HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-10-23, Page 3-mmmommamosaam.maimal..0.1.1.
stretch of rod built.
to make a grant of $100 for each
In buildi.ng these sample roads, tae
rst thieg is to provide the re-
quisite drainage, which is the fun-
damental principle of road melange
'The roadbed is the shaped with
the gredermeking the center eon-
siderably higher mum the sides so
thet the water will readilv run oft
After rolling with the Mg etearn,
roller, a trench about eight feet
wide and six umbee eeep is cut
down the centre of the road, Into
this trench is put first a layer• of
coarse broken stonethen o layer of
etone, lastly a layer of still
Omer stone es a dressieg. This last
leVer kelps to bled ii he stone
into a solid inass, while the sideS
of the trench hold it all in place.
Beat agacl fer This country,
Hiats o :ow to
Bad roads censtitute tie greatest
drawback te rural We, and. for the
lack a geed rooele the farmers sufe
fee inoro than any other chteesz)nie
of tint benefita 'Wet week/. Eteertle
to farolerS thrOagl. tbe coostruction
tif good roads are, 2-
ood roads, like good streets,
make habitation along them most
desirable; they eeonomize tiine and
;:oree hi trausportatioo of products,
reduee weer peal tear oie horsee,
bermes tiad vehicles, and etiluinee
the market value of ivel. estate.
They raiee the veine of farm
alai feria products nud teed to
tenntlflf the eMlietry through which
tutY Pose 2 thee fiteifitate rural
me1 delivery, anti are A Potent it
to' edimetione religion and eoeiabil-
ity." Charles Simmer Once wait).
"The road a.n4 .tbe schoolmaster are
tbe MO most important agente
tolvancleg civilizat" •
The aim in making a. gooti road
iS to eittibitelt the emeiest, shortest
and MOSt CCIMCIMICat line Of travel. poser* to pod oe dampness, is now
i. 'POP -DISE -1 BELIft-
. .1
.V4'$I..Pl5TE TO
uch. Conditions Aggravate t
Teouble, But it is Now Irenown
to Be a Disease of the Blood
-Outwaned Applicatione
Cannot cure It.
The owe popular belief that rhea-
Inetieut was entirely the result of ex-
It le therefore desirable Wet made aueme eo be 0, loistake. The disease
lihould be hard, emooth, compare- mey be eggraveted by exposuea, but
tively level, or litid out onillso the root of the trouble lies in the
grQuAd '6° tha't 'their gr44e° 14°Y o° Wood, and must be treated through
emelt %het keeled vehiclee may be ta raelieneeoand outward appllea,
4141,1Vii oVer them without great IONS up" nevgl. curet, whoc Dr. witiiilumi
of ellerVY ; that OW shenld be Py°' rink Fills elwayn cure because they
nerly vonetrueted, the ground well 113444 new, rid). red blood, in wieet
drained, the reedbed gradet. ehaPed' disease finde lodgment impotteible.
arid rolled, and they should 341 our -
:aced witb the hest materials pro-
curable ; that they should be pro-
nerly maintained or kept constantly
The road that will best nit the
needs of the farmer tbe keit place
tuttst, not ko too eoetly ; and, in
Coacerning the 1.1Se Of thew pills Mr,
A. G. Laconibe, Sorel, Que. . eaya
upwarde of Ave years. 1 was
.viCtila to the tortures of rhelene-
tieM• Ae. times the Paitte in my
hem, ehouldero and hip were al -
=est 'neat eadurance. At the
times I coald not dretet tnyeelt with -
the woad place, Meet be 01 the Oat aesistanee. 'tried eel -et -al ree
very best laud, for furnier3 ou1d=edit% einem of them very assellea
tie able to do their beavy bauling without gettiug any Mere titan mule
over theat when their field, ore tea porary relief et the most, At. tide
wee to work. and their Mame would juncture a friend urged rat to try
4.411tere 1Se be idle.
