HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-10-2, Page 614"1*04+1•14•1444+1 4+++44+ +4÷.14++++++14++++ • The Power of Perstimoll • • er•H*Hee CHAPTER VIII, Caraven Labor of Love. • net- home for her "dear lad's" &eke. science woad go into small with, better care will pay their own - "Lord Caraven," she said, gentey. space,- s a fair profit. A poor cow peys 'I promise that I will not deteie Her face flushed, her eyes shone as much, as a good one in keeping you /mtg.'. brightly. Ile laid los handsome head back "Let me ask you, my lord.," she up the fertility of tbe farm, and this is an item not taken. into accound. ae much as it should be, on the luxurious chair, and she, said, "have yoo over remembered And I believe if we spent more a looking at Wm. felt for half a, luta that all this wealth was given to oily mental energy trying to iliducet ee latent a, len:Iglus in her beton that all Yineattul, aneouteef,obruet:olorn tl.tuesett feosrpetalciael psnoolfr- farmers to adopt better methode he .r.", . tlz.ere-thet she could eneel by his and the eee0y ?•• were didereut-that Ire wee at borne tslitoecitcnawnbajgcleinitesnytelectihiVreXazsoi-bnilso and ' sIde and' draw the hendseme 17ercete teil 211tharini'd* t cef:clu Theteetjelri,3314".4.i et down 1,o hers and whisper her directly attainable, nesteetd of weed., . 4 + quests. Theo she relt Angry with hove never rentemberea anything of THE DAIRY. All milk as it comes from healthy COW is of Approximately perieet. qualitY end capable of makeute perfeet az of sweet ereattlo bIrt" ing oet and grading up, weicle le to 'herself. What a day-elreane-lehtee a the Izind.- say the least, orzly ein.otely at-tanie T foolleb, doeedream about the husbanel "Theo let me tell YOU it trUe. , ter 01 elleoso At its ourroundlugs able, it would De better all arcated. • ?..1.4.4t.,!•444:44•2a who did not like her I would sooner be the poorest, tent and the Influeneee to which it is ex - "Lord Ca.i•aven." she said, "I have gar turned from your door than, e!Posed, immediately After it leaves the , • • * Itt-EEP THE VARA/ NEhT from you -a, great would Ite YOU. Witt). TOM' titles. your ;wider ef the cow, and until it pas - estates. our wealth, your dead Cell^ iSe$ from the care of the fez,•mer, are Moy I not put in a plea for fleet- . . , i to you, The earl will see to you,- a favor to ask deed brolteo up-tbe house was tilled :the men tztanding round him. said : ; .„ e '1 will !leer first what it is," he sLelence4 and. :vein" deed heart. Good l correct. If it sours quickly, it is nese on the term. asks Mr, E. L. morning, my Innate because the temperature was not Vincent. What do 1,,, mean ne this? The quiet of iteantisenere wee ine , he evil). never let Yea went." And 0.11 ladtor• l'IM Yon- grant it ?" with nueets. Many ef them were; ° 'That is right enough; the earl rePhen• And with an air of dignity the t promptly and sitinclentiy lowered. If I will tell you, Some Uzi ' legs may oriteorte heettereitt yoeug votuitess swept from ti.w. room I immediately PeePle whora Hildre4 did. uot like ; , will never let you waot. saTnIkle nee she srwldhishflame; cooled to 40 degrees V.. be proved by contrasts. The other but she was coy:wetted to ize egeee-, "Butt eae• lady. it WAS the keepera panne stamp as her husbend. whew ; ezerl forgot him. We lived -then in a "Which, of the servant,s told you whole Liles semeed tee be passed at liteee eottage-one nelougieh to the that. woman was here ?"4 the billiatel-tabie. who bad, no earl -and, my lady, Since ney Itus- "Will you tell me why you wish thought exceee for gambling and. band's death I have lived there -I dont° kulcie'' L°rd enrn'vell- 'betting. ettmee bites', were a round:net tallOW why,="rest free. Living 1 -Yes; ihe oloment' X ltoow 1 shall f seif-inzittigettee, who had not a ; there atr of stables. especially in the gew a the barn WeS the worst place to .54*".r. ide thought. or Idea. 1 nave tgol no rent to pate-. eta' eeetw disobezatme. hes been mer livelihood. I lididroies him without a. ebaracter for able to all. There were men of the Who burieel ray husband -,-I think the and alogrY. lezevieg Wet dumb with rage. (To Be Continued.) Tent; FIRST RANK FORGER, WAS Hanged at "TYburleiaf Lerielon. in 1758. lectte aced germs do net develop. day I passed farm where the house an4 IX had flavors show, it is beceuse and barn stood on opposite