HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-10-9, Page 8CLOTHES That give comfort, make you fee right and ook right. We s '" theft, ; A.) r t`ir'1 fid f Sic, ions are are in. Better select a suit and overcoat now - PRICES AWAY DOWN. w ,a One dome north of De ]*ertz's, the former receiving a difference of us still, who have left, DAs their 1 I ;AgiAts __.. ,.. t►>l .._,q... S600. Bods itttrved into the respective' still. enfold its and follow as in our Houses last Week. jt'}y{I wi rralerings, hovering oa+ei' us likeY q +s :i getier.nl tonic Yor the s stern gaaeraisin .angle_, I.ae we ope fora>Itia qtr t➢l reE Ttiteea:. ca et{aal lilaand a; T.,arxative'' Blond, ;aud Lvakl oat la Five aou coaArforttess svtll ). a. U& laT, T),MFSTewART, = ¢1}e Tonic fibs. 100 pills in_each lovin ,kr hind up the+ b.+raarts thAa¢t beee bottle. Sold li.- ". I.utz. 1?'rice . i.. been tarn with the xiiAgnish of pertit►fi, i'reaialenr#, GeA➢er.rl ,•, •rCa pitill Subscribed ......$1,81K),{f41La,tltf 'Ieaaehe'rsAssocuitaon.8un be 1cEd in t eiQF 1;TI:il laI' "*C`li *;JIUylt SovereigQ ys, coats and. Reefers. Big iq value Stewart's, 50e. forel bait bon Riess Goods,en, Brown and Grey, Stewart'sMles A hicks, of Stephen. hats tali - en as position at Mr, E. J . Spiel man'$ sr°xa a Rto learn the art of nelllinereeconin➢enc- On Satur lay evening last Mr. James1 eppies irons a tree, at t e rear of the new Molsons Binh, accidently fell out of the tree and sustained a broken rib ,and a severe sllai;:ing zip, He baas since been confiined to the bed, under the doelor's care, letter at ConeetCaCea- At the hast „remit' meetiu of Court No. >`,.3, Independent Orderoresters, the fa llowing letter et cenoeleneta was t uaaninaously passed, viz.: Mr. William Balkwill, Daeat s a tom Bnovineu, Wi e, tlae Weers and members of Court Exeter. No, p of the Independent Or3er of d Foresters, desire to extend our heart- St Marys; T. •T, Gareer has taken I espnn, Fa peetner in his furniture and under -t trav:F teeing business, in the person of It. 1 Harrison, of Kineardiue, The new firm will be known as Garnet St Har- ris= and the latter will have clA:iege of the endertaking branch -of the best - Dees, • ing her duties on Friday last. Jeckell who was engaged iu piel;tng The meanest mean Hying is the skill -ed hypocrite, who uses religion to 'sue- eessfiIIv WOrk Out his designs upon honest and simple minded people. Miss 11 label Brooks captured eight prizes for faancy wort: at the Karkton Fair and Miss M. V, White the same nnanber for fancy worn and art, Ir. A. Q. Bobier has rented the building on Main street recently vacat-ed by Mr. Pa Knight, ani will use the same as an office .;and a. storage room for .his cream separators, The pnlpit of the mantes street church will be occupied by the Rey Mr. Hutton. of Centralia,, ori Sun ay -feltsympathiestatesadbereav*eweiAtmorning next the Ree, Dr. Haalatiou1filling the vacancy in Centralia,whichssorecentlyBeen3 nDtrs.Tflte dee-olataon is a Bitter one indeed. 'YouTurkish Scalpp Foodis the best rem 1➢aare hast a loving wife and your child- edy sold for itching of the staalp, pre rent. mother. with ull Haat the lainria►atnre fulling' of tine hair, dandi- t,ae- N moist henceforth hold tai them as dear storing color a c- hair. Price . 0ents. Sold. by C. 4atz. Exeter,_tlr. Thos Ogaden. Lcho rt cently parr- claaesed. 'tlrs, Jolan. Snell's house on Albert street, last, week exchtaanged properties with 1 a: F. ZA . (ledaitaata,. at is as comfort to know Harare they Live and veered. Death has cut off the iia- tercliaange of worms and acts of love,but its cold baanct cannot touch: ihaat,w,1DicDa is of divine On'i in. eternaal, IiaPatnve andeveriasthngin dauraation; yeet ,. and to e arieh the blood, nothing twill Yon haat Ile has left the Promise, , I chow •rw th 4rizeal'i t a h cam The conclusion of the Huron Ana- : Signed en behalf cif (.Dort Exeter 123. P can incl will Sciiaa3Fay S4hueel GFS P Al+rrIA te1 EXETER ,• .