HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-10-9, Page 1. ,
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arksecAceg'fic.1‘'ar4k AMaVgglica
"nibeline Dress Goods. 4S in. wine. Frencle make, very Roe weave, blank
aud navy, was $2.00. vehicle we got a got priceotow $L40 a y21.
Jibeeine Drees Goods. 48 in. wide, beautiful 'finish, nenuch orike. navy
an brown, was $1.7e, bot to 'clear at $1.20 a ydit bargain.
Jibeline Drees Seeds. 48 inwidein bliten, navy, boawn and green,
lovely shades, with brilliant Snisb. at $L00 a yard.
Black Worsted Soitinge, very heavy, brientt jet Meek, 5S in. wide, at
4,40g yard.
leek Woterl Sonings, 07 fre wide, wail tittle)), jet Week, vern heave'
weIgbt at Sienna yard,
o Sniting5 . niS in, wide, heaviest weight and makesplendidtllhu
nd worp. black, nave -night and but greynnew'hinteat IlOna yd.
_ . _
Homespun eultipgs, GS rn. wide, black, light aud clerk greys, brown,
best wine In the trade, Wets. a yap.
Otir rrOcte. Suitings consiet of a big winge of different smuts whiett we
bot. to clear and Can't be iluelleetell. at Wets. a yard -
See our New Big Stock a Deese Goode.
Coppley, Nowes Reudall's One door noetit of Post °Mee.
clotbing is the hest.
Menegr TO Menne Yarn At
t Rev. 31r.2Iit.wee* nes beell
vex eau r
to ill health, lute gone out West. Me
treaty filen& bore wish hint a, speedy
recovem Hie place le Owing supplien
by 31te W. H. Johnston- of near Kip-
eue-J. T. Itekl hae awovered nom
reeent iteeldenn-eln Timms Me
Ash IN roehiug the new Fat Wilco. -
Marge quantity of apples are being
brought, to th0 evaporator.
Pocsavrhaloss-uo Toecihy IMO*
ing the school children of S.S. No. O.
athered at the home f their teacher,
r. George edgier, Miss Pearl Dam
eau matt nicely wolded address and
:Moses 3lety Davideon and Mabel Me
Nanghton, in beliaif of the sebnid, pre
eented Mrs. Shut e with it beautifn
eltenee dish and Mr. Shore with a. oe
cuff mug as a wedding present. .1.1
though the children were a little late
with their presents it showed the es
teem theF had for their teaeher ant
his wife. Mr. Shore was takeu emu.
pletely by surprise but made a euitabl
reply, alter Willett the children brought
out their baskets loaded with good
thinge and all partook of a good sup-
per. After retreshments were r (need
Mr. and Mrs. Shore and the scholars
enjoyed themselves for 21 few hours
when all repaired to their separate
homes having emelt an enjoyable ev-
We liave unlitnitea trivets tweets for tn.
_ ,. _
lowest, rates ef hiterest, _
DICKSON 6,7, Caantrae.
ifittrrihtere, etc,. Exeter.
X here ii, Urge *menu t et rrivate roues to
lean au Ursa aud villege ereeerties at low
rates efluterere
10. W. OtAlotate,
Tiarresters 31010 Street Exeter
not L'-tattatni Immo= Agent
Panto. awl cal:ago propurtics tunAt and add cg.
mixtimMo Wm% *ken! dn Oliva. lin N5 ter rale.
Lucie in ali pots et Malaita% and the lvertherea
TeetellEte WitZerlett.eltER.
At tuaate muter fid, aloe) fa-ctiart N 'lb fiiiiiway.
Ihttics to eetersenve the tirst et am. Andy. Kat.
is; %Igo ti Kt %Idea' Txuktve ifg. ant.
Wat. Tams, lkintit a, Ont.
Watntd at at (510 FAY mato girl*. Win 10 Jvcatv
et age oral upwards, van make trout eltiti to tttot
J41 %wet. Wady wott. Alps at ow to
Tun ALVatrti, n ItaaTiv a t OM ontinnt, woraitr,
London oat.
.0.....*witeeps, -o.temtrasoRs.... *ar,,,,.ma-a,..mt-sfe
100 MIMI fWILit TO man%
In the iolvnalitp et Stglitett, being Lot C. elatrf S.
don a. There is on the manses a good tram how
artfl barn, good forma windmill pump and mart
other conveniutees. Minis a erienffid carat and will
So renttd at a rotutvable tem apple' to
Jas. Cum, Exerutor,
Dreillten, Out
Thoundersigned Is Offering' tor rale that desirable
botel 8itu:44.4ot Devon. on the London Road. Tido
betel 54 5» good eontlition, and Is 9.1 miles south of
Exeter. This read is largely travelled and for the
right man chances are good tor a splendid busitioSS.
