HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-10-2, Page 8L.M.TR ES
That give comfort, make
you fuel right and look
We supply diem.
Fall goods and Ball fash-
ions are in, Better sect a
=it and overcoat now,
diacidoor north o>* Dr. Lutz's.
k1Ulp FiUg6 maga
President. General Mau.
�itaat aanthorized, , . , . , .52,10(,000.00
tiapit rt Sul►scribed. - . , , ..$1,300,000.00
,:iro tersthurg Unionville Clinton
*mat Albert New Market Exeter
etoullvine Sti1•ling Ottaaataa.
Xaratreaaleane,. S'atton,Que., Perth
+C';tttxarines Milverton Toronto
Waterloo, (dare.
Highest rates of interest p.akd deal de -
vett s
ve ts. a i SLtlil awl it►,vcarcl , Cona-
netend Irelf-yearly*, l ,paslt rewei is
Murch. It
Money Jowled to fenders on their.
gym elates. at 1 tweet fortes. Drafts
leaties.ht and si►ld, ;adonis Qrdorr, pee:-
eea ble. anywhere in Canada, iienc l~ at
very lana retee. C elleetions mole at
reaexan aide a":dues
We mneke n sp .,:inlay taf few York
mod Sterling. Enth,atige. Get our rates
before baying, or Selling
GENT t tiL 1Q.+,. {Medi t sIIXE:;;S TnAN-
i eereet ezr 13e;t rh'tl i;i' u tr.
E. W.%s[,.1,D,MAM. F. E. ERN.
Seal-reitor. Manager
Having juet opened up a Tailor-
itor. Establishment in the shore recent-
ty vacated by Mr. J, ti. GRIEVE on
the East side of Main street, I ant pre-
pared to do all kinds of tail'or'ing in
the latest styles and at lowest prices.
Latest Goods.
We have just laid in an assort-
ment of the latest np�-to-daate goods
11'ANTINGS, Etc.
Bet our Prices.
Before buying elsewhere we in-
vite you to get our prices and see our
�arxads. It will be fashionable, some -
nig that you will feel dressed in and
ih will be big value for your money.
W. Or f INS.
Bay you winter flowering bulbs
t Stewart's.
Kirkton Fair to -morrow (Friday.)
Bad luck is frequently due to bad
Use Foot Ease for tender, tired, ach-
ng or swoolen feet. Sold by C. Lutz.
Price 25 cents.
25c. in advance for the AD ' C
"l0 ATE
to Jan. 1st, 1903.
A skilled hypocrite is the most de-
spicable being on earth.
A smiling face depicts a pure heart
and clean conscience.
The troubles that never come form
the greater part of our anxiety.
Mr. Wm. Brimacom'be has accepted
aposition at the grist mill the night
shift -
Mr. Robt. Leathorn shipped a.'car-
load of export cattle last week to Mon-
The District Convention of the Ep-
worth Leagues will be held in Lucan
on October. 14th.
If you want to please the editor
don't praise his paper, but order it
sent to your home.
In speaking of old fashioned things
what has become of the old fashioned
third that minded its mother?
The worst trorible-about a -ii
big heart-
ed! husband is that he has a capacity
tor-lovin too manywomen at the
gree• time.
Mrs. A. Sheere has disposed of her'
cottagea on Andrew
street to Mr.
Geo.=Crowleyof town. -The price paid
was $1050.,
Last Sunday v
Rally n y�is R Day'in the
Methodist churches througleoiit On-
tario. The'occa'sion was appropriate.
ly celebrated in the chturches here.
o oil cloth i a and linolet nes.
stock, Big'values. Stewart's.
Men and Boys'Grasve
lor Swag-
ger Jest as nohhy ads can
he, at Stewart's, They're right down
to date.
If you will try you can see your own
faults just the sante as those of anoth-
er, but you will not get so much satis-
faction out of talking about them.
Invitations are out for the marriage
of ?Miss Laura Hicks dent:ter of Mr.
Stephen Hicks, of Orolnaarty, to Mr,
John Leary, on Wednesday, October
The unsold household effects of the
estate of Geo, ;,Verner, were aall dispos-
ed by :reaction at the ;Metropolitan
Hotel, ou Saturday, except the large
her room sideboard,
The i ensall merchants will close
their places of business from Oct. 1st
to April ist,at 7.30 o'clock exceptTtaes-
day and Satnrday evenings and even-
ings befere holidays.
