. 8 o'vloc at Stewart's, d n Dummy Stapelton narrowly escaped serious injury on Tuesday last. He was exercising one of Messrs. Bowden & McDonelf s entire horses and giving the beast two tench line the brute got. the better of the dunnniy and threw him off his feet and dragged him some distance.. He, however, escaped with a fewbruises and a badly soiled suit of clothes. There will be no public observance of the Ding's Birthday, Noy. 9, this year. The anniversary was observed instead in. June in the United King- dom. The 9th comes on a Sunday. and as the first of. November (All Saint's) and the 16th of October (Thanksgiving) are both public holi- days, the Government thinks it better to fix May 24 of next year for She .an- niversary of this occasion. Mr. Wes. Snell, who has been acting as local agentfor the McCormick Manu- facturing Co,,has been appointed their general agent for this district. As an implement agent Mr. Snell has few equals, having sold over three -hund- red machines during the 'past year, probably more than any other man in the county: This and the many other good traits in Mr. Snell as agent has r been recognized bythe h g con pau5, epee the appointment. The ADvooATE con- gratulates Mr. Snell on his deserved appointment. Theuo lar search for the co p p,. met these evenings is doing good in getting people acquainted with the field of stars overhead. Very few people know that the night sky is mapped out into named countries and colonies by bright stars'end colstellations which change with the passing months and are as in- tereiting to the studied view as are the sights seen by taking costly trips to the Rockies or other famous ' wonder- land reports. By all means watch kir the comet—a little north-east; nearly overhead, loranrt eaond Minot, horse power. en. gine and boiler; in first.eless working order, Will be gold very cheap. A.p• ply at DMO .T0 dace. lentils Hanving, had numerous complaints of persons trading their bicycles on the sidewalks, I am instructed to enforce the by-law pro=hibiting this practice. W. J. BianWrr, Chief Police. 'lf P- Smith Conning. If you bave defeetive eyesight don't fail to consult with T. 3.'. Smith, the Noted Eye Sp.eiali:. , of Elora. who will he at the oft � -; s C' taus; t ea al oa 1`I Exeter, stn Novenabee 7th nod SOL See 'eel" in ante her edema. Pow* ansa ,hu t•a tits own Graoi.ratther, I married at widow who had aaslough- ter. Mw faatl.er vie ted our hoot:-.- trate oitutntl; fell in leave naiadmarried niy stepel:ranglzten. Thus, my father let'. catnnre my sanndrolanwand envy step, lighter inn' neither. because she was nay father's wife. My step•darughter had Aso ars eon, lie was of ca)ute any 1)rother and at the saline time m graantd•elnilE'l for he was the son of my datatghter. My wife '.alis .Ivry grand- mother. las=e.naise she.rars my soothers„ mother. I was nay wife's husband and gr»ao)al•eiiild nit ti)e same time, atilt at', the husband of ii. cit o)n's grand. mother mins grand -fat ler I was my grand -father. Growth of pddieltowa. The repast of the, Grand Sire at thta sessions of the Sovereign Grand, Lodge ®@ the Independent e tntle:nt O ler of Odd- fellows lately held at .I) elelaiaa, \'B'r'ie., shows the order throughout the world to be tyros )tiring . Of the stattis- tics iv thefollowing are the en to�2E ni iua f most interest;- 127 Omand Loaves flee vr;;t, b- ]ishi'd of whichtl wvirein foreign cant - ries, the total nurnlner of subordinate lodges is 12,704 and of snEln)idinnte eneatanpnients 2,780, The entire mem- bership of the order reaches 1,(!:)2,02. Dining the year there were 094tl f in- itiations in the subordinate lodges, including those initiated in other branches, the total rcaached 153,13154 The amount of relief disbursed Wats $3,030,785; an irietireatsrd of 840,003. Iiaawortir Langan Convention. The annual Convention of