HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-10-23, Page 4OD",itrter brinate1 WANTED, i We would thee to ask through the I any pereon who has used Greeine Aug- ust Flower for the eure of Indigestion. Dyspepsia, and Liver troublee that , has not been cored—we also mean their results. softie as sone etoneatehe, fermentation of food, babitual costive- ness, nervous dyspeoia, headacitee, despoodent feeling, sleeplessness—in fact any trouble cunnected valtb. the stomeette or liver? This mediclua has been sold for many years in a eiviuz, tat countries, ond we wiele corres- pmel with e-ote and send you one a oar bootie free of cot.,If you never tried Aategast Flower, try one bottle first, We have never known a its nailing. If so, eometung more serious is the matter with yQ1.1. 74)111r est ttruggisL *Meas. It, Sanders , Editor and Prop um I colns of your paper, if there is . THURSDAY, OCT. 23,1902 CA4ViI1U 1177110t T 6OTA'!Y- 3JSXT. The government tat Cativo:la,L tb present moment. is being poodaieted in a. most oneonstitutiontil anti dan- gerous Inainaer, The cabinet have de- cided to iguor Ron, J. Iereel Tarte, mid the reeoonnendations of the De, pal tweak of Patbile Works aith being shelved ale Council. Berauee Mr, Tarte disagrees with his eolleagues, Wale busines over whieli be ba e con- trol is tied up, and impottant under, takings are to be lielth in abeyance The publie weal does not comer Canadian nainisters Mao lane at vari- ance with Mr. Tarte, and considerable diesatisfaetion is being expresseth that umbesineeedike delays ate experienced by those having ;contracts with the government. Mr. Tarte, to haepube Bele- WM his fellow -ministers to mind their own hesinesto mot hes deelered himself reetly end willing to leave the eehinet if he le crossed in his detee. initiation to have a high Canadian tariff. He leas st-ited, eignifiettotly, that hell ad de feated Sir Wil friti Len rier on flue oceatsion, mitt hints at bis abill, ty to duplicate the perfortnenete The positions occupied in- bath factions a iotereet ing. bat above and beyond thi the people have a right to corieldera. tion. The ministers bare fotv,otteu their real duties in their eagerness to he Victors he a dirty linen weelein whieb has been on the battens for sev- tette netetnet It is abeat time a little sae -ions eonsideration WAS ge tO ipqblie matter& VOLLEY FC,in TARTE. "Mr. Terte et -Windy determined, if he r2tit 6IIIII-S14 the Liberal ty tefere gees over to tali(' the lead of the Conservatives. There prebehly never was sinee nlstcdlreeponsi- laility end enioieterial solidatity ban eallie prineiples a the British constitue Um bitch a case a open treason by a sninieter agebest a ministry of Met of which Mr. Tarte is just now guilty. Either be is incapable of conceiving the principles of the constitution or he is a winni traitor to it. He has taken despicable advantage of the ab. SeFICP of his chief to map out, on the rooet eentral question of polities, a policy the aireet opposite a that main tatted by the• ministry, and to about the conntry proclaiming k an denouncing his fellow minieders who do not fall in with it in the most (eine temptuous terms. He does not really oigine, as be predicts in his paper, tbat such men ae Mr. Fisber and Mr, will surrender to his enperciale ions dictation, What sort of poltroons would he tate them for? Supposing Mr. Tarte was rigbt, that they had misapprehended the whales of the , country, and that he—Mat Tarte—was the man who knew everything, even then they had better take defeat in a molly way than turn their coats and accept the policy of the opposing par- ty. They have nothing even political- ly to gain by doing that. And moral- ly where would they he. They bave declared high protection bad for the country. Everyone knows they be- lieve it to be. Even if the country thought otherwise, as many a counny does think differently from its wiser men, the country would certainly have more respect for those men who had consistently followed the opposite view than for men who only adopted it to keep themselves in power."