HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-10-9, Page 2*sne(ii*elet.4414....44 Hue and Cry - 4n• The fog was still intense, aud eener-revor, with a, great effort, released ihnSelf fecen, the weight and eau,. te iously reined his head. Very elose to him two shadowy ;forms appeared to be betiding- titer a sunlerer. "Not,yet. A =ater a a few hours; his ease is bepeleese Bring these two inert witl. a stretcher," 'To you know him en "I3y a strong -0 chance X do. He is Sir Oherlee Ogbourne. Wes mix - tip in the Oldeastie murder cane. renameber. It was his eeitience 40.ter." auswered the warder, at got Trevor convicted. He has . osa„, „e eee tein South Africa, eyer shwe, and tue"onieelti m they are expecting hen set Cicecelly Vtt••0440,41n.iii.iieineenneeneetentenier).$ "No Use searceing any further Ifbis fog." "Not a bit. We've (twee our best, " nil if he escapeswell, he deserves eis luen," eatel the sergeant a the kiranding police force, , "Oh, we'll get lihn. soener WS' SYMPatley.letrand. youag ehari be was, too. 1 oiten think that be wes1 •Itre-You g°1%*** to send wronely cone -keen." itnow newt about tbe easel °' Brandlng ligruPiet:r1 tte monrd ne.wsos. . Peplow was .. rer. 'rime enou you. lave se or the last e beg " h C home crack near the .hinges efferded Tree vor a view of the room. In another moment Kathleen Dreolthorst entered, ued Trevor's heart. beat painfully as be one ano,in beheld hie loved one- Peplow rose to greet her, but nen eonie witle you tvillingly. Warder. fiune open. min Warder Clank cove obeeegetetettes.****peetigeet the Ore and let boil two iniuetee. ered'Trevor witb, his gun, -Throw up your bends, Trever. The clothes yoti left in the park AbOUt the in Add salt and .2 tablespoons gelatine which. nes been, soaked for three minetes. When the gelatine is ;Aloe- eave betrayed you, Tile game ,fe Oughly diSsohect strain into small "yes„ tem game is tip, and I Win, ttause mins. When cold. tore put on a lettuce leaf and serve with cheese up." 41"I" - - • . ,crackers and the following dressing. WaY anross the room she stopped, tone cbarge of this document; it is _el Dressing -Melt 1 tablespoon natter "Well ?" she Weeded. abeolute proof of my innocence end 1.044,49.111,..414-###W#OVerit 1.4. pt vinegar, 1 tablesPeon each Must." crieging scoundrel bas nnown the SWIM 01.10I0In REDIPES, 11 pptve:r and dal alSsillit;P* ouOn ssa14.°1 331;eal "Qood „morning. Miss: Drooke tbe vonfeesion ef the murderer, This I even re she queried again, with., trait for three years, and knew it wamenenent Salad -A friend en the yolks of ,2 ens, teen into the Out Moving. even while he pretended to Under, mine lied made an line preparations above and cook in a dOUble beiler gi c ot, t' take my defence. One =oilmen for a g4bbage, ,Siad, eor tea, when , Until it thickens Add few ehoPe we ne he aeenee warder, and I will come„ Katbleein. elnatound to be (limey thee it, was ped English ' w' alnute'a: When cold ou, no e i r gee Ana' ,or ate wish to knew evnetnee rea haw true bearte we Must parte eeectin fer et pog,sible te get, ally crisp, freeh seehree..tyeer_the ..twootoes.._ . . news for me. or whether this is, a l'"elv daYs' and then— 1 cebbage thet day- 1-J4:weever, She .nnutt ongiAtee!TO 1 ph:g Wlart240 merely another use to lure ine into "The love of eny life will endeovor bad a bow lassreteme, She „add * pt cold welter- Let soh for On luterview," to blot out the crieltie$ you here boteght, 1 quart a 0411er/wenn are ' three Minutes. Add the juice ol is - . e a. auseeeem one. at an sieffered,, Good-bye, my los'e,"" ranged et in her oolad bowl, ger- --' Itenin"si etf Pt *lig"; 1 rit hUilling vents. but plen,so ba seated,. e have As soon as possible the facts were Melted it with Parsley and poured ',I'wSteth 0410 10 4°01" Wh'''7si it he" le id before the a thorities J • nie•S" said *Ice werder, eI was lines' up in the north, then. Oleicestle.meoweseing:3"achn t e Chase the three Years. over since tily lover was necessary utter the feet, and reeeiv- eon-knotted