HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-10-23, Page 7e GREATGREAT81111111111, Effi1111,8S. "Do Circumstances Make the Nan, or Man the Circumstances ?" Annereg *notelet to An et the PATUSTMA et Practicolly 1k thie a "As we Mere, oneee. la Om .7,ear nee Tstmand Nina fore bole) opportunity do good Wite %Mara 1114. et Tier014P 3, OteMinettai000t Aefieeicarenonmekl all mon„ for if we do not a neg- looted opportunity ia an Mewed op-• „e. portouity. And an opportouity for A clesPotch front Ohinago eree'n doing good once gone m goae for- ger. Freon. De Witt Tolomee preeche even,. fother used to loon to eel from the followieg text: Gala - it ii5p "AS WO "neve therefore ee lent yeatee Inigemaag wade, whine eipportuoity, let ate de geod ueto w -hen. gone copilot be brought bank. men." 1 remember well how he once stood Greet opportunities are willing to in nee Brooklyn Tebernaele erying lateen at the door of only the hone with o loud VP00 tc 00 10.st onnoin ')red "few who h°31° Pr°74°°°37 2"A° 'ten/Attlee io these words z 'Tomo groat preparatioos to meet and to emcee, 0 ye past opportuoities 1 erebrace them. They aromot friend- come been I come back to Tlien Weee Jess and helpless waifson the street. in an eeneoet emeoubto winsper be They are teat aocial geteasts sow ; bear 4,1,0 autter of tioy havirto be a plata whereon to lay wings. I fear my voice has. not =- their be. They are met beeritivee ried far enoughoeyee, fear these front justice who are geeing the c*".- lo,st, opportunities for doing good vien's cell or the hangraaven noose, win never, never some oackeo The They aro august, enesnrerers, who out Romans useotolonieve that 0 ,i -re Particular under what roof they portunity woo a megeenger who had t lodge and at t • table_ Y a kick bair growing open ber 4..41"; attd, eat. "I" We' °IA kr forehead itted that tho ri.,st et her who ." 41 lig-• pies liead Wae bald, They also believed nave prepared themsolvae for that elm had wings upon her feet SUCCeSs lit a certoi Uuo ef vpr1 doand that elm could Willer than net necessorily get the opportuntty the winos. They relieved that it to achieve that StleCeSti,, yet in no Opportuaity waa not, grasped by the cW5 Ito we rind the, swat :clew , forehead she could not be caught trovelers called "great oPPortunle again. beentiee her wings vould ties" dwelling in the home of one twee even tho night of- , meteor, who has not the Mental ond moral The Latin eymbot Is a goon one. CapaCity to welcome an1 eotertoto the. - - mlifomentoon Le the feet that the ' is essential that the Cbristina post opportunities for doing good Should coneeerate his life to Christ wminnny anQmveL heeprale e'tehboa‘culges' itTldh°brouwilliss in order to be prepared for the great tea to Mit on bo right MIA if int opportunitiea for Christian aervice. erode only bring back some of them. It is very importont for you and we to live elo-se to Cheat,. to feel tho ainnsnef.°(brere v°ere: Jat1014' toeh of oureo,s annointiug hands IThe boy.. en oesount of the tothetee upon our hearts, touch of his lovInginitte ress„ plunged into a life of lips upon our cbeelts, the touch -arrs annointhig foot upon our feet, in one, of -lobe London teeeumts, , nears later be W4AS dying before we can go forth iniccessfully Just before hie lost 'emelt% was ou our mission of Oliriotion oervice. 1rawn he tendelty :miesionary Many failures in the Ohristion life who he was and why Lir...was dying. eif um be traced dfreWIY to Ws laolr-iThen he sent to Ws troseeoparent !there farewell words ; "Telreenther SPIRITUAL PREPARATION, 1 could have died happy if he oats we comet recognize our opportunity had been Nvilling to 'forgive rein Aeic when it comes. An ancient sculptor him to forgive me eies if 1 am once chiseled the statue of the my- :dead." Tho MissiesarY, as seen as thoou ea goddess caned opportune hei bad closed the dead hors eyes, ity." with a veiled face. Ile naid, g Went to the rich fatheen borne. When "Tho reason I revered OPPortun-ihe first met the parent end veld, "I ity's face was because so few are have come front your boy," the able to recognize her when she fathishs rage knew no hounds. Ile stands by their ;Ado." The sculptor exclaimed in auger : "Don't talk to MS wrong In part as well as right me about nay son. I never want to In part. lie Should have blinded nee bis face again while he is alive.