—Mon- treal Witness (Liberal). NOTES AND COMMENTS Women who wear long, trailing gowns oil the street will do well to consider the following statement from a noted French physician. He says:— "The hem of a woman's gown, when she comes in from the street, is alive with bacteria. These disease germs are distributed about over the floor to creep into the mouths of children, or to find their way back into the air, and possibly into the system of older peo- ple. They cittanot be seen. They see dark places, where they may live and grow. They lurk there, ready at any moment to creep into- the system of unsuspecting victims. Consumption s a disease that is undoubtedly trans- mitted in this way. The English people or a great major- ity of them, know little or nothing • of Canada, but they are learning. Every- one has heard of the Englishman who wanted to know if Canada vvas a -town or a village. but it correspondent of the Toronto Telegram says that in London one wiirm day an Englishman said to him "I suppose in Canada it is not ne- cessary to have iced drill ksthe climate keeps the liquor cool?" The Cankdian infonned tbe Britisher that such was the ease, and. Volunteered the further information that in Canada childree's hair was never cat as it is in England, with shears, but that the parent sitnp- ly brushed it pompadour, poured on a little *liner, and stood the child onto side nor a few seconds until it froze stiff, then took a club and knocked the hair off the child's head, etertriti. Reeeettetee-In EX,Otett ota Qab- 21st, to Mv.'„ituct Mrs. W. eCoottsinet—Ie Exeeent OD Oct. 17th; to ;...Mate and .Mre, Thep, Cookson, Weis, §c:In dbct diaig,hter. • •• Sold by C. L. Little Ade Downing was taken to the city Itampil on Monday. We hope she may soot] recover.—Mar's Hill Epworth'League sent Mieees Liz- Perlivg and Mai Harris as dele- gates to the Leagne Convention at Leman last Toseeday,—Mr. and hire. Thee. Gilbert spent Thanksgiving day with friends in raithill- Woonees.—Mr. Wm. Hardy, of the lith coneemion of MeGillivrey. W oe united in the holy bonds of inatri, nicely, to hliete M. Hodgiras, Of Claude. boye. on Wednesday. Oct. Lttlo—A. very happy event neo1. place at the home of the bride's father, Air. Robert -Kew% Stb concession of MeGillivray on Get, ltith when his naugliter, Mies Edith, was united ip martege to Mr. W. T. Lightfoot, of tbe Ithth coo. The ceremony WAS performed at $ tdelock he the evening by Rev. S. Knot. in tbe presence of a litutiber of Invited vela, (Ives and friends. After the usnal hearty congratulations the weddiug pay and guests sat down to a sump, ous repast, after WiliCii a very en, toyable time was spent, Two Dolighttul Pictures. The Fititiily Heitild and Weekly an of Montreil. are tbie week send - their new premium picturett amity" aod ',Alone." They are very handetene, and veetly seperior to any piet ores wetave seen, *Pinky" ie a, lesentahal subjeett reel wonk art that wUL In' much oppreeleted. "ethane" is a plettore at at Crrire catebes the eve and will bold the etteotion of all who see in The wale are Imre to ereate a big &mewl for the Family Herald this season. "Come early and avoid the rush" should be the warning, to those who want big dollar's •wortb, Around About ITS. Wingham: Mr. C. L. Long, former - of the Beni: of Hamilton here, and who has been manager of the Bank's branch a Blyth for the pest ten months bas been promoted tothe num- agement of the agency at Georgetown. Mr. H. V. Holmes, who has been Re- mnant be the laraneh at Wingleun r some time, has been appointed agent at Blyth. Goileritia 0: Mrs. Fraser, of Goal. Kiel) has sold to bee nephew, Mr. Donald Mackenzie, lot28 on the