HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-9-25, Page 7BREAMS BAB TO BE THE
Declare Mindee Reveries , While
Fedy Sleeps Feeetell
The gyPeies after all are right.
PreAnia al'e tree,
new dream book is ot-not by
gypsy but by a scrupidoes blue-
stocking profeesor,
To be mire the gray granddomea
have always held their amens to be
true. end have always inteepreted upon honeelf by burglars, wbo slash,
their eerie visions of the night bee'hini acme% the cheek, with knives.
to future events of colossal moment, He goes te his pbeeicien med. Aare
So, too, the romatie leesies In rates his dreeine and wants a cure
search of signs of lovers, and here for ineotnnia.. Aneurism of the.
eed there some masculine rhapso-kaorte. is discovered. A woinau
who, if he understands 'diagnosis
through the interpretation of
dreentS, can be materially Assisted
thereby ief, arriving at the norrect
concluSion regarding the Malady af-
reeting. the dreamer,
SOreetiMea de'eanie Are helPfal
where nothing elSo will aVail
reaching the seat of the trouble, Oue
Old WOP,1411 repeatedly dreamed that
she bad to sW
A oW na s And
phalt„ which were giVeu her for OM
purpeee, A month later ehe cleVelOpe
ed an aggravated case of elyepepsia.
A man. apperently sound of health
dreams night After night a aeeanita
diet. who warmed to the world of dreams repeatedly that she iS Sur,-
ehe unreal end fanciful,
But not so the scientc wise Men.
They have always l;nowit better -un-
til now,
Now there are certain zeers at the
van of the enlightened who say that.
physiology tells them that dreams
reveal the at of the dreauier. anti1 was eurromeded by menacing, meu on
that if the dreamer's physician is Ara publee theroughfare, several
-clever fertune teUer he will /earn 1eiigiats successioa the dream le ree
muela to his own edification concerneipeated. 4number of days later be
ing the dreamer's bodily state 'aeceidle the staircaee and dude her -
through their interpretateope ' self teleen with attaelS Or IlArA7
MM. N. Vaechide anti H. Pleven ef phfegia.
the, Paris illStitllte 41:0 tWO leading Other dremem predict progresetve
enponente of the volue dreame in eottenieg of the brein. ete.
iliognosiag pllysicel disorders. awl' Conrad GessneratlerMate
have canceled from herethere, and !dreamed that be wen bitten by a
everewhere, of ail timee, aet omit- verpent. In five Swore he had poiee
*nous blood affection§ lit the placo
the serpont bit him.
Auother Sebolar dreamed he was
bitten by a mad dog is the left
foot. Soon after be diecovered that
"11 hiS left, toot there wee au ulcer-
ated exiecee,
A Wan dreamed be WAS playleg in
water, and was found to have a
dropsy bead
rounded ley dames, The phyeiciau
without besitatio
case As cardiac tro
Worn thin?
No! Washed thin I That's so
wherM7r7on soap is used.
AA* rem the eeeeeeen leer.
diegaoees her' WeePeriments by Frofeesee Shutt,
uble, of the Experienental Farm,
At times a sebiect dreams of Ats
4_0 wakes to tine himself' ePiletee
tie. (Oencluded).
A young girl dreamed that She The ebiet value of green Inituuring.
Q' the system el pleughingetinder a,
grit:MI-4g crAP of ciOver. lies ill the
addition of nitrogen, otherwiee un-
obtainable. the subeequent
cay in the soil a the turned -under
Clover this nitrogen ie set free, and
converted. by nittilleation into
able food ter fiiture erops or gin
fruit treest roots,. ;end the iike. The
growth and harreetiug et the nitro gen COnsumers leave the soli poorer
'in nitrogen ; tho growth ot elover
.ting the ell eonvincing preeent day,
illustrations eine data which ge to
eetablielt .ancurany Of the -,
ir poa..
Ulna in a fyilV,r' UnONVIA tONtilO
"Vila te their ideal', in *leen • thee
fOresakes the outer weed and:
yield% lteelt to iutroepeetion. .pur.1
lug our wakhog MOSIlents 'the exter-'
pal sensations prevail. The brave" Otte man dreamed that he had
is preoccupied with what occurs out,lieg 5t°1no. No 'woo after
Aide the body and, lillieSS there be ,Paralfsis ef that Welber.
inipartuauto cos from intorno' A. man died of apoplexy three
aceirce.e., pays no attention to what 1iiti" thentning that he had ite
nvintahes us it i5 vica swan, ,A)14 ehip with a eoptain who enter -
is heppenung Ache% eleep dreamed that, he had en:batted
internaand occupy tilel organie ceusatiotis pesclusive ate redoue- 1111°41 411W4155101%
.otite men find olid comfort only
in liquid.
