HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-9-25, Page 6AO p.,...............}........,...... '0"*.fleeFese40V044leste0, etgetloSS.S.SO 1 effect of a, certain drug I had, de- the summons. With a smile is we I IP itb 11„4 oil( 8 th..,, face'. "Pella' w ! I lai.ow it Jim'e plan'. I was .te' taee-u:on R., n -/ I "I'Ve true theo 9" he said read- You will of course have wee -ed. e scribed in my nailer. took up the tale :- '''' 11 '" • ia. man. *I have known it for weelts: mYself the duties of parlour-inaid in I lallte fr.,...,-->,.... . Ganodan.aheausiwesos!s hlt,41,eisteheloIrraibnlea. bI, lieso'emeullouiteltsIddatratisaleetlf xny'rrtoa7t .....-,,,_ _ I '-......:,:7* 1 stemmue man. Oaten the eerteuxty bilettes for the post, the thought ,e. , „,,, ferced iteelf upou Be I surreptitious- that I might assist him in his 'Ceee')V'SM*CSsK'..e`44veeseveees.se 4 is took, gomple„s of my food and eereer deeided nee, ?ad the neet train Be nuttuel couseet taet, nigt, a, drink and had them analyzed. Three carried me to my situation. Lord snese.e.aeeeeteeesee.aesae. tee bowls helf a semi and stick these I pit serve4 ferns. ie them, placiug k' About til tit ein about your rooms, me eng a woods,y spot 01 water. If the ferile beeome dusty wash gently and z - •turn to place. 'Pile smallest ferns pee 1 I ouse the table, or bouquet for the dress, may be ueed. with fresh deleeee ter e trorocove,04,04,44,4 Pays Herper'e Boxer cluvxmjay coowE mak4 a y table fernery 1234keite- &Vett: ix inches wide: move beet teet, mode to u'w.ti e, nea I did so. but ltothing deleter- Didsbury was apprised of ur., vemu_ sono luso lond-er rOund. if you prefer xt- for the open air was es eue, ineae goitells could be found. It is balding- ing, so the gromid was mode easy aod three 'niches deep, Paste eloth Sauce -Add up cboiling water to ating- tonic awe tee closeness oe it is fiendish. 1 1 enow that some- ier me. 1 qt carefully picked cranbereies and around elm edges ele prevent hits of -the Sinangeroona ragere 040,ew, nine , ene about nee is murdering me. and I must have phlyed. the pall Wefl. cook sleWly until the s.kto4 burst, earth froen tioding their way aut. Richmond and meself lay on t to et 1 de and si y strbtee garden chaise. • • • far a • • • araeter entered ino the ulbldS Oi a xowe10 mnuts bneTerfernsl ,r ieegr, n . filiog thsp e o.ces witgee h re eoatfeetlyea I am impotoot„ et is drieino me for no snspicioa es to my mai eheis :then stir in S cups graeulated sugar, Plant be the tox roots- of ableteed in mad 1 e oamil while in the French wladow Jews not drese , . . For leenenes eake, I fellow servants. tify explicit in -Of -leo molds and let gat cold. Crane moss or nreenieg pine." Sprinkle wine sat industriolndy plyiug her adjure you, present this crime r• struetions were to diseever how the eerries eooked in this *winner will every day anct keep in a cool piece necdle en sotue oaint,y iittle goo- "Cahn voueself. my lord." I seid, Pejo= ini was admstered. and no- jll ey beeutifully mid are' by Many , et nighe. anel your tabrr le feiery wll that ougured a coming inter- (piletlcitme i pre- ozeJlately on ure urniaal I set ray prexerred wall 'turkey to the strait-, keep Itosie awl greext all summer, Mere y. -Exnt in :your ing her husband le his inqution ,Will yoltilv leavce"dtiuirurotylis'er4Ve=117dre-A'stiwe-tot:i:toa."Nhvitrl read steill"! e'a('Inljaelriat'-‘aele4" takg etiei x:oh(1111.°11118.1 uttei:veel°0Ples KNITTING AS A 1 411)1[VI-7^ enting event, from time to time aid- sent o es to my doiegs mem too date a my quiet emeeer rnos.sio.e4 bi,e, vante convinced me that none pf ,.