the Ep- worth League of the Exeter District was held in Liman on Tuesday, Oct. 14. In spite of the inclemency cf the weather there was a large attenolaance from all parts of the district. A num- ber of excellent papers and addresses were given on the various subjects re- lating to Epworth League work and were followed in each case by interes- ting and profitable discussion. The opinion of all present was that the con- vention was one of the best that lints been held in the district. The follow- ing officers were elected for the ensu- ing year. Pres., Rev F. E, Malott, 13.A., 13.D., Hensall; See'y, Miss B. TIaartnoilxe E tel • Treas.,Miss E. M. Cranston, Lucien; 1st Vie Pres., Miss Lizzie Shire, Hirkton; 2nd Vice fres.. Rev. J. E. Holmes, Granton; 3rd .Vice Pres., bliss Ethel Murdock, Hensall; 4th Vice Pres., Mr. W. W. Taman, Exeter; 5th Vice Pres., Mrs. Marshall, Granton. School Board Minutes Meeting of the Board held in the Town Hall, Monday, Oct. 20th, at $ p. in. All members present. The follow- ing is the order of business duly sub- mitted and approved. Per chairman minutes of previous meeting. Per S. Senior and IT. Huston, that the grates for the furnaces and locks previously ordered be secured and placed under the t)r direction of o e repairs committee, (Copp -Wood Furnace 56, 1888.) Per J. Senior and W. Trevethick, that the salary of Hiss Robertson be 8400 per annum to take effect from Sept. 1st of the present term. Per J. Senior and R. N. Rowe, that the following ac- counts be approved for payments—C. Lutz, chemieals; $2.93,; S. Fanson,• re- pairs, 81.35;; Steinberg Hendry Co., chemicals, 823.60;' 11. N. Anderson, sundries, 30 cts. Adjournment per V. J. Carling J. L•1-RIGG, Sec'y. Miss Erwin spent Saturday and Sun- day with friends in Clinton, Miss -Lily May Acheson spent .a few days in Ilderton last week, Mr, Taman spent a few days of last. week at his home in Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. ()'Neil spent Thauksgiving Day in Lucan, Airs A., P. Smith visited friends Stetfa and Hensall lase week. Garfield Sheere, of Brantford, spent a few days to town last week, Mrs A. Dow spent a few days this week with friends in London, Mrs N. McAvoy is spending n few - days with friewis in Kincardine. Miss olive Wright, of London, visit ed at her house on Thanksgiving; Airs. T, H', McCallum spent a few days in Londpn during the week, Mr. Frank Sweet, of Tbedfond, spent Thanksgiving day at his home here, Miss Ethel Eissett, of SVin .ham, spent Thanksgivings at her home here. Mr. end Mrs. R. E. Piekard spent a few days with relatives in _Brantford. Miss Ida Johns spent the Thanks- giving holiday with friends in St. Marys, Dr. Silk, of Louden. spent Thanks- giving in town. the guest of Miss Ger- tie Hicks. Mr. R. Jaannniesoe, of Mt. Forest, speut a few days of last week here, at Rev, Martimt's, ,5.1n. Mark Mitchell, after a pleasant visit with friends hi Detrvoit, returned; home Monday. Mies Queenie Robertson, of Cioderieh, s hent Thursday here, the guest of Miss orwao Bellies.. Ms, Alt Taeyloe,aftera month's it with friends in Chicago, returned home lest week, Mr. Youngs of the Molsous Bank, London. spent Thanksgiving wit friends in Exeter. Ml. aanc'l Mrs.John Evans and Mrs. Thos, Oke visited in London the fat* ter p;u't of last week, t7NEDA.