HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-9-25, Page 4Ciandebe ye.
?s Mr. W. "teatime of Cheliton. ealled
JO1 at
on frietels here on '1'hrtrsday.-Qeite
tias.14. Snnelers,Editor and Prop windier frbtu around here tool; in the
TUVRSDATC, Sept. 5,1902
DeN.T.u.ox, Nins. (IOL L—Jk wilt
ho a severeshoeleto het WADY Intends
. to kern ef the death a Elizabeth Jane
. Tomer, beloved wife of Ma Vicente
. Coleman, Vida; sad event ocentreaon
Tinirteley teeming htst, at the age el
• 27 veers, 1 Month, day4, • Peeetteed
• ' a ill for some tune; with .ep-
eedieltis coupled with a toMor on the
'ene which ended hen yew" life,
systgettliv is feet ,eoe
nu as tligy Judi only been married a
few yearee The deeeased was a yore*
woman or most nindly diepesititneasel
-was highln thonght, of 1y all who . bed
the pleasure of her agentannotetee end
her death will be greatly. reeretted
not only. by her.friende hut by rter
htst;band end.- two tittle Ones.
Tbeinneral tool; place Saterday u*orn-
o the Bey -field temetery and wile
-hes- •
PRETTY leroonesu.-Orte a those
mon pleasing even, a wedding eere-
snow. wits ehleinnized on Toeedey tee,
ening, Sep:L-16th, et the tesidenee of
the bre. s parents. Mr. teed Mrs. Wee
Atkinson, Of the 2.nd cone it hither; the
.inettiage.of their only deugliter. Mies
An:the-to Mso Charles Cronyn Powers,
• it Preininein young fernier. of Lendort
toWnship. The Mashing yeung bride,
leaning on the erne Of her h ether,
nuarbed ten mettle lawn on a roll of
carpet heid for the emission. The bride
as Meet charade* att•ired in a dhes
of bine tidies` eloth with a white silk
waist, trimmed withhhiffon peed lace.
mut cerrying a bonging of white C.W.
thitiomi. She was attended by her
ealt5ln, -Ms Annie Hinig,ins„ white the
orateu was eampotted by his cottehe
Cemphie Retiginse The eeremony
wee peeformed by Roo Ma MeQnhn.
of Clandeboye, The welding
morels wits :played by Miss Wdla node
.gins. After the usoa congeoulations
the wedding gueste. tenne foiey five in
all. ;aid Mostly relatives ot the eon-
trileling Partleit Sat down to a sammt-
ous dinner. It its needless to say the
wielding prihents, is mend on esiett
oevaeione. WkWO costly and beeittiftd,
showing the esteem 'Ithe voting temple
ash Mil by thew thread& Too happy
caliphdrove to :their home in London
tewnseep in the eveni:!g• midst. show.
ere of roe end wee wieltes.
Alre,C. Fritz ilia Miss Eva William
spent :Isntukt,y at Deeltwood.--Mra, J.
Mierner returned home Seturdity,
;after a pleasant visit with friends in
Ereeeptoin-Dis Mayitery. of Ottoeve.
vted «it Da Campbell's last weein
Miss Susie Mothers. of Watford. is
her aunt. Ma LGelger.-Miss
Lydia Enehler left Friday to visit
friends in Betdist. Toronto and Mont-
eted.-Mr. Alfred Geiger leaves this
week forperville. Ille where he is
attending College. He will he missed.
-Miss Clara Hloep is visiting friends
in Tovistock.-Mr. Fred Henner is laid
up with symptinns of typboid fever. -
Chester Steinbach took a trip to
bealorth leeednesetty.---Miss Ross. of
St. elarys, is otking charge ot Mer -
i's millinery department. while Miss
Handford of Ventralie, has chswge. of
Mr, Preetees millinery. -Mr. Eddie
Delehest, of New Haven. Mich., is
iting his perents here. --Mrs, Gertrude
Hess anti Mrs. C. Fritz spesit a few
days in Crediton during the week.-
tenite a 11111111M. (WM hi're took in the
Fair at Eseter on Tuesday and report
that the exhibits were very good -
Iiessre. Stacey aud Smallaeounte, of
litessall, are peinting Mr. C. Frite's
stew thvelling.-Rev, ItInSehnellie, who
spent the stunaner in Germany, has re-
turned home agam.--Prontehrieves, of
Pritle of the Valley fame, enliveued
our town for a few even nes last week.