but when once again be uwe ebeterem them an uticonsetolle fermi me end wort; for hie e•ei4.5e. Tett; "mg used with tomato witted. ”leeil-e-es. Three years ago Jack Inac'e The words he had heard tt e t wan Olon,v days to reeover from Mix en together with 1 teacup A tear a ael-P ace in a granite l'rener wits the eavY of his friends, n• .., s... s tcamoo to p ea Your ee oxen or' tbe effects of the terrible time when levant and 03. poundo sifted goer. Pan over the fire 1 pt etock. sounded bee ks me. and while thus ineuriug the ere engago o • e . away lee liberey. from whin'.. hitioetty love whet hole yon (lone fOrhe 'was the °Wect" et' ih° bre and Set it to a; at 10 'o'clock lo the SrltiCt7 Qouf' a‘IP4r1410?1 Plit-ce. morning. At 4 o'clock in the after-, -0 oPiego erY. .0 a rain of weeith. a good Ognourne the Titan who had sworn wan d 4,1 t the sweetest eiri in • - cry. --London eondewned for a, crime of which be ed his sentence. efeek Trevor eb- weirder, wasn't it ?" The shadows moved awa,y, beei•ing rom3s,4 to aid tained pardon for a. crime lie never • hat's it .- *Lnte tnok imiutl•-• I slIPP°'t.c ?" 11 and Trevor sant: back aenouget the g uttgeee every /pow° oce-breathee tete free air of libertY it eggs beaten separektely. 1 cup eailk. e over it the raoyinineise dreseing in-, ems to thiceen. add 1 s teed ben' . teeded, far the eabbage. The reselt eraege. shredded, a, few was a ver,y delielous sided: Ireesine. enici few 'elate graeee. Potent) Roue -Don Ana naeoh. gee iTurn o tjaeloo mold. When thee - large potetoes with butter tile eize,o4Wider cloned turn, out, garnist of on - t ble,s o lard. a lvon and serve With the Seine dreen tleo county, Invoke -mist woe Len Trevor had hoped to wring the "Ain 1 to have no reward; Rothe eanie-Inatineen Brootneurst. Lots was leeieg carried away in a. leen, of z3eople wamted to rnaFry her. wed ehlett eieedieteee. ,rhe ono ideo now V exioLgst thea was oeotry Olalcastie werintly gem- iu the eenvicrn twola yo*:14°114ta.°1LT:veSrroleurarttbh: noon them oet ono -half ine e, half a lemon. bit of a (tried ree PERSONAZ ,r0INTERS, thick end cut into hiscoits neva PePper. and a ealtspoon of eait„ -tery little handling. rat them into iTt thia simmer for eateral "11Ade 1 to.blespoon gelatine, wet hy cOnotialeY Promoter and ,got to nrenneng Hospital crime:lei was Sir Charles Ogbourne Notes of Interest About Some tea Moe. hght larOwn th Ct gelatine j3 thoroughly dis,solsed, • COurse. htiegi ellgkgeti t° a4C' Charles liefore dereth cloimed him thet he was comieg lione and 1 snin'''/'3e Ildnts'4f I;e came across the object wnich had tree : ea with a reeirliig pension by ow cool; until telubr r3:1 tinited wat" h."r"s 4411 with 4 vucb the pen§ awl let them rise get! etettch bee been soaked: When thl Ictidck oven, lienneler. k ene enamel the teeth from Sir I -that Sir CharleS waa SO fated with , Promineat People. Celery Croquettee-Cuk well clean- sltrnin find eel" green" Onoi s Teeeme she wieitidn't io titan - • ee, „, „ - email mold. When, tee mho Ramose t rawling his hones am nees to 11 ht the wrong„ was that eo. ee, tamest', peewee, ed. stalks of Were in small pieces, le, ed Trevor to embark in eon* of his Ili eel his stir riee he Cherlea ev..r.ote LiVerPOOl Corporation. at the ago Alifi then (Irate, Melt I- cup hinter °e4slina^ of eighty-fivo still retaine and pere and cook in it f CUP POurg t tea- How To s out for reeenge. Anyway., he inane- fallen front the train and Onoelted 6crind1irq es'/Iit4.41flies• "d Prie tne dise e -wed tint it wes I:ortolan- • AN 1.1 INIONFIY. , 40 Li . . 'Iles tie arrieed ?" k forms all the dutiee of eho office of sPoon nun AlUI a dash Ot biael!,- Fein- VI*"14ng 'i re Ininild tIn14 ti° svaS tea% aed furth.er investigation prove oete hooted at souteamptan yea.; orttesdsgoesv.oe Iltehehtateci,eelcullopoiLetoludestla4f, tell:tr.:43, AlclugproggatToyilv4attlicirt!oign &I the. a jusen .4,,..inw tg.