let conceesion consisting 0142 acres and south half of lot 38 on the 2nd cone consisting of 40 acres. They are now under lease to Mr. Charles Chaok *hose term does not expire till another year. —Mr. Arthur Huck bas leased. the •farin of Mr. Dan Renger for a term of three years, Legan: At St. Brigid's chureb, Oen 140, Mr. Joseph Connolly, son of Mr. olichael Connolly, and Miss Julia, daughter of Mr. Daniel DeCource.y, were united in the holy bonds of math]. mony by the Rev. Father Roman. The bride was handsomely attired in cream silk, lace and applique trim- tnings, and carried a white prayer book. She was assisted by her sister, Miss Lizzie, who was dressed in white organdie. The groove -was ably sup- ported by bis cousin, Mr. Thomas Con- nolly. Precieely at 9 o'clock they enter- ed the church to the strains of Mendel- shon's weddiug march, played by Mrs. P. J. Regan. Clinton: Monday an accident hap. pened to one of our townsman that may yet prove quite serious. David Dickinson has on his premises barn With a lean-to, and last week sold the annex to Thos. Mason. After dinner on Monday he got up on the low part, to get on the barn proper, in order to remove some boards that joined the two. On reaching the centre of the roof, it caved in with him, allowing hini to drop through, brusing his face badly in the down- ward course, besides striking his side on a beam, breaking several ribs, one of which penetrated the lungs, causing a hemorrhage to take place. Mrs. Coo- er and daughters were at dinner at the time, and watched Mr. Dickinson get up on the roof, with the above re- sult. She immediately ran to his as- sistance, and found hint on his knees, conscious and able to speak, but bleed- ing. She called to his wife, ancl assist- ed her in taking him to the house. She then summoned Drs. Shaw And Thomson, who did their best to check the flow of blood. At present he ie in a critical conditon. THE BUTTEBMAKER Must Use It To Be Successful. In the autumn and winter seasons the best and most successfully batter makers in Canada. use Wells, Rich- ardson & Co's Improved Butter Color in order to give the butter that lovely and delicate June tint that is so much admired by lovers of fine table butter. Wells,, Richardson & Co's Improved Butter Color is to -day, almost the onlye kind that is used in the Creameries a.nd Dairies of Canada. There are oth- er colors sold and sometimes substitat- ed for Improved Butter Color, but wise and experienced buttermakers avoid them knowing they are not When you are linying butter color insist upon getting the hest, the stvongest ancl the most --ecorennioal. Your neighbors and friends will tell von that Wellsninieharcleond & Co's I m pro v ed Better Color is , the best; All druggists and dealers. • if( p99.1# TRE "303," Pace lo Re.4cliog. A common and, trivial encase given . $17191' IN Ana . they • have ee thee ten teedtege y those IviiCt. teed little that ,anhthte UP.Seirenta One. may have no time for eetieg or iteePor'tffical)-tuetettb,aTIdtl't,44g9etatilindalediittcgjotarann93; tration, and the: latabit: Of tleteatelt;'.'net leisere or unlimited. eppertemity, which' have .eitnes. perform:0d the nineteet • weeders in' both- of these Attend pur- suits. Mew persemin Mature life are omelette QUO gnt1e and luurious 419i- • timeet in favorof reading, wlatch 'come3. to nothing beentarte they do uot Itnow new to eeett. With all the goodoen.l In the world,they legit oneentra.tien and tbe .habit o despetele The goodwill 'nes not applied . early enough, or pot ap- plied at all to any other end than tile teeh diveesion of o Moment. `Ririe :Am, tuteity resulted in the fOrtnatien 41. the Dewey:epee habit, by *laden . I do not Paean 'simply the habit of reading 'Poem - papers, but • the habit of mind widen, makes it Feasible for -Men tospend an evening in going throegle net/timed There iA AO more reraiien for .eFentling two Ileum in eget/hog the eewepatper than in' bevieg. gee% betite blaeked. Sonse people Peva .matte their Way into -the greet lintel/beim** of Lettere farther than the vestibule where they spend their Uve•ootheatity pheylen..nelablea wIth the heinhoye. Of 'Owed we do not eall tbe neWSpaRer WOrtbleSei eireply healee.e POMO ,other *Inge ere worth •Inere. The beet reeding1 teeth intensive aud e. tenalvet uuo Midi, A little of everything, and .41VAt 404 a eeine thinp. T.110 geed reader take* all reedieg• to be bi*- hl'ovi•htn. Newenepers, perlotheale, boons old and new, MI prment theuwelvett to Man in theft prener pereptetivoi• they ATO all griet to 'hie znill, but they do no ott into the Nem bonier or nerve the gone proesee. Oa the coratrery, one of the -Maki distinctione• of the elver render that without verying AS to likens:IV, he endefleiteln flb to paw. Ufa power o i-eading 119414 011204 Cregen was wounded in the hip.Ile ' ma/41Y-1 91 fl4r14.e'' with I)raetlee' Fr wee takeu to Ow Gen.ered IIMpitalan. d I eittlrneetwte(leeelwreelantendipautnheatio.Tefez-tirtet 141' ree'vrs 175 ee'l°1'h The 14'14Y,,,ef- I Is never rekely to become 'the perfeet and ,h43rtitt/A4t:':ushtstkhve7retc'pt 94.91.-P.gc!hhhWat.thaget: I jillat othiliQuCtildrebl, YACeliS Of adjuebetent People, often achieve a cer. tlet Coroner, held. en iuqueen ithothing ton deer" .0e. etineatten eta eeneement l's5 as ;Fet l'"41 learat af Grurdwa her* tete hi -life, but selderoe I think, the rthl bitthrht -cheffatt was too WiNik to[1 power of the acompliehed reading sun. ehout Ala 'friend., if he dent know ft. j;:t simplv'. not to be expected, An :auethirg About lain]. Griffith -Wile .tiltent *atilt who titian up tile siMie -may fiat '20 years ALL emelt ammement and profit from his in- etzument, but he carano•t hope- to rioter IL A certain illeXeriSe of facility, how- ever, the iteleted reader ratty surely ex - et to .gein from one sort of obeerte ce of this ehuple principle of edjuste Thie allXiettli but einekilied nattier too likely to haw° a act pit, so Lwow words to 'the minute or lines to the hour. An. -Rainy.. An editorial, a chapter in ft toIMF.tgo'r_delfrtroe- 47:1074.07ergl:; novel or In the Bible, a scientific- article. tessar Industry to Le Distilled Per It abort story, if they contain the same etechanteal Purposes =lather of 'words, take u • just the flame Yetteg Xitelleep Promoted by jenit, Sfgur. O011314itted #1,0 DVe4 alkd ts Now et lame-Wet:10M tIte Gene 4,oriT,st1,, Sault Ste, Marie, Ont, Oett So o wee the scene et another hoerible meraer yeeterday, A yowl meo Iteevert ae Doe. Grialtir was ohnost, in- stantly killed by A snot Irene a Telrfairer the band.., of a young lent:bee te 'Wind Fin" in the Italian %meter of the town On dalneS street. John R. Grif- fith and a companion, Enter Crepe, both employees of the Canadian Bridge Company at the eteel plant. wept to aaoc, where, it i*.4ift, they apwit. eome time drinking beer. They also ried on cetwerstetien with a young man in the plaee, and a yonng n who WAS preteet became pawned with jeethusy. It te alleged the Ital- iagis ch-ew hit tem mai begeu shooting, Griffith awl cregart an from the place, and a5 Ilia reached the outer air Cre, exeleinted. °rue *hot* Jtlat Cregan uttered these words the Rat - Bred =tether shot, toed Griffith drop- l.ed dead. The murderer stalled trotward, tied though Chief Downey at eeee ieetituttel A bunt for him, be hnd not been 103444 up to thie time. The wonme, who nets apparently. tile lenecent inkliSe of the murder, at, once left for the Miehigan Soo, n!are elm was found by the eel. ors and tuned over to the Canadian uttaoritint. BEET ROOT DISTILLERY, Vir INETSTICY TO BR CARR= ON W. TORONTO. Toronto, Oct. 210—Letter5 pat- ent of incorporation bay° been issued by the Ontario Government to tbe "General Distilling Coe" Limit - eat, an ow:motion resent] y formed