° the eyes of the onloOker rather than But when the missionary said, "You the far ug eryee ot the mvth010-)Wili never See your boys Ine0 again gloat goddess. The Met reason whenWhile he is alive -he is dead," L140 sonic of us do not tece the sweet father broke down and faced Paulino Inessengern, which wo 1 LIKE A CIIILIL may call the Opportunities of Christ- Ile then said that he did want his ion servlee, Is because most of' us boy back. And wnen he bethe are spiritually blinded by our pant sire, because most of us aro not 41371°F meesage his remorse was wining by prayer and close eoms greater than ho could bear. All the munion wItit Clod to make the sprethalnder of his earthly life that lather leapt brooding a.nd regretting itual preparation that is necessary !the severity of his treatment of his to tit us aright for gospel work. But more (bun mere equipment Is But his sorrow was useless- cotaid not bring back his dead necessary. Great oppoetunitiee area, willing to bless those only who are ,u(Wsoll'u.„.,e,°°14 umor aa40 his Post ready to sacrifice, and, if need bo, to I'vrenn• °PPOrtUnitY Was gone, die for the cause t110Se opportuni- and gone forever. ties represent. There is o. wide dif-1 But, 1 bethink luyself that, as a lawn° between being .nentioly, phy. pastor, I Juane to -day an Infinite op- sically and spiritually equipped to iPortunity which may never come to meet a great opportunity and being Into again. 1 have an opportunity to willing to make the sacrifice that is present Jesois Christ to servo young essential for the success of that nnun or 'woman here who is not a.. cause after tbe opportunity has ar-nnember of tin Christian church, as rived. Plinth Was mentally and were the friends to whom Paul wrote spiritually abbe to realize the no, -;los Gelation letter. My brother or pre of the opportunity of bie pos-,sister, 1 want yoa to come Into the ition. Ife knew that Jesus, was fellowship of the Lord Jesus Christ guiltless.. He saw clearly and dis-;so that you may hate a Rata in tinctly what be ought to do, but !these gospel. opportunities. 1 plead Piloto was not ready to sacrifice for !vdth you earnestly that you will Christ his, political career n9 goveiconfess Jesus Christ to -day and be - crater of Judaea. Therefore Pilate come one of his dinciPles, even who saw his opportunity, embraced ;though no one may have spoken to it, not, but. shrank from it. you of religion for many years. You GREAT arronalarmus !were brought up in a Christian for Christian, usefulness may !.home, but when that home was we broken up on account of your par - to you in an 'unexpected way, as mils' death you drifted away from they came to a Christian lady who jthe church and from the teachings was one day riding along the streets you learned at your mother's kuee. of Richmond.' Thera inthe gut_ter I yell have not been to a nchurch ser - lay a young man stupidly drunk. hee nee foe 'yeais. It may be bevanse 'stopped her carriage and bade her we e cc nye an one oi coachman lift him in. She took :the large city churches when you that young,man to lug home. She!first came to town. But last night cared for him and started him out inter, you were alone in your eowm. again in life. By ter Christian ex -land took down the old family an ample of love she started him forth bum. Perhaps that was the Mot in his great career, until William, time you bad looked at the book Wirt's natnO became that of one •of , for months. Then you become home - the foremost Americans of his day. 