eides Of flith o,nd 'impurities heve been ad- the road, 'I'he house bad a careless knitted. OerMS of life of znany lauds, eapable of producieg a great, variety of effects are not inherent in milk. but Are aiwaya present in the loolz, as if the occupants were very busy People, mid had little time to spend on personal Appearance, Otte, er of themselves or their fume, But The story oafmthe allur:t4leuzrlel,lortero. Italzilder, side. hitir on the milker, in IThe doer stood (Wein end I could see She did net Nee eotrze of tbe e " '-' I have evnted a few enillings i '"If he 44s-el;e3"ed Y ;V; sa'iteldc; Ilituivollevnax.4 l‘e'rialluighattlf wall tee brother I place it ie eeposed, The the deer and sides of the building e centers of the miln peil. and In everything strung around ell over not rude, 'elley were itegleetfull of at. Court, Raven. Seree weeks I have ; n °I1°.°7 that tn 134newei ::'ea,1; 'e0lfert Stntaffn.o/srodijaVer*Loal 1/gowning g AWd.whart.guree, et these hems and their r in n ort, e Ole whom tite earl. had invited. If by totting in washing for the' PeoPle ; am serrY for It'' And aboet the at ontsiele-why, it. , wished to marry his roahthes gaugheldeveloPmeut in the milk while it is wan simPly drearlfell. Tented up by bele-es-healed to Loon' hoz positioa by ;mole ie seinings-emeetbrzes mere. agairett neie Petition." in the Reeping of the farMer ilA thA the eide of the feece were ot MOWN', taKtilectegreented to guess that elle So, nee lady, tlee litCe cottase bas. ile turood round angrilY• was an unloved wtte. OM she hod etter a feelintge Sept- me and 4ozs;, aor 1,1tYlinxyglo eqaulcitinogs ellniolZende:onolly!.;otykt,Podor wmhiicsehclhr saPfr re lormher rzloptinboenbunsteteorfttahriecrwer :417g Ittlui: taarrerme.r.ar:lr xvor.:.., itIrsr.i.::. 0, title Met -told of love. She eauste come to eo thee eenceeerth wehance with my tenante without, inter -would present to him, WI of it to on ons$0 !,,,tetez 1 thinigs,,,bare ntalnly within the gtoinsgs;d andarorndelidasolifPlatulikereb9altin Iteren married for her tetouey. and heti; children. But now a raper cetera it, but there were (linings she must pav ut01"4„,..ixrenci.,,,,,I femme front you. and I cannot at be Fettled on his wife. items the father eoneented to the -"'"re" e" "ce "Lu4n hehle4 the been a eheione In the reighhorhooh coald not itolerette This was one. .each 'week -for the elave; and Inv low .--** It renS enough to matte one read; 4 wan quite alorze lady. if I pay it I ellen not be 0,04 a. "`Lord Ca en' elle intereoeed imartdage, and. Vaughan obtained In the ensile. erne whole ratty ba -a to buy breatt ter law eltudren to eagerly. "de believe Me. 1 have triorith's leave of absence, fene morning sre sick to loot at it gore out riding And driving. some eat." tuot the heel. wish to interfere; but Ile occupied this )1 104 io obtain - another farm, presenting a, decided Lem than half a. Mile awees wan of them greetly disaimointed at /tut ; .4t1 t • q u t , 1 •• -(1 r this poor wonien-if you had seen ing engraved impressions in India- n ;toil . IA AO 114 I , eat ; 4 114Ving thVW beaUtailla Young hostees , the son *g eoetittet • .1ml' pale, hungry Into onel -nut Alen of .C.20 Dank of Euttlaud rotes, which eves not elicit a, difficult mat- hbod,on; t4rimilook. Thiess seemed tO contrast, Here the house arid barn with theta, but ern thought Sir 1 ''011, my lody, Ireeven bless you I ''"rot.es,'", pzace. and there were- tan ItA04 10040 teeree that therhtoat . It you tv,h,tht but swat,. to the Caw "et. es may enough to loon butlei-rerintiliteunr.u.snuoewbut.hielAtismiasfifiotxrgeedt note ewrgoilttlyi)PwellitrlaiinneetIt coirnigFie ePt()tillite5b%l,te0; sIects''": 0*.ind wagons or form Inactanery en eould not leaee him. She woe, for me l lie Is vont and he d es 'girt' '. he held imPatlelitlY , a g. 4UCS . 