HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-10-2, Page 1FIFTEENTH YEAR..
atILIfictitAta-petteetreffsele-Arefir eSelotr sit" itereoeneetiseeenne
Neil Middle, s s
1 fetrant011,toniviiting
friends in 1
Detroit. -Miss Langford, aftee a pleas -
1 "lent vesit with feterole here returued to
her home in elliverton last week. -
Mr. Gilbert Carter has inmeoree the
Appearance of hie house by repainting
it. -Mrs. Cook, of lidertore is the gueet
of her daughter, Mrs. .3-01111 Claewor-
thy.-Mr. Clarenence Weetman hap-
pened with an accident one day recent-
ly as he was teeming down the steps of
Ids barn with a bag of wheat. He
OlArle a misstep and fell to the bottom
inearIng his bace, but we are plead
to learn that he will be arourta again
shortle.--Afrs. John MeNangliton is
'dieting her son in Brantford, who is
ill. -A number of attiring chaeges are
taking place this weeke-Miss J.flohbe
has returned to her IsP11144 in London.
tfter a pleasant visit with friende here,
--Mae R. Radcliffe'. of Port Huron, is
home on a viiit to her entailer, Mrs. S.
Jiheline Dress Goods. 48 in. wide, French mate, very fine weave. black -
and navy, was $2.00. on whieh we got cot price,now $1.40 a yd.
Jibeline Dress Goode, 48 in. wide, beitetiful fieleh, Freneh make, navy
and brown, WAS $1.75, bot to clear at $1,,e0 a yd. A bargain.
Jibeline These Goods. 48 in. wide. in black, navy, brown 41,114 green,
lovely shadeswith brilliaut finish. ae $L00 a yard.
lank Worsted Suitiogs, very heityy, bright jet Mack, 58 wide. at 4
$1.40 a yard,
Blo*ek Worsted Settings, 37 n sde, peu finish, jet black, vete- heavy
weight, at $1,25 a yard,
Feleze Suiting.% 08 in. wide, heaviest weight and make, splendid fillings
And warp, Meek, navy,light and dark greyseuew blueeit 00e.it
Homespun sultiege. etl he wide, black. BOA and dark greys, brown,
hest value in the trade, Wets. a yard,
Our :Vets. Sultings coneise of a big range of different goods which we
hot. to clear and can't he duplicated, at 75cte. a yard.
ee New Big swot a Dress Goods.
kpp1e Nowes & Randall's One door north of Post Offive.
lothing is the best,
o mailinited private faucla to
tee fern) or village reopert
*of interest,
leiceeoti heetento.
a, large amount of TrivatenatAs o
;arm mid village ;nil -calks ;
Barrister, 31AtIO Street Emote
Ri Etlascard lasurasreAgait ' •
Varad a•Lil Lb prowillta tciught ONd 01
avotal4e ions% firveral tlivtilinalifinfl tor sale. ,
;gamble an parts otNeriltoltareed Il Notthostst
.1,8 WANTED.
ed aliontifsh) fifty more tride. trent 10 years
oI age and upwants ran isalai itmot sem to erten
Ter wca. bicadyror 1i1;.- at we W
Skeacriat nisi:cm& tit:45E110E4Y Worate,
',widen Ont.
The underelinted is oTerior, ter rent elr ler rale
that desirable hawked afro tann In the townehil of
NV, being Lot 0, COtteeesion 1. London PALA. 'the
premises ore vonveniently krated to Exeter, and
are supplied with good building% large ettletrd aud
3.KII1ONYIltn,LANO, flav 11. 0.
in the township ot Stephen, being Lot 0, Canees.
slots 0. There is on the premises a good frame house
And barn, good tenet% a windmill pump and many
other COircoolCoCC.S. Tit% iS splendid from and will
he rented at a reasOnable il5ure. Apply to
dm. 4LA1tn, Executor.
Crteliten, Out
110TEL PROPERTY FOR 5.41.10.
The undersigned Is offering tor hale that desirable
hotel situated at Devon, On the London Road. This
hotel Is in good condition, and is LI miles South of
Exeter, This mut is largely trat oiled and for the
right man -chances are.good for a splendid business.