„40,,, erim...11. :at Provtioally a zeiired num. eel its eoluents to be clothes. .tertieee" Pel tig' 0 A 0 Otp 0 ro es "'lie rushed off in an excited etate '; . e. in i eond be win spool; ? Jaen win Mon elnee 1876, aud it is beneeed the eelerY woe coolsod. Or 1 POP he cleen00ti without ehriol.ing---but to t,..oe 0,,host/e.. c.i,..1 toned. _ tile, no, Ile eetoriveciel llitle Olt -gutty toe- iclifeken stock, e cup each. and IA eeeitien in ?ail! switro*, lie!. ii7e.ter a getting aw4- itil°1'F"lelle anth ,be righted. 9 Ten me -tell to---wliefe Ile la tile Olelent oneunrint• et a they nit he followed a -irefully, e.4 . i d th, stumbling !inutile, iwreF_s ttl(i or :,is nee eiheeee en, „dal Odice in the count,ry. icuP "earn' Ws° 1 well'henten eg,g a ;sfever Put wooien lolimOeie into the enareervant witere he could i 111 . , . Ohne fields enally teached a duster "1' ii i o se " I Lord Dmemore may be said to bee and 3. pt e'elery teeeSerril Otter C001;-* regular wa0ln end chaise a winde linaiieler, and weis tilreeted to tile : of trees. where be quickly rid hien-tt el will me him, I must, srpeak. to the MOSt iatrepid traveler of whom Ing as nbovo• 'When col& shape 4l tiny poseible, The centime] bee library. self of ble, eentiees clothes and bine - ,the Peerage koasto. Ile Das rough.- into beaten egg And bread crumbs Aiello of tho Ithineete will eomolimei -A. quarter of an lover later fleof- , e 1 - . th ,... o try oweastle was round dead. wile damned the grey lace., a itch e• "Sir Charles Ogbourne is beyond ed it as Mitch aS ally man living!. and fry to a goiden brown hi deep rage, in tillte of ovcry preeoxtion Then Paetei the power of blown speech. tie wee. and is never SO luippy iln when tray- int but you need timer im.Ve there Jack Trevor lying fosen...ime aeeoes portmouteao contained, tete bad aed Q. NA)0^1-kLittliNg !Pint,. - . ,„ - .. ,, _., ,. , ii. "1 04 A (1(11 1mA oven i. ug. On one threw it into a ciiimp of bueree amt. bee in the hag with bis prison garb he ct the r lw 1 CC i t • - CU II died in Drawling Oloeieltei in the snow at an altitude of wine Peso Ince* nstooth tonlato09+ not needed t II lit k t ' expedition he geed 1 II.,i.pe Toinato Preeervireo. Select a. enh-, •-toetpeou g.eieolililoe ainietoatilehvarepy: ing-Zinife in hie hand." ,4 e. .. „ . -Ceneictieg elidenee." Commented t ane on To each 1 lb allOW 1 lb sugar, Alice rairmiug witorti off about, the meat •, ten en heines watahring lit theo Keeteileen Drookborst, looked at eeo, level for o, fortnight, ill?.‘11-c-4,1..,rdaelr.ea" ae, 4t, /roved. etim fog convieced Win thethele was him for a, moment, llt sueneo, theu enether OCCaNi011,, while hentliM in aPd dna ,Ot 1. 01110404, At44t " Mail ' deVeP at heat-ahl=t, aa het el Tcolor reteoeet.e3 cou,....ii4_410.1s au alnolutelie ignor,ent of ta wienree timing her fieVe in her hands. buret Asia Minor, brought down 1.000 ,r47450..elCgi.t4 .411f throe: ciritpptuaresTaittaai::,,ybollya_caal:ighniorkweemthvlidetelintecaspomfeouratis heed of game. bee imeve was thet when lie openeii 414enti- lie SvPnr‘d to IV P,Illaiiilg,'Ilite teare. 474.i "Too late, too tote," she moaned. , l'hough ouly twenty-four yeare of ,e,kfittle and c00% &NAVY thrt'e hold's, 'Oil of powdered borax to (leery gab the library door the rOoia iva3 ln fbrenVil a Perk. reot oeittleiily ode Wile telilutee5 elicited not lieee -their toe et water, beeneree the bloakct4 eggrgagg. gie teeettre to go oUt, 14'1USt.' WOM'd UP in front of him "NO. not too late." answered Pep- ago the Marquia of Groben,. the into the suite, and let them stino3 vityza "'n harn.el; Bland eirieweed tees through the fog. It, Vr,t15 a lenvee ,Iow. "I saw Sir Charles tefore lie eSt son of the Ihdie Or Montrose. has staa,pe hat ebould lie clear Mid ia54.435.34e. Alexwey. at the inquest rambling' ilalilding. Wit.il _il. verarelea , died, and Obtained his eignature to hail considerable experience both as tender Put foto tuieblero and Iva or fifte-on ialootcs edam wash. . • - , - and trelite-worit all reline it., AU Started for the read. 1: this iriorritim. 