There is a good stable in contiectiOn also. li acres of
land. Possession is iramediately. This property
will be sold cheap. For particulate, :MAY to
DIMON & CentaXe, Exeter. Out. ,
- I
The undersigned is offering for sale his fifty -acre I
farm, situated in the Township of Iley, being the ,
'et half of Lot 9, Con. 9. There is on the premises '
4 geed frame house rind barn two acres bush, a good 1
orthani and it is well watered and in a good state of 0
cultivation. For particulars apply on the premises, ,
or by mail to
Louis Moms, Dashwood, Ont 1
You can save money, time and feed by keeping I
your pige dry and clean. They will thrive better .1
and'keep healthy, Make the hog comfortable and '
he will put on flesh. You, can do so with a very littre I
expense by erecting (Pedler's Patent). The Elevated 1
Moveable Pigs Bed. Shnple of construction make r
it yourselves. Send $100 in registered letter for ,
farm right certificate and plan of construction to
Patent applied for. JOTIKREDLEIt, Exeter, Ont
Sale Remoter.
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 15. -Farm Stock and imiple- t
ments, the property of Mrs. Alex. Box, Lot 17, Con. T
I, Stephen. Sale at one o'clock. H. Brown, And. /
SATURDAY, 00T, 25. -Cattle and Sheep, the pro- F.
perty of John Spackman. Sale to take place at one c
klock at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter. IL Brown
Amt. .]
TUESDAY, Oct. 14. -Farm Stock and Implemeds, .c,
he property of Ed. Sweitzer, Lot. 7.6, Con. 5, Step- I
len. Sale at one o'clocir. H. Brown, Auct. .,
Clandeboyei j
M. West, of Detroit, is visiting -
riends aroencl here. -Mr. Munroe, of 1
Drediton wasin town last week. -Mrs. -t
VIcIllaargeris visiting her daughter, 1
)iielhatte, of Stoney Point. -Mr. Col-
ihs, of Bad Axe, Mich., is visiting rel-
itives and friends in this vicinity.- t
rhe apple buyers are very busy just 3
3ow.-quite a number from here at- r
.ended the Ailsa Craig fair on Wed- e
iesday.-Mrs. McRann, who has been e
7isiting her nephew in St. Thomas, g
las returned' home. -The annual har- e
est Thanksgiving Thanksgiving services in connec- 1
,ion with St. James' church, was held 1
in Sunday last. The Rev. H. A. Thom- d
is, of Lucan conducted the services. I
Its sermons were both interestingand I
nstructive and were listened to with 1
,apt attention. --Mrs. Thos. Hodgins E
s visiting her son in Yale, Mich. -Mr. e
Naas. Harlton has accepted a position e
s clerk in Mr. Chown'e general store. s
-Mr. A. Cunningham has gone to E
..,ondon, where he has taken a position t(
s bartender at the Bernard Llouse. o
Blyth: It is with regret that we are .P
his week called upon to announce the 0
eath of Mrs. I). B. McKinnon, which B
ad event (nettled at her home here F
n Tuesday night of this week. Mrs. I.
Ieliinnon had been sick for a long a,
[me with paralysis.
• scuoor., Renown -Tee following in
the correct report of S. S. No, 5„ Mce
Gilli vray, for the month of Sepeember;
V. -Cora Sbort. Sr. IV, --Rose Light-
foot; Jr. IV. -Nellie Le srle,Pearl Shore
Janet Maguire. IIL-Alice Wilsnee
Adeline Hoffman. Raymond Coughlin.
Ste IL -Clara Lewin Oheeter Morley,
Feed Lewis. Jr. IL -Violet Short,
May Faulder. Piot IL-Philotneue
c000no, T.--144410 Coo, Delten
Aerv PlEneR, Teaeber.
ozveseee, lea. re. tee IX la,
leiepteme eeseetaretealion etere in Wee.
The ;tun iv -emery services of the Metb.
odist clowelt will he held on Sunday
next. Rev. Dr. Hannon, of Exeter.
will preach at DIM eau., anti the pen,
tor, Rev. B. L. Hutton at 7 p. in. On
the following Thursday, Thanksgiviug
Dey. in the church at, 8 pane the Rev.
