HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-10-2, Page 2.1.,^11dirVidWier#...-;•iiiiiii.-1.4-344';+. ileterceKefe'lettalt4F,d'Adii. e'..0?.i''.14dideltiOhlt(t* Z t ri A 'MIMI' THE -\- i.,,Lailyokil, int; - .1i. iere , •,4• cast or the Great Ceremony Which Wilt _ , , , 41. Tate Place at Demi, on New Year's DaY 1903 * PREPARING POTATOES.• er Vz.:0?-1i4P-tiviotriktvii-kz.trozezlAtc44011rw -14-4)-4'4=-V" Ve.V+434 It, is early dawn upon the Ridge. !strezige stieness tiomes over that Like Aleddin's magic palace, a eity ;vast multitude. Their hearts, full of • pavilious. white and blue and t newborn love in that 0:Wakened mem- •ecariet. has arisen upon its luxuri-oary, am too full for spoken words. ant g,reen, as in a single night. 13e-1 Suddenly the spell is broken. neatii it, toward teerising sun, "Jai* Jai! 1dear-I-Hind!" rbAet..*ItkiAtitfP..$5,..eeeet.eseen * ri, 1 . About the ....Nouse i re ie *WW1 irOW *WWW41 • shembers the Imperial City. , shonte a brazen throat frent the toP- %tom A. Seraph. leureah Uhos nost galiery. exetion Express, "'Edward, ice jai!" !Vow score A thin. white iniet glimmers rine :voicett take up the cry ilV14 tier to nerezic Beat ebove g,oider; ea= tier- _ Wi114 Pry is this-----JaL! Jail!" poles and marbee reinerets, rreee To 'Erne= do they give tittle salute in, the eeeter tif the vi i there conies that 10a.17 he given but to gods? to being a luminous disc, pink aud • Jett Jai! Is1I.* ▪ fitufzed with k iS the roar of ded,000 men gro• l violet. et IlIonieut later the frora pit to gallery. on gallery to veil Los vanialieti in the air, and Wee idte Ridge- All along the elaies, the • rediant•gad tee gOiden surf eits Jai -1111a batni., to the .1.4 tile enthroned upon imperial Pellet, doe 1111Ferial city the echo ewers like a leveeing the earth iv eteeffti ;Artos, 4:ighty evalleneize. It F. I:441344 gore Allan ilia! Alletia Al:- it ad with Ye: leczeee of 'her ent- bat. Au eastern vote:a floats in Peror s greceme Ise -NC -UN. Firat, the peeling should be cam - *tulle done. For this a sharely 4 ,pointed knife is requisite. Holding 'the potato limey. cut out yawn eee.; This is readily done by the point of , itht; CUt as deeply as is ee-'1 ieessorY, but remove the entire eye. ;This done, peel eveely the rest ofli rithe to. Atithorities slider about the thicket', of tlw pee-ing. Some claim that there Is a ClOPe to the. ▪ liva the weielitier opinion .teet potatoes do uot der trout; "other vegetables anO fruits-. That is. the poorest part is eext le to ti , core, and the best. clam to tbe Thardere, fteel tide. Thrf This not oly emtes the Lest flaeor, but it is ;maze economical. 0, witiz cold water. Inal. ".the 16:1'3,tOr'S t%iti piee and. rinse tirem thamegily t. Frequently. - two oe terve trazet's Wel steeetieure once be "within reach. If it be ood, force it down, and thus 'liber- ate the beetithing. Should it be a, need substance, endeavor to hook it out. If this be impossible, tieele the throat with the finger or a. feather, to rromote vomiting, To Restore. Colore.-Alum water iil restore almost ell faded colors. Brush the faded article thoroughly free it from duet, cover it with a, yer of eastile soap, rinse with clear teeter, aid then with alum water, and the color will be usually much brighter than oefore. Stair and room cerptits should be swept with a, wet stiff broom. This will present the dust rising. and cease the carpets to look freshet and brighter thee when done with tea leales. aow TO LEARN TO REAldeeel. Movements Which. Should. I3e Practised Regulaa•ly. "What on earth are you trying to do, Jim?" The man to whom the question was addressed, was standing in the muter of the gymnasium clad in the scanty apparel affected by athletes when at work. His heels were close together, his arms were equally close to his eides, the palms of his hands facing backward. Without replylog, be slowly raised his hands upward and forward, until they were on par- allel lines and at Ad/ length above his head. Then be lifted. hitneelf till lie stood on the tips of his toes. holding his breath the while. Just WHERE D1111(18 NATE FROM BROUGHT- FROlvi THE FOUR CORNERS OP THE GLOBE. Costor Oil Arrives in Beane, and