17,000 feet to 1.R.000 feet above the ,over rife, Scald, peel aed weigh proeeely. Moo the washing eue ells doeurneat. Lieten ; a eallor *owl a eoldier. Ile served , stand. awaY to cool. Tie up with ling:, thee worn them lip mid down, e -,,,t .7e:en! a -eel' Irko*"''t 0,1 Wiaa in daritnese, save for one room i " 41. Mr Charles Oghourne. befere an apprentic,eship in the ieeethant tWO tidehilleEsi* Of tissue Pallier 'awe= and rub with the hood% bid -, ".-•`'‘n" -"e" "e"*"""'•-• "--,,,-- -,t,"*" on the first 'door. and treat tillti,,1 diet wish to eonfoss to the murdeer ServiCe and hold's a captain's e'er- BIttistell the toll with. WateT Or never on a washboard. reseitei in a oeottiet of glhetcY ono a thp-e gieeered the fitful gamc5 a a" or uvolTry meanie,, and thereby teicate. Two years ago he novegat- w. mite of egg and when doe', Floe° jj Never hang woolens hi tne hot , tienteece of death," . the Sun. In n. eeloli dark Piave to keen- !sun or wet of doors in free:eine "Vol the inotive of the Milne eee'.e ,the. 'Intake some reparation for the ter- ed Lord Draesey's yacht. Fire and warmth. Trevor beeltat-.1ible wrOeg nom to John Trevor. beam, from Australia. to Can Town. Mother's Fried Caliee-TWO ell145 Weather Pine() tl rou h two w t a tit n'" °len; the p ial witroes wae Sir Cie:tees In eve. one of Oble eir>th. 5 geests. les got it holies jeet ke,eatityals now, but he's Wen otireael sine° the murder. Ile &Tose ed wing Trevor enter the lib - rare, ;end Iteatieg elotent words be - the two Men. Thiaing that it eves a private treerrel be did not interfere. but he Yeathered treat whet ttr.eF 5Oid that OhleaStle had rifted Treior financially in orda to pre- evie merriage with Miss 1'o - Lily 1:nougb: Was he well de- fend. d liantly, I helietp, by a owing contact tweed Jas„er l'eplow, who. mange to sav, was with Sir Charles tnel.ourne at iltieast'et; recei,t ion. Atieway, if he tlidn't get Min off he got the seutence COMMeled to renal :areal -de for life. But it was au awful blow to 31Os lirooehuret." ehe Inarril yet ," "Not much; she marries Trevor or , ede. but I bear from my "tarns arolnied ra into a deer) SlreP. and shot by a, warder. Do you know t TrIS •er ItePlew Persecutes the his tired brain refuted to wane un- that he escaped three days ago ?'' marry him. lie's supposed to be and e. lend Limekiln; at the door "Yee, the nue and cry is alter the "Escaped 1" 'morning to prove Trevor's ineoeenee arotteed him to hie senses. criminal, and he is likely to be shot **Sir (narks Sir Males Are if he resists capture. but, not much. he doesu t want Tree you' there ?" Trevor sprang from "'Then come, come at once, there ver Lack again. Ile, ha 1" "the bitterly cold fog eif late the t in consternaticn. is no time to be lost. We must Nova:titer hung over the railway; ”Y4A" answered Trevor- place this confession in proper hands. embantanent like a, pain "We waited up for you until past ob., hurry 1" As the warder and his companion "hfy dear Kathleen. there has been threw their legs over the railings 7 "Oh ! that'e all right. There was no inducement for me to hurry dur- and disappeared into the I/loam-es, an acelident to the train, and I ing the past three ecars. Why a man cautiously raised himself reached here very late. I am tired should I put on speed now ?" from, the ditch. and peered anxiously 'and shall not get up just yet." "What do you mean 9" in the direction they had taken. I Very good, Sir Chartea" "I mean that the information con - "The hue and cry is out, and well Trevor listened, and the footsteps et -tined in. this confession is no news I know it, but with Heaven's help died away along the corridor. The .1 to me. I knew it all three yews Jack Trevor Will never be taken un- man had called. hint Sir Charles ago. knew it even when I under - ed or an instent. then climbing EP I now undergoieg penal servitude for There lle dieembarked and, jeMinO 311galh 8 eggs* 1 CUP Wm milky 1- iising a littie lees borax and ne an teaspoon soda. 1 tableepoon but- soap. Never rub woolens on * the tientie-work. on to the veranda ow crime. Oeoffry