Exeter Advocate, 1902-10-23, Page 2iA aCal=ea="aniiMiXeinigtiFfF,t,let.f,...1lctik
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young lady. Immedietely after the wardly evince4 the warmest friend -
affair is over you will make *wine ship for tile man he intended to se
excuse. for retiring e, few moments cruelly wroug, and was, therefore,
and clear off-, hour Absence will alweys at a loss to know whether
probably have the (elect require he was receiviog the real Thompson
without resorting to further =tea- or Grimes in disguiss.
sures. bUt Inat,"0 assueenees doub-
At length. the eight prior to the
ly certain you will take care to ac-
quaint her. by letter. with the ex -
resort to more extreme measures it
nett had the slightest suspicion. he
had turned informer, stayed with
Ilea all eight and never found. a
nutre entertaining host, The ar-
rangenients for keeping up the de-
ception, wo intended practicing ution
you were the CaUsa or My late erriyal
reene•••••Illeeitskirestee**0••••• of e, cup of butter with half a cup
leo• aolfiti,suagoaoribtetheinlaiaiddcopoeoef boeuagtaear. meg&
• • • three cups of flour with two table-
; e ome•
spoonfuls of belong powder, one tea-
- • spooned of salt, a, quarter teaspoon-
• • ful of cinnamon and a, little grated
e• tme stir ore f ' 1 "
manwiage arrived. Franeisen nerve
ously paced lnis roems, waiting pa- nt church thia morning, e 9411,00••••••••••••0410•••••••• . - cuP o z ene the
our. alternately, irito elle butter
act state ot affews, leteug Particle- tiently for an ultimate/a of the sue- ()be -Fed -Ye" signal. "(I- left 1n3r wilt% FURNISITING A IIALL. egg arid sugar, wet Add enough neer°
51/0 -ply retired, until you had de- . e. h fu delnh neeesserY' to t1a4e a sett
tar stress en the fact that you have eesetal issue of the first pert.. As the eue ex friary (Anse t - dough Viet can be roiled out .
Mere than a passing a,cemaintancehtime passed slowly on the suspense P"ted•
eon_ I understand you lave had o lerge el/31ot the hall is the matter.hesetriritel Apples \with pCork,-,•-•rlied, applea
the least attentien and
A few daye ago my friend. Pena with the inside of a Prison. TIM became terrible. 'The fearful
. .I your recouping the stock in otheerf r;;relgsth'itib:Vifilottree;a °Fed:a:14,5414AI sl'''resPoQatd1:11°1r4s4 er‘d uNN;te't hrt°1P7 orist4el41P-ikd 4111Ca:Pt:o1111;1e$4:3S-a6g:
ems. lete superinteneent ot the des letter porters, ot your letter will P SeqUerkeeS Of faelure axed expoeme .Citil uPon Your puree of tete, and 'tee wes .
tective department oi a latrge eity make you particularly objectiOnable tool po:Sesion. of bia braie until at Vet" SurrgeSt the adrisabilitY
under lect lerge. Aim opplee. rather tart,
eareer. iThe felse position she witi be pieced street. Ile had Arnuott wgas,enegramsaI tray friend. Detective Sup 1 t t. rt.hii':hialtreessaalletbahtontobaftorit. Abz,,,
1 Robson. to anima I lieweelLcamennmudueZe
You ask ma. he replied. to a, gees- 'ill anal the sceadal likely to accrue yards before his icated the whole facts. to chit upon true it is that it is difficult. to mane
tient I had put to him. if it is not from the publicetion et the true facts Iby a man coming front tee opposite
a. smell hall look titan a,nything more
the case that some persou leaving R. o le ease, Whi. to her mind. direction. It was Grimes. Yell ia bis 011144 le"aelt7"-Yenrs than it, thoroughfare for niera Fees, dew . eet
oftea esss the power his knowledge ;they will, 1 an certain, preclude the 'were, whence.. ,..ye, eti „ea.,
mee. ee said. in a truly,
William Thoisereen..." iisngthttaiaihd :althanadi lehe worst 91 it 1;a114 PlsPfdsCS anrci.j4 .5eeorYAes inti.:eilibitirlell;