Turkish Scalp Food is the best rem-
edy sold for itching a the scalp, pre
mature falling of the hair, dandruf%ke-
storing color of grey hair. Price 54
cents, Sold by V. Lutz, Deter.
As a general tonic for the system
nand to enrich the blood, nothing will
Nati/ Bland's Laxative Blood and
Nerve Tonic Pills. 100 pills in each
bottle, Sold by C. Lutz. Price 50c.
:ilk; Thos, Ogden,of the livery bran
of Ogden c, Crawley, moved to town
flout Bi ittulpb Twestl:aea aknaapp.ging
the dwelling; he reeently porehased
frond Mrs, John Snell on Albert street,
Mews. ROSS a Taylor have had the
veueering of their f etory* on Main
street finished and the premises have
been much improved by the change.
The firm is to bc,cong ratulaated on their
A certain woman not many tulles
from Exeter got into the habit_ of
tlareateniug to cuuuuitt suicide every
time she got into a fret, Herhusband
larole her of the habit by telling her
lee would marry again.
Mr, R. N. Rowe was in Clinton on
Trae,dey= last and purchased the fur-
niture and arntlertaklug business of
the late Jos. C'hidley, Mr, J. P. At-
kiuson will manage the business and
left for that place an Monday to take
The t eneraal Conference of the Meth-
odist elameh, held in Winnipeg^ *dosed
last weed:. Among; the important
changes made were the :adoption of
the four v'e;ar terra for pastors :and the
appointment of four aakission(ary sup-
erintendents instead (if one as former-
Mr. Robt Knight, who 'has been eon -
dialing a raerehant tailoriug
on-(lercting►antelehaanttallorilag businees
in tnwiu for as number of years closed
down Saturday night. For some
me Mr. Knight, has not enjoyed good
Kalil and an ecn eeciuence thereof
deems as change necessary;
•1.t to s eeiaai meeting of the Publle
Sehrm►l Board held on Wednesday ev-
ening. the resignsitiou of Mr. E. Fol-
liel: on account of ill health. was tic-
eepted and a decision ]node to otter the
po.,rti an to ZIi. S. t'nns()n for the i►al-
anc(' of the year with the name of Mr.
$, Built in iuececsioll in the event of
31r, F.ursun nut being able to accept.
local paper is the one Orirlg by
strangers judge the size of a;a
locality and the ability of its Imeiness
men: hence, the paper that does not
show the advertisement of every en-
terprising hnsiness is forms: to mis-
represent it. The paper is a *Airier
that should reflect a community's true
picture and every birsness conducted
Tin' little chap who wrote the essay
on "Heads"' g,*aes to the Derham pub-
Iie sehooh -The: a is lots of beds, red
hods, bawled heds and so 4th. Pa be's
got one,—its bawled—Ma she's long-
headed and Pa he's l►niheaded and I
am red heded .S level to. The smart
end of a boy is his bed except when
he's spanked. Pa says if a feller has
ahed he can get abed in the world,
but don't want a bed like he gets when
he goes out with the boys.
Mr. Geo. Buxton, of Goderieh, was
in town Tuesday and purchased Mr.
Thos. Handford's first prize grey team
and harness, for which he paid the
magnificent sum of $490. This is one
of the best and most handsome teams
the county, being as beautiful dapple
grey, well proportioned and well
matched in every way. They will be
used on one of the brewery wagons in
that town. Who says there is no
money in raising the right class of
An exchange prints the following
marriage ceremony, which was said
by a Tennessee squire a short time ago:
Wilt thou take her for thy pard; for
better or worse; to have, to hold, to
fondly guard till hauled off in a hearse?
Wilt thou let her have her way; sou-
suit her many wishes, make the fire
every day, and help her wash the dish-
es? Wilt thou comfort and support
her father and mother, Aunt•Jemirna,
Uncle John and three sisters and a,
brother?" His face grew pale and
blank; it was too late to jilt; as through.
the floor he sank, he meekly said, • I
Late Literary Note.
Perhaps the most interesting char-
acter in the story of the American Re-
volution is Alexander Hamilton. A
study of the man, his characteristics
and guiding motives, wasprepared; by
John Fiske, before his death,• and ap-
pears as the leading article in the 'Oc,
tober Cosmopolitan. No paper could
illustrate more clearly the difficulties
through which the American Union
had to pass on its way to the excel-
lence already attained and the perfec-
tion which it must ultimately reach.
