HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-10-2, Page 3P tICTICE THE GOLDEN RULE
Lessons to Be Drawn From the Great
Miners' Strike
provocation will leeee their employ -1 ''',..":":,•°:"SrSetwS•tatotetotottetet•eSeSoSeS* seider and fill with. the Plimpisin
es in the lurch, as quickly as a. birdie.", • as, EQ011 as Solt, letting it Onieh in
would. mug her way to the wood ii
the cage door should be inadvert-
ently left open.
My laboring friend, if you cannot
reoch the high Christian standard of
loving your employer as you would
hive youxsele. you are simply head -
. [10
sbro-evirsirdmirleeinllovelaboLd'ils.ig:elt Wincl
ed more inclined to be lumpy, yet it
OCT. 5.
e. to soften the pumpkin. This Neill
.t. -
eei.O.e.to„eeee,..e.t..e.eeteeeeeee.t..e.e.e.eee:e take some little time, if it hies been
erness. The grea.test inspiration for Only the best cider
PICKLE RECIPES. itzpaps, and when milk and pumpkin Golden Text, Josh. 1.2 9.
future natioeal prooperity is not to be tient for xnaldng picitlee
'vinegar should are inixecl, add sugar and spices to, 1., a.
and, only :taste. Allow 1 tablespoon liour to / The lowd spoke unto Josh -
ea, the son of Nun., Moses' mini*
be fotmil in the gold brielts which granite 9r porcelein-lineti kettlea eoeh pie,' and put in exongli eaille to
scattered. right . ter.
and left. /The super- stored away in the vaults of our should be employed in umeleg teem, ,ln,a . This is to me the heart of ;these
Moot,' w--ordlez to .kot, ot the reelleoethe ot flak the mixture or such a. OU' '
dred 4;14 Tsso, la NInth_on essaly, ot Tomato, at
Owmao. to the seer owe Tbo9powl Mee Awe- intendent wile can run the mill eationai banns, it is in the mutual It is a, little early for the small eue:sisteney that it will rim easily. two verses and of the whole latsox
the Denotieet ez Agrithlevuo, Oltews.) or found at the lowest, eost gets trust which the capitalistic aud lee cumbers but they can always be Bale elowly. The finished product . • i .
w• the oven. This process renders it
dried down euiliciently. Rub out any Tezt of Lesson, Josh. i., 141.
mg toward the social economic. weld -
A despateei front ClOcago says:
Rev. Frank De Witt Talniage preach-
ed from the following text: Luke
27. "Thou Miele low thy neigh-
bor as thyself."
. 0 LOrS
the biggest sedate/. Tbe big officers boring classes Ought to hove in each obtitincd from. the market or grocery with only plain ingredients added is
e hath Epolw.n. Note the theilline,
of the trust, get their Millions, The other. If the average business Orio'for the asking. afe the farmer is delicious- Some fold the sauce. maws words in Ise,. I, 2, "'Hear, 0 ilea -
little men, who do the bard work, could not trust rts customel -9. or often very anxious to piek a few in the Fame way as for pies but evith wins, ;mud give ear, 0 e.n th. for the
receive pittances which ere 'lenity was in such condition teat the n-liole--i-oeke. or more from his heavily:sisore milk, very palatable.
enough to allow them to eke out. a sale business houses could not trust laden vines. In fact, Protident Lunt lode). spot and coneetrr
bare physical existence. The capie it. the average husinese houee would;housewiews alwaew procere their rerY II MAKING UP RAG CAP,PET. lieut. xxxli, 1; Ps. 1, i; aeb. 4, 1
2. In Ise. lxvi, 2. we learn that
A startling telegram was tying up-
taut ought to see that the mouey be wrecked Nrithin thirty days. [small eucumbers in this way. . A correspoudent tells how she , the man whom tee Lore "look.
cf. be PAYS for labor reaches the men nrxi AMOUNT OF MONEY , Have the cucumbers of even size, - .
managed to prevent, ra.velline in with favor is the Man. with a poor
0°' laY de''I( " I sat d°w° t° 1Yrs— who work and that it is not lost, on
end contrite spirit, wfao trembles
malreg• up a rag ciirret, anefound",
this seimioa. It was direct, inform- tbe we, to their pockots 'which Le in circulation to -Coy
newepapers, soul it rea,d; "Fifty
atiou, sent to one of the Chicago --, - ^ •
MEN AND WOMEN nothing when cow/Oared to the bus to float an egg
in an:rub them smooth with the Loth end •
„ place them in brine stroeg enough it more convenient th:en the old 'at bis svord., not those who with
thousand employes of Pittsburg's lions neon billions of dollar** worth
• the brine until ;vented to iclie if . Heretofore we allsovS caretullY • d
They will keep in wnY- She soYs 1 the boldnees of the devil (Repute
. . . . . . .
mills and factories face a loss of
work through a, femme in fuel as a, agitations and troubles will neverY:ear.