• Mr. Hutton will give his lecture. "The
Dintiity of the Britieh Empire: There
will be no supper in connection with
this artuiversary. but in ite place tile
'Initstee Boetel eolleit a free will offer.
ing of $00,
Miee Nellie King bite gope to Winne.
nege-eibe Wm. H. Wool' and his see
• itel" Mss. neWS011, has gone: on a fetv
weet'.e visit to frieues in the Old Comte
try. We wish them a &ISOvoyage nen
.L pt sialsL ti we. StoryWeR
beld in $t. thb'ew4d ehurelt on Suns
dey. The ptertratonv service took '
place on Felder. ReV, E. Sawyers, of
Bromfield conducting Mete -Theater"
field Auxillate of the Wohulqt,ti Fore-
ign MiriSiOltill'ir limiter :held a Mink
. (derange meeting to the Presbyterian
clun eh ori SlitatLIF morning at S
Mee. (Been tehaw »s -."td the mat-
inee-31es, Morgan lute returned to
town to attend to the business inter-
eets conneeted with her estate. -Mrs.
Walter Intehan. of' Durham, is visit-
-- mg ber daughter, Mre. (Dee Woodee-
The fair to be heideltere on Mix and
. 14th promises to be up to the mark
. and if the weather is on its' good ht' -
1 bavionte will he ;Mended by a large
e crowd. -The evaporator here is dispos.
▪ foF of ;dim busbele of epples
W °tee on the harbor is going forward
- rapidly, The dredge. Joieneernold, is
dredenng a foundation for tbe exten.
sion to the south pier1 aud the cribs
e will be placed in position Ina few (lays.
Coe:mt.-The council of the town -
•hip of Stephen convene(' at, the Clerk's
face, Crediton, ott Monday, Oct. 7, at
p.m. All present. Mines utof prey-
ous meeting read 545111 adopted. Re-
olved that the council meet at Lot 17,
on. 15, on Saturday next, llth inst.,
tt 1 p.m., to discuss a watercourse be -
ween Iramport and, Sebroeder. Webb
Yearley -that Stephen Morrison be
ranted an order forenough three-inch
ile to construct nine rods of drain to
o twice across she first side road and
hat this council will not pay for any
ile amen. the public highways unless
bey have an order from some member
f the Council to that effect. -Carried.
Che followiug orders were granted:
as. Mollard, gravel from Dalziers pit,
56.61; G. Orange, gravel contracteink.
, S.13., $7.25; W. Heaman,rep. culvert
on. 4, $2.50; D. Farmer, burying sheep
.B. $1; W. Baker, rep. culvert, con. 4
1; J. Hill, Jr., do., O.R., 50e.; 0. Prou-
y, gratutity, $25; R. 'Wilsonpu
, tting
n box, con. 2, $1; J. Keys, rep. Mud
reek bridge 508.; W. C. Huston gravel
rom pit, $58.16; W. Robinson, clean -
ng out Huston's pit, $5; R. Adams,
05,. washout on culvert, tem. 16, $1.
he conneil adjourned to meet again in
'own Crediton, on Monday, Dec.
st, at 10 a.m.
H. EMBER, tp. Clerk.
SCECOOL REPORTS. -The following are
he names,in order of merit, of the pit-
ils of the junior department of S.S.
o. 1, who have obtained the highest
tending during September, the names
f the four highest only being given:
r. III. -Czar Wilson, Joe White,
harlie Grafton, Murray Sr.
L -Willie Sims, Gordon Wilson, Mal -
an Callfas, John Dempsey. Jr. II.--
elian Robinson, Norman Hemmen,
ohn White, Mervin Elston. Part II.
Archie Robinson, Margery Hepburn,
lossie Moetimer, Elyroer Wilson.
art L -Hazel Hicks; Eddie Sims, Ella
aker, Flossie Davy.
Lois M. SMITH, teacher.
The following is a correct report of
he standing of the pupils of S.S. No.
for the mouth of September. The
ames are arranged in order of merit:
Ss'. IV. -Viola Penhale, Hattie Willis,
lara Beaver, Roy Parsons, Willie
riebner, Sadie Willis. Jr. IV. -Min -
ie Sanders, Lizzie Sanders, Herbie
leaver, Eddie Willis, Mitchell Willis,
clith Parsons. en IIL -Thos. San-
ers, Alfred 'eVeurth, Sam Hicks, Earl
ox. Jr. III. -Cecelia Ford, Harry
riebrier, Tom Penhale, Ralph Willis,
red Deaver, Hilda Preszcator, Annie
icks, Garnet Craig, Lillie Woods. Sr.