-Miss Ella Gibson, of Myth, is back
to take charge of D. S. Faust's millin-
ery department this fall. -Mr. Joseph
Denorny, of the Soigne Luse, StenieY,
leaves shortly. Inc Courtright, .where
he has rented a fartn.-Mr. lifted
Faust left last week for Caro, hliehe
where he intends remaining for a
while. ---We are pleased to see Mr. Geo.
Edighoffer out again, hot he shows a
n umber of bad marks on his face and
head. -Mrs. George Baker, who has
been visiting friends here for some
time, has returned to her home in Bens-
sels.-Miss Ida, Well is attending the
Y.P.A. convention at New Hamburg
as delegate. -Miss Ethel Willianis left
last week for Hudson, to visit her sis-
ter, Mrs. (Rev.) Whiteside and other
friends in Qtzebee.-Mis -Wm. John-
ston is running Cook's mill at Hensall
on the night shift. The mill is kept
running, continuously at present -Mr.
and Mrs. Henry.Boller, of Buffalo, are
renewing acquatattees in this viein-
ity.-Among those who attended the
Western Farr hiet week were, Henry
Mageh C. Either, Jacob Deichert, E.
„Zeller, Chris. Schoch, OyreeSehoeb,
W ellington Fee, John Preeter, E. Bos-
senberry, W. GO Hess, S. H. Wismee,
Wendel Snaith, Mrs. Bnchanau, Miss
Clara Buchanan, and Miss Ranuie.es
Mrs. R. S. Richardson and son spent p,
few days at Winchelsea during the
week. -Mrs. Gordon, of Cleveland, is
the guest of her mother, Mrs. F. Schuet-
tler. She intends remaining til Christ-
. mese -On e of Mr. Alex. Ran nie's horses
dropped dead last week while plough-
ing. The animal was A 'Valuable one
and will be quite tt loSs to Mr. Rennie.
-Mr. Joseph Slier has parehaSed. the
Conrad Miller homestead, oe the - 14th
eon. This is a very .deeireable fare)
and the price, whicb was $4,700, se-
cured by .Auctioneer BosSenberty, was
some higher than was expected. -hTh e
regular meeting of the: Zurich : W.C.T.
IT,took place ..IVIonday :evening,: Sept.
15, in the Evangelical cburch, quite a
large number at thediten This being
the regular' yearly election of ofAcerS,
the following were eleeted:H-lPtes.
Miss Louie AndtewS;.l7ice Peese, Mrs
J. efesner; .0or. Sec'y, Miss Lydia Koqh
' let; Rce. Seete, Miss Lydia Rannie
Treas.. MrS, Mag -el; Auditor, Mrs
E. Zeller. . The reports of the differen
departments were received and ,thi
delegates appointed attend tho con
vet) tion8 held .at W in glut m aed To re n
to. NOxt, meeting is to be heldin th(
chn Pah on Monday evening, Oct. Oth
A1,1 ate cordially invited to attend. .
sights at the 'Western Fair this week.
-Mrs. Thomas Morley, of Ceatralia,
epent a couple of days with friends
here daring the week. -Mr. Ed. Col-
lins,. of Leeknew, is visiting friends
itround here, -Mr. Flood, an old resi-
dent of Bithittiple passed away on Mon-
day. -Mr. P. Flanagan, of London,
who hes been visitiog arouud this vi -
for the past couple of weeks ihs
returned to the city, -Mies Metal Hod-
gins, who for the pest couple of weeks
has been visiting trtends here, has re -
Owned to her home in Baffitle„-Qnite
a number of our boys left last week. fOr
Stratford, where they hare secured
work in tee cer sitops„--Miss
of Gorrie, is visiting friend$ here. --Mr,
Pringle Morley, of Cleveland, is yisit-
ing frietals here.