There it; a good stable in connection also, 11 acres of
land. Possession given immediately. This property
will be sold cheap. For particulars, apply to
DICKSON & CAKKINO, Exeter, Out, _
The undersigned is offering two desirable flIty acre
farms to rent, the south half of Lot 17, Con, 4, Step -
ben,• and the East halt of Lot S. South Boundary.
Hay. be Stephen farm hail good frame house and
barn, well watered and fenced and is in a good state
Of onitivation. The Hay farm ie suited solely tor
pasture.Both will be tented for a term of four
years and at a reasonable rental. For particulars
apply to
Cress. Box, Executor, Exeter, P. O.
The undersigned is offering for sale his fifty -acre
farm, situated in the -Township of Hay, being the
Vest half of Lot 6, Con. 9. There is on the premises
a good frame house and barn, two acres bush, a good
orkhard and it is well watered and in a good state of
erfftivation. For particulars apply on the prentisee
or by mail to
Laos Hoax, Dashwood, Ont
You can save money, thaw and fedd by keeping
your pigs dry and dean. They will thrive better
and keep healthy, Make the bog comfortable and
he will put on flesh. You can do so with a very little
expense by erecting (Pedler's Patent). The Elevated
Moveable Pigs Bed. Simple of construction, make
it yourselves. Send $2.00 in registered letter for
farm right certificate and plan of construction to
Patent applied for. .Tonx Pentint, Exeter, Ont
ir—ONvnship of Stephen—Court
of Revision.
Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held,
pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List AM, by, His
Donor, the Junior Judge of the Couoty Court of the
County of Huron, in -the Town Hall, Orediton; oil
the sixth and seventh days of October, 1002, at ten
o'elock a.m., to hear and determine the several com-
plaints of errors and omissions in the Votere' List
of the Miuncipality of the Township of •Stephen for
. All persons having business at the Court are re -
oohed to attend at the same time and place.
Dated at Crediton, this 19th day of September,
A.D., 1901
Clerk Tp. of Stephen.
Village of Exeter— Court of
Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revisioii.
will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List, -
Act, by His HoriOr the Junior Judgeof the County
Court of the Comity of Huron, at ,.the Tows nal!,
,Vxoter, on the 9t11andiOth days of October, 1001 at
ten o'clock a.m., to hear and determine the several
complaints of mixershrul omissions in the Voters'
List of the Munieipality.of the .Village of Exeter for
All persons having business at the said Court are
required to attend at the said tune and place,
Dated at Exeter tide 201h day of September, 1002.
Geo, H. Rissiert, '
Clerk of the Village of Exeter
Sale Remater.
0C2'. csar%. implements, itense
tal4 tuntilette, et9.. the
sage eno - it.
Ramo. Aget,
`Urf$1,417, OtAt. 7,-.Tarta s."zeit Icsre.comits,
pterperty ctW, Wan, 114 4, Vim- 1, 11141.11101,
"tlatts.se'clintsig. far%
nto. the pacperty &soli Tattez, Ccit.
tn. ellt. e;ge 11- AlmM
WiAiliTnStiar. $-Fam, tare oho ate ace
serseete nail -Pony cf 71t74-5, Coviieh, liera
17„ C‘17.7a, WrsZ linumlary Rshard. ewe
J. White, Atittleneee,
elles Emma, McPherson), aecompert.
led by her brother. Arthur, has gone
to spend the winter with her Meter,
Mrs. Fred Shenk% i Butfitio.-efre.
Mary E. Wilson, of linitalte is visiting
her nephew. Mr. NV. J. Wilson. -Miss
Ina Stewsuelson visited her aunt, Mrs.
Thos. Stewardstnelast week. -Mr. and
Mra. Cherlie NVIlson and family have
retinned to Sarnia, after a, short vieit
with friends here. - Mrs. Mena y Eggert
and two sons left lastweek on a visit
to Detreit.--Miss CarriO E. Wilson
:spent the lance:part of last week with
Miss Jean Baud, in Park11111.--M2s.
Areby MeIntoslereturned to her home
in Port Htuein last week.--efr. Henry
Wickert and family !ewe moved to
Mr. Cobleigh's farm at Grand Bend. -
The Harvest Mutter gie,ein by the Bos-
ton Methodist church was a, deckled
success. The receipts WeVe almost $100.