for ,few home. He plods metiaodieelly ditfllir.g epirits from tbe by-produet of through Sir Walter, and finds Min slow; lac beet -root sugar factories that are th6 reader wbo can get Quentin tcing opened throughout Canada. The I and hie Rebell° eatiefactorily married in six hours does not. The trained reader new company bus a capital of $800.000, readjusthis focus for each objective. Milton may be read in worda or lino, Mitemilay in sentences, Thaekeray in paragraphs, Conan Doyle in pages. The eyethat is, readily gains the power of taking in worde in groups instead of soperately. How large a group the glance can manage varies with the. seri- ousness of the subject. With the same degree of concentration, eye and mind will take care of n page of the °Prisoner f Zenda" as easily as they can absorb a lino of Macbeth, or one of Fitzgerald's amount of (hie mieguide penult's time. No wonder rending become an incubue to him, with the appnliing monotony of its procession of printed worth end- lessly before him. Re really has time enough, if he knew how to make use of it. Ftben Holden keeps Mm busy for a week or more; It should. be rend in p. and the incorporators are Messrs. Geo. Cooderhane W. G. Gooderbam and T. G. Blacketoelt of Toronto, and Messrs, F. 3i. Walker and J. II. Walker of Welker - vine, Ont. Building operations have al. ready been commenced on the property adjoining tlae Gooderbam & Worts distil- lery in Toronto, where tbe plant will be located, and facilitiee have been proven d to at once receive shipments from be beet :wear factories. The Industry is essentially a new ono ment 11 Of emirs' e this disposes of the. ludo- in Canada and owes its establishsolely to the beet sugar industry, in the lent lolling style of reading—or rather manufacture of which a by-product AIM* makes a rare indulgence of it. When one occesiona lar to molasses is accumulated. This lly comes upon the novel of his heart syrup will be shipped in tank cars to , or the poem be has waithd for, he the new distillery and there distilled into may well afford to consider it at his alcohol. The spirit will be used for luxurious leisure, minimizing labor by mechanical and art purposes only and dilatoriness. But as a rule the widely il1not be used for consumption in the reading man is not an indolent person, form of whiskey. Not that he is to be always keeping his nose in a book. By regulating his. pace, he not only covers an astonishing amount of ground in reading, but makes room for other things. Be knows how to get the most for his time, that is all. Ale be does not eat the flower to get the honey out of it. The eye of the skilled reader acts like a sixth sense, directing him to the gist of the matter, in whatever form it may appear. Twen- ty minutes yields all that there is for him in the book which his neighbor, knowing that it would mean a week's spare hours, is careful to avoid. This it may be said, sounds very much like an advocacy of skimming. Skimming and rapid reading are differ- ent processes, but skimming is at times a good thing, too; even skipping be- comes, on occasion, a sacred duty. We may go a step farther, for skimming im- plies dream, and skipping, a foothold somewhere; and many books deserve neither of these less and least compli- mentary modes of treatment. The eye brushes a page or two, and the mind a hardly called in to assist in a damna- tery verdict which is informal, but sum- mary. The experienced reader, in short, is an artist, and, like other artists, at- tains his highest powers only when he has learned what to subordinate to slight, even to omit. The poor fellow whose conscience will not let him refuse an equally deliberate consideration to every, six inches of black and white which comes in his way may be an ex- cellent husband and . father, a meri- lerious lawyer or merchant, and a model citizen; he is certainly not a good reach 'er.