Ito ltet road for the farmer, all
thinatt bele; comeideredle a 501111,
weir built etone read, so narrow as
to be ouly a Magic tree*, but lute-
a firm, earth road on one or
both eidets. 'Mere the tto.file le not
very extonelve the purpoecee of
good roads are better served by
iarrow tracks than by wide on,
while many of the ebtectionable
feature* ef wide tracke ore removed,
the initial cost of construction is
cat down one-half or more, and the
cherges for repnir reduced in pro-
portion. Where beds of good gravel
tire available this Is the ehaplest,
cheareet and 311034 elTeetIVe method
of improving country road's. With
teeth alone, howe‘er, a very pasta
able road can be made, provided the
principles of location, draintige and
eimpe of surface, together with that tao leregebeeoeee loath make eke
of keeping the eurface as smooth lives of so many womefl. a mune of
del firm as possible by rolling. be misery. Nome dealers offer substi-
etrictly Adhered to. In .fact a geed tutes. and in order to protect, your-.
earth road is second to none far self you must aee that the full name
summer travel, and euperior to ..Dratimeame rink Fills for Piths
2.1141'y °: the so-eiLliell "laeuthu° orPeople" is on the wrapper areund
etone roads. But the earth roads every box. Sold by all thalera or
must be eovered with some artificial aent by mail, post paid, at SO cents
niateilal, if they are to be enasle a box or six boxes for $2.so, by
dm and unyielding at an "a"ns writing °direct to The Dr. Williams'
and in all kinds at weather, with a
Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont.
surtax° =moth and impervious to
" Prizes" with corranon soaps
are dearly paid for at the ex-
pense• of clothes and hands.
Dr, WWkuue ic Dilleout spoke
eo highly of the pille thet 1 decided
to try them. Almost from the ‘ery
Ant therm pith* helped we and by
Abe time I bad 'When seven or eight
boxes. every twinge et rheumatism
bad dleappeared. and I was feeling
better that I bad for years. 1 would
strongly advise Distiller eufferer3 to
give Dr. Williatne" Fink r1115 0. fair
trial, as 1 fUnt confident they will
not euly drive away all palm and
aelte3, but leave you strong, active
and bappy,"
Willituna' Fink Fills two the
greatest tonic medicine in the world.
These pills not only cure rheuma-
tism, but all troubleatm, origin
tionwa from poor blood_ or weak
nerves. suck aa CditteMia, COnerellIP-
tion, iaeuralgia, kidney trouble, St.
Vitus' dance, pnrtial par 'i and
GOOD ROADS TRAIN. The ten -ton stetun roller is run over
each layer of SUMO as it 18 put on.
The rolling is always done down the
sides of the trench Meet so that the
stones will be crowded toward the
center. IVhen the rolling of the
sample suet& is completed, the
stone should be about seven inglies
deep, which is sufficient to stand or-
dinary traffic. Such a road may
heave to a slight extent in some
localities, but the expense of keep-
ing it in repair evil). be much less
than for an ordinary clay road,
Roads sueli as those that have
been built by the good roads train
cost anywhere from $500 to $1,000
per mile, according to management
and cost of stone. The average
stone road costs from $600 to -$75O
per mile. Such roads need a cer-
tain amount of repairing, the same
as ether roads, hut not much.
The number of cords of stone re-
quired for a mile of road depends
altogether upon the depth. of stone
]aid down. If laid on eight feet
wide and eight inches deep in the
center, it would take about 220 -to
24.0 cords per mile.
The Department of Public Road
Inquiries and the National Good
Roads Association of the United
States combined their forces a
couple of years ago for the epurpose
of furnishing object lessons on the
construction and value of good
roads to farmers in a large number
of countries A good roads train
was equipped and run between Chic-
ago and New Orleans, building
short sample stretches of model
road, and holding local conventions
in various counties along the route.
By this means splendid educational
'work was done in the direction of
impressing upon the people the de-
sirability of better roads, and the
facility with which they
llealizieg the great good that
would be accomplished if a ohnilarly
, equipped train were operated in
'Canada, an effort was made early
in 1901 to arrange for work of this
sort in the Ottawa district. Chiefly
through the exertions of Mr. IL B.