The Black Knight was an able enter -
Winer, -Mies Dello, C. Baird, of Park.
hill, has been the guest of Miss Alice
M. "Wilsou.-The Harvest Dinner of
Grace church has been postponed till
Oet. 10th.
Miss Ethel Kellerman, of Dashwood,
is the guest of her cousin, Miss Pearl
Wurtz.-Mr. Wm. reicher= has rent-
ed Mr. S. Rannie's farm near St. Jo-
seph for a term of five years. -Mr.
Leon Laporte, of the Sauble line left
Inst week for the Belleville Deaf and
Dumb Iustitute.-Mr. John Galster
and family have returned from Wal-
lacelmeg, and will again make their
home in town. -The infant child of
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schilbe, of the
14th con., died on Friday awe was bur-
ied Sunday. The parents have tine sin-
cere steripathy of the community. -
Wedding bells pealed forth yesterday
(Wed.) Particulars next week. -Fred
Deirmth left Saturday for Saginaw,
where he intends remaining.
ACCIDENT. -On Thursday evening
while Pearl Wurtz and Roxie Eilber
were playing with a. straw cntter in
Mr. 0.1ritz's barn, Pearl got her right
hand caught in the gearing, with the
result that the first finger Wad nearly
torn off and the hand otherwise very
badly crushed. The doctor put the
young eirl under chloroform while
dressinCthe woued, which occupied
nearly en hour. The first finger had
to be entirely retnovecl ancl it possi-
ble some of the others rriv become
useless. Much sympathy is felt for
Pearl in her misfortune. It is to
be hoped that the baud will not be
permanently disabled,
A. very pleasant evening was spent
at the home of Mr. Win. Elliott on
Wednesday night of last week, the
occassion being a social gathering in
honor of Mr. Elliott's brother,Richard,
of St. Paul, Minn., who is home on a
visit. A load from.Exeter was In. at-
tendance among whom were Miss
Skelton, Miss Aleway, Miss were,
Ricks, Mrs. and Miss Fowell, Dr. Hut-
ton, Messrs. F. E. Kern,. W. J.
the seven year old son of Mr. Wm.
White, met with a very painful acci-
dent on Monday afternoon last. He
was returning home froi,n school and
in company with orther boys went
into Mr. Windsor's barn to play.
While thus engaged the little fellow
fell out of the I110 W and coming in con-
tact with the barn floor, about fourteen
feet below, fractured the outer table, of
the skull. Ile was unconscious for a
time hi -iris now on a fair way to re-
covery. The practice of boys playing
around the road and in people's barns,
orchards and other places is becoming
altogether too cOninion. They not
only get themselves into trouble but
are a source of great annoyance to
farrxiers. Both teacher arid parents
should take the matter lip and have a
stop put to this kind of thing.
VikwrIlsi.-There passed a ety tenth
Otlt Con., ors Sept. 10, Mr. Roht. Keeit
in the 8314 year of his age. Deceased
as horn in the county of Kilkenny,
eland. anti came to Canada when
yotnig roan. He firet settled
the city of Quebec, but not eating
utt part ot the couetrys mewed
ter west, aud reached London
then the present city wits composed
f only n few shantlee. It was one of
his geeateet Pleasures to say he enema
where Mr, Wian Genre gnu Shop now
stands. Deceased was for eeveralyeare
employed hy the late Demos O'Brien,
and did teaming for that gentleman
front Goderich to Hamilton OVeir What
WA'S lonown from London to Hamilton
as the Plank Road, Having decided
to take up terming for himself, deceas-
ed moved to Bidtitilph township, aud
with the aid ;if otherepioneers convert.
tel Ord wildernese into a beantiful
etteich of farm lug hind Biddulph town-
ship is to -day. Ile was one of those
true heeded Iriehmen that never al-
lowed a man to drive out of his yard
hungry. Besides his aged wife he
leaVes one brother and one sister. also
a family of three sons and emir (laugh -
tees ana It host of friende to mount tlae
loss of a loving Wish:mil, an affection-
ate brother, and a kind father and
tu n
red in the Iliddulph Canton(' Cemetery
on Fritley, and was followed by alum
contemner of sorrowing Mends, who
bare the sympathy of the rommunity
in their hereavement -It is our pain-
ful day to reeord the death of Mrs.
