Exeter Advocate, 1902-10-2, Page 4th racatt,
alleae. I-1. Sanders, Editor and Pro
'XIIURSDAlt, OOT 23 1.9
Hou.J.Israel Tarte is busily engaged
at waking person:al cauvas of the mail-
nfactories of Cauada. ztud •has already
amnia that the eotton and iron mills
zte a„ffering fzom 1„ek of protection. hibits were Wt 11 represented soul of a.
Eon. teitaatet swoptneaewhaet is i high order. Me indoor display WaS
;ICeping Olit of sighe. Mr. Tarteia on I pat tient-nay good mid stock was r
eetiele in his paper La Pattie, infoues marleable for its goad qnaliay, The
arede that bis vws have the eane- AIRY Was genalollY looked 'Woo as
. oll of Si' Wilfrid Leturier,, wed he being eueeeseful and 'was conducted
'kg:tunes his op000ents time; °Thoet.0
eurconfeeres 1,1130 think that it is good
o taiey to cover the Minister of Pablie
Works will/ disloteal and ridiculonsat-
ateeke. will see very soon in what kind
et a intsition they have placed them-
"Mr. Tarte. we repeet lees the ap. torneaou in rendering good music. The, Sehroeder; prunes, H. Well, Phil.liart,
ota the Liberal party, and he believes neefea et: 1 era >tt-tialin iA et) 1 ' rapee„ J. Haberer. W. 11. Battler;
plums, C. Coombe% T. Johnston; col.
pleans. C. Campbell, J. Btvwn, canned
fruit, R. R. Jobuston, Jno. Decter.
Col. -apples, Woe. Tattopp, E. Geis.
Jacob Haberer; fail apples, B. Geis,
Aorou Kaercher, Snowden 13ros.; win-
ter apples, Sneider Bros., 13. Geis, G.
Tbe thirt)..eigbth Annual Fuu Ex., Schroeder; King Tompkins, O. Eilber,
W, Klopp; Snow apples, J. 0.
bibition of the Hay Branch Agricul. fiets(41, B ?bait, N ta
, or teen pies, .
toral Society, or better kuown as the Klopp. D. Bauch; Baldwins,
World's Fair," was betel on the J. Decker; R.I. Greenings, jaeob Web-
er, D. /leech; Spitzenhurg, A. :.11cEwen,
(*rounds ot the Society, on Thursday,
- 1,V. Klopp;Catuttla Recl, Wendel Smith.
Sept. 25th. Owing to the inclement slul. &trams; Rib p• s t
son 'ppm, t -
weather the erowa was uot as large wet', Sataras; Golden Russett, 0,
as previous years but the varione ex. Schoch, S.sarants; Hen Davis, Soeider
Bros., H. Roeder; Swears. W. Smith,
W.Klopp; Wagners,Snelder Bros., W.
Klopp; Mann, H. Roeder, J., Howalth
Maidelfe Blush, R. Platile, W. Smith;
Blenheim Pippin, Geo. Schoellig, I, J.
Smith; Pewaukeet E, Gee, H. Roeder;
Colverts, Jno, Decker, G. Schroeder;
Olott alundi, G. Schroeder; Russett
hroughout witht hegreatestharmooy. appoo, .1. Roeder, A. Raereher; fal/
Had Ale day been tine doubtless one of pears, al. Holman., D. Sararas; winter
the largest crowds that Zurich ever pears, Jacob Roeder, Jacob Brown;
saw man oceasion of the kind would collection fall and winter pears, Jacob
have beet,. in attendance. However, Haberer, W. .13. 13attler; 13artlet pears,
coneiaering the weetthee the crowd was J. J. Smith. Jacob Roeder; Mein -
an averaged one ad all were well sat- 4 Ws Beauty. li. Selooedee, J. Roeder;
isfied with What tilos' eaw. The Deets- Cap's Favolite, J. Harberer, 0.,
wood Be d d'el g 1 e • -I - h if )1 Sehoellig; peaches. R. S. Phalle:. Ge
espared neither time not meens to aelNo b; grapee, ,T, 4:. NaThdelsgh; cot. of
cmattal of tete at aiatat:,. a the country i °Meet's were a Erie lot of fellows and i man; red crab applee, H. Reeder. H.