Miss Nellie Switzer is learning the
dresstnakine in Exeter.--Dis W. IL
Cale is on &Ad; list, suffering front
an attack 01 plenrisso-Mr. W. M.
Leigh bas disposed of his farm to Mr,
Wm. Balfour. of Mt. Pleasant. for
87.300. Mr. Leigh intends going West
in the spring. -Mr. J. F. Stieson left
last week an a prospeeting tour to
berttnand if the ematitt,y is satisfactory
he will locate there in the epring.--
Ma Wilbur Wilson, of the Toronto
Veterinary eoliege, who has spent the
past tWO WORMS at his home in At-
wood. lets retiwned and resinued his
practice with Dr, W. IL Carr.--elr.
John Williame met with an tweident
at Mr. David HazIewootre,
drawing the separator into the barn it
struck him and injured him considers
ably. We bope to see him around
suou,--The Rev. Geo. Meguillinform-
ly nt this place, hut lloW rectoe of St.
James eburele Clandeboye, propelled
Gni' Harvest Thmilesstiving sermon ill
$t. Patrick ehmeh. Iiiilduiph Rowley.
-Granolitiiie sidewalks are being laid
in front of ;toilet the side- of the Meth -
dist ehnrch which is a vast improve -
merit to the church,
:gr. George Fox has moved into the
house meted bv Mr.
• R•imsay. of :teeter, is assisting Me.
R. Tennent with his pritetiee.-Mr.
Stunt has moved into Mrs. Len
fordh reSideoce.-Mr. anil Mrs. .
Rider, flit ,N,W„T„ ate %lee
lug friends in and around Luca%
Mies )Figgie Casey, who bas been on ;
isit to her brother. Mr. Inn. CeseV,
et London has retinned,---Reeve 3. it,
McComb, after a pleasent trip out
West, has returned -Ma Getellodgins
hes moved to town. -Mr. Llnyd Fox
left laet week to accept 0 position in
the C.P.R. office at ha rnia.-Staniey,
Roes & Co. have put plate glass in the
front of their stare, which adds much
to ite geneeal appearance. --Mr. and
Mrs. James Ryder, of the Oth Con. of
Bladulph. and BIM Casey are visiting
friends in Ottoeva.-Ree. Alexander
Wilson was inducted by the Presby-
ter • of Stratford to the Pastoral charge
of Ocmiston and Fraser churches, at
the Peesbytetian dwelt, Inman, on
Tuesday last. Revs. hits Stewart. of
Motherwell. Rev. Mr. Leads. and Bev.
Ni Penton, ot Stratford, were present
and delivered addresses. In the even-
ing a comet was held, which was
largely attended and much appreciat-
Mr. McCeughey's father, who was
visitinghim at the Commercial, came
near being chocked to death while ent-
itle a view of beef one evening recent -
4. Only the most strennous exertions
saved the old gentleman's life, -At 0
meeting Of the Ledies' Auxiliary held
on Wednesday the following, officers
were OK:testi-Pies., Mrs. (Dr.) AVeild;
Vice -Pres., Mrs. Yunghlut; Treas.,
Mrs. J. C. Stoneman; Seche Mrs. G.
Drown; Cor. See'y, Miss Latuude.
egate to Blyth convention on Oct. 7th,
Miss Lammie.-Geo. .Toynt has gone
to Lucknow where he will spend a
couple of months assisting his brother
:in running his evaporator and other
business. -The Communion was ad-
', ministered in the Carmel church on
4Sunday. On Friday the prep:tindery-
sermon was preached by Rev. Air. An-
derson, of Goderich.--Miss Edith Dav-
idson is Item from the Soo.-Somals
Miller, of Cromarty, was in town last
week. -Will Pfaff has taken a situa-
tion in Seaforth as engineer in the
mill. -Mrs. Birch, of Californie, is here
visiting her brother, Frank Marshall.