Heenan, widow of the late Mr. An-
thony Meilen, who flied at the family
residence, on 'Wednesday, Sept. 17,
and Was booed in the fettliolie ceme-
tery on Saturchey. She was a native
of the County of Tipperary, Ireland,
and had a Warlil welcome for all that
came from her native land. She was
a true friend and highly esteemed for
kind dispositisn towards all. She
leaves three sous and four daughters,
all in comfortable circumstances, to
mourn her demise. She has been 0.
resident of this township for the last
fifty-six years and could justly clam
to be one of ite first settlers. The sin-
cerest sympathy is extended to the
bereaved ones.
The new school room of St. Andrews
church is rapidin nearing completion.
-Mr. John Mclean has gone to De-
troit to study medicine. -Mrs. Andrew
Bell, who has been on a five weeks' vis-
it to faiends and (relatives in Boston,
has returned home. -Mr. Geo. Taylor
is greatly improving the appearance
of his residence by painting in -Mr.
Thos. Elder, of Tnekersmith. and Mr.
Walter Slater have gone to Manitoba
on a pleesure trip. -Owing to St. An-
drew's church undergoing repairs the
services are being held in the Metho-
dist church. -Communion services, of
St. Andrew church was Sunday. The
preparatory services was held on Fri-
day and was conducted by Rev. Mr.
Anderson, of Goderich, and the thanks-
giving services on Monday were taken
by Rev. Mr. lienderson, of Ilensall.
All the services were held in the Meth-
odist chnrch.-Rev. J. H. Tohnie, of
Windsor, is booked for the opening of
the remodelled St. Andrew's church,
which will take place this month. -A
number from here took in Seitforth
fair on Friday.
ACCIDENT. -Master Roy Kyle, son
of Mr. Will. C. Kyle, met with a very
serious accideut 'a, few days ago. He
was siding a house, when by some
rueaus he was thrown to the ground,
causing concussion of the bram. •He
was unconscious for a time, and grave
hopes were entertained for bis recov-
ery bnt he is now improving rapidly.
DEATHS. -Many In this vicinity, will
regret to learn of the death of Mrs,
Wm. Plewes, of Moosomin, Man,
which sad event occurred a few days
ago. Deceased had been ill for sever-
al months. She was a daughter of
Mr. James Moodie, near Drucefield,
and was well-known to many in this
vicinity, as she had been a consistent
member of St. Andrew's chinch here
for several years previous to her -re-
moval to the west. . A husband and
three sons are left to mouen the loss of
an affectionate wife and mother. The
sympathy of the community is exteed-
ed to the bereaved ones. -On Monday
morning the family of Mr. 'Whiteman,
who resides west of here, received a
telegram informing them of the ser-
ious ilbaess of their son, Charles, who
has been residing in Chicago for about
a year. The message stilted that he
was suffering from an attack of ap-
pendicitis and that his case was hope-
less. His brother, of Toledo, Ohio,
who has been visiting at his home here,
left Monday evening for Chicago. An-
other message on Tuesday informed
the family that Charles was dead and
that.the remains were being sent to
Kippen. Much sympathy is expressed
by the friends and neighbors to the
estimable family in this their sad and
sudden bereavement.
DRI‘17.---Anotber old pioneer passed
away Thineslay morning last, in the
persoo of Mr. George May, who had
attaiPe4 the ripe old Age of over 88
years. lie canie to this country maPY
yeare ago them England and settled
near this place. Ile moved sorae years
ago to St. Catharines, but agate re-
turned to Chiselburst. After the
death of his wife Ise went to reside
oath ins daughter. dire. Nichol, and
remainee there after her death, ex- Fromm. Olive Bert -AM. Sr, III.-
cepting at shore time spent with anoth- Willie Word, Othello', Heywood, Vera
esdaughter near Wingbane. He was a Washburn. Jr. III. -Nettie Campbell,
ceneistent member of the Methochst Laure Godbolt, Wellington Skinner.
