HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-9-25, Page 8CLOTI ES
• the ofter000n a mese meeting i I be
You ee right and iook5
f t, inate:wbe, I auditorium. of tee - I
That give cornfor beta in t
At JamesStreet church next Sune
day the services will he special, it be-
ing the Sunday School Rally clay, In
W iipply thew,
Fall goods and fall rash-
ione, are in. Better select a
uttand overemt now.
One doer north of Dr. Lutz's.
dieser% Biewden MeDonell sue-
ceeded in capturing a large number o
prizes for their stallions et the London
fair last week. The Free Press epeak-
ot the exhibit saysi— English
, Shim also make a Capital eXhibit.
t The ma niflceot aged stallion, Bel-
shazzar, owned, by Bowden er, MeDoin,
ell, Exeter. 15 flinch admired, while
colts and Allies of his get are always
found among the wiutiers, Morrie &
Wellington, of Foothill, have forward-
ed finite Atrog. cat -eying winning
nolonies in many of the colt and filly
sections, as also do Bawden Xenon -
ell, Exeter, who also win stollion ond
four of his get.
nee neretc4,
Good smart, boy wawa to learn
Mrs. John ,-Snell has disposed et her "W. Codneora of .liarrova fore
handeome dwelling on Albert street to, enerly of En-eter, Ont., bee accepted a
Mr. Thos. Oenlein who, will Move to position in P. A. Yonug &.anee genes
tOwn • from laiddielph .eliortly, The - al store."---ddeyetal Coerier.
price paid was $1730. Ms. Snell efeeze • niessre, Besse jolliffe and Alice Huh
'Wattle mirelmeed Jobn Athin§OO'S beet, after a' few.daye'•oisit here, .the
develhog Moron etreet, ;known oe guest a Mise :Clara Cuthelote., 'vett-woad
the old Acheson Prodertdd PaYing 'to their boom ite Loudon Wednesclay.
t . eft* $1100. • .
AirS. Sanntel ThenlaS, of Hamilton,
wetch, ana chola Lost- visited her parents, dlr. and Mre. Wm.
At Grand Bend, Levett's parie on Easterbrook, street, and other
Septistiopeet faee silver wotein Find- relatives in town daring the pat
er will be suitably rewarded byeetnern week
ing came to W. Kerr. Oreeliton, or V. Mr, Jotin Elliot, who has been on
W.Haker, Crediton East,
Now that the holiday season ie over h lastk and 1 or
niciF0,er a IXl.11J:heotlaeg pfantfis
R. T. et T. news,
A.dvauce Conned No. 407, R. T. orT's home again in Nelson. B, on Moz.
would. be pleased to eee a large attend- day morning.,
once at their next meeting on Monday Messrs. Geo, Blensleard, John. and
business to
tSoepatt.te29ndtht, 0.as ,w1teikhuae;exhigouented newzh. 1..1drec,weicaceyrowhee,redtzoni,dg etze/ u;(111.1nd.
ie drawing neat and wo meettsteeareange ber who left bere Monday morning to
for that evenMg. ANNIE INCEST, work in the antheriontainnis 0 oos
RecoSecy, Royal Tempters of Teulper. werhs at Forest.
nnce,Rends. tela ond Simpson. who
gonnoit Proceedings.
have been conaucting Seventh Day
printing, Apply at Ode otlice Council met at colt of ReeveatTosvn „vivant services toe large tent on
School neerce minutes
No reduction of H. S. fees under
any circumstances on motion N.
Rowe mai W. L Carling; that a day be he given to the teachers desiring
to attend the London Fair, per R. N.
Rowe and W. 4 Carling; that new
locks be provided for the school build-
Sovemigii Baa 0 paga'Les? 14.°Q (f,
jj g ‘7,e41. the
HEAD OFFICE TORONTO "'Nesse.% Jamesand Qum -hoof Brits1.