4 ' 4 * doors rotting down. This .e. , tit reading he him. not teibiltn-he does not Itrzene. If you I: "Von do not mean that. I tazow i sham notes he presented hulteelf at termater and due to Ilia skill or ne- out et when A. servant came te say that ao would but swell to hive for nze i" FOil have PitY and conneassion for " the appointed time. and bis fiancee glect. begin; ereeteed Ny.14 THE SCORE CARD divides the qualities et butter equal- IY between the farmer aud tbe but- ter tpaker. Fifty pointe Ar0 fete Greta 25, color 1-0, ealting 10, gen- poor woman was wattbeh to etc shear; to her tneebehg itildred 'the unfortunate -I lime Seen you ACCepted her Share in perfect good. The other 50 points are for flavor. Iv" 0. ileot• fool" Who would not 1)110 o e his OWn place liko it? had not thought of that -had net^hind and f.'eseeotui to them; and faith. and the marriage preparations [Thin usuallY Produced by lane t 'iv set-4 her awaY. Your trearn that. '1 ie women went on ; P 14 eba 4 -end the Were proceeded with. Unfortunateniences that affect the mile; or cream We all WV- Tide I plead for. the =my. the-,, et have been to tette want:ere, loved Itim--ndud, her husbaud. Lord he wanted ready tummy. and put 'before reac es e u e . thee I had butnot the ener lady. but he refund to hear ine.; Caravan. died to save your birds. r4 two of hiS OWit forged metes into I We have learned bow te counterAct her. "I Pie e bengett se telirt." were chaneuged, somewhat these influences, if bad, II:ERE AND WHERE. ele said I mizst poy the reut or go. Thlok--a, Men hflled titat a. few circulation. Tbey .741, --till ILO Ftml Ler away I Wily ',Where eau I go? My husband toot. hilrcis orlY "4 "4 , 'When /IQ became alarmed. anti t,ried bY killing the ghrens by heat. called Etth of zufor"--'1,41tion Alum did eon de that,Let:42;mo home to his cotton • e0. 411 134,7, 4 1 ...huat is yoUr way of loot:lug at , to gee beck the notes he had given "Posleurio3ti"'; alint Intl.ndueIng 4' moat zg;ryteetus, Cavemen. llittle thildren were born there. the matter^ VI° you }mow that ttouato -the yOulex lady. But she refused new and desirable influence to de- , a I r . . yoer lazie-ship. and hie lordeltip gave It seems bard, my fatly. hly poor this; Vaughan was erreeted the next day really a. means of correcting tbe evil orheee thet they eitould never he husband died to lieep a few birde"What ton I attacking 'elle would hardly believe even then that hos been done in'r tho fanner* - • . . .e -o behiallie-e-birds that ;my lord and bie; case T` ste welled. unwittingly. and too often unueces- eent to Mr, Blentyre, 11 I base done frienals shot afterwatelet-and now I; "'rite (huge Laws --the most ghee -I that she bad been deceived. attended to lagree-ti ev ttee t vrrorg I am rorry For It MarSt leaxe the Lome I love for eiy iOUS part of the British Oonstitu.d The forger was tried at the Old' sarileo No 'butter atelier can make a fine "'You hate done rieht." eee vain; (tear laero eat" et is a bard world; tion, John Woodruff died in deem -0,13011w or the 7th April, 1758. article of butter from old oe injured "tee bleoeing ever comes to a !Knee for the poor, my 144y -hard and: of the Oanne Laws, not for auy. spending what. was to have been his Itirds." i'evedding day in the condemned cell. cream' The milk was once alt right. eit ere 0.0 poor anti the sorrowful 'cold and eruel." Four days later he was hanged at but somewhere from the COW to the ere Sent from. the door." if "There ie another. better anti! Is SOO MU," fihe ,eald, gently.' factory it received genus, and its The women woe waiting' to see her .brighter," said the countees. "You undettetand things of that kind H'I'yburn. in ern of the ante -rooms. Lady "Yes. m,y lade -I knew it: but It; better thou I do. I only nnow how i . "I Mutt she le eerie of tlso teeante.ikehere can go ? -mat rem. tio ?,oro attach -lug the eery tbaee of FOe' to Veld thent up. suspectieg uothiug veto!? the proper flavora called cum- me • d ea Memo,' "starters.'" This method is euo Poindation et the eartl doubles. in abont 280 years. Clet e" In No fewer than 30,000 English wo- meg. live on canal boats. No Hessian military officer may Marry tardit be is twenty-three. In 1835 Indian elephants fetched *325. now they run up to *5,000. The Persians have a, different mine for every day in the month. Licenses have been taken out for 1,250.000 bicycles in li"ratice. Venice has a cafe Mitch has Neel open day and night for 150 yeArS.' The head of the Nebel* bas been known to attain a thickness of over two feet. About 45,000 sovereigns pass over the Dank of England counters every day. Eighty thousand people live with - Vesuvius. in the danger radius of Mount People who sell •nowspapera in the roots of Moscow aro compelled to appear in uniform. The dark spot in the centre of a bean blossom is the nearest arse patron may seriously counteract the preach to black that occurs in any best efforts of a score of others, he- ,flower. cause each composite lot of cream Paper coal is a form of lignite makes one lot of butter of a quality not much if any, elove that of the found near Donn, in Germany. It splits naturally 1r films as thin as temperature was allowed to be such reeraeen'a generous heart was touclehenents hard to wait for that, hard - - .