.--Levina Cookson, Edith Whittaker,
ay Sanders, Earl Parsons. Jr. II. -
ertnan Willis, Gladys Dearing, Geo.
icks, Eddie Triebner, Fred Preszca-
r, Sam Stanlake. Pt. II. -Earl Shap -
n, Johnnie Willis, Chester Parsons,
on Dearing, Geo. hittaker. Sr.
t. 1. -Ada Willis, Florence Triebner,
live Preszcator, Almer Willis, Ena
ox, Garfield Stanlake, Edgar Wuerth,
ern Box. Gordon J. Sanders, Jr. Pt.
-May Whittaker. No. on roll 51
°rage attendance 41.
FRED SANDERS, teacher, is no death nor parting.
Gran ton
Mrs. R. j. Parkinson is visiting her
sister in Cincinnati. Ohne-Mrs, (Dr.)
Lang bas returned from Fennville,
Mich., wheshe has been visiting
friends. --.Mr. ORM: Lang bas gone to
Toronto to pursue Ins studies. --Rev.
Mr. Little, of Bier, and Rev. Mr. Gil-
more on Sundity.-Quite mtmber
from here attended tbe Kirkton fair
on Friday.
Weninttn.-A quiet weddiug took
place at the home of Rev. W. F. Gil-
more on Tnesday, when Mr. Wiltiam
Watson, of Hullett township, was
united in mareiage to Miss Jessie Mo.
Naughton, of the 10th con. ot Blau -
shard. Only a few relatives and friends
were present. After the ceremony
the happy conple left on the afternoon
train for trantford, wbere the bride's
brother, Mr. James McNaughton, is
lying quite 111. We bespeak for the
young couple much happiness and
Deem -Harold Stewart Murray,
son of Mr. and Mrs. 3. E." Murray, of
this place, passed atvrty on Thursday,
after a year's illness of diabetes, at the
age of 6 years and 7 mouths. The lit-
tle fellow had never been strong, but
it was hoped the skilful nursing and
great care he received would have
pulled him through, but Providence I
ruled it otherwise and so he passed
away on the day above stated. The
father and mother have the sincere
sympathyof the community in their
hour of trial and bereavement. The
funeral took place Thursday to the St.
Marys cemetery on Saturday,
St. Joseph.. - - ' • .:.
Some important rent estate exellang.
ee have taken .place here this week. -
e eirorie es to couutience, shortly on the
1 mammoth bloek. when le Will he cone
plet.ed. -The •wife of inn N. M. Cone
• eine is very ill. evitit lett slight hopes
for hes- meaveey. We sincerely hope
-it may uoe Ire tee hod as at present
.1 tbought.--Mr. P. Doeharine has re,
turned liorrie front the Soo, where he
bas been for the wet few. months. -
Me. Sete eampbele. onr popular mete
• chant, meeiven another consignromat.
of Exeter &Or Flour on Monday. Oen.
alWays haneillee the beet in eveeetnipg.
-31n, 0. Bisonetten block is now nears
.g. vompletion. The lorge plate glass
Met Will i.a.it pat in plitee ehortly.
!Css Sarelt Manson. who has for the
Peet founnears been cleremg for /tin
R. Ge Nichol, left lest week for Niage.
ra, where she bas ;tempted a better po-
eition. Thwing her etay with us elle
has made matey learnt friends bry leer
kindly dispoeitiou attil ber (eon atten.
tion to the work. We join in wishing
her eontinned SUMS'S ID her new field
of labor. Her suecessOr hero is Miss
Maggie. Donglas.-eliss Lizzie Nichol -
SO% WRIO hitt; been engaged with elm
John Johnston forsoute time, hasgorie
to tioderich, where she will wend a
few weelts. prior to leaving for Iowa.
where she tntende meeting her brittle.
en -Master rime, $herritt hese:Toe-we
ed from his rerent awes.
Ms'. B. Pilen new brick bonen is fast
nearing completion. -Mr. and Mrs. Os.
ear Snare/QM, tlf Lendon, are visiting
friends in and tiliS
Miss Bet the Sinitbers Inas gone to Lon -
den. when' she Will engage dress-
Riehard Fox bas return-
ed from Manitoba where he bee limn
the past montle-Mrn Whitiewho bas
been Visiting friends and relatives in
and around hew foe eome tinen has re.
tunnel to her bottle in TOW8.---3.1e.ehes.
ter Hope. whse ba e pnrchased a7nacre
farm in the fief% west of Ureeftwoy.
win take possession of it eonte time
next month. -Mr. eVne Connor has
sold Itis farm, comprising eieter aores,
opposite the eentre road, to his son -in.
law, Mr. 1 Niehols. for $2,200, Mr.