Sr. I1-.1Seila lieyworal, Annie Fliford,
Verde Ilerryltill. Jr. Ile -Jack Easton
George Eesson. Lila Heywood. Sr,
Fart IL -Pearl Johns, Almeila Connie,
right nom, always doing what he eon- Ella, et ;tanning. je, part IL -jenny
emeeed right, and *says willing to Vaiiiphells Jobe) erect's', Pert 1.-Lil-
aid in eveey good work. with an earn- Goebolt. Clara Kellett.
t endeavor to letve the world better
Is he found tt, He will he eadly
tiresed hie many frietule, who lutve
e keenest synmathy of the common-
ity in this their ead trial of eorrow
nd bereavement.
glee hours Um. m. toi r.
zanalmintiop with CfV.IW
Us -borne
segooLREPoRz-ne following is
the report of S.S. No. 6, for the month
of Sept. Nantes are in order of merit,.
V. -May Jones. Bo Delbridge, Mabel
Sawyer. INT. -May Delbridge, Flossie
Chureit and tt may very truly be said
of him that his tleatit le but in traria*
Hon from this worle to a better one
beyoutL Was an honest and up -
D. M. McDonsall 1 eo.
Council Flii.ieEt. niitatslie g
Ray Council-o:le
sept uh, all present. The firtee corn-
mlesioners who were present wete ad-
vietel by the council regarding gnivel-
'Iowan ling the Center road. The following
Mr. Babietek's little sun, 00P05 accounts were ordered to he paid,-
wbo bait been 6eriourily in, is revues -re Hwn, peineine voter's fist. by-laws,
Berry purchased the team of' reLogan mu% omen neeee, Leen
genexal horees that took fleet weeper. splices end colon $2. J. in
ttee whit left for t;figlatid sour‘ time .„ Tr:m.111nel% 1..sp,, eel. Nal. alul
0, intends reinairiing, tallettris!inas, qi,31.511 (teepee meanie. reo„, ea4d.
vile0,51.10; nVoi frt. liNavregsitil_d 2,711; sirt light filde;oad. seuneu. siamad
te."1103 14 and C. R. $2,50; J. Ortweinel ditch
role ereter fair for $125. -James Goetz baleen no benign $14 me fin 01
s visiting her eons in Detrott.--John emits. A el nines, eel Mimi line 5
Reichert mat wiles. of Pert Mow, and 0, $2.0„ Connell will meet. again
epent a few ;lee's Item doting the wenek. en saneesea ti0e eth (nee Of 1,11
with Et)liel SIVIrtleek OAS 2 „
returned teem Leralon.-W.Chaptnan, St.'" e/e1v4"-
Sr., end Itis brother, tif Celetionia, of- - •
S t. Joseph.
ter a 1/1c;osainfc visit with, friende heat.
left Thetraley for Teestvaten, where Mr. and Mee. E. le,eittein ioivieiting
they will vheit relative:es-Mite dessie friends in Tireetestille find Itidgetown
Ileilfkirk left Tiiiirsitq for Chieago, tliis Mr. ti. lessinette wae Iiii
where she win tebit herinint and other Torento last wet .% on bus -no.,,--;,
relativese-eliss efeBraitte, of London. L Jeffery bad the ulleftei tent' to iffi44
pnglayed a wale ewe at the twee meet- his 11E114 kii11,11111eit 101.11eill hiceillele
iin the Methoollet eirarah ten Soto while at week on the okiii ttit 01101t.ir
day afteentumeud also played, At thel aaY Wittieb Will lay him tiff wittt,
evening service. As a violiniet 1115.9 o011110 Muellerone of
eleBeeem stands without au (attual and oar most praepertme 40'et.b lievivis
loot playing wits lictened to with rapt !inn Alltltioll tialir of steel; and imply-
attentiora mid Wile V 1111141 ansaee4. ments Oet. itIlh, fle hat. rented hie
wimeen hilt Thursday to ?fa rat. bati purehnsed and bug-
enee_neen ee \weenie" me son, farm, owing to ill betide -Mr. Bel-
tives in 111 Fent:trove and Detroit. --Mr.