Aloes in Monkey Skins -- Perfumes, To loran the collection wisieh the drawer's and bottles and jars d everi the most unpretentious drug, gist's shop, tax is levied upon ae ,naost every country in the world INortle south., east and west, out 'drugs come to us, and they read our shores in such etrange form: that not one person in a thousand, seeing thein in the rough at thl Jeep better cool in hot weather as slowlY and deliberately lie resum- docks, or in any of the great whole, by petting it in a email basin and ed his orighaal position. and as lie sale stores, would be able to evee standing it ix a lerge bowl of wee, did so replied to the question. ter. Teen cover the butter with a, "I am learning to breathe," said hgau:lf, hseo ittlire theine. :s:alaplieesf waearlertieslod3Xlia'F:Wcreseecktlyos:. iiate• of' muslin, leithog the four yen- he- nais ktee touch the water under- "Learning to breathe? Wily, ligreat pile of dry, thin twigs, ineatie 14e,attir.ic.,fix,111n4. drink which is wry. istdtiorericegh.t,t)i:iilarset feeel.verz.e.ecooiliseoler that ptiaerdinai,e, stmheall arbeuantegichsiesse•dithpesrashrsear: bedial to the health. -Peel one mbes t e twigs are the creeping roota iNtlen• 'denoting all afein and pips ; "Not by any ineans. Illy boy, as and recdiets of a prickly shrub that the 1,.,tet., of this, with 0110 teaSP0011337011 WUl hla Out 11 YOU go into .grows In Jamaica, and they are of diadtta of tartan awl a pint one training under the instruction of a •'worth from 10 cents to zio Cuts a half of boiling water; sugar it tO?competerit teacher. Not one man in ipouncl. taste. a hundred knows hew to breathe Foreewhat similar In appearance ta nivernr*.n...4 7properiv-that is, to fel the lungs to lipecaeuunhae which aleo conese to ) a . their utmost capacita- and ra tit0'. 104-4 ill dry twies, which are part of ttlotelCztoZsItntetst'ilZti,etiti0I. tmltk:tilLttre,...,. .3attt1,4e_ call,d.trie! ,13!ett re'"I'et ef tll'et's1"4'4"3 Lur°re 1111eY zi're quhe ele"'11- ILA:t ROYAL liAS 1TS TABORS. Fsanie time to control the InIISCieS SO Ann trailing root, of a plant. found in .. "1 r^dd'"'4 s to! t le ea"dte 'Or- these stand in pare eoitil weter wed, ,. as to make it, easy to do. What I:the dews) forests of Brazil. These „ie. aeezeeeing ttol? 4:11„y fii'Ora its t:.4. :hone:eel riees erese togetlece ta' pet in to boo. s:eraber. a fer-dedede- Tidesecili ale cresh.- Wizen they are put iteo the lot The 1T•iz' and Qu_eeellfmaye Their ''have just been doing is one fe the •roots recetve no preparaticrt aux( eaeoemiee answers tee Ird,iro re. tre, er-d the rotes tlere eriace• tee etirerley tee Do.(3;.st potatees ;::; .1044-? ricat..:' Pales t 0 17 - ' movements by which the thorax is hireirer before they are shipeed ofr ani 1 0.0. et the weed Deafen' &odd hatinoeY of martini dearTie- Tt'al sone otheraise the email ones will: - ss 141m -eloped. Others there are for the to Eaolte via Uontelideo. They ;ire Ann lie axe:ex:Ws laser eauother- A tine:seed 'wigs In flee endeldtheater%'iie overeera ea. Ise sere. that tee tel.. " //a:1'141h' Is 'astir the l'aug'PurfInse Qff strenStLelli"g the ahib'et-'11Pae4ell In brge saks* antt thA etti.,:ted wta oue mins hertatt tde a , c sten 44, til., ....t, I 't. i . " " '. '4' • - ".i'iS OI iliS ask. diet- tt ing *1311)1,4d, '-; bud muscles, a, prime neceesity 1,0 "Werliftten who oetn tile bales must 4.i. .. xe . et. -sent- en twW-4,:il: ter v, ego, Vet iget it VoiE0," to :A NM. . , ' • '• .. . .. Aladdin's medic cite. ' glint:viva se,Ords kap ie tee ;er. rd 1„ a 1. „ t te „,_ .1.. , . ...1.;ge,.,..i.,ori. kes to his secretartes enaose one to hrteethe eonvetly. 'beware of hreethitig the pungent, A a 4 L.an 04 41.4 ... t. NI. 0-1. 1 Maki. _ ,, . . . .1.4 the 4C...4 ee.4.4....0.±:44Inal lies died Ten thresearaie- 0,...e,„ th,, ,„„400,10.,s. la Ibis ce.s. the. et to IL. nt azaather man, writiog drhezes. exerci:-es. if L1-Pl. 1.p. Ilat oray,irritatiog dust faxen ofe, and which ale -ed." 111011g the alit:nee vel'esa the Wet v. ectiltery iii.rarr ft;4i4411.4 trefOre,becintle liv,atk,t1 1-607,e eaenlZ"': Ade ''I'll.' 1ettere as domand an gentograph,increaz-e the power to hreethe deep-IsProductive of in:pleas:nit rezeilts if cad xdly hes ;leen up to go fiet.ti tent tbe itl1Periat throne- lie 173-.9 iII C-.111 'aia..., I t ' bo t reP.1". feel alt:xceiter his signeture to .:ly and freely. but they add to your linealitiOusly inhale0. 