y tene bail furaislies if , nwiie.t. aio, ,,..- nr,f,,,,,,(1 g,rinkio"
zAngs•FlOsta at an unweetelhed crime !some such fearful Proportions -that eQuica-ten
gives him to compel the Offender to i possibility of any action being tattel * `-
execute detrie be prevtously would lien 0 ee are mail'. g it . 1 Grimes laughed at the 't-er-ro. r ee- Tr secTui letter was -from Grimes: the, keYnote to the beano. The - ne--- et --- ----' -.---
the slices wall sugar said little
a el etances to endeavor to intimidate a. A small hall requires but little fur- Chic/see pet ple-Ost up a, cbielsen
though in my opinion the averagentone the lees poignant. and eventu-4 Is'41140Isnr in,a;igerta.sfm•ItallhisilleIr ohmetts;hyllies?..e thith more brews than e-Oer- nitUre. Chairs and hall seats ares.and pet on in cod water enough to
criminal has natural propensities " ally prey upon her zniral to such an a
had been. overcome -meows was etch: et Yon want to 6necced _in one not necessary. 1101 trees have "gone .cover. toning care that- it does not
which getterany enable tem to into, extent. even if elm survives the tenoce
practically certain. Returnieg to ,proicissioz, na ies ai a cowara, Vim oute along with tearateetoeeed :cools, dry, while bailing. cut off 4
curet -met the intimidator and relieveh„of your disclosures, that I shall e, ewe. et, etweene etweon in ,,,,, 4 Wail e-oer eccoinpece. taeles. lenowing what is not, wended slice front bread dough, add a sarualt
bixeseli ot the threatened danger ;s°011 be the richer by about two ."'s t\'''`"'''' n- ---"nt—ne*-"e .-en-e:ftiertil7folrlsa:stireeloperntte only on 517.ch is nest of course to imowinn whet is lump of lard, and mix up like ligh
witbout incurring fertiner risks. such thousand a yeaIr.prob;e0;eytoourploM;tyoin4 7.1g.ecall.rleZInsTsshieolenTs^trM;b.hti:Pstantliesiaction , 0:linsleares ,i",e,tot7oirn
f.i7"floo too Ircalch for istvtat7eteeiti tSbioneewttwyeoetrciotnotitho7ov.e levee Irltnictueirt. tolttal,seb by st01,0 to r....st.!
Poe lea,sh and QlparecielltotQatuote:iotfant:ele7:te
a propeneIty is. rthiret. in the pose,il'the metier,
'ley preneuting Grit:tee with a enclitic'
teeseteo of every mom. owe unless the the max or five hundred pelmets." Ilfor hanf tim etuomtt. egt,„,,4 „von. 1:,Fronnhison. The rapid eliange from must pay =ore Attention to the
will -power bee brea utterly svrecked tbetnes leeld out hie hand dratiew Zcext- nwriniehe as an invited guest. '11111,4C4prIted St1m.ess to complete fad- per and the weielworn. sine, and add theta wnen tim elective
dissiPeliea' it is imPessibie ler iaticaUY' "8babe'''' be said' "'If !:11e JOrnit.41 th0 wedding Parte% end ,nr?, staaaeli ItnatanFer a-tiate he, , To advise White woodwork In a is almost, done. Inlown the potatoes
any eue to be forced against. his will intnizeire a:Int/int' it- 11'
.--,,,,44 -..- .4.,. a nem goo,. we, elm trpoo artriVett at 1.110 teenage eat specc....ess 1514444 surprise, ens. haw he hehhaph
. • wash etre dry, but do not peel. Bee
move steels, blossotit end and core.
Slice across so as to round
slime about half an inch thiek, liher
bot butter, olive oil or the Pork
in the North. Was eintertatuing tuis n --- eee • an • ast cou g
with tn. few reminiscences of his past her agree to your terms for silence: seieing his hat, he rusbeil int.° the regions, otherwise must request
hang; . Pear futere I would ad- tor 'Lance Ids first impression a
Cinnamon over the encooked eidge
not have dreamed of. such may he;of proseeetieg you. weverthweeh ht...rayeil ins voice tenore rep
Ieyou never, under any circien, front it. just before turning.
