HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-10-9, Page 4W2.711,1:^qAed hi .io, Cie Vat. ;',I 111-.iit4.,1)n4 1,44, IN 1 A. '
Jiro limb 44 the ttra el 4,14 mq12. WO Und 43nd4 211'1
wit 41 no ('ppermill lereitsit Late taw. le the eietel 1
Ilarespion Beast, nit el- 101-,441 14,01 00" 1.4 :.ori on
"alwaver it Heat I. 'St . paticat 44,1,14,1*, 1.43i, .4
horuill,/,, ;loge iii, 11.11 441L'alr.1111 f,11111., n airamelse
u a, LAI at 4e.:4 .1341114' 4441' 1'8' 1 lo. . lellep:',101;11r,
iit,. Ql!...d a littt.54.11 WI, 4.I the Mare-leut 45ig4445
In):,- trite-. le , .ire, al:memo te 4.413 e, eiimer, lee
log a :444'.1t bred bull et the ee Abe t Isteze nineleit
lira vitt tamale, 541,1 1114 4:1111 by 00 aceal leineet,li
lierie eiree 4f44n, Imp, enteiles nee IL 1131141114 et '
the illitdrimisChrom bon of Etigl; NO, ulto Ivor thin
as:, 441ar lout tuner tlic entu.L.4101", him laimilli
the noeld ever. Slur of Ole itheedieg le4* de, el hie .
intexhar: tee benefit of the erepeleet lee el 4 Mir t
ef Evedelnume allow itieumito hi the evelaIlee d
the Upper:nal & herd et Mr. Mew AWN PollaThir 41S48,.,'151l P111111011
to thea 44Chemplon of keiglesliancn es the. Rtvt, n i
herd. Another family in the Here4 letzten heel 0 ii ToN
whit:10.A 41.04 11.1.1 beedit of thet-r-s Dee. 44 tlicse a .
well-bred huge is a dime braiteh et the th raid: lente 4
of Charon tribe, so see.eks4idly bred by Abram Seen. Li
bee, of Kennl:pe
etite Cle
ritieiliaofhisnk ta, nthient, i EXETER, AG
whose herd won te hadmiration 01 elierthern 1444114!.
teethe world over, saleetiene from it being meld at ,
ion an Suglaial ska
ed t-Oa:al. An atlra, live mem.
lake., =long tem seelatto eagle ee.-la 1.4. oiruiln^.1 pfloVA
tier in tbe ea:aim:awls die tell eeyeatseld 1,1.:C, LOW.. • i
1V ALITA, Of tlit: *44.1 (414.0 Cialehsliank 1,1p1,03; Willi*
The Blanshard Agricultural Society
held the annual fall show Kireton
on Thursday and Friday leen The
fist day was devoted to placing
the exhibits in their proper order,
while Friday was thee-how/day proper.
Tie weathee was perfect end the
crowd Was oise of the largest in the
history. of the show, as the receipts
woold indicate, beidg about 000. The
exhibits were partusularly geod and
the stock, of all kinds of a high order.
The Secretary, Mr. Beatty, informed,
the writer that the prizes iswaided will
be paid, the first Saturday ha Novem-
Following is the list of the sueeesefel
prize wiunere, vizi
lieneyy Doesestierr,-BrooduiateieJas.
Bowie, Joha Stevens, Jee; ewo-yeate
old, Jas. Beatty, Ben Wilson, Juce
Stevens, Jr.; foal, J. Stevens, Jr., J.
Cananiee; HEAVY DleeerGHT.-Terten,
Cita& liaiikney; brood enure, William
Brock. Jas. Reinditn Juo. Redcliffe;
two-year-old, Win. Hanson. J no. Ratz,
Geo.idodbidtione-year-old, Da via Roger
Jas, Beatty. J. Radcliffe; foal, Robert
Berry; Wm. Broelo 2 and
Aonireeterentere-Teani. Win. Han-
son, John Hodge; brood mare. Jno.
Ditnean, Win. Broek. W. 3L Leigh;
two-year-old, W. J. Py. B. Wilson;
one -year-old, Win, Delbridge; J. Dim-
ean„lf. Reileliffe; foal, J. Duncan, W.
Delbridge, J. Raitalle.
Hazelwood, W. I Pella. W. Hyde;
bro,td mare, W. Delbridge, J. Multiage;
two-yearaild, W. Deihridiase Miele.
Wanner:In senee-yreate-014, Mb, Birch.,
ailS. Rion. Wen. Clemens. foal. Wot. '
Hanson, R. Berry. J. Radcliffe.
lloeals'rentel.--Span, 3liss M. Creigh,
to, W. Hanson; brood mare, Thos.
Elli"tt, Rieb. -Alitsn; two-Fstgail s. Creighton; honey in sectione. te. Pent,
J. Rn; ,imr,01),"ost„4:, ._4111,1. ley & Son; extr;teted honey. a. Bent..
3tielee, J. Jobe's; O. 117111. -Mita. .4 hay 6; son; canned peaehese J. Allison.