--"Contributors' Club!) TELEG1tMI1 tertmvimens. Hamilton newspaper publishers bare rmed a union. London Conservatives will banquet Mr. Wh'tne3- on Nov. 14. Somerville Beamish of Weston was killed In the railway yards at Winnipeg. The British Government bas withdrawn its proposed Irish land purchase bill. .Toseph Campbell of Osgoode was acci- dentally shot while hunting near 11111t1leh Toronto live stock dealers have asked the Canadian Pacific for lower cattle rates to the west. A Galician woman was Shot and killed by t hunter mistaking her for a deer near Dauphin, Man. The Pacific Cable Board's engineer has arrived at Victoria, B.C., to make final tests and take over tke line. A company has been formed with a view to opening depots in London for the sale or foods manufactured In Canada. Motions and bills for the _separation of church and State have been introduced In the French Chamber 0 Deputies. The new hydraulic power at the Soo constructed by the Clergue syndicate" is to be opened at the end of this week. Four British gunbpats are proceeding up - the Yangtse River, China, to obtain satis- faction: for the -naurder Of two mis- sionaries. The directors of the Toronto Railway Company were authorized by the sharehold, ers ,yesterday to complete the purchase of the Metropolitan Railway. Marconi sailed from PI mouth last An Age of Scepticism. 6In illy young days," said the Moro °met, bitted "everybody believed that night, to begin- his great experiment of a man. who fell in battle had a passport esta,blisbing weeness telegraphic com- to heal/en." "And` iS it nsoetso;ienroewties" neunication,across the Atlantic, - "Evidently not. 1 have en Senator Ita irchhoffer Weites tO the press s kwual fingrst'beleahgisrlda. chrn°ceekss'ofagnidttintiagr:hwolt, denying ,the.stateMents made by Tetrliorial copueld, • - paporS.,that "the ahvernoi-Gerieral :desecrat h by shooting . gamering his westdu ed the Sabbat• • Ilopkins---Mis'Lurniois, ma wants tiIp It is iii,i,derstood .t4at Hon. i.eorge krisliogwar:f twyclouecgagns,le,nt,,hgter 2ewaveraaisicnusp, E. Foster will be actively conneand elite 'n' soma lieur. Oh, yesl—'n." a little the new soinPan3r 'Which Proeoses to ttke lattter, r,,,urimis-woll,,1, never over from 'Mr. Owen, Ldnon, Eageln.d,nnte H'opkill§, you go horne,"n' tel1.yourt the. eights for Canada and Vie United mother 1 Bata if 'she'd Wait till I hail Sets of hit new. lethihilittithithaeatattne, ' kinid n make 'it, she 't Onfir'Cbrile which,' it is said, .4tis a daili Cal)111,tY 'it' take the eake.eePhiladolphia "Belie - enhtt, kOtee "e. teettOd'ht .00; 419 $ No remedy covers so large a field of ueeftdness as Sr. JAB= WAVERS. They are indiQated whenever there is a weak condition, as they tone up the different organs and bring strenr,th to the tisSnes, Palpitation of the heart, poor di.. gestion, sleeplessness, weak nerves, an=ia, and, chlorosis, are quickly relieved by $T. JANES WArgRs; they also repair the waste caused by hard work and faigue, ST. jAmas WAFERS help stomaela, digest food. and eend the nutriment through the blood, and this is the hottest Ihny tO get health aud strength, the kind that flevelops and breeds the ener4%y :„Ich =am- plishes much. "St,. Ranee Weitere tarnish pi MCAt pOWArtrili evidence of the vautiy itriqTeneierl power Of rztedtv carnent b cement atioa Of jid!