-‘-' Mil % 1 f It e for the poor "'molt' 4FOOD FOR BRAIN WOB,ICERS, that they wrought a change that euriously injured its value. The • ed. zee the 49./o4411 at her. She was eo Ito wait while the children are rt 1n1 who /eyed her huseand-eloved him; d keepiug qualities of milk and the thin. so worn, with a. face so White Itor bread, and there is no coal ?The Nest Concentrated and Ease. continuance of cream in a. sweet con- eyee; her clothes were a thin, elzab-, "I Prondee to help ;4,•eit," said•64duess In he-. .'- " i dhe changes of the tissue in the low temperature. for anti lost him." I entice as she uttered . and so eat), and great. dee/Miring ;Ithe firth" The unconseious pathos, the fiweete ly Digested. dition depend upon its purity and gyred him. Ile meant to :Veal: and thought are very. hnportant ard a butter with a ifference in price ige'll'Itilfidred, you, must net ash me to iiwntotieay tio•e. Iotmesdzesulnigost adlotvatz,os.gil 1 FA:I:Ili:yen iiinstterpfaeyre thcerrIteuntste:h tenants. -"But " she said, pleadinglo. "this week -It cannot possibly many things which the physical brain that take place during study Market reports re several grades by drees and a still thinner and ILady Caraevre, "I nig emelt to thth these word% both touched and an- ohabbier sztawl. As the young' eountees titood be- fore, her in all the pride of her youth and beaute, zunid tho lueury of her serroutalings, she felt. In Foxle vague way, aehamed of the contrast. "PM you want me ?" she cold. In a low gentle voice. "1 Lad ' V-- 11 les 2isTagtrzl..tiarP To were to you thet Dte linn CIValr orm ot . e tee. blecilleeantirratetetlieffellet the manufacturers hnve guarantee, it, beote3. Omelets- in tbeilniir prom anti ask your eclair Mak It. Y - i getieur mons/ back !tilt cured., tea& berg, et Caraten. Po you wish to see :no ? flr Chase's C)intment hurt you."' • worker can. tat Avith perfect im- very rapid; it has been es ma that three hours of brain work • nausea as greah an exhaustion of the forces of the body AS An entire day of manual labor. This waste must • be replaced by abundant food, but its selection requires careful con- . pence a Is a matter of only four -awl -six-, sideration and often eelf-denial, for all eahere or ratANNON, Ce.,Torouto, "oh I my lady. my lady 1" was, " "It is not a question of 111e00Y, punity are slow poison to the brain the ery that seemed to coin° from a trezether heart, "will you take pity: earl, my husband; be will let you. en me ?" stay without paying rent." °I will, indeed, if I ean. If I can "I know he will -if he understands but of principle. As Blantyre SAYS. worker, who exercises the brain at if I let tizio woman livo relit free. the expense of tho body, and rarely every widow on my estate will want gives the latter sufficient exercise to counteract tbe mental strain and keep it in condition to resist di- sease. Bear in mind that, while the waste of the body is much more rapid, the deprivation of pbysicrd exercise encourages torpidity or the voluntary functions and, renders them sluggish in eliminating these wastes; therefore It is of the ut- most importance that the tasks ire - know it. It is all Mr. Blantyre's thin hand that which made the will not reftise, 1 um sure." posed upon them should be light. None of us blame him ; be does not And Lady Lara en placed in the doing." withow's heart. beat fast for joy. "Blantyre especially warned me Brain workers require the most ton - about this very matter. He said eentrated and easily digested foods; But 'what is it ?" she asked. On the do after the poor widow's she would be coming again and they should eat fresh beef and mut- gently. "You forget that 1 do not N,Isit Lady Caraven had no oppor- again. Do you know that -we could ton, fish, eggs -cooked in many 9, Utility a speaking to her husba.nd. get more for the cottage if we forms, but rever hard boiled nor Ile cared little enough, as a rule, tried o'• fried-oyeters, and crisp salads, let- -a fine. strong, handsoine young for