Short. 'who hasheen visiting his sons
gy. Fred toys be will neither boneow
nor land now. -Mr. J.tirigg,of Knitter,
ID McGillivray for some thue. has re- field a heelness tvlp 41 our lough on
turned to town and will (Tend the „ hfortilay.-Mtt Becignied. nf Like Me -
home "Wednesday after a few weeks', Mr. E. Beeiglited.-Mie Wm. Duehartne
visit with friends in Kineeedine and has rented the Iteunie term for zt term
ter here. -Mrs. (Dr.) Medd returned ' gentle, Queliee. is vetiting his brother,
Lotelestaro.-Mre. Mee Itergnson hits You&
returned home after a short stay tvith
friends Barrie mud other places.--
UV& Wright and Mrs. Smith, after a eminent's IL itmarily
pleasant visit here with their mother, semen:3i rarirttr. i 1 ter. :town centre.
te new to Loart-listh nut,
Mrs. James Troyer, have returned
their home in Seaforthe-Mrs. Wright 1 .eless Beatrice Beaver, of Detroit, is
and daughter, Lott, after spending the, %note% lwr part n s tele fot a tew
pest three weeks here. the guests of . weeks. --31e. Got tlob Brown, the town -
Mr. Geo. Petty and family, left for ;eliip tax collect or le malting his i.eittudes
their home in Niagara Falls last week. 4 Pay your taws and be happy. -Mies
Post Office Inspeetor Hole:irk, of 1o11-1 lenuisit Morloek as on the sick list.
don was in town last week in connee- Her many Wools tenet site will soon
tion with matters pertaining to his de- ptntHuron,reeovte-ohliwas
thelssEitliti. g1111:ttaldMiss,of
pertinent. -Our business men have
ntrreod to close their respective places Etety lt;,1, gent;e1(1),eltatttineneidienditlatyilendliNt%eollittlit;
at Zurich last Thursday. -Rete
James }fusser and daughter Pearl, of
Holmes.ville where in the village last
Thursday.-Dr.Rivers' household goods
were shipped to Raymond, Alberta,
last Thursday. The Brussels Post,
sayst-Dr. Rivers, who recently sold
and winter tnoriths at 7.80 instead of out his instence rn Crediton. One, and
8 o'clock. The change took place last testairtoeNNwtenamtyn
to lioeaAteibearttaa,
week. -Mrs. Broderick left this week rive
for Michigan where she will reside ahnUt 20 miles from Lethbridge. He
with her daughter. Her many friends is now building a new residence. Dr.
wish her every happiness in her new Rivers is a. son-in-law to John Hill,
home -Mr. W. R. Ross, of Montreal, Brussels. While the Post don't wisb
and son. Rev. Arthur Ross, near St. the Pee* ef Reymond teettY reins
Thomas, are visitingefriends and relit
and udaacalie3R
strtsr.ehi ves will
. willilde n na
tives in and aroundllensall.-Mr. Ber-
nard Thompson has been awarded the
cflirtsiietio°fn thtne tthoewnell.-"Mrerh. a0n.dZmwinctee8r1,
contract of gravelling the streets of
our village. -Rev. W. Ayers, of Lon.. of London, is visiting his son Charles
don, preached an interesting and in- this week. -Messes. Jacob Holtzman
structive sermon to the youngchild- fartiodmMNiecshvotHelitinSwinoltrrgtz; where
haevtee trielteuyrnaetd-
ren on Sundayi
morning last n the
Methodist church. He also preached tended the annual Y. P. A. Conven-
at Bethesda in the afternoon and his httisaoitn.1-.shMii.ei sol;Nti hn'meoillingYteetli12:11-1,$)lm000n,a,eerpyoof issosoirtiler-
sermon was well appreciated by all. -
Last Sunday was a. day with the young
ing has set in. -Mrs. Rev. DaMin and
people in Carmel church. By special
appointment of the assembly the day family are visiting relatives in Water-
loo this week. -Word has been receiv-
was devoted to the interests of the
young. There were impressive °read:. ed from Dresden, N. D., of the death
es. In the morning the pastor gave an f)hfei:11‘eliso-rParingtsinaleYber Tofhyeeicilieseeiainseda allii‘Oendt
ings, bright singing and pithy address
illustrated sermon to the children, and two years ago she moved to Dakota
with her danghter.-Mr. Robt. Wray
in the evening an eloquent sermon was
spent a, few days this week with
preached to the young people.