Eilied tt Single' 1'0.41404 T. Ihreion, J. 31. cri.1,-,htan: num,. ',51. B. rethour, J.
Senior. Beatty; pears. M. Crelebton, 31.13reth,
lets, turnips Walter Gowans J.Hodge, Pays. u4u. 11141
toes. W.Wiseinan, M.Brethoete Swed- le 4„ u.„ ug.A Th.4,
field earras, Wireln W. 'Wiseman; Use tbe.
eneden eflLQtS Th Robineon, W. Haze
lwood;long rm
ed angolds, Jno. Ur- - • tlas No Mod.
qub:01, NV. Sadler; globe mangolds,
Hodge; onions, J, Haziewoed, LPrid-
ham; blood beets, W. Wiseman, j. The immense popularity a -wells,
Prittham; tornip beetS, J. Beatty, T. Riellaidson & Co' s Um:moved Batter
Roadhouse; white cabbage, R., Robins Color bete Waimea speculatoes with
eon,. R. Poynter; red cabbage, IV. Id, little chemical ability to putn mita-
Paise.y, WM. Brown; tomatoes. Robt, tons of the famoue eelor tbat makes
Fletcher, JerinieRobineou; cauliflower, prize butter, These imitatioa aatter
W., Sadler, R. Robinson; velem L. aer. colors contain mad and other leviers
guhart, Brethour; eiIror, Rpique itiea thatruin well made butter. Wells,
tele P. Switzer; punipleius, W.Hazs Richardson & CO's Improved, Batter
elwood. AL B1'011001'; muskmelons, R. Color is noted:for its inlay. There
Paynter; parehips, W. H. Paisey, 11 isnot the slightest too? Reny
Roieer; squash, S, Doime, R. Paynter. tom ingredient lo it, and the last deop
Riebardson k Co's. Improved Butte; 4111'1" '14 "*4.11 olr
e.9,400 Alpx,
rttrusmtYp nnoprt IN TUE.
writitce. nts'rnroT.
Hotawt,Turt: IS AS deer and Imre asthe first. Wells t ITA"Isburg" l'11"1 e7atilr°
PelPgri,r4 Rade- eNeemIll" Color gives the true and natural June F*"""11"1"".4 we4 el" "
oRws. o. iltS0111 valiOW It ater, tint; cowman ,calars„ peoaneo bekky deafer 410. tUe A -4,44o reaton
• DooPe; Ben Davis. Sit, Shire, Tili. red that seem fades from, the natter, PAY GaTecetate Stelae.. TXte diYision
nrau Sweet. V. Hanson; Baldwins„ Wr ieavia,.., rt wich a tard.,inie, color. A5k. a/anal/ere abent 10.000 of dn. ranies.
0-reel/Inge; F. P. Switzer; It.'-ing TP- Richardson aud Cos fillprOVe4 settee we le PfeetacII ei Itrette. Ixelrl
eels. on -woe parte-ea tie
HazelemoLli snows* J. Rldeljffe; 11. 4. yonr droggist or dealer tor Wells, bed I
leinS. P. -P. Switzer; Alexanders„ J. Ilree yowl., the isioe that hasoomuel, Ile X,egtelottve Maaelitale 1410tieliep at
fettliat C.; 20 oz Pippins, J. Watson; Rib. olio__ wheele, in anietteen ta Goveranew
sttni Pil)Pin, W. -31117-insen'i. 004en Goderieh; A few davs ago Wilfreill st';'ne 0'44 M4 4"Ii4tIVe alneer"'
Hodge; Mann, Jas. lneadstone; Ohl- •Ita:ftt't;lith"RtittnIrgitrellnt 4t)ilf aTilVeilij;NI;Ltietlu'' -::44:14:rale3e1c7:414 i 1'1941'71.0' "1741:7411;;;;
Riessett, W. J. Tufts; Glori Mundi, .i. se
vets„ W. Ilaziewood; Sweet Pear, Gie tin for ,sotoe time. A. tneeshiog was oe Regime:At i einintenteGenenal StWot."'
Bentley & Son; Ducheee of Oldenburg, r weal AssIstneat AdItatlantegeniereI
3. Radcliffe; Canada Red. J. Prielhann Pr°gres$ " tbeh f4"114:"A the 13ATlield nrt
A roAd, and the separator Wa4 hebeg move Eiihett WfWe Peceent. ?be en6IXIS
CAVT- Red Stre4k. AV. tlazeiwee.e; ed front one barn to the otber. As the i(eave of tile gtste Arseuel is u-t/w
Cul" ". PPies' -F. 11'. Sweltzer' ePall AP- machine wasbeing taken Iv tile incline etonolus main geode:age to *upper
les.T.Reaelhouse.A,BEethouriPlauks, to the bArn. One Of the chasten bolding t14* troov*,,
. Shier; fall pears. S. Votive, HISS M.