Goesipe are superintendents Azi
trouble factories.
If re woman looles good she is no
neees.earity goodelooking.
A manes idea of harmony is to
lave; everything his 4:tein way.
Few lingere are burned in, heaping
coate a are on au enemy's bead.
Women who alarry tor a home a'
ways get the short end et the la
A bachelor knows about three
times ;ea much as A Spinster tkinua
he does.
A pink tea, la One a the thiogs
hat makes a married TOnn paint
*hinge red.
tfie world doesn't suit you, it's
peaunt,s iudge that you don't
suit the werid.
A men may be; e, hopeless idiot,
but if he admires a woman, yea
can t convmee her that, he es crazy,
-Coutentment is better than riches,
but the average man is too polite to
weed, Mee best for himself.
ADVICE TO BACECELORS.--Failtug to get the girl you. want
you Illight as well be wedded to
F. ON TEA. It eaed eefes Yee/.
cers, Lead Packets,.
The Rawson Commissoon
T OliT
Can handle your APPI4g, PEACS.HE, MONS. (deed SW alive)
PUTTER, fCg$: l1011EY• to good adeentage. tet us halm yew COThalgualgatel it
Will Puy Yen., Stamps and pada en adielfeatiem
00011000 Wettene
¥t'., valance. the tieket ageat at
the New York Oenteal Stetter), has
SOld a ticket, frene Pokeepsie to
Yokohama, and Avture. This ie
very unneeal epee. The purchaser
v as Mr. Paul McCormec at thies city
who proposes to go to Chine. and,
Japan on. a pleaSnra trill. The
route is by the way of an Fran-
ciece and the Pacific. Ae it taw
W Ife Couldn't Stand -Ter- about three weekS to cross the Facie
Broken 'Up and, linable to tie, the round trip comet he made
Owe Beenpe gurney in much less time than three months
n* ado in
and if Mr. MaCeinaitec tates In ot
an cl other legumven when the the ee, eiotereming sights in tiee Orient
crop hae been harvested arid tbe Smith% Falls, aept,. 3,o,(SPCC, he will prolong hie stay raueb long»
roots only left, leaves the soil in cure of tfr. Theodore er than that even. The vale of tlUtt
Variably richer in that conetituetit, Young of tbie Wen is a, wonderful ticket va1e. atteation tie the fent
There are other advantages theugh example of the progreen that male that travelers eau beaccommodated
of keeer importence accruing -from eel ficieuce 14.10 made in the last few in purchaeing trauepartation tea any
this' method.ed, I-Tuenne in large yeara., part of the world by applyieg to
emounte is formed in the soil from Up till a short time ago the doe- the elation agents of the greatest
the organie Platter of the clever. tore claimed that, Wight's Dieeaet, American i.allread, The ticket est
In edditied to the functions et was absolutely incurable. and in factl uearly live hundred dellars.-Froso
manuring with clover there is the there are a few whe still adhere t1the Fougheeepenp (Nene) necening
eneehaeleel as well as the chemical hi e theory. Enterpriee„
inwroemneut of the soil, the ACM", elue, Brighe.'s reeeaee in not lucerne
tien of food tnateriale, and the en e Dodire Xidney FillS will Cure no proqueo et arias i Spain
couregement of microbic wo withip this terrible malady and have done heel Int fewer tau'28 corm arimis
the aoil. Then. tall?. COnsiderab40 ae ir thousands of came, a 4
in a populatom of 0010.0ti0.