the case in a. good many instances.. hen grief and mortiewation will be CI3M.S°
leto eoutteittina, en °anew againetlet hie business. I've ewe; a good:twee e owe was to be wesa of Lis when at last be recovewed- R611" ualtIon • Utnulhfla4 jiraheTri? eit:Tr,;gPrIlIc'itirt.aaXt14'114Villia;In4g:TritdfallAt.ea:n011it
the taws' I tx"Ileet a e*L"3 t`?ar''uavV1114149* but. mop. .on e0nItt etude:Jere-ea bet ereeently. tbe erieehiuecatered ,S4:!OPOS to the eda wit. Wan 11'4;01 if yeeeerly ereatenalegain, See- thiwe -le water ens
fang on the sebeset. which I will give give them P°41143* 11'•I'verthee entered mei twin up her ponition irg enttlamcd tn the flirst letter, and ,Talie, for hietnure. nail tied. ie ;Ougle ' to hewn from burnintte eeven
you. As it was purely et family of- !less," he continevii, adopting a fa- the ewer rails, she loaltee feerfet. mane speenet preparations' fcr be
den.* In red. The woodwork andtvery tightly. an do net Lane cover
fair. ante the persons interested were winter tone. now that Frankieon , ly tn. and leaned hew/ally on the arm f"Jitirturo to a More congenlal elite- the stairs urn while, nu volls uce,04 laitll dinupli)),44:;) ere do))104 Theyr
- .
Unnnainna to CreatO a ecendel. thehlund dnyulged lus.secret, tins et a, .of an old gentleman. a friend. of the atoe-won on A . ; a, to he covered with a, figured rid pp...need! emit: nu bee an illatir in.d may
ttcts never became publie property. -natter that regtines thorough re- family. who 1,111* to give her away. per above a Wainscot of dallier plain be- tiatid by luting one edge cif the
gene upon be' with A
Grimes relented to el- et, after eery- . to engage myself m the Meet cold' Almost. satanic loon, upon hie fate-
About ten years ago a man inantedi viewing. old chop: You want nue weenenteen azei .BOUT 11701113, r,t..cu. rave, 01' burlaps, wed slimed „pion end. . tinkles. out, a durnplinig and
4knniiiaie in the reg. filleie epeee bee:tweet:mg it open. inrh pi:einem-a by
ing a terra for .901.110 OffelICO, tee nee blooded echeme ever eoncocted. tano ems. mot s4o. Nvith latternhe „allege,
ee twee the stair mei the noor, ennithetnnelveS; cldriten and dumPlingS
tune of which I bave forgotten. Ibt 'ell the rises, do oevey NT4vil a, eee tete the, wahriteg eNpmslott 1-40 1TOW APPearangn IM4.et5 tnn the stair cerpet. Anise ill red. abouhl
was, without exceptiore tee most ,low (who. for anything I enow, will fere givre way t 4,20 of eiwolete
be laid with taws rode. In meet a.
daring. cunning. and reeourceful probably cause a lot of firoltbild. get ate an thc; thee passed and up tee ¶1.ail the wily furuiture uewl IiINTS IA ie.
eeouniirel that ever breathed. Originehmarried-the attendent risks of hridethermon ahheeredn Ile heated h thnhegany. for hats. gloves. ts. w th t
emit tasted sespettee the liacjit pro, "new' *64'0 wete mete., a mirror owe it. with a brave CI It'46
1334". ttn actor. he eras a, pastnnester ;which Are., Under the best of Moon- I
in the art of disgulaes; in fact. the stauces. worth newer than the El-wee/ye and cmcolateti to health, ellanses. ine oblong facie the round .frame if d. it PreTare' l'enteut tOnt it sand-
' eou can ae or . ani ,wieh tiled with teed eeg
thee of tini downtall dated from the moment yon generousin offer tbe effect it wae hoving upon ler.
ibe%‘e• , Acta , ,,e PYttt -, .„1',„,,,,large jar or star,d ler unatirelles.hthephed hue and dreneed with gt pie,
day on which he impersonated, tine toorally. if not legollY. Inurder a The whispered eePectency a P be 14'1341-Q4 -nice* Vtee °wont; Iteet titheaeh ;Teem should iv a coat cieset ufluelUi pared dressieg itr simply with inane
reanniner of tlie conipeen,y be was girl, and kale the country -it Caretee,thshregation toted hate, a. low melee:which would itt more rionli 7
iravelieg with. and absconded, wititqte clone -for eve hundred pounds." nem of consolation. onci eyrninenhn oval than a retand ee reisel-relt-anid;the' .°tairs lu 4 "ell a0. 114111* lur rub-141'4'er and butter t4 6144trlitIa as
leers. wraps, esr- ane a t.5iiell ceirr;tireli riA appytizing.
