HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-9-25, Page 5THE Out= Ab-rocate, published every Thursday Moraine at the Orase. MAIN -STREET, re LXETE, --Ey the . APVCOATE POst.181-1 MO COMPANY TEAM OF eeTtSCRIPrION, neDollar per manure pia iu advance, *t.set it net so peel. et,artrorigaestatem elieeetaq etee 45.4tV,44.14, t.5,uta-4, No ppescthUb1arrearatee are veld. aelvertisetatents without epoideddireetions will Ite publashea until forbid atta eharged aceoediegly. ',regret diseount made foe tramevieut advertisements: ineertea foe 1u»ed &wry description of JOU PHINTINO tarnedeut In the finest stele, WI ae tote rates. Cheoees. looney orders, ace for edretaisiese srabseripeteas, eta, to be merle payable Ohas.11. Sanders, orroa. Aar) Pleat' Protesseonal Cards. u.unesnele„ Tease DR. A.. ILINS. MAN, leD,S., lloaor graduate of Tarot° Volverate. DENTISTS'. Teeth exterted widen: ay peke or aos bail «Is OTta in Fmsiees Zee% wese side elein stme Exeter. MtON AN3PE4.EON (1). tens Hover Creiloate of 'Penedo tratveray end Royel Calle-oaf eterttal teereoes o *teethe Abe Pest Ormittele of Chleaeo Seine; Preentetle Dentestele (with Iwitet-414o mention:I. _ Alluteintwo. Oelet aett Vitteamtte Metes etade in the neatest mannertegslble. A perfectly henalese eta at-gbetle usest for roiram extraetioe o teeth. Office no doer south ot Carlene' Bra% store. Exeter. 3tedient T. P. MTWOUUNeleallIE3 OP THE Celle= et Plosietans ape eturateetes Physitiate relate= eta Aecoestaeur. Veto, Peek, woeilatint. Ma, s ^$e o asca U4 Rklei kipeelal at "Ree hears, Wei OMITS THREATS. LUMEt HES THE PORE, GATLINO !XS efOLINgss arteseeS INTEM ST IN TO Vera A OVN ON T110 , cANAPre.,•_ea; : STRIICING eez:seEns. ritaimeteNoe' DITY A ItIOTHED It teteetNet AND PISORDE,Bs 0 ...Vela leEAOS SPRIOVS WO« LENCal THIS New 'York, Sept, 23.-A deepatch The Herald frem Wilkesharre says that General Goble threeteus to locate a Gat - /Jag aim in Mabaney City whie,h will sweep, the Wile aleaut the town unless the vaoleuee whielt ha* bee ll ainteet coa- tinueue since the dynamiting et Thens- dIty alight ceaeee at PAM hiabanoy City has been a hotbed of dieorder for the last few days, aud General Gebin *JAW "It thee there is a repetttion Ot last eveselee oceaerreneeea battery of Artillery. and perhaps a M4;111104, will be looted in time town, Thinge baffle bee$1111 atate bordering on avareby the for tbe legit few days,. Paseenger trains And trolley oars are being held up every night and arehed for deputies. Every eoldier Appeers in the town is aubjeeted kiwIi of ineults, and men wine want to go to work are waylaid end beaten. inns gnnotinn 01 affairs met cease. I will locate a Codling gnat there that edit lhe aide to search the bine surrounding, the Urine" Both civil And military authoritiee teat this Week will develop the most serione violence einee the inauguration of the voal strike. Starting with the dynemit. lam of Thureday Went. the oontinuetion of it Friday einlat. and the attacks and vMee which have followed, the tem - of the lawless crowd boa been weed to a point where a. serioue elash ifli tine Authorities is feared. feet that they have been unable on the reopeniug of eeilleriee end nee. and that daily pine are beinn de in the production of mi. ha% In- een5ed tine stritera. end t b this feel. ing that haft led to the attAeka upon workers and the dynamiting of bridges in an effort to prevent the shipmeut of cord. At tine end of the nineteenth week of the eoel strike the loeses axe cetimated as follows :- Operators in price of coal.... $46,3rio,o00 Strikers In we . 