Exeter Advocate, 1902-10-2, Page 5ezeter ;01;u:trate,' rogisbea every Thursday Moene at Gee °Mee. •,044kax-sramr, =_ETEee.., the ---- ADVOCATE PUEOISHINQ COMPANY TERMS OF SUPSCRIPTION. OrieDoRupee annum if paid lu advenee, $1.5o s if eel, so paid, AelearerX1ft%.1.1e.0 ,q,iterte cox. 4O-ooeed, teem. No paper diszontinned until ell arrearog es are paid. Advertisements ecithouteeeelaerldirections win he ubleshed mail forbid and ebargeO accordiogly, 'boot diseount made for trees:lent, advertiseteeme iliRned urteae periods, Beery deseription tat ..ion PRINTING tureeelouG h the linest style, mid at woderateretes. Chequee, money orders, kce for oriventeme, seiweiptious, et*:. , te So: inede oayebie Ohas.I1, Sanders, zDITOR ASO VIOR cofeatilona V Si R.MAN, leRS„ D.G.S„ 'tenor graduate7o E1NSSIAN, L Use, PR. Toronto r niveristv. OBNWISTS, Etbont mite Oro or ear beri effeets 'en% Meek, west aide Siam fared* Tee*,lx est Ofe.m to Exeter. ON (1). ST - Howe eratialte Tetouto rah -mete ovet Royal Collegeof Pental Sergeeas ot °maxi°, Alee Peet Graduate of Chteeeo &heel Preintetie Monger), (witli hoecerable meetion4 Allionteunt, Geld end Velemito Plates merle in kbe neaten meaner possible. A perfectly harmless en, aesthetic used for pahdessextraettoo ot teeth. (Km alto deer south of Verling roa. store, Exeter. • t• Arettleel TVLT P *SeLAVailLIN MENDER OP VIE lege ol Physteime asel sureentet Outpace. Stirgeee cuid Mee:rhea. dam Dash, xmad,01.14 - Jelin P. Wilson, OfOee and liesidenee; tOu queens Ave., 14onden Ont. Specht attention phi to diseases of WPIE114. Oaleehoure, lt•Ol to 4 PR IA lee SON 4 UL1NO mTRs.,S01.1 Netetleo C v $ eanunteetentra. irStktMolleJaDarl lef Wan At • latesolkaterM 41211 4 etrethExeler. 1, R. Caws% na., 11:. Dames Ul W. (GAGMAN. (Serrerear to Killen k Gled• • 1ZhPouriceter. teiltriter, Netery rottliv, offeeeer. /Mee to bloat lerseet awe of Ito tenet: 03lre, Mate fi,Utt:,, Exeter. Auctioneers ....•••••Mizenenacl0.7••Craicar ,- 141101V,N, Wirrhelsea, Untied Motto:leer tothe ("wail:so Perth ma mieldiceee. f et Csborne. Saks promptly •cd to end terms . reasonable. Sales arranonl • Mee, Whichelsee. The Maisons Bank Minted/1bl' Parliament, 1"355) Bead Cate, Montrtet. Pin up Capital...." ......$2,5110,u00 nese ve J.A.S. ELLIOTT, fluxEitar, MANAGER mem hourst-th a.m. to 3 pant Saturdays 10 eau to 1 p.m. A gener.i3 banking business transacted Money advatiecil to good. Parnieni at lowest rates. Savings flank Deposits from tel and upwards receiv- ed. interest aline cal at Inghesteurrent odes. »Muses keentitel, Isi. D. Mmeore Solicitors, dItinager. CBEDITON ROLLKR MILL& oesoovziottmo-zoomoces-..tecovoco We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. .•••••••+•-••••••••.O•••p•NW•••••••••••••,•.•*• GRISTING and CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. • 14. SWEITZEti Rdblv' VOWS Ph011iglOailley The Great .Vnglisk. gemedy. Sold and. recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six packages guaranteed to mire all forms of Sexual 'Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on reeeipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. Gnu will please, siztotti cure. Pamphlets free to any address. Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Woods Phosphodine issolclin Exeter by J. OV. Brownirig and. 0. Lutz • Druggists. EXETER Real Estate •Exchange The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of Village and farm lands and. properties • negotiated at reasonable rates of com- mission, • For Sale. • Several Valuable Farms in HAY, USI3ORNE, STEPHEN end. McGILL- I VRAY; also Three ereoei ,desirable Re- sidence properties in Exeter. Farius Wanted. • We have purchasers for good farm - and in the vieinity of Exeter, or who • will Exchange. APPLY TO Wm, Baviden- David. Mill valuator. Manager. OFFICES:Dickson & Carling's New Mock Fix1Teter • DEATH OF ZOLA, roore, rezeNteeser oeneONCto NOVRL/ST PrdoZd'Orlaze sTaTU IN MS IMP - zap. zotet, sante/osier. ouf PRoot toteAtatvo Oss- Sept. %O. -Emile Zola, the fam. velist of the realistic school, who gained prominence its recent sena he= ,TaUee of his defeuee of the Jew a and of 7,2aptain Dreyfus, WAS founti dead in his Paris house yeeterday front asployx- tation. Zelo. ond his wife returned at 10 oleloek. Mame Zela ae terososly ill when the room was tool:tele into.• At Obent noon be was removed to a Float* hespitab erbere she recovered conseieusoess for rt time, awl was ebb briefly to ex- plain to o• Magietrote Whet /ma hap- pened, amd Moe. Zola retorned to their Peria beret frOwi their vouritry home in Medan. Owing to n sodden spell of cold weather the heat. in stove in their bedroom was ordered Lo be lighted. The stove burned bailly. end M. Zola wee aephygieted by fumes from the Are. The pipes ef the 5toPo aro mid to have been out of order. To the itrogiatrate Mme. Zola explained that she woke early with a Splitting headache. She wakened her husband and asked him to °pea a wilt. dons. She saw him riS4 and attempt to move toward a window, bat he stagger- ed an1 fell to the door unconscious - Mute. Zola feinted tit the same moment and therefore WAS Unable to give tho alarm Mine. Zola doe not yet know of her lorshand'e death, and it Is feared she may euffer a relepse itten informed Qt In bla report the Commiesary of Po- llee endoraes the 111*.dical opinion that death Wa3 ACeidental and due to aspItyx• lotion, eta eat% sets ot rot the rumors of suielde prevalent early in the day. The Prefect has ordered the eny rn,btet to examine the bedroom An kb Zola died, aud has ISSued inetrue- tio that All enalysie be made of bis blood tuld et the atmosphere of hie room. Zola bad been resting from lit- erary work since he finished his book ceded "The Truth," which is being pub- lished in serial form in The Attrore. The o'bituary rotiece pay tribute to Zola's high literary talent. The Tempe says Freneh letters bave suffered A loss which Neill be keenly' felt. The movspa- pers judge Zola.% role in the Dreyfus al - fair according to polikical bias. RESERVER GILLED ITUT; 41.rnim•ga sad. *As* LT DEITERIVNED TO OREM TUB REVOLUTIONISTS. 1111•111=1,1. Thirty-eight Dattetons Called 10 Arms -Gallant to tuna by Three linndred Ilutga laug,...Gut Their Way Out of Cordon. 'Constantinople, Sep'. SO. -Thirty-eight battalions of Ralf n ail reserves have been called to the crlors and clistribut- ed, to cope with the revolutionists of the Bulgarian villages of Macedonia. Official telegrams ree 'ved here any that 300 Bulgarian. mole .onists, who were rrounded by Turie'ilt troops at Ve- dette, in the Vilayet of Salonica, and who succeeded in for-ing the cordon af- ter a sanguinary fight, lost 52 men kill- ed and 112 woUnded. The Turks oleo suffered severe losw.s. The pursuit of the Bulgarians contiettes: 11131LISIIED 111713IIDALTIONS. EdItor and 3lanatre'r of Irish rarer Senteneett to Jail. Dublin, Sept. 30.---Thoothy 3It'Zartity and Thorarie IlleDwyce, reeneetively edi- tor and manager of The Irish People, who have ben on trial, charged under the erimes act with having published in- timidations, Were each sentenced to -day to two months' imprisonment. They gave notice of appeal. LORD ofelleoet oro Loxpox. Sir. Marone Sanruiel Snoceeds see Joseph 1Csimsdale. London, Seo . 