that be is in perfeet accord with tit/ wouial not be temeidered. Fair Day at
oray. hie speeches are but the inter igai ifujevettWn t:m"q,"!11-tIS
reOyeT. et the thew ,of the revision of t ft ts, t e eons' to tug nom ter o it b.
ey's progr,tto. Rath Italie were tilled
taritT." d the teotatit awl lawny' joined hear-
owbot ot,44.4 s tete use of talking t in tha mazy whitl until a latelloor.
ollowtog is tile suceesefol prize win.
Of the pulitleal it editions t,f the Lib-
nal p.:11tyr IL i1,3 ittsultiag commo
Mt'. Tarte in Ws declerati ITORSKo,
eense to use stwit language."
,fortovn Liberal traditions to the fon
taindsatal lute asotifall his ciesociate
h will not stettal any nonsens;
ei le told that he is mist:data'
' tale atial is rept:aided that
I of Sly WW1 leanrier.
t et
be prepared to °tercels- htead"
a Tarte,
.Sir Wilfrill's frien
rule. should eatur.ze a', etinge 4110
ler vet of the tainisherial imt tie. Lilts
Oral pep wall have to tteett their
ct"341cv Ivilth 11935'3. hM0VPIP M"C'h ,1 :11 d11124nutr.*Sndow. 43'13,1.1entte''rTsvut'atr"; "ieIelli;,1J1
they attatek, .7.41.`. T,41`tr, wed if it lite Roesler, &tee!: %* 'b'.
Wile tie:a the Piettaier hos turned att. vereenetao„-Breeel mare, e.H. Cern.
;ohm tyade eetieeteetalt, explenotiums lobar'. Wm. Witoal. A. Mtarray; foal.
win he in order oil rotund, Liberale, 414NN ,P,Plir,qv'e.F. ii. ctimao"; two -
314'4 e7grflr:P/We dillI4tS in liv''ting Ttglvii4;t144;e:VIteartrlaftilli".11f.V.:rYngin:
r.beir views theee days with the INIfin. i Witeel, 0. Seta -order, teem. J. F. Rue.
,eters quarrelling in 511Q11 an uneversily 'oell.IN,...%.,Eelb.„14 lotenq I.Lorset'.WIll. KINN'
may. For Mr. Siftoit, Sir Wilfrid's rnani. JeneN . °'
an-ationente are a Week eye, and the L'IllY 4,11111"rs' 3114' n"itr• 1stz 316s
31elieli, end; Mis.9 Witeel, ord.
Ilinister of the Interior will he hai•d
elms of Sin, Wilfrid Laurier. Arty. Zariala tunles'3 the "'Ea dattees welv
131113 els nese yo am ea Fa 7r
,zetatien of the trolley taloptea h
Ditanalor.-Droed neer Ben SW-
. 13. 13.1eLestio Ernest Cieleq foal, It.
.111eLea44, K, eleie; two.
aruh1, „eloneet Ft-oter; one -year-old.
etb,cieigot; teal% 13.NOVIII•
Parte) SOlik
M41:1e1:131.70I.,--Br0i1d mere. E
Oele, Jas. Ronthron. 13. 13. :AleLean.
fwd. Rontiteon, 13, Oeio, R. a Me.
Lean; t wroyeateald. Jame Hey, IT,tri.
ille ; one.,7,0zir-t
Anita tlaerray; team, John pecker, E.
fiteiottee. lhoetrocoo„- --13road mare.