23,7N0.000 Einployete other Olken etrik: era •••••••••10.911 5470.000 lialiroads In earnings 10,500.009 Business men in region ..... 14.000,000 Buainese men outside 8403.000 Coal and Iron police 1,100,000 NO11.1,1111011 workere ..... 460.000 Troops in field 320,000 Damages to laille$ eaa ma- chinery e••••. •••••••••• 0,400.000 /7r570#00; ••••••-• CESON CA a 0,11111atnEltS. S01401. 34e9-4 C eaneene feerteeleileners. ,70 MOISTAI r*In% MOM to lecei at retssel letexest. treleo, tamt,„_ucter, ants% D.A... U. MVPS fRaintsTar to mean a, and. Irmo Eare.ger. aeliriter. Scalars row Coro r. Ete. Watt,' ta lean et lowest iota el he :ere. Main eteett, Exeter. Amet ioneers 1S1' Wienielsea. Livened Anellerwer LLs teethe Centities ot Perth tine Mitielesee. aleafortbeteranship Colton -ie. Sales promptly etteude4 to and terate reemaable. Sales arranged et It Wm, Wiattelsee. 1111111.11110.116PW;iiiii....WOPPUPP110.~PIMMIPMMONIUM'OPOW. The Molsons Bank (Chartered he terliatuent. 1 Head 011ice. Meotrrat. Paid up Capitai.„ Reserve Fnund...............2,150,000. JAS. ELLIOTT, (41tNZRAL MANAOUP... I elite EXETER BRA.NCII t-10 a.m. to- 3 pan; Setaniaes 10 an. tO 1 p.m. generalbanking business transacted Money cameral. to goal Farmers -at 10Wret Saelrigs Hank IMposits f min et and upwards receiv- ed, Interest allowed at highest carrot rates. Diet:see Cettlee, . N. D. Strimee, Solicitors. Manager. EDITON ROLLER MILLS. teihfeffOtleV400•121:1*COCCOCIrleelOnnee0 We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. GRISTING and CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. 8. SWEITZER WOO. ate Tool's Pitositodine, The area Znglfehr Teernitly. sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six paeltage,s gwranted to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mailed on receipt , of price one aeltage $1, six $5. One wiltptease, ' six cure. amphlets free to any address. The 'Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. . Woods Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by T. W. Browning and 0. Lutz Druggists. EXETER Real Estate Exchange. The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of • Village and farna lands and properties Tot! ° The Preneteete ertformol, Conference With elm It allele bo #$ OIR Tariff lifeittervinii.^ TOWarels ateeineemat laeaedts. Ronne, Sept. 23,--d-lia afolinese the Pone has accorded a private audience te Sir Wilfrid, Lenrier, the Prentier of Canada, and Lady Leurier, awl was very e,orclial to them. The rnntia. shnwe4 wet interest in Canada, and seid had closely followed the proceedittga of the Premiers' ectriference art Lendeon Sir Wilfrid Laurier is studyiug the Italian tariff with the object nt 443'41K- % for closer commercial relatieas with nada. Re ltas had an informal cora fereuee wittl the alithoritiee on tbe sub- jeot and diecussed what Canadian geode ceuid edvantageously imparted. Mite et. ea. ettlet1,4.3N netresgp. nee CentestevatIve Lender Irs a item away at Calgamer, Calgary, Sept, 23, --On Saturday Ketaita, 114 Wrden, awl Mr. Northrup, g.P;.„. re - ked some bruiees j'aMpilig 013 of their carriage to eseape =Assay. The rest of f) party jumped out with, - met receiving any -bent. THE 3.1,1,13KET ItIOPORT. labk Stoe).g. Trade, -Wheat 1 Firmor.