-.4410_§ eseigh and indigestible, . exanteeng IS luck. ared In? eeestialiets and he fell bacic in his chair with"'enteheie w.ere t.,10-clag a band in our prelious ateetieg, the , Tarte-Line a deep perforated pie An the treatment oe rheumatism to Tem come,- 1 said --my exaininae feeble gesture of eseent. I touehed na..S.tardi-v baseless- . (Hail' with good Paste- sod illl it be A most helpful exercise for bends rnte seteme had been. dereeed by with crenberry sauce cooked ee i time being completed to their satis- the bell. "Pray be good eeough to ' 41. liable to become stiff from the COM- faetion-"tell me something about order a. conveyance," I said to 'dna ' ' ' - - •- • blew the world has been genie: with' "I wieb. to go to the nearest druge eau. Three years ago 1 left you, gist." James Richmond, a patieutless The man appeared and received the medico, and a more or leee me;- order. With a partiug word of elk" some more subtle brain. lbe lord- preceding recipe. Put several stripe „ p I by ship geve me every' opportnitity, but of pea paete ,aceose tie top in late physicians eeeanee of its efficiency though I observed him closely for „ tice fashion end bake io cluld9 joabeeleg- up toe baud of ouch three eletee I could discover nothing, oven, land every day ite had been compelled Pudding ---Mix together 1 beaten L644rcea-olg.sp. ajZsieP%re":4 olitalebelle! zdk anie or. Surele some eetteola couragentent I went out and was th f C to have recourse to the antxdote. egg,. Sktg.p.r, to,bleepeoris nut- feetiou of the lingers of that ebalo lacter, tuxitting is regaraed as a =Pat ler any kind of tire. The silence, ,benClielal exercise. Beeidee, the:of course. Wee abeolutee and the tone ;steeple work is eaid to be gee Peeele, Men who erilapeeed ehe crow were ee 'lent divernion for the ner'ree, mad is cut off from their fellows as tempo reeneeemeneeee to women sagering' they baS been Ip another Werld, ifrout insomnia And depreioo. IP,4The becaelle heavily cbarged, with certain eauttaromes Oxitents aro Alines of potsonoes, cartmoie aeld Couraged to Make nee of bright gas, and the mea were obliged to StVeIN tlud the work is pleasant, frequently innale Onnet4. and rub tbat it is much eujoyed them, their nostrils aud lips with a pom- ade made Of NAM. HINTS TO 1TOUSBREEPERS. "Minutes." said one of them, AP etlid that two Oelleee of ierWerdn' "eeeleed like hours," perloaogitooto ot potash thrown into But the tine at leegth elapsed, • 4 OM ta 111 2 On p ugatter. Cups ei neer,. 1 teaspoon (Haase' cbarce that comes not to eve rig idly driven to the tows. 4110,arrived on one of his dying visits. boning powder. toed 1 cup chopped try ilium Who dreams of fat fees lend eoeeleoan wee inclired to he ;come erne wife was indispoeed. he s,eid. cranberrieo. WUrie hetet, an oiled 1larySesseet =met he lifted Ton' menleative. and ere I re -.entered thoiand he had left her at Sferitones mold, cover, and eteene for 1 hour. into your presetit established post- owers 1 bad learned that for Some lila manner with his lordship struelz!Serve with any sweet 11(11114 eanee. ticee There is no Other dedectieee two years or more his lordship bad ilea as Hee nothing age 'Oran tbat , Cranberry Oes--Spread slices of poesible Wizo then is the r e•stny ve t e e 0 a tee neee a cringuig bound, but there was torten. Neal or TOAst beet with el'ie".41,t;:eue-2etlatithoanuttieetttlw d14 14" r "A *J! 1' 'emit 1" staid the man; 'that in his fat•e when he watelted the eranlierry eauce eopeed as en era ,gzi, „cures vowed them to smite. i "don,:! see, to 'ace the 'cart for, old man tottering about the room mine. sprinkle with grated combo, ,,- anertlimg, 4t wee diff'rent when "er that made me ineetleibly think of a ieeason lightly. add Steele little hite "Your k10411Cti4014 is not f.ir wide te• . 1 d r,it lid it e ledyship wee aliee-sbeiore --a e ter s e ug 5 pry. Of butter, roll up and tie. Dip in 111"rh"" returned Jim. ntier 4 Flora went away. She was is only ile left in the evening with a smile'lltd butter. roll in eeasoned latzeo. "teat -that iS a story ne. ter tev ,chilil--niade whet they call a rune 'on los face. l'revione to bis ammo' craalubs (Home' &fit4 pepper, minced • e • c t i I -4 ie oepreaelled johneon, oreiou anti celery for ceasouingt 4,1pd wae can teil letter than 1, her I we everything." ,a.way ;04We-co:met% rota ap 4 u too ver. i e , o esa o- ,The ole man thought a powerful loto a small paenage ioto Ws hand. :raid: Mimi* for breeklaee. lunch or tea. in i. ee •,•• • 4 t . ,111.,..ord pc,....,1v, you reed about it? the butler. in the eall and, elipting brown llgbtly i,n,a 7'ich oven- Pee "JiM enaggerntes My share rill arraid... °1f4'f INIr'''' ''''"e4-Lof nir and the hie4ness nearly broke' "You might see that this is placed: laosid. slialnrig a reprtnieg finger at ', .4 i 18 earn for 'e knew the Captain for ion the old manni table, will you ?' lam' husband. CABBAGE ItELISIIES. -Ton Lee tbe awry. outi, I will what nx weaeatiethlog more raw leasaThey're bis Peeei.01 letilas, YOU know, p i.....1 0, lia40,•• 1 5gid. prompi iv, gild viol., than an adventurer. They visit oc-•what a faddipt, Ile is oter them, ,in "firteirr, e.