-Neo swagger ' over -I : natural head coats. Stewart its the bigstockt Salver:. foil neck ruff ;; thehest . Sea arts, and values. only 6. t and legs tail, �+ 1 az y Little Gents' (Boys) S;iVregger Gov- enor�overcoats. Great values. Ste- warts. PERSONAL. NOT COAL NQTW000 But OM i1111101SJ woo 11111 That all absorbing topic the coal situation is what is bothering the mind of the public to -day. t is a montentnous question and while the situation is grave do you know it is uo good worrying arbout it, for is it not true that trouble YOU most expect often never conies. It annoy be the same in the coal situation. Set it aside and listen to our stove talk if you are thinking of buy= ing anything in the stove line, We earry the following lines:—. AIR -TIGHT DOUBLE and SINGLE 11FATERS COAL and WOOD RANGES OAK HEATERS R$ with. COMBINATION ,TION FEEDER STOVE BOARDS, STOVE MATS, Eta., :D, FURNACE Alm PI,CIMINt A SPECIALTY. T. HAWK Mr. Dan Senders, of London, spent Thanlsegai,ving'with his parents here, returning on Monday. Mr. F. R. Knight returned home Thu►daay last from the West, where he spent :several weeks. Messes. Aaatin)tr an MervynHt;. ton, of Parkhill, spent TMi'sdaay at the litter's hone here, Miss C Sweet,wboIws been spending a few days with friends in Durham, returned honeMonc'laay. Ma. 11. Passer*, of DillotwitleoOlde. WAS a pniest at MrWtin. 'nartwm'e. Huron. street, ewer Sanu l .$" , Wellington Melo of London, sent as few days of hest week. here, visiting his cousin. Mereell. J. White. Allis l linea Jecke% after a ,pleasetrt visit at her house, London road, re- tatrned to Cxncierich Monday. Miss Francis Howtcliffe spent a few clatyaa in Detroit during the week, th guest of her aunt, Mrs, Vyse. ME. sand Alen. James Bissett, and daaughter,Lovle, of Loudon, spent a few days in town doming the week. Mr. and Mrs. T. 13. Carling spent Thanksgiving Day, rh~;ltis of Abe and Gen. Manton, of Brantford. Iles. \Vn). Cunningham and niece, Miss Cunningham. were guests at the Mansion loneon Thanksgiving itv, Miss 011e McLaughlin and Mies Vera ll:awkshew, of London, spent Thanks. giving at their respective home here. Miss Luella Holmes, who has been the guest of Miss Pearl Rollins for the past few days, returned to Blyth Mon- day. Mrs. Wm. Creech. who bas been visiting her son, Richard, and other friends in Oriel, returned home Mon - dale, Mt. Geo. Vesper returned to ,Toron- to, Monday evening, after spending the Thanksgiving holidays at Inis home here. Misses Lillie Robinson and Annna. Martin spent a few days of last week'. at their homes here, returning to God- enieh Saturday. Melville Howey,after spending as few days with his parents here, returned to Waalkervitle Monday to resume his position in a drug store. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Greenway, of Crystal City, Man., who have been visiting here for the past few weeks, spent Monday and Tuesday in London. a Mr. Shirley Bobier, who has been as- sisting in the Molsons Bank here as one f the juniors has severed his con- nection J e eyed nection therewith' and now has charge of his father's books. BitiketatefletIMAEMBOMitt... Mrs. W. C. Unstop is visiting friends. in Goderich. Miss Mary Ryan, of Brantford, is visiting in town. Miss Robertson spent Sunday at her home in Goderich.. Wes ak ha Mr.II s w o T �v4 , , f Loudon, WAS ' in town Sunday. Mr. Amos Barlow, of London, spent Thanksgiving here; Mr. J. H. .Grieve spent Thariksgiv- ing at his home here, And we are prepared with an abundance [at Minn and eornfortatle and striking up•teedate clothing, Our Millinery this season surpasses any previous year, having had large and repeated shipanents. Our display= this week cnsists of the tat- test trimmed Bats in .Black and colored. See our new range of readyto. wear hats, Ladles' and Children's Jackets, Fur' �� ,y�,r'J'f!, ©fix �1t {.� FuA aha. a eroeesl Collarettes jackal � s l Rd } et Q.'r range of Dress Goode is complete, baaviiag all the newest and at pee es equal to any. FLANNELS, FLANNELETTES and W%t.'tPPERETTES in all tl tending patterns and eolues. You will find all your favorites in the Hosiery Pep:Mellott, fine plain cashmere, heavy elastic ribbed caelnnere, ribbed worsteds and soft ft ribbed woollens, every size from the smallest lo largeet in a wide variety. Kusiery is a very important department and we believe our record de- serves our confdence.