-Misses Jessie and Lon Thompson, af-
ter se pleasant visit here, have returned
to London. -Mr. MeAlmond, of Del
Rapids, N. D., is visiting in town, the
guest of her brother, Mr. D. Urquhart.
Rev. T)r. Medd and Rev. J. S. Hender-
son exchanged pulpits on Sunday. -
Mrs. Short has rethrned after a six
weeks" visit in Waterloo, Tavistock
and other points. -Miss jennie
who has been very 111 for some time, is
slowly improving.--..Mts. Forsythe and
Miss Wilson, who have been spending
the summer here with friends, have
retorned to theirhome in New York.
-Among those who left fee Manitoba
last week were, Jaek Case, Miss Jessie
Benthron, Harry Forsythe and T. Ban
lantyen.--Miss Lon Ilummeeton isr:re-
covering from her recent illness, also
Mrs. Mitchell, who has been very ill. -
Mrs. T. Neelands and son, Roy, spent
a few days in London last week, the
guest of Mrs. ThiteeseFred McDonald
and -.Mr. Reynolds were in Goderich
last week serving on the Jury at the
assizes., -Last week we stated that Mr.
Wm. 'Workman had gone into pittt
riersnip With ALS James Berry, horse
dealer, but theitern Was. incoerect as
Mr. 'Workman is only welting for
him. James. Chesney. IhS., left
last week for Manitoba, Where he Will
visit for a few weeks. Mr. David
V.S., will take charge of his prae
tice during his , absence. -Children's
Day will be observed in the church on
Sunday ileXt. Special services will be
had on the occasion; including song
seryice. -Mrs. Broderick has sold her
. neat little dvvelling to Mrs. Pope, Mrs.
- Broderiek will leave shottly Inc Mich-
; igan, Where she ttnll reside with het
. her daughter. She will be missed by
t her many friendseehlth Sellere, after
pleosnnb visit her with her Son,. r2Ir.
- Selleen: has returned to her hotne in
- Richard -Warring : is
'yobileed to her bed through illness.
. 1 Inc many friends wish heir a speedy
Leconte:Ty.- itt Ise S-p.nhl, who bus been
ehi teng her sheet., Mrs. G. F. Yune-
et,, bier' returned to her heels in
St. Joseph
Quite a umber from, this vicinity
took lathe Exeter fair on Tuesday and
report a splendid exhibit. -Nr, Henry
Boller and Wife, of Brad% are renew-
ing Acquaintances here. They resided
here abont twenty years ago. -Alts and
MneeliL Doetaten visited friends in
Brucefield on Sunday lash -It is with
deep regret that we have this week to
ehrouicle the death of Ma Win, Camp-
bell, of the 2nd concession of Hey.
Cu bell although IlOtAi. resident
here, was elesely identified with, St.
Joseph -and has a son in business here.
We extend our heartfelt sympathy to
the bereaved friends and relatives,
Mrh Ramsay and her children, who
hare been visiting friends and relatives
here tor game, D1011111S, len last week,
for Gintlehme, Manitoba, She was ite-
companied by het. brother, Mr, John
Balfour, who goes out on 1/easiness.-
Mr. David Cooper has gene to New
Ontario, where he will assist dtr. R, P.
Bell, who is erecting a seill.n..srese R.
E. Cooper left best week for Esterase
Man, where she will visit her sistere.,-
Mrs. and Miss Balfour have gone on a
trip to Regina, --Thos. Elder lett last
week for hrooetejaw.-Mr. ROA. Oraw-
ford Jett last week for the Weet, Ie
goes to tate a po$Ition in a drug store
He is the right etaem a young man
and will make his mark in the west. -
Quite a Tailaber ft.ow around here ats
tended tho MI fair at Eeetee on Toes -
day and all report a good time, The
exhibit$ were eeceedingly goecl.