OldeoStle had the Army Service amp*, took be looked inteethe Mom it aPreare 'swindled me oat ot half my fortune, active part in the Boer war. Oter. nee,Son with nutmeg. Mix Just waehheard. After wringing pull into ed to he empty, the fire was burn -l and When I demauded an exPlaiine The ArchductieSs Elizabeth. (laugh- ing brightly. ond a lied etend In' tion we gearrelled. In a, lit of anger , ter of the Crown Prince Stephan°. iti ' .satiotint ealttwuirichh ttboicknaLtidle,curtolluithouat ItIte. aiptitz onitilt q(litilcrlii4 as pp: 4 'eleleed a, hunting -Untie from. the a very clever artist. and recently' vitingiy in a corner. The lateh was . I COX° cutter In tinge, Fry. In hot eess of &Nina. In Whiter you eat lintosie»ed. and the temptation ti- eo table and blabbed him. Hearing seut several drawings to her geatoo,lierd. Take out of lard and have a dry on clothes bars, standing tie ee . dish of granulated sugar. lion the i + strong to be reeisted. In a twiale- , footmen's I turned off the electrie father, the EniperOr Of Austria, oleter over a furnaee regifitee 01 them hot cakes in the sugar and lay on a near the kitchen range. ling he was in the room and, cross-/ light. Trevor entered the room, 1 a birthday present Among Ing to the door. locted It. ' dish to soul. %Indio carefully. „ , Woolens have a fresber, sweet •,knocked him imIselees, threw him were eeveral portraits et children. it was evident Out eoniebody was i-teroes the body of the murdered and the King humorously asked Why n, lieot Water alunttle Cake"efrteo Wen ' Odor without Ironing. Smooth wit! expected. for on a side table earn loan, and placed the tulle in his they all had their mouths open. In' +glum* egg'S; 1 SUP Sugar, 1 elt,P the hands. Dour. 1 teaspoon, cream tartar. wed • This way has been given a thoo were sandwiehen. Ws -elites. fruit and hind. 1 am glad to confess iny explanation the Princess wrote; wino and Trevor fell upon the „ trime eefore r die. elay Trevor for- "The children remain still only when *nixed with the dour. 3. leasiMan ough trial, and eas been satesfao extract of lemon, 3. teaspoon salt. welcome viands with the ravenous give ire as I bore to be forgiven X pronfiao them sweets, and then ' in which * teaspoon soda has been tory. is •Stir all together until quite smooth, energy of a three din's' fast. The elsewhere: • they open their mouths wide. wine sent the bleed emorsing throuehl **This is signed by Sir Charles ann . It IS rather a peculiar coincidence ' then add * teacup boiling water, bis eeine, azul the gonero7 *.s beat er 'entwined by inyeeIf and two hos- that the early days of two such Wildi. diSSOIVed. Stir beishly, and put in the ere restored feeling to his Taal officials. The other twO Wit- )mown theatrical celebrities as Mr. the oNett as soon as postible. numbed linfbe. inessed, however, know nothing of Henry Arthur Jones and Mr. Wilson . Ile drew the curtains arms the the contents of the document, but Barrett should have been so curious -I scrubned, will tone away the do% Baked Indian Pudding -Scald 1 pt wintlow, and, reckless of the eon- merely Signed as witnesene to the ly similar. Each is the son of a ;milk, ii• smell and make it delightfully fresh cup Indian meal. moistened until it thickens, add a little salt , with a, little Milk Stirred in. Coo ;It will also brighten a faded carpo etiquences, determined to snatch a eigneterwoo farmer, and the parents of both were , and ginger, a little spice if you line, ' WV" I r°P0eitune to sponge it after sweeping, in tiu few hours of rest in the luxurious "But Jack, Jack is safe -free, free so strongly prejudiced against lim- bed. atm that their sons were forbidden. at lasts' * cup raisins, and pour into your Murmuring Kathleen's name be "Free ? Yoe, if he hesn't been under heavy penalties, to enter their • , ...........-4— .I.M.M.1.