- cne nhermactutte peepers. titans. A bairn ;teed. them Witte geed eneetee when ray pafleute needed fittetigtlx,P Pr. Clem -the eta% navereent,ntig. $4,1arneiWm,ftran not a ;wet rmotiv ; to eZ4X;(1,47040 474:40714', Catillnendkr 11400: AMeir toff en0 avinefiths,Precula ;Ion reggal, Where deetersarenoteellingtbe Wafers. they arc mailed niters vc, celpt of price et the C. -medlar; branch St, lents Wafers Co., 1124 St, CAthotio St.. Aleatreal, has gone past wise woman th an inferior atatu. Shehas ib CH'zsg1f Ovs and her neighbors tell her what it will do. If by chance you do not know the merits of The "“Pp bought” you owe it to yourself to investigate. ice the Range, look into the firebox and flues, weigh the covers, note the patented dampers, the ventilated. illurn inated oven, the corrugated oven pla d all the different features that make this Range ao different and 0 superior. You don't know true househol4 comfort if you don't know The "Ilappi Thought >1 Range. Wylie Me ilftmullitclurers for Illustrated Catategae. utVe The WM. BUCK STOVE CO- ,111rAtrii row) WEAK t LUNGS LEAD TO Consumption. THOUSANDS OF PERSONS ARE HASTENING TOWARDS THEIR GRAVES AS A RESULT OF THIS DREAD DISEASE A cure is now within the reach of every sufferer: PUL -M0 if used as directed will check the progress of this fatal disease and restore the afflict- ed to perfect health. Do not go to Florida, Madeira, California, Mexico or the Rocky Mountains. Remain at home with friends and home comforts around you and use Pul-Mo, which is the achievement of the century in medical science. Pul-mo is an absolute cure for Consumption, Throat and Lung Troubles, Coughs, Colds and all, other consumptive symptoms. Pul-Mo-stands alone—the use of' any other medicine as an assistant is not necessary. Eat good, plain, nourishing food, get plenty of fresh air and out -door exercise, and use Pul-Mo as directed, that is all—Nature will do the rest. Pul-Mo is inexpensive, being sold by druggists at $noca per large bottle, or you may procure a sample bottle for rs cents. If your druggist has not got Pul-Mo in stock, a sample bottle will be delivered to any address FREE OF ALL CHARGE. Address all letters to The Pul-Mo Co., Toronto, Ont. K K K—cc 1#1( K K-acK THE OW FOGY DOOT'OR FAMILY Doctors are all right as general practiti6ners, but they are not specialists. The sexual organs coni - prise the most intricate and important system in the human body and require the most skillful treatment. You might as well expect a blacksrhith to repair your watch, as a family physician to cure Sexual complaints. We have made a specialty of these diseases for over 30 years, have invested tens of thousands of dollars and have every facility known to medical ecience to cure them. Every case is taken with a positive guarantee of No Ouro-No Pay. • BLOOD POISON -Whether' inherited or acquired, is positively cured forever. The virus is etininated from the spite= so no danger of return. Hundreds of cases cured by us 25 years ago and no return; best evidence of a Suck as emissions, drains in the urine varicocele, seitual 111113RVOUS DIBBILITY -and other CoMplications, weaknesseete., are cured by our New Method Tr eat satezta under a positive guarantee -NO CURE -NO PAY. WE cuss ALL DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMEN., Consultation Free. Bode Free. Write for question bionic for private Home Treannent. Everything confidential: DRS. 'KENNEDY it KERGAN 111411 1113111LEIV, STRRE7: DETROIT, MICA. K K K K K K et. K K TO cunis A Coto Di oNE opyEgumndville: Mr. John TOrrance, . Take Laxative Brom, Quinine Tab- 'has prirohased the Pickett 'farm, on „ , lets. All druggists.refand the money theallnron road, .just east of Clinton, . if it fens to cure. 25,c. GroVes't and takes posession ,on. Novelle-0)er ist. signature ib e -ch box t The farm contains 50 .aeres, and the St: Marys: 'Horkiee Watson,• ,Wht), price 11'14 was $4/600.' lines a feivmiles' smith .of the town, f Codeine]] . S. Sr: NO. 1.0 has ene. tea. with a tsevere. neCident.''ou , his :,,gaged,Mise,HaIiday for 1903,and s „este .lerideevernoreitig, , ,When, Omit, tethen of . Approbation,' has given het jwIlo itritl A half '1iuin tnwi his hoise-an :increase tat ,Salatn from ' $350 to ahd thieiv himt out 0 the ,$875. • Miss Handty is en e-tcellpot 's s te is] ed ' comnou ad frae•-, ,teatiller'end'4,as giVen.'splendid satis- tui,e. of the ankle. ,