- t, amen church. ngerso , on Thurs. sea a 'f1" BRANCHES. S, dist' and, Friday. Oct. 3alth and 31. The • sarb'ects. of Ia0.r work arDd Sarntlaa. T t;cha ol .Ainnherstiaurg % Moiivate Clanton a , Mount tri,. rt New leherl et Exeter organizations IOU be 4iseltased la, touffeille Stirling,Ottawa pi'caaruinent speaker s. --.s.r,- ;.e, will e i eitAntacrl ae., gastrin, are„ Perth :.eAnni0.an a_0. services will beheld he St, t`a4theauine• ;ililvertteia Toronto a Sunshine Methodist t'haarela Tress; Sun. Waatt'rloo, Qtate. ! they. In the afterus ta, at 3. t4 cloak. . a Iter. Mr. 3lilivaaiftl. of Beater, will SAVINGS lN(ry AF1'AlyT3 ilatiT; P evening* at 5 4x4 vt n t ?ea 4. 'a tAi ' A F e ¢ Mat .n it; th . . lie :t rates trY interest old on de- I; t4 gatA.i „ of $1.10 wad upwards. "mutc' uiI 1 Jr. ,,ith t etch a2f Ti.a nttee 1➢ aDt-Le arty Deposit .L a pts l.. 1 1 y'i pl t" a , ♦ s. -.' • 'y 1' ': 'k ` ;.¢ L: Lt e Wale. . ➢veer t'aa 4 • Dain, net' loeneeat to fermere on their TIDO Siih1horh Balser 41 a Assceaicatanw➢, c*f ha e, , PERSO ... T. etteseltSfetteefateseeealereit + Porte, area e spent Mai Free t Qk . '4 n 1' Sur,eta :y ha town. , ' Insgeteetur Tons, .of CYodericb, was in ,c t ➢➢ 1y Miss MIN Welsh. of London, is • vis- iting sat her home here. Mat tib'. . Taman. aattended the Via at Meth. la'S a enc ,start', Mr, U.s, Cereeeei➢,. of Oriel, is spend" en et' tete ianii fI1 ate fa'aends awl relay \Viughani: Mr. Eerney has dispos- ed of bis barbering business to Mr R. Barrett, of .Braassels, who is now inpossession. Mr. Kerney has decidedto go on his farm in Morris, in tbehope that more outside exercise will prove beneitcial to his healthGodes ith: The Colborne House has changed handss, Alex. Robinson, late of .c ubntn, being the anew' proprietor. Mr. Buxton, has leased the ICuntz brewery at Saalt ford for a terns of years and Harry .McBrien, of Auburn, has bought out the hotel there, Janaes McDonald, of the Kintail hotel, has sold out to his brother, Neil. Seaforth A .quiet wedding was soleaantzed aat the residence of Mr, Win. Somerville, John street, on Wecl- uesdaay evening. The occasion was the aata•ar'riage of his sister. 3liss Aroma Somerville to Mr. Robt, T. Dodds, of McKillop. The ceremony was perforin - ed by Rev. P. H. Larkin, in the pre- scnce of only the immediate reliatives. Mr. sand Mrs. Dodds wilt reside oni the 1.) ods lionnesteed, En McKillop. 'iraghaamt 3. charming, hat quiet, wedding gv aced the home of Mr aanelMrs. Jaas. Du eld on edlIesdap, when thea„ daughter, alis Jenaiit'Clair waa s ur.nited In marriage to Mr'. Geo, Itaae, the opurlar' host of the Qaaeeit's hotel, Promptly at 12.80, na the wedding mAatch was being ply yealby Miss Itaughton, tlae eontre tins; iirtiespre'- etitetl themselvess iiefore v. Win. Lowe, Lvho with the tan;-ss¢ve ritual of the English church, d the nulle t knot, TEhe bride wasreally goL acrd, and was attendedd ora -y by her little niece, Dorothy Heath, aas .flower girl, Clinton: A vervpretty wecdding took plater at the residence cef Mrs. George Caantelon AVednesday evening, whheta<,,fret anis d,Aaa„latt r, ;alaarele, was united in a8arriatge to Mr: J. i . Mulholland,cls resp cted yiAnng nacre ha➢rat of lAesviile, 'Thr'• lAaAanse wass lieaaAtifol- 11Iaa ly tiaseorettel with ikarwer s o all kinds, The cerera►,arny.whieb was witnessed lay .own mat D . ing a few days at his benne here, awes or the aaeaatr•vethee parties was D Onteriaa, will hold their thirty eva'ratlf a>ta.-... a:t attest..tates. „;wars A -i to ventaa4n tit. alleges lglisaatonal 1Mikly Fes ne .are at performed by I;eV. lila, llannata. The annual 1?ru L n D ➢1 t< ora at 1 0 41 4iq'` 'Q, C a' las sat, A➢r (a e . .a ➢kat and l , °wart, , r, , i ..e 0.a. a¢➢aa lactate i Ian Ira . sraq liven away I a • uncle, Ei L c• 'a+ •¢ 'ad•➢ 's Det •¢ Tho➢tt;ay can TeAessaasv. l i"ra8aat. atlaD:y anal l a aDt g n a n Wale. was y her a Dek •aa f'L h ¢ iia { n r sa G very low „:sties. Celkeetimes made zat Thnrsalaa, tithl ti spas M d. Mr. and eine. E. T. (ireeaway ate Mr. D. Coo a Ste. said WAS attended by ewe entitle a +arise. The sessions of the Conti entien w aEl lte seems. wee& le Land around Exeter. Susie Cook. while the groom was We nuke in a cei:a3ty, of Now yott held Tai the C entre street Itipti9t Mrs. mot olte is nt iln rto,ftned tea t,aapportaed by flit, George ,Flle eartnee p her home and DDaader'the eltietor ra me*A :Meet tale maid o@ honor was ll Gle dys (*antigen, and Sterling i.tebaang.'