1 t le po :,:eises aie at it 1 _ L; , ja4L'i She OL'On7 epee the Ilidee ide hand a crivaeosz letaaer ipon leaf done. tees:- uella/mats wbicii are ever Pre-'nbilitv to expaod the chest, the! Castor oil, too. is hard to rectsg- Ix ta; the supreme,: day in j;00, ere- wileelz ie embroidered le role the Y1414', etre teem we th - 1, herfl .f the /ottani nardre. row it itt epiender. It is tige yes -roe -gut of boilieg tweiev in" t 1r they .eiriiiii 2 .tileore 4:4' qu ci.014e^.", an event it et tote, 3i:ilia's emperor. not done watch them vloFety. The 1 iko- f,!a i -if ti'e coY4ti--;0io--, ,:nli To hint ,;- staiwart i.op.,, all aln:,310 teregeela thee are wept t,11.ilect throw:It tf " !wort -1110;0:0n Of li-e 13r ^ •':o.- fu Ustn`i frot.i. trrow to le i;, step', '10-1- oLf ail the water. 'et tho mienty ti4"Mt2::lor 041 frees 0;1.44.1'e tl•..e tiali-- 1111a iz; e7.140 1.••neL. on the range end reasegeleee,s. 1:..--"? Iii,i.• Ilitai 4: a, Sac It-k,III The shal,e it 4.1Itautly tor them see :cut' will) the monarch, says the 'stoop catterel by router ehfolitiers is **ire in the pretty little brown beans Loudon Alain It used to be the 'permarently cured, and one's ligere se -lotted with black and with polish. boost of William IV, that he never ,and general health are vastly bene- ed Mane. thee arrive in bags from Vulred for the night 1.1ntil, lie hail Aited. Even a there is no intention India- Thee° look far too attractive 1 verething which ;Wailed hie 'of hecontlug an athlete, every Math to SUP -404.. the much hated doe se . h (faZ.', and he would ' woman avid child ought to learn , our early days. Aloes, the tutt,e oi ver,....xere in hiq ta,,I; even when .these moverflent5 and practice them ",listieo.etilty untate;etstiu:rwinedeflieerianieeasulanys0114 Tea, a ra.:E tht.oz,g ro,,..ii..,. el; gaper, "..:1P!'.) al Lain?. .,, r,,,,,p?21„... ,es., fin, 5.0.,,r, 44.itate . artire. ,....14.41, time 13 311 to alley the C1 '15 in his fin- on gmer al 13011.014es," , „e-. .. liot 1:(,73d, on that ,u1n,,,tr.,,, d4,1.,, lei. eel eassoatient of the diriee Mahn raixe the terser et imereaes to reteetere by bathiug them le bot water. :, And he went on with his world .111ase reeesubling brown sealing-wit/a Ie 4..474/Feli In 0i00.--'4.4.4„ - .,,,-4. 4„, nohie forefrati, cIrs bad sc,,wr, ve the al- ' Tee potutoes win row bo f000dli't,iiemi than Xing Willioin aud eignsesointiort to give it, a trial, oe eaeh e, easer eeteseee„ dara......etei .111:.si..ce PR 4.4e Isaggisto e.ers. /ogee, eaet-e, to la, 14 e 101, of dry ,,,z.,,,,, And,g(eottoonts %it)* extroordisntry 41PSO - r' ..1 " .' ' 4 1 I . • i3 WK.'S ft .44 1t'O.:;'.-4ard4 i..."1-, irt: that Os,. were -low C;.., 96. 140, wolad tetopt the yeriaet epicure, ch. Indeed. ilis Illejesty does teat, -tee% ie eeceseee tette tete, nt,,Vls.” il i., ih4 I 71. ey 144::44 , , REAL WISDOM, vil•ite•tu-ted will 'al' 4ef; 14111';h"I't va=1"-e out tio. rz4rd is not leps vonscieu- while his friend matle n. Yything quielOy tnul ProMPUY•ti RI4:‘L teregail feed:se:ea 1411'4 'Nfei"txteitge of 1i-date:IF San will sec thrQUali thiug befered The 'isle -darn of advertising le a 4111114.1404444 4- 1110.11PST.ir RECIms„ eq. other people bare begin: to dieg,parent tho man who illoeS it W4411. e l e sileer shned, reo-ei 11"11 leLe4 he packed in. heavy wooden hones, from which it in chipped out in lialiee with. a • -CHISEL AM) HAMMER, It is • of different qualities ond rivet accorditig to whether it Coate!) out el :Olio. Socotra. ca. the West "7,71."11 heeddilie de•Oire 1110-01:e Wed Pee' Pineeeple SandwieheeseCet w ft' After 6t4.1.0 docuulent nun -There ore few people who 1) 111 notjudlo. may melt ?ay zmixt, . R4iWigiI 0* ";" t"V" 4444 Of ' 141'eatl t Wry elices, reemive erestjtrorodeeondenee hare been dealt with,lualie better hu5lues9' hetteP 7.41"1-10 to SW Imedredweight, Aitte5 newel seat the Idreee,e a," r,5p, Ogle Lime 'I'm 114,,. N;04,. latiryigarat.;:e dro:•451v, chop Fume?. etiore end pereotiagee slue Ina that, the ge!tul of the store tette ior ow plant of la name, 1,1zie *33 "1•121•-• otalgeos, sle. 40 ea, tee via eleeete. Vaia ai-WLPS &linilt&I; ;wed sveereo ogetpe erste ewer of tin?' hfult, rerefVPS Ministers. Aleabare:veetielrea, hut there is often a fet ie the .