It's a Good One.
In these days of fakes and "catchy
penny" agricultural sheets itis refresh-
ing to read the announcement of the
"Farmer's Advocate," of London,Ont.,
elsewhere in this issue. '"Not how
cheap, but how good" is on the banner
they. hang out. That is the sort of
paper the farmers of this locality
want. A .request on a 'post card :to
the publishers will bring you a sample
copy, which cewill lease
you sure. ,It
is practical and as -to-date >g
and ado
P.. P ,along
with : his first-class;news a: er ever
p P y
farmer should read it. We don't -see
. the publishers can give such a
1? g,:
grandpa er for 5100 .er: ear.
Fail in line and-bjyyour new dress.
at Stewart's. Swe 1, New Camel
hair homes 50c. and p nes 75c.; and
Black' and Bluea r'
P 1 Pebble Seiges at 76e.
and , They're; great .value.
50e. The Waist end, for lovely Ala-
bama Opera Flannel, The swe►lest
waist goods in town. Stewart's,
Goy Wanted.
Good smart boy wanted to learn
printing. Apply at this office,
cattais Eye out.
A roost distressing and unfortunate
aecideut happened to Mr. Wku. Jones
of town an Saturday afternoon last,
?MI; Jones was engaged in cutting
Weds at Mr. Wm, Northeott's, thresh-
ing 011 the 2nd concession of Hay, and
when making and upstroke, instead of
down as is the usual cerebella the blade
of the knife slipped through the baud
easier than he expected and canoe in
eontaet with bis eye. The ball of the
eye was eat open and the sight was
completely destroyed while a severe
gashjwas inflicted above and below the
eye, A doctor was immediately con-
sulted but nothing more than relieve
the pain could be done,
Meat to be Cher.per,
The Toronto World says:—Everyone
will be pleased to know that while
coal is dear the prospects for cheaper
beef are bright. Thewestand our own
province are teaarketlug thousands of
fat eattle in earnest. The supply has
outrun the demand and everything
ppoints to the downfall of high prices,
Deliveries of live stork at the Toronto
stock yards during this week have
been the largest since their inception.
About 300 car !owls of all kinds of
live stock have been delivered, The
natural consequence is that beef cat -
tie are cheaper, hogs are cheaper and
lambs are so clreapi idiot everyone who
is eau laver of chops may get them at
a very reasonable price.
Gonucit Procecdtage.
t'ouneil met ]r11t'61iust to adjourn-
ment at Town Ball. Sept. 20. Absent
('ouiaclller tl;avis. Minutes of previous
inectingw read .and confirmed.. The
eletat laid the resignation of Connell -
or Davie before the !Council, Muir-•••
'ood-that no action be taken at
1►reeent T -Carried..%.. tender from Geo.
'mei for gravel was received as follows:
]::rued% Wciotl's pit, for $1 per cord and
at $3,40 per cord Emit Damietta' pit,
and S:,) per cord for fine gravel front
town it, Harding—Wood—that nS—Wo
1''otd's tender be accepted.—Carried.
Muir—Harding—that Council adjourn
to Friday, Oct. 3rd at $ p.a.—Carried.
G. II".13tFs , Clerk.
Turned up at Last.
Over eighteen years (ago Mr, jarred
Brown, of the Lake Road, Ilay, while
working on his faint, bed the misfor-
tune to lose; a packet-11oo1: cola-Maing'
ont;•ha u1tt'tl dollars in Molsons Balli;.
billy. Diligentsenrch at the time was
*trade in all likely (fowlers for the lost
money boat zvitiaoau avani. The search
was finally :Lbw:dotted and all hopes of
its recovery were at stn cud until one
day last week the long lost treasure
was unearthed, The son, Seth. who
works the fame, had occasion to move
a fence on the premises and while
plowing they laud: on which it stood
this fair-sized bundle of bank bills, so
longi Iridsicla, came to his view mid with
exception of a few on the onside were
in a fair state of preservation. The re-
ulaaius were carefully gathered and
brought to the bank and were subse-
quently seat to the heated office at Ziont-
real for valuation. After as careful
scrutiny under magnifying glasses and
otherwise the bank decided to allow
1111. Brown 57(1 in lieuof the remains
of the once good bills.
Prize Winners.