friends in Blyth. -Mr. and Mrs. ,Jacob
MARRIED. -A happy event occurred.
here on Wednesday, when Miss Mau-ebnerh
, ofPortisvnieotrbtli.oekn,:._aAn
re visitingunar
nie Johnston was united in marriage relativesL°
to Mr. A. L. Xingof London. Rev. of our citizen attended Ailsa Craig
R. Millyard, Of Exeter, tied the nupti-
Lan' on Wednesday. -Mr. Rol it. Sweet's
al knot n his usual pleasing manner. sale was well attended last Tuesday-.
The bride, together with her mother, The live -stock sold well although it
whose home is in North Bay, were vie. rained all afternoon.-Mr.John Sive] tz-
iting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. er's new dwelling is nearly finished
Rodger, of Rodgerville. The bride and will he ready to occupy in a few
days. -Leaves are beginning to turn.
an estimable yoong lady and her many
friends wish her and her husbanFall is rapidly approaching and soon
d n
year of wedded life.' They left for our citizens will, have to use their
London where they will reside. heavier clothing. -Mr. Moses Faist
SETTLED IN THE WEST. -We learn has accepted a situation as clerk with
that Mr. J. C. Clausen is arranging to
go bite business in Moose Jaw, N. W.
T., where there is an exceptionally fine'
opening. -We have not learned when
Mr. Clauson purposes taking out his
family. He bus disposed of his busi-
ness here to Albert McBrien; who is
o business at 7.30 each evening from
Oct. ist, to April lot. with the excep-
tion of Tuesday line Sittiuday evenings
and evenings before holidays. -Miss
Vino, Cook has returned from Toronto
where she has been visiting friends. -
The weekly prayer meeting will be
held in Carmel church during the fall
M. Carmel
The many friendS of Rev, Father
Tiernan still learn with, deep regret
tbat thegood priest lies in St, Jeisepies
liospitni5 tootle»), where he is undeie
going an operation for the complaint
frau) which. he has suffered for some
earts. Enquiry at the Hospital Mon -
hay elicited the Inmation ferthat he
was somewhat better.
Around About Us.
We 14We %et AtlYelleect Ude PriCe
f our tobaccos. Amber emoking ta-
co, Bobs, Currency and Fair Play
(emcees, are the eame size and price
to the consumer as formerly. We
bave also extended the time for the
redemption of Snowshoe tags to Taus
lse. 1001.
Tile Rlittpire Tobacco Co. Limited,
Celbonte; John Wesley Jaime, whe
hie hie brother went to the West a
weeks ago on oue of the harves-
ters' treursions, died rea Seturday
elan.. of He
a son of Nathan aoims, svel
n resident of eolberne township,
lft only in his 18th year. The
y wfu
as brought home, and the n-
eral took plare Tbureday nftertionn
from Mr. John's residenee on the
fourth istossis.'ilon of Viilhotiie to the
Colborne cemetery.
eioderich: An event in which Goethe
ich people are interested toot. pewee::
tt all on IN edoeedno
av n wog
17th inst., when Chas. ff. ffamirroine
of our beat k!riown yoatia;.; besinest
eaereweildtel ;thee Lizzie Myrtle lliddie
deughter of C. Biddle. of leirt Rowan
Mr. C. Zwicker.--Onr farmers have
started a turnip contest. So far Mr.
Gotfried Wein .has the lead at 181bs.
Next! -The Post office Inspector was
in the village on Tuesday and inspect-
ed our post office. Everything was
found in good order.
ACCIDENT. -What might have been
now in possession. Mr. Clausen
be much missed in connection with St.
Paul's church where he was S.S. Sup-
erintendent and Warden for many
years. He also has been associated
with the School Board for five years
and took a live interest in educational
matters. He started in haruess busi-
ness in Rodgerville over 25 years ago,
and with the construction of the rail-
way moved. here, so that he is one of
the oldest bnsiness men of the place.