Vetalel Smith, Jae. teatterelea, Ft. B.
alellaeen. foal. W., Seatith.J. Pattereon,
h .1 fle; 0
RoansTeme.-Braged Jno. Gei.
reseed when, be attempts to force hie
free Trade opinions against the oz. ReAllister. W. Witeel. J. Geiger; tw
ort.sed wishes of his nominal and real
owe 11, & NN • MeAllieten foal. R. &
xors 41.5,0 CONME '
eet very toting elan e. in the Aet
Atha; veters was brought to light
le the sitting of the COUrt Of Appeal in
nehell lest week. An appeal heti
'wen entered to phtee Mr. Philliptiande
aer ou part one of the vetersi hst. It
tvas ehown that he Was owner of a
tense and lot in town stud that be re -
:dee d heite with his family-. It was
otteentled by Mr. Danko. that as he
ems not actually. sloanie tied here ot the mum -Melt cow. Jno. Pfaff, 1 and 2, DAIRY PRODUCE,
'imp the appeal was Med with Mei Phil Mittman; heifer calf, Roeder;
yeeteold, W. Love, Jim, Becker, J. 0 e
uneoyeeredti. Wm. Meek Jut
*balite, J.A. Manson; span, tiherwoo
Heiner. 13. S. O'Neil, M. (Jardine
buggy Wow. J. Geiger, Nathan Pack
Cleo: Selwollige
Rose tr,44ntoes, 0. Schroeder. Roe
der; Elephant. C.Vr.Coloskey. NV. Rote
deo J. Decker; Colorado Red, O. Marine
der, Phil Heitman, J. Decker; Nicht-
an Blue, 0. Schroeder. J. Haberer,
S110Wilen BrOS.; variety pOtattle$, W.
attler. O. Schroeder, Alex. Rennie;
'bite Joint.O. Schroeder, W. Rattier;
j Empire, to Schroeder, (e. Sehoellige
i+1W. IL Blettler; Carina% J. Roeder;
speeial, J. Hey; email white beans, W. Tao
11. Hattler, J. Doter; heaneoloy vitae- .
t J Geiger vellow
Y4 . et. „
corn, Snowden Uwe., J. Roeder; sweet
corn, A. Ktterchee, Chris. Schoeh; red
onions. Casper Roehrig,S.Sarstras•
Col, of sowers, W. al. Harburn, T.
Johnston; Maple Leaf, R.R. Johnston;
bouquet of cut ftowers,R.R. jobuston,
j. Forest; Geranituns, R. R. Johnston,
T. Johnston; Cacti, S. Johnston.; Calla
Lillies, R. R. Johnston; Pansies, H.
Roeder, T. Johnston; Fuschias, R. R.
Johnston, J. 'Weber.
Heavy liorsee.---Robt. Bell, Hensall;
Wm, Mouteith, Thames Road,
Light Horses. -Wm. Dickson, Brace,
Cattle.-Jno. Shepberd, /Jensen; R,
Penitale, Bayfield,
Sheep and Hogs. -L Areesttong,Ex-
eter; Wm, Rivers, Hay.
Poultry. -G. Brown and J. O. Stone-
man, Hensall,
Implements. -j. E. Hoffman, Zurich
Ed. Wali, Daehwood,
Garden Vegetables, Dairy Produce
and Manufactures. -E. Reptile, Hent
salt, P., Lamont, Drysdale.
011.111.--Jiao. MergeVill, glopon.
LatliestWoria-C. V.Sroith,Ilensailt
aiirs. W. Recker, Zuriels,
Fine Arte and tlowes,--,Tas. Weekes,
French, Ciluton; Fred
Hess, Sr., Zurich,
Bulky.Patkagesofeereat Break
fast Foot. are not War-. .
'.antees, Of .Economy .
or Quality
low onions, J. Cochrane, 0. Sel'ioek;
Thatch setter A. S. Faust, R. Plata
field carrote, P. Koehler, 13.S. Philips;
garden carrot% Wendel Sraith. Se.
rams; Swedish ttarhipe.r. Madman, 3,
Brown: White turnips. 3. Serares, E.