'sick for the old SCOntS of your child - They may come to you in an unex- i�J Th.n you opened settle of panted way, as they came to Stephen youe dead mother's letters, /IOW yen Merritt during business hours, when, llow from age. As you read them by the grace of God, he was hasten- th, te rame to • , • mental in starting John G, Woolley' you are a Mall now or a matured out on his career of reform. Then .woman, but the tears came neVerthe- may come to you as they are daily ness. And last night before you went domingin unexpected ways, to to bed you 'prayed just as you used thousands of lawyers and merchants 'to do when 9. ehild. That is the rea- and ministers and doctors and wives 'son you are in church this morning, and mothere ond servants and• ,rf11t is the reason your heart is clerks. Therefore, as our opportoth- 'softened. That is the reason 1 press ties for doing Christian service are home the gospel to your heart that coming in so m183r different and un-ne new start you forth in Jess' expected ;we.ys, we shan't'always be 'name te.aheistian -science. he ore on the lookout for, them.' We Should Portiinity for the salvation of yorzr always be ready to grasp them and soul inay never CO/rle so near to to turn, them , to account at any ;you again as just at this 'roe/rim-it. cost, even of lifer itself. • ltirother, sister, let trio improve this Gloatopportunities alWays love opportunity by presenting you , t o company and rareln travel alone. the Lord Jesus. Fpr your .dear They are apt to be •gregarious loved ones' Sake whet are now einiong' their habits. Like troubles, they the eedeemed wilt you take nese:3 echople. • Time travel' ie, !now ond :become his tree' and loeleg herd. They fiy-inefloces. Like the 'disciple ? Will you not . here and leader of a fidek of sheep, each great now Make thiS simple, earnest Pray-, 'opportenity seems, to he the bill- ,er, 'which a 'young 819.8, sick of sin, wether of a whole flock of other 0P-iimacie a 'few years 'ago in a, large portunities. Like the koy log an a religious meeting, oLord taka me as river jam, it seems to be the pre- I am and make me What 1 ought to cursor and sets free a whole river- te ?" Now is your opportunity for full of other opportunities... , salvation. Now ! Now ! Now 1 But there is a negative side of warning in my text as well as a positive side of exhortation, John J. Ingalls in his wonderful poem teaches- the same two lessees an a temporal sense that Peel ineuleatee color with her temperament: When in it spirituel sense. she 18 cool and quiet' her hair is 9. 9.'HE NEGATIVE WARNING- light, yellDW.but. ween she iS which is implied in any text goes less and excited it becomes aubnen. . • CHANGEABLE HAIR In 4.Berlin insane asyrum is 'a p9. - tient, 11 is ,said, , whose hair cheoges ALL 1 11{11E5 n Mt 'with e other tete to ePY out tho ggiqh,41/6e;WS‘9%%% /kV,' E POSSIBLE Mia on thbehalf of n u-dah, to which laad, as he• oow appears before Jon- Ai =CUE TO-MORROVir. ....... THA -T 31TA72' Call lbreefrileeshbi4,-1°,13gedWher(tNhluuer *.i:itiiio6)Bibllet H ..11 114 Story or in the daily life of Our Own ef, 411 day, to meet people video believe Geed, rot " ee,we tlungs winch are so comment Xay Be a Now TimeelneePer Some who desire eeler to know what Gen enienen rnirealonarnereneenetnonfire. Among 'children, . aad a home welt, Pay o-plle.riaer4 ot ztecklas,Get. a has eald and who rest, on a "thus P(*TNIIRV-41,-,WkiPralr- tei"redl clue ches,t simPle reakedies will be mitt). the 1,or4" AS en the solid not ouly convenieet, but reelly van veneline fulfills all these conditions. It is used. at, hospitals, which ought to be sufficimit recommendation for its use iit the home, Any druggist can supply this very clieetiat,a. No Meaner caa afford to oeglece those PICKLES. A clock has oever yet, been made rock. winch would keer. perfect time. By a. I brought nine word. Agent 1 mall Cucumber Pickles.--Wasa meene of "nest carefully aneesteo as it wee in ray heart. 