64110U4AS 011 Petesh. phosphoric acid. Those who are sheptical need not.
and aro absorbdand built 'V farther than this towels to en&
into ite tiesues duriog the growth ot
bate e e clover. Tbeee In part are obi -tined
tention of the ladled MMUS eNterfall 1344 "4"14-:' le4W4 deel" Ile from depths of the 'eon not ree'vhed
deteaude for its notice become mu- 1 w44° 'higICLI• en th° nanie 0"ce a by therooto of other farm crepe
nhatee. ems is why reasomea itainaher of times. A few days later ctlitverpestore,c4fithbee etouIrtnsiedi 'madder cdideiver 1
;ran during the course of ei70 oeylhe had neuralgia at the '-..pat where
ere as a, ug
or a pronlem too inttleete tor tine ho had WeeeiVe4 140V3^ t trraely tO the mineral euppey of tined
PreorooPied Wahl of waiting houro1 eA., P14,f:*1°Ii eltliit to EgYrj,t perdelal eon layer. The feature
can be carried on to succeeetul le- '.11hdc.' "4eo5e5- °' "14 eYel realrne *Malty worthy oi nate, though. in
enee in sleep. The brain in uot din. home, and ten years later the Knee this conueetion is that tide mineral
tubed with interruption, of bis Pgyptian researebes returned food now offered as humates for the
rot. preekely the 6llinO reaeoft play- to hint Persi5tOtlY in 4"ninn' It use of succeeding crops is inuch more
' Ideal disorders make themeelvee was found that hie (Wee were affect- Imahle than hewn tho clover ova
IMAM first while in sleep. 'Wo ed by liolOe disorder. propriated It ; it has practically
dream of am beeauf,e they eSu
eh 1 t Mill in dreams bus one teen already digested, and is, there -
;albeit In too rudimentary and unob- thel expellent -5 Of drama ilett°119 3 for,
trueive 0, State to thrust themselves daft for diagnosis that he says;
upon the notke the brain* while "Ten MO what you dream. And Will
it IS Occupied with external inter-. tell you Mutt you are." To these benefits must, be added the
OAS. SOnietinfiteS tbere is a, warn- good work that clover does ite
"ca,teb" crop, preventing the loss 01
ing pain before the dream occurs. BABBAS OWN TABLETS. soluble nitrates and other plant toed
The dream follows along the diree-
through the leachlog action of fall
Von indicated by the pain. If the
paht in head te wlA' or Weak, Sickly and. retful rains.is he h , il
about the bead, if the pain is In children of All Ages. Since the spring of 1893 system -
idle investigatory work to determine
tbe foot, the dreem wilt be also. If the, ebIldren's digestive organs the fertilizing value of the clover
)reams are ehleily a three kinds,
a AU right, the children aro all strop has been prosecuted in the Cen-
those which reveal the temperament ar
right They will be hearty, rosy. tral Experlmental Vann at Ottawa,
of the dreamer, those which prognos-
Get the little under the direction of Dr. W.
titan ditease. and those which are nuPPY--duct hungry.
ones right, art Jeep them right by Saunders, experiments on the branch
symptomatic of a disease.
reopio with sangaian teraperaments he use ot Baby's Own Tablets. This farms liming been started EOM()
dream about ones, dances, feasts.
medicine cures ail stomach and three years later. In most of these
nerryinalibig, ilglite, games. Thoso bowel troubles. nerveiusness, irrita- Wale the clover bee been sown with
f a melaneholy temperament dream tion while teethirg, etc. These Tab- grain, wheat or Inudey, in the spring,
ghosts, stuolous solitude, aaatet lets contain no opiate or poisoneus and this hoe always resulted In. a
Those Of phlegmatic temperament drugs and mothers who try them good stand of clover before the close
Ilream of white phantoms, wateronee will not be without. them, while of the season. as it grows rapidly
umid places. Tim pito., dream of they have little ones. Mrs. D. E. after the grain is harvested. If the
Woodmen., Man., save land is intended for grain the
ark bodies. assassinations, Moen.- Thedgleee,
"When our Ilttle girl was about six ploughing -under of the clover Is done
titmice, and the like. months old she enught a bad cold, late in the autumn ; if a, crop of
COMMON DREAMS. and was ranch troubled with indiges- potatoes or Indian corn is to be
In order to arrive at prognostica- teen, and constipation. and very ret- grown the next season the 'clover is
tions by malls of dreams 11. is ne- less both day and night. Ono of my left till the following spring, when
cessary that the dreamer do not neighbors brought inc some Baby's about the second or third week In
normally dream during deep sleep. Own Tablets and in a few days my May the clover will be quite heavy
The dream itself then marks a. phen little one was regular in her bow- and furnish a large amount of ma-
gical derangement. els ard rested well. T found the terial for turning -under.