Oeis; yellow globe otangolds, Snowden
Moe., H. 'Well; long red flialtagalt15,
Snowden Uwe,, A. Keerelter; Oxford
Cahletge, P. Koehler, II. Weil; Dutch
Cabbage, II. Well, W.13.13attley; Black
Spenisie radishes, /3, 8. Philip -4 Phil
Hattinen; White ratlielas Halterer;
Cauliflower. J. Coehrane; pumpkin%
NV. 13. Rattler, Snowden Brae.; mam-
moth pomplanee Snowden Bros.; eel-
ery.J.t oelcome, Johnston; eonaeh,
Sotto -voles: Ries.; blood beete_. H. Roe.
der, II. Well; ronted heete. W. 13. Bat.
tier, 13. S. Philips; watermelon% C.
ColoskeY; muskmelons, 0. Coloskey,
11. Well; red tomatoes. Thos. John-
ston.Snowden Bros.; yellow tontatoee.
r.bnowden Bros., NV, 11. Battler.
Speelah-Cora etock, E. Gels.
Doohle iron harrows. Belcher &Son,
1.1,701(44U Carliap. 5r.: open
, huggy, F. Bees, sr., W.. J. Millar; top
buggy, F. Hese, W. a. Millar; Portland
cotter, F. Hess, se.
DrInover.--Mileb, tem, J. Roeder, j Heavy harness, C. Ifartleilt 1 and 2
and 2„ Jane Chambers; 2-yearetitl-hele• buggy. beefless, e. mtruto ana 2;
er, 11. Roeder, Simon Yeatting can istge harness, C. Hartlelln shoes,
heifer. George Wieland, J. Roeder. J. P. Bender; leather, Feed Witwer; tile,
Chambere: esdf. J. Roeder, Bathe' B. Roster, 8. Rennie; inielo 8. Ran.
der; heifer ealf, J. Roeder, Wm. Rote nit'. II Roster; thee, Geo. Cook, IL
der, J. Chandiere. Wiliert; home-made wool blankets, J.
OTHER THAN THOliatlilinnUn DUN.. Wig'.
Ark that he shonld not go on. The I 1 • r wr Butter itt tub, S.Rannie W.Roeder,
eareeu neater, ...t• LAMA, AU COMM', d
fa s , b
hexer; home-made bread, IL R. john-
ston, 13. Phfile; baker's bread. C. Eit-
her; homeouade lions, G. Schoellig,
B. le; extracted honey, W. Smith.
3. Haberer; ma de veal) ). O. Sehoellita
Statutes were leantea up when thi
»tote:on was found to le.
nd the Judge had to rule against the
tpplient ion, but admitted that it was :7
woe.; iahle hater. NV. B.
rf"1"eavling bvifei;' F" Willett I 1.3=n1). Siirarste*It R. johnston;
Plea W. Lemont. .T. A. Matson;
41"- 2' "7" 831'41'411' 2-Ye31"1" k'teer' J" 11011)0 made 'eheese,8. wihe, 3, Oeipter,
111)Wd Bros.; oney In con.a-
ow, .1. loteder. . 1 no. Beeker, Jo,
:ewe et' hardebtp ste the man would, ; 1,1,1itert; Nomoting eteer, F. wawa. et
elisfranehital.When t he Mania poog uuo ol fat 54(04!,tumunt,
raehise Art MIA intradileed. it Wats and2 ot,or tom, phi/ ioutuum, mo„
einimed every nom would be given a I Imo, le Hartman,.
ewe. but at every eleetion thwisandri plaff.
ere deprived tbie
'We have been handed a eample o
W. Smith, col. Iwney. . Haberer.
Crochet quilt, NV. Klapp. 3. Decker;
Lo -o Woot,..---Aged ram, Geo. Pen- .,
C . • 1 wt 1,.. C C 11 T f d
,' G. Penbale, R. & W. McAllister; year-. lin Wool wreath, Thos. Johnson; Log
now ample. ; u te
bale; yearling ram. G. Penhale; ewes, uit, Baffler, s. witmen Bev_
r, ling ewes, (e. Penhake R. &, . MeAl.