1 wholly fell- and wiPis carenilly 100 small CO - i HOUSEHOLD HINTS, pendulumewhich aueoinoticallY 1°,,Wed. the 14°r4 AnY °Ode eunabers encl. Place them in a croelt. _ , counteract the expensive and one, nee nooks beck with goa,titooe to Put. etaftleiezet water in a porcelain mono your grape jelly boom ow teectiye egeets or beet and one. te the time evnen he was a yoetug emu, lined kettle to cover the eucitrabero. grapes nre dead ripe. „If tile fruit timepiece haa been constructed With ibrk'Y yoara• ago, and praises the Whoa the water is boning hot Ater i le too ripe the jelly will be Mil et a rstaXinnun variation of three eene au? 01 Ood which enabled hint to la enough Salt to mate a brim that tilnY crYntals of gratna enger after it ends a, day, Beyond this Point it gbn enteere before God and to foltew,,will bear on egg. Pour this boil- ihos stood a• 'while, The teille is bass eo. far hem impossible to go; yet, douttleesly, future ages will see a perfect time -keeper. Neither has, a boat ever been built lijm Tioe in the Islay tlaing tog brine Over t.he cecureleera. Let bent wilen. made after the grapes are 911 which. one Can look bane 'with them etann 24 hours, the o take tileunrfully celored mid are yet not finito real comfort as we ohannnhe in 3 4 04.5 out,, elope eaeo oee nenendin with_ ripe eneugli to eat. lt is said that that without eon thought or p;t4o•sr 01at braising and place them la if the, tune of kelt. extractod for winch, with the aid oidy of wind *own or favor we have boo obie clean 'ars. Inie.soflie.ent. vioegar la leillY Is no, Pernaitted to get coin en power, will sail into the teeth of the to stand humbly, bet sincerely, with 4 porcelain kettle to cover them, t" PlifICeS5,1'rl2e jellY Wilt "4-40 citlietC' zinvile.ry IdVeltelv,i 4theeeleidtelitcr:Ift$441aSs Aibe4DDAen, :1:0::d4e7 13kladitrebter000 thy. feet balm cluTrus, unu 08800 mustard „wed, ia(lOn vinegars for governor, ere add one onion sliced, 12 whole er„,auho ho 81.11701'. worked to within, four points of the I n „,, thine inheritance three biadeO of nanCe. Let these r;mat7,e ITU' eitsnn One Ilan man to wind; and it is belleven that by matko tlanednth7, elliklor°°,,:s fgri°,1O"er'' come to boiling, poirit, pour over Venn:Asa and drain the fresido gatihereal ing wind power drive n swot eon_ 1 ...... teroug., ,ne wheerriess wan- pickles, odd two tablespoopfuls of:teases of opeorrnint and put them in oeeted with, a screw, o oeseei way he tlerings, ao the mew thousands:chopped horseranisln stand aside to ia lalrge ,.*r (n* caw. VIII up witit built whiele will progress into the f'1,-,i°,4,,,who Were Ulett Wien siesima read , aeon Tney wilt be reenv to Ilhe In l geed vinegar arid let stand a mOntl2,. ever, those who are at work upon linen' "1st the word of JehoTah very eye of the wind. So far, how-ofteo, spied out the land. Colds teorrf.ew,,r,o's 441n4dwwitatsst4PrcaPI:eildoNlny- nthhien4n4 5stgeola*fobr°txtextaivgi,:tt5r4,4i;ls. rcla.F441: this problem, have famed to secure ,the inouth of AIOSES that wheeVer , "reg" It IS best t'54 sent tbeuk enough power to MOM such a. vesseliasa might die Ills Fervent Caleb Mediaterhr ofter adding the choPPed an the desired course. would enter the land and POSSESS it. horseradish. ancl while they are hot. The antenvt non ones been made beca.ese lie wholly followed the Lord. o8weet (lugu4415er gc41e3" to produce a boon which should he We think of Pool in 00 storm at 44uove reellie, or any er good re - typographically perfect -that i$. coo-ir?‘ all hnws lia Won given ult. genre c/eeP° fujr it)iirhlettac°141hr t nein no error of printing. A Olanoi g to he soon at snip as he n ° 7 '10g sugar tot gow Rua secured. the services of six i4»thenl the Lorals ulesaktee selPa"ng N''"gar* , ,expert proof-readero in an attempt believe God. that it shell be eVen fon/LO °re -gam rae- Sioeturtinin reed pods and blossoms treated thm e eae way also make a good vinegar. so no green PePPern eut in two ond need oimilarino What to Eat declares against bah-, ery foods and thus pays its roepecte to one portieulor form "Instead of the doughnuts 'that mother used to itiahe.' the wagon from clown to best existing reeorea in teis hoe. aa it was tout MO" (11,OtS xxvii, Sweet Nalco oncumbers., e ere towo delivers a rack of curious - and these devoted 'hours to genii 245). zed cut in thicie SUM good sized llooking eboeoiate'-qzlor4 pneurea ic public plane. and a reward of S250 1.4,Pt no olive. on no said. pew). Tile Sheets were posted In a 10. And lloW behold the Lord