Niehon Intends to erect a new Niek
house nu the premises and aiso to raise
itp the been end put a foundation un-
der 11
CL STANDrItY. E. A.. itennette
Stenberel :NOWA vaiweema
'Money to Lean-Extter. Ont.
31r. and Mrs. Boellen of Buffalo, ore
the guests of Mrs. John Milne- ern
Samuel Inawkinge, of Shiplca, worked
as blacksmith for Mr. Wut.IL Wenzel '
last week. -31n Fred Kerr took in the
sbootmg tournament at Clinton nu
Wednesday. -A. netnber of telegraph
lineman were in tbe, village Thursday
trimming trees and generally repair-
ing their lines. -The brickwork of 3fr.
Matthew WinetestleW dwelling Is com-
pleted. -Miss Hodgins, of London, was
the guest of Nes. Robert E. Walker
last week. --The Misses Bertrand re-
turned to Detroit Thursday, after hav-
ing visited their parents the past week.
-Mr-Henry 'Silber attended the In-
surance meeting of the Hay Farmers'
Iusurauce Co. at Zurich on Saturday.
-Mr. Ezra Feist has sold his pigs with
profit and, thinks he will go Into the
hog raising business, as there seems to
be more profit than in baking. -Our
merchants have ceased closing their
places of business on Monday and Fri-
day evenings and will now be ready to
wait on the wants of the public every
night in the week. -Judge Doyle, of
Goderich, held Court of Revision of
the Voters' List, in the Town Hall on
Monday. A large number of appeals
vere dealt with. -Messrs. George arid
Adam nenkbeiner left for Detroit on
Thursday to work for the winter. -
The Misses Wilson, of Whitton, are
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. We W. Kerr.
-Mr. Jacob Heist, Mrs. Jacob Eilber,
and the Misses Clara Heist and Chris-
tine. Brown, returned from Sebeweing,
Mich., where they bave been visiting
relatives for some time. -Rev. and
Mrs. Chas. Finkbeiner, of Sebering-
ville, passed through the village Tues-
day.--Missnloserip, of St. Marys, the
lady evangelist, preached an excellent
sermon in the Methodist church on
Sunday. -.Rev. John Staebler has sold
his residence to Mr. Edward W. Swet-
zer, and has purchased the house and
lot formerly owned by the late Adam
Gaiser.-We hear a, faint nimener of a
wedding or two shortly, but we are
bound to secrecy. -Mr. Peter Winer
has returned to Morriston, where he
has been visiting his brother for some
time. -The meeting of the Junior Y.P.
A., of the Evangelical: church intend
giving an interesting program on
Thanksgiving evening, 16th inst., in
the German church, at S p.m. An ad-
mission of 10c. and 5c. will be charged
to assist the Juniors. Come all
SCiE1001, REPORT. -The following pu-
Mr. W. M. Doig, of the Soo, is visit-
ing friends in this vicinity. Mr. Doig
reports business booming at the Soo.
Mr. A. and Mrs. Charles Upshall, of
Port Elgin, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Upshall and other friends
nere. --Mrs. Henry, of Glencoe, is the
guest of her brother, Mr. Alex. Mc-
Murtrie.-Mrs. C. Wasman is spend-
ing it few weeks with her two sistets
in Saginaw and other points.
Dterree -this Week we give fuller
patticulars of the death of Charlie
Wbitemen. son of Mr. John White-
man, of this place, which sad event
occurred in Chicago, on Sept. 24. De-
ceased went to Chicago a few months
ago, to stay with his brother, Alfred,
of that city, and while there obtained
a responsible position i» the office of
Messrs. Kellogg, Cameron & McKay, of
Chicago. But in the midst of life, wit13
every promise of a bright and success-
ful future before him, he was seized
with appendicitis. Two of the most
skilled physicians of the city stood by
his bedside, and did all that human
hands could do to check the dread dis-
ease, but God willed it otherwise and
He took him to himself. His brothers,
Alfred, in whose home he died, and
Alden, of Toledo, arrived here on Wed-
nesday evening with all that was left
of the bright and happy boy, who ,was
the life and joy of his honae and the
favorite among his companions. He
was followed to his last resting place
in Rogerville cemetery, by a long fun-
eral train as a last token of respect,
and the only light to brighten the
gloom, which overshadows the home
of his heart -stricken parents and por-
rowing brothers and sisters, is the hope
of meeting him aeetin-as was his last
request to his loved ones ---where there
tails obtained 60% or over in the exam-
inations ' held during the month of
September. Names in order of merit:
Sr. V. -Edna Either, Weida Banes; Jr.