Cowan, of Ottawa, secretary of the
Good Roads Association of Eastern
Ontario, the Sawyer -Massey Com-
pany, of Hamilton, Ont., manufac-
turers of road -making machinery,
were induced to supply free of
charge all the • necessary machinery
for such an enterprise, and also
three or four experts to take charge
, of and operate the machinery. The
Canadian Portland Cetnent Company
of Deseronto, Ont., aided the enter-
a,a,prise by donating some 150 to 200
• barrels of cement for the construc-
tion of concrete culverts which •nre
much more satiSfactory than wood-
en ones for . drainage purposes. Fur-
ther assistance was given to the
movement by the..Ctinaclian Pacific,
Grand Trunk, Canada ,Atlantic, and
Ottawa New 'York Railway com-
panies which all agreed to trans-
port the necesstiry, machinery •and
experts oVer their 'lines without
chnr,ge. -
it is desirable that all heavy traf-
fic reakis should be Macadarnized or
gravelled', wherever the materials
are availatile for the purpose.- In
order tc, give an object lesson on
the value or such roans, end the.
Propel! manner to bun,i them, the
good roads train was employed' 'ILO
build a model streteh of stone road
• from a third to i..60Y •ndle in
tent, io each .of tea counties, and
to roll and grade an additional
'stretch. The selection of the va-
rious stretches of road was left
with the County Councils, with the
'understanding that the Township
, Councils a shotild furnish elf' the ne-
cessai7 stone, teams, laborers, ot,c,,
owing to, the. heavy exy eese Aleut,
aea each Oolinty was.asi ed
Ak e1 tuo oetag033+ Raz"
about $2,800, and, thee outfit would
be sufficient to do all the work for
ABY ordinary municipality.
A traction engine for ba.uling the
grader and working -the crusher, a
crusher, elevator bins, spreading
waggons, and a. live or six ton
horse roller would cost altogether
The litother Tells How It Was
Ace =pushed.
"A wonderful change," is the ver-
dict of ‘a. lady corresemodene who
writes us about her little one. "I
take pleasure," writes Mrs. 11. )13.
Bickford, of Glen Sutton, Que., "in
certifying to the merits of Baby s
Own Tablets, as I have found them a
sure and reliable reraecly. My baby
Was troubled with indigestion, and
was teething and cross and restless,
and the use of the 'Tablets madp
wonderful. change. think the time-
ly use of Baby's Own 'Tablets might
save many a dear little life, and I
would recommend mothers to keep
them in the house.",
The opinion of this wise mother is
ec....heed by ether correspundents
Baby's Own Tablets give such com-
fort and. relief to a. sick ba.by, they
90 infallibly produce e,alm, .periceful
sleep, that you woold almost tlaink
thenn a narcotic. But they are not.
rhe y are only- a health -giver for
...hi -Wren of any age. They cannot
possibly do ha.rrn-they always do
good. May he had feom druggists,
or by mail, post paid, at 125 cents a
box, by writing direct to the 'Th..
Williams' Medicine Brockville,
Ont., or Sch'enectady
Fereenal and Felitical Occurrences
That Will latemst Irish: -
Ireland clahne the Image of tbe
rst electric railway in the 'United
Maier Congreve, V.C., as been
offered the post of private seeretary
to the lieke of Commeglit in Ire-
Mr. Edward O'Reilty, who hae
filled the position of Cartadtan Gov
rnment agent at Londonderry, has
been traneferred tDelfeet.
owing to the netion of the -United
Irish League, the county of Roeconn
mon, which is fatuous for Its home,
has now lost, its last pack of
Church robblog by traeopa hos be-
come so coMmon of late in Ireland
that the police in malty places have
to 'wen XPeciell watch on places et
PO' cellieg a Vied matt Parnell and
referring to his bliminees in en ob-
leetionanie way a women bats t een
severely reprimanded at the Xings-
town police court.
At Witmer. an trith mountain ell -
lege, a cl:tproilitet1 later .ebet AIM
woman whom he had loved and lost,
his own brother havnig married her,
and then committed suicide,
It le a reMattable fact that nut -
withstanding the growth of Belfaet.
the County of Antrim, in which the
city 13 situated, has furniehed aver
a quarter ot a, million of emigrants
in MY years.
/Jitcheistown Board of Guardians
have been ointerned that the local
government boerd cennot unction a.
grout et £2 from the rates for the
purchase of a revolver for the rime -
ter of the workhouse.
While in the south of Ireland, lir.