In convalescence dreams about eat- Tablets so satisfactory that 1 now It may be urged that the burying
Ism and drinking and enjoyments of always keep them in the house and of a crop of clover es waste. This
the pleasures of the talde augur have since found them valuable when In a measure IneY be true if the foe_
Veil. At the beginning of the di- she was teething. I Can truly re- iter have sufficient stock to consume
sease, particularly if it be a fever, commend tbem for the ills of little it, for by feeding it there is the op -
eating and drinking express less lit-
portunity of converting a. part into
vorablo omens.
Children take these Tablets readi_ high-priced animal products and re-
Drearn9 et gayety stgellY healthY IY, and crashturning to the soil practicaliy '5
to a. powder they can
conditions. dreams Of tranquilitY be giverwith absolute safety to per eent. of the fertilizing elements
are favorable. Dreams of baths or the smallest infant. The Tablets of the crop in, the waste product
,cold water foretell critical perspira- can be obtained at all drug stores, of the animal economyAs nearly
times- Fiery serpents in drew= int or you can get them post paid at 25 one half of the ertilizing* value of
edicate hemorrhages. cents a box by writing direct to The clover is in the -roots, if even he
Dreams of combats or agitations Or. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock. crop be harvested and old off, there
0- of various descriptions when occur- villa, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y, is still , large addition to the soil's
ring at the inception of a fever pre-
store of available plant food, and
the land ie
diet prolonged illness. Violent UNIQUE VENICE. -
pains, if not due to exterior causes,
are signs of lesion, inflammation, or Venice is unique, and always, as If it behoves the Western farmer,
gangrene in some form. long as she exists, will be unique. who has tilled but for a: quarter of
APPROACH OF DISEASE. The city is built on 117 islands, a century one of the most fertile
connected by between 350 and 400 soils in the world, to pay attention
Anxiety in dreams is a sign of bridges. There are streets, all very to the restoration of the nitrogen,
heart affections. Dreams of over -
narrow except in the neighborhood humus, and available mineral food,
exertion and exhaustion Trognosti- of St. Mark's, but the gondo,la, is the how much more important is this
mite bysteria.0_ universal means of transportation. subject to the farmers of Eastern
Nightraures in the beginning. When you leave the station you find Canada, 'where for the most nart the
the night indicate cerebral affec-
the salt waves of the Grand canal soil has been much longer tilled, 'and
tions; ir the middle of the night
lapping against the marble steps where originally it was not of that
they MCall bad digestion. - and gondolas' drawn up against extreme riClmess to be found in the
Dream's of gustatory enjoyments in -
them like cabs and 'buses. If you Northwest. The average yield in
'dicate digestive affections. Fa- wish to keep all the illusions you all our Eastern Provinces would be
tiguing, suflobating dreams indicate have cherished about Venice enter considerably increased by the more
'dropsy of the chest. it at sunset, at the full of. the moon extensive and regular growth of one
Terrifying dreams and hideous pie- of the legtunes. Of improved me-
thods based upon scientific truths
that the Experimental Farm eystem
has been instrumental in introducing
none give better promise of fruitful
results than that which exemplifies
the value of humus for the enrich-
ment of farming lands.
-on San. Marco's night if the calm-,
tures. show gastric affections. dar permits -and depart before day -
Floods, seitainps, and ponds mean break, Then You will retain in your
cerebral disorders. Fear and an- mind a picture of the Venice of
song, story and tradition -the ideal
Slosh denote faulty circulation.
Nightmares with repulsive, ;Ini-
tials, like rate, serpents, and rep-
tiles, indicate suffering from alco-
Nightmares also piTeede asthma,
Short, frightful dreams of the night-
mare genus foretell certain heart
Veritable romances ,• sometimes
continued from one night to the
next, are forerunners of hysteria and
• characteristic of people suffering
from hysteria. .
The children al alcoholists always
see animals! in their dreams, such
as cats, dogs, horses, lions, or oth-
er frightful beasts of prey, although
generally the sort of animate with
which they are most
-*bstructions of all kinds .are
Weeens of certain varieties of dropsy.
When dreams are rePeatecl several
nights in succession they are cer-
tain signs of physical disorders and
thould be related to the physician,
It is stated that whereas 80 per
dent. of women marry and have chil-
dren, the percentage of college girls
who marry is only 21.9. Among tee
reasons given for this is that a large
proportion of them become teachers
and are too engrossed in their work
to think of matrimony ; while others
who might think of it, spend the
physically best years of their lives
in comparative isolation from the
opposite sex.