-Lateat tftticiona. U9Thtitly E'vetting, Sept. ta. Toro,Ato st. 1.cwrenee Morttet, Reeeltas ot grata en Me street Imre to- day were entitle. eemeeting to Octet 1,010 bps:bele. iteelecese sees slow wet- there woe Utfle tlemand aey orodoee. Wheai-Oee Imitate:0, Isaeeele oe white SQ ed ate lower at aSe to etee, and Wee !sweets el re ct lee teeter et teSe to Gee; 109 busliel4 Iseeeee sole le tower at 64c *9 Ga. -Eight eel/area etteltele sold * t aie to aec. enroer Iseudecil leseltete sole le Ove 441e to 4-10, ilay--Oue toed of old eolil at $15.00 per toe. New temotby Was about steadee se- t a $12 to 31i.60. Clover was easier at o ete Total detrieelea were. loads, r -Otte Wad wit). higher at ell Per IIINISTiR TOO TAIIIIATPR ,rue -10„oni stueorr. '2.1;desept..'01. Sept -Woe. "wet ZeleeZ0.04.10 51.0e3.000 OM at es• "Mee let,030. 7.5e2atiO0 ai a. ,,,.. ateat $.7.5t1,000 11,eelia TIM VieNeiCT4 eennatireit LIPP M. PPlibUTAN. .ut1naJ arioistern" Stotemeatto Ito • eattenot IttvOlve Uovietnee Pfilletan's Ireentioneible. Aner °rate, aria, Sept. 23. -At a political banquet n at Matha, Pepartment •of Char -Inferieure. yesterday, Premier endeavered, to efface the damn - et the recent indiscreet utter. t el Marine, M. Pei - the Minnister et War, General e. Atter deelaving that the Govern,. anent.% religions pulley bad not violeted tilo Pottecydat, Wein he seeid, the COI - net reepeeted. M. Mabee atroogly nun - tested against the aetion of hie politzeal ppouente, who. lie said. animated by A deeire to bremireh the Governmentde foreign Roney, had *eV:a upon the re- marks Of Wielded Minietere. delivered hy them in the ferver of extemnerary aftereliener oratory, nud not alwaye ger- cetly reperted, and had used. them Mit Government utterance*. The Preenier eonteuded that :mein individual etatee incline could not involve the revered - indite, of the Goverannent.whiela under the Perliementary sedan could may be In- volved by the Premier, who alone vas reeponeible to the Chambere and Mc nountry. In tine matter of foreign poi. *aid M. Combe, only the llinieter 'Foreign AffAire ia entitled to speak and net In the name of the Government The Premier'e speech was received with, prolonged and esitinuelast le cheering. A ODNDROCS nrattesT4 mutton to Nona mow Rixe,00moo to xalotato it. Colorado Spring, Colo.. Sept. 23. the will of the late W. 8. Stratton ot cetera& $1,000,020 Is tiven to build a hospital bonne here, and praetically all the rest of his great estate of $14,0000 000 to maintain it. ENFORCING' CRIBS AUL RISII ME511114118 CliAlIGED WITI1 INTIMIDATION. Adiourned and Prisoners Tto.. main in Custody -Mr. Durk% 111.P., Declines to Accept liall-Otiter Cages Proceeding. London, Sept. 23. --Messrs leeinnenti Ilaviland Burke, M.P. ; Michael Reddy, M.P., and Chairmen of the Birr Rural Dietriet Council ; Wm. Lowry, Chairman of the Birr Board of Guardians, and Alicia:Lel Hogan have been arraigned un- der the critnes act at Birr, eharged with intimidating sliopiceepers into joining the United Irish League. Birr Is ht King's County, Ireland, send the distriet where the 'town is situated is a eentre of Irish League agitation. A SlIalltlatiS Was also issued for John GI/omen, M.P. on the same charge, but he wrote M.P., Wales, refusing to OW), it. P. L. J. Len- non, a member of the league, was also summoned, but failed to appear., Tito hearing of Messrs. Burke, Reddy, Lowry and Rogan was adjourned, and the font. men were remanded to custody. Air. Burke refused to accept bail because the others were not permitted to do so. J. P. Farrell, ALP., has been arraign- ed at Longford, charged. with publishing