county business, but be Vas come It News with great diffioulty that tuce, chicOry, tomatoes. watercress, man -was killed here in the Woods pelled to attend a political meeting she controlled herself. To grow ire- etc. -with mayonaise or Fran& there was a, fight with the panthers longed almost entirel3r to the Box- .4\viu patient would be to lose her cause. dressing. They should begin the two ears age; he was a, keeper, and at Court Ewen, the town which he - you let me pay the rent for da.y with fruit and make it form the -my husband, John Woodruff, was ensmere estates. He did not return principal part of luncheon; and be her, then ?" she asiked. killed. Be was a fine, handsome until late in the evening, and sive very sparing in their use of cereals, He laughed. young man, my lady, and we had did not see him. On the day fel to eschewing entirely white bread and three little children. I was fetched lowing she determined to Make -a--n- "If you do, we shall raise It ' oatmeal. Their ideal luncheon, three hundred a, year. Seriously to him after he was hurt. He had opportunity. As it happened, the which must be light if they con - speaking, Hildred, you must not in- terfere -it will not do. It would be tinue to work ir. the afternoon. Is a glass of milk or a cup of hot choco- a fatal precedent. I must absolute- ly forbid you to say any More." late -or, better still, a glees of fresh buttermilk -with two or three Gra- She turned from him, her face ham. wafers or a bit of toast and growing pale, her Ups quivering some fruit, an,apple, figs or an or - with a.nger. He saw it, and felt al- to do the Seine. If I excuse ber 1 belp you, I ,eronuse that I will. but, my lady, Mr. Blantyre does as must excuse. tat tne rest. As Man - What is the matter ? You must not he likes with the poor, and the earl tyro saes, it is a. bad precedent I fear to tell me. I tan understand knows nothing about it. What might go oil until every tenant on tbe sorrows of others. ainl feel for could four shillings and sixpence a, the estate found some touching and them." v:eelc matter to the earl ? And my Pathetic reason why he should not The woman looked up in the kind- husband died to save his birds." pay any rent -then what would bo- le'', beautiful face. "1 will do all I can," said the tome of me ?" I hardly ltnow how to tell you, tountess; "come and see me aga n I i - R "But this is not probable ; and I my lake It is not the earl's fault three days' time from now." cisk thts as an especial favor. You lady,, it is this. efy husband been wtruck with the butt -end of a gun, and, the doctor said that the moment he was moved he would die. So his corapanion.s fetched me to him, nay lady-ute with my three children; and we saw hin,. in the early dawn of the morning, lying in Abe clover Uying-dying, my -lady- the dear lad who had never given me an angry word. We keen, down beside him, and he tried to raise his head to leek at the children for the last time; but he could not see theta -his eyes were dim, he gropea with his hand, as though he was in darkness. He neither saw them. nor me, but he Icnew. that I • was there. " 'Ellen,' he said -and even in dy- • ing the words sounded quite clear - 'Ellen, you, have been a good wife to me. I am losing my life for a few birds of nay lord's; but he will see •earl was at the breakfast table. "It will be easy enough," she thought now. "When breakfast is over I will ask him to spare a few minutes for ane." "Lord Caraven," she said, "'you can. spare me ten. minutes 7 I will not detain you longer." An expression. of impatience came over his face; she saw it, and her own blanched with anger. "Have no fear," she said, seams- tically; "it is not of myself that I wish to speak." "I was just going out," he told her, hastily. Her first impulse was to sweep disdainfully from the room, and never to speak to film again. For one half minute she felt that she hated hina; and then she remembered that she had promised to plead the widow's cause -the widow who loved most sorry. ange. "I regret to refuse you, Hildred," he said, rising to quit the room. • THE REASON. "It is the first favor you have asked In a certain court the other day a of me, and I should have liked to badgering counsel found a tartar in grant it. But I proraised Blantyre the person of a, witness in a case faithfully that I would not inter- where a