Of the CapltallStIC class, tliese tabor blusTev!-sasduoPneceintoAbilliZ,eaatwo days after tatting them strong thread. each side Or a oleos- that he had given the land to Is -
?eery deoroo, soak the cuOumbers in woe -caught each chain with istedle and ovo.rd. Jteiteeatin: :linen serance48
to sehrewd business matt tbat at keen, ., ter for
result of the prolonged neinere. be settled until you are willing
warier exhausted, et io "Forted who are working for you so
strike. Coal and coke stocks are ;there your prosperity with those "8 Ter cent" 01 all hasieesa "(me once and then scold in
. faith.. Upon. trust—upon the promise to pay
do. from the brine. changing the water ured length.toljite,roleteizievecacruvtettileal::(er;01.01„olilsaerisitieii:Iseroirn.t/ostce3haon:sesri.ois.; jtort:itio-:14elialris:
oftener e,/o pet; tees was a stow. tiresome pre-'
that scone of Use largest plants will Lpthoudr lettheutorailitseteanylirignarit otezhero LI em
fully to Make a. living. 'rite labor 'ciroti smooth edge that would not. ravel; 'eereano,
be forced to close in a. few days." troulites win never be settled until a, lette I. men, are you ready to have haute „sing. rot sa each two cuctrtn, this three we caught the chains just 3. -1. Every place that tbe eolle of
Terrible is the suffering wbieh is man willing to work can earnme' t le whorde a ow toxt translated and
of vieegar, an ourof peeper cores. as eireetsially. and with greater ease. your feet shan tread ueem that have
being caused in the little towns anti ough motley not only to care for his, U.roug tatiome to, ,yctur heal ts ? Are a half ounce each of mustard .e.eed to soS* nothing' or sTeed. bY sowing .1 given unto you. as I said unto
ers he. A lady wile just left the fit them for bccomipg self-supporteiZolilen chalice of eelthli ein . Are 1‘p of alum toe sofa hovel a leugth to be wit, nearEed it care- And ogain he dc,thnes the 11.,n- ,1•.i -v
iio1011- readY to be ehaueed so next „ ant "lett 001„1 0 .si.t.,0r. fide,v relied ti v° it 'el 1,- AN CP, 11. .
ing offer he is deed. as In Gen. xv. lel. 'lee purproes sit
"you aro rolveeiteing a it of bigh „litie those of Peter Cooper and, Wile utes before strehriu over the cu- inaohihre arm and sewed iteross the . . ,
• .
villae-es where, the Penusylvaula mine children while he is wive. ,5ot to 1.1 ice Y to cee.se IV the anti mace. a, piece of hoesterad:sh, a, a'-'reEs saa the machloe- messared Maiees.
villege of Shicloiltinny, Nehich Is sit-
uated in the heart of the coal re-
gion. tolil me that there the neat and,
answers some ciipitalist. , OOlir lieeS may become a blessii4g, .. iloil them togolier fier ten inin- ' the nsorlS sill lusl the roil und •1' tlis 'Gout are. like Ilirsioq. eternal. Ws
nongense. you ore praetie,Itani Iro I ()dig° and Baron Hirsch and cumbers. One pound of sugar teay .
practically starving. Even the dogs. ettllY 8111. U11 the women and the children were sounilmg that every capitalist Stionteaore . lf you We. then you be 11,4,1(4 to 0.0 vinegar it sweet uult?.. three ,sttilitque,Lehvi.seirte stelogtilitett ilie.;,3.1',Stlizam`tvg,..iih:.°Iiii.iekevr;h4i0Vi.raae:itaiailli
gamIt and baggard, o•01.0 running AeUid beeen10 a philanthropist. Ile, will look upon, eour money as nipickles are desired. !l,n,Fr: e.aeli on ore rag* lmt "I.° eternity saw just what lie is-outri de
through the streets like initilehed should turn his business into a Co- gift from
-o awl 'when He would do it deeiree
Clod for the heipium of weei • one re iteld was ?ie.
ouankind Copitalists are oo re-'ul I Sweet Telliat° Plehle"—°°e Peek of .."7 ‘"I'36 . 1.- 'Pg.