,s.rea& .irtok-61u645.1 5110ca 5Vi tiaaq s'dg ttat ttm a 'CM tOga.107.0(reA
fjertaiSqlti.21A u :of pezzio tct Autti pioo 8E
erand. Bend.
Me, W. Oliver spent a few (10,YS In
Goiterieh last week -Mr, H. Green
vetiu'twti home from Michigan Wed -
Spackman, of Exeter.
ent Settirday ha our leirg,-Miss Itis
Gravelle spent Sunday under the pa-
wned roof. -Mr. Delman, who has
ken with Mr. Levitt Inc the stuntmen
kit fee Exeter Thurstliten-Mr. L. Ra-
t:elle intends movIng in Mr. Hamilton's
Itonee this week. -Mr. Huston, who has
been here cauming Inc the summer.
left Inc Exeter FrIdayseento Richard
Idamilton, who has been visiting rela.
tive and friends in Toronto mid Lon.
don, returned home Saturday -Mr.
Levit t. of the park, left for Exeter Mon-
day. -Mr. anti Mee. Standeven, of St.
Marys. arrived at Grand Beud Mon-
fr. Luther, who has Wolin the
mploy of Mr. Cohley the past four
rears, intends leaving with his fausily
Porleitill Tuesday. Mr. Wicket iu-
nds taking his place.--altejoe Rowe,
nt eJoseplespent Monda._y Imre hunt -
Dr, le
inkwater, of xetelsepent
Friday here fishing and met with sue -
cess. -3/r. Joseph Itavelle hes bought
Mr. Ruaet's farm near Maple Grove,
Mr. Alelinan, of Thedford, spent Sun-
day here, the guest of Mr. Gravelle.-
Mr, A. Gamble spent last week in Oil
J. 0, STANURRY4 It. A., Vormerly Cullinw 4:
statetune Barriater.Mitritor, Minty, tionve.yaurtr.
Wing ta Lein-lixeter, Ont.
Mr, and "Mrs. John Harr have re-
turned home from Chiengo, where
they have been visiting theasson,Will,
Inc eosie tineeee-A large number front
here ttended the Western Fair at
London last week. -Mr. Mathew Win.
er, Jr., has had his dwelling torn down
and is now busy eleaniug away the de -
buds to prepare for the masons, who
will erecta new one at once.-idestacob
Sweitzer was in Goderich last week at-
tending High Cond. He was one of
the grand jurymen. --Mr. Henry Wel-
bas purchased Mr. Thos. Hedeen's
Weise and lot and will take possessiou
in a few weeks. Mr. 'leaden will move
into the dwelling lately occupied by
Mrs, Wm. Hockey. ---Mr. Moses Brown
has returned to his home in Elkton,
Mich., after visiting his fathee here
the past, week. ---Mrs. Lydia Hoffman
and family, of Plattsville, are visiting
relatives in the village. -We are pleas.
ed to learn that Mw. Fred Wuerthaud
-Miss Miry Roeder, who hove been ill
for some time, are now rapidly recov-
eriug.-A lady evangelist occupied the
pulpit in the Methodist church on Sun-
day evening and preached an excel-
lent serrooe to a large congregation. -
Master Augnst Inuhn 'staking 0 course
in the Forest City Business College at
London. -Mr. John G. Young has pur-
chased a handsome St. Bernard. pup.
He prethises to be a fine animal when
full grown. -Mr. Solomon Geiser, of
Plattsville spent Sunday with his par-
ents here. -The Misses Ina and Lulu
Bice, of Olandeboye, were in the
lage'Monday.-Our general stores are
having their millinery openings this
week. -Messrs. Jacob Holtzmatt and
Micithel Swartz are attending the an-
nual Y.P.A. Convention in New Ham-
burg this week, as delegates of the lo-
Y.P.A.-Miss Edna Sherritt spent
Sunday with her patents in Harpley.