‘410P cal‘drdp tine, plaeo in trig to toy persoastoo, JL eolo.. easionallyeefor there XV55 SOMe s ort,'; Won't twritei w Vitt aotstlItting ..elso. I ,i d-rip:V111,1tiptcebnoTpl"fte,4kteC171441tVg! . ,... , of reeonciliation. I believe. when er, lorgot o g ea teat o urn. - JO,. where the water has be met the "Mers-" e pumped out the on,np„ols, water from be' tanks, aud rose eceee feel will PerifY It °"""" "" again to the eurfaee, with all &extern 1 Rusty iron artielea if left over ot.o alld nom, "night blitth Btlar whey In tbeir aorta to ghee the Palle be elenesell mere eellY ear•eonikienee In their novel inverxtione, other weYs aaeording ,414 "" "nlinventors frequently make stealing change. teencea t•-• spoon soda. 2 teaspoons sugar, 4 waa. ao.n.k., as you "ow. .1, wits '10..dy.ship died -but Ws very rarely ; i The ine4fedut• steel4leattrilli "ti TePoPPer pod, salt to taste, Stir of- . tee test time WOR three mptles ago, 1 Monter, an a Muse mme ate y Inveies heen on toeicology. and ten. vooking until Mellon. et. Ivy after leaeing fan, hospital.. tts near as no Matter • • , pasee out of my mind.. It was the - je eesi- v.7ele• 1 had inade a spesial study of ' *The melds eaatteu gave mo food 1 next . ipor.Lding.,,whret ,.his. :Itotrdehnt) '1 tidle;.alns-eaoleeo waitriatilaaabubdagrOZT elleeet, 1 re!'itribUted a paper for reflection- 1 CURIO Mete the litirmy Wee. al nd a - t' - or 1 Cu -good ere41.11. AceOrde t to the ".11,ancete• ea 'env teratt of I found his lordebip sittiug as I deek. toot; up his pen that its ne. age. teavimone ';elt nel•e.(mo ft W neown empolo. lutd leoo Pourlog, out a dose of tleenee dawnmtw to 61720 of castaxed en e. ., sugar. Stir NiVrill451y with a fork ontd" Tlave 00;45 after it was path- the mieture I had obtnined from the. as the duty °It the meld 4*° end just, before eerviug stir in as laaed 1 wos s..;rpris,mi to eceelee a ,ehewist I watched Idea drien it. nfo° til4t frtrh ettt revilitir8 Igit mesh eider VInegar tte you have used telegram. Hastily tearing. tepee the "if it Id' what we OW% "Illf. i "at nelli; naYs4, in the b d Of °millet' Keer' ‘er:r eel°. euee'ore I read the felines -leg mee. lordsliip." 1 sehl. ''that is the anti- PlIttie . °, st est ne __!L eoe - .e.,_ Cold Slaw -Slice a $olid head very seee ;---n.lieet, rd your able tivet-' dote: but plainly I must tell you ,t lleg eete ° ,..eFer4 a 4Itov lou In Ur' iees Shall he ghed lf you will dine 'the administerieg of It cannot lie Psnholoon. Ulla an eloculation of isahootr.8,ttrminTit nhenaegt4eJleerae.14;lesanadr reele zue to-Nigiut, Sie carriage eau :prolonged indeVeittely. The bane , aorlWanCe be drew the old OM Vet ne h. 2,,, ..,,,_, ..,...,,,,,, a meet you set the etatio15.--Dids- Inset be discOvered." I rang' tae ofithe pen and replaced it with ore , -et:7;o; ”,t,4,41‘4,a.„7:1:40 a cod head bury." '11eld. "ms loratehip wishes to reel tnoen fre.in title °P.ell box..Then. le" very thin Piece in the pau 1 •"1-,bit-hury of Elton 'Powers I" 1 tire." T said to the man. and aesist-e conseitnnuYi he placed It in is Ups'7 butter. mutt hot. pot 1 ,eriel, involuntarily, and gave a, log hitni up the stairs I saw him, to ramsell• It; as one Haters:11Y s in the cabbage. with a very little wilistle of atemeemeat. Lord Inds- ' safely iota ted, where. almost lm- *fl the 1.1abit Of tieing, to Vallee thee.water. Let simmer until thoroughly bevy ! It. was a thence that the ,Inediately. be fell aeleep. Leaving l'i us,,P sew' fa5111(•„ „nos,. i done. Beat 1 egg very Bight ond 'Meet noted of my coofreres would ,,iiint, 1 &tole downstairs and, drop- ' '''''``e an 'nsP "hien ee" "'"nnstir in slowly, then * cue a popper to tasts,:ar litate towed at. ,Iping into a cosy choir. gave myself ,Ileaven the sohation of the