thhacotioe evuoeulinialosberaell.owNtInoth..peoulidatsocieree:yugaro, rings that are as trieteleee oe the. for the discovery of an error re- forty rind five yeare, a rubber ring on whiele Woe %ascii to moined undaimQ4. yet, in spite Caleb reelized thootrutis of these onin:YePOI,Attploarrteetrdeerf sainn?oAurn•ce1.2ofwelltQicilie 4;Who•-4nrPean far tele:ell:a nutrit,ious and The rubber ring fialvioterherooemprweeernoutounzotti po fewer than day "Mb s irmoughrtutk:no,olearuittieinfe ineehills eillnalneft, and two isladm eo or ace, healthful article of diet than the PuttTslgar,vilfgar144:111Mltfl‘7turdarabnat4;tanit breath and althing% per in tobaiitaiierceain1e501;aeevlw.oitbetig:warowed.w" Him we wee and move and the cucumbers to this, stand them Few of us understand tbe virtues have our being" (Acta troll. 15 08) Over O, very moderate Ore. turning, ,01 the ienlon, which is literelly "a, Ile is the %ea in whose wenn them earefuliy until each piece seenee ;fruit for the beeline,' of the na- ownarterta(tiltaisaa12I.htithow whose °foul; stlitiandal, until irooghcc,onteittti, morning; ingn:r not nOetfse.r,,tions." If one feels bilionee-onotia- ysan. v. 42er name for the clogging' of ;he ee-se seem to think of title! It is well to do3r bring' them again to the bone lent -becalm of indigestiom drink. WIIEN '111E BOOK CAME OTYP. It would seem, to be only mat- ter of money to produce a telescope big enough to solve the vexed Ones - tions of the moon"s atmosphere and the presenco of life on Mars. But money has been found in abundance remember that we continue from. J41.!4` uml stand unht° to c°01. Then 101110n jutco in hot or cold water. , y millionaires. such OS hit.. Verkee, i, day to des IY becau..o. the and large bonuses bave been offered i *-- °II- .-- 4 - eeeo tat to keep uu alive. Hap Lni,d lift the eccumbere carefully and place 114.1g freetY• Mot lEnlOnndO in en- ' a e . we time, t ent in 4are, Boil the liquor down velIent for a, cold VilAti its free men, p aro them to USO their best effort.% Two! 1 tbinga war egainst sueceos Cue 3.3 ,,,, . • own /tonne -neon (rs, iv et. frit r ,tiot. cam*l). to tile Pura and Stand In *linen* OM and on, lato a Out a and cooling a big euough mass of 11. As yet I am us stron u ! .1 Green Tomato Pieliles. Sweet. glass without bubbles of air being included in it, and the second is that only ono man in a million ban tinorequisito ilnenese of hand and delko*netf toed* and eight to give the lens wiess, once east Um abao- lutely perfect creroo which it must possess in order tosoroperly collect the light -rays. It hi' eaid, indeed. that there are in the world only four Orat-etass lens polishers. Perpetual motion has been the ofttinies enjoyed by tho Fo who wait H sprinkle the following spices; Six Portant guest. the sun, a coronation lonione. and betwten each layer LaCklug the presenee of that im- dream of inventors for many gen- upon tho Lord, but Wo can oulotlY"red TePPers elloPPed coarsely; one ceremony is robbed of much of its toile's past. but not one of them has 2 leave it all with illm to giro U9 aill,cup of sugar, one tablespoonful of brilliance, but many English. mon- ever succeedisi In matting n, window the days hero in the mortal body Iground alitipiee. which would run for fifty years that will be for Ms glory nod our . One tablespooldist of ;webs have been compelled to go to without being wound up, cleansed, goad. ground cinnamon, a teaspoonfill ot their crownirogs when "King's wen - or In some way interfered with by o 1.. If so be the Lord will lit with vitwun. me tablespoonful of ntuee the*" was con.spiCuoue by its ab- tard. Tura over three pints of good soften man. In the flint quarter of the me. then I shall be able to driveoinegar, or enough to completely (Inc of the most unfortunate S0V- nineteenth century a Lancashire mill i Glean out, as the Lord sant. o lie asked for mountains where tunne n choke realm, , leaver thetn; boll until tender. This *reigns in this resreet was Eliza - to matuttacturers of louses to induce 4 time who. like c 1 le le Y until the quatatitet in Just