V. -Melinda Trick, Olivia Holtzrnann;
Sr. IV. --Pearl InoltznaemeEttie Clark,
Lula Young; Jr. IV.-Madelene Bert-
rand, Waffle Hill. 'della Falmer, Ger-
tie Short. Sr. III. -Garnet Sweitzer,
Laura Heist, Clara Rau; jr. III.-Ber-
the Finkheiner, Irvine Fahner. Sr.
Gaiser, Roland Either,
Mildred Brown and Elvin McMurray
equal. Internaediate IL -Edna Pack,
Gladys Hedden, Sylvester Wuerth,
Clara Holtztnann and Harry Trick
equal. Jr. IL -Herbert Fahner, Char-
lie Gower, Clarence Holtzmann. Sr.
Part 11.- Elsie Geiser, Lilly leinkbein-
er, Matilda Oestreiclaer, Alrneda Fink-
beiner. Jr. Part le. --Gertrude Eilber,
Roy Iiedden, Maitland 'Wray.
Ilay Greenway
WEDDTNOS.-A very happy ev'ent Mies Jean 13aivel. eneen ThersdaY ev-
with her friend, ellen Carrie E
took piece at the home of the briden 4 enl.ng E.
mother. Mrs. Joint Rea, Stli cou. of Wtison.-Mrs. A. AL Wilson left Mon
131nustumd, on 004 lotwhen her thugls 4, Oa tend the %V.C.M.S. convention
ter, 'Anse Ado. MIS ltilitell 115 rtlikrritWQ
Lo 3Ir. J. D. Wilsou, of this township.
Tile ceremony was performen in the
preseuce of a Jaumbee of invited rela-
tives and friends. The bapp,y couple
held in Clintoin -Mee. Merlette. of De -
58 Viititig friepds in this neigh-
horhood.-Mr. ene 3Irs. V.J.NWilson
MrS. Mary E. Wileort and Mies Carrie
en Wilson left Frida for London on
left zee Mr. Ii. :bon s flee fi0.1141 neer 't ijslt te frtereln- r. and Urn Daly
bere. witb, the beet wiehes of their ninnynd
rulisafaunittisin1.1greaed to their tbeir Immo
friends for a long, and oy
lous life,
,& joyous and happy event took place
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Step-
Grand Len.
hell Troyer, eLaneedene Faroe" Lot Mr. Snielen, wink bee been visiting at
zi. Coo. 14, on Weilieceiley afternoon, M. Brenner's left for Ins home in it.
when their it mghten Mini Emily, was linoleSetatrility.--Mrs. !Oben Handl-
! united in Glee holy bonen of tuatrirootty tote is tni the sink nen-ene nannee
1 o Mr. W. D. Dignan, also of Hay. entailer% of Exteen epentSiannay with
1 Wont it number of guests witneseed Mr. E. 0111. --Mr. Rebert SitittlerS. Of
the ceremony, which was perfortneil hy Exeter, wbo has bevn lien. for a week
i Rev. Dr, Medd. of Ifensall. The bride, hunting, returnee hinueetenday.-eir,
Ito was very tastefully attired. enter- Specenmen event lelondity heres-Mr.
i ed the elegaotly ;le -ranged perlor lean. IIUCI Mrs. Brenner have gone to Mich'.
' ing op tile arm of her brother, to the gam to visit frieildS.-Mr. Pickard, of
strains (if 3Iende5eotee wedding march Beeler, spent elontley liere,-ettse A,
iPlayed by her cousin. Little Amy Stewert is ;pending it few delve at the
'nneyer iteted ae ring hearer and fiewer Beeutter iftmen-ein Jot. UM Et eat
, OA charmingly. After the esual hear- Friday hi Dashwood. -Mr. le. Hare.
11y eongratulattotte the Weeding p,irty Mb. of Dashweed,, areee sneatteny
' anp
d ests eat clown 3 to Stittlipkt1011$ here.--Mte John Sill, of Eneten went
silenciratietziemzetf tue.riswshpieenlit:t VeTrhyfeellp,r,feranlitits'llilitr-illity hero.
Untended for 1.2,t. weels.)
were beautiful and euetly whichgo to I Mr. anti Mrs. Ilessenberry attended
11 shew ene h ehigsteem in which the1ZorielThur
e fair sda-ill
y.iss IL Sill
., .
• and Mies Mend Stamen, after a few
nay: eisit in IS end Piet Haman
veer:eel 140111EFeeley -315'. owl Mw.