Hance Logan, M.P. aud Mr. D'Arey
Scott, of Ottawa, visited Blarney,
but neither of theca gentlemen were
suciletedul in their effett0 to lidtia the
celebrated Blarney stone,
Pleading guilty to the theft of
sortie two tons' weight of targets
from the Itabeny rifle ra»ge, near
Dublin, a. man wee was employed to
take the targets down has been sen-
tenced to two menthe' imprison -
Sir Albert liime, Premier of Natal.
who vittited the Dublin Horse Show,
wild that there would be fine open-
inga for Irish emigrants in Natal as
soon as the scheme for their recep-
tion had been completed.
The Couneees of Dudley, wife af
the new Lord Lieutenant, ba, al-
ready made a most favorable im-
pression in Dublin. She proved to
be as -amiable as she is beautiful.
Moreover, she sets a fine example as
a wise and devoted mother.
It is odd tbat seteral cases of
glanders have occurred at Ash-
bourne and at Dundalk, where
batches of imported berets ere. The
news has created quite a panic
amongst Trish horse owners, es the
dread disease is hardly known in
Ireland now.
Statisties eileaw that Belfast is
still going ahead rapidly. Its popu-
lation at the last census was 34.9,-
186, an increase in ten years of 27.3
per cent. ; while Dublin had 290,-
688 inhabitants, and had increased
sonte 7 or 8 per cent. in the sante
Belfast has the advantage of bet-
ter buildings for its people than
Dublin, and covering so much more
ground, as it is built on an area of
16,500 acres, while Dublin covers
under 8,000 acres, The great trou-
ble about Dublin is the tenant sys-
Owing to the imposition of organ-
ized mobs hunting was suspended in
Roscommon. The Roscommon stag -
hounds and the RoScommen har-
riers have been disposed of, and the
last pack. • in the county, the.Boyle,
and Rockingham harriers, are now
for sale.
Alderman Dowd, a member of the
Labor party in the Dublin corpora-
tion, was selected as Lord Mayor -
elect of that qty for 1903. He .is
the first Labor representa tive elected
Lord Mayor of Dublin. Though now
ranking as, an employer, he is stil,
a working plumber and a leader iri
his trade. •
Everyone ha.s heard of St. Jacobs
Oil for rheumatism, strains, bruises,
lame back, and all muscular aches
and pains, but few know that there
is nothing to equal it for relieving
aching feet, troublesome corns, and
for softening the harsh, callous skin
which frequently forms on the soles
of the feet. Anyone sufferingfrom
sensitive spots on the toes, sides of
the feet, or between the toes, should
rub a little St. Jacobs Oil on the
sore spot every nrght. The imme-
diate relief obtained is simply won-
lo household should be without
St. JacobOil. It will be wanted
after tricket, after' tennis after a
day's boating ;r fact, it is the
athlete's itiend. All chemists sell
St. Jacobs' Oil and a 50 cent bottle
is.suflicient to, prove• beyond a doubt
Ile above statements,
O debating the Civil List--
The Belies)). House ef Commons
vas onCI
ha appropriations for the Eing and
royea annilya-when Lord Evelyn
Stuart, who was an offieer of the
Guards, as well as a member of tbe
House, came in, wearing a /Ong
meustache. At that time meusteches
were Worn, only oy soldiers, and
very seldom even .by them. "KY
Lord," said one of the Ministers to
Lord Vrelytt, "riOW that war is
over, don't you think you bad bet-
ter put your moustache on the
peace eetablieheeent ".I deai't
know whether I Shall do that," said.
Lord Evelyn ; "but meanwhile I
would advise yea to put your
tongue on the Civil List"
We oan handle any quantity or properly packed Apple
Also any quantity of Poultry (goal *relive.) write us.
LADY WIT11 TFCE RESALT Mrs. Gettexa Offen (who has ads r
TEAT Set el IS PARA- tieed for a coolt)-"Whut weges do
you expect ?"
Applicant --"Wages ? I am aleal
I'm not the party you want."
.A. brzlln Expeeienee Bewatipa mrs. °cam Oireta--"I don't unde-
n Iteeteee 131uuder-Fer. stand. 1'W readY to 4i1vo good
tunately She Recoveyed 0434 lgirpurauPi g. aCcot io.yk " ;11 m but
Tells the Ste ef the /14191C/ I'M a chef and I expect u. salary."