Capital authorized 82,000.000.00 fele, Acheenn and ilawkehaw, of
of Henn% Bushell. of NVoltort, and
Delacv of Seafoeth, met in town Mon.
day on behalf of the Num. interests,
but no business was done, and they
adjourned to meet at the call of the
hag, per V. J. Carling and Tre-
Capita! Subserillea —.S1,800,000.00 t Ein gh, or ISt MdOduteh
Savings Department
Everyone leo; LOT.
ALTY to the KING and now is an op. Secretary, who is away in Toronto.
portune 11400 tel show LOYALTY to It is not decided whether they shall
yourself 6,y oppning a SAVINGS, put up a fight or not at the homing
BANK aecteint in the SOVEREIGN referendum on Decewher dtb.' —Clin-
BANK at EXETER or CLINTON, , ton New Era. .
where highest rates of interest are 11914 of R.,...4144..c lofts*
PAI an delm'iit'' a Si and "Pwards- An old gentleman from St. George,
NOTE4 die emoted at reasonable who formerly lived at Brnesels, came
rates. DRAFTS BOrtarr and SOLD. off the 1 ceeloek train Friday, in a very
helpless condition and will be a great
SPECI-trolltenlihn given to farmers care to Superintendent Freneln—We
aud eattleineud, lieoirwee. hewn that old Tommy Sherialan who z
A GENERAL BANNINO IICSIZIESSTEAN, I has been an inmate of the House of
Hall, Sept, 10th, Absent e°°°aillm"the grounds, 111 oppoeite the grist mill,
Devi% Minutes of preview meeting hod theic last wrateeeeat least For the
read 41'4 eentirmed- NVead—'4141r""" present—on Sunday night, and have
that the following accounts be passed when down the tent.
and cinders drawn on Treasurer for
seanee—Thos. Hartnett, labor $940; Ardzinor is with extreme regret
j$askerr'ne' "$"; Th'-' We", that we oononnee the death of one of
$3.77; 411'.TaYlor. tio.. $10,75; T. the early and most honored settlers of
Flynn, 41a" *13'444 $4114"3"Mlbe" thiS towlialip. in the person of Mr,
'13e'3 °ea* Ati'iascm" $12-811,S- Charles Mame, who rinsed peaceful-
Maairrikd'647:1;VtVin, tiVt ly 41.way hts home oo the oth conces.
" ' * " SUM, on Tuesday, FOX' SiX ninths Or
/1'Slt"at" do..'"'SAO' jir1-4 iti°"" Mere deteased had been in failing
MOO; J. Moe; do., *ewe; to. J. eneeae health, but he euffered rpm no partie-
man, Rhinch sewer pipe mid trowel, rdar _disease. It was jimt a general
S9,05; Pinney Rowctiffe, painting wen-log(1ot of the system and, being
and kalsominlog Town Heil, per con- 80 years og age. had run his earthly
tract Sled; W. J. Bissett charity to race daithrady and Nrefi. He leaves
Mrs. Sutton. $6,—Oarried. Hartling— to mourn his demise his aged partner,
MOir— that tile aeconnt of ean North cai yr eons and few danghtere,
for 400neli eewer pipe, he passed and "'"—
Mr. North he instracted to make draft
for some at 00 days front Oct, Mtn—
Coma. Harding—Wood—that a rate
of 10 mills on the dollar on all the rat- tiaugt"er* 11'4°' 31"mie Allea* Was
ehle property be levied and collected unitedin maeriagent" Thomas
tor the ego.1002 and that a wan, he aLucas of Toronto. ehe bride wore
neesed confirming eameenearried. beantiful dress of mauve voile and
1Voodo-Harding—that the clerk ta chiffon over white silk1 and was assist -
tar tenders for wo cords gravel, more ed by hersistendliss Florenuclow.
Or frs, tA Ii O delivered at the direCtinh who NV4/r04 4105$01 whlte 0Fgandle
of street, commissioner. Tenders to and la"'. The groom was at4144.41
btate piece per cord from both Woods' his brother, Mn, George Luca% of To.
md twderte pita,—Carried. Moir— "1°- .After the erremondd which was
Harding—that Council adjonrn to Fen. Per1"med II". 31e. 31eAuleY' a
don sepa aeth. at 8 Imn,,,,,,,earriett dainty wedding breakfast was served.