MeCaliniri; winteisaers, .4.. Stiter, W.
Hanson; peaches. R. Fleteher, J. Lead -
stone; White grapes. M. jainieson; bine
grapee, W. 14. Paieey.
Table hatter. Mine IL /loupe, F. P.
Maple sager. Miss Rete Donee, M.
Eret boar; %mule n,yrup, MISS K.Dotme,
W. Wiseman; house -made breoth Miss
IL Donne, W. J.Trifts; wool blankets,
. linnie Creighton. N. Creighton; anion
blankets, M. Cteigitton, N. Creighton;
Robt. ltorre, II. non ateretee, M. Cterghton. Miss L.
Heal; brood mare. W. Kirk; two-year-
old. as. Hodge. Time. Hanson; one,
yea r•old. 'W. Delbridge, 3, linage; foal,
T. N'igh'; 'buggy botne, Jno. Meettrdy,
Arch, Robinson,
Speeding on traelso-Speesling. Thos.
Skinner. Mr. Ridge. T. flay li%weners*
Melville; gawsebentes. 31.11rethoer. A.
Prethour; shalt-4..1**e. A. Brethoute
31. Erethour; raepherriee, N. Crei.ghton
Adam Shier; tomatoes, A, $inee, J„
Rablastnn 41011S4 MISS 3,dary McCallum,
P. P, Switzer; rol, plekles.14 Robinson;
photographe, Jae, Senior; col. thaw,
seott, slut. C ollint,1 „ J. Sentot ;petted drawing. 3 i aeo Tav-
.Sit4TIA„,--Y 4.,,It:N....„ now.. tor_ cods hae portrait V'
crayon, M.
v . White, 1.
:area oy inettara i'li tow. Wm. rreeek. ,paytor: lanatirape crayon 3., Taylor:
" It'lgel's J4** "Ineau* W" DelbrOge* tern ilallateSee J. Taylor; canine Intr.
walls.iv.,,,. J. Toesiew; Ninth% tin Rhine, M.
Blett.w.......Aged Darima. Jima. .17,, ,Witite; Inters" eulleetion, Rich.ltes
fin:hut. kin.
Totonotennunnn Donmst.--Mitelt LADIES" WORR.
COW, 3- W. Allison 1 and 2, S. Shier; Crochet vomit etyma.. A. Shier Jen-
2.yearell4-lielfer, 3. W. Allison, Wm. zile linbinsam knitted eanenttlypente;
littneetiall fille-yearefliti. beifete T. W. Al. Nellie Criiighton; 3. Robinson; Patch-
lison, W. nansou; bell ea', ef. W. Al. work WPM M. Prethour. 3. Robinson;
lieon. 3no. Pridbann heifer ealf, 3. W. hest gaited quilt. Wm.Hyde.M.Breth-
Alli,on. len 1holt.,03. cane crazy patehwork,ei. Rubinson, A.
Jnicenes.--Mileli vow, Joie McCurdy. Shire; hoine.made gloneee.X.Creighton;
Avnsunume, --Mitch cow,Rich.Payn- hand -made stoekinge, Maggie, Jamie -
ter. son, N. Creightint; hand -made soekn,
Pot.tam Axore.- Mileh cow, JilittleS M. Jalllit'Stal. X. Creighton; ladies un-
Hazleweeel; 1-year-ohl heifer, J. Ileizel- derelotithig. Mabel Brooks, N. Crei 1).
wood; ball pair, 3. 11 tzetwood. tont Applique work. N. Crel itton,
Guam; CATTLee -MIMI. te)W. Alf.
Hackney 1 and 2: 2.yeareild heifer. R.
Shier, 3. riazetwomh 1-yearai1d heifer,
B. Heal, 3. Hazelwood; heifer calf, A.
Shier, 3. Ilauelwood; steer calf, 3. Ha-
zelwood, J. W. Allison; 2.vear.oi1
steer, H. Heal 1 and 2;_l-year-ohl steer,
H. Heal, 3, lIazeiwood; fa eow, W.
Oliver 1 and 2.1.it ox, If. Heal 1 and 2.
Special hy .1. Hazelwood for steer
calf, Geo. Bently and Sort, 3. Hazel-
wood :land 3.
LmensTens..-Ilain lamb, Oeo. Pen -
hale; ewes. G. Penhale 1 and 2.
$u norenutimowle.--Ilarit
Jas. Watson; rain lanib„1. Watson, 1
and 2; ewes, 3. Watson land 2; .shear -
ling ewe,
s J. Watson; ewe lambs. J.
1Viet son 1and 2,lon,Ni.-Anel ram, W. Oliver, 0
Pezthale; ram,1-year-old, Pepliale,
W. Oliver; rani iamb, 0. Peoliale, W.
Oliteete enTS, 1V Oliver. G. Pothole;
sbearling ewes, W. Oliver, G. Penhale;
ewe lamb, G. Penhale, W. Oliver.