•••••• TURPFNTINE. A tablespoonful edam to a pail ie water, with oidch the floor h life wit of ber, and wants jier to the sun NN'as high in the heavens ment, however, 'both breve become fa- and 3, well beaten egg. Bake Wat1(1 2nU1t A doors. In spite of such discourage- • (1 LOTE •••••••••• 'nous i the theatrical world , and a half or four bout's. Serve with. 'Sydney Gentleman Says There It The Czar's bodyguard consists of .segar Plenty in Sig t. anti ci earn :lightly sour or fifteen Circassiaes noted for their whiPPed ernam• William Clarke.. J.P., member 01 keenness and courage. They accom- 1 a ell a a *i. tee Execute" 01 the :veneer charm seovmereytwenhre le. eon grapes. 13oil the appits in a little some- bushel red tart apples and e line! et ----3--- !bee' of Commerce% Now South Walest PtimaneYs tihne dEimsruirse", water till they are quite soft, to was In the city the other day. His rub through a sievo with a spoon. tl n object in visiting Canada is to mem form, and on occasions as private gentlemen of the Court. They keep with merchants ,and manufacturer: a special watch on the kitchen, and 'Take the grapes from the stems, of the country' and arrange witl cooked Put in a dish, add a little water and cook till the seeds and (Seine before it is placed on. the Imperial t separate easily. Then mix the own country of agencies in their in them for the establishment in bit examine everything that is table. The wine is tasted three or !will tereets. Mr. Clarke said he had an four times a day for fear that it sieved apiles and grapes together should be drtigged, and every ar- desired to each pound of the ap- -- 'wiry, Winnipeg and Toronto, and ready visited Vanconeer, Banff, Cat and add from I to 1 lb sugar.. as tide of diet passes the inspection of grape mixture. Cook till will in a few days go to Quebec, at least oix members of the evere'Ples and thick enough to suit, and then can later to New York and thence te 'wakeful guard before Ilis Majesty Europe in the furtherance of hi; til he has established his inno-i could it be that blind fate bad lea took to defend Trevor." "And -and you allowed them to 1 convict him ?" "I was a poor man. then, ICathleen and loved you. Trevor was in iny wey: I happened to see Sir Charles leeving the library after the raur-, a bed a,gain. But I ratist get far- glass. 'neat stubble of three dans der. He had blood upon his hands, ther away. Branaling must be about beard must he removed. Ro.zors he bribed ere to silence, and -well, O mile down the line, and the trains were to his hand, shirts, endercloth- every' man has his price. I had one will be ru,nning slow in a fog like ing, anything he required, and he then, and I have one now, and a came. Fortune has favored my es- him to Clovelly Chase, the residence cape so fax, and if I can beat them of Sir Charles Ogbourne ? It was for three days I may beat them an.evident, in any case, that he must together. 0h for some clothes to get away as soon as poesible ; any replace thcse tell -talo garments. minute he might be discovered. Food and a bed. Oh I to %Jeep in He caught sight of his face in the this. I may have a chance to hook beet no time in making a complete on somehow. Jasper Peplow and change in his aprearance. Sir Charles Ogbourne. Strange that1 Cautiously unlocking the door ho I should hear those two names to- listened for a second, and then stole night. I am convinced now that eto the head of the stairs. All was even now. I hold Trevor's liberty Peplow played me false at the trial, quiet, and with, noiseless footsteps in my .possession. This document and Ogbourne assisted him. I will he hurried down the stairs and will e p op quarter have the truth oat of team some- reached the hall. The front door day after you become my wife," how." and liberty were before him. He "Never !" He climbed up tbe embankment hesitated for a moment, and then a "Then I destroy this confesseon, and reached the rails. bell'pealed, and somebody on the and Trevor may rot in gaol until The fog was very deuse, arid he other side of the door knocked for he died." had to proceed cautiously, stopping , admittance. A serv'ant was coming "You cannot do ft." every now and then