G, IL BleSeoree Clerk. M iny heallt Mil presents were revelved.
The groom''s resent to the bride was ,a
beautiful diamond ring. and a pearl
crescent to the brideemaid,
Mitchell; Early Wedneeday mrn.
ing Mr. Wm. Pullman started on foot
to assist his brother. Thomas. of IIih-
beit, at threshirig. Ile was in the
very hest of health and as cheery as
usual, As 60011as wore. began he was
assigned a position on the stack.
About an hour later be was seen to
fall, and when reached life Was extinct.
Death seemed to be instantaneous.
The eeparatur was stopped and the
body i-ernoved to the house. Word
was at once sent to his aged wife, who
was so terribly overcome with grief
that the scene is said to have been
a few days in town this week. heartrendering. Deceased was about
the guest of JosepMiss Potth BBnevden
oof London, is 13 years of age, robinit and scarcely a
le . day sick in his life. Ile =Sone of the
Mrs. W. 0. Huston entertained Miss oldest settlers of this neighborhood,
Livingston during her stay here, and a peaceable and respected citizen.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bowden, of Clinton: James McNeil and Robt.
Lucan, atteuded the fear Tuesday. Sanderson, two teamsters for S. S.
Miss Stewart, of ?Tor York, is the nCruPed;eweelevme ootuetrytoweBeadfiniees'sdasyan Alpe?.
guest of her brothel., Mr. J. A, Stew.
art. noon, and while working under a bank
scmae 12feet deepethe top of beanyolity
Mitchell: A 4pliet WeddillC tool%
place at the home of Mr. Simnel Cho
elow on WedueedaY0 when his eldest
nnorten. Refuge air eome time awe is wed
known in this seetion, is hemming
F. W. GLADMAM, F. E. KARN, very feeble. Ho is the oldest Wait hi
S diekon, Manager. the institution and coo remember
while living in England wilco a boy,
of seeing tine soldiers passing his home
with prisoners taken at the battle of
Wenedoce, He is the most cheerful
member of General Freneh's brigade
though he has passed the 100 mark by
T ripitt ways, and h very chatty.
Having just •opened up a Whir.
ing Eetablishinent in the shoo recent.
ly vaeated GRIEVE on.
the Kist side of Main street. I ane pre-,
pared to do alt kinds of tailoring in
the latest styles and at lowest prices.
Latest quads,
We have just laid in an assort-
ment of the West np-to-date goods
PATI(, Etc.
Get our MOM
Before bnying elsewhere we in-
vite you to get our prices and see our
voila it will he fashionable, some-
thing that yon will feel dressed in and
it will be big value for your money.
Next Monday will be Michaelmas
25e. in advance for the ADVOCATE
to Jan, lst, 1903.
Read Mr. W. Johns' new "ad" in
another column.
Use Foot Ease for tender, tired, ach-
ng.or swoolen feet. Sold by 0. Lutz.
Price 25 cents.
Thanksgiving Day has been set for
Thursday, October, lOth. Last year
Thanksgiving Day was held Novem-
ber 28th.
For Shot Guns, Rifles, tiand-loade.1
Shot Shells, Revolvers, Cartridges and
Ammunition of all kinds, call on
Israel Smith, south of.the Post Office.
Miss Mabel Brooks who has many
beautiful pieces of 'handiwork to her
credit, captured 4 prizes out of six
exhibits in fancy work at the Western
Fair Iast week.
The unsold household effects of Geo.
• Meruer, insolvent, will be offered for
sale at the Metropolitan hotel on Sat-
urday next at one o'elock. See bills
for particulars.
The Sutherland -Innis Co. closed.
down their works on Saturday night
- last, owing to a scarcity in timber. It
will be some weeks before they will
start operations again.
Turkish Scalp Food is the best rem-
edy sold for itching of the scalp, pre-
mature falling of the hair, dandruftre-
storing color of grey hair, Price 50
cents. Sold by U. Lutz, Exeter.