• t" , Z'
Moro eerious to the na-
tional welfare is it to think that the
buadreds of thousands and even mil-
lions- of mem women and children all
ovee the east are being indirectly
affected On account or this wipers'
etrike in addition to those who di-
rectly earn their daily wages in the
, - a , oe er•
* Werke s re ' read .green tomatoes and six large onions Ties .-,t f cflt 1 ' 1 d , men and wonlea trim will let Man
Noyes share as melt .afi possible in 3 to do that . r , ft 3 Ott Yi sliced. SprinSle meth one cupful of mil' fl,t o ", `CilIng, II", nue eiteSt work. in them. both to will and tit
in,lo feel that you can never be true
his wealth. That does net g0
oilt and let them 'stand over night; --e —e Mar4' sler''aPa "f's will" 40. having no Plans. oinhitioos. OE
business. weeetion and nuFines3. ;to yOUr employers and give to them ill the Tidwell, drain: add to the toe have been done. but we wanted to
,e aims. but just to be good cia,y in
14:e nu and water. do not mix. I the beet. Sertice 11111588 you do all in /netoee two 474aete of water and one be sure W.Iiiii,on ssittlirsiitot to liset° the, lining and alt wise potter's
Ilusineos is not run upon the
elpie ot tho Gulden 1t le prinbut upon -iYour cal. mental and spuepower to deve,1°Plaili ."11r. ? Are PhY°1-!of vinegar; boll fifteen minutes. thenan't.,hande. believing His every word or,
, ; lives
the lay: of supply and demand. We' you ready to soy, "I will work And -drain anain and throw the vinegar 'rer3r sre"di13. dmle' We "r'e No* 4a" in the larguage of this pateege,
eg,.,,„. white thread: white beeenee of the
biro whole) wo can hire the cheapest. :Le true to my earthly employer be-4ease of seeing the stitches. When one . . .
Viking posseselon of all that Ile
1". „ • . id t the . .
and water away. at o e pee ere
,, .
two ) 1 f 1 eht b ' e ret • •
The troubles between capital and so 'we can inateufecture the cheapest. conet) I aut toady 2, . .
eo work. and be teuoth was cut off. another was e ' 3- ' •
labor on account of the strike ore no We eell where we can Fell tbe dear -i true to my heavenly Kin e -1 two quarts ot vinegar, teva table -
to surrender, oPeons of elotos, one of allspice, two eut, and before we knew it the car- "e with thee' I will nut, fall thee
worse ben, than in foreign lands. est We mato all the money we canoare both. equally rea.dy g. . f you
cinnamon arid nee wes en
maisured, worked4 stitched,. then . o• As I teas with Moees so I will
ie Proper lengths. with.,nor forselet thee.
John Burns. the labor leader and a, Then. if we Wet% to be philantlicop- !your Bees to the influence of the °t mustard. two* of
;text Will have aceoutplished their ler Flo'
or tablesPoonful of cae-eone: or het- •• — °°- s'" —
ill ono green pepeer cut into a° Ig's egiM/ m sehalge" We tyllii*"""ga. bad seea US MCI'c'VS. 11141
meinlior of the preeent British eir- ists. and Met blISilleSS men. we give Alolden Rule. then the word f
ilionent. told me that during the' awaY 49 M"b " " Plea5e'" s o Illy
Ina, pieces. Boll iliteen minutes. or
" Sly capitalistic Mend4 your state -emission upou earth. Then the da e
ss gu be- "
r .
SIS es good"
ped the lengtbe togetiter with car- ter eonie Of the Lord's dealirags with
thet this gracious assurarce covered
Jet Chain Mkt coarse spool tlai'ead inal• alal he w°141""htless. rel
famous London doelt strike a. few i
li d hi 1 d twills are wrOng. The gusitel andSwide. eaornliwo fetkoraie it iirtil the tomatoes are tender.