clothier sued a customer for fere. We must make what we can a suit of clothes. of the estate, and we shall never do The counsel's roint was that the it if we interfere with Blantyre." action was irrelevant, as his client She raised her head with a charm- was entitled to at least three months hag air of pique and disdain. • in which to pay the bill, and it was "Fray, my lord," she said, may barely that time since the clothes I ask if you have left your con- were obtained. science in Mr. Blantyre's hands ?" '`Now, sir," said the counsel to lisswoeld not ha,ve much to the witness, 'quid I got the clothes hold," lauglaed the earl "lVey con- instead of my client, would you have summoned • me to court at this of several cents. Aecording to the rule of the score card one-balf of that difference is due to flavor -the farmer's part. IN ASSOCIATED WORIC tbe difIlculty is increased by the fact that even one negligent or slovenly • "My Was a Victim of Nervous Collapse—Weak, Helpless, Suffered—An Extraor-, dinary Oure by Dr.. Chase's Nerve Food "NMI! .1..ino•r. That Dr. Chase's Nerve Food pose eessee • untienal control over the nerves and reldndles nervous energy when all other means fail, is well Illustrated in the ease described be- low. Mr. Brawn was forced to give up his ministerial work, and So far exhausted that fer a time he was positively helpless. Doctors were cormilted, and many remedies were resorted to, in vain. Every effort to build Up the system seemed in vain, and it is little wonder that the suf- ferer Wa8 losing hope of recoverY, when he beg -an to use Dr. Chase's ',Terve 1 Bev T. Brown Methodist eainieter of Ornezn.ee, and late of Bethany, Ont., writes :—"A year ago last November I was overtaken with ner- vous exhaustion. For six months I did no work, and during that time I had to be waited on, not tieing able to help myself. Nervous collapse was corn.plete, and though I was in the physician's hands for months, I did not seem to improve. At any little exertion my strength would leave me, and I would tremble with nervousness. "From the first I used a' great many nerve remedies, but they seem- ed to have no effect in my cese. I had almozt lost hope of recovery when I heard of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and began to -use it. As mY syetem became stronger I begaa to do a little work, and have gradually increased in nerve force a.nd vigor until now I am about in ,.ny normal condition again. I consider Dr. Chase's Nerve Food the best medi- cine I ever u.eed. Not only has it proven ita wonderful restorative powers in my own case, but also Iri Several others where I have recom- mended it," Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a box, six boxes for $2.150. At all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates ez Co. Toronto. stage ?" "No, sir." "Ah And why, pray "Simply because in your case the transaction weeld Ineve been a -Cash one' No more, questions were asked. individual lot of cream in the churn- ing that was poorest in quality. This shows the importance of each patron doing his work correctly, and also of insisting that every other patron assecieted with him should also de as AVeli. The average farmer to -day is away behind the ideal conditious necessary to preserve the inherent qualities of milk and cream. IMprOVOinent has been, made and is still going on, and the necessity for further improve - anent grows more apparent each year. A milking room as clean as a kit- chen, with air purified by the sun, and free front odors and dust, would be none too good in which to draw pure milk fronl a cow, in order to maintaie that purity until its tem- perature is reduced to a point below the danger from obnoxious germs. A cow as well groomed and tidy as a driving horse would be none too clean to stand over a, milk pail while yielding up a food for the nourishment of • the -strongest as well as the weakest othe human fa- mily. GRADE UP THE HEP.D. I know the theory is, grade up your herd, get a thoroughbred btill and 'breed up, writes Mr. R. W. El- lis. That is what we all believe in, and most of us are trying to do but it don't work at all times as one would like to have it. Thirty-two years ago I made up my mind the Jersey was the best breed for me au.d in the course of two years, I bought 16 head of cows and heifers. I had no money to pay faney prices, but got