the •;,_ the door. an Whleit a bit of terra:. Another nine Innell adjunct Is a.
treasury. Somehow, afeil wrauelson eyed hine eavegely. end for the bride and even Freettiturn diaarala'
I. or It4e-fe Rbt!steal, 1:eattt7 tIn' eu-' Celine rottgry SillOWO to geed adwrecigi cureterd. isf winch most ihileten
terwerds. other People's clotheStpaced the room, in theesalit. lie 'iv-haws:au to antleipate femme
I flee bee the hintietto _ .
eneseed to nave a. faseina- wetted the familiarity in the tnneleei Suddenly the stored of a, ear40ge Ieng er °vat -4 ' a . etantinge. litre genie fend, The nip COlt-tanilig
it4111 fill' Ida" WhiCh PatUraU131Voice. "Sie hundred." be Owl:tine tieing driven rapidly inn the kisinn. flandIng• and 13/1° °r41"411 v340 r"It 41,- lonw. narrow hall may Le brokene the custard sbnuut be teettad in a
Cr''''11141 4t 14rge arn0out 0: ill`freeling. ed. at, laet. Otiteesi ehoeit Ids need loon of tho church wee head; noel enhulttillttli „b„.,T,,,tr c,,,,41,,a,, al°r_ ,bY ruttier* a shell: aeress it' tIt'°'-' Pan Partly liniel with weinin water ;
otal to tine' -
end a lot -of wore for ire negietively. en audible "At iatitle" went rounel"w"A' 41 ea"' "`"e 4 -.re li ;thtrds of its length, with a rcal .1t, may also he coeetee. Tee etee
Soon after Iiie arrivel lie receive/1;1 Fr aishon sat down white with ahe, the toweling as the bridegrieen, face. IndieithrelS with Wen n tt Ongietederneath front weielt to elislerild. ebonite Eat be leo hot. for if ratend
a letter front a geeitlennatn. geeing tnhtn..,,zer.4 eSuppoos I tell you a little fleshed with baste and excite:le et. or oval face tttrei Uuku'Iralityntiwea'n ;draperies winlib meet. of connect to the boiling point the rirent witi
E45411O of Franenton, Inat'ong* en ae-ihtory.., he commenced; and wittioutitappoieed. As ee /serried up tee., etrwoengts'etlflaillr's".1 Loot fhhhellide easily on rings. Tine sleet! et. a. itnrjgb, parnra catitaqd j; stvad
pointment for the following eight, hcaitin,„„ P fs of TerrePleul should be two feet lielow VIM AVQ1%, of
for an anSWer fireceeled. "A Wei% his iteres Nought thew '14 ; °- 1,1 gri 'f 14 t d' v -
one ha hie a smooth. VelVt ty
trail Inaviug notbing better to CIO he 1 °
called upon hint, dew years ago a. youing ewell eatteree e wan:mead see age ening. and a few lolls of pate' texture,
attention and th , -4,, 414114 On• iey arc, FA. -re ani an c -
[persevering. They ere etfletlY tery are effective, .o.n. it: rotor end When cern tea old -to revved
For tlnie irreriMiln e°11tired Ille ore et the pritieipal Winton inn 1,0011kt COI 01 SIACCQS5 WaS given.
Ives Onee ere- thou oto ofttla tohudtuit. Theyl epe are Mere rate meal Ulan qualdon on tete awe or vtewc41 it can still int
speabitarr bighly We le teal, alle..sh.
eateserwttion to common/gave mateeden and catlied a Cheque for a fair-. Tine ceremony
u. fere, do tliough afraid of intro(lueing';ilY large amount. This wale ceen ed with. and NUM I d dlin shelt Idoce• used for fritters. Seore the rown
the huwect fur witich the interviewicourse, discovered te ti* fergere. A 1, britlegroesta led his eireost lehati-114 u,r° out....11-`11 1111 Somet,inies there is a eviall. high! with a, share knife and svrtre with
t.few montlis afterwards Ito attempted Linde away. b6r0111; 401 EOU11`111)1,9i1,3oliS4
114'41 been arranged. Seeing this.