. Cet our rates befan-ee buying or selllar➢g. A OUNNR AL BANKING I a TUNERS TANN. 1C'R.ani AT EXETER IMAM '1L ' • F. W. C,s1 ADMAM. F. 2. KARI*. S dicier. `fatnaa er., NEW TMLOR SHOP rhumb. A lengthy ant auteteith➢g program has been preiiaare4. At the aage of sixteen a gh'1 wondere 19 any roan to renally moil enough for At twenty she wonders which man le the most worththy of her. ;At twenty -live she wonders width of the —I set eral worthy .ten she bas In time past refused will come back to bet; :lt twenty-eight she t►eginei to wonder Lvhlch man she can get. Having, jant opened up a Tailor- ing Eitablishutent in the shop recent- ly vacated by Mr. J. 11. GRIEVE tan the East side of slain street, I aux pre pared to do all kinds of tailoring in the laateet styles ;„Aad at lowest prnees. Latest Goods. We have just laid in an azsort- Thee {'Barton New Era speaks thusly of a former Exeter bank clerree-Last Monday ledger keeper 13. E. Ytmge, who has men teecupeing •that position in the branch here .for the past year, received notice to report for dant in London and left for that place Tues- day morning:. 3It; Yonng 5' LS• agreat. faavaritt' atiuong.t the young people, nand will be missed, he was Sabin an et thuaiastic tennis player. The face of King Edward on the new Canadian coinage is turned to the right, while' that, of Queen Victoria en the old coinage is turned to the left. The reason for this is that foe upwards of 200 years whenever there is a fresh coinage after the aecession of a new nient of the tartest app -to -date goods 1 British monarch, the bead of the „non- arch for SUITINGS, OVERCOATINGS>arch on the new coins faces in the op- PANTINGS, Etc. posite direction to that of his or her immediate predecessor. Gat our Prices, Before buying elsewhere we in- vite you to get our prices and see our goods. It will be fashionable, some- thing that you will feel dressed in and it will be big value for your money. 'sAt. JOi4 4s. ILOCAL DOINGS. eatCS ?a a.. t?D2ia P tasew Bulbs.--•Hyacints, Tulips, ChineseI 1Sacred Lollies. Bargain prices. Ste- wart's. A meeting of the orcers of the South Huron Agricultural Society and the Stephen and tsborne Branch was held at tee Coluanerci•al Hotel on Mon- day afternoon for the purpose of com- pleting the unfinished lousiness per- taing to the fair held here on the 2nd and 23rd nit. The meeting was most harmonious and the proceeds of the recent show sbowed very satisfactory results. The amount received by the local branch was $200. From a Teacher's collection of Ab- sentee Excuses.— "Respected Miss, please to excuse Willy for absentz. He fell down stares just before school time and we feered his internal insides was hurt at first, but we find they ain't. The:doctor says that no part of his anatomy was hurt but the brewz ing of the eppydemis of the outside hide and also bis hipp hurt some. - 1 But he narrowly escaped fatal deth. On from 'to -day is Thanks So kindly excuze His Mother." giving. Apple buyers say that the crop A woman will pray over what a man throught:Ontario is turning out much will swear at. better than it promised early in the 255c. in advance for the ADVOCATE to Jan. ist, 1003. The man who is not talked about has reached the lowest depths. • season. Not only is it larger, but the quality of the fruit has improved and the apples have filled out well, with- out serious blemish. The crop is pret- ty well distributed, and the dealers say that three times as many apples Mies Rartia on left for Clinton Tiles - day. after a pleasant visit with friends here. 