the best I could, and I was very fortunate in my selections. Two 4if them made over 500 pounds of butter in a year, (not dropping any calf in the time), and two others, I think would have done as well if they had been tried, and I think the whole 16 would, when ,at, maturity, have made an average of 400 lbs. in a year. I have kept the best theroughbred Mull 1 could get with the means at My disposal, from that day to this, and I know there never has been a tine° when 16 other cows could have been pick.ed out of our herd that would have done as well and T never have known an instance where a person has picked up a very choice herd and been able to hold them up to their ,original standard by breeding. Like -does not always beget like. You may say this is ra- ther a discouraging picture to draw, So it is, but it is true as far as my experience goes. At the same time I use the &ea would not myself or advise any one paper, Organ grinders in Vienna are net allowed to play in the moreing or evening -only between midday and sunset. The mainmast of a ship is usually the same length rtS half the length of the lower deck, plus its •extreme breadth. In every school in Paris there is 11 restaurant where free meals are serv- ed to the children who are too poor to pay for them. One thousand and twenty-seven de- crees of divorce Were granted in Switzerland test year, which means 193 for every 1.000 marriages. In the British Isles during the past century seven instances have been recOrded in which the bride has married the best man by. mistake. In Peru it was once the custom for domestic. servants to have two of their upper front teeth extracted. Their absence indicated servitude. • The average temperature of Great Britain has risen nearly 1 1-3 de- grees.within the past half century. January is now nearly three degrees warmer than it was. A French writer states that of ele- ery 100,000 men of the Army or Na- val profession 190 become hopeless lunatics. Among raechanicsthe number is only 66 per 100,000: At the funeral of an unmarried woman in Brazii scarlet is the mourning hue. The coffin, the hearse, the trappings of the horses, and the livery of the driver must be scarlet. Asbestos towels are among the curiosities of the day. When ;dirty it is only necessary to throw them into a red-hot fire, and after a few Minutes draw them out fresh and clean. A Bible with celluloid covers 'km been introduced in a New York po- lice court, and every time the Book is kissed a policeman removes with a wet sponge all possible disease can WASHING IN TI -IE 0111E.NT. riThe Japanese rip their garments apart f or every washing and they iron their clothes by spreading them. on i fiat board and leaning -this up against the house to dry. The sun takes the wrirkles out of the clothes and some of them have quite a lus a -• ter. The Japnese woman does her washing out of doors. Her wash tub is not nfore than six inches high. The hardest worked washer - Women in the world are the Coreans, They have to wash about a dozen dresses for their husbands, and they have plenty to do. The washitg is usually done in cold water and often in running streams. The clothes aee pounded with paddlee until they shine ',like a shirt front from a laundry. 'rhe New Zealand Government has germs. set apart two islands for the preser- vation of the remarkable wild birds and other animals of that country. Thereon all hunting and trapping cue forbidden. Perhaps' one of the very oddest monuments ab is the tlet in a l3erk- shire, England, church in memory of soldier who had his left leg taken off "by the above ball," the actual cannon ball being inserted at the top. Among the wilder tribes of the ger ahriost as soon as it Cattcasus every child is taught to walkThe children first leal'n else to abate one jot or title in the to Stab water without ma,king . effort to'climb higher in the scale ef production, being .as keenly, alive as any one to the' difference between a good and poor cow, but my position is this: That there are few coWs in splash, and by incessant practice. ,ace qiiire an ',extraordinare- conunanit' over the wet.epon. • The Gr I' ier Beef, fronting the country but with proper farm the coast of :`:nrt, h Australia, is Inc Management along the.line of cheap- largest cm et'. in the world. It ir er production of cow fodder, and is 1,000 eelte lung, and 30 wide.