The roved fave Wanes to a, snit- ewe. „ a • 1 4„hl I "4- 0 1100. the linen of the icailfe-the pulp from
whtd" in ilie'll rUeelltelet7n 41 AV Lt14423:: the indigestible Inuile. To a Out el e'
*item itcoviooiy Itcon ,enntagttt on,,,,ttsultti. Ile was innmediately reeog- was deeently passible Fraeheeet leek wheee neck is short, fibmilders.:'-`. "sleait, with
halt a. teaspoonful of pepper. two
Greece who had an eaveted oeco,,, the same trick. but with disastrous Arrived at benne as coon as it
a red corduroy iwulp Add three well beaten eggs,
emhy Joh by Resumes „hal honizeti, although to 0. certain extent gave Grimes the sign to retire. and 1...Ereuaed, 4211.1,..Mn:" ehteests ttititithrathlvd 11:11telltikitittllo:rgooirt itta,ustuntelteorntlite,roVimelLrow.
he, tablesPOOnfunt of creme* and Our
fon. bit% prieweiled to enunterate "111Pothted biS enure. however, hY enotnotutisentnisen:f hsYotbi.vidicated ten
and beneath it a etatewor chest. in hat the lest a tauspoonto ef Inoue g
rositii n to the one who stood be- "dIsi:n,i,seid• and detained. Ile ac- after upulogiring to his gueets to "lhe a VI,""'"
did so, Fraukison would have eit- thlyarger. with pegs for melte and kat% to mom a thick batter. leveling in
hie captor. No doubt JoYed tho eight of the new nide 1 •
emee of the nnoet daring eases -Who'll killing „ The rOundefaced Newnan very often 14vt.deh r„hhew ete et. I.
grimly et the confine'ion quainted Witli hest trueLperleitton. inti "9 Small f"..et and bards° In chae'l itenne-Mter7ill-at-auTI;eultItral tones!totewlitrt.,
bad two% ewe owe upon.. one euew you know the num." Ile centeed R bredeto agents on bel nfr tat le Coon by spoonfule in toil.
eit entity Carried through -when the and 5lniled dant iteter the rourafacid nutsicct is U0 do: 1 belong
1 otto the hall • It should i A bright 'woman has distovered '
uncennary reward was forthcoming, ,Plainly showing Awl( on Gintler's ecinnidering the pownibility of
- - ly miall• 1 i 141v 1 f e ger arising arising he denied Inimeelf the • • " - t! MI a `' ar nag "WI n Mater be light and cheerful or rieh tbat white enamel paint will mine
'Ws hell the desired effect.
**I nOticed your ease In the pa -4 "I do net. think Yen bovo e
i features.
et " he Parted.
b en wneesure, and soon afterwards de- sh i
ly Genie. She Welts pereistorey, and) . . , .
e cites eerie too ram n to o any Th
- t 1 - d - inane dienifieu in treatment. chino. she brush" en I orakm obre, •
e fashion • , .
her.he commeneed prauthsoth emu! charged with that matter y , „ e . . . neeritent and patient plodding, which h it „ eol, having teeteePtiouw then fits the pieces into plain. an
Vita nrepetre. mantel (18(1 tightly as possible, and if possible.
%lignite' when you C141111) Out al
continued. , "Shall we :ay biX huren (Mmes. wino had removed bis die-.
. WO an know is reectserv to attith0"V.8'
d it to )0, for guilw was waiting his Arrival at ' • °Inter featuree whieh tend to elaberelehe ties. a string around to hem
Abet the letter bad already been good men ts.
The pyriform face indicates the In -
temporary cenenement to offer you . " • place appointed, with the news
it poeition in Whiell you could not !what cannot be culled other than a ille
may he a owell, but, probably settlo. little deception."