intImidatIons in his neWspaper, The Longford Lader. The examinations have begun at Dub- lin of the editor, manager and publish. er of The Irish Peorle, who are also charged with publishing intimidatione. The llagistratea -refused the applications made 'by the defendants to subpoena Mr. Geoege Wyndham, Chief Secretary for Ireland, and other members of the C4ov. eminent as witnesses in the case. On the application of the Crown coun- sel the summens against Jahn °Ton - nen was dismissed. A mass meeting of Nationalists was held at Wexford to protest against the Government's erbees act prosecutions. Wm. EL. K. Redmond, M. P., in a speech at the meeting, intimated that he had no intentio.n answering the summons �T the Kifirs _bench 1)1. vision of the High Court for next Wed. Uesday. Tbe Duke of Abereorn and Lord Barrymore having noth declined to at- tend Captain Shaw- Taylor's proposed Irish Land Conference, •it is probable that the conference will now not be negotiated at eeasoilable rates of com- hem. irussion, For , Snle. Several Valuable Farms in HAY, 'OSBORNE, STEPHEN Artd AloGILL- IVRAY; also Three very desirable Re- sidence properties in Exeter. Varela 'Wanted. We have purchasers for good form. and in the vicinity of Exeter, or who will Exchtno•e APPLY TO Will, Bolden, David Mill, Valuator. Manager. OFFICES; Dickson & Carling's-NeW Elook, Exeter, A vitTrim OF CTIOLEBA. Canadian 51(issionary in the Chinese • Field Dead. Toronto, September 23. -In the absence of Rev. Dr. Warden, a cable was received by Mr. A. Warden, Ms secretary,. yesterday, to the follow- ing effect 'Hood died at Hwai Ching, 19th, cholera!' The cable refers to Rev. Thos. Craigie lIood, formerly of Ilareow, Ont.i evil° weet ont under the Peesby- terian Foreign. Alission Board to labor in Chtingtefoo in August,. 1300, and bas been In china .since that date. No news of the deceased mIsstonary s illness had been received until the table arrived. Deceasod was unmarried. The news was forWaraed as soon as it was received to his relatives at Herrow. Mr, Hood- evas supported 1)y St. dphn's Church, Gerard street east, of which Rev. 3. MCP. Scott is pastor. Militia Going `amp. Toronto, Sept. 23. -Lord Dim- ( mead and party arrived in the city yesterday morning and left later In the day for the camp at Nia- gara. The Commander in, Cblef started on the steamer Mora at 2 o'clock. A number of other Military officers left during the day, but the greatest number will arrive in camp to -day. A large num. her of men and horses came in. from the east on the G.T.B. and were transferred to the boat at 5 o'clock. • Tp./.10ClItAPII name -mins. The Ramilton dog-catcher has been taken off. Mr. John O'Brien of Alliston. fell from his waggon and was killed. Mr. T. S. Carman's steam yacht Car- mana was burned ttt Belleville. The Government has decided on Thursday, Oct. 10, for Thanksgiving Day. arley• :One 17.4110.1* Ye411144 .• IR" Wheat %creased 1.105.100 buehele the moL week: a Tear ago It Inereaeed 3.70.00 Choosie Mee/eats. Tateileae. Sept.ea," -Victoria Coste Ceeeee Iloere met hero heckle; IMO !were were tweak% ;pie eole ;it Ileac. Messrs, Piteeerala. t1weH awl liege owe Ole Mayers pre'ant, lelovelb.• and lir. Pite- rule tooli itiO each ead Mr. liogg 1100 2. i'ePt...22.--At the letica Dairy Ward rade to -itis Iles eget:leg Er elitese watt tote ot 7,ZIToxe. Lime whtte ette votoreil bole et lateto smell at1loTee. Creales eta' better. leo paeltegee at Vac. Cletelo aistedevert. London. Sept, Rees-Vielteci Stetert eattle. tt: titteotel; Cosealen rattle letelee glilweea, zooid. Sept. Auct4l4st cattle, Ili ed. montreal Ltva Stacic., atreal, Sept, fe.2.