'after a month's holidays Rev. J. W. Ten Eyek templed his pulpit again. on Sunday. Mae. John Easery left Wednesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. L. Bi cant , of` Brantfortl. Miss Pearl Levtit leaves teeter aliatrsdaryy) for at mouth's visit with friends in Berlin. Miss Norma Bobier, who has been visiting in Chatham, .returned Nome this week. Mr. Rich. Jennison. of St. Joseph. e ave tbe ADVOCATE a pleasant a ail on iedaay last. Mr. If. Johns,' f Guelplevent 'lveed- tnesday the guest of his cousin, Miss Evelyn GUI, Mr. R.ebt. Sanders attended the shooting tournament in Clinton on Wednesday. Mr. Aquilla Sheere left Friday night to accept a position on one of the daily papers of St. Thomas, North, I ir. and Mrs. Wm. Jacobe, Exeter Nattended the Parkhill Fair on Tuesday this week. Miss Florence Anderson,after an ex- tended visit with fri ends in St. Thom as, returned last week. Miss :citable rollick, of St. Marys, paid a short visit at her home the lat- ter part of last week. Hermon I,ellyand "family moved to Stratford Monday, he having seemed a position as fireman in that city. Mr. A. J. Clark, Insurance agent, has moved with his family into Mr. A. Hooper's house on Simcoe street. Miss Idaa. Ferguson, after spending a few days with her mother here, re- turned to London Tuesday evening. Miss Nellie Hodgins, as (ter a pleasant visit with her cousin, Mrs. A.A. Pettit Smith, returned to her home in Liman Sunday. Mr. Gurney, clerk for Mr. E. J. Speakman, has leased Mrs. M. J. White's dwelling, and has moved therin with his family. Dr. Hannon, after a months' absence attending the general Methodist Con- ference at Winnipeg, occupied his pul- pit in Jaynes Street Church on Sunday last. Miss Lizzie Cockwel';who has been visiting her cousin," .airs. Harry Gould, leaves this m i n for Owen Sound, where she iiitends taking a course in Many a self-possessed girl would like will be packed this year as were barrel- book k'rpi ng. to be possessed by some one else. ed last year. The price, however, is ?!:yrs. Harris, who was taken ill at Mrs. Isaac Carling has improved her not so high, ranging from 50 cents to the home of her daughter,y Mrs. dwelling by a new coat of singles. $1 a barrel, to the farmer, according "Sidney Davis, ,a few weeks ago, has A man never wants a thing so • •. sufficiently recovered as to be able to when be sees some otherfellow g f return to her home here, it. Mr, 'aril .Mrs, John Reichert, who Messrs, Ilandford &Elliott shipp carload choice horses to Wiunipe Tuesday. The talkative man who has to say is the most tiresome earth. Don't expect the world to ter until you make impro yourself. Use Foot Ease for tend ng or swoolen feet. Sol Price 25 cents. f The Clinton Gun Club a tournament this week, and Thursday. The average girl who n to reform him spoils a g some other, fellow. Pillow shams are gone but there are a great shams with which to fill The editor who furnis tising and the brains g except the satisfaction a good thing. Ladies three quarter ulsters. Sw ellest stock try. Stewart's. have been visiting friends and rela- tives in and around Exeter, the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. Bowey, return- ed to her home in Detroit Friday.' 1V ingham: Oar esteemed young townstnatn, Alex Ritchie, left on Sat. Imlay for a ttip to Pev'ryt burg, Ohio, opta very pleasatnt emission. and Wed- mmesday. Wolter let. was happily wed. dt'd to Miss Francis Webber Mclteli, only daughter of the late A. 3feKell, The marriage ceremony was perforat- ed lir the Rev. G. A. Adams, at, the residence of Capt. J, A. Ittelters, in the town above mentioned. The bride was unattended, and was prettily costumed in :¢ gown of navy blue broadcloth. After congratulations and the enjoyment ofarecherche wedding breakfast the happy couple left for Winghnni, where they arrived Thurs- day evening. The groom is of the firm of Ritchie and Campbell, and is one of \Vinghaut s exemplary* young amen. St. Marys: Iles. John WVebster died