30. -Sir M rens Samuel (who has been an Alderman of the City of London since 1801) was elected Lord Mayor of London for the ensuing year at the Guildhall succeeding Sir Joseph Dimsdale. THE lEIALIVAx GonrizsoN. Royal Canadian Soldiers Start Per Rome-Pitty-Are Enlisted. Halifax, Sept. 30. -Nearly all of the Royal Canadian soldiers left Halifax. The special train with- the men for Montreal, Quebee and the west left Halifax. at' 3 o'clock this afternoon. There was a great crowd of people at the station to bid them farewell, and they were given a hearty send-off. Some of the soldiers were very noisy at the station and did not want to go away, but there were strong guards from the Royal Artillery there and they prevent- . ed trouble. rifty-Ifi've of the men en- listed to -day for the permanent Cana- dian corps. The new regiment will dis- embark in the morning, THE 01K8 LECTURE; Itior.VnQ Jworta.arts'eate tre-rircs TO !Ate- OritteVs. .e.moug other %%tugs T1e7 Aitee to Compel, the reeple to Sas' Thiele rvaTeos Cetriekeleving Groin BouGlat London, Sept. 30.---T1e Chronicle, ban he following letter from its correepon4- 4 at Peshawer;--ttie Highness the Atnir is staying et Eabul at present, and is enjoying geed health. The Amir has summoned to Icabol all the mullahs it the eounteee, who ItaYe been receiviog 4 7 Mod of ellewatice or st:pend siuee he tiale, of the late Amir And. tas in- ormed them that owiog 16 their i'ime • hility to verbena their dutioe: their ol- low:nice shell be stopped until a report, about 'the good work of eaelt of thetu.is received from- the Gorernor of the sla too itt which they reside. His Highne5s. also told them their respeetitn duties - Whey aro to keep an eye on 'the condi- Ma and oceopetienof every mon i.. their villogeS. Men who earey tta infamous trade, thieves and thoo wish- noo evil to the Afgliartistau Government aro first to be Mildly adman -Med by hero,and it they pay no heed to these 'amine they ore to 'be reported to -the An through the floveenor of the di* Wet. In addition to their orditterf Olio= dutiee the mullabe are to .preaeh :to tite people, so that they may et - ways: beer fresh in their minds their dot. lea' to their fled and 1 their King, and'. that .the people nifr.‘4 alwaye be ready . . a •jebacl.• It will oleobe their duty to.' compel ellotbe +doll and military rvante of the Andy to ay their pray 5. Zakarya Eltan and 31ohannued Zaainan Khan. • agolitS to the MO Of Kabul, who some our menthe ago were era to Germany to purebe.se quiek-firlooegone and other artillery. hers sent a letter from Rom - bay to the postmaster of. the Antirle pestefflee .notifying their eate arrival there with foree thlrty.Zon1 gotta. They have also requeoted -the .oudes orders] regordlug the route by. whieb 'the guns are to be forwarded to Kabul, whether by reehawar and the Ellyber. Pass or by the Eandaber mad Quetta. route. Reuter, Gen. 'Message. London, Sept, 29. -General Booth of the Salvation Army, who sailed for New York on Saturday an the American Line eteamer Philadelphia, sent the ,fenolv..... lug wireless message to Salvationists :- Borne on the wings of preyer, 1 go on Amerecnn campaign. 15 Tem the ocean again call on eny people everywhere e e d d e -ate fighting for God." 