Gietons.--Esves, W. Oliver: fat
.sheep, G. Penbale.
Youneinetin.-Aged boar; R. Birch,
land 2; breeding sow, R. Birch; boar
pig, littered in 1002, R. Birch 1 and 2;
sow littered in Ifi02,R.Bireli 1 rind. .2
BERICSIIIRE.-.Aged boar, juo. Dun-
bar; aged sow, J. Dimhar; spring boar,
J. Dunbar, 1 and 2; spring sow, 3.
Dunbar 1 and 2.-
TA1WOR.TIL-lged boar, D. Douglas
& Son 1 and 2; aged sow, D. Douglas &
Soo, Robt. Nervy; spring boar, D.
Douglas & Son 1 and 2; spring sow, D.
Douglas, 1 and 2.
Langsbans, C.D. Baird, D. Douglas &
Son; Wyandottes, O.D. Baird, 1 and 2;
Minorcas, D. Dangles & Son, C. D.
Baird; Cochins, C. D. Baird 1 and 2;
Plymoth Rocks, white, D. Douglas &
Son, C. D. Baird; Plymouth Rocks,
barred, 0. D. Baird, John Priclham;
White Crested Black Polands, G. Bent-
ley & Son 1 and 2; Light Br:shines, C.
D. Baird, G. Bentley & Son; Black
Spanish, O. D. Baird 1 and 2; Houdans,
D. Douglas & Son; Leghorns, D. Doug-
las & Son, 0. D.Baird; Game, D. Doug-
las & Sou, Wro.Delbridge; Polands, G.
Bentley & Son; turkeys, 0, Douglas &
Son; Geese, D. Douglas & Son.
the ma -bine and voimg man were pre- 1,
eipitated over th'e entimatment, fall -1, e•-an's;-"Ife-aatfaatters National Guard,
ing a distance of about eix. feet. The Adjutank-Goserare offiee Barrish
untortunate yonug fellow sustained a, Octoberdo 1.3t2, ; In certeinportion'
110100011liglisil jfkrirwOureat ntbecle trtretati4gterbo, the Ceentieg Of ;tr.
IS nett known, He was leamediotely ben+ 14"b`wg"Aa' Santnellguna' Ntatt"
taken to his father's house, where all uiuborihnd iC04 Cebilublit tumult* huti
that surgieal skill can aceOMplisti is riots freeuently occnr. and ladle law
being done for hint. relgue. men who desire to work have
Tin:. Royal montu atat tuo Royal been beaten and driven away, awl their
Di.seamn, families threateued. Railroad treble
Sudden ehanges of weather are es,. ilut Wilnt dee,"411e4 and the
peelaily trying, god protein -1y to none tracks torn up. The Weil authogetiee aro
more so than to the scrofulous cud , tumble to Maintain order, end heve eall-
e4nrsitiliginaptliolviel,niTaboecttiotobgrwitscoofinseiworiitof the tonal uard te
. : ed uPou the eatfittiteliV and Commander.
tweltiet :NaiGr
reat. We never think of scrofula-:, troops. The eituation growe more seri.
$ ineaches, cutaiseeee. eeeptione, and Otis each days Tirot 'territory itwoleett
out thlaang of the gre# Ig9041 many are inantilelent to preveet all dilierder.
Hood's Sarsapeaille, whose radical and ttnnA Ont44 of roolivoitda
enough, to oaekie le the loose faiettor; piddle neeee. The Majortielteral
le:benne in the ev011d. There is Koh- ulAuflitIg. will Plage the entire (Widen on
dy not a City op town wheeee lieeneree duty, dietributiug them its mull lovalitiot
rsaparilla has not proved its merit' 65 Iv° net'xd%be"' 414°4 eire4lve ler
vere hews than ant\ in amour,. mettle/Y.4 the public peect. .4is tumult.%
and completely eradicating •scrrofula', 41„, ,.411.4%.,In_eh.„4„ter,der oe;
which is altnost as nerionsand asmuch n"r wge" "4"‘ -"""*P'"o wnr''' in 4114'
egAil be will tiee that ell
Wen who deeire to work and thei
illes have ample military prettaton. lie
1011 proteet dii traire and other pros
(tette?. of the bodily sethstanee.,,with, es) extenolve that the troops now alt duty
fferers front it have dertved trent Tbe ireerece of the entire disielon Na-
prinatmit, oats atulsou,,,a,mcare eery iu these comities to maintain the
to be feared as its near relative, -con,
rilARRIAtifl5, perty trout unlewful tuterfereuce. and
itsorr-Rna-On Oet. 1,me. John wilt meet persons engaging in acts
Wilson, of Hay township, to Miry, 'AC violence and intimidation, and hold
(laughter a the iate james Rea. sol ApinutliethpeeiracX.e.rleruel WI!
eon., Blanchard.