Mistress ---"Why, Bridget, you sure-
ly don't conseder these wiadows
cleaned?" Bridget -"Sue, 1 washed
'em nicely on the -inside, 'main, so ye
can look out, but I intentionally left
them a little, dirtily on the outside
so thin). aignorant Jones children
ilixt door couldn't look in."
paggS-7`!.I'd have youknow,. sir,
that m ancestors were 'blue-blood-
ed..." leigge-Too bad! . Why didn't
they- take something for .it?"
"Just a Little"
Pain neglected, may produce chronia
Rheumatism or Gout. Just a little
i3acknelie may create Lumbago. J ust
a little Sprain sometimes males a
Cripple. Just a little Bruise niay do
a lot of damage. Just a littla
Headache niay c the forerunner ol
Neuralgia.. Just a litt'e St. Jacobs
Oil, applied in. time cures promptly
arid permanently .Achns and Pairs.
Jus% a little caution ; nest a little
cost. Years of Pleasure' against years
of Pain.
root. Mr. Young =hen ots ste.tg- Tann v:"'51111M greasy dishee
molt: note and paus, Lexeres lery Soap
was etilleted for about two p.rder) ,w1111. l'et°°1"° the grease w
*ears wiu'
th Kidney Trouble and the ow
Driglit's Dimane, My Urinal
IrieS very dark and I loet consider- The biggest open-air coucert in the
able blood. real:erg me en weak 1„world is the Welsh Uletedefod, which
could seemly ;amid. l is attended yearly by 20,000 to BO, -
"Atter using tho first hog of 000 people.
Dadd's Kidney. Fills, I WAS much
better, and when 1 bed used four H. I '
mani's Liniment Lumterman s Fnenti
boxeS I was able to resume work ni
Which I had not done for some time
amams.Ssvirmlf.9104blar5fot Axidgalf
ale-xe,er. gle,Te awmaQ144 ere tresa
NKFIF•Xassi':,11,14rfttelf RUA! ,su
*Ara TeeMitamitre4ifeidtelektirraine
aenual sbooting eoniFetition
tool; piece at, St. Triphoo, •a little
villagoin the Vantou Of Vaud
(Switzerland). a few days iego. The
dietanccs were 2o0., 500 and 1,000
,varde. The prize at each distauee
WS won by a little boy eight years
uf age, the son a a locai farmes
named Rochat, who Was beaten hint-
eelf by his Fon. The young =erica,
linen wad a light carbine. and made
an average of eight, blills Mit of a
poseillie ten at each distance,
"I can conscientionsly recomraendl Lord Nelein. who is now 78 years
mamas tefeeey plus to any ane old, is entitled to place no less than
I was."
26 letters, indicating various titles
Mr. Youug's case is only one ot
of honor, after Ids name.
Winded tee
great many where Dodd's Kidney
Pills mune to the reeeue atter every-
thing hod failed. They have con-
quered Bright's Ditease and restored
to lite and bealtli Men arid women
who had not expected to ever again
enjoy this great blessing. During the past ten years immi,
gratien into America from •Gere
Dodd's It'idrey Pills having demon- many, Ireland and England, has de -
steeled their abillty to grapple with creased. while that from Italy, Rus-
Disen8o in I" very Worst sia, and ituetria has increased.
runes tne Comm
rival works on' She Vold
Ware Ilrolea,galelne 'Tablets aura aceld ono
NoCare.. Ne ray. edge 25 eseta
They Adveeteee TltentStiVeS.-Ianuteti
lately tlier were offered to the plink
Pernielee s Vegetable Pills became pee
mar because or the geed tapert ti,47 madt
'for themeelvea That reputation hat
grown. and they new rank awing the
• arse eneeleines for nee atteCks at
gic.p.4a end bilioranees, compleinte of tht
liver and leiduren, rhenreadsm, fever anti
ague mul tine innumerable cerapheatiout
Lo which then allnienes give tin.
The biggest. orchard in the work
ar Santa. Barbara. Cal Itoruire
1.700 acre, and contain
; . olive trees, 3.000 walnuts
10,000 almonds. uearly 9.000
otiner fruit. and nut trees.
car Over IMO TVA'S.
Jog Atm AND WE'LlleTIO*9 UPTIV401',.