Zurich stall-ea/oven. who nave beet' hero vamp -
31e, Miele Deieltete has returned to 4 1'314' fne e wean 11044r Ahr'd holne TAWS'
nit' Intven. Miele -Mr. Julius Bleete • den -n --Me. and Men it',•ot1 spent !tion-
swihigo.1.!_t trw, dia. ..zilnyetnigi t41.! iturnetutt: 4it.innir'setutiefLengtte.staitii:tttr4t,...„te._13et:
a new dynamo in iliS eleetrie !igen Ineeseenterry spent Townley in Forest.
4' 9! Mt >. John Knorr liad eitetate ef -Allr. John eiM teak 5/4 the Estnur
t 31r. Iteetten Hamacher's barter shop, fair.-31esse-s. leelit, Sandere and Jobe
I Nee nine. ens tiseeneten eras epees :Steelman pesseti tinotogit hew tut
Finn a few tier; in SagillaW 40114 40t4 4,1 NotttleSe enroate to Port eratik.--.11iii4
' iipliii;tillit:Sitiihiliss3olvtie!titing:::;!.?.?,.,,-41 imi litti.i. elefittr: .13, li iliteilliitzg: . le ',,, 1•(!,,I"b .wetini:ieril, .innitli 11 It. 5! 1 ,1414.12".:..,..21.31.7:1
renineee to It wale itt Te,l11iesh5. on .q Shipliel, -Woo :1041 Bert !nen 'timed a.
Thundny.-Miss Laura Havant) is efiew days i'n Soma% last wepu.-.)jr. 11.
'spending a few WM01 With friends in 2 Fellter.of Creilitomenent tiettattlay here
Str:itford and tiehringv i Ile. --Mr. and ,''eal 113.411WNet"31iS4 A. :411.5'..41.k. WhO
ME& IX S, Fillin ili ViSitilli; Mende in J has beeln visiting Me .4, rkerMtgli l'eturn •
Carlo, elieln-Miss 31elvinit Koehler is ea to teseter Tlitiltersilliesett.n
visiting her sister. Mrs. Studer, at eieb.
ringville.-Mr. Peter Eiehee. who ace
eituipanied Evangelist Philpot, the nen 31 le Rose, of termite, who has
filiFit summer. bes retta nen.- Mese :the. twee eneieg friends el tide vicinity.
lie Wurin, of Chicago, arrived here len, for his Rome Thintsday,,-,,Iter, F.
Weduesdny evening where SIIP VIII III, M;tiltitt has lsegou a. '..i it, of see -
end a few months.- Miss Clara lee 1 mous me 'Thi. seven Deadly ohne,
t-ltaat has teorte ni Torunto to tanned , Ilis theme on Sundae, WillS **Pride." -
t T. niverelte.-Mr. HCINT ftebnete elle Ladten Auxiliary has rienmed
er a pleasant visit with friends here their .nere ;gnaw after the summer vas
and on the 1401 cone has returned to neii„e end end neer then meenon ne
his home in Ayten.-The Lutliovin Tharsday,-Mr. Jtillii5..41111 0111' popular
Synod was in session here List went. teacbere is taking, the work: on the
Seeeial services wyre bekt in the church Varna circuit in tlte abeenee of Rev.
ou Wednesday and Thersilay evening. ewer. _Thee ('log, president oe st.
-Miss Fitunie .Geiger bas returned. to Peale; W.A.M.A.eat tended the eenti-
iliftilnellitsiPtigtsatrUplictrbented,tetili‘tsallell line W. A. M. A., held at St. Thomas last
Pleas- anu tutl meeting of the Iluron Diticesan
South. -....1Ve are pleasee to hear tbat week. -Two services woe: beld in St.
Paul's church on buntlay owing to no
service being held at Stalin. The morn-
ing services was devoted to the child-
ren und in the evening the communion
was adrol»is1ered.-.1. P. Wells spent
a few days iieLondon last week. -It is
expected Stet on Sunday, October 10,
the annual harvest Thanksgiving ser-
mons will be preached in St. Peters
churcb by the Rev. Princi ;al C. Cara -
- • I I p
Mr. ' in, Schrader is slightly improv-
ed. It is his inteution to have an oper-
ation performed on his eye as soon as
be feels strong enougle-nite Chester
Steinbach left last week for Waterloo,
where he has entered the etuploy of
the Waterloo Manufaeturing Co., to
learn the trade of n machinist. We
wish him every success. -Father Val-
entine has gone on a short vacation.
owing to ill health, The reverend ewe w alk' 4, of tise Western
gentleman has beeu a very setrhiset lertiversity.-Robert BuchananB.A.,
worker, never stcipping to constudent at Auburn Theological sem in-
own person, when called by any of Ins arse visited at his home here last week.
church members and It is uo doubt -Aim Charles elan", of Gordon
Lake, Man.,' is visiting her relatives
here. -The many friends of 3Ir. John
Willis will be sorry to learn that he
owing to his unceasing labor that the
break -down occurred. to his health.