, . horrible The„de.spatched. After congratulating 'tellectual type. The woman with the,
/umbel' of the community," z story east a reflection on his pro•gbiln tinent the slimes ot the plot Pear's Wet a - 11' a
. forebead. Tier features are generally 4 Till Illy ly stand any ordinary usage. and
down in life anti become a ueeful 4 , ,
Grimes thanked him, but tweed „fessionat capabilities that affected ph•anicison banded hint a cheque for
be,three hundred and fifty pounds, be,- delicoee end ilnet ' li d II * u - us0.
y mow e . er , An exCliange recently suggested n soap and hot water do not affect it.
reform, him it was a harvioss tahh. titstentirilelenceiluire wthitahn, itedorwgleerayingling with the amount already received nee/4 is siew'er
thet If it was intended to try and •
eban short ; her ehest is not broaii
; 'eine is tali ratherl. treatment for an ordinary window How exasperating to hate tine
in a ball which wend be niggled by nicely Mat:lewd. range spotted up
Ile loved loved the protessn
on too much to house, I ever he had been 1 fifty more than the total agreed up- 1 -
-irequently, on the Contrary„ It -19 almost any bandy woman. The
(with grease whin trying the ham
eettle down into the dull. monotota forced into giving a reluctant cone:on. merest'. She has in telligi nt eyes. upper sash should be marked off into I an
paint, 41 1))*C111,kftltiegesi far
OUR round of at respectable ex mei receieed final instructions. i , Tie eould afford to be generous; and she n•ver an• • t 1 v t
The course of action was left en- the manner in 1'11dd) the suspense in 44 tats 0 la 0 artm diaMond shaped panes with black
he,- ,sent,
the church had affected itie physical onduranee. ete lower curtained with but this is apt to steam the eggs.
"But thie we," returued Frankl- tirely to him. so long as he Rept to * . cousin
figured madras in colora. It one can Try this : After tlie fat is heated.
couvineed him that he would not ---4.--re-
Site, "oilers exeitement suilleient for the main details of the plot. afford $10 or S15 to replace such a dredge a. thin Myer of flour over the
te'lirtve to wait lon for i i c •
the most daring." themes nodded Ills first procedure was to obta a g h s n .reased DOVES ABE NOT GENTLE.
_ fat, It takes but a slight amount.
en introduction to the same club +income, and, woreover, the fact that • window with either leaded clear glass
'Grimes had already perch
Isis )43.11M'action. or tite pretty opalescent glass. She and ono trial will convince you of
"flow would you like to get mar- that Thompson frequented, and , . used hie.
ti c ada arre.ngemeuts for
ticket an 1 m • can add to the beauty of her hall. its efficacy.
lied?" continued Frankison. "Saw once there his in.shmating, pleasing '
ation is to to commended. but if them in inhere. Any paint, tbat, mines
such a. room must also be the family ited, is wiped off with a, cloth dippe**'.
sitting room, don't do it. Ike hail on turpentine. After .standing a.
is line entrance way. not a• room for wemple of days the piece win general -
Owls Aro at Home in the Light
of Day.
• leaving the country that any was
I with c nue of 'exterior soon W011 him an acquaint -
to a, 10Tely gir im n i more than tine extra arnount
about two thousand a, year?" ance with the person he desired. ,Worth
.„rd wee that, immensely." said 'This soon ripened into a. friendship • he had given, for DOW that the
Grit:nes. with. a grin. "But unforeis.•o close that an observer would have seellienie had been carried through he
tunately I ha.ve already got two 'bean uoder thef
impression they had i, oacoloanpinievee.rsion akin to fear of his
wives living, and it's as much es I known each other for years.
can possibly do to keel? out. of their, After a fortnight's tinte GrimesBidding Grimes farewell he sougbt'
wily.** conceived the idea of testing his i., hisofir,hilibo,nandpo:tfyte. rwArds losinedeariay
son, "will only be too pleased to .euccesefully, and *Mt this object in
"But this ono," replied Franki- power to carry througb the scheme ,
i iniriosrniii
rnsgt thoughtwaswslarsr 1 theedgratifying
leave her." guise. 'The eae
make you a. handsome allowance to 'view celled Upon Frunkinon in dis-
. one that Grimes would by that time
"Then what on earth does she pieta Ile was received and anter-lbe on the sea. Obtaining a light he
want to merry rue for?" questioned mined for over an hour without histwas surprised to find two letters
Grim e disguise being penetrated, aud what -I ' : ff " • h
'Pran.kison' smiled at his astonish- ever doubts Frankison had of tete first.ul-.
.. -
he read as fo1lows
meet, and handed him a photo; of timate succene cif his pert they were iear Sir, -1t will inter
an exceedingly pretty girl. Grimes dispelled estyou to know that Grimes, the
when Grimes revealed hira-•
held it at arm's length for a few self. man you employed, decoyed inc in -
moments, without speaking.