Following are the prizes omitted last
week from. the list of the Exeter Fall
Br',rrin:its' cerreee-2-y ear•old steer,
T. Shepton .0 Son, Adam Case nod 3;
1 -year-old steer, H. Elworthy, J. Hun-
ter, T. Shepton & Son; fat cow or hei-
fer, H. Smith 1 and 2, Silas Stanlake;
steer calf, W. Dunsford, H. Ii.undle;
hest export steer, A. Case, M. Gardiner
A. (..tse.
SIIEEr.--SOuTFIDOWNs.— A, Telfer
took all prizes,
Hey; shearling ram, W. Hey, A. Dun-
can, 2 and 3; lamb, W. Hey took all
prizes; ewes, sheaarlings, ewe lamb and
pen, W. Hey, A. Duncan 2 and 3.
LINcoLNs.—Aged ram, G. Penhale;
shearling ram, T. Shepton S; Son, G.
Penhale; ram lamb, G. Penhale took
all prizes; ewes, G. Penhale 7 and 2, W.
Dunsford; sherlings, T. Shapton, G.
Penhale, W. Dunsford; ewe lambs and
pen, G. Penhale, W. Dunsford.
LEICESTErS.—Ewes, G. Penhale 1
and 2.
FAT SHEEP.—Fat ewes, S. Hunter,
T. Shapton.
Exeter School Report ,
The following is the standing of the
pupils in the public school here for the
month of September:—Class B.—Vic-
toria Miners, 'Winora, Howard, Winni-
fred Carling, Clinton Hogarth. Class
0.—.Martha Carling, Edith Moncur.
Class D.—Nay Snell. No. on roll 46,
average attendance 36.
H. N. Anderson Teachers.
J. M. Robertson }
Sr. IV.—Willie Knight, Ida Arm-
strong, Harvey Gardiner. Jr. IV.-
Bella Hawkins, Millie Bissett. No. on
troll 46, average 39.
C. Vosper, teacher.
Sr. III. --Ethel 'V osper, Norman Hod-
gert. Jr. III.—Willie Bradt, Annie
Easterbrook, Jennie Harton, Minnie
Amy, Lois Birney. No. on roll 41,
average 25. • . 14I. E. Gill, teacher.
Sr. III.—Sophia Worry, Case How-
ard, Margaret Mastitis. Jr. III. --Lon-
ey Heywood, Clara Davis, Mabel Tay-'
lora Willie Armstrong, Vinetta Lang,
Lee Wilson. No. on ro1145, average 30.
H. E. Walrond, teacher.
Sr. II.—R. Stewart, W. Amos, F.
Flynn, A. Pickard, E. Wood, C. Pick-
ard. Jr. II.—E. Heid era an, H. Carling,
L. McFalls, C. Makins, N. Johnson,
W. Birney, C. Pickel, A. Lang, E.
Southcott, Al. Dancey, O. Wood, B.
Boyle, G. Ford. No. on roll 42, aver-
age 37. A. D. Pringle, teacher.
Sr. Part II.—Ida Welsh, May Jewell.
Mid. Part II.—Willie Ford. No. on
roll 44, average 31.
S. J. Irwin,'
Sr. • Part It t Harr
Sweet Bella
McKay, Paul PLippen. Mid. Part IL
-David Hall. No. o roll • 1 40, average
34.63.Carling, g
F E .. teacher,.
$1.30 for Bos'COBoyi', 11 t a 13, and $1.60
for Bos'' 1to 5,'w
y ater�grained calf
lace boots. All solid leather,the best
school boots o is to (7a,nadd. Every pair
sold under, two guarantees, ours and
the maker. Stewart's.
Funeral of Atarvya #ticks.
"le 23rdl
The Riverside Daily P1.ess of t
- ult., contains the followiug:.—Tile fun-
eral serulou of the late Mervyn Hicks
was held yesterday at :t p.ni, in the
Methodist church, The remains lay
in state all the Afternoon under a pur-
ple opy. ere au alkdnee
of aboueaut threeThhundrewered fox alkerttefrienads
of the young man and his another, who
listened to a most touching address by
Rev, H, ,a, Haywood. Themes Cald-
well aloe spoke briefly. telling of the
esteem by which Mervyn was held by
his associates in the Young Men's
Christian Association. Masao lyes
furnished by the Methodistehorr, The
floral tokens were numerons and very
beautiful, Among them was a doral
pillow from the class of '01 Riverside
high school and the Y.M.C,A, triangle
firani the local association, Mrs. Hicks
left over the Santa, Fe last night with
the remains of her son for Exeter, Can..
dada, Mr, and Mrs. Laandwelbr and un-
dertaker Flagg accompanied her as
far as San Bernardino; lie's.. Hicks
has the sympathy of Ilaainerous. River=
side friends in her bereavement. .Slee
is now the only remaining Member of
her funnily, having been preceded to,
three childre, husband and
the great beyond ley' her
larvesters' an
fbreshers' Supplies.