mystery ,eream. Solt and Wee a three hours' 1oarneee and' butler The solentnevisaged, revealed itself to me. and I dashed ' "Bra tieltaw" informed Me that it tip to thought. , Warm Slaw -Boll together the placed the tomato:4 end Cigars forward to arrest his hand. beaten yolts of 2 eggs, '2 table - dilate; meant sowing at ISIton the at toy. elbow a.nd troceteled to ma "Thi' pen I the pen 1 I gasped. spleens each sugar and Four cream. night. There would be Just time to plenielt the fire. It struck me that in IIeeatr,egarued mo in eilent annweev1 tablespoon butter, and 1 cup vine - peen my bag and run round to aca, he was taking an inordinate Mite „ 'gar. Pour this ever finely cut Cab - quaint Ellen with the new, NeveU Over the business. and suddenly "What de you wean ?“ he "a4('• 'tap that has been seasoned with I say that *he was as excited oeer9ooldng or I found him gazing the presently. a an pepper. 'Some at once. It as myself. Her 'whispered -Cood.tentfir at my face. Anxiety Wale -The seeret is out at last," I i -. ittele" was ringiug in my eers all lid:than aPParent In his looh• cried ; "I believe those nibs are through the journey. 1 "ITN lordship seems far from well, Alighting in dee comes: at non Johnson." I said. destinatfou I entered the waItineh "'Sorry I ara to see it, sir." he brougham, and was middle driven retarned. "for a truer gentleman to the 'Soweto. °You ere expeeted," Ixeser breathed. Thirty nears I've poisoned 1" FANCY CAKES. lie- started back in alarm and the subitmo cake...Beet the "Ito oi pQ0 dropped front bis nerveless tine 13. eggs to a, stiff froth. add to gene en to the table. them the yolks of 8 eggs well beaten "Merciful Heaton 1" be quavered. and 1* cops powdered sugar well nal the unite who took my card. liven in los lordship's service. Only i staring sifted, 1 teaspoon lemon extract and wildly tet, the box. "rome this way, and 1 will show ' a year no l've sem him come back I Flee minutes later the wire w911 en- 1 cap flour eifted live times. with 1 you yoar room. Ins lordship dinee atS after a day with the guns as keen dashing its message to Jint. Ms teaspoon crown tartar. Bele in a Settee" on his food as the best of ,cee, le'unalysis fully e011firmed My stippoel- moderate oven in an utsgreaeed. pan. By the tine: I had donned tee.. tweet's my heart to see him like :tioln Evere" IIIb in the box had Immersed in a beitisn Place the pan upside down for cake eneth ting cloes the man reaPpearee ' this, sir. He eats nothing. It seems, dea•dLY lleisele Its to cool slightly lifted on one side, and ushered 2)1e Into the spacious alinost as if be was afraid to tOuelt.tastelessness had precluded discovery, and it will drop out, or can be easily dinnig-room. An old gentleman, the food." !Through the medium of hiS habit- removed by slipping a, knife (wound ssitil snow-white hiths was leaning; "I suppose his daughter's marriage!Lord IMISburY had uneonseiemlY as"' the edges when, cold. on tbe matalepleee before the the. /upset him terribly ?" I suggested. 1 shuilated into his system a daily Rose Lake -Iwo cups powdered Ile terned at my entranee. and I 'Yes: It was a bad bueiness that, ;modicum of the drug. e sugar, 3 cups sifted flour, whites of WUS 1111111Q diatelo struck with the sir. She was always e headstrong. 1 That Illght his 1°1*(1814 wrote to 0 eggs beaten stiff, a cup butter, 1 SrorPecelike 1 eller of his eiwaxerons , flighty girl, and the Captuin's Jest . his son-in-law. IN hat he wrote ie coo welea 2 teaspoons baking pow - ave. it ueitleti no Second ,glance to ant Al mn to of aattract such known only to himself and his 4 r. e Colo; part of the dough pink, tell lee that this luau was ill. nt one as her ladyship was. Abso- i would-be murderer. iflavor with rose, and:bake in lay- Croseing over to him I took his`lutelv haPeettniens lia was. Ws: Some months afterwards the body , , two whit, Ihe !uidd1e one pink. extended heed. It was limp and common talk that he marrird her of a suicide bearing a strange roe I Make a filling of icing, and put with Cold. and bis lingers seemed ; seniblance to the ,Cartain was ex -1 power- for the fortune he knows sonie day same Ornament the top with