Being a (Inc workman he built up it
good. trade. It has always been his
ambition to go west and grow up with
the country.
a serious accident occurred at Mr. D.
Oestreicher's last Friday.--Mossrs.John
Wind and Wm. Brown were in the
act of placing a heavy sleeper on the
wall of the stable when the platform
gave way under their feet and they
were thrown to the ground with the
heavy piece Of timber on top of them.
Mr. Brown received a severe gash
across the wrist and Mr. Wind was
struck on the leg above the knee,
which has caused him to use a cane
ever since. It is indeed very fortiori,
ate that they were not more Seriously
The coreentine teek piece ill am EAR
list ettiorela and wee peefortnel by
Rev. P. C. Elliott. of Weatefor
heather...In-1w ef the beide. eeeiseee
"lay neve Semedere, of Port Rowan,
[ After a trip to Niegera Dade111101 ethr places, .ft'. onal Mr. ,
awl roe now Gemming the hereollontie
new residence on V item Se et reet wliib
es ,
Oar. it:444 snse Indite
On Fraley morning
elneter Feed Howean eithet eau of
!Mr. Howetoe of the \Vitiation Hour
fell fesen a swing et hie hoe
and broke his left ana Piet above the
I write. A few home later. Mr. Jobe
`mill got hiti left leind , onie =ebbe
Memo. wlio %vas worltaaig. kilo Sant
cry and lost the tete of' one id hie the
gem The elute morning Mr. Frank
'Shore had two 1,11S 111/ffere: on the
right hand cut by it while et work
In Beire factory. On Fi May after'
eon Mr. Aaiun Shafer, an employee
itt the Union eletory had one of the
lingers on his left hand eut while
woiltuag on 3(11055'.
We would like to ask throngh the
limns of your paper. if there is
auy Pettion who has ArSed Green's Aug-
ust !dower for the euro of Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, and Liver trinities that
has not been rimed -ewe also mean
their results, eneh ae sone stouinche,
Cementation of food, habitual costive-
ness, nervous dyspepsia, headaches,
despondent ft. ling, sleeplessness -in
feet any trouble ronnected with the
shimache or liver? This medicine has
been sold for many years in all civilly,
ea countries, and we wish to corms
pond with you and send you dile or
our books free of eost. If you never
tried Anneust Flower, try one bottle
first. We have never known of its
failing. If so, something more serious
is the matter with you. Ask your old-
est druggist.
Sold by C. LuTZ.
Lt Pays To Use The Kind That
Has No Mud.
The immense popularity of Wells,
Richardson & Co's Improved Butter
Color has induced speculators with lit
tie chemical ability to pnt up imita-
tions of the lemons color that makes
prize better. These imitation butter
colors contain mud and other impuri-
ties that ruin well made butter. Wells,
Richardson & Co's Improved Butter
Color is noted for its purity. There is
not the slightest trace of any injurious
ingredient in it, and the last drop is as
clear and pure as the first. Wells'
Richardson & Co's Improved Butter
Color give the trim and natural June
tints; common colors produce a;hricky
red that soon fades from the butter.,
leaving it with it lard -like color. Ask
your druggist or dealer for Wells,
Richardson & Co's Improved Better
Color, the kind that has no mud.
Teuee-In Zurich, on Sept. 23, to Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Thiel, a; daeghter.
SwEirrzEtt.--In Stephen, on Sept. 27,
to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Switier, a son.
The matrons of the Edi-
son Orphanage at Lowell,
Mass,,U.S.A.,wrote they
had a siege of whooping
cough in their institution.
They said that every case
was promptly relieved by Vapo-
Cresol( ne. Its value in coughs and
colds was so great they always kept
it ready for use. You know how it's
used, don't you ? 'Tie heated by a
vaporizer a.ed you inhale it. Write
us for a book that tells all about it.
Varm.Cresolene Is sold by druggists everywhere.
The Vaporizer and Lamp, which Should last a life-
time, and a bottle of Cresolene cotnplote, $r,50;
extra supplies of Cresolene 25 tents and 50 cents.
Illustrated booklet containing physicians' testl.
monials free upon requekt. Ihro-ConsoxeSs Co,
18o Fulton St„ New York, USA.