{ The wise and prudentman, be he a farmer or what he may, never
leaves the things h5 requires till the last minute. Neglect has put
meaty a rnan in a tight pinch, Now don't be caught naappmg, if you
want itaany, hthingere in thefew line+
spsofciuis;-= harvesting or threshing supplies we
Binder Twilrae, Binder Gloves, Brass Valves,10hecks,
Cocks, Etc., Gauge Glasses, Gauge Mass rubbers,
Leather Belting,all sues from one to i inches aide
Threshing GlQvesza new stock Engineers Enganeers Packi
Special Rabbit Metal, OAlaylibeSndex O,
Peerless MaobiueF Qil Artic cu Greese, � , or
Solidified Oil,
Successors to 13, Bishop 45Son.
Mrs. S,atu'l Martin is visiting Erica:;
in Goderieh,
,Mins Bmnea• klarrisop, of Clinton, is
the guest of Mr's, (Dr.) Amos.
Miss Lyle Oke, of Seaforth, e
•Sunday with her paarents here.
Miss Emma. Harrlsou, of Glisten, is
alae guest of Dr, and Mrs. Amos,
;Miss Cgekwell, of Listowel, is the
giar'st of bee t -Met, Ml's. John Cull,
Leach Reamer, who has been, visite
ing ill Pickering, returned Tuesday.
Mrs. John Spackman is visiting relit-
' in St. Thornes and Talbotville.
Rev, J. W. Waddell, of St, John,
called on friends in town on Friday.
Mr, W., Drew and daaughter, Mrs.
Thorne,are s isitingfelends in Florence.
Miss Millie Martin is visiting in
Coderich, the guest of Miss Lillie Rob-
Mr le I4. Dickson returned from al•
lnsiness'trip to Toronto, on Saturday
I'1 ening.
:Vise Stella Gregory left Ti:catty for
Hamilton. where she will ;attend the
Normal College.
• Mr. Jaalnes ('reed*, who has been en
gaged in Detroit for $(dale time, re-
t urinal home last week.
Mrs. Huston, Sr'„ returned house
Ttn'ulay, after' a lrleaeant visit with
her son in Prineetowu,
Jas. Jeckell,wiro has been spend-
ing, holidays with, his parents,retul'ned
to Montreal Wednesday.
Charles Hyndmnn, who has spent
hie vacation here, left ',l•Iday to re-
snnac- is position itl>nlnita1(
Miss Viney Fisher, who hall enjoy-
ed a pleasant visit with her sister in
Hamilton, returned Friday evening..
Miss M. A.iiinsian left yesterday
t\'ed.) for Toronto to resume her stud-
ies in vocal and instrumental music at
the Conservatory of Music.
Mrs. Thos. Dunsford, of Marlette,
•sMich.,is visiting friends in enol around
tower, the guest of hersister Mrs, Thos,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Badman and Mrs.
Thos, Oke spent Wednesday in St.
Marys, attending the fair and. visitiu+
Airs. John Wood, who has been on a
two weeks' visit to friends in St. Thom-
as and other places, returned home
last week.
Mrs. Chas, Wilson; who 'has been in
London undergoing treatment, has
fully recovered and returned to her
home this week.
Rev. Geo, Cobbledick, of the Park
Ave. church, Chatham, attended the
funeral of his nephew, Mervyn Hicks,
which took place here Saturday.
Miss Sadie and Lydia ICaaake, of Kin-
loss, have returbed to their hone, af-
ter spending a ppleasantvisit with'
their friend Miss Menrettaa, Homey.'
Mr. G. H. Martin, of the Molsons
Bank here, returned from Alvinston
ou Friday last, where he spent the
past few weeks relieving a fellow
Rev A. J. Thomas, who bas conduct-
ed the services at the. James street
Church during the past .month, left,
for Toronto Wednesday to resume his
Rev. Dr. Hannon, :who has been at-
tending conference is expected home
this week and to take charge of his
pulpit in the James street church on
Sunday next.