'NEW CO3WtflS IXOIU01tTLD. molter Pow Parer Sound,-Othor Industries Per Toronto. Toronto, Sept. 30. ---Tho companies have been grant- ed under Om Ontario joint stock companies' aetie-The liateh Electric tinioltiog t Redraw.nCompany of Ontario, Limited, eapitai .1500,000, bead office Parry Sound, provistonal dt- rvetors1 Fronds E. Hatch, Oscar Young. James Moraltill end Frederick C. Bow- man, all of Duluth; Henry Tore, Sault Ste. 3laria riod SAllt1M1 Armatoong, Donald W. ROSS, Arthur Beaumont Begg and John Ponds of Peery Sound, The Wellington Packing Company, Limited, capital 05,000, head office Wellington, provisional dhotors, James E. Noxell, A. IL Beker, W. P. Niles and G. O. Akorn, all ot Wellington. The Annual Review Publiabin Company, Limited. eupitalS10,000, head eiliee Toronto, pro- vreonal directors, James mason, 1.1, M. PcIlatt, A. 3. Russell Snow, 3. Casten napkins and 3. n. Bond, all of 'Toronto. Tim Industrial Soap Se 011 Company. Limited, capital Se00,000, head offiee Toronto, provisional directors, E. A - Webb, T. P. Thornton, W. J. Urqu- hart, W. 11.. Wood and Frederick Date, all of 'Toronto. The Skeleton Lake Lumber Contrive', Limited, cnpital $40,000, head office Toronto, provisional directors, George W. Lankin of Utter - son, William P. noteee of Downsview, Andrew Boyd of Braee:bridge, George W. Brake and It. IL Leukin,both of To- ronto. The de Elciet Musical Machine Company, Limited, capital .2.100,0004 head office Toronto. proNisional directors, Eugene de Kleist, James S. Thompson, W. Pinkerton, Robert E. Alenzie, P. W. Stanhope, A. P. MaeLaren, M.P., and T. S. Carman, The L. MeBride Com- pany, Limited, elpital 850,000, head of- fice Berlin, provslonal directors, Louis MeTirine, W. G. Clegitorn, J. A. Lang, G. M. Delius and mug Gies, all of Shan. Pattie ut Ningara-on-the-Lake Niagara -on -the -Lake, Sept. 30. -To -- lay the eoldiers in the camp of in- elruetion here will take part in a sham fight. 'The attneldng force is to be under the eommand of Col. Buchan and the defending force uoder Lieut. -Col. Mason, 10th R. G. The plan of the fight is intended to give further instrnc- tion in the new drill. TELEGRAPII .D1tRITITIES. Mr. Edward MeCafTery of Stratford fell off a street car in Detroit and. was fatally injure -I. Guelph rat payers earried the by-laW to grant a lerra's of 342,500 to the Can.. eda Tube & Pipe cOmpany. • lt is reported that Lord Chattel ileresford will take, , commund of the British Channel squadron in March. Swift & Co. of Chicago have taken over Fowler's Canadian company, and Will es- tablish a big pork packing plant in Ham- ilton. The weed which caused the death of a unraber of cattle Li, Owen Sound bas been identified as the deadly night- shade. Chief Electrician Potter of the Toron- to Railway has resigned, and there are proepects of trouble with the men in the power house. The award in the electrical workers' arbitration at Hamilton has been Pre- pared; but is not yet taken oat of the arhitrators' hands. The Quebec Government has scad 600 square miles of timber limits to 11.13. Theo. P. Burgess of •the Bin -gess Pulp Compaey of Berlin Falls, N.H. The Burlington Export Assbciatimi has been notified of the safe arrival in sound coedition of a carload of tender fruits, consisting of Astrachan and Duch - nee apples and Cleptes Fa VOritr. and Bavilett pears, shipped in cold -storage to Woodall & Co, Liverpool, on the 23rd cf Augusi by e Dounaion steaacei Manx.rnan, 'PRE M nworers. EXETER MARKETS. • CHANGED EACH WEDNESPAY WAWO•t•••••1•SI ..11e,..•• Ovitish Live StochTrale Pad-^"Nirike'" Derley , -Lower-114a test Wootutiorre. Oats . . • ee f Peas... , ‘?„ l'orooto St, LwrrlielAme IXarlgvt. liaT, potat,Qes, • • per ton- . • • • ..... 