*tee 01. ot0 destir iieace or there max: b o the reereaced eepargee of - 4 ki.i i0:4" f.i:IVIVG itl4-47i :I:ilti 4'31' 4N 'IL -, iiii-P,t4 Ig-40441er. There eade V.4- :463. pineapple very ficr.„ drain ofi ,•, • - ; „ e a levee t not stand . w,-.1rd.:;fileuve le l'idayel, the 41110:',094e ,iitaiCii• MR nee sleet dale) sued enrinhle l'cAt" ''14. a fultelicnt ta attet'd' The' tlettellIr41 tile ttaylly"9ing.' 31. C' 1.111mIguelleali1-11-tre;45-1111(41111-r"ree414121;:11.411'el:ei'tle4.111r cutely al efite see Otee..,-le eng, fez the reereiet keen the ."4.1 ','"I' VOiliVOr to GI''. 1.-.4I'S'ii; frnit ou bread over tee Gleesserga Cot .lefter110014 end evettleg frequently Story filaiti end foreeful. and the iii7,4 in 4„, seen...avid a„...,„, ,,,,„,,,„R.,,, ehrleg public dittiee anti &mays eo- 'possible, euetonter will pppreciatelprtamtly 4-440 ;47 ,,or14;'"t141,;,". (t,Ci ath,z1•;, il ..;N the fell ;woe, ..„-411 111d lexidge and on l'ehoif of hie mem frost ;strive ctod smyt.,. ! t l OM% riffle n between whil e '' 1 eleesel ia genera -goy ;re. eherfeeeu of egateeete Ote Elopproc,„ I fleet -eel. !ewe, maple temp lidietartis-Two egrea. tWo ,c,„.° ...„ ° • • f . ----e , LAO 'Werth cir the article atter it et eiatreetientle ;,. ..,.e ,....e.,se,, e.. se.. It lamer race, 111""•Ir''n'Er9 wilia ,t't•id i'onerr. 1111 ride% IseeleTeoee erreped maple sugar • ;1340 41.41Y1' inellegee tet dovetail a lit- bought ned hOnor the firm that nail:eteealdhia of qttoltidd;7•010`14 :117 d sott.,,,,mto e4_41.4:4!,01,, t,,,Inds 1,,e_, 4.14,,,, ,,,w.,4„.„ t4_,, ,4444. tr,,,,dit tr,,c,.., ,4 rtmt very Id.4t,an, oda one oat tam: ;lee purely fantilef life- Teo mach It, who'll the fielling Wa5 a mere ;net „t4:),annevoriotrit..1 hririda,07tetttituoteltsateit;ue, 0: heal ilietne-rettasen,o %teatime up, stele sesameelay it toever he tin- a few nteates of salt. pet tee° orielreidinein carinot be placed on theter of Amine. perhaps. A good saloi mil v6;1444,44 t„..tea.„4„4.s, /..;:uu i„ tuatii4„1 furida ,..,-,,rei, to r„-ifoioll your reareeeee three "tun Inturs or maple augor iudfect that lite roral finfailY preeerve 'floes not mean a turning. of one pro- diruee .1's opium helm en eccoedt. 03 170 h U4411 and lenee 4.4.,44l 1,0t1 1,4r 6117 the cleee eadoe 11.141vven 11te '140 '3 114,4t114114k ilic call cuppour ie ceetartidia io•al home amid all the calls of fitbut tioen Mean the Satisfying of lito'Zimfol v344.3.,,,„4. and' ttc, le0:114 02 u Nr. With lliger-40W 410M4 -IV. la his (4 li'Sgialail mai 11-e5r 214r-f4k1iess' loyal atop iseee at pee or water 0114 *40 and pteblie ditties. a ,..„„,,a1 oma til,,,,,,,,,, .4,11.0 upou th,,n, .1,,,.,, ow riot,N-., a Thili,-,-, ,,-.20 poy, ereent of Asparanue sottleeTaieelioate detaande on the ()Alec% s- tulle' front that vale may be grielt.ofivItalililtlial,„"sit'712reetetettsst;iil'3/4:8411seo.wf At)r103141:1:1•Letoeitti:Irliibliehar; A,,, lt Is le<is easy to talatlatettho 1,:ar-ils"anle *0\ 12*' stnTahlel bP11:4)tillhe bra,. r Irma the ',. tee!. WV al...,14:Ditig;/ •1h... aiiii144t ii0"1,46 Illv...14/r. SerVe COM ill ''' with tin. and eontalini 44. number ol hieille pleinee of 11.Eight,liaspol feotit. MP 1114neriet throng- the flgolleiti. the two iontehee Of frOSII 49)nnigrIS, coou ,t1Ild .11-40upt thOtt t.o describe the easily possible to have returns 1 tie' Hendee Ito 1234-41,•to nonp . te tis in rt;t1ted watiV, cook the:- .° 411 20.. "11F. Wal r'S.R N's° -,1010:11efol ealde nom a e , !eoft. dark lumps. Iffie Jorge bend - 14'11"r• Mellextulte. the allele reraeoeier or ;leverage.; about. teter,e' 41t Peluce, a's in veto, it. ie. tne InailY.reeulteti In tdreet The Delver" 'Ms of dough, eactxed i‘urY 811 1110,=-1444. NatV.0..v Scalar) ty Mini:ten in a quart of salted wa-li,t.1!" wait" ofjvc."P.,1.Q9i ICa;‘,4)111:4111::. »111:4:(rf Vgia!:,:t. Cif 1411,4714;1 alvt jail .1:15e9itin‘tfar t.i,c,,e-t/fiel2t.hvi,r.ailtt,11407tatIthivItslet'Sinnutull91*;:xcitl./0425 a.we',11e11! that lee- Ittelld ilente' ter. Put through ShINV, add to thie''"I`e 1311'4 mo"e ;o1N. 11W It(Pitn MOW. tie.' 00,0 nee marque/ pinto of rich eredro ,Apert from Ogee hours Which the 'large Por ITO', in the, '•*eon'', -.0 utri,"•altotat two ixoultds of raw opium, 'l4 1' 11111a h"4" ."41,111e 40.31 tbe water the usporagnsitIlliVii 11"14 giNde to malik'r3 of dress trss. The meechmIt enoWeng„ „‘eleleiscous, heaxy-evet,ted mese, wrap. e rh.