--T1u nierket at the Esetl Abeittstr wae uot very favored% ;gulag. Liceeipts et eattle amounted ee the deurend ter 'diem wee net ;olive prim ter lite eholeent offered 4 not exceed. Ae. 'The bulk meld at fiti r fair to ewe ;led :a 2e to 30: tor cowmen. :ergo uareber ot swop were envied, re. ceipta been; out WO bead.. Theft itolti at SW to 3% Per lb. A few Itundred lanilis were *Mated end prices tange4 about ite hixlier than tillei1p, ealhea Were net 11$ rel7 Rivet dunned, the receipts hew about 15 bead, Mid Mu pato pet !Mil raugtug trona rd to $le. Untie unroll* Cattle nearkot, Beet nunate, Sept. ""1---Cattle-e1tecelptie ; Pe5e0; tilowl good cattle bare)), e1eit4; era. ere lea *0 leo- lower: prime steers, ei.e0 to ' ee; pea to choler, Se.23 to 47.5; eanunou to beet butt:hero' enters. $3.73 to eit: belfere. 13,e3 to $5,51.); tows. *2.30 to $1,74miners. 1.04 t0en.75. to *tee; teedere. ' to $1.3.5ettlee; ; stockers. gs to ;gore, sa to 4150; Texas steers, el to ge: good rreeln CUM and spriugers Ottoug, $2, higher; common slow; good to elloiro, to AGO; common togood, $25 to $45. N.-Mee:re, 050 head; ateady; tope, '3 to $9.41_ common to geed, sem to ne. none -Receipt% 17,takt head: aky Renee: hears, eLea to *Lute tutzeds eeatt to $7,05; 2orkere. *TAO to SLetl: llitht do. '1.110 to $7.35; *7.20 to vr.40: saugtille $0.0 to $11.174 stags, $5.50 to Ayl: graseera, $7 to ;7.40; dairies, $7.30 to At4;0. Sheen and lambs-Reeelpts. 20,400 hood; shooP 3141 Iambs, early sales easier, later sales 25c lower; top lambs, $5.40 to $5.501 eons to 11004, $4 to $5.35i yearling% $4 to $4.45; wetuers, $1 to $4.2..: owes, $3.25 to $3.151 Sheep, top mixed, $3.75 to $1; culla to 3000. $1,75 10 $3.50. Chicago Live Steak. Chicago, Sept. 22.-Cattle-iteeelPts, 22,. OW, Including 200 Texans and 1.0,000 west- erns; steady; good to prim, steers, $7.50 to AS.05; poor to medium, $4 to 37; stockers t141417 t'ertlig; 11')Ltttl 'S$;,3.11; Argi s, o .7 ue . 1. to $2.501 Inills,7$2.24 to .,q5; valves, 1$3 to $7.25; Texas led bteers, 33 to 34.50; west- truti stecti. $3.73 to 4,..o..So. Tiogs-uefelpts to choice heavy, $7.5.6 to $7.'S5; rough benvy, $7.20 to $7.40; lIght, $7.30 to $7.70; bulk of sales, $7,35 to $7.55. Sheep -Re- ceipts, 04,000; sheep, killers steady; lambe iteadel good to choice wethers, $3.50 to $4; fair to choke mixed, $2.50 to $7:..50. SIontren1 Groin toad Prodare. William Rogers, a G,T.R. sectionman, was crushed to death between two cars at Liudsay. Gen. Botha, has received $100,000 in aid of the destitute Boers from Arthur White, en American. There are 10,000 wounded Bos ers ac- eording to Om Botha, who are ittcap. able of working and require assistance. Dr. 3. IL Tennant of London, Ont., is lighting an outbreak of hog cholera at Tilbnry East. Ile had nearly 300 hogs killed. a. lion escaped from its one, near the Grand Opera, noose in Ottawa, and caus- ed a panic. The beget was soon recap- tured. The Board of Works ha.s given the Freeman Vertilizer Company of Hamil- ton 30 days to abate the nuisance at their works. Several buildings in London, Ont., 'were damaged or destroyed by a Are that started in Trebilcock's livery' on Bihmond street. Charles Turner of Eidgetown was ac- cidentally shot by James Martin while the two were handling a revolver, He is likely to recover. The first report of the