04 Monday Evening, Sept. - • r bag 4, The street roark,et was ?met to-dwith Flour, per cwt., rollers-, 1 an . ireaU busine;$8, *cept In 1 ay and grain- Tlo • deliveries ot grain, amounted to about 2,20 busliets. aud peleee were eteatly toeaeler, Wbeat-4,09 bushels of white erdet un- changed at 00e to 70c, 100 hashcla et red lower at OSe to niic, and 300 busbets oose le lower at 62e to 64e. Oats -8W bushels eold leOe lower aV-•;,o o 33e. PildeP.--00(1 bushels sold inictienova at 41e to 44e, Tfoo-Tboothe was :moue steady, selling at $15 to $10.25 per top. Clover or 1111Xcil was unchanged at 37 to 30 per ton. Avilv, arlee were gs loade. NQ straw was offered. Peest000,Meeket ist 4.-4.ter. Neia beery oamMies- MOTs are 10e lower at 5.1e to 0e jer b Dressed iloege.-Marliet quiet, with qa6ta' Mots unchanged at 38.Z0 to 30 per ewt. The Vlsible Sum>17, 0410 ve.rse:t.24:;:. Sle.pst7,5,30.04,on 11 420.000 isft:ttwo I'Agol.00‘910: 1;1'14.74Orfieentwil Vleeat tell.. ago it inereaeea • Vote. Seefe :-Ik297-743t1*Ithke"a'jtica Pew, Poaol er t nide to -day the oicerIngs 01: ett-eso wvre.. lag lots of 0,211 boxes. itellog mew, Ile for large aeO Ilicee tor :Mali, er,i4lipaucli;ri4eArisdoleoillaotre:114.0.11etter„ creoporroe neitialt Cattle 31arltletS. lo. eheep. Veld. oliome Caiiacarai eat- 6:eeprt: a74.4-.eliolee American eat- Liveipool, Sept. telo-Cholee Cenerlian ca- ts, Chi; 'sheep. 224. Trade had. moetreor Live Stook, Montreal, Ser. 410. --There were 700 heed Of buteliere eattle. 50 calves mil I.,2oo Sheen eurl lambs Offered for eide at the eeat vud abattoir to -day. The butchers were preseat tu emeideraule au:nom, but irede to came was very Anil. And low prices wereprevail- nO lieloneNegfille tvil let 0a 4fgeriomfr ?bit; pretty, meet A11141414 Auld at %rein :SKI; to 40. 800 tho cement meek at from ge to lie per M. Small nuns reild at Irmo Yee to tie per lb. CiliVeA gold at treat to *1:4 sv:4*atiretiorl'46tgo $t$'14",,e5,1411417:111114i ati214"41111 aireweitosote4t4 Vehoga Qrpi sti (4.10„.4 ore the OM Namt llaffolo Cattle Market. No„st Duda% Sept, 2O.-Cattheoliceti emu- hoe: slow. Me to 23e lewereOne cetele bere* moue ewers ouoteme Taint good* to teleke atilpeleg, 32.72 to Op; tounpon to beat initeheee' accent,* 1.20 te 2244; WINS. V.75 00 $124.: fredels4 4,...1.4u to $4.40; stoxbere. *3 to 34; Alum betters. $2,541 to *0goo0 fre5li cows ana epringers. Se to Oaler head higher; 011100eteiniy; good 00eler 4444 tO 410; eignal4u to geed, 24 to vs. Vealseellevilpta. Sea head; eteady; tom, *9 to *9,25: connuoa to pod, $5;e9 to 37:72. Itoome-Iteeelpts, We, UM OW; slow, 1.0e to 4tle lower; hew!, LOU to e-T.To; mixed, 37.20 00 37.50; re„ $7.03 to 37 lag tight do. /3.90 to Fre I s, 30,52 to Vieei; renglis. 40.24to4g-ia; tags, 32 to 3.5.72; grasser:). 36.72 to *4 &Ade; $7 to $732, Sheep aud laud).5-Ita- eelpts. Ileetel head; slice) steadyelactiter 100 :Wen top !sloths. 32.10 to p.gat cults to god, $1 to 35.19; yearlinge, ;4 to VA: ewes. 44.50 to et; sheep, top Mixed. *3.70 to $4; Culla to good, $1.72 to 3165. Chiang° Live Stook. Chicago, Sept, 29.-Cattle-Itecelpta, 9,•000, Including OW Tenalla and Sed Iv:Sterns; steady; good to prime Kura, *LW to 24.40; Poor 10 MedIUM, Vat; AA/CUM and teed. cm, $425 to $3; com, 31.50 to 3,1.75; bett- ers, $2,1l5 tof5.13: canners, $1.34 to 42.30; buUs,32;.l5 to 34.75: calves. ;3 to T; Tovas fed steers., $5 to $4.50; western steers. $3•74. to37,25, Ilime-iteeetpts to -day, 20,000; mixed area buten', Vote to geed to ebolee heavy, 37.45 to si.70; rough neavy. 37 to STO;0; light. 3740 to VOW, bulk of sales, 57.23 tO 4:1:50. Sheep -Receipts, 35,' ®u; 10c to 150 lower; lalans. 