snilleienlnLasting" helps cum " culd• The itus" oo yes eet apart for Himself His to "ver them. Pour this over „ Sinn etire,fOr Malaria is to Vet a the enormoue difficulties of casting • ,k • . i. ter and boil down to one -ban. ake ime teaspoonful. before each sent nee, day 08 I was in the day that Woo 67-ceed r"tht dr, 4 netorrtik;eosie. :21‘lieltIlle.iteu1811 '1.taokillOteon'ebn%11 2i)Iatedr a:learn:4 Although ettityhaw yeam or ago.' aro ready for pickling sprinitling elects. ;Wilke the drug. yot. feeling as strong and well a t ' -- them through and through " 1 ' wat ii, ealt, the age of forty! It is written of not too heavily; In the morning noses that Ina was' a hundred owl q drain off the liquor that wilt drain fronI them. Mare a dozen good sin - eye vies not, dim nor Ids natural otake a suitable liettio and put in a , L. Ian , (reel ilry place to teen, force abated ateut. 71.. Then. layer of tho sliced tomatoes. then IS 0 Tv:lowing of stren th d IpPO CROWNED IN A SNOWSTORM', ommeram Coronation Ceremonies Without "King's Weather.'" owner bad the idea, that the aft I beth. Nvliosti coronation was teed draught which always rushee 1111.glanto were, for he lee.rneel as a lion the 10th of January, 1569. The lofty shaft might be utilized to; young man. giants and walled cities drive a never -stopping motor. Ho were nothing to God. At the DV CLEANINto s'EATIIERS. superstitious Queer; had repeatedly urged that the day should be cluing - fixed a vatted wheel in a. disused of forty he had said: 4"rhe Lord Is The old-fashioned feather bed. OnCe'ed on account of its unlucky mune , chimney, so that the wheel revolved d with Us. Peer them not. Mum. so popular, has been steadily. on the ber, but as lir. Don the famous As" tbe draught, and found that It xiv. (fr), and In forty years he had decline for would, indeed. run continually. found no reason to change his mind. some time, as ninny, trologer. foreboded good fortune for 1chtlin that, feathers aro hot beds for ,lt, she was overruled. The weather though it searied greatly 141 speed Ho bad no confidence In biluself, but germs, and breed all kinds of die'was bitterly cold. .aral Just as the according to the relative tempera- he had uubounded confidence in theleense, Thm ere ay be ainno trail in proms:gem sturm ted frothe Tower ture of the lower and upper air, It LOrd God. Ithe theory. but the projudice is, no na violent snowstorm set In, which ran constantly for nearly forty' 13-15. Ifebron tberefore became doubt, greatly exaggerated. 'Our ninde the horses reetive and well - years, and Its Inventor was Just be- I the litheritante of Laleb* ** tecause 'grandmothers for the most part 4810 brought anout it disaster. It ginning to believe that he had at that he oniony followed the Lord:slept on feather beds several times raged throughout the evremonn, and last SOIVCII the problem of perpetual' Clod of Israel. I ilminimm.••••• motion when the iron wore wore through, and the wheel came CRASHING TO THE GROUND. There is awaiting tho inventor leho discovers a perfect and inexpensive substitute for Para. rubber an en- . let it use, ;ant „us it was deemed uneafe to return by it is unwilliugness to follow fuleouany of them enjoyed excellent ;the itngthy route preset-113ra the ly that hinders the Lord from work- nieuilli and lived to a ripe old age. i journey was considerably curtailed. inn' In His People as Tic woula like !Feathers are undeniably very coin- ;So many people perished from the to, for His eyes run to and ire ;fortable in winter, and delicate per- , cold through sleepieg in the open through the whole earth to shot, isons aud those who suffer greatly feeds that night that the Queen gen- [Emelt strong on behalf of those from cold should e 1 „ 1 , ormous fortune. That such a sub- whose hearts are whoia toward Him lave aired regularly and given by.