Royal Commis- sion on the effects of martial laW in South Ahem recommends the immediate release of 113 prisoners. A Relead despateh reports all the ele- vators at that point closed, being full to the roof, with no cars in sight. The Canadian Northern employees say they have no empties available. The old Parliament buiiclings on Front streot, Torouto, have beett.sold to the Paving & Constructing Company for it sum in the nele,hborhood of 55,000. The purchaser must remove all material by July 1. The Ottawa. Council has gratatecl tho Bell Telephone Company a lease for five year's in return for a yearly payment of $.1,000, the rates to be $10 and 520 for ecromeroial and private telephones .te- eetiyelz. LXILK Mgli$4 GO TO THE, OlIANGED EACH' AVEDNESDAT wheat (1 aa'EXETER BeitER . 16 11 Potatoes, per 45 50• 000 7 00 1 05 200 .ff,aY,. Per ton . .. glom*, per cwt,„ roller..., Euttee. Eggs.................... Ride; per 100 lbs.......400 Live hogs, per cwt.-- 6 50 Dressed .... . 7 75 00 Shoets per met- - „ 00 Bran per cwt, „ All Stuffed Up That'e the condition of many eaerere from catarrin espeeielly he tbe morning. Great difficulty is experienced in, clear. in the head end throat. No wonder catarrh causes headaches ampnire The taste, emelt and hearing, pollutes the breath, deranges We stow' ach and affects the appetite. To eerie catarrh, treatment mem& bA COPSlitlatiOnal-altetatiVO and tolliC. "I Was ill ter fear montbs with Want, in the head and tbroat. Pad a bad cough mised bleed. I bad beeonne clise Termed when my husbannt ninagbt a hottle ; Neod.e Semen:44m 41.0 perstrir try it. I 0.4Viee tIc.t. tate .. bee FOR PURE MANITOBA HWUE FAMILY (st4r). • FLOUR ::13E$T.••• ...PASTRY- • (Priueess) WREATLET. alreakfast Food) A pod suPply of.. ,I4Tillieed .(1, 'Chop always on hamt. Give Our Flour and Feed trial and be....convineed . that it s • Roller and Plat g nders it use to suit customers, • • liattreY BroS. aro, via 1PM Me UP." U4S. iiken socre-5,ors to J. eebbliedick & Son, a, West fetscomle. 8. ood s %Farsaparilla TwaSeecqul'imild PIANOS Cures eatarrh-it goothes and .$treugth- upright eus tbe mucoue ulecehnule And hudtlA up the whole eyeteva, Grover Misenee, nged tifteer As accidentally shot and killed by a der brother 1111%14mM Towmbip. STOPA Tit QOCOU ania WORKS Orf TOO Wen, edv- nerearaereeloeTetevierenee cOd Su c 4 COTO No Pte. Prive 5 Petite zo Rowe sbot and fatallY wound- ' Etellia Therrien. of Brandon. n n committed suicide. tie $ t.aged at a party of Miss Therrien's mpanions shooting game on bi$ nem. TO CURE A cow oa ONE PAY Take Leacative Broom quinine Tate lets. druggiees refund tbe money iE it fade to cure. Vie. W. Groyne' eignattwe is on each box. Hog cholera is reported In Oxford At Arnprker Mr. Honace Wileon's little daughter was drowlictl by failing ilitet a tub Water. Vivinior Roldin.of 3,lanitathaibas 6eif' ficiently recoyeresd from his recent in- disposition to attend to bueinesse, Mrs. Alfred Riley. of St. Thomas.at- tempted to commit suicide by sticking be* head under a moving train. She was rescued. Three thousand four hundred and thirty-seven cape reliels who surren- dered under tine peace proclamation have been disfranchised for life. Samples of s gar beets trim Bruesede, Brantford, Orangeville. :11arkhar», St. Catharines Rita Guelph are being an- alyzed at tine Ontario Agricultural College. z.-et(1)..ant,tt%.,6*4.116 4.9"03`; ggh:Dra Montreal, Sept. 22.