to listen. He to answer the summons, and Trevor Jasper Peplow began to slowly heard nothing until he was about seeing the door of a room ajar, tear the paper across. half a, mile from 13rantling, and then darted in and closed it after him. "Hold. Give me time; a minute - a faint rumbling along the metals The apartment was in darkness, a minute." told him. that a train was a,p- and the windows closed by heavy "Yon consent ?" proaching. shutters. A large Screen stood by "No, 1. cannot. Yese-yes, I con - He stood a few yards from the the ereplace, and behind thee Trevor sent; anything to save him." rails, and peered up and clown the hid himself. And not a moment too "Then eign that." track. The sounds came nearer and soon, for hardly was he out of sight He threw a paper across the table nearer, and yet he could not tell in than fee door opened arid a servant to her. It was a written promise to winch direction. Then te glimmer of entened, followed by a visitor. marry Jasper Peplow within a week. light to the right, a shrieking "Of course, if you prefer this She seized a pen, but hesitated for whistle to the left, and the awful room, sir, 1 can light the gas fire, a ro.oneent. Jasper Peplow lifted the horror of the situation dawned on but I am afraid it will be rather zonfession. and tore it another inch, bim, cold." She hesitated no longer. , Two trains were approaching each "No inatter, I prefer it." "Stop !" , The screen fell to the iloor with a Realizing the impossibility of ters, and as the morning sun crash, a hand stretched out and averting the catastrophe, Trevor streamed into the room Trevor, be- seized the confession from Peplow's prang clown the embankment. His held the face of Jasper Peplown grasp and Jack Trevor confronted foot slipped, and. he fell headlong- "Sand Miss Brookhurst in to me them. into a bed of bracken. A moment as soon as she arrives." "Jack 1 Jack 1" later the trains crashed together. Yes; sir. With a glad cry Kathleen threw A heavy weight struck the convict The servant went over to the herself into his arms. on tne head and he lay insensible. fireplace, and stooping down, not "Trevor. ! You here ?' gasped It was nearly an hour before he twelve inclies from the hiding man, Peplow. began to regain conaciousness. Hie lit the gas fire. Then the front "Yee you cowardly hound you limbs were numbed and a weight lay across his chest and pinned down one arm. A confused murmur of voices reached him, and a. few paces away a lantern flashed, was almost facing the door,. 'and a "X -must pay 7" price that you must pay." "Rxactly. I loved you three 'earsI 1 • tl other on the ',same line ! The servant threw open the shut - door bell pealed through the 'louse again. Peplow took a seat al, the table with his back to Treeor. The screen worse than. murderer. Thank Hcay- en 1 am here -to regain. my 1113erty, vindicate my honor, and nnotect my At that moment the door was partakes of it the same as fruit. project. Canadians, he saide woult even_ Quince Honey -Use five pounds col - else, ;Have grated six quinces. Boil all find in Now •South Wales, where la has had twentyelive years' businen 'The, Shah of Persia, who one _fee sugar. Boil till thick as taffy. ing during his recent stay in Lon- don paid a visit to the Em could hey° furnished a "turn" together from three to fiNV minutes, experience, and also in teneensland him- stirring all the time. Fut into a ready market for barley for malt self which would have been envied . ing by oats an:d wheat, beets by many a performer on the music • Senn glasses. hall boards. lie could have given India rubber goods, canned fruit white corn meal, 1 cup flour, 1 tea- . P apd fiSh, ecunuage materials, a ye. an astonishing exhibition of marks- . manship, for the Shah is an expert : sPoon soda, 1 teaspoon Fait. mat uticularly that for offices an riety. of maclunery and furniture pc shot, with both rifle and pistol. Hthoroughly while dry. Then e ' never misses, and can successfully enough sour milk to mane a batter