Mix well. The ,tween the employers and employes
tido were so pressed by hunger thatibusiEss tillauelallY
capItedist who rractlees the G'olde,n shall be bridged over by the straight
ritaa0a Cauliflower. --Two
, he could possibly need or desire.
flowers cut up, one pint of sma.11' BROIL, IIACON IN THE OVEN. , Unto oll Israel and to Joshua, iiiteees
e. ey
business .and lets his ein-"beam, of the- cross. Then this land:onions. .Pirce inedh• ni sized red troPe Try broiling' haeon in the oven * gi en verY • irsi or so" 9 01
trollable. It was only by tbe most - ltale l"
level-headed leadership that anarchyployes share in lus Prosperity will •shall see itn. greatest cra of tem- rem- l*issolve hall a Pint of salt :ewe* time and sigh ti- vout have: eneouaigentent (Peet. xeiti,
10 cover the '*01C'• :not done it Former. The -oven Illintit b" 1333W (1°d IliMEelE srlealLs to /3115
and riot were averted. One day be "uin out.' ()Very time. What was•Iponal and spiritual prosperity. Then.in water 511011111*vale a largo crowd be 'very hot nd athe bacon shut t1ereeing, Joeliutt as Ile Lad previa -nee
tebles and let theiri steed over '
01 strihers as,- the -history of Merge W. Childs ? ,i the milenniuni ehall be ushered in.
There were ma_ Then: never was a man who recetved rhen the capitalist end the laborer 'light; in the morning drilin thent l a. folding boiier and over a roastilig lY sPaeu to Ilim bie Moset. and the
venibled togetber.
iriurings and curces uttered upon ov:•happter financial reSailts frOUI prae-i-liall Chesil hands as Christian broth- heat two warts of vinegar with pee. Turn to brown lightly on' we'rd'3 are I'll° "'"ulle a"1-4''' aball F:e3
cry side. Ile beard an anarclust int„,, ag. C id Ruletl did h 'ors.
a nearby wagon pleading with the e'liell air. Childs. 0. Soling mon. toMit I
Milkers to end their hunger by the eleau - .
of the Philadelphia, Ledger, ite
torch and was a, financial failure. it 1 crop oyes
lot that tonceen were placed UpOn tile
'rim MURDERER'S WEA•PON. lowest possible wages.. The trusted British. Municipalities Carry OA
Their Own 'Utilities, cups of brown sugar, one tea.spoon- BuLLEB AND SURRENDER 6. 7. Only be thou strong and
See this command repeated in
four tablespoonfuls of mustard en. each eide1 (18 Voll would in turning in Mow following terses. Soule
til feet can be thrust through the Oyer Mahe and it will come oia eay, °Oh, if I could only hear Clod
cauliflower. perireetty cooked, without grease, elieitit to tied" not helieving that in
Piccalilli.—One peck of green to- and Piet the proper degree of crisp.' Intl word Ile ie es truly "peaking to
, them as if they heard an audible
melees. ;ma Cup of salt, Mx small nese.
onions, one large head of celery, two
V4)105 front lieitven.
••••••••••••• 411•••••••••1
Then John Burns, the labor leader. linen were deserting 0.t every' possible
Childs do ? He of brown cinnamon. one of grounu!
cried out in a, loud voice, "Stand chance and finding other Places. ful of white jepper. one teaspoonful" very courageous.
bitete, meal Stand back and let ine1What did George W. The policy of raunielpal ownership
pae,,,io me men stood back, John ga ._ . ,..„. , and operation of street railways is a aPiee*
thered las new employes aluntt 11 ' t 1 1 f 1 t 'TORONTO SOLDIER- TELLS °sell nt theiv 'verses* with the zi's
one a i espoon u o muse,
Burns paesed through the open lines'
,Iiiin and pructically said . ee
It P progress n et quarts of vinegar. Chop' surance that what God hail eworn to
elle ' makin P ra itl.1 th Unit- tard* twe wa.A.T Ez KNOWS.
cannot nay you much in the beeirt-
e d gin dom Out of 213 undertalt.- the tomatoes, Mix the salt with! do He would accomplieti through
until he came to the wagon and! , . a . ..., ,,ou one thine_ e g „
climbed up. Then be tented and Slung. but I pxonuee y 6 ings with a tot tl 11 I d 1 tl , t l'Ho Seys That Buller Did Not Ad- Joelma. So there wus nothing for
about 1(10. with a mileage of 689.