that tbaata, intimidatiens and all atte
W"s"-:‘""T"'-ins*rAt"nt " el violence tease at, once. The public:
an Set, t)tbs bY the ReV• F• W. j peace awl good order will be preserved
Gilmour at the muse. jessle 31e- , upon a amalgam and thranktu the Ana
Wird, to William WaLson, sif 'MI. ever will be peAmtuaiitntoedilliteitrteroeMucc:rnittnti
Naughton. of the MU Vane, Mlle end countio.
lett. men in the diecherge of their duties un-
Ilv41.11 "W it. . ite"
. rehton; Roman embroiderySWITr7Sita-In Planshard„ der this order. The dhpiity and author-
Creighton, M. Brethonr; Venetian em- on bent. O. Mr. Geo. Hord:way to ity of the State must be ndatnlnod,
broldery, M. Jamieson, Creighton; Miss Netta Switzer, both Of Blau- and her power to suppress
slippers embroidered, N. Creighton, shard' MSS within bordera be muerte&
Mary McCallum, slippers knitted, N.
Creighton, 3. Robinson; sofa pillow,
31. V. White, NV. Wiseman; Home-
made covetlet, Rola. Fleteher, Min-
nie Creighton; dress, M. 13rooks
M. Met'allunn Berlin Wool work, N.
eightm, M. Creighton; Rag mat, 31.
BL„ Unmet 3. Rolunson; home-made
:mien M. Creighton, Kate Donpe; tea.
mese.. 31. Brethour, M. V. White; bead
work, M. '4'. White. N. Creighton; ta-
ble, (11' piano scarf, N. Creighton, 3f.
&Mem; pillow eham, M. Jamieson,
N. Creighton; knitted late, W, Hyde,
AL Jam ieson; grnt e* tie, glove and hunil.
kerchief case, L. Melville, M. Brethoue;
woollen shawl, 3r, V. White, M. Brooks;
Afglinne in wool, I. Creighton; Af-
ghans in cotton, M. McCallum; collec-
tion ladies' work, M. Creigton. M. Mc-
Callum, novelties, AL V.White, M.
.Brooks; dinner mats, M. McCallum,
M. Brooks; table eentre piece. N.Creiglie
tou,M.Jamieson; tray clotteN. Oreigh-
ton. M. McCallum:. table doilies, N..
Creighton, 31. Jamieson; netting. N.
Creighton, S. Doupe; button holes, AL
Jamieson, M. Brooks; Dresden work,
N. Creighton, M. Jamieson; Painting,
Jaiiith Taylor, J. Robinson; salt work,
L. Melville; band sewing, W. Hyde,
AL Jamieson; laundered shirt, colter
and cuffs, M. McCallum; darned sped -
mens, N. Creighton; crochet work in
cotton, AL McCallum, M. Brooke; cro-
chet work in wool, N, Creightou, AL
Ceeight011 Jewel case and pincushion
combined, L. Melville, AL Brooks; toi-
let mats, AL AlcOallutie M. • Brethour;
pmaapner flowers, L. Melville, W. Wise-
Rain andeO,4/4
blin(c no egect
bereetes treetee
lee* Deile re-
sists tee asap,
keeps theliedees
er ;oft sed
do twit break. le
N9 rope:Lear,
face. VI :44
amdstat. Tim
Iseresee isot
Ocw,1 .
/Ra,t1.1 /IA11
in OW-,
A new and important use for Refin-
ed Paradise Wax- seems to have been.,
discovered by a prominent resident of
Ohio, liviug near Lancaster, who bad
two trees 'hadhy daioaded by stove).
oue being a maple antrthe other an
apple. In each case a large limb wes
hroken down front the trunk, but still
the front svheels lat position and both Thze order 914 the guard fa as attached to it. The limbs were powtb
pp -
ed and fastened secorely
straps, very numb as a broken leg
trihrht be fastened with splints. anti
then Melted reftned Wit.% poured into
and over all the ertteke. The osurgleal
operatior," was entirely successful.
The Paratine prevented the escape of
the eon, kept out the rain and mole,
tare which would have totted the
trees, prevented the depredations of I
inserts, find the limbs seem thus fall
to he perfectly 11...attached to the
Severel. oteedes Ara tea of Tenuyson's
thoughtless speeches. "Whet fish
this r he once asked his lostese where
he, WOO dieing. 4'Whitlpg," elm replied.
"The meanest neb there is," he remarked,
quite opeonseloue that lie amid have
wounded anyoue'e feelings. Yet his
hisidnees of heart was such that when
his partridge was Afterward giro), hint
abnost raw he ate steadily through it,
for feer Ms hostess might be Yexed,
one occasion Teniuyeen Was very rude to
Afre. Brotherton, a neighbor at Freele
water,- The next dey came to Iter
house with a, great cabbage under ettelt
arm. "I heard you liked these, in)
beought Steen" he said, genially. It We
idea Of peace -offering.