wheat hT. aim Tinos Cann, of the listen ewe la/mat, at. penhale.,
'township of "sborna, con taining ave.' McAllister; ram lamb, G. Penhale
'14"..""" whiat and 2; pair ewee, And. Dimean land 2.
aestatacti Ai to wheat if not chewy& reale "Wool...a-Aged tam, A. Duman;
Mr. Ceom informs us that a large quare Yearling ram, A. Duncan land 2; ram
tity of his wheat has been attaeked hunt", A. Duncan 1 and 2; yearling ewes.
the little pest and a great deal of dam- A.. Duncan 1 and 2; fat sheep, G. Pen -
age already done. A sample of the hale; ewes, .A. Duncan 1 and 2.
Pen -
4V0114 was forwarded to the Biologacal
aepartnant of the Ontario Agricultur. PIGS.
al College, Gnelpb, where Professor
oehhad made an examination and 5eeKnrtrina.lBecker'
avorted thereon. In a conminim- agesoratoweltoe,i
4044 2.
,don to Mr. Cann the Professor says: -
Thomas Cann, Esq., Exeten
Dom:. Sia. -Prof. Zavitz has asked
me to attend to your communication
of the 2ath ult., regarding some pests
?stand in Fall Wheat. In reply, 7 may -
say that the two large grubs are knOwn
as dark meal worms. The full grown
a these are blackish beetles. 80 far
141 know the grubs feed only on meal,
wad are seldom or never found in whole
etheat. In your case, however, the lite
Ste white caterpillars broke down the
'wheat grains, and converted some in-
tes meal. This explains the presence
af the meal worms. The white fellows
must be looked after, else they will
soon convert the mess of your wheat
iinto flour, held together by silken
threads. They are the larva of tbe
Mediterranean flour moth, I think.
They were, not in very ,good condition
when they artived. I should advise
you to buy 1 lb. or 1 pint of carbon
Easulphicle at the druggists, pour • a of
•Ilhe liquid into a soup plate placed on
*op of the wheat in a clean coal -oil bar-
ael. Cover the barrel tightly and lea ve
alone for thirty six. hours. Do the
same until all the wheat is treated. Be
eareful 13 Ot to bring alight of any kind,
either match, pipe or cigar, near Ibe
barrel for fear of an explosion. In f u.
tape be extremely clean about your
granary and. harn floors. Have every.
'thing sweet and clonal and even Wash
Ike granary With a dilute- solution of
aormalin before storing the wheat.
I am, Sir
Yours very truly
LIMWORTIL-Aged hoar, Snowden
Bros.; Spring sow, Snowden Bros., 1
and 2; aged sow, Snowden Bros.
den Bros; Spring sow, Snowden Bros.
Yonitsinnn. -Spring sow, Stiowden
Bros.; 1 -year-old sow, Snowden Bros.
Hamburgs, Colin Campbell, 1 and 2;
Plyinoth Rocks, G. Irwin, Peter Del -
chert; Wyandottes, 0. Caanpbell, Sni-
der Bros.; Silver Crested Polands, G.
Irwin, 1 and 2; Black Spanish, G. Ir-
win 1 and 2; Light Brahrnas, G. Irwin,
1 and 2; Dark Brahmas, Geo. Irwin, I
and 2; Dorkins, C. Campbell; Black
Minorcas, 0. Campbell, G. Irwin; White
Minorca% G. Irwin, 1 and 2; Red Caps,
Wendel Smith, Geo, Clausins; White
Leghorns, O. Campbell 1 and 2; Brown
Leghorns, 0. Campbell 1 and 2: Bull
Oochins, G. Clansins, 6. Schoellig; Ban
tains, O. Campbell, G. Ii -win; Pekin
China Ducks'G. Cllausins, G. Irwin;
Rouen Ducks, G. Olausins, G. Irwin;
ducks any breed, G. Irwin, G. Clau-
sins; Geese, H. Roeder, J. McBride;
turkeys, Snowden Bros., Snider Bros.;
Guinea Fowls, A. Ka rchet ; Rabbits, 6.