Iringeton. Ont. Oct.
Time We. Lekte of
Do Not Deep -When, through debill-
SPCCial) Wed geetive ermine, poieon nude Ile
1 Clarence way into the blood, the prime consideee
Althoug only 47 per cent. of the
people of the United States live in.
towne, yet in New York State the
proportion of town dwellereta
per cent.
lie Ras Tried Ite-ntr. John Ander, .
Nieless, writes: st veatram to 43f._ felt
aen, have revolved greater berfentjr
the use of lir. Thoneee. Falectric
II have, I have need it regalady
ten yeare. end beie remanteett t
ell sufferera I knew of. and they aleo
found it of great *tee In yaws et iieeere
bre:table and ilacipleut etrosUrapktor0
50.cet, leaa gay. le wag to.rdoy, atIen is to get the pongee ent. al try Belgian citiee are liable ..or danege
"by overdose of Strychaine preeeribed ewe effeedee me.11060te acaul tut. for wittdow-gla31 ereaelted by a,
ILL PAP 1 IIVItutur:rgl!r'.0:2f; IBrussels ho:4 to pay recently 84..000
eielatees was brought about
by a plereician. lt. Drought on Faroeltrnder with. Tbey never fail. 'They go 41401).
a matter for wonder. She etiye 14.°: illortaghlY 413 Pee -Tibia ' to private property caused rots.
lySie afiecting any left, side, brain4 at olio to the seat of the teat -hie aud
01311#nd 11111be. 1Ver4 a permanent, cure.
was perfectly helpless and it
wim imposellile for me to rein, my Jim Ball -"Will Jones tioemet
Minarfs Liniment Cures liorns etc,
left liMb or open My taiga's. I got seem to have eni
dch etnce n the Dublin's park area is 173 acres,
no eleee and often ',VIKA I desed me' management of his houte•" TO an area, eufficient eo allow each 175
yes remaioed open. I bad not the Cs..111-",No; but ee be suPPorts his inhabitents an are of breathing
power to close my eyelids. ',were and her mother and two sisters epine. Edinburgh has 407 acres of
"I euffered elniost eoutinually With ite COMtittIteN a good werldne iuui'oarn,
"My brain felt ais °tough it as
tll0 large fOr the SI'41411- itY Appetite! In waehleg Tififillites and danuele,
failed auti 1 becetoe very eneacioted.:Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) will he
advert, I Was nothing but elan n4 Sound Ivey eekeieexeeery„
41 Wall three years under treat-
ment, mew phyeieleutt hexing rite Aneilefaia Bother --"Po the hest .Yele
under their are, but without avall..can Or hire. doctor. That is all 1
At last 1 liceeeme disvouraged and can rare 11 it is the will of Fie,
gave up eli treatment, ividence---" Surgeon-"Pon*t try to
"While reading tt. paper one day I,Plate the reelamslbilitY cu Pros
noticed a leatirtiony of 0110 who was evidence in this case, Mr. IfeJetem.
owed by Dodd's Kidney rule.. 'You bought the toy pistol for the
"lly Meter procured me a. box of hey yourself."
the pille and 1 r tatted on three pills „,--,....
three limas a day. I soon began to
eperience a ehange for the better Mind's Liked CMS Dandruff
inch continued latili 1 rego.ined the s
use of my arm. hand and limb. Aty
headaehe also ceased and my aP- Riehley.-"I am the areidtert ef
petite returniel. my own !mimic." %lichley--"Aren
"Irela this 1 soon Picked up nosh you afraid of u. Vitilt from the build -
and strength until I vas us well as ing inspector ?"
"I thank Get] and ])odd'Xidney ler diet Sixty Tears.
PIUS for nay health, for by prayer A ome AXD WattoTaene Autism. - mts
and this wonderful remedy. I was tilotherneentierSeneeliesteteetett*t erre tete
,eured nod kayt romet, la good gatil.Aticighnir,eg :1-1:747:4Vritt314gieet:
eeilltli ever mitre, altnough thi Was Woos too atuse.allsys all sale, sum wins Wit, ADD
fotholostrorosis tor Diarrkots. ZS Oloomnt to tlto
over live yestin ago:* ulna Sold by inegina to eters nett et tlie ward.
retatOtTettanelmule Its !else j lasalaulable.