„ 1, ,t 4 111 4.,the Imalonbtediy mary hP a worth of MS StntetinellI"; aim )(Tung ,,pett p pp .Ieuss whI,4 s v „en 43$8' trent-, eon {I la 44, 11011 411111 eerve, 0)4rd-working woman in virtue of .the value of tits gootie will surely Igathered witli infinite patience end 'epliee ete Alisest the. e ..,v ..i,leade th% ye voi1-1.1,s the glint re golil ex.04 upon the Nit,tir .3:411 1110.141i.n.4.0. Wel of ;mate tint 4.1441 11 .t.9V541.11 P.1/r, iteeeel. tis /hie d.*::. Pritila still re:smile, :lox land ne. fe the ""Arel.ian Ntetialte• **4''1 en li V%4mult:tude 094 f41,i; it; its wake. 43,3311.4,441 in tame' venire, thew-foe:el '4i,'1 411414 wieldier Ognideize bxe-boteei stalwart .1a1s. 134'441 tell w h„y ef a heel g leo mild, Ova ital -ni yea nee. I i fool gi de, alai Vertex. letteeetaserxted Pothau- -- al: eio,e• foi•tit to par:it:44de in the glery of their leitipet'er. IN ',rne iAMPHITHEATRE. And new 11 41i'8'." throtag the augplaitheatre on litdi Ride:teat:ie. up- on tier of raised 1...PitI9 that 111Ad 211,- inar of the eboiciat nobility egad gen- mine /44 call, the dila i 13) the tueselge of lee at halt of ail 11,. Inel24rNe, • susiti-o.44)...11 aid 1e 10- 11,ito Bie,-One pound &AK; stewr,4 tlio unfailing grecionseees. with get the hest 'value front ids ativerdis.2htboc, a caw drop at a time, from la lila, water three hours: mit Width 02h0 aCCOMPMIle4 the 13:Ing to Ing etdeing the goods am insl'ieach indiviiitial poppy in an 'all EaNterfl public ceremonials. lite ready ear what thee are, by presenting the ar- poppy gefti The•0 Ituta whit ti r 14 I e dentler e I voile' of ' I iir , egrg,t1,ave curs wk. a pinch or which she has for the demands of lige epereistently te Ile MINIe and reaches linglahti, is of two titetlities, 14,t4.4,i= ote „Id,„u, at and a taloocil000rol or sog.11. ;,phflantliron,Y, and the kindly patron- 'making every separate blt of pub- -- .,Itute for mei:time. tho out" fa.* of itoiat 1323„ dna tow ateliya tee stiffly beeteu while% .,fttgts,,falt) i"iowhi to apt, music utul;.iielty yield the greatest goen to dis gsmouing, and corms from versa, . e loner, lite Emperor!" t• r itt I ”14, ..43 SOCHA <ltd. iOS in Lemuel when a rest land the wise merehant watches ene 'for 1 2.100, ecueen must *nen Perforin her 'estietate the Yeitze of the publicity. 4. 10-'d ;10111' `')N4'.'" MVO. powei* Bake with one erust. This will melxe `"ele,u-ea,111a. bank account, There are ww.es.1.0144,IsIdla IntriaintpTovtillnagt grown aduilllt eV:411rd 3134, reit.ain fteatato-1 for PV.T. tilt111 two pi+.4.1. ;1:11;!:11;10,1 lweliatftint1,11111.•:xiti;1•11•14e 110v1i311tItttet acilt.;i: ' te,ttixrsegotivzg.ri;v1,:liethneagni,:241:•alle rteea•liii:osoon.f ,i.:110tunStiu41111-fileuglIvilleineth slIiitnekliotvien; 031;11w11PeliCi:1,t)her$10f,els,731ut: rIrmonmwIltilisherltlibIllinvigvetsaittititiee MiSht•try r.lantsi through (he gar. INVO 14111h`SPOOniUk flour, 34(31d3 The roar of entillort 43841 (144) rutme of ful of salt. lulu teaspoonful of s‘1„.:would be more agreeable. But duly le first must ever be the royal watch- ssen iloW he eau inerease the Vain°. iengaening eeltoes. ,ta the stiffly bedtteit whites 01 thel word. It is not easy to be altveye,:flit'oAllnrgbutliestinelets4snt;ntefr4ftirlislet; gheyt Ifaesillilintgs , ogee and hake like inineerose oo a !bowing and smiling and saying 'hot griddle P1.11110t19 the ,to see the opportunity to get more i gra-elfin:4 thing. even though the "good from the present transaction a...nee-4e - try of India. In the Vast ph. he, be- yond tiofi,out) of the populace st.alt14 STOLEN BY *VIM SEA. in serried rani's. a sea of heeler* heatie crested with rippling weves , , turhane. ond green foul piek. 