three less to exert the slightest preeeure. v.111 come to her. There's ()um tales , posed for mdentlfication in the Paris "I am giad to see yoU, Mr. Ilieh- about hina. They say he spends inoSti Morgue. It was never claimed.m icing is still wet, arrange candied roses ade as follows ; While the mond." he Eaid. weakly. "Pray be of his time at some gambling as- Lord Didsbury was not unmindful a rose leaves in decks, letting them seated. Johuson, you may sere," inos on the Continent. only showing 'of the part Jim had played in overlap a little. Three layers make The dinner was perfect, and. *el-. up here occasionally to bleed the I plucking him from the jaws of them about right. Leave a small ing hungry after my journey, e did ' old man for more money. fie takes death, and with him many things i circle in the center, into which drop justice to it. His lordship, how- care to be mpossible. Tht is why the most assiduous in his were , the yolk -of hard-boiled egg pulver- a ever, took nothing. He. sat back in attentions while he's here. A rank o dream of "fat fees and ITarieY 1 ized. It will stick while frosting is Ids ebair breathing stertorously, his:bad lot sir, if I may be excused for 'Street" has become such a pleasing wet and a little care will make the eees glaring into vacancy, and, after .saying it. 4 reality. -London Tit -Bits. , imitation of roses perfect. attempting coneersation and being -. "His lor dship, I understand, is of I answered in monosyllables that pro -.ea. studious disposition ?" claimed his aberration. I gave it “Yes, sir. Spends most of hisI SCREWS YOU CAN'T SEE, up. He seemed utterly exhausted in :thee in the library. Most punctil- The minuteness of some of the mind and body. i bus, too; and a regular stickler fur It was a somewhat trying expe-a trifles. Only yesterday be discharged screws made in a watch factory may rience. and I was not unthankful la maid takes nearly 150,000 of a, certain because she had forgotten to be measured by a statement that it when I found myself assisting him yet out a new pen and clean sta. , . e a • 'kind to weigh a pound. Under the . .. to the fireplace. He motioned z tionerv on the t ble " beck , ra_ microecope they appear in their true the servant to leave the room. He rambled on for some time "My lord," I said, '- ,character -perfectly finished bolts. when we were ing to the bait of my questions, un - alone, "I do not know whether youtil having, ascertained all that 1 The pivot of the balance -wheel is one wished to consult rue in my profes- wished to learn from him, I picked two -hundredth of an inch in ditt- sional capacity, but your con43 ndi- up a book and, taking the hint, . meter, and' the gauge with which tion--"' pivots are classified measures to the . Withdrew. VARIOUS RECIPES. Green Corn Pudding -Draw a sharp knife through eacii row of corn lengthwise, then scrape out the pulp. To one pint of this corn add one pint of milk and oue pint of cream, three eggs, thoroughly beat- en, one tablespoonful of butter, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, one-half tablespoonful of flour. Bake for one hour, stirring uccasionally un- til it thickens. Foamy Pudding Sauce -Cream half "I know it l" he interrupted, After he had gone I lay back and thousandth part of an inch. Eacha. cupful of butter, add a cupful of querulously. ''I want you to listen. revol‘th ed the whole of e circum- . jewel hole into which a pivot fits powdered sugar and flavor with van- . . . Three months ago I was as stances in iny mind. The man had is about one five -thousandth of an Ma. Set aside Until just before hale and hearty as any man of leer informed me that Dugard had seen inch larger. than. the pivot to permit serving, then add a fourth of a, cup - age. To -day I am what you see me service in India previous to leaving sufficient play. lite _finest screw for ful of bot milk and the white of an -a phyekal wreck. Carter -my medi- (he army, and the conviction forced a small -sized wateh has a thread of egg beaten to a foam. Beat till cal man -would have inc believe it itself upon me that he, hoping to 260 to the ince, and weiglis one one light and loamy. , hasten