- 4. liecrios? tiglea%reelat-ive% toTseaurelis atsiwcourld stitute is among the possibilities of (IL Citron. xvi, 9). But where are agienie care there ie no dunoer. It be identeled. tho whole hearts? How few seem 11s conunonly believed Inas chemistry no ono doubts. But even indiarubber, as at present used, is willing to stand with Cod against beds . should be sunned. but. SUICTithelur 1 earthquake 'Math shook all London Charles I. was crowned during. an not the else s th. hen'• was om of this world, against far from being a perfect substance ,culnure, society, popular opinion and for the making of cycle and motor tor the false teachers who are tyres. A pneumatic tyre which will not puncture or leak, and is yet found an theological seminaries and springer and elastic, is no doubt pos-In ninny a Pulpit Perhaps as Never eible, hut has never yet been made. before! Hebron suggeets fellowship, Among other future possibilities of and the other name, KirjatheArba, the world of science and invention while at means city or Arba, may 1s. L -tor- I bled from eery fear. The shoek 4 and temporarily interrupted the pro -- draws out. the oil in feathers and !eeedinge, et, was a henuteful Feb - gives them a rancid odor; eir them oefary morning when he entered. the in the shede, it does not matter !Abbey, but. during the anointing the how cold it is, provided there is no 'historic pile shook to such an extent dampness. Many are not aware that f 11 h I ' ' • that Archbishop Laud is said to feathers may be easily and success- i have paused in his work and trem- mean olgo "the city 0 , .• ou„, cle.„tiline..s and disinfection., at wiil enable divers to resist the fatal tynrd arba is the Hebrew for four. !halted perioda or after illnesa. 'Po .4 f four " le the oh .1 '' , -.. are a perfect diving machine, which lasted .two auinute.s and brought to pressure at -twenty fathoms and over nnY one who follows fully as Caleb wash a feather bed, it is more con- tho ground the steeple of a West-. from the surface; a machine for eco- did will realize something of tconminster church, which injured two rue venient to divide the tente by nomically utilizing the tides; and an fellows.hip with the Pother and the enmA. terrific gale was blowing 'when tviier them fano two ler e sace people in its fall, economcal scheme for makinwter- Son and the Holy Spirit and, how - gas useful for illumination. as well ever nione apparently, can always te tub of boiling hot suds to which James IL went to his crowning, it ig amade of coarse cotton. Have rendy as for beating. truthfully say, "There are four of has been added two or three table- Gasmakers paid Mr. Wilson, •the us! This also p y spoonfuls o pow ered borav. irn_ haVing set in some days previously inventor of• calcium -carbide, .c.100,- xiv, 17, 23. It is more than „all merse the bag in the water and stir and occasioned many wrecks along 'is rovided b Johnf d the coast and rauch loss of life 000 for his patents, and then found that earth can give to be able 'to with a, clothes stick until, the loath- The boisterous wind rent the Ilyites that the material could not be used ay. "Truly our fenowelaip is withers are quite clean'. Then dm i flag from the White Tower in twain. as an enricher for water -gas• At pre- the rather and with His Sou Jesue second tub of water, and rinse in --- -n a and the canopy which the Batrons of ha 'V sent, napht, is employed for this Chriet (T. John 3. 0). not con- purposeand brings its cost price Cortland to this, world, not pleasing up world, six cents to about 37 cents men, but God. is the only way of he lthousand feet. -London An- swers. THE SUNbAY SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL LESSON, OCT. 26. , peace and victory in this life. • KEPT HIS EYE-GLASn. larmiocles were plenLiful in. Cape Town, but in Johannesburg. and Pre- toria they were conspicuous by their abseoce, for the reason that Lord :Kitchener objected to them. Of' ell the "swell" o'fficers, a captain of a Text of the Lesson.; Josh xiv. fa:Claus cavalry regiment alone rc- , the 8anle manner' 18 warm weather i C • a similar fate. Again, at the Coro- , P I • -'ed there is no difficulty in.xlrying them but in winter they should be hung nation of William III. and Mary the to a warm rooin, or better still. wind was sufficiently violent to blow, near arhot air