1.80 them I toroughly an et tun s ani . .
over night; in the morning rour off vise the Surrender of Lady..
smith. 1.fritisia. to do bet to believe and go
the wa,ter and chop the onion and obediently forward. Ile had no
said: "Mom you know I am your us PlosPoi
friend. 'You know my wife and YOU suALL PROSPEn.
thilitren and myself are suffering
berilebip, just as von aro. But, - Furthermore, when any ot you bee
men. if you will hold out a little tome disabled by advaneing Seaf 05
r , a e easet , but t ire oniong cheery and spices. and so behalf is William Carey,
anarchlet's torch and the murder- you. We shall go up toget ler or go paliZe the service as the leases fall Chow Chow.--One-balf reek of at Liverpool in 1899, and Wati her- NeV• 24; F'ph* VI* 10)* There i'
"be strong in the Ione iliinia
longer in this strike
wine -not, however, in the way my life, so that on until all Is userl ;Ind cover with John Carey, of Claremont street.'
the son oieLord have I tighteousness
you 'will surely from work I will pension yolt 0 tendeucer Is toward municipal opera— strength," and that it wasehis iprivd-
anarchistic friend wunts e•ou to hold and support your children. if you;
"a ea° 1120-1° ease tion elirpalroludgthamb.1101 )etitssionarh%lt fi:: the vinegar. Cook rill day or until.,
coipotation has decided to munici- the tomatoes a.re troft. 'enlisted in the Second Rifle Brig td 11; the 130wer t/f nis talgat f a'its
Toroilt0. a. youth of 22 years. who liege t°
-out. Ile en,ye for you to use the win he true to me, 1 leill Lie true to , .
el.' s (1 *330332 he saes to use that down together. I will consider the • be redinburg.h. with total rentide green tomatoes cut in piecee t 'lied to the front with Buller.
.., wo , . much romfort in the assurance of
* • -* • —ri 1 I .11.
belong to the local authorities. The celery, Aux, the sugar. repren, eine General Itedvers Buller has round
Edinburgh, Oldham. and twenty- strength. but clod who sent him had
tramways, owned by Birmingham.
f • tl • eelain kettle a layer of tometoes. "son to take u tit curl els in his • -
e r ta rit „
all siri•neth, and Joshua. had learn-
namon and mustard. Put in a Imre:another defender. The latest Per- d s o, r tuef to say, "In tho
means wbich will surely tie the Ledger staff a, big family, and as far
haugnian's noose around your neck as possible I shall tnd my future
and tUrll the artillerymen's guns up...bead men front those who aro now
on your homes. Is he willing to working in the ranks."
do what he wants Us to do?" With Did the Golclen Rule mean a Wi-
thal. John Burns took a daily news- two to George W. Childs' life ? As
paper out of his pocket, twisted it soon as the now employes heard the
up as a. torch, struck a match ana ringing words of their chief they
lighted it. Then he turned to the *went to work with a. will. The sub -
anarchist and said, "Now friend, seription litt of tbe Philadelphia
take that torch and burn yonder
building if you dare." The man's
race became as 'white as death.
"Then," said John Burns. "I lifted
my fist and knocked him down as a
butcber might fell an ox. With my'
foot I thrust him out of the wagon
as though he were a. mad dog, froth-
ing at the mouth, trying to bite my
Capital has sinned and helped to
cause the present social agitation
because it has ceimed to make the
laborers' interest its own interest.
The present social conditions .pre-
,. veiling between capital and. labor
could not have existed fifty or
a hundred years ago. In olden
times the employer associated with
his employes. The small factory
towns of England nearly always had
the manufacturer's homestead within
a stone's throw of the men and wo-
men who worked in his factory. The
result was that if a workman had
, sickness in his family he could go to
his employer and
If he was in trouble and did not
know what to do, he could go to
his employer and get advice. If he
'was an honest, energetic employe,
Lie could always feel that his em-
ployer's eye was upon him, and that
he would be deservedly rewarded.
And if he did wrong, the workman
else knew that his employer's eye
was upon hire.' and that he would
suffer accordingly. The result was
that the manufacturer's mansion and
the inechania's cottage Were in such
close touch that the owners looked
upon each other as brothers and
members of a large family, in 'which
the employer was the elder brother,
or head of the house.