WiNellir-xl.49aJltAfifiyrap boa bees waiter 9ver aa'f
ran by ralIllans c.1 mothers tit dine cieeiren wat
teethier, with laden, neer:a It waist ita„ dreg.
seftees tee pea., allaraall retie C2rf3 tuna C34 4-
istLabe.1.1, mead, for Diarrhrza. Is 6e:s.ant
fano.. Sole drog14,43 CV47 cf as* er,rci
Twereateetentea lenge. Ea ra.na treat:WV:it
Beszna awls.* for Mo. WinClaan eastkaar, Sriap,
and rAto nasthertind
Once a. farmer had a son. a id tiVe
Son left honte to be it bootbleeia
Thus the farmer makes hey uhil: t.
the son shines.
Ask for Millai(114 and take na ethe.,
Aunt Hannah -"I saw that yini
mart kiss you, Jane. UOW did it
the leaser forms. nniversut panneee, 11 one remedy, Inc cnalt a:itlEdra41111: woe 11 1 stvahargeunlwde-obr'al711,010,:eilileiithie:."1. \tti!
Dodd's ICIdney Pills are the only Ills' m which flesh le heir --the very nature be kissed me, and I told him it was
medicine that has ever cured Brightet many euradvee being spell that were impossible for me to say until I
I'm germs of other and tildereetly enema
pillastel'e"net4-wYraliteawoutIthithereisieYeltrolneolli.tilitte knew what it was like'"
form-13right's Disenve-can certain-
ly be depended on to cure ary of Therenever wai. and never win he a
'Molten wood" Is a now invention
due to M. de Oall, inspector of for-
ests at Lemur, France, Ily means of
hteig, )117111.1014,14,,kggarl &Grail etehe tegirtilleef" Neal r)ifer,,,rnetset,onftioatianioefixtroergnanriiiirrie:grwidi;.e,
obtain able in a sound unadulterated papulara, Theixuts' Ecleetrie 011.--tle not, 51 far
wee, a veineily for inane' ae2itgrevi01.14111'1" as Rama, exist. The testimMay is tr
By its gratinal and Jialiciotti me, ttal tive and cotteurrent that the article ro-
frailest systems
11e3ed into COIMIleseence neves physical pain, cures lemeneso
cheeks a cough, is an excellent remedy
for pains and rheumatic complaints, and
ir has no naneeating or other unpleasant
efftet when taken internally.
dry distillation and high pre.sure nod strength, by tbo guence which
the `!""aile ni doreinPing gat'es is, nine exerts odatature's OWII reetorativea
prevented, thereby reducing the wood It rellevea the drooping spirits of rhoee
to 11. "MOItele COOditiall- After with whom a chronic etare of merlin des -
cooling off, the mass assumes the' PeedelleY nu'l iitek a f futem" ill life is a
character of coal, yet without show-:
ehdaradt, bulturanbed
of that Mineral. This now body is, which beiug stimulated. courses tbrongli-
dis"pose'e to sound atm refreg inn sleep-
ing a trace ot the organic structure, impargs vjgor to the antion. af the blood,
silsmiPmedveratnidaupsolisth;: nut the veins, Streugthetting the healthy
water and acid.% ' animal fuuctions of -the system, thereby
making aczivity a neceasary . result,
o- streogtheningthe frame, and giving life
to the dige.etive organs. which naturally
demand lucre:teed substance-re.eult, im-
proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of
Toronto, have given to the public their
superior gninifie Wine at the usual rate,
and, gauged by the opinion of scientists,
this nine approaches nearest, perfection of
any hi the market. All druggists sell ti.
di.ea.ee and by tranceuilizint the nerves,
;atter Ont0, Om Or TOMO, )
IC . (MENEM tnakes oath $4
Lums Cortsstv .
that he is senior partner ef the Arm of
P. J. nalEIeleY & CO., doiug business
in the City of 'Toledo, County and
State aioresaid, and that said firm will
pay the sum of ORM RI.INDRIeD DOL-
LARS for each and every case of OA- ..
TARIM' that cannot be cured by the During the past half -century there
USO of rmy presence, this 6th day of December, have been in England 12 bankrupt-
ur..a.,,s CATARRH CURB.
FRANK J. 013.1dNEY. •
A..n. 1846.
A.. W. onnasole
NOverend, Gurney & Co., hold the race
cies for a million pounds or over.
Sworn to before me and subscrIbed in
: ORAL :
. • ... • . •••' ' ' ord. of having failed for 11 millions
}lairs thettath Cure is°trilP
takenabrle. Sterling'
nally, and acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O.