�n inspection v I t ce vitaeevuu that we have red values, seg, J. PAOKM A « thwarters for lite Celebrated W. B, Smaller(' Ready Made C•lotl.i Conversation Overheard on the Street:. "Haveyou noticed thoseTables and Chairs in Huston's Shop window. How pretty they are?' "Of course I noticed then, and thought them flue enough to have one each for my parlor and do you know they are quite chem and while I was in his shop I was pricing several articles and discovered that he is selling good goods forlittle money. I advise you to call and compare his goods with others of the same kind. He can save you money. W. -O.O. HUSTON, Furniture and Ui ael:taking Booms. Gidley's Block. Mr. Simpson, who assisted Mr. 'Nee - lands in the Seventh-Day Advent meetings, here, during the past sum mer, let in company with his wife and family for California Saturday morn- ing. „Mr. F. E. Kern, manager of the Sovereign Bank, was in Toronto and other places on business in connection with the bank several days during the past week, returning to duty here Monday. Mrs. hopper, of Belgrave, spent the Thanksgiving holidays here with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Birney: She was ac- companied home by her little siiece, Lois Birney, who will visit therefor a few days. ' Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Laramie, who have been visiting friends in town for the past few days left for their home in Detroit,. ,,Saturday, Mrs. Larninie's mother, Mrs. Tait, accompanied' them and intends spending the winter there. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bennett and lit: Ile daughter, Greta, of London, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with friends and relatives here. Mrs Bennett's mother, 'Mrs. McDonell; accompanied them borne and will visit in the city a short time. Mrs. Donaldson, of Manchester, Mich., and ;Mrs. •Fish of London, spent the latter part of last week in town. the,guest of Mrs. S. Sweet. During their stay here they visited their: fath- er Mr. Mark Clark, of Clinton. They returned to their respective horses Monday.. The editor of the ADVOCATE spent Monday in London with his friend, Dr. Rollins, who underwent a surgical operation .at St. Joseph's'lrospital that day. evening In the evenin lie took;' in the. , ��.. new spectacular` military opera, en- titled "When Johnny Comes March- ing Home." Itis unquestionably the largest and best production that Lon- don has ever seen. e"ritiERE,, ARE, TWO , PAPERS ♦ 7h "2,,,:.,.:i„: ._t 0 In every home in this district THE ADVOCATE Will supply you with the latest and most intereartiiag Local Hoare and Foreign News, and THE WEEKLY SUN Its special features are—Market Reports that' are un- equalled for FULNESS and RELIABILITY. Regular contributions by' 'Bystander" on current events, Reports of Conventions, Associations and meetings of in- tereet and value to all;farmers,dairymen and stockmen. Practical talks each week on Live Stock, Dairying, Farm Crop Culture, Feeding for Profit, and other subjects. • SUBSCRIBE NOW for_- ...,.d Tfg' ADVOCATE 0 - 1 75 wb d 'rHWH LEAP. SU s And we will send The Sun free for the balance of mu. Leave your order at office. ••ase, DROP A POST CARD TO THE.WEEKLY SUN„ TORONTO, - AND THEY .WILL SEND .SAMPLE COPIES, FREE• who disused of birs.M:J.White, h disposed her household offsets by Auction on Saturday last left Monday evening for ,California, where she will join her mother and make het future home. She was accompanied byher family And sister, Miss Clarke, who has been visiting here for some months. Mr. Joseph Davis, who has been. so- joaaruin;,g at Grurenhurst for several weeks, returned home last week look- ing very .much 'improved in health, and has much increased in avoirdupois, hdving gained: in weight by over twen- ty "pounds. We understand he intends returning shortly to still betterhis con- dition`.