Be me sod tisk far Itm. Whiney's Stemless Syrup -
Too EARLY. indult* es ether kind
A professer Was going to experl- Little May wee &towing the plc -
lent with laughing ge3 when he tures in Ole album to the visitor,
waiter(' a student say that if he and, en opening Oa page containing
were eeleeted for a .subjmt he would the portrait 4.4 her fatheee first
take adviineege of hie aupposed coma wife, she eaid : "'That's my eldest
to tell the professor what be thought mother."
of him.
When the clues • met the professor
aamounced Visit be would like, for Mind's Liniment relieves Neuralgia,
purposes of illustration, to adminis-
ter the gas to some member of the
Excited Citizen (rushing into pe -
lice station) -"I want a detective."
Forthwith this etudent volunteered.
Inspector ---"What do you want a de -
The gas bulb was connected with his
teetive for ?" Excited Citizen. -"Well
mouth. Ile pretended to bevery
there's a fight going on in front of
much •excited, and began to abuse
y h, and I t him tfid
the professor all call him all sorts
mlicn" wano na
of names. poentaouse.
The old man let him go on for
while ; but the class roared wben TO tom A COLD IN ONE DAL
the professor said Take Issatlys Brom Qulnise Toddies. All deue
'He needn't be so irresponsible-- titua refund the money it it falls te ewe. X. W.
yet "Hello, Jack 1 where did you get
owe Amami'. ix on 115o.
'the gas has not teen turned on
that black eye ?" "Oh, it was only
a lovers' quarrel." "Lovers' quarrell
Noatliye,r loyvoeuri.:, girl did not give you
that, did she ?" "No, it was her
Beware of Ointments for Catareb
that contain Mercury
as 'mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smell and aomplatelyderange the whole system
when entering it through the mucous surfaces.
Such articles should wrier be Used except on
Proscriptions from reputable physician s, as the
damage they wM do 'sten fold to the good you
can possibly derive from tbem. NOM* Catarrh
Care, manufactured ley F.J. Cheney .t Ce., To.
led*. 0., contains Ito mei:turn and is taken in.
tentally, acting directly urea the blood and
mucous surfaces et the mystem. In 'buying
Haire Catarrh Clara be sure you get the genu
inc. It Is Mks* laterualty,aad made in Toledo
Ohio, by F. J. Cheney So Ce. Testimonials
Sold ittdruggists, price 75c per bottle.
Hears Familt Pills are the best.
An Englishman and an Itishman
met one day, and the former, wish-
ing to have some fun with Pat, ask-
ed hirn if he was good at measure-
ment. "I am that," said Pat. "Then
could you tell me how many skirts
I could get out of a yard ?" asked
the Englishman. "Well," said Pat,
"that .depends on whose yard you
get into."
Not e.NausCating Pill. -The excipient
oft pill is the substance which enfolds
the ingredients and makes up the pill
mass. That of Parmelee's' Vegetable.Pil Is
is so conapounded as to preserve their
moisture. and they can be carried into any
latitude without impairing their strength.
Many pills, in order to keep them from ad-
hering, are roiled in powders, which:prove
nauseating to the taste. Parruelee's Nage.
table Pills are so prepared that they are
agreeable to the most delicate.
Benham --"Do you know that hand --
some woman -over there ?'' ,Denham-,.
'"No , and I've been melded to her
three years 1"
Tbeeenever wee, and never will ha a,
universalpanneere in one remedy, for all
ills to which flesh if; heir -the very nature
of many curatives beingsuch that were
the germs of other and differently seated
diseases rooted in the system of the
patient -what would relieve one ill, in
turn would aggravatethe ocher. We
have, however, ili Quinine Witte, when
obtain able in a Sound unadulterated
state, a remedy for many and grevious ills,
By its gradual and :judicious use, the
frailest systems are leflinto convalescence
and strength, by the influence which Qui-
nine exerts ouNibture's own restoratives.