James Snell's Disputa Sale
of Shorthorns, Clydesdales
and Lobsters
.0a a-4 MA, :10,174:.5 S7,01, f
TthEm 4•41, !gr..+IL kl•
!Vol .SIAT4 440.* feieK
TeIete met all Ile, leitiesereeie
' el oll Cht att 4tal'vzs
'2111tr. ir 44.1.14 f,weer.•
stgrliteir-ratttgAlri -s 1'
steatNata,7:= t7.111$ el 411.7
11411,1 ErIn aLe
mp4: ir50; qirA
. 414, trAzan loan teet
dt* Fa(zCuele .17. ;tip
m.541410,1,..r. 414,111.qs 9itti)14¢,r lle5tre lie MT,
Winir Fdaip aI vst
wr,;., vxxfiall tkrtio
tuiy 1.10trietrcl,,: Sanet 14.awi guiti ta eat:
ztizelval 3 IMIT4Vitag tlriAr OAT,
ara cdobl drA;u0. E*41. Polk Vatalen,t1k1
4r, 411.74 a tor, aorzsr 1,,2.4,1.1411+ rzro
.fIrct rfir,54anaatiPred12all SIVaq,
bOtr., httcatt W55 15 Pertr, -I remove We itie iiereire
44 eaw. ienly Aut. neS.r Wolter, a' l fintsieul,
Ity and ehaetetter tied a vote deep name e Fenno-
titiy that bee been mettaaatetal in bee titutrelanter
tichreatAtinvels4velt illigithronetoettkele.eilec •oialkiLiltai4;tettr Cirliirtattretv,
CigO Palate; rarer CM (.61141V kilL1EVAII widen trot
aid the tieheatiesin et firetetlit.traitieet. teete of the
Is thant4itielgtp,,,14,,,,,k1:4t1;0(11:0414.,551
wineere at Veiling ProViou (aim as Met4ai
itt.A:t5,1•44411i,"41111;14417'lzicdol,txlEdurftnI4x1;47‘eleil.viPitlfiltVIIIL11.104rlie.4%1112.411.1nattil.,.. .
orcit yeatee And fen. *54 lied tweaty iteaV,
htiliittilikellvter411.55,41414'1141grodcriizree Viticnelf *i.4
or 51tizmittul. •
that type 44 namittleluatiferraity. A bell log
;mule uolliatitet 414 CIlegtbas tate ha die lard wasViee
Cowell. 19 red he the Lam's. a tan ti the
utelerellesliel tia.ptute a Jetutlinedieril ,Somiartli
Yieet"orieules dam Weil a Hat, 1141. 2. the
Club Wien% 1k0i5 IIVot DO, 04164 tr an,. 110
Top buggy, D. McLarty & Son, W.
Babb; Portlaed cutter, W. Babb 1 and
2; piano box cutter, Wm. Brown; iron
beam plow, O'Brien Bros. land 2; iron
barrows, O'Brien Bros.; gang plow,
O'Brien Bros.; horse shoes, Thos. Road-
house; turnip cutter, O'Brien Bros.;
1 and 2; Scuffier, O'Brien Bros.
White fall wheat, M. Brethour, Jas.
Hodge; red fall wbeae AL Brethour;
spring wheat goose, M, Brethour;
spring wheat red; AL Bre% o er; 6 -rowed
barley, M. Brethour; large oats, nle
Brethour; common oats, 121. Brethour;
large peas, M. Brethour; thalothv seed,
31. Brethour; Nv hi Le heal's. John Shier,
D. Roger; corn, A. Shire, R. Birch.
Rmsd New Yorker potatoes, Wm.
isernan. M. Brethour; Pinola of Sav-
ory, W. Hazelwood, A. Shiro; Beeline
Belieon, W. Sadler; White Elephant,
3. Pied la a rii; Rose, J. e wood W.
Seirere Empire Ste te, W. &idler; any
varzote, 3. iffelge, VV. &Idler; coL poto:
Houseplants, Rich, Hoskins; Geran-
iums, R. Robinson, R. Fletcher; Pus -
chills, R. Robinson, R. Fletcher; Cacti,
R. Hoskins; rare plants, R. Hoskin, R.
Bicycle race, Wm. Elliott, Mr. Brock.
Heavy Horses. -13, McInnis, Exeter;
Richard Northcott, Fullerton.
Light Ilorses.-Jas. Routley, Wood-
ham, E. Christie.
Cattle.-Jno. Hunter and D. Wood,
Sheep. -H. A. Sweitzer.
&rein, seeds and Vegetables. -W. J.
Robinson and J., Steven's, Blansbard.
Fruth. Dairy Produce and Aiiscellan-
eouse-W. J. Roy, Woodham; E. M.
Shier, Kirkton.
Ladies' Work. -Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson,
Kirk tom Mrs. W. J. Roy, Woodham.