pipe or register. and in one of the small upper wihdows of left for some time before they ale the Abbey just after the Royal party - again. used. Pillows may be treat-- had ler t• and all flags flying from ed in the same way and are much neighboring churches were torn to easier to manage. shreds. A haileterm greeted George M. ' A (fOGD SALVE. when lie left the Abbey at the con- , chisicm of the coronation ceremony, There are a number, of salves and so large were the stones thot whidl b ld d the soldiers' ,horses, lashed to fury, became almost incontrollable, a ea pranced aniong the' Spectators' who , lined the route. Ilis successor, on 5-15. Goldn 'r4,. Josh - P fused to give his inonocre op. it the. days,of our grandmothers, which e. xiv., 14. was a current report in the regiment call fox.' varipus decoctions of herbs . , that he wore it in bed 011401011 of vavious kiedsand though some- 5. -As the Lord commanded. Moses when he took his bath., .•,- tunes -possessing real merit are still the contrary, was favored with tro-. . so the • children of Israel did, and One day Lord .CCitchenmth er met the of little anpical weatherand dozens of SOldierg value, exeePt .b.r.cuts d fainted at their posts; while 01(11 the they divided the land. . ":;inglo-paiie" officer outside of , the' 0030r abr;asioti? of, the slain, where a , While _at one time ther_e remained Transvaal Hotel in Pretoria. ,. ' lubXican.I'' IS., ilecessill.37' III. ''U`~h.rheat, 's King himself"overpowered by the Vet. verY much land to be Rossessed, '`One minute, 'captain " , said the' 1,1.481,1.48as -theSe carbobzed vaselme is was found in the robing chant - yet in clue time the Lor'cl gave unto commander. "May 1; ask. if it. is ab- just as good and is so very cheap ft bur after the cereMOn7 wilh all his Israel all the land which he swore solutely necessary for vou to wear ran be imuglit uluch• elmaPer thun lese c. lt. nosines, posses- ses the advantage of being perfectly T, -,n from any chance germs of di- sease, that might get into a home - ma cl e a r time, unlesii some', Medicinal germicide, such as carbolic acid, is llSed its composition. It is 011r opinion that as rule the besteointe inent to keep on. hand foe a cut or bruise or sore is simply one- that has body enough to stay in the bandage or pad, that will prevent the entrance of germs that set up M.- flammation and heat and which cause sorenese and itching, and moreover will itself stay sweet • arid clean indefinitely. The carbolized Clothes off and only the, crown' on • • eis head. to give unto their 'leathern Mel they that glass in :your right eye?'.' possessed it a.nd dwelt therein,. There "ye -es, certainly, Lord Kitchener; foiled not aught of: any good thing er-heissI couln''not see Without -it," Which the • Lord had spOken unto the "I am, sorry to hear that, Cap, Slohs,110.mas; and certain birds heuse ' of Israel. All 09.1110 to pass. tato, as I intended to ,give you a -notably some species of parrots - The Lord gii.ve them rest, the Leen-stain apPOintrnent; but 1 *est have 111 rarely, if ever, drink. • dehYered all their enemies their men around me who can See N.1.1... hand'. The Lord. God or rseitei fought Kindly report for duty to' um oreeee Lit tie Ethel -'`Aly sister, KaY.3oves for Israel. They had only to obe- commanding the lmes of communi- dientl3r go forward exit, 1; xxi, 9.3- cation." x, 42). . The discomfited cavalry officer child! Ilere is a penny foe yon. Now tell me, dearie, why do you 00.7 you verv dearly, Mr. Softheath, aro • 1 Sof Ow a d (del ighted ) sweet , Ci. Thon kii`nwest the thing that the obeyed the inatructions. Three Lord said unto :Moses the man of niOntlug afterWard. he was taken Pane that your sister loves me?" . TEAttle God concerning me and thee Ka- soner by the DoerS; wile stripped Ethel-YWhy. 'cause when said the desh-barnea. him' of his clothing end sent him seine think to Ma Blinker and 111r. Thus said, CiAlch, .oshea's old hack to Calllp. Still attired in his DinRer, they each gave me 5. penny, tompanion, when tOget'Ater they went eye -glass, but iittie 'elset too."