-.Ora1n-The :tweet keetks quiet,' nue there is a generally easy tone; ao. 2 white oats sold molly at 34e and at ;Mae anon for September shipment. Peas were quoted at 77e adeat. Isueketemat, Ole to arlefic afloat. Lye, oehe afloat No. 3 barley at 40e and No. 3 at 47e afloat, lelour--The demand Is quiet, but panel are Orin. We quota -Choice Manitoba spring wheat patents, et to $4.23; seconds, $3.70 to .$3.0e; strong bakers', e3.31) to e3.43; whiter wheat patente,. 0. 70 to § straiglit rollers, -$3.50 to *3.04 do in bags, $1.130 to el.75; extras, 4.00 to 46& eleal--The demotd has fallen oft and prices are easy -cm spot at *4.50 per lerl and itt e2.1*** per Peed -There Is a fair amount of immness at steady pates. We quote t -Manitoba bran, in bags, 13 To *10 .30; snorts in bags, $22 to $23; Ontario Meta, in buik, fleet° to $1.1; sborts, $22, In bulk; laoullie, 1;323 to $30, according to quality, Cheese -The market in the country owing to speculation is much firmer than here. Finest Ontario, 3.0%e 101fic• finest town- ships, 1030 to luy,i,c; fittest duebec, lhe to 10%c; line cheese. 0%0 to 0%C. Butter -The butter situation Is 'much the Sante as that of cheese, that is to say, legher in the ouutry than here. Country prices are equivalent to 20e to 214c laid down here, but these are not get qa0table 20%c;cre;; ffleitnecyst o ttownships creamery, 20e to 0 wnships creamery, 20ye0 to 204ec; boot Quebec. creamery, 20efic to 20eI0; One creamery, aSc to 181/2e; dairy but- ter, 15e to 15e. Eggs -There is a iirm demand nt trm prices. We quote selected, 1Seec to 10e; candled stock, 16Iac to 17e in a Jobbing way, straight receipts nt 153e to iec, No. 2 at 131/20 to 14c in round lots. ProirisiOns-The demand for most lines is quiet,but prices keep firm. We quote:- Heavy Canadian short cut mess pork, $24.50 to $25; Canada short cat back pork, $23.5t1 tO $24; light Canada short cut clear pork, §28.30 to $24; finest kettle lane 20 -Ib pails, 1e140 to 12eee; extra pure lard, in 20 -lb 101y4c to 1114el choice refined com- pound lard, 9c to 914ac; L'Oar's Head brand, In 20 -lb wood pails, $2 to $2.08, Globe at $LSO th 1.00; 20 -lb tin pails Vie lesS Per In; hams, 12e to 14c, and bacon, 13c to 14e net m. Leading 'Wheat Mark;ets. c'iosing previous Cash. chienge 7514 New -York Toledo . 731a ?Slimes . °Sys 'Detroit, 721,4, St Lculs 60:14 se. 2 nor 73 Uti'tall 1 hard. 72 , day. Closter- to -day. Dee. 'Cash, ins.% 6014 SO 7014 424'4 74% 7314 601/2 70 b1143 7234 7814 74 ecee 671/2 ewe 6014 74 Tuna .. 72% .. British Markets. Loa don, Sept 22i._ -Opening -Wheat, en passa„ge, steadier. Corn, oa passage, o•tdet -and steady. Wheat, Earttsti country tuor- ites, of yesLerdi-Q:• quiet aucl st.eadzi; feresen - . • . London, Sept. 22.-Close--51ark Lane mil, ler N1arko-11/licat foreign quiet but , steady; .Enelisli steady, Corn, Amerleaa, 'nothing deifin.; Darnitlaa ulot but s tea aY• re)r.r, Amortiou teen at en telvence of 3d. - One Square PIANO OR SALE CITEAP New Pianos and Organs Always in. Stook sEwnvo MAPHINES. OOP eperienee ia the sewilog blue BlISIne$s (12 ware) it guareat- tee of ems gooU . . We Marry in etock the beet 51n. shines that the market Affords and sell on easy terilile...74all'evdttes and Re- pairs for all kinds of Matinee always on band. Sheet Music, Allesio Hooks, Hymn Books, Etc., loept let Stock. CALL AND SHE L'$. IT WILL, PAY YOU. IVIART111 HARVEST EXCURSIONS Willbe run on Sept. 30th returning until Nev,1,(11t,istr,:. hierCAN ItATES to Win nicett...