Irwin, H. Roeder; Toulouse Geese, G.
Olausins, Snowden Bros.
Special. -Pen of chicken, W. B. Da t
White fall wheat, Jno. McBride, J.
Webee; red fall wheat; W. B. Battier,
,T. Weber; spring wheat, Sneider Bros.;
(avowed barley, J. Weber; black oats,
W. LOCEITEara. w
Alex. McEweie white oats, A Geig •
, • A. el,
ebe.r, W. 13. Battler: red clover
at would be well for farmers to keep seed, B. S. Philips, Wm. Rhode, Jacob
, nreye on theft wheat as the little pose Weber; timothy seed, Alex. McEwen,
ifoeea geeett deal of damage in 4 hort Snowden Bios., 13..5. Philips.
Special,-Sneider Brost
Cabin quilt, IL Roeder, Jno, Decker;
Patch quilt, S. Wise, O. Campbell;
Quilt sewed on ground work,J. Decker,
Outline qudt, P. Hartman, A. Eater-
eher; Home-made coverlet, P. Hart-
man; Home-made mat, S. Wise, 3.
Forest; Rag Carpet, T. Johnson, S.
Wise; Painting on velvet, 0. Camp-
bell, S. Steinbach; Berlin Wool work,
O. Campbell; Berlin Wool pillow cush-
ion, C. Ortmphell„T. Sarartts; crochet
work, 0. Campbell; crochet work S.
Wise, 0. Chunpbell; Album basket, 3.
J. Smith, S. Wise; hair wreath, H.
Neel), Wm. Roeder; feather wreath,
T. Johnston; beading on silk, C. Camp-
bell; cardboard work, T. Johuston;
sofa cushion, C. Campbell, D. 8. Faust;
chenile work, 0. Campbell; _Milton
lace, 0. Osatpbell, T. Joh n ston ; knitted
lace. curtain, H.Neeb, S. Wise; mottoes
in Berlin Wool, A. Murray; straw bas-
ket, J. 0. Ealbfleisch, R. R. Johnston;
leather work, C. Campbell; cushion
toilet, C. Campbelall. Well; lamp mat,
0. Campbell, S. Wise; cross work, C.
Campbell; bead work, 0. Campbell;
Chemise, R. R. Johnston, S. Wise;
darned work, D. Steinbacb, J. C. Kalb-
fleisch; gents' dress shirt, S. Wise R.
R. Johnston; tatting, C. Campbell, T.
Sohnston; embroidery in silk, 0. Camp-
bell, T Johnston; embroidery in mus-
lin, 0. Campbell, T. Johnston; woollen
stockings, S. 'Wise, H. , Well; cotton
stockings, S. Wise, T. Johnston; knit-
ted mitts'S. Rennie, 3. Brown; 'kuitted
eocks, S. Wise; H. Neeb; paper basket,
S. Wise, J. I. Smith; Arasene work, 0.
Canepbell; Crazy work, 0.- Campbell.
Witvver, silk patchwork, T. ;John-
ston. D. S. Faust; knitted pillow shams.
H. Neel); outline apron, J. Forest, S.
Wise; batten wreath, 3.0, Ealbfleisch;
crochet petticoat, T. Jahnston; D. S.
Faust; crazy cloylie, 3. Cochrane, j. 0.
Kalbfleisch, chair tidy, C. Campbell,
J. Geiger.
Oil painting, portrait, C. Campbell,
Sn ei der Bros. ; p11 pal n tinge landscape,
Sneider Bros., 0. Campbell; water col-
or, C. Onrnpbell, J. Cochrane; craynn
work, J. Forest: oil or water color.
flowers, Snoider Bros.; pencil drawing,
J. Ferest; J. Cochrane; pen and ink
k e tch e, C. Cal n p b ell; pair -idea, on
J. Cocbrn ne, C. CAM pbell; pal n tie g on
plaster' Paris, J. Cochrane, C. Camp-
One Pnol(ng of
Breakfast Food
MOUS rtient for
Twetityenve People.