the old man's death, was the hundred and thirty thousandth of a Spiced Grapes -Take seven pounds culprit. The deduction seemed the pound. Jewel slabs of sapphire, of fruit, three and a half pounds of only possible one in view of my ruby, or garnet ere first sawed into of an inch thick, sugar, one pint of vinegar, and one knowledge of his antecedents and sltfbs ?Ile -fiftieth ane tablespoonfuleach of Ginn am on, myself. A man does not break up the peculiar means employed, ley ate shellacked to plates so that cloves, allspice and grated nutmeg. in a few short weeks like this, and some means he was even then adanin- they may be surfaced. Then the in- Pulp the feint, boil in the vinegar I have studied myself for years, It is -tering the noxious dreg to his vie- diyid.ual, jewels are sawed or beoken until soft, press through a colandee„ was all incomprehensible to me" until tine But haw ? It could not be on, mined through the center, and a add the skins, sugar and spices this morning 1 read'your paperthrough the medium of his food depression made in the convex die t s --hen. boil until thick. case you could not have desceibed once. How, then '? It etruck me et fpr an eileeePe A t Pallejewel weighs , Canning Grapes Whole -Pick only sound grapes of? the stem, being RitenhOnd, if you had studied my That idea .could .be dismissed one one-hundredth and fifty thous - the symptoms clearer," that the solution could only be ar- width of a pound ; a roller a've- i 1 •,aVery careful not to break the skins His utterance came -diejeintedly, rived at by someone who had the little more . than .one two bundreel . Fill cans with grapes, then cover as if every word was an effort. To opportunity of obserhis lord- and fifty-six thousandth. The layving S'e with cold water, put into a kettle say that 1 wee astoniehed would be ship's daily routine. est round hairspring stud is one or boiler packed with hay and wa- to put it mildly. It was impossible for me to re- twenty-fifth of an inch in diameter eee, and keep ebe ewes from break_ "My lord !" I cried, aniazedly ; main, for my doing so weltedonly and about nine one-nun,dredths of an ing-4 cover up and lot them cook you merin----?" arouse susPicion. and defeat the ono. inch in length. utLtil grapes are heatedthrough. Carefully turn ofT all juice and fill With hot syrup asi thick as molasses. Seal at once. They Etre delicious. Jellymay be made by taking the same prorortione of juice a,e ' axe Used for crab apple jelly. Is only what is to be expected -in short that I am breaking tar. a fool 1 I tell you no man under- stands his own body better than "As true as heaven's arch is over Provided with the antidote theold us," he whiepered, solemnly, el be- marl isould be eat() for- some days. CANAL WOB/<-17,1) BY A MOitten. lieve that I ant being slowly poi's- Unexpectedly e word spoken by the A most ingenious System is em - butler recurred to lee mind, and like ployed by which the- director of the I was not unprepared for the an- a flash the way revettlid itself to Suez Canal can tell at a glance the nouncement, for, truth to tell, the me, e.lsext morning, efter u, converse- exaet position of all vessels passing suspicion had been with me as I -Lion with his Jordseip, who seemed through it. A model is placed in the watehed him at the table. a new man. I left the Towers, and office of Port Said, and the whole "Pray, allow me," I saicl, heeding four hours afterwards was revealing canal is worked from headqua.rters towards him and taking his wrist. my plan to my love. Without demur by means of the telegraph, the posi- My examination and questioning she agreed to aid me, and -By Jove! tion of each ship being marked by made suspicion conviction. There there goes the ben. Eileen, I nrust a figure the model. It 'is thus was not the least cloSibt of it. Ine lease you to finish the stores quite easy to arrange for vessels was ,euffering from the cumeele,tiVe Jim here rose and went to answer passing eaph other. HOW TO PRESERVE, FERNS. Gather, during a walk through the woods, an armful of ferns, selecting perfect ones ; lay .e.moothly between newspapers and put to press under a trunk. These- filaYe