10e to 230 lower; good to choice wethers. $3.25 to Sot lair to cholve mixed, 52,23 to 33.23; tiattvO lambs, 23.20 to 33.50. Montreal Grain and Produce. Montrent, Sept. 2.1.-Graln-The demand for most hnes lam faUezietr, but prices are very limo No. 2 White peas sold here at 83iee initiate and there was some liminess 10 peas at Tie afloat and buckwheat at 51e. nye Vali quoted at OZIOOe ;Moat;elo, a bar. ley at 40e and No. 3 extra at 47e afloat; Ontario red and white Wheat At 711e Vlour-Thcre is a fair amount of business at steady mice:. We quote :---Cholce Mani- tohn spring wheat patents, $4 to 3,1.1=5; seconds, 53.10 to 33,05; strong haters', 3.30 to $3.45; winter wheat patents, 33.70 to • $4; etraight rollers, to 3350; do bags, 31.10 to 51.00; extras, $1.60 to SLIM. WA:al-The demand was slow and prices 'unchanged at $4.50 per bri and at 5233 per bag. Peed -There is a stendy demand for all Ones. We quote e--Manitelut bran, in bags, at 31U to 310.50; shorts. in bags, $22 to 323; Ontario bran, In bulk, 514.50 to $15; shorts, $22, in Milk; moullle, $23 to $30, accordlus to qt ality. Cheese -There Is a talc amount of bast. ness, and country holders are Orin Iola strong in their views. Quebec makes strict at the boat this merrily; at 10e. Finest °uteri°, loese to lteyee; lieest townships, 10eee to 103fic; finest Quebec, 10%c to loege; flee cheese. 10e to 10eee. Putter -The market is dull and has au easier tendency. Vanity townships crania- ery, 21efie to 2114e; finest townships ere:km- *0r. 2016e to ileOlc; finest Qcebee creamery, aom to O.01e2e; tine crevamery, 10c to Lee; Outarlo creamery, 181/2e; dairy butter, 15e to 16e; deny seconds, 14e to 141,ec. Egge-There. Is a fair Jobbing trade at steatly prices. We quote '.-Selexted, 1814je to 10c; candled stock, 101,6e to 17e in a Jobbing way; straight receipts. at 15lee to 16e, ?.lo. 2 at 101/4e to 14e in round lots. Provisions -The market Is steady, with no change of prices. We, quote :-Ileavy Can - 'ellen short cut mess pork. 024.50 to S20; Canaan short cut back pork, 323.50 to 4494; light Canada short cut clear pork, 323.e0 to 324; Oneat kettle lard, 20-11) palls, 1214e to 121,ee; extra pure lard, in 20-10 pelts. 10%c to 11%,,i; eboice refined etlApOuntl lard, be to 91/2e; Boar's Read brand, In ilfflb wood e2 to 32.08; Globe, at 31.80 to $1.-00; 20-1ii tie pails, yee less per lb; hams. 12c to 14e, aud bacon, 14c to 130 per lb. Leading "Wheat markets. • 00 SZi 131 71 7 00 00 Eides„ per 100ths - 4 00 5 Live hogs, per - wt..... 0 is() Dressed - 75 :Shorts per coot- -..,... Brae per owt...- Closing previous day. Closing trielay. Cash. Dec. .Cash. Dee. COlea eo 86% 69% • '873 085f New York ..... 75. .. 73oe Toledo 721A, 721/4 72_ 7214 Minneapolis .. 65% 65 6514 Detroit, 2,recl .. 73' 73 Milwaukee, 2 nor 7114 69 711/4 6014 St. Louis 651/2 6614 6614 601/4 Duluth, 1 hard71% .. 7114 „. . . • , • • Alaehets. • . "London, Sept., 29„--0penIng-Wheat, on passage, heavy and depressed, nut steady. Corn, on passage, quiet and steady. Wheat. Onglish country markets of yesterday quiet; l'reuch 29:7-C1Ota--31arit Dane. mil- ler' 11:Tarket-Wheat,, foreign dull at a de- cline of 8d; English weak at a decline of 641. Corn, American, nothing doing; Dan- ubian elm;Flour, American quiet, but steady; English steady. Paris, Sept, 29. -Close -Wheat steacty; September, 201 05c; January and April, 201 65c. Flour firm; Septeniber, 821; lannary and April, 271 40e. Antwerp, Sept. 29. -No. 2 red winter, 10%1. citing joints 50 In the fingers,. toes, Ar313, and other parts of the body, are joints that are inflamed and ,swollen by rheumatism - that acid cmodition of the blood which affects the muscles also, Sufferers dread to raove, eepecially ofter sittiw or lying long, and Oteir condition oi cerentenly worse in wet weather. K1 suffered dreadfully from reeureatisre, btey at hApv4ibueea,nroee,eigliceutey,aezreact, pl fel." Faaiser$ SWIM, 1re.ee94,02t. "I had, moat** of the grit) whioh zen nu' we:MOJA helpless Mad slitiering from rhea- talchl 11904'a 4711Pa- Mtn alAt$ this medicine has entirely cured 1 heve noheeitattoo in eaying steaveit UO." U. .MeDONAtro TOMO% Oa. frood's Sarsaparilla Removes the CaUSe of rheumatism -no utwerd application can. Toe it. Nearly 0,000 troops are encalpped in tbe anthrocite coal mining remelts, year Mel:rated Statue pea° infit4.$18,, in pensions to eoldiere a widows and dependents. STOPS TDB COVOII AND WORKS OFF TOE Q0I.P. Lantive DIcatogninine Taltletesmvs 000;1114008 thw. No Cane to Pu'. Mee VI caite. For thoweend tons of Welsh antbra- ite coal reached New York yesterday. It was all contracted for before the or. der was placed. it is reported that Mr.Kruger has re. eeived $144.000 for bis memoirs, whieb awn he Proposes to contribute to the Boer relief fund. Lewis P.Railey,the Toronto liallwa conductor charged with stealing Dm the fareboxes by the ue of a die WAS acquitted by the jury. Heavy Phipps, of New York City, director of the Carnegie Steel Com. patty has given 8100,000 to aid Boer eufferers through the war. TO CVOS A. COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brom Quinine Talo lets. All druggim refund the money If 10 fails to cure, 2.1e. E. W. Orovee signature Is on eioch box. A. cablegram has been received sta Ing that a party of Doers N1410 are isit Canada. seiled Wtelnesday Do th Luke Champlasn. Duyglars at il‘fontrent blew a six foot safe Into fragments and getaway with the cashbox from an insidestroug.box. They secured $12161 Twenty-six: persons were killed and fifty injured to 11 lAilway accident in Franceetrid five were killed in similar accident nt Rawlins. 'Wyo. ?of twenty-fonr year* Vapcoelresolene bat been extensively used for all tetras et tlircnt and bronchial troubles. All Drugeste. The petitions against the election o Mo. Itobt, Beith, M. P. for West Dur- bittn, and Mr, Porter, Al. P. for West Hastings, were dismissed. A hotel at Washington was wreehed by dynamite, exploded by a guest who had quarrelled with the prOprietor. The dynamiter efteewittels killed him- self. A carriage containing Mrs. Allan Edgar, her son 'Wallace and Miss Ag- nes Continy was struck by a train at Paris, Cot, Both ladies were killed, and the youngman was carried 40 rods on the engine. He was not ser- iously injured. East Middlesex CrOss-PetItion. London, Ont., Sept. 29.-11 is under- stood that tlie crose-petiton entered against' Capt. T. E. Robson, the defeat- ed candidate in East lifidellesex ix the ProvinCial elections, will be dropped, Clipt. Robson having defiMtely stated that he will not under any eirennostaneei be -again a eandidate in the Con9erVa-- tive interest in East Middleeex. GO TO TEE• EXETEll BOILER .01 FOR PURE MANITOBA OH OE FAMILY FLO I (Star) HEST PASTRY ireincess) WHEATLET Breakfast P004) A good Supply of nd Chop always on hand. Give our Floor and WO. a trial and be convinced that it is all right. Boller and Plategr, hiders an e to suit customers. Ilarvey Suessot's tc, d. ColAblediek 41$311. Two econd-handnpdgbt piAN ADM One Square PIANO FOR SATZ CHEAP New Pianos and Organs Always in Stook. MINH MACHINES. .everienee in the 'Sewing Mno o Rumness filtt yteivis) is a guaran- cf