perform all manner of trick shots. ,thinker than for ;lake. neat Gr the pans first, It was necessary, a course, the: until IAN ACQTJAINTANCE NECESSAR3 On one occasion a copper coin was•very light. ease and leave on back of the stove un- the manufacturers should be ac pianos!. thrownint tlie air ole through its center, whilst on til wanted. Have -them an the quainted personally or through that a ,front where they will keep hot while agencies with the market they wer aanother hundred time paces.mehe snuffed a candle at filling. Bake in s, very quick oven. !catering to, as in some respects Aus The following amusing storPetticoat Tails. -Tate 2e cups y is I told regarding the Shah's relations snr! 27 euP Sugar, cup butter. tralia's tastes ditTer from those a Caneda. But energy, with fore with MsPoet Laureate. On one wLb batter into our, a sugar. thought and determination, woult ' , occasion the Shah read to Inin oneMix with sufficient water to make a meet with success. ! of his own poems, and asked for his smooth dough. Divide into two In return, as yet New South Wale! pieces. Roll into round cakes, size could only sell to Canada wines, mo paiineisoin3r.,s "Even , ,i.1 Is adiedsetrbtry ee canodiudr fromsthe center of each with tunab- 'quantity of canned meats, ' thougl of a dinner plate. Cut a round cake such as claret and hook, and i tpledentg, `b'Itit mpuoesttrysty TtIhmet .it any- anfeeyl: 8 pieces, Prickle on top with fork, assume arge proportions in Do ler, then, divide outside of each into should the manufactire of veoollem • ' d d ' out t those who lthe nig waited on him: "Take this ass to dust over, with rine ground sugar minion, his country could furnisl littl,while, and :bake in a, ruo'derate oven. about a practically unlimited supply the stablee' After a e becoming ca t. ti t 20 minutes. the finest wool. A Dainty Jelly Dish -Make a plain Discussing the Australian tariff ()nee More, this time with a fresh , from , gelatine; flavor with Mr. Clarke said that the feeling il set of verses. Wheri he had. finished .jellY reading, the poet started to them. i g orange. Take oranges and cut them N South Wales which before con eti ur a n two. 'lake out the pulp, cut federation, was a free trade colony away"Where are you going?" ask- hall the shah. "To the stable, Yoen with (saw teeth) around the edge, was very strong against' the tare the jelly' with whipped adopted by the commonwealth Far ivIEqesty,- was the reply of the Poen This time the Shah enjoyed he cream ori the top. This dish makes liainent. No amount of argument le tjoke, and the poet was forgiven. tablo looki protectionists could alter the fad that the tariff had resulted in ail in ,crease of 15 to 25 per cent. in th! tartar a teaepoon of vinegar to a The protectionis,t element in Vic In Denmark perish churehes can teaspoon of soda. toria was paramount at present. In be put up to public auction like any _ other chattels. Two have just been ..., tiELAT1NE SALADS. re -action had already set in eve cl wam of the opinion, however, thatf ; sold on the island of Morsoe Thee •• • • Vinegar Griddiecalies-If you have no sour milk, substitute in sweet cauRoHEs SOLD By AUCTION. milk griddlecakes for the cream of cost of living in New -South Wales would eventually result in a Iowa formed part of the estate of a These salads tire very appetizing tariff. „. bankreet feedalproprietor, , and and when daintily garnished with ., were disposed of Under the hammer. lettuce, , endive or cress will, oft- The 210,000 acres of Britisl A post -office receiver 'bought one for times tempt the most capricious an- orchards yield yearl3r 85,,000 tons co( 30,000 , crowns. The bargain had petite, fruit., more to recommend it than tome Dressing -Melt 1 tablespoon but - would think, seeing that the pro- ter, 1-3 can of tomatoes. fro this Germany has 21 universities; 'tali prietor has tithing rights over the add a lice of onion and a bit of 21, AuStria 10 Ruesia 8 and Brit parishioners. dried red pepper. Put in a paa) over, eel 11.