"It's no use," be said, with a. called to report, as requested -
On several occasions afterwards he l to a house last night, but instead of
Sigh: '`a, young lady so good-lookin ,sonaetienes disguised and at .otbers 1111:Inge:Itrra.Z
count of your diabolical scheme. I
warthyoatin ac -
as she is will have no difficulty in not. So exceedingly clever was the
obtaining 1over4 enough, without man, and so well had he studied the I am at a, loss to know the reason of
having to descend. to take on a,- cl-*aracter efthe utanh this confession - probably his better intended to l
well, ge,o1-bird. Out, with it; I sup- impersonate, that these TiSitR COM-InlarthOod prevailed -we will hope so.
pose you have some lob or other On pletely mystified his employe -r,
1711°'lAeeittihnt of"Punndoubbitaed that we 'entilmw'oufoldr
hand." in order to disarm suspicion, oat-
-Frankison sat down and swallow-
ed a stiff glass of whisky, after a
momentary hesitation, conunenced to
untold his sche.me.
"The young lady whose photo. I
have just shown you is my cousin.
Front. a child she has been of a deli-
cate nature, and is even now recov-
ering but slowly from the effects of
a dangerous illness. This illness, I
may toll you, was the cause el her
'wedding being postponed. Now
tdat she is convalescent, however,
her lover insists upon the marriage
taking place at once, - in order that
he may talee her abroad to try and
regain her health. This wedding
must not take place."
- llecause," be continued, drawing
his chair closer and lowering his
voice, "because, lathe . event of her
dying before marriage, her property,
in accordance with her father's will,
reverts to Me. Tf she marries, she
is perfectly at liberty to dispose of
' it as elle thinks fit." .
, "eine, naturally, you intend to
, get the money," returned Grimes.
' -But how? I'll tell you candidly
' I'm no good at murders." , .
' "Well, I want you," continued
Frankison, to put this fellow
' Thompson out of the way -the night
before the ceremouy. You will then
take his place at the church next
morning, dieguising ' yourself, in the
inanner..y you uuderetanel so well, to
. ease for aim, wed get irarried t i the
' . .
1 ;
"What is Flossie in such a deep study about ?"
"She has two proposals, one from young Dedbroke, who was so
deeply in debt that he had to have ,a rich wife, ancl the other from.
young Darin, who went almost bankrupt in, his effort, to impress her.
Each of themhas.to hare the money, and Flossie .doesn't -know which
is the mcnt deservita,"-,
Owls are no wiser, for all their
meditatito appearance, than any
other birds -in fact, they aro far be-
low many in the wale of lutelti-
gence. Another fair idea, which
many peolee entertain concerning 1wise it well. Then starch
these birds is that they are so con-
fused by rentlight as to be practic-
ally blind during the day. Gt.
horned owls and burn owls aro the
most nocturnal of all ; but even
these can seo vett? distinctly by
squinting up their eyelids, while the
snowy ow s an te g owls
Fine laundry work is an art and And the Wonderful Energy It /s
requires patience and painstaking. Capable of Producing.
First wash the shirt. very clean and
A pound of coal can produce Pow -
bosom and wristbands in starch not Or sufficient to pull a large express
too thick. DISSOINO a tablespoonful' train a distance of one-sixth of a.
of dry, clear starch in half a cup of 112110, going at the rate of fifty miles
cold water ; pour on boiling woter an
If the pound o2 coal: could be
till it thickens -it, should be w
thick as batter or the richest of burned in water one foot deepwith
a surface of six square feet, at
tream. Let it boil a few minutes.
serape a bit' of white soap intoit a. temperature of iJ degrees, and all
are perfectly at honne in the light of
the brightest day,. and, many owls -
are to be sea*1 flying and hunting in
the eunshine as unconcernedly as any
Eight persons out of tea will tell
you how mica totter a crow or
magpie can talk if its tongue is
split ; but you can tell them that
this idea is absolutely false, as there
birds can. articulate more distinctly
with a perfect tongue, And how
much suffering does this useless
operation cause, the tongue of a
bird being so constantly used ?
Doves have a world-wide reputa-
tion for inenliness and gentleness',
but, if we except their tadt soft
notes, and subdued colors, there is
little to admire about them, for
their disposition, in love and war,
is anything but a gentle one. The
male birds peck and strike one an-
other with their wiings until gen-
erally one succumts and is killed.