so remain un- til returning to -the city. Fill rose exPee•ee SOIE 31111NLING TRIALi OPD EX:PERU/LEWIS OR TB:ST- ING INVENTIONS, Sixteen Rene's in a, Submarine Beat in. 30 Peet ef Woter. A diver, though eupplied with, air from. the sailace, and, in communice- tieo with Ida crew o, TQQ.ot Above bixo, rarely remaine Under Water ter Mere thau our hours at a time, The Preimh, naval authorities recently dee terndned to subject. their new alga. Interim. the -Mom," to sutineere oleo of sixteen hours oo cud. says Louder Anewera, 'The "Narvel,'" a previously befit iboat of the same type, heel been tiub- ;merged for twelve heure, aad ber ;crew( had sexfinreil frightfully., Ilat little "Morse" was said to te better ,fitted with air-renewirg, apparee p, The beat rras sunk in harbor ono gloomy winter day, and ley at "the hottom of neariy 00 feet of we3- ter. The eoltl was lotenae. as was impossible to SPAlt. SUPPICIENT AIR , 7,0434.1,00 may be mooed a lx,,,,,._,,,,,.‘rilaahts4coott ateltZryn. aphoaaratonzivontra. by paring them without, scalding or l wonderful ,nifeesaving suit. which ie "timg' panting 1)"li in a kettle " , made of indiarubber. and SO buoyant i„lt, nneek, „.„," it. selieele.'°,,alnieeleeteienigThint that hall the body a the wearer re. (.0" '''''4'. "" "*"."."'" "'"'" "".". MAIDS out of water. Air -tight POC,, is sallicient, juice so they will not, . t , 1 ilit water, food oveu i b burn. let them cook till done. then arid =taus. a trumpet for signal., can in *IQ ""41"/ /""1""' Iso no hog. a torch. and a nig Mite nith wtrytattewILCIOrheoltrietheydr71411wsmptolic.,ent molt ;lour oFp sim=s these (lass. Oat it is good for a vs. voidaac damage in midwfuter, for it stems to , or elmiler matoeate letzoi,. diffeeent flavor from the could Le more thorough than the 'trial to whIch Mr. Pretest has eub- Bablee° knitted noodo, crocheteOected Ids invention. Ile has spent and tainted wool etialele, etee eon seventeen daYS coneecutively in tne be nicely, cleaned by rubbing them irCOPen sea off Ilavre, eatuiff4 ond dry door. lieven sleeping, among The latufbilug A nice way to use hard pears is wave -crests. to "ginger" them. To two ponds I Allnoet equally alarming was a of fruit allow two pounds of sugar test made recently of ta, new me - and a pint of water. with one ounce elatinieal breke, for which Its invent-. of tincture of ginger or its equivale or, an engineer muted Meares, etit in fresh ginger root,. Make a claimed tbat it would stop a train nyrup of the auger and water and travelling at fifty Mlles an hour - cook the peas in it until transpare 'within twenty yards. To test it. an 'ont, but not until they break. The ,, old, line leading to a disused col. 'pears should be ebloped into 6ifittll Her in Lancashire Was Utilieed. The Pieces. Apples may be put tip in rail Was continued to tbe very verge the same way. .1111•1•F•••••••••••••••••• PIERPONT MORGAN. .1.1..1.1•114 What tbe Great Financier Looks Like. Imagine a face which combines the chief elmracteristies of Bismarck, emit Rhodes and Lord Roberts, and you Mt got an idea et what Jr. Pierpont Morgan is like. Thera is not another face like it in the wide world. Like the two historical gi- ly heaerto 0210'S ilrSt Impreseion of the pitaneath, ants firat mentioned, he is tall, be- ing over sin feet in height, and far - Woman's countenance is that it is a! It has enormous that Ws , newly -invented To prove fierce one, but a subsequent irlan e i sion, and is marked by strong lines. i ~ 'e 'Motor-el:ale was the most powerful Loe g reveals an underlying good nature. 