But though the relations in olden
tunes between the employer and his
employe raay have been very friend-
ly and fraternal, I do not believe
that the heart of the capitalist to-
day is naturally any less kind and
loving and helpful than that of his
predecessor. I believe that most of
the trouble between the employer
and the employe is directly attribu-
table not, as many &impose, to the
capitalist's hardness of heart but to
the infinite misfortune that now the
employer rarely if ever comes in di-
rect tout% with his employe.
By the time the capitalist's money,
which he gives for labor, reaches
the emuleye the money as well as
all the sweete that ought naturally
to come as a result of that labor is
of £57,660„ lues a surplus profit of large cabbages, fifteen onions, tiveng, 'Iliere were only four of us Can— " . * •
panies. ther and pack them in layers with "mid tell you We Were In'oud of the strength unto Hie people, the Lord
will bless Iiie people with peace."'
£5,2:10 after sinking fund payments, eucumbevs. Mix them Wee- adieus in the brigade," Caney says,
but is brining trouble with the com-
Tramways are operated its wed as hours, then drain off the brine and behaved themselves. 'With me were 8. This boo:. of law stein not de-
salt. Let them stand for twelve way the troops from this country
owned by forty-one munielpalities. ;cover them with vinegar and wittiT Wilde itichatels end Ernest Pont, shalt meditate therein day ane
part out of thy mouth but thou
electric traction is proceeding too- cover them with one and oniehalf Hoare were killed in salon. and :preface to the whole book of Psalms
as nearly all own their electric and let thent stand another twelve Oath of this city, and Jack Moue,
lighting supply, the introduction of hours; drain On the vinegar and from Bolton, Ont. 'Both Pont and The Orel two pealuts which form
nomkony. aho ream objects of g
ga Richards is now finishing his tinte or* rather, to the live hoots of
i "Ill, • i I
Ledger doubled and trebled and this policy are reduction of fares 'which has been boiled a few min- with the brigade. X wee with poor ' 1 slams, begin w th is.eid a t le
qua.drupletl. Wity ? Because when symmetrical development of sub:- utes Nvith one pint of horseradish. Jack Hoare when be passed away. :Itiaa.' and old with "Illeesed are all
ployes knew that they wohld pros- thods of traction, but when thehnet:one-half pound of mustard seed, one alter being shot, end his last words *125.1!in_ ounce of celery seed , one-half cupful , were, 'Well13111Ito 40
210 . 'ne this for :The life of the p,•odly man as '.et
that put their trust in Him."
George W. Childs prospered the em- urbs. and tbe improvement of
per also. Because of their own vestments required for equipment . of ground pepper, one-half cupful of ony Queen and country: We Collid not forth in the hirst 1'Sal/11 was fatly
prosperity as well as of Ins they construction accountand the purl cinnamon and four pounds of sugar. all go through—take this message to . manifest, in the man of Nazareth. the
'worked as they never worked before. chase of private 'companies have 'Let them stand mei/ perfectly cold, -nly mother.' As requested, I delis-- ' Lord Jeeils Christ, and was nine:
Those employes made thousands of been liquidated by the °paretic; of 'then add one cupful of salad oil. ' ered the inesswee given Inc. Out of fulle- netniewt in any other. Yet ri,".
dollars for themselves. They made
millions upon millions of dollars for
Mr. Childs. The magnificent results
from practicing the Golden Rule in
the Philadelphia Ledger can be du-
plicated in every other big business
corporation in any part of the
13ut the trouble with most capital-
ists of the present day is that they
refuse to do as Mr. Childs .did. They
shirk their individual responsibility.