Sercaurc---HENnnusax-In St. Marys, Washington. get. 7. --There is only
on Oct 1, by the Rev, W. 3. ZuFlor, mei development of importance here in
Mr. Luke Spearin, to Miss Elia uca.1 the coal strike eituation. Inetnk
Take Lexative Bromo Quinine Tab-
lets. All clruggises refund the money
if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Groves'
signature is mi eachbox.
Mr. justice Britton will hold a spec-
iel sittings of the 'Middlesex Assizes at
London, Nov, 3rd to hear the Sifton
Laxative Bromeeeniniee Teblets,eures a cold in one
dee. No (lure No PIY. Prirc 55 cents.
Miss Minnie Gondy, eged 17 *years,
of London, poisoned herself last week.
on aecouut of a quarrel with her lover,
Infante too young to take medicine may be
cured of croup, wbooPing cough and colds by
using Vapo-Cresolenc-they breathe it.
WitnsTint.-In St. Marys, on Sept. 213,
Sane Brae, wife of Mr, John Web-
ster, aged. 73 ware and 2 months.
BAILEY -In Binnehard, on Oct. 1, Car.
oline Bailey, danghter of Chtnit'S and
P. Sargent, COMIllieSitinee of Immigra,
tion, and for many years eidef of the
Brotherhood of 1.recomotive Firemen,
had a long interview with President
Roosevelt, and left Washington soon fa.
terwards. Sargent indicated that
the interview concerned the coal strike,
hat he would not discuss the matter,
rxom the feet that he always has been
influential with labor organizations, it
Is generally believed that he is entrust-
ed with a message to President
Oef the Miners' U• i,.. 1,€. willThisis notgentleword-but whenlno
you think how liable you are not to n'ent Mr. Mitnhell in niin4elithin and
purchase for 75e. the only remedy uni- deliver the inessage of the Iresident,
that the miners end the strike
versally known and a remedy that hos , 11/Slun
internees of the public. While
bad the largest side of any medicine;n in the
the world since 186.9 for the cure and many propesitions have been under dia.
elleS1011, itis almaSt certain that, the Ad -
treatment of Consumption and Throat i
great poi:uplift). tai these yon I a time. The present plan is that out -
and Lung troubles without losing its, a is taking UP only one Plan
lined in the Associated Press deepatelms
'rill be t ankf'd we called Ytitir °ten' of Saturday and Sunday, and wedeln -
tion to Bosehee's German Syrup. i
i plates an end of the strike by the action
There are so many ordinary cough Of President Mitchell and his associates,
remedies ramie by druggists and othees and a full. investigation of the mining
that are cheap and goad for light colds, Conditions later.
perhrips, but for severe Coughs, Bron -
e, The nova of the calling out of the
chitis, Croup -and especially for Co". ' entire State Guard caused a mild sen-
stimption. where there is difficult ex-
isctoration and toughing during tbe eation among those gathered at strike
nights and mornings, there is nothing headquarters, but apparently the least
like German Syrup. Said by all drug-
gists in the civilized world.
Sold by C. Lute.
Mr. William H. O'Hara of Albion,
Mich. fell of a train at St Thomas and expression on the action of Governor
perturbed were President Mitchell and
the three district Presidents. There
was a crowd in the lobby eif the Hart
Rotel, and as soon as the miners' chief
came down the stairs -with his travel-
ling bag in hand he was asked for an
Wile killed. Stone. Re at first declined, but a. mo -
Ernest Gilchrist, aged twelve years
shot his little brother dead at Salmon
River, N,B, while playing with IV gum
merit later, as he pushed his way through
the throng, he els:claimed: "11 they cult
all the troops out in the United States
it won't Make the men go to work."
President Nicholls said: "Nothing has
Bulky Packages of Cereal Break- seism to warrant the calling out of -more
troops, but if they are not used for any
unlawful purpose their presence in the
coal fields eanaot do us any harm."
fast Foods are not Guarantees
of Economy or Quality.
One Package of
Malt Breakfast Food
Makes a Meal for
Twenty-five Peop!e
While the Manufacturers of Malt
Breakfast Food do not claim to give
the public the most bulky 'package of
food, they make the positive state-
ment that nee package of their cele-
hrated food will make twice as many
meals for the money as any other food
on the market. '
In addition to this economical fea-
ture, Malt Brealefest Food is vastly
more nourishiug for young and old:
Tens of thousands of users consider it
the most delicious and appetizing of
all breakfast grain foods. Pb ysl clans
and food experts say it is a true health -
giver. Groews everywhere in Canada
find Malt Brealsfest Food the fastest
seller. If you leo e 11(41 yet given it a
trial, sk your G rucer for it.
Rev. George.ltawlinson Passes Away
...A:ratter of Wettable Histories.
London, Oct. 7. -The Rev, Canbn Geo.
Itaivlinson, Canon of CanterburY sinbe
187% died at Canterbury last evening.
Re was born in 1812.