One getrIS. We carry in stook the best Itfa,- 'nes that the market aninivis .ana ell .911.ea,sy terms. ?Smiles and Re. lirs for all kinds Of 3i:whines always h.and. S. Oct filusio, Muni° Botalts, Hy** Hooks, EtO., licpt itt Stock. • LTA AND SEE CH. IT WILL PAT YOU, SI MARTIN WHY NOT CHANGE YOUR MEDICINE? If You Have Failed Up to the Present to Banish Rheu- matism and Sciatica Try PaillesTelery Compound HER NO CLEARING SALE of Plows, Gang Plows, Land Harrows, a 43,:c., now go- ing on. Exerything to be cleared off by JULY 1, 1902 FIRST COME, FIRST SER Any Amount of Wrought an Cast Iran Wanted. JAS. MU littiVit Cook's Cotton Root Componna Is successfully used monthly Ispever 10,000Lad1es.Sate„effeetual.Lad1esask our druggiSt for Cosies Canoe Root Coire, pod. ate no other, as all litxtures,pillsatol imitations are dangerous, 1'rioe.1.To. 1,31 box tIto. 2,10 degrees a trouger,S3 per hos. 1 or 2, mailedon receipted price and twolocen't stamps. The Cook Company Windsor. Ont. fzirRos. land 2 sold and recommendedherian teSpOnsIbi0Dragglats in Canada. There is but one true and reliable specific for the cure of all forms of rheumatism; it is Paine's Celery Com- pound. This deeided and weighty as- sertion is fully supported by letters from thousands of cored men and wo- men, and prominent physicians have ably and fearlessly supported the state- ment. IC your efforts up to the present with other medicines have failed to drive the terrible disease from your system, remain no longer in agony and peril; change your medicine at once, Pru- dence and wisdom will sorely direct you to USe Nine's Celery Compound, the Medicine that has cured so many of- your friends.and neighbbrs. The prompt and. marvellous cure Mrs. E. Ring, Cedar Hill, Victoria, B. C., who endured the tortures and ag- onies of rheumatism for ahnost a life- time, poin ts tinmistak ea bl y hud truly to the fact that Paine's Celery Com- pound is the king of medicines for the core of rheumatism, she says: "I have been troubled with rheuma- tism nearly all my life, and about eight years ago I hail a very severe attack, almost losing the nse of my right arm. feiend recommended tha use of Paine's Celery 00113pound, and kindly gave me 0 bottle. I was so much ben- entted by that, one bottle, that I took three more and WaS quite cuffed. Since then it has been almost my only medicine for all the, ailments 'from which T have suffered.and all my fam- ily have found some hehefit ft.0111 it. I am sixty-five years of age; r live on a farro, get up early in I be worming and 010 now equal to 0 gond dev's work." No. 1 and NU.2 are sold in Exeter by 0. Late and X. W. Browning, Drug- gists. DASH WOOD FURNITURE STORE You are invited to call and inspect My large assortment of Furnitiwe mid furnishings which I will offer nt very close prices. My stock Con- sists of the followitige- Pular suites, Bedroom suites, Spring Mattresses, Bed- steads, Couches, Lounges; Tables, Chairs oall descrip- tions, Sideboards, Rockers, Fancy Rockers, Curtain 'Toles and Trimmings, Shades, Mouldings, Mirrors, Pilow Sham 11 olders, 3Jat Racks, Towel Rollers, 86c., Picture Framing a specialty Baby °aerie ges,0 o-earts,Express wog - ons, Carts, Roekiug horses, etc. Uisdettaloitig. ez1112V a large and -Well osso ed. stock in this line. In time of nerd do not fail to call. The above stock is bought from tire leading Manufacturers of Canada, •mnd ;bought nt t be closest prices and oily expenses are low there- • fore we enn sell it at prices whicll will sniptis6 yen. Give us 0 can before porebaeing elsewhere. P. Mc:Isaac.