He was never a very robust person
and it is a wonder to his friends that is very 1111n the London hospital, with
he stood the constant strain so long,, very little, if any hopes, entertained
It is Loped that with a few months for his recovery. The trouble is an
rest he will be restored to his usual inward growth so situated that it cane
health. not successfully be operated upon.
DEATH OE MISS Fox.recee.-We have
this week to chronicle the death of
Miss Jennie Follick, one who for the
Miss Minnie Andrews has gone to ,past fourteen years has been in the
Manitoba, where she has accepted. a furnace of affliction, which she bore
position as bookkeeper. -Fred Turner, with that Christian fortitude aed pa.
who bas been employed on the United tience, which a sublime trust in Christ
Empire for the past conple of months, inspires. Deceased *as born in Hay
has returned home. -Mr. George H. township, near Fansville in the year
Thompson, who has been on a several 1866. Shelves one of six children of
weeks' visit here, the guest of his ss - David and Alargnerite Follick, three of
ter, Mrs. G. 0. Meeess, has returned to whom survive here. Converted in
his home in Winnipeg. He was ac- early childhood, she ailways maintainconipaniecl by his nephew, Milton ed a consistent Christian life. About
Meggs, who has gone for the benefit fourteen years ago she was run over by
of his health. -Miss Lizzie McIntyre aewagon receiving such injury as to
spent a few days in Detroitaud.Forest render her helpless and she has been
during the weekconfined to her bed ever since. Her
sufferings at times were very severe
yet she bore them without murmur-
ing against the band of providence.
About a month ago she became very
much worse and has been gradually
sinking till Tuesday forenoon, when
death relieved her of her sufferings
and gaye her that freedom that was
denied her here. The faneral took
place Thursday afternoon to the Meth-
odist church and from there to the
Fansville cemetery and was followed
by a large concourse of sorrowing vela-
tives and friends, who have the sincere
sympathy of the entire community.
The congregation of St. James' chereh
assembled at the rectory Monday even-
ing to take leave of Mr. and Mrs. G.
M. Wedd, prior to their removal to
Walkerton. The Rev. 1. Berry read
a well -worded address, which was ar-
tistically engrossed and franted. Two
handsome easy chairs of massive oak
were then presented to Mr. and Mrs.
Wedd by the church Wardens Messrs.
Simpson and Roberts, who expressed
in suitable terms their warm appreci-
ation of the good work Mr. Wedd has
done and Mr. T. L. Rogers also en-
larged upon the sentiments contained
in the address. Mr. Wedd in his reply
said that this presentation had come
quite as a su'
rprise and he found it dif-
ficult to express his feelings. Mrs.
Wedd and himself were deeply gra te-
ful for all this kindness, and whenever
they would sit in the chairs they would
have pleasant thoughts of their friends
Parkhill. Whatever work he had germs of these diseases.
been able to do for the church had al- Prevent your children from
ways been a pleasure to him, and he having them. You can do
leaped St. James' church would ever it With our Vapo-Cresolene. Put
be prosperous. After refresbments -
had been served the company took some Cresolene in our vaporizer,
leave of Mr. andMrs. Wedd and their light the lamp beneath, and let the
family, wishing them every happiness vapor fill the sleeping room. Have
in their eery home. On Tuesday even- the children sleep in the room every
ing a similar event took place, the night, for it's perfectly safe5 yet not
a single disease germ can live in this
vapor. Ask your doctor about it. t
vesnerseene e sold by druggists everywhere.
A Vapo.Cresolene outfit, including the Vaporizer and
Next Door.
Perhaps it's diphtheria, or
scarlet fever. Keep your
own home free from the
enviers presenting Mr. Wedd with a
handsome pair of curlers' stones, ac-
companied by a well -worded address,
in which the Curlers expressed no
naafi amount of regret at his depar-
ore /rem their midst. Mr. Wedd made di. .,soieVr. elu cetot malapci untied, tar% oa; lefxe-, rbanaset; papnlide obf oct rtleesoof.
suitable reply, lene 25 cents and 5o cents Illustrated booldet contain-
ing physicians' testimonials free two» request. VAT°.
CRZSOLERX Co., ao Fulton St. New York, U.S.A.
EtsiE 111oCAILLum s
KATE MeREAN Teachers t