, 56, of which. £16 015
As your moneys are collected into e, nce 0
pe.yers. Leeds had a gross profit of i -lierin defeated. 'inc Boers always is in our hearts.
was available for the relief of tax
• i thoroughly and prepare as much
and a. surplus of £31,058, :vinegar as there were quarts of gave us the worst of it at the start 9. •Have not I commanded thee 1
great trust or corporation and you
are not responsible for ehat the 28,1,797, I brine. 'To one quart of vinegar use of the figbts, but when they MU' us 130 strong and of a. good courage
only hold a few shares you say you
interest, £21,058, being a,pplied for 1 one cupful of brown sugar, half a I advance with ba.yonets drawn tho Ile not afraid, neither be thou die.
reayed, for the Lord tby God is
payment of sinking fund and 1
whole concern may do. You are alter
like the members of an execution cup of flour and ?e, pound of generally gave in." .
squad who have been •detailed ;vinegar, mix the flour and mustard
groend mustard. Boil the sugar and 11 STIRRF.NDER. HELIOGRAM. With the whithersceier thou goest
to the relief of rates. Sheffield had al
working balance of Z48,657, and. 1 But it is on the heliogram which The nesurance that God sends ii:
tary lines. You say no one indivi- it, and when smooth pour over.
and stir the boiling vinegar into Buller is understood to have sent and that He is with es covers ee
shoot a spy caught within the raili-
£10,000 was transferred from the
dual is responsible for the execution, Ito General 'White, advising him to erything. It is the greatest that
will be a, large source of profit foio Min them all thoroughly together started out in our company only tre mit tteed i er. on si ou noun is
that vaine life as ful y as possiblh
sinking feeds. the triunwa.y service, one-half pound of ground mustard. , about two hundred and lay who
the and place in jars. ,about fifteen are nOW alive, the rtst -The life of Jesus sbould be seen na
I of small cucumbers, caulifioNver pick- succumbed to sickness. We were cab" be as we let llis word dwell
us tiI Cor. iv, 10, 11). This can
RELTEls 011' TAXPAYERS. Mustard Pickles.—Equal -quantities , of them having been. shot or having
Glasgow had last year a balance ed into flowerets and small button with General Buller right through. in us riche; and meditate on it eon.
of Z117,888 from horse and electric onions; keep them covered 'with salt- the different encounters to Pilgoint's lineally and are able to 8233','" un
the common goodnd the remainder
traction, of which L12,500 went to 1ed water for twenty-four hours ; he Rest, where the general left the how love 1 Thy law, it is my medi-
, a;
•the morning scald the brine and dis- ,artner, and I tell you that wo were tation all the day" -(I's. ceix, 97)
of which was required for interest, I solve in it a bit of alum the size of 1sorry when be went. We had lots lie has said that rt we love Hin
depreciation, general reserve, . and ;
sinking fund. Liverpool had a. bal- "sa nutmeo Pour the boiling brine ,of lighting, and I might say that. we will keep his word (John xiv
f over the pickles- woen cold drain • only for our bayonets we would have 23), and the only place to -keep it
because twenty -rive bullets instead of
one strike the doomed man's heart,
but every capitalist who has his
money invested in a corporation
are being paid to its employes is re-
sponsible for the damage that his
raoney helps to do. He is respon-
sible if child labor De engaged On his
factory. , He is responsible if men
and women, on account of his in-
difference, go to their mental and
physical and perhaps spiritual doom.
He is his brother's keeper in So far
as that he is bound to see that the
naan whose toil adds to his wealth
has fair wages.
Do the laboring classes always
mrtke their employer's interest their
own interests ? Oh, no. There are
thousands of them who show little,
if any sense of moral responsibility.
When engaging their services to a
man, they do not for one instant
stop to think of the financial risk he
is running, of the seven years of fi-
nancial depression which may, come
to him when he ina.y have to run
his works at a practical dead loss,
as when the seven 37e33rs of famine
Came to Joseph in the land of
Egypt. They do not seem to realize
that when they shirk their work they
are stealing their employer's money,
for time in the business woild means
money. And some on the slightest
surplus account in relief of rates.
The gross profits of other towns are:
Bradford, £6,989; Aberdeen, £8,-
769; Blackburn, £12,423; Dover,
£2,948; Halifax, £9,076; Southamp-
ton, £11,940, and Hull £28,000.