Tuesday was Exeter Fair day. A num-
ber from here went and all came home
well satisited.esThe Misses Emma and
Lydia Finkbeiner were in London Sate
nrdase-Messrs. Morloek & Bea.ver
ba.ve finished the concrete work Of Mr.
Daniel Oestreieher's new stable. -Mrs.
JaMes Hodgins returned home Mon-
day from Detroit, where she has been
visiting friends for 'some time.-eMr.
JOhn Sweitzer, is having a framesta-
ble built on, his lot. -Messrs.
Winer and W. Fritz are both wearing
tweed siniles. Girls! -Our citizens• are
beginning to seriously consider whet
kind of fuel they intend burning this
Winter.. Coal is away up and those
Who have ()oat stoves are, wondering
how they will keep warm. -,Mr. Eli
Ring took. second. prizes at Toronto
and .London Fairs for his stallion,
"Milo." -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Krupp
and Miss Ida Winer retfiroetl to Water-
loo- Thursday, after a short visit with
Wench here. -Our mere -I -rents are still
keeping their places Of business closed.
on Monday and Friday evenings. AS:
the long evenings are now approach-
in„,n• our business men will, no doubt,
adopt the old plan in the near future,
(Rev.) Knowles visited hei.
parents in London tbe past week., -
me. John Match returned 'home Sztt
urday after a pleasant visit with rela-•
tives : in I-31enh Bert Clark,
-who has the welfare of the town at
heart, has taken eato lihriself the Inn: -
den to keep: the stre1et lam ps lit these
tk evenings. ThardtsBert..7--Thn an-
nual ineetiOg- of: the Tipper Canada
Bible Society was heldin the Metho-
dist elm tell, Thursday eveniug. The
fellowing officets were elected:: --Pres.,
Lewis; Secretary. Claude Bluett;
Treasuter and -Di4positot, Charles
Brown, : •
oreweord, of Theater& bas come."
to town and will sheltie:with bisdaugb-
ter dirs.flandingen-Mies Steittnof Lea-
den, bus.charv of A. Gera en
linery depertmentes-Rev, O. W.. King,
of:Toronto, occupied the pulpit in the
Baptist -church nn Stinday evenieg
last, White Rev. j..G.Browtn of Terme-
Us, mettehed in the mortunge-s-Mies
Kathleen Rogers bus gone to Toronto
to reettuse her .eelle.ge studies,
DROWRUP AT Poore Tionox.--The
body of Angus MeIntyres • Wlee was
drowned at Port tioron on Sunday
afterneou. Sept. lette was brought to
this station ou gelidity anti wAs taken
to Shiplio, where he :formerly resided,
ihteritteut Web% place Thnrsday in
the Way burying greeted. at Itt. Car.
-The young mem was a sailor on
the :Canadian :Stemmer, United Eat,
ire, end • the :accident, by wide!s he
lost bis life, took place at the .
elevator dock. The steamer WAS rout-
ing into the dock and in throwing out
the line he overbid:anted biniself and
pitched into the rim.. The body WaS
re:covered by grappling: after half est
hoar, Hie parents resele in :Detroit,
cheltilnyg. eeineved there from Shipke
DRA:1110F Won ChnEnshnte-There
passed away at his home on the 2n4
concession Monday morning lash
William Campbell, one of the may
settlers, a successfid farmer and e Man
noted Inc his etriet integrity. Mr.