Holland -American Mae to Belong to
Mercantile Company.
Ileenbure, Oct. 7. -The Hamburger
Nachrichten confirnis the many previous
reports that the IIolland-American Line
is to be incorPorated in the newly form-
ed International Mercantile Marine
The Istng of
"131,3037s nappV ufeht **
O.one stepping stone
- Thou
14DA1146 your culinaty troubles,
worries and expense behind
yon; enjoy the economy, the
convenience, the absolute
reliability of The" 113F
Th. ght. " The best Men
housewife eau have,
Just a touch to tim patented
dampers and it is ready for an
Its efficiency will be a
tion to you if you are nsing the
common kind,
10 this uot worth investiga-
tion ? Send for booklet to
CO.. Llrattoclothr Brantford
or call and see the agents.
Sold by
Ex.,Aer, Ont.
The British Concession in Plenum-
Warch onses Darning-.
Shanghai, Oct. 7. -.News received here
from Amoy says the 'fire there has
spread to the British concession, Three
10.1 441411 warch o us e s and the custom
' heuse are burning.
eked lie King William Meth, by Imp. leit 4 rt+1111'..
w(111k rent :LI( .1.
lied llec3e, a lieralsoree ad a y avoid heifer Of the FORKS 4ND SLINGS
l.„1,.. be Meal James, out of vi Pe anise eth
a. a
by Game -see -I. Then: are 41 head of :shorthorns .4
Leyina family, ie a dauelner or letli Prime- nf Made mppIn' ea wioneither the
tta;?., iv E.:4., Made, by Conquerer, bred be the Hen.
John Dryilea mid owed by the Cruiekshalik bull imp.
Angle Iron, Round
The Stock hull, Star of Morning, goee in the sale,
mut in these days 014-areitv of 111-'4t-444'3bulls he le
twit wertli looleug alter for at is 11,544.4.541 whether -Rod or Wood.
there is n better bull of tha bread in Cm aila to -day,
while his breeding is unexeelled, end lie is sound,
viperous, gentle tritlesuperior eire, as hie progeny
envie atiteas. Thu younger hulls in the sale, several
of Nvhicli are eons of Star of Hendee; 4114 a Strang*
straight, sreooth lot in good condition, and such as
are needed in every pare of the emintry far the im.
proem -emit ot the diameter of tbe cattle raised.
The Clydesdale at:tenon, 'Brave Bev, to be eold ie a
horse of capital quality met has maae a large smarm
ie else an exteeilingly good one. Was •avvarded the only
' this year in a dietrict where many imported home
are standing. Th a e -year-old elly of tho same family
The dock of Leiseester sheep ranks tis one a tee medal. and di.plooma
tionel opportunity to secure ranis f -rr gervice or a given on I -lay Fork's
very best in America, an41 the sale affords an excep-
s' cep in the flock at the World's
foundation for a flock. There 1.13 day Lelee.ter
Clinton, Ont. Capt. T. E. Role
w.II be mailed on application r1, :Or. J .m..,, 41 .11
'-elle eatalogne is nOW ready f r 4444041.110,end . Fair Chicago.
on Oat. 22d." e• oee'Lieneele 'en' Simplins at Russell's Blacksmith sleep.
4401111104et the sale and oons
ficlen• y eehel,
- ts a e
tenda4451144040 or fanners and breceers at Iinene Harlem at ,
These are without
doubt the best ma-
chines obtainable
at, any price.
0 you ever contracted any Blood or Private Disease, you are nearer safe until the
-virus or poison has been eradicated from the systeno. Don't be satisfied with a
"patch up"Iiir Settle family doctor, Our New Method is Guaranteed to
Cure or No Pay. ust.No NIIMOS X.1121C11, without Written *consent.
Cured 'When all Else Failed
leCoind 1 live any early life Over, this testimettia would not be
necessary, though I WAS no more sinful than thousands of other
yotaig men, Early indiscretions, later excesses, exposure to
contagious diseases all helped to break clOwn my Oystern. When
commenced to realize my condition I awes almost frantic, Doctor
after doctor treated =rebut only gave me relief -not a cure. Hot
Springs helped me, but did not cure me. The symptoms always
returned. Mercury aed Potash drove the poison into my system
instead of driving it out. / bless the day your New Method
Treatmetit vas recommended to me. 5 investigated who you
were first, and Buding yea had over 25 years' experience and re-
spousible financially. I gave you my case ander a guarantee.
You cured me permanently,kand in six years there has dot been a
sore, pain, ulcer or any other symptom of the blood disease."
26 Years in Detroit, 250,000 Come.
We treat and cure Varleocele, Blood Pelson, Nerveue DehMilityt CS°trNicrilYci;
impotency, Secret Drains, Kidney end Bladder Dioceses.
Consultation Free. Question Blank for Homo Treatment cod Books Free.
148 011181.13Y !STREET. DETEOle7e. MICH.