As a general tonic for the system
and to enrich the blood, nothing will
equal Eland's Laxative Blood and
Nerve Tonic Pills. 100 pills in each
bottle. Sold bv C. Lutz. Price 50c.
The fracas on our Main street Sat-
urday night is another illnstration of
the necessity of curbing, the disposi-
tion of men who make our Main street
a place for the nee of vile language in
the abuse of others and condact nnbe-
coining any respectable class of men.
We understand, however, that the
young fellow causiug the, trouble was
amply rewarded for his bullying and
disreputable aetion.e. As a result be
is now on the shelf for repairs, suffer-
ing from a dislocated ankle joint and
a "shanty" over each optic. We trust
the lesson will be a lasting one to him.
Mr. Jos, Cobbletlick received the
sad intelligence this week of the death
of Mervyn George Bloke. (son of the
late Andrew Hicks,) who died in
Rivereide, California, on Thursday
last, in the 18th year of his age. This
very excellent young man, who has
been so prematurely removed from
this transitory existence, has been in
declining health for the past year from
pulmonary trouble, which diead dis-
ease carried off his father, brother and
sister some years since. Every pre -
Minion was used to save this youn
man from the same rnalady rola wit
that, end in view he was removed to
California, but as before stated the
disease mnnifested itself about a. year
ago and gradually declining he passed
away at the time above stated. He
was aparticularly bright yonngman
and his many schoolmates and asso-
ciates here will deeply deplore his de-
mise. Hes remains leave been shipped
from that place and are expected to
arrive here Friday for burial. The
funeral will take place from the reel -
of his nude, Alle Jos. Cohbledick, Main
street, the date of which will be an-
nounced later.
Hick% Porcasts for October.
October will begin with reactionary
storms of rain, and possibly snow to
the north, passing eastwardly over the
country. New moon on the Ise will
cauee higher temperature, with elec-
trieal storms, high. tides and probably
seismic, disturbances on and touching
that date, but cold gales from the
northwest with rising harometor will
follow quickly. During the Vulcan
storm period, 4th to 9th, the weather
will grow decidedly warmer,beginning
in western parts and moving eastward,
the barometer will fall at the same
time, and cloudiness and rain will fol-
low, touching most parts of the coun-
try in their eastward progress about
Sunday the 5th to Wednesday the
9th. Storms of this period promise
to he general and severe, with great
probability of wintery aspects in all
northerly directions. SOOW with
heavy sleet are entirely probable, fol-
lowed by high barometer and cold.
The Mercury period is central on the
10th and continues to the 16th,and
this fact blended with others will
cause unsettled, stormy weather, per-
haps, outside of the regular periods.
Much cloudiness with drizzle and
sleet are results to be expected during
much of the Mercury period. A rise
in temperature and rain and snow
storms of increased extent and energy
will be natural on and touching the
12th and 13th. Rein, snow and sleet,
will visit most interior sections, and
a bit October cold wave and verrhigh
barometer will wind-up the period. If
an excess of storms and rough Weath-
er fail to materialize at this time, look
for unseasonably warm weather, with
many seismic phenomena and unusu-
al pertrirbations of the ocean tides.
The fact to be emphasized is that nor-
malcy will not be the rule; the astrono-
mic condition indicates one extreme
or the other. Our belief is that . very,
heavy autumnal storms will result,
followed by sufficiently cold weather
to damage and destroy exposed, per-
ishable commerce. Reaction to much
warmer, with falling barometer and
more rain,turning to snow northvvard
will be natural results on. and toueb-
ing the 23rd and 24th. All these Octo-
ber periods will end in more or less
storminess, with stiff cold gales over
the great lakes and northwest gener-
ally. The last five clays of the month
are covered by a regulatestorm period,
blended with the Venue disturbance
at its center, with Moon on the celes-
tial equator on the 27th and new again
On the 21st. The indications are that
storms tropical in kind, with thunder
ancl rain southward, will come (hiring
he first developments of this , period.