Campbell had been ailing several
menthe front Brighta disease but it
was not thought that he would be cal -
lee home so soddenly. He went to
bed in his mai health Sunday night
and the next morning he died De-
ceased was horn in Fifeshire,Scotland,
in I= end in I= be came to Canada
settling on the farm no which be died:
He was a man of omisual strength and
energy, gontriboting more than the
average share towards transforming
the uttbroken forests into well tilled
fields. He was a Ulan at retiring die,
eition, never aspiring to piddle P1
tion. hut he WAS honest in his dealings
and woe highlyrespected by all who
nide his aequaintance. As a farmer
a tauter Zdr, Campbell had few
gnat& acquiring a valuable estate hy
his skill as au agrienituriet and by hie
shrewd WHIMS capacity as a dealer in
cattle. hexing dealt extensively in
that line Inc many years, Mr. Camp.
WU some few years ago got, mixed up
with St. Joseph project,, and it ei
thought he lost the gerater part of kis
wealth. He is emeeved by a, loviug
wife and seven children, five sons and
twa daUghtera. all Of WI10111 have the
deepest empathy of the community
in their sad loos. He was aged 09 years
9 months and 17 days. His remains
were laid to rest in the Exeter ceme-
tery yesterday (Weduestleye
Dr. Armstrong has sold his practice
to Dr. Rodgers, of Belmont. The
change will take place shortly. Die
Armstronfi has been practicing here
Inc neitrty ten years, during which
timh be has gainsd the confidence of
the community who :midi regret his
departure. Dr. Rodgers comes highly
recommeded non we welcome him to
our midst --Miss Louise McColl has rte
turned to Detroit, after a pleasant vis-
it with friends here. --The corner hotel
is closed at present, Mr. Little having
made an assignment to his creditors.
There are a number who will lose con-
siderable by it. -Mt'. Beverley Ketchen
00011)10 the pulpit in the Presbyterian
church on Sunday. He is a clever
young student and his sermons were
very much appreciated. -Mrs. Roberts
and Mrs. Sterling, who have been vis-
iting itt the home of Mrs, John Mc-
Kenzie, have returned to their home
in Philadelphia. -Mr. Louis Aikenbead
and bride, of Detroit, spent part of
their honeymoon bete, the guest of
the batter's father, Mr. .T. AtItinbead.
Worenem.--A quiet but pretty wed-
ding took plaCe on Monday morning,
at 6 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. (Rev.)
J. H. Simpson, when her son, Cecil,
was nukecl in marriage to Miss Helen
Higgins Chrysler, niece of B. R. Hig-
gins, near our village. The nuptial
knot was securely tied by the Rev. E.
Sawyers. The bride was handsomely
attired in white organdy. Atter con-
gratulations and the wedding break-
fast, the happy couple left on the
o'clock trans Inc their new home in
Staples. where Mr. Simpson has a situ-
ation. The bride's travelling dress was
a dark grey tailor-made suit, trimmed
with black satin, with a white felt hat.
A large number :of friends assent bled
at the strttion to give them their best
wishes for a happy and prosperous fu-
The St. Thomas Street Railway has
ceased operations.
Mr. C. L. Pepst, of London, Ont.,
swallowied carbolic acul in mistake for
medicine and is seriously ill.
John McArthur was acquitted at
London of the slaying of Ninham, the
Indian, the medical evidence ShOWing
that the dead man's heart was so dis-
eased that a little excitement might
have proved fatal.
"For two years I suffered ter-
ribly from dyspepsia, with great
depression, and was always feeling
poorly. I then tried Ayer's Sarsa-
parilla, and in one week I was a
new man." -John McDonald,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Don't forget that it's
"Ayer's" Sarsaparilla
that will make you strong
and hopeful. Don't waste
your time and money by
trying some other kind.
Use the old, tested, tried,
4 raini.
andtrueAyer's Sarsapa-
$1.0d a bottle. All druggIsts.
r Arrommecoronsniewesearanemmosumemakamm
Ask your doctor 'Paint 111 tbluks et Ayer's
fictraapstIlls. fre 'morn 01 aboutthis grand
old family medicine. Follow hiatdvice and
WO wilt be,Itaj.;10,11,e,A1 vim 00,, Lowell, .2sas5
A, Prominent Clergyman
Paine's Celery Compound,
Pu.rifies the Blood and
Revives the System.'