• Estcvatt..... Min Arcola ... Mooso Wawancen iiinscartlt Grand. V cw Swan River. k Monsclas w., , Yorliton...1 8 30 Pr. Albert. I atoll Mnolood.• ;Quo Red neer-) $40 Stratia- coma,/ From all points In Canada, Azilds, 6aulte Ste. Marie, Windsor tied East. For any pamplilet Ovine further particulars, apply to the ticare,t Canadian Patine Agent, or to A. H. NOTMAN, .At. Gene Pass. Agt., 1 Eing St., East Toronto. FIREMAN* ROSS LOST B18 LtFE. Perth, Ont., Sept: 1S. -A. railway accident, at Moberly station, about 15 miles from here, this morning, result- ed ha the death of Fireman Ross, of 'Havelock, oncl the destruction of lotus fruit cars, a beggage ear and an ex- press car. Engineer Rose bad two ribs broken, and another fireman ntuned Gorden Peters was badly shaken up. None of the occupants of the passenger car were injured other than receiving a severe shock. Relief trains were sent to the scene, and the passengers were transferred to them. Fireman Ross, who was killed, is sur- vived by a wife and family of two. It is a Difficult Thing to Please All People all the Time, Malt Breakfast Food HAS ACCOMPLISHED THE GREAT WORK. It Possesses All The 600d Points that People Look For. ^ FHB I CLEARING SALE of Plows, Gang Plows, Land Rollers, Harrows, (ST., &e., now go- ing on. Exerything to be ehared off by JULY 1 1902 FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. Any Amount of Wrought and Cast Iron Wanted. The task of pleasuig all the people all the tune has been tea y aceolnplish- ed by Malt Breakfast Food, the most delicious of all breakfast grain foods. Malt Breakfast Food pleases yonng ond old all the tinie, simply because it possesses all the gond points that con- tribute to health. Young children thrive 00 14; adults find it energizing and healthful; invalids and convales- ents love it, becanse of its fine and deli- ente flavor and its soothing effects on the weak stomach. It has captured all palates 1)y tis debeiottsuess. Your Grocer sells it. JAS. MURRAY. Cook's Cotton Root Compound 15 snedessfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe,effeetual. LadMs ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com, pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills axtd imitations are dangerous. Price, 1S'o. I, $1. key box; No. 2,10 degrees stro'n ger, $8 per box. NO. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price art d two &out stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. IP167310S. 1 and 2 sold and reconntiended by all responsible Druggists lu Canada. 6 No. 1 and No.2 are sold in Exeter by 0. Lutz and 3. W. Browning, Drug- gists. DASHWOOD FURNITURE STORE. You are invited to call and inspect iffy large assortment of Furniture and furnishings whit -ii 1 will offer at very close prices. My stock con- sists of the folloWin.-0- - Parlor suites, Bedroom suites, Spring Mattresses, Bed. - steads, Couches, Lounges, Tables, Chairs of all descrip- tions, Sideboards, Rockers, Fancy Rockers, Curtain Poles and TliMliliDgs, Shades, Mouldings, Mirrors, Pilow Sham Holders, T -Tat Racks, Towel Rollers, &c., Picture Framing a specielty Baby Carriages, G o-ei trts,EXpress g- mis, Carts, Rocking bov.ses, etc. Undertaking. I carry a large and well assort- ed stock in this line. In time of need do not fail to call. The abo v e stock is bought from the leading Manufacturers of Canasla and bought at the closest prices and one expeeses are low there- fore we eau sell it at ptices nitieb will surprise you. Give us A call before purchasino* elsewhere. IVIcisaac.