Vane. ,
Mr. J. Dow, of Stratford, is visiting
friends in town.
Mrs. Talbot returned from a ViSit in
London Satmelay.
Mr. Brown Jackson, or Seaforth,was
in town Wednesday.
Miss Crocker of London, is the guest
of dEre. Frank Weed.
dfre. Dansford, of Marlette, Mich.,
Is visiting friends in town.
Mrs, RIcb. Biseett, of London, spent
Mr. Levi 'Wolper ;Lod daughterddliss caved in burying mr. meneen beneatli.
Ivan,are visiting friends in and around 11. Lee was in the act of picking up a
town. shovelful of sand when the weight of
Miss Edna Creech, who bus been earth struck hien. Donbling his body
visiting in London returned home Sat- in a matinee that it did (mused him to
urchly. rebound with muscular action, and
Miss Ethel Dow has returned home forced its way tbrough two feet of it.
raopleasant visit. with fiends in lie had presencer
of mind to holier fo
his companion but was unable to do
any more. After freeing his limbs Mr.
Sanderson placed him on his rig and
drove him to town when De. Shaw vas
sunamoned. A cut two inches long
Mr, and Mrs. Talbot, of London, was inflicted on the lower jaw by coin -
spent Tuesday with their son, of Tal-
bot's Bazar. ing in Contact with his shovel. It is
notknown what internal injuries he
Mrs. Barnes, of Toronto, spent a few has received although the dirt falling
days in town last week, the guest of on the back of his head wbile in as
her daughter. stooping position may bave injured
Mr. Wm. McLaughlin. of Brantford, the base of his snail, but time alone
spent a few days at his home here dor- will tell. As a result of the accident
ing the week. Mr. McNeil will be laid up for some
Et,amuel Thomas, of St. Marys, spent time
a few days with friends in town dor-
Mr. Sam']Sam']Lamport, of Devizesoyent
Tuesday and. Wednesday with friends
in town.
Mr. Nelson Hooper, of Toronto, was St. Thomas, Sept,, ia--Miss Harriet
the guest of his sister, Mrs. W. G. Bis- Potts, a young lady, 28 years of age,
set, last week. belonging to Fingall, made an attempt zo gi
Harvesters' and
Threshers Supplies
The wise and prudent, man, be he a farmer or whet he may, oever
leaves the things he requires till the last minute, Neglect has pat
many o man in a tight pincle. Now don't be eaught napping, if you
want anythinn, in the line of harvesting or threshing supplies we
haye it. Here are a few speeialsi—
Binder Twine Binder Gloves Brass Valves 10hocks
Cocks, Etc., Gauge Glasses, Gauge glass rubbers,
Leather Benin g, all sizes from one to 6 inches wide,
Threshing Gloves, a new stock, Fingineers Packing,
,Speoial 13abbit Acyablinesciteorsoli
I Peerless Macbine Oil Artio oup Geese, or
SoiidMed Oil
HAI/limns 4sf„ SON,
Successors to It:Bishop &Sou,
Monday & Tuesday Sept. 22 and
To the ladies of Exeter and vicinity we extend a, cordial invitation
to visit our Millinery Rooms whether intending to purehaee or not.
Miss Barnes has charge and conies to us highlet recommended, and
Is preparing to show you the latest and most stylish htits at modern
Block hate a epeeiaity, elHoolofte outing, hate.
Wits leaving their order will have prompt attention. We also
IA to say in connection with our Millinery Opening +ye have a,large and
ell assorted sleek of Duns Suiting-% Elegant new Clive tionlesenme,
French Venetian% Jihelines, Etc.
I at uarters for the Celelinited W. E. Sandford Ileatly Made Clothi»g.
t :tt ollmuog PEON
Mrs. Thomas Greenway, of Crystal to commit suicide by throwing her -
City, Man., is visiting friends in and self in front of a fast freight train at
around Exeter. the Wabash depot this afternoon.
Mrs. L. H. Dickson. and Miss S.
McDonell returned from a visit with
friends in London Saturday.