While the 'Manufacturers f a
Breakftset Food do not Clallii to give
the public the most balky package of
fowl, t hey ntake the Positive statement
that, 011t, package of their celebrated
food will make twice sie Many Meals
tOr the money as any other food on
the mat ket.
ill addition to this economical fea-
ture. litalt Breakfast Foad. is castle -
more nourishing for young soul old.
Tens of thousands of 105eM consider It
the most delicious toid appetizing of
all breakfast grain foods. Physicione
and food experte say it Ida 000 health
giver. Gutters everywhere in Canada
find Malt Breakfeet Food the fastest
seller. If you have not yet given it a
OK ask your Grocer it
Winghatn, Last, week,one of Wing -
ham's oldest business men, Me. J. J.
lionrath retired from business.. Me.
Hotpot,' has been connected with the
busineas interests of Wingliant for
29 yenta The business will be contin-
ued by Mr lloinuth's two sons.
Winghain; What 'night bave been
501.10115 iteetitellt oceurred at the elec.
ire light power honse on Momlay
vetting. Mr. NV. H. Green and two
of his WOr14.111011 were making a con-
nection between the two large hollers,
when a small pipe broke and let Ow
scalding water out of the boiler. Tile
wen were on top of the boiler at the
break and might have been scalded
very badly had they not jumped.
There was 1.10 Ihs of Stearn on at the
Hine of the break.
Eight cents a pound is
what a young woman paid for
twelve pounds of flesh.
She was thin and weak and
paid one dollar for a bottle of
Scott's Emulsion, and by tak-
ing regular doses had (rained
twelve pounds in weight before
the bottle was finished.
Eight cents a pound is
cheap for such valuable ma-
terial. Some pay more, some
less, some get' nothing for
their money. You get your
money's worth when you buy
Scott's Emulsion.
We will send you a little
Toronto, Ontario
soc. and ar.00 ; druggists.
In every town
and village
may be had,
"1 have made a most thoroutao
trial of Ayeee Cherry Pectoral '
am prepared to eay that for all d'As.
eaS0 of the tulip it never disaee
J. Early Finley, Ironton, 0.
Ayer's Cherry Pector.1:,.
won't cure rheumatism;
we never said it would.
It won't cure dyspepsia;
we never claimed it. But
it will cure coughs and ,.;.;
colds of all kinds. We
first said this sixty years h
ago; we've been saying t
ever since.
Tbr4,4 4411: • ug.4 tor au •
0144 .0e.. loot • -semebitas. hca740-
mum, NO colds. ow.; :nest czi.puerciri,t
for cluoMe f,400 emt to keep en hiked- "
• 04 AV= M.
hat makes your
horses glad.
Oct. 2,'S
144 7.ti
41 ertta
4. 7
St. Marys; Mr. D. S. Murray. met .
serions accident while running ator Bog ga 0 golic7
D t A
a illatelling newhiate et the Brown,
Teaella & Baty planiog wills Saturday
morning. A part of the maehine etun- '
ing in contact with the rapidly weed-
ving knives was thrown with great -1.1" YOU 'wan TO
force and struck ,:thirrav on the
foreheed and face. His for flead was
ent open to the bone for three hitches
end two cute extended from his eye
down los cheek, The injured tuat
was stunned by the Mow awl wa
amnions for SOW time. At ars
14 was thought, he had suetained ron
011551011 of the twain sind that his righ
eye had been badly injured. but be i
OW on a Ade way to recovery. pre
them and Frateigh fonna neces.
eary to put in several stitches In dress
lug his injuries. Heseles being bailie
nt Mr. 'Murray bad a tooth knocked
ot and received severe faltaries to out
of his hands. Wheu the aceident 00 -
cured 110 Wa5 &ming an iron cov-
ered elide in pasition and isa ears* waV
Buy or Sell a Earth
Buy or Sell Town Prop
it, touched the knives,
Chippewa, Ont., Sept. Vitb.-Mrs.