at ;the family residence, on Monday morning.:Sennt. '?Sth, aged 73 years and 2 months, Mrs. Webster bad been in failing health for Moe time but until a few days before her death has been able to go about. Two weeks ago she had attendedchurch service. • Her death occurred eau'l • Sunday morning.About four o'clock she asked her daughter for a drink, Then she fell asleep and appeared to be resting eas- ily. An hour latex' Miss Webster, who was in attendance on her, was shocked to find that her .mother had ceased to breathe. Her death was; due to heart and pulmonary affections. Mrs. Webster, whose maiden name was Jane Brodie, was a native of Ab- erdeenshire, and came to Canada in 1842.- After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Webster lived in ,Markham for several years and cane to Blanshard in 1857, where they resided until three years ago when thesr3' loved to St. Marys. Besides hband she leaves to is mourn he s a family of six sons and three da fighters. Seaforth: Mr. George Hutchison died at his ;residence, North Main street, Seaforth,laast Friday afternoon. Be had been ill scaroely a week, pas- sing away very peacefully at the ad- . vanced age of 37 years. The deceased' was born in the county of Caven, Ire- land, on July 12th, 1815. When about 13 years of age be crane with his par- ents and other members of the family to this country, settling in Sydney township, near Belleville. Some years later the family moved to Clarke town- ship,, in the county of Durham, where for years the Hutchison .homestead was the home of the ministers as well as the preaching place of the Metho- dists, and also the English church, before the first churches were built. In 1873 i%lr Hutchison and family moved to the township of Hibbert, where he purchased a farm, which was the family home until he retired from active life, coming to Seaforth, where he has lived for. 21 years. In 1841 Mr.- Hutchison was married to Miss Julia Mahoney, who predeceased him nine years. The family consisted of. nine, children, two of whom are dead. Miss Ccelia Ferguson, who has been engaged as book-keeper with Mr. H. J. Abbott, London, has resigned her position and is spending a few days with her mother here prior to return- ing to the city, where she will under- go an operation and treatment at one of the city hospitals. Sergt. Major J. T. Westcott, 33rd Regt.; Sergt. Thos. Higgins, Corporal Geo. Gilles, Bugler W. Moore and Pte. Wm. Pugsley, of No. 6 company, returned Saturday night last by spec- ial train from Niagara -on -the -Lake where they were attending the annual camp of instruction for the past twelve days. They all report a profitable and pleasant time. Around About ,CJ's. - Seaforth: Mr. 'Wan, ''Ament has leased the Seaforth sof mill from Mr. R. L. Clark, and,,a5''retnoving the ma- chinery from the.Brucefield factory to Seaforth and will: have it cinstalled in this NOTGOAL gat imi mini rs NOTV.!OOIJ sot Weat! aume1s That MI absorbing topic, the coal situations is what is bot teriug the .mind of the pubhe to -day. Itis a monieeenous question and while it situation •is grave do you know itis no good. worrying about it, for is it riot' true that trouble yoe most expect often never conies, It naa_y be the same in the coal situation. Set it aside and listen to our stove talk if you are thinking of but'- ing anything in the stove line. We -ca 'ry the following lines:— AIR-TIGHT ines — AIR -TI+ T DCS BLE and SINGLE SEATERS COAL and WOOD RANGES O HEATERS with. COMBINATION SELF FEEDER STOVEBOARDS, . . Etc., Etc ti l'iAitIV ,G>=. AND PLUMING A SPE{"ri.%:1:.TX, T. HAWK1 BODY EXHUMED AT MOUNT CARMEL. Parkhill, Oct. 7.