'ng4urld'e d'osee :Mater Acre3 Each. ine all eyes are 'Dueled to the. Year in This Way. dee-, Above it there floats; a erira- son cnnopy of Dacca's lovelies': bro- The !Serena Maga:lee describes the cede, embroidered in gold egad envier stenolY end tilaiestrin's eating :away with the rose, the thistle• the elesni- of the coast lme of Eng;land by the rock und ihe Lotus of India -- tit eocro.,eiting sea. and it is stated symbol of the union of Englund and that the annual loss of ,I,rea by India, of which this very Ihirbar is coast erosion in England alone is the noblest emblem and the. truest. Probably not hiss than 2.4100 tends, created ial. on the 0111er hand. marsh lands have Beneath the canopy there stands a, been dr-lg.:et' and other hinds re - crystal throne. inlaid with golden claimed, but these areas are insig- effigies. draped in costly C4.14111n'te. nilienla us comPared with those Reposing upon the velvet. eushion which have been last. is the impez•ial crown, a glittering Parts of the lost lands were low - mass Of diamonds, rubies mid sap- lYing, paotectiNi lea dykes ur levees, phh•es. •which were eventually breached; oth- Dy its side reclines the golden er Paris were washed away by floods sceptre. scintillating sparks of tire and St011.11S; but many eases the from its diamond tip. The Emperor Nett is eating its way into tall cliffs. of Tndia is not there. Would that demoliEhing numerous towns aril he were! But instead his imperial villages. emblems sit upon his throne. '1'lle BOO of anchorage for ships off Suddenly the heavy curtains be- Selsey, in Sussex, is still called "the hind. the dais are parted, arid a tall Park," having been a royal deer figure in blue an scarlet emerg,es • park in the reign of Henry VITT THE ENGLISH ermuum Another tostly and all important drug' is quinine, white). arrix es in its crude form as largo slices of bark, packed either flat or in "quills." that is, curled round upon itself like a. roll. Twenty years ago, before ths 'body may feel weary and the head el e the reurnste ;tree bad been eultivated in the East new ;total oes in their jadeite. and 14" Pld:adell4ilia POI al -es • • • 'dee "Ilearg just at 1 a. and think it must be in jus- The wise pion is to sell all(' saas'''Y ;Indies, and was to be found only iv ;aft.i.r they are cool pare and cot In:lice achuitted that the Queen and all parts of South Ameriea, quinine was „ • the wit cesses show a. fortitude and advertise again to sell again and satisfy again. easily dearer than it is uow. Even thin slate. 1 or thi e. cups of the 11* notato. „mac a elate sdoce in this this matter which few women would dare to emulate. fez:Mon : Stir one heapeal table- '- hermit:NI of flour into nee heaped 4 - :tablespoonful of soft. better and thin rime op OCEAN' °Alums. "with one and a half cepa of milk. ,Feaeon with salt and n4411101% Butter Newfoundland Is the Best Start shiellow dish. pet in helf the Pfx- ing Point. tette stagont well, add half thee:thee, then the rest of the pottitoes Pour lienzoin) gum nee•erh, and gum the remainder of the aance and ov.er There seems to be no logical rea- part of the inventor. .0.4 Ila'11' a Wel-bent en egg. Bake 10 any section of the oceans of the weison, the wizard of inventors, Terratgeanctauptthu,.twelifieltihleorBuiristileichli apuhilintr.- son why cables' cannot be laid across -- ed thew:isle Peach lhauplings.-Petteli dump- :' idacepttihe. caSboleasneupucsorgOrieleS twvialesttonhocecwainnleking on the seucoast P across a patch of macopoeia. From Sicily we get a (pea oven until thoroughly heat-. world, no matter how great the ibtlacekeistaitated,Curious to know what manna, a pale -colored, fragile sub - he tilled his pockets stance looking like hardened honey, which is exuded from the bark of a m°filetshebelAottv- rings are delicious. Make a rich bis -the surface, and this is not neces-, with it and subsequently terned it species of ash. Italy sends us our :telt crust, roll it one third of an Isarny liquorice -a juice extracted from the inch Wel:, eut in six -Inch circles, 1.00.1a0 may, the extreme depth, for the out on a bench in his laboratory. and probably does, p1.1.58 cede Watch the crust round it ee-' ?to another without droppiug