Minani's Liniment isuseti by Physicians
Quicksilver mining has the worst
=-.old by all Druggists, iec. effect on. the teeth of any known oc-
Rail's li'amily Palls are the best
' cupation. Bleachers and bakers fre-
quently lose their teeth.
It is a, curious fact that two out -----
of every three Irishmen who go -to Regarding a trip over the New York
America remain in the Eastern Central in this month of August,
States, while two out of every three Charles 13attell Loomis writes :
German inunigra.nts go West at
pleasant trip I had over your lines.
"Allow me to tell you what' a
----- With a good book and with the
-.Medical experiinehts nave showa con- couatry that lies outside the win -
In Naeure's Storehouse There ate Cures
dow panes to look at and the char -
elusively that there are medicinal virtues ac tors -that sit alongside the sale
in even . ordinary plants growing np
around us which give taem it value that Panes to study and the thought of
cannot be estimated. It is beld by some the dining car, traveling is such , a
that Nature provides a cure for every dis pleasant thing tnat I wonder the
ease which neglect and ignorance have whole world does not travel all the
visited upon man.' However, this may th..„,, .
to, it is well known that Parmelees' 1 —
Vegetable Pills, distilled d from roots ,an
herbs, are a sovereign remedy in curing And what is to be the subject of
all disorders of the digestion. - our lecture to -morrow night, pro-
_ ., fessor?" "Well, my dear young
Vanadium, one of the., rarer me- lady, I can hardly hope it will have
tals, has the property, mixed with nmeh interest for you. 1 shall lee-
' f
copper, of allowing that metal to be 'Lure on 'sun spots.' " 0h, but
drawn into very fine wire. Vana_ that's of the greatest interest to me.
chum costs $600 per pound. "•[ shall -certainly come. You've no
idea how I suffer from freckles."
.. .
Take Laxative Brame Quinine Ta'blets. All drug.
cire. 5. W
4oy, nsturc n on each bo,. 25i
The articles of tharge drafted
against Warren Hastings fill two
octavo volumes, and are the longest,
on record. ' Burke's speeches in this
trial oCCupied 13 full days.
Keep Minatd's Liniment in the House,
The nuality standard from ocean to ocean.
Your money.baelc if not satisfactory.
11055 Ss LAFLAMNIE, Agenta, - Montreal.
"Do you call this a band of pick-
ed musicians?" said the hotel man -
lager to the leader of a summer
band. "Ach, dot vos so, 1 hick 'ern
mineaellef," replied the bandmaster.
"Well, then, you picked them before
they were ripe."
A man dropped his wig in the
street, and a boy who was follow-
ing close behind the loser, !picked it
up and handed it to him. "Thanks,
my boy,' .sald the owner of the wig,
"You ere the first genuine hair re -
Storer I have eVer seep..."
1333.00 TO Teire PACIFIC COAST.;
from Chicago vitt the Chicago &
North-Western It'y every day during
September and October. One-way
second-class tickets at very low rates
from Chicago to points in Colorado,
Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Ore.
gon, Washington, Caliendo, and
various other points. Also special
round-trip Homeseekers' tickets on
Bret and third Tuesdays, August,
September and, October to Pacific
Coast and the West. Full partieu-
;lam frora nearest ticket agent or
address B, IL I3ennett, 2 East King
Torotto, Ont.
"Does your baby give you much
trouble at , night?" "No. We've
deceived it by having an electric
light put up in front of our house."
Gentleraen,-In June '98 I had my "
hand and wrist bitten and badly
mangled by a vicious horse. I suffer-
ed geeatly for several days and the
tooth cuts refused to heal, until
your agent gave me a bottle of
MINARD'S LiNtnrENT, which 1 be-
gan using, and thc , effect was magi-
cal. .In five hours the pain had
ceased, and in two weeks the woutids
had completely healed and 'my
hand and coati were as well as ever.
Yours truly,
A. E. ROY.
Carriage maker, St. Antoine, P. Q.
Tommee-"Father, what is a dtplo-
matist?" Tommy's Father --"A dip-
lomatist, nfy son, is a Man who,
when he can't have his Own way,
pretends that the other way is his."
The great lung healer is found in that
excellent medicine sold as I3ickle's Ani.
Consumptive Syrap. It eeethes kind di-
minishes the sensibility of the membrane
of the throat and air passages, and is a
sovereign eeinedy for all coughs, colds,
hoarseness, pain or soreness in the chest,
bronchitis, eta It has cured 'lately when
supposed to be far advanced in consul/1P-
1" 1,eil