1 Life has written a great story Powers at exprese i yet built was the reason of 7 uratthe Penton Pass, in kin o's recent attempt to ride up of the pitemouth, ao that, If the brake failed, nothing count SONO the inventor Trent Ming headlong Into the depths beneath. A large number of people gathered to watch the test. A light engine. with Meares alone as passenger. driver, and stoker. Was worked to full speed and came roaring along tbe track. To those who watched it seemed beyond belief that it could yulled up in the given space. But, just as it seemed on the point of orashing into the Week gulf, the Inventor moved a. handle, and, as 11 by magic, the engine stopped. with its front wheels not ten feet from • Pierpont Morgan's countenance, which tells of battles, hopeless, bard - fought, but won openhanded evithe THE AUSTRALIAN ALPs. The piss is nearly three thousand feet in height, and in places only out dissimulation or subterfuge. eight feet wide, with a drop of three Written in his countenance are his • or four hundred feet to the torrent life secrets, hard work, indomitable :below . lind the motor foiled to will, tremendous powers of Observa-lwork In such a. place, rider and ma. "tion, and assimilation, elephantine °chine would probably have fallen !toughness tempered by flexibility, /headlong over the unprotected edge. rant enormous, volcanic vital force. As a matter of fact, the motor did Morgan does not conceal his Oslo- fail, but fortunately In a spot where 'Lions, nor does he attempt to do so. the road wee venial.. o I Lock - When Pleased he signifies his pleasure inge managed to dismount_ in safety. lby emphatic approval, if of a hum- The terrible airship tragedy of orous kind by the heartiest of May last was the result of an ine laughs. To lOok at him is to al- ventor putting too great confidence xxxest catch the infection of his in- in. the product of his brain and .ifetueostliestsealyetaleivinergetic nature, and he in- hands. It was on Monday, Nay ithwihtish spirit. he carries in 12th, that the people living in the Avenue du Maine, in Paris, were Like most Americans, he smokes aroused from sleep by a most ap- incessantly, large strong eigare. Ile palling crash, followed by a glare ,101.1-Ltsd,matIncdh,s(llerehli)ksshnruiadderately, works of flame. Rushing out, they found the street blocked with the tangled The only sign of felling about him remains, steel plates, and broken is his hair, which is growing thin. cordage. Among the ruins lay two What ia•ennrsinnsv,eryhowever, is crisp, crushed and mangled forms, those of Senhor Severo, of the Brazilinn Par - He is one of those huge masses of Bement, and Suchet, his engineer. vitality which every now and again, Shortly after ' five o'clock that as in cases of Napoleon, Bismarck, moraing the inventor had started Gladstone, and Cecil Rhodes, affect from, Vaugirard in his brand new air. the destines of their generation, and ship "Pax," for a first there is no living personality pos- sessed of so much gigantic energy TRIAL OF ITS POWERS. backed up -by_sue14_1 colossal wettlth. A SURE SIGN. In a Scotch reral district two At a height of 1.500 feet above the city the great balloon suddenly ex- ploded, ' and it and its passengers shot downwards through the air. The test Was the more foolish be- cause the inventor had hardly ever boys were one day discusierg what been in a balloon before, and had sigh it was when the cuckoo is only finished work upon his machine heard for the first time 10 the yectr. a few minutes before it was inflated, One of them said it was getting married , while the other said it was a sign that they were going to be DENSEST POPULATION. ricll.'" The Belgian CoVernment has just Afarneer, overbearing them, said: issued a .1.atistieta report showing "That cannot be true, because I that the population of Belgium is not married vet, and T am certainlY 60e persons to ei cry square mile ae. the densest in leuroPe, 'there being have heard it many times, and I am. not rich." Just then a local worthy, known England. There me still over 14 as JaMie was Passing' by, and the per tent. el Belgian soldiers \ow e an neither read nor write. Too MUCH BRAIN. An abnormal amount of brain not necessarily an unmixed blessing, A. ehilcl of five years has just died c4 heat apoplexy, and the doctor wee made a post-mortem exeminatiot ,We give away nothing .80 gener- stated thatethe boy's erain weighe( ously, and receive nothing ' so re- 152oze., thee being heavier, ,than tie luetantiy, as advice., ' ' 'brain of an ordinary man: ' against 410 in FTolland aud 34.9 it theener said: . "Jamie, can yoe tell us whet sign it is when yter.hear the cuckoo for She first time?" "Yee," said Jamieae he took the pipe from his mouth. '`It's a sign you're uot deaf.", __en_