—In the latter part of August the remains of Thomas O'Rourke, who had died in Manitoba, were brought to Parkhill for inter- ment at Mount' Carmel, about nine -miles from here.. There appears to have been a strong snspicion that the man had been poisoned, and to -day the body was exhumed and brought to Parkhill. A -post mortem is now being held by Dr. Johnston, of Toronto, on behalf of the Provincial Government, and Dr. Wilson, of Parkhill. An inquest will begin this afternoon before Coroner Dr. Caw. The coroner'sinquest,which was opened here this afternoon into the death of Thos. O'Rourke, ; was ad- journed for two weeks, pending an ex- amination of the intestines of the de- ceased, which have been forwarded to Prof. Ellis, at Toronto, for this pur- pose. Sl AOKMAN THE BIGGEST STOCK READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING IN THE COUNTY, Suits and Overcoats for Men Suits and Overcoats for Boys Pea Jackets for Men Pea Jackets for Boys. Gadd Pants to clear air $1..5Qa wobth from ► t se s e e 1 a h 3. Ci orale ar 50e . tQ 5 goods will be rapidly pick(d up. Just a word about our make and fitof Ready-to-wear C othing. IN aro a plats fel" the ce ebrated '1 ,E. SAND - FORD'S is the Pest in Canada without exception. P No troub e to show foods. Come ;Ind exAam{ine i3' A- E. eJ „ PAO M AJ, t lleadnunters for the Celebrated W. E. Ser:tdford Ready Made Clothing.. Conversation Overheard on the Street: - "Have you noticed thoseTables and Chairs in Huston's Shop window, How pretty they are?" "Of course I noticed them, and thought them fine enough to have one parlor and do you know each for arty, p they are quite cheap .and while I was n his shop I was laricin several articles iand discovered tht he is selling good goods forlittle money. I advise you to call and compare his goods with others of the same kind. He can save you money. W. - C. HUSTON, Furniture and Undertaking Rooms. Gidley's Block. FOREST/ TY- o$T. Lori SHORTHAND, BOOKKEEPING, Business Law, Writing, Correspond- ence, Typewriting, etc., thoroughly taught by experienced teachers at the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont. We have no difficulty in placing competent pupils in good positions, College reopens Sept. 2nd. Send for Catalogues. J. W. WESTERVE, • PriLTncipal, We have not advanced the price of our tobaccos. Amber smoking to- bacco, Bobs, Currency, and Fair Play. tobaccos are the same size and price to the consumers as formerly. We have also extended the time for the redemption of Snowshoe tags to Jan- uary 1st, 1904, The Empire Tobacco Co., Limited, garpey Cutting corn is the order of the day. —A large number took in the fair at Parkhill on Tuesday. -Mr. John Sher- ritt, M. P., is visiting his mother who resides in Tara. She is in a low state of health and not expected to recover. —Mrs. George Turnbull, of Sarnia, passed through here Saturday on her way to"Brewster, her former home, to spend a week among her friends.— There is to be a wedding in our burgh in the near future and the boys say probably a charivari. Details later.— Mr. McLinchey bought a fine sucking colt from Mr. P. Farrell, for which he paid about $50.—Mr.-John Statton pas- sed through here last week with a new threshing outfit purchased from the White Manufacturing Co., • London.— Mrs. Oliver is disposing of . her faros stock by public auction on the 13th Inst iYY,M teWieatilatai'n W'rli'a SAWAinit Not tlowCbea _ ButfloW Good The most successful farmers in Canada „•read the FARMER'S ADVOCATE: they think about their work, they act upon its ,may, teachings, and they are its greatest admirers, Tseditors abd contributors are specialists. e FARMER'S ADVOCATE and HOME MAGAZINE contains the cream of agricultural thought, and practical men continue to read it be- cause it pays them and because' they want • the best. We want thousands of new sub- scribers who will appreciate something good. The sooner you subscribe, the more you will get. For.$,.00 we will send to new subscribers. every issue of the FARMER'S ADVOCATE from now till the end of xgog including the beautiful. Christmas Number for both years. Timm is money. Read I think 1, act l Send for a free sample copy if you want to see a practical; up-to-date fanner s' paper. It will please you. ADDRESS : Che Wi iiaill weld Co. }Ltd LONDON, ONTARIO; a - era i4 41. to 1 h b