mate& eiii bled against the table and dropped root of a plant belonging to the Just then a passing workman stum- p -at a peeled peach in the renter of lfrom the top of one solimarine , curely, lay in a flat buttered pan. ally into the deep valley's between, a. big magnet he was carrying ucross Pea. and bean tribe, grown in South - softie distance apart, and bake 40 the sand. 1Vhen he picked it up ern Europe, says Liimincott's Magazine. The again it was covered with tiny black RHUBARB IN THE ROUGH minutes or steam half an hour, ildepth 0 . e . emu, ereetest known f tl put in the oxen. to diet off and 1403036 140,086 feet, or 7 8-5 miles, found in brown. Serve with segue and cream- 311.o South Ail- te • 1 to this day it is a somewhat costly HOW EDISON "STRUCK" IRON. commodity, worth ao cents an If every man had the wit and brain lounce; but formerly the same amount to realize his luck when he meets it 'would fetch the enotmous price ce face to face, few men would then he $.1, or fourteen times as winch. poor. Scone of the greatest Wren.- Preen Smyrna and 13ussorali come -Lions of the age. have been brought the bulk of the game -gum Arabic, about by the merest chance ou the gum Senegal, gum Benjainin (or or a hard sauce made by creamingithe island of Tristan d'Acunha, and Iwo tablespoonfuls of butter and Ithe mouth of the Rio de la Plata. fiwther notice of the incident. To at is a togethei a, misnomer. There :depth of 27,180 feet in the North the gested the modern process of .metal 'Edison, however, this action and meter has been; but the nes- . then heating into it a cup of Pow-lsoundings „,. have been made to sug- is no such thing as Turkey rhubarb therefrom: raising a silver trumpet • while the treacherous shoaie known dered wager aud a teaepoonful of; to his lips, be sends forth a loud as the Goodwin sands formed ir- ear- • • extraction from low-grade ores. In take dates back to olden days, when -the root was brought from the East by wa3r of Turkey, instcad of through Ilussia, as it now comes.. Scarcely to be counted as drugs, • grains, proving the sand to consist largely of metallic particles. inents Of a bright yellow root, grown can be seen as large irregular hew; Most Mee would have talcea no tinned, that the name Turkey rhu- hi China. And here it may be men- . . Meet to the west. From the west ea- days the estate of Earl Goodwin, the answer comes, for suddenly an- On the Yorkshire coast there are other trumpet has appeared across d hurled Oxalis a n :1 villages, 1001 s loft be an e yen y en et . the amphitheatre. Then another Suffolk there are five. Submerged mu dos.- Even. such enormous depths as on. But for Echsoo s knack of nev- i these need not hinder cablelaying, .so er letting Et, good thing escape. his N UM Ia. A peach shortcake is also Atlantic, delieimis.. The fruit should be very 1 Ape, ripe it win mash. ar 4.1. and about 84,000 feet, or nearly 6e der and then passed between power - south of Newfoundland, this the ore is first crushed to pow - so • -- nines, is reported south of the Bete fie magnets, while the dross passes from the north, and another /roan .forests nave- be seen at low tide off the south. ;Bexhill and Wirral, and their re - IN WHITE AND CRIMSON'. ;mains have been found at numerous While yet the echoes are mingling . points along the Coast. in the air the curtains- behind the Soutliwest from Lands End, to - throne are flung asunder, reveahng ward the Scilly Islands, a penin - two rows of stalwart men in white ,eula of about 927 square miles luts and crimson eliat hold their swords been -carried away; and below' the aloft to form an arch. From bees/end beach is a deposit of black neath it there steps forth the vice- ,mold containing indications of trees regent of India's emperor, arrayed and deer. in the tall insignia of the Star of; At Wirrar is leamowes Castle, now India. I on the edge of the cliff, but 50 years A long -drawn blast from a solitary I ago it was half a mile from the sea trumpet -and a hushed silence falls ,Many'historical towns, sea) as Ray - upon the assembled host. The soli-lei-isle:Ire (mentioned in Shakespeare) tary fig -ere of the chief herald. stand», where Henry