Mr. Thos. Howe, who .has been "en-
gaged as tinsmith with Mr. W. J.
Heaman, left Monday to accept a sim-
ilar position with Mr. Frecl Seigner, of
Durham, formerly of Crediton.
Rev. 3. W. Ten Eyck, who has been
spending his holidays in Hamilton,
Toronto and London, returned home
Wednesday and will occupy his pulpit
in the •Trivitt Memorial church next
Sunday. •
Mr. John Mallett, who went out
West on the harvest excursion, re-
turned home Satnrday morning, feel-
ing well and looking as though he had
been subjected to a fair amount of the.
rays of old Sol. He speaks highly of
the country.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Greenway left,
for the east Monday morning for a
month's visit with friends in Toronto
and Exeter.—Wm. Essery, of Exeter,
Ont., has been here for the past week
looking for a suitable farm on which
to locate."—Crystal City, (Man.) Cour-
Mr. and Mrs. John Manning. of
Parkhill celebrated their Golden Wed-
ding on Tuesday, Sept. 80th. Among
the guests, those:from Exeter. were:—
ere: Mr. and Mrs.Chas" Snell, Sr., Rev. R.
and Mrs;"Millyard, Mrs. Mary, Brooks,
and Mr. and Mrs. J.T. M
;: willinning Mrs.`.
visit friends
. �, g>.,rends..
in Parkhill for a few da,s.
We have of atdv c
� ad -the '> pride.:
of our tohaecos.--Aniber smoking to
basso, $abs, Cnrrenc .. end k'air Play
tobaccos; are the; same :size and rice
to the consuer p
s as formerly;;. We
have'alio extended the time .for"
redemption of Siiowshne tags : td .Ian
la 1 t 1904
The:,Empire TobaiccoC10 , Lrmrted
B. 3, SPA ',I IAN
Suits and Overcoats for Men
Suits and Overcoats for Boys
Pea Jackets for Me
Pea Jackets for Bo 'sada
II odd Pants to clear at $1..50, worth from
ijUU $2.50 to C e
8350.am. early as these
goods be rapidly
picked up
Just a word about our make and ht of Ready to.wear
Clothing. We aro agents for the celebrated SAN
F0RD'S which is the Best in Canada without exception,
No trouble to show goods, Como and examine.
E. J. SPCKM sl
lebrated W. E, Saludford Ready Made Clothing.
Conversation Overheard on the
((Save younoticed thoseTa,bles and
Chairs inHustonus Shopwindow. How
pretty they are?"
"Of course I noticed them, and
thought them fine enough to have one
each for my parlor and do you know
they are quite cheap and while I was
inhisshop I was pricing several articles
and discovered that he is selling good
goods forlittle money. I advise you to
call and compare his goods With others
of the same kind. Ole can save you
Furniture and Undertaking Rooms.
Gidley's Block.
Business Law, Writing, Correspond-
ence, Typewriting, etc., thoroughly
taught by experienced teachers at the
Forest City Business and Shorthand'
College, London, Ont.
We have no difficulty in placing
competent pupils in good positions.
College reopens Sept. and. Send for
CoaleDealer--How do you want this
coal delivered, Sir?' "
Customer -Well, I'll take the coal in
my pockets and you can send • the bill
over on the dray.,
Goderieh: At 9 o'clock •Wednesday
morning at St. -Peter's church, Miss
Margaret Josephine Hurley,'dao hter
of Mrs.; Patric 'Hurley, town, aand Fred:
erick W. Mara, of Sarnia were united
in matrimony by Rev. Father West,'
The bride was prettily attired in . a
gown of white Persian lawn, bridal
veil and wreath, and carried a• prayer
book bound in white. The trimmings
of her gown were silk applique and`,
white Liberty silk. The bridesmaid
was Miss Helen Scanlan, of Point Ed-
ward, who was dressed in white Per-
sian lawn V.'_ Valenciennes andnciennes ,lace
black' velvet picture • and carried
a bouquet of white asters. jack Neil -
on, of
on,'of Stratford, was best mien. The
bride received a large number of hand'
some gifts from her friends and from
thegroom gvpearl ring. The groom's
gift to the Bridesmaid was a pearl ,pin.
A f^ rewell party a was given in the
evening at the reside '. i
g nc.eof the brida3s.
mother, and Mr, and Mrs. Mara left on
Tuesday for their hone in Sarnia.
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