!surrender Ladysmith, that Carey mortals can have. It was Cod';
cc mes out strong. "I was a signal- encouragement to Moses, and nom
:1st on the heliographs on the day to Joshua, and later to Gideon ant
COOKING PUMPKIN. Stile advice of surrender was said to to Jeremiah (E,x. iii, 10, 12- J d g•
Al • 'Mee been transmitted, and, in spite vi, 14, 16; Jer. I, 7, 8). It was
goou P re ;
Manchester is in the transition km piem
, but in akig-
n, rich cream
• - 1 of any statement to the contrary in also the great encouragement ol
stagebut will have in the course of and an abundance of eggs are by no !the press or otherwise, I know that, Jesus Himself when here in His
means necessary. Excellent results , e° se&
El, few years 150 miles of electric
be secured by raessage ever teas transmit- humiliation "(John iiii, 29), and be.
lines under municipal operation. i maY using whole wine 1 ted." He says: "I had to do with fore He ravened to heaven He ao
1u:tines, the eggs, if the pumpkin. is :the heliographing on that memorable mired His followers that He had all
London has a. working balance of ;day, and .if the particulars of the power in beeixen and on earth and
£102 861 . ' from its northern' and Properly cookedWe once heardof
. .
southern tritmWaysbut it is absorn_woman who cooked her punipgin . message are ever made known it will that He would. be with them all the
, la
ed by interest and sinking fend paye 'untilsoft, drained it as she would be showe that General Buller never days (Math. xxviii, 18-20). 11 we
13t3111 ' H tld • fi. ld • • th 1 i potatoes,- and then masbed it. The even suggested surrender to General believe His words we shall neither
expenses, although Dundee barely 1
deficit for working ;richness which was lost in this pro-
d f r. f When General Joubert Was at -
town having a
cess had to be compensate or by
generous use of creana and eggs, and:
I yet the finished product was licit "'"
;...tra.cilelng rtlawaadyy, smith we were twelve
balances its account. About fifty
new schemes • for the niunicipaliza- and I took General
other extreme of cooking it the , 'White's message on the heliograph to
tion of tramways are now in pro- nosteclass. A neighbor went to
days, at the end or which time sbe
fou two , General miller, say.ing, 'I caunot_
hold out much longer. General Del
had a smooth mass which made good ;ler tamest cried when we gave him
I t
P t littl • cswane;reid,amIIoolndiy otiwit as long as you
;the ineSsitge, and he irmuleclietely an -
pies , but her work was • toe labor -
Lady Curzon, vicereine of India, a
Chicago woman, is actively engaged ,
it promoting every sort of philan-;
thropic work. among the native wo-
men of the country. The Queen
Victoria naemorial, which she has
undertaken to advance, is the , out-
geowth of the Lady Dufferin medical
fund, which gives to the poor of In-
dia the' attendance of 'doctors and
nurses. Although vicereine in fact,
that is not Lady 'Curzon's legal
title. Tn the officiegrecercls she is ,
known only as "her excellency.O.
be afraid nor- dismayed nor dis-
couraged. •
10, 11. Within three days ye shall
P1188 over this Jordan' to, go in to
posse.e.s the land Nvhich the Lord
your God' gieeth you to possess it.
Thus Joshua commanded the ()M-
eets of the people, for be belie -veil
God. . The land' was theirs as a free
gift from God, but they had to en -
a jus -a e watei. nto •
O heist :Then Geeeral White signalled that he d
1 •
au wasbefore t lam to be crossed,
and the wailed cities and the giants
were still there, but there are no
difficulties to God or to those who,
liee Joshua nod Caleb, :see God
only. In our oNvii case as believers
in Jesus Christ, redeemed by His
blood it is our privilege to twpro-
priate prorniees anel by faith
in Hirn live lives of victory over
self and sing to His glory. May
the encotn•aging words of our leseteu
come Some to each of us le thr
power of the Spirit. "
and add t mpkin,. pared and cut
he pu g a 1 s , - thought it would be imposstble fo
, r
. 'him. to hold out, wheeeupon General
in smell piecesHeet slowly to
avoid scorchleg. Anal' it bee bone(' , slitier111,0ehrdethelieggetriepltifide, he'sItf cyoontiditiniounsst
soft it will require frequent
to keep it from scorching: Cook un -
stirring 'possible for your inen.' That is the
til it cleaves to the sides of the ket- only connection ie which General
tle when stirred. .ohen season with , Buller useti the word 'surrender,' and
salt, , sugar and ginger and remo ve, lelvy0110imerfoigoous
of dawchiltehhim o.Incotneheneonpdielid-,
The stiffer it is stirred, eo that it is ion of all of us connected -with the
not cillowed to scorch, the nicer , it second Rifle Priwtcle, he is the only
will beman who could really get an army
•If one cinatot -stir it down, buttercortie out of Englanci- to-dayto