It relieves the drooping spirits of those
with whom a chronic state of morbid des-
pondency and lack of Interest in life is a
disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves,
disposes to sound and refreshing sleep -
imparts vigor to the action of the blood,
which, being sthnulated, courses through-
out the veins, strengthening the healthy
animal funetions of the system, thereby
making activity a necessary result,
strengthening the frame, and giving Iife
to the digestive organs, which naturally
demand increased substance -result, im-
proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of
Torobto, havegiven to the public their
superior Qninine Wine at the usual rate,
and, gauged by the °Mai= of scientists,
this wine approaches nearest perfection of
any in the market. All druggists sell it.
-- Olnudia,,is the a,oung man in-
dustrious to whom you are engag-
ed ?" "Industrious ? Why, papa, he
said he intended to propOse to me
a month ago, but was too busy."
mat. clemated .it a pleetatin *SSE
d reliable antieote for all artietioea tit
be ttroist ailune-tie fullyziet with 14
Antireonsumptive 8rrnp. I« Is
a purely 1..e1etatale °Guillotine, and wive
promptly out( tnagisally la -jut *Man all
cough", colds. Irene/Ala ldrietematien
the loose, ent. It le ea 'palatable :hilt
child will met refase ir, and it io oif:. et a
erim that will not exclude the peer teem
*3 healellts.
Vie quality stsodard front ocean to .
l'Our money Issek it not satistootory.
11055 t 1 ATI AMItE Assists, • Montreol.
The Jews wereeueelled from Bug.
land by Ferliernent in 1290. and not
recalled until Oliver Cromwell's
thne. The banisluocut laded 300
A rec
!Mold's Liniment far sale everidtre vocaied by an Irish physician, Dr.
ent cure for consumption ad-
° W. C. Ulnchins is the inhalation of
--ae the vapor of garlic juice. The doctor
He -"I was in hope dear thlt you claims that by this method he has
would prefer a quiet Weddina" effected some remarkable curee.
She -"Why ! I am Only going tolo* rn
have four bridesmaids; Tofu' pieces of
music 40O worth, ' of 11 0 wer s and s taratiis' Ittorzie,Qqn!)i110` 14 clIri
invite about a thoesand." Vo Ctn.°, :No Pay. Prictdconta.
Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co.
Gentlemen,' -My daughter 13 years
old, was thrown from a sleigh and
injured her elbow to badly it re-
mained stiff and very painful for
the YC711,3. Four bett1e3 at XIX-
ARD'S LINIMENT completely mired
her and elle has not been troubled
for two yeara.
Yours trnly.
St. Joseph, F.Q., Aug. 18, 1000.
Five otre3 of land near Charing
Cross, Louden, belong to Lord Sat -
heavy. This lune. Nal obtained by
an ancestor *1 his for gra:ling-11111d
*I than three centuries ago.
000 MO EY
Earned knitting or us. We rent
new knitting rtmehinee. Other in-
ducements to right parties. Send for
partioulars at once. Ontario Pure
nishing Co., Toronto, Ont.
Low Rates
Every Day.
Every day during the month of
October, 1002, the Union Pacific \yin
sell one-way settlers' tickets at the
following rates :
Ogden and Salt Lake ...... .........$20.00
Butte and Helena . 20-00
Spokane 22.50
Portland and Ashland.- 25.00
Tacoma and Seattle.. • 25.00
San Francisco 25.00
Los Angeles and San Diego25.00
Correspondingly low rates froin in-
termediate points.
For full information call on your
nearest agent or address,
le Janes Building,
Toronto, Canada.
126 Woodard Ave.,
Detroit, Mich.
a .43.1.01C 3E"‘ CO "EMT 31t
Winterless Skies,
A Shining Sea,
Golden Orange Groves,
Frultlid Vineyards,
Profitable Orchards,
Wineliddese°eraleVlatevsholl C6110711eir',
Health, Wealth, Happiness.
ONLY $33.00
Front Chicago to the Coast during
ta..ensee.Wii.rte for patitulars to
H. F. CARTER, Trav. Pa
75 Ifonge St., Toronto, •Ont.
GEO. G. HERRING, 'Gen. Agfa,
Union - Southern Paeific, 126
-Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich.
N 3es