11 the females are timid or .- back-
ward in accepting their mate's at-
tentions, bows. and coos are changed
tO buffets and spiteful pecks, •
the heat,from the coal imparted to
and put in a bit of butter or 30.rd
-as big big as the end of your middle the wafer, this' water would become'
Iihger. or you have a bit of
16 degrees hotter, thus being suit -
spermaceti candle stir with this '
a able for a comfortable bath. if
adapted to mechanical work, the
minute instead. Then mix o. little
starch with cold water, making it 10,000 heat units in the one pound."
of coal would be equivalent to 236
very thin, and adding a saltspoonful
horse -power. The 230 horee-power
of borax'to it ; wring the bosom and
of potenteal energy coetainecl in a
wristbands front this, sprinkle the
pound of coal is enough to haul a
rest of the shirt and roll it, up
train of eiglit cars for A, period of
tightly -let it; lie several hours.
one-fifth of a minute, or a. distance
leave on a clean apron and your
ironing sheet perfectly clean. Pro-
of one-sixth of a mile, going at the
vide a, clean old cloth eed a bowl of rate of fifty miles an hour. It lies
Magistrate (gra,vely)-"You are'
charged with stettling-----"
"Pardon nae,'! interrupted the pri-
soner; "I have only just returned
from South Africa, and in that
country we say `commandeering.' "
Magistrate (sanilingly)--"You are
charged with 'commandeering' these
articles, And you are the officer
who arrested the prisoner."
"Yes, your worship," replied the
constable; "the prisoner dewetted me
in the first place, but I kitchenered
him afterwards."
Mr. Dearone---"Fancy! I put my
hat on that wet towel. wonder
on what ridiculous thing shall
place it next." Mrs. tearone--e0n
your head, I suppose, love."
clear water. Fold the back of the also been found to be able to draw
a cable train, including the grip car
and trailer, for a distance of two
miles at the rate of nine miles ea
hour. it would also be of sufficient
power to pull an elece•Ic car. well
filled with passengers, for two Julies
ancl it half, at the rate of ten mice
an hour, • •
11 thentOwer of this pound of coal
el compared with the work of a.
strong num used to hard labor. It
would be found that. there is Imre
than sufficient power in ,the pound of
coal to do in one minute the day's
work of eight Incline of fi VC strong
men. It would - take 2,600 strong
men working constantly, to do joint-
ly the same amount of week he one
minute as can' be done by the siegle
pound of coal.
Another line of week in which tee
superiority of it pgund of coal is
shown beside the htbor of a man is
that of sawing wood. A man may
consider himself a swift sawyer by
making sixty strokes it minute, each
stroke of the blade having progress-
ed five feet in diameter, but a cir-
cular saw,' driven by machinery, may
be put through seventy times that ,
distance and saw seventy times as
much wood. Still, this little pound
of coal has the power to put in op- e
oration 180 saws. I
shirt evenly and iron both sides ;
then the bend, yoke, front of the
shirt, sleeves and wristbands. After
the wristbands are ironed press the
iron hard on them and pull them
from under it giving then. a, curve.
Last iron the bosom. Lay it on a
bosom board and wipe it carefully
with a "damp cloth ; have the iron
not too hot or it will scorch • not
too cool or it may stick. With the
lef t hand hold . tile -bosom straight
and taut and with the eight pass the
iron slowly and carefully over it,
bearing on hard, till it is perfectly
dry in every part. 31 a bit of starch
catches the iron aed makes a speck,
rub it .011 with the cloth aiel iron
dry. Sometimes a Cloth laid OVer
the bosom when the iron is first
passed over it makes it easier • to
iron, but if the starch was right, this
is not necessary. -
The irons should be washed clean
before they are put on the stove,
and rubbing them when hot over
fine salt or a waxed paper makes
them. smooth.
Fold the shirt smoothly with the
sleeves inside and bosom out and
hang near the fire till bone dry. Any
dampness left in the bosom will
make it look rough dry.
DOMESTIC nticirts.
Doughnuts -For : awl ghents made
with baking powder cream one-third.,
thLeiegahrttiTairsi'sel!I fLociloincitNhtcl 111-°°11