Clyde 'White, who has been visiting
relatiyes in town, returned to his
home in Windsor last week..
Mrs. Chas, Birney, after a visit, of
several weeks with friends in Wind-
sor, returned home Thursday.
Russell Southcott left Saturday for
London, where he has accepted a posi-
tion in the D. S. Perrin Biscuit Works.
Mrs. G. B. Nord, who has been visit-
ing her mother, Mrs. Brooks, left for
her home in Chicago on Monday even -
Mr. D. B. Sanders left Wednesday
to accept a position in the box depart-
ment of the McCormick Mfg Co., Lon-
Mr. W. J. Stewart, who spent a, few
days with his grandparents here last
week, returned to his home in Detroit
Miss Lilla Rollins, who has been
visiting friends here for the past two
weeks, left Wednesday to visit friends
in London and Byron before returning
to her home in Detroit.
Mr. Jas. Jeckell, of Montreal, who
has been visiting at his home here,
left Tuesday nighl for a short visit in
Chicago, after which he will return
and complete his visit here.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ross and Mrs.
Lee, who have been spending a short
time with Mrs. Ross' 'nether, Mrs.
Eacrett, returned to their respective
homes in Montreal Wednesday.
... • , .
Mr. Wm. Levitt, who has been in
charge of his famous park at (band
Pend, returned to his home here Mon-
day. Considering the very unfavor-
able season, there being so much wet
and disagreeable weather, Mr. Levitt
reports very good success. Principel. Hayfield
She was saved Just in the nick of time
by G.T.E. Detective Bradley, who
happened to notice her strange actions.
The young lady was arrested and 'lodg-
ed in the county jail. It is supposed
she is of unsound mind.
Sarnia, Sept. 1G. --A particularly
distressing runawayacciden_t happened.
on Russell street yesterday afternoon,
resulting in the death of Andrew
Wright, the 8 -year-old son of G. T. R.
Engineer Marshall Wright, of Russell
street, and the injury of Burton Logan,
aged 18. Logan was herding a load of
brick, and on the way took the little
boy on the seat with him to point out
a house, At Russell street some bricks
fell on the horses feet from the wagon,
and started a runaway, and the boy.
was thrown' out and fell under the
wheels. He was taken to his home,
where it WAS found his chest was
crushed in, and he died at 6 p. m.
The driver suffered limn, a broken but
was not otherwise hurt.
• fai-
/ /
Business Lew, Writing, Correspond-
ence, Typewriting, etc., thoroughly
taught by experienced teachers at, the
Forest City Business and Shorthand
College, London, Ont.
I'Ve hare no difficolty in placing
competent pupils in good positions.
College reopens Sept. 2nd. Send for
Buy or Sell a Farm
Buy or Sell TownProperty
Supplied "th
either he
Borrow or Lend Money ROd Or WOOd.
These are without a
Collections Made doubt the best ma -
•chines obtainable
at any. price.
Was awarded, the only
medal and diploma
given on Hay Forks
'at the World's
Fair Chicago.
Supplies at Russell's BlackSmith shop.
Your Life Insured
Go to the Old Country
Call at tlie 'Undersigned
Office over H. Spackinan'S Hardware.
Fall Fairs
Wingha m
St. Marys
Sept. 25-26
Sept. 30 Oct. 1
"30" 1
Oct. 2-8
"‘ 7-S
" 6-7
" 14,15
Several stories are told of Tennyson's
thoughtless speeehes. "What fish 55
this?' he once asked his hostess where
he was dining. "Whiting," she replied.
"The meanest fish there is," he remarked,
quite unconscious that he could have
wounded anyone's feelings. Yet his
kindness of heart was such that when
his partridge was afterward given him
.almost raw he ate steadily through it;
for fear his hcstcs might be vexed. On
one occasion Tennyson was very rude to
Mrs. Brothertom a neighbor at Fresh-
water. The next day ?m cam.° to her
house with a great cabbage under each
arm. "I heard you liked these, so 1
brong;lit them," he said, genially. It Was
IL'Iitlekt of a peace -offering.