IV. lauded in Imo, and before the dais, facing the amphi-eledwarci IV. in 1471, have now en- th en tre. tirely d iseppeared what words of Olnea are these he At Reculver the cliffs were gradual - reads? Whence this echo of another ley eroded until a church, Originally proclaim:don wlmee sweet recollec- two miles inland, was partly wreck - Mons still linger foncllsr in Inclifes 'ed; this church, however, had two memory? " * In your prosperity will be our mightiest strength, fla your con - spires, forming' a, striking landmark for sailors, and trinity board (in charge of the light -house work) tentment, our deepest security, in therefore had a sea wall 1112110.ilt to your happiness ear highest reward. prevent the destruction -of the tow - With the last lingeting word a ers. WELL WORTH KNOWING. neer sprinkled on burning oil will at. once extinguish the flames. Don't use butter for frying pur- posezi. It decomposes, and is un- wholesome. Mated parts of vinegar and par- affin oil make a better polish for a Piano than any furniture cream. Stained knives may be cleaned by dipping a raw potato into brickdust and scouring them with it. A sponge should never be used un- less it be sweet and clean. After washing it, dry in the air and sun - seine. A few drops of ammonia, to a pint of water sPrinkled on the roots of 800.,i0 plants will produ,ce an abund- ant growth. In bottling pickles boil the corks, and while bot you can press theta in the bottles, and when cold they are sealed tightly. tient for an Emergency. -In a case. ol choking, inetantly put your finger iuto the throat and feel if the sub - as the theory is c f ec1 a reciation this process of metal fa con eri , but PP r in practice, for reasons of economy extraction may never have been dis- • in maintenance and otherwise, it is covered. found best to take advantage of fa- voring conditions in . the ocean's bed. To illustrate, all of the cables between .the United States and Eu- rope rut, up along our coast until they reach the neighborhood of New- foundland before starting across to their destination in Ireland or France. The reason for this is found in the range of submarine ta- blelands, forndng an Ideal cable -bed, which hes between the three • latter countries. No Danger -"My dear," said young Aire. larkeinisey to her husband, "I do wish you would not go about the house in your shirt -sleeves. People will think your father worked for a living." "They won't when they know his son.'' St. Paul's Cathedral is insured ten different offices. The amount, is about $475,000, PUT GRASS IN YOUR PIPES. No matter how carefully a pipe is used, it is bound to get foul at timee. In such cases you should pack the bowl tight with grass or hay, and lay the pipe aside for a few days, and you will have it as sweet as when it was new. Talking about smoking, here is a good idea, for lighting matches: Don't light them on yout trousers, tor you'll burn slits in them, nor on your shoe - soles, for you'll rub the head off. The plan is to rub them on a piece of paper -a folded newspaper, an en- velope, a ticket. The silica In the paper acts like sand -paper, The recent erurtion has rid Mar- tinique 01 the fer de lance, the most deadly snake in the world. Eight yarieti,&; were know)), all equally venoneolAS. though generally associated with them, come certain of the perfumes. The value of these latter commo- dities is very g•reat. The metal flasks, covered with thick. felt, .hold- ing in each 100 01113.COS of Otto of roses, aa•e worth $600 apiece. The soft brown pods of music, wrapped in rice paper, end contained in small gaudily -painted boxes, or "caddies" are valued at about $8.50 each. Vanilla, is shipped from Mexico and Mauritius in little tin boxes holding long, beautifully fragrant pods of a species of orchid; while civet, that extraordinary animal perfume, which in bulk smelts' abominably, conies , from the East contained in cow's Harriss (looking up from a - letter) -"I'm so glad we sent 1Tarry to , boarding school. I knew no would make his niark. Heysays' he is considered one of the, Hest sebol- ars." Mr- ,Harriss--"Isit rze see teat letter. Why, that isn't desehmars.' it's 'scallers'