Franks, a widow, :llama al Feats old,
who lived alone. was found dead in
her Ionise this morning. Bitaid
term/ against the wails and a bad
woond on her heed Mowed that, eite
had been inurdezed. The oriole mi.
dentlo had been committed tome time
during last night.
Forest, Sept. 2.1.-Ex•0hief James
Johnson, 04 saubie Indian reserve,
township of Rosenquet, while in the owing &
onas near Port Frank last evening. pun 01(
weived a charge of buckshot in the
WO, the neck, and the back ttf the
bead. Thirty -.six shot have been re -
mot t , and t he donor in attendance
on the wounded man hopes for his re-
Borrow or Lend Money
Collections Made
Tom. Life Insured
(to to the Old Country
Call at the Tiadersigled
0 over II. Spackman's Hardwa
aolverv. 74 if., not yet. eXplainrd Witt)
414 tle shooting or how it came
Elmwood, Ont., Sept. 20.- James
Russel. uf this villiorto committed
eithade by hangiete himself in all rip-
ple ;tee w lir los own Neese this
wonting. Theeel got up n t 3 a. m.,
telling his wife he wantul tit sot nut
in Ile a lab :.jr, and that' tees the lost
et him alive. Alinut half an
teem afferwat de, :the, Russel went
to t he ereluna ge ther up fallen
appa e, and was bort inlet to 500 her
intshand with a piece of clothes lint*
ai•olit his wale. &lout five n half
feet from the ground. and his feet
were on the ground. Russell was lir, - '
Man in a, saw mill where b worked
until abont too weeks ago, wben the
mill closed down. wife, dnughter
711.d three sons survive Min. The con.
mer was notified, but deaided an in.
quest was tinneCeSsury.
Supplied with either the
Angle Iron, Round
Rod or Wood.
These are without a
doubt the best ma-
. chines obtainable
at any price.
Was awarded the only
medal and diploma
given on Hay Forks
at the World's
Fair Chicago.
Supplies at Russell's Blacksmith el op.
KS‹K KOcK ife.41c
(&Kk&K KacK
If you are btlying a pair of shoes or a. suit of
clothes you are particular as to the honesty and
reputation of the merchant. Tour health is of
moreimportancethaneither, yet you let quacks,
medical fakirs and other humbugs deceive you by
their deceptive offers of something for nothing.
After being defrauded by these medical sharks you
think all doctors are rogues, whereasj 3rou alone
aret0 blame. 'Why not first demand from...them
evidences of their honesty and responsibility as
rsepfaecrleanlicsetss.. We have been located in Detroit es years and can give best of bault
READER Are you a victim? Dave you lost hope? Are yen contempla-
ting marriage? as your blood been diseased? Rave poll
any weakness ? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. Whatit has
done for others it will do for you. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who lias treated
you, write for an honest opinion free of charge. Charges seasonable. BOOKS FREE.
-"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on Diseases of Meta
till'No Names used without written eonsent. Private. No
Medicine sent C. 0. D. No names on boxes or envelopes.
nverythinw confidential. °location List and omit of Treat-
ment FREE.
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te. ' 414,4•44. 4c4,1-.. -•
The fling of Rang:else-- Ilsuoh's Happy Thought "
a R.ange.457av
17171C4\ P
There are three essential things to consider when buying a
Range,--ctuality, Conetimption of Fuel, and the Price. The price
is the least important. A gocd Range will last many years, and
when it saves in fuel it pays for its self, while a cheap Range is
constantly adding to its price in extra consumption of, fuel. The
61 Happy Thought " Range
is the lightest fuel consumer in the world, and the most perfect
Range constructed. It is a perfect cooking apparatus
Write the Manufacturers foe an Illetsteatect Catalogue.
by .
6 :•
•a, latatetiei
.2te4eeiteettleetteaeleeteete, „taleateeleete Theeeteteette.