No Other nedicine in the
World has ever Achieved
Such Wonderful Vic-
tories over Disease
and Suffering.
Paine's Celery Compound has wrought
noirvelloes gimes for suffering men and
women in everyeection of the Domin-
ion; It has the indoesation of the hest
men and wemen in Canada, because
they have found thegreat remedy to
be exactly what was claimed tor it.
Scores a prominent clergymen have
gratefully written in its praise, and
recommend it Wheil they have oppor-
tunity. Rev. 3. D. Leiehmap, of Au -
gm. One, gives hi$ own personal ex-
perienee se follows;
"I have always found Paines
ey Compound an excellent nerve ton-
, and have frequently teeommended
it to persons suffering from nergene
debility and sleeplessness. 1 believe it
to be a roost powertni medicine. It
ids° purifies the blord and revives the
system. Give it a fair trial and it will
In these eases be roend helpful,"
W. IL Keyes, °Wait was shot and
killed at Eckerman, Man.
Eight eases of emalipox hive been
seatuantinek at Mount Elgin.
Rev. DreCarman wus reeeeeted Gen-
eral Superintendent by the Methodist
General Conference at Winnipeg, and
Rev. Geo. 3 Bond. of Halifax was
elected editor of The Christian Guardi-
an in succession to Rev. De Courtice,
This is not a gentle word -but, when
you think how liable yon are not to
purchase Inc Tie. the only remedy me -
venally known and a remedy that has
had the largest We of aur medicine in
the world since isiee Inc ate cure and
treatment of Consumption and Throat
and Lung troubles without losing its
great popularity all these years. you
will be thankful we celled your ;Men.
tion to floseheits German Syrup.
There are so many ordinary cough
medics made by druggists and others
bat are eheap mid good for light colds
perhaps, hut Inc severe Coughs, Bron-
chitis, Croup -and especially Inc Call.
stunption, where there is difficult ex-
pectoration and coughing during the
nights and mornings, there is nothing
hiko German Syrup. Sold by all drug-
gists in the civtlized
Sold by C. Lutz.
11BPSON.--in Henson, on Sept. 38, to
Ma and Mrs. T. Simpson, a son.
Farre -In Crediton. on Sept, 22nd, to
Afie awl Mrs. Wm. Feltz, a daugh-
Melee:aye= - South Bounders-, Ste -
piton, the wife of Joseph MOT -heves.,
id 0 son,
Orediton, on Sept. 22nd.
to Mr. mid Mrs. Wee Winer, a
Lt!Cati-ALLAX-In Miteliell. on Sept.
ls, by the Rev. A. McAnley, Mrs.
Allen (nee Miss Minnie Chatette) to
Thomas, Lucas, of Toronto.
Curresteen.-Stmesox.-In Brneefield,
on Sept. 10, by Rev. E. SaWets, Miss'
Helen Higgins Chrysler, to Mr. Cecil
Simpson, of Staples.
HILL -MITCHELL -At the Methodist
parsonage. London West, on Sent.
17, by the Rev. S. Salton, Me. Frank
Hill, of Port Hume to 'Miss Blenche
Mitchell, of Centralise '
..dereneses-Powrins-ert the residenee
of the bride's parents, on Sept. 16,
by the Rev. MeQiiinlin, Mr, Charles
CrOnyn Powers, of London township.
to itliss Annie, only daughter. of Mr.
Wm. Alkinson.2nd comet Biddnlph.
hley.-In Chiselhuret, on Sept. 18,
Geo. May, in his S9th year.
Hibbert, on Sept. 17,
Wm. Pullman, aged 73 years.
Tern -In St. Marys. on Sept. 14th,
Joseph Tait, aged 88 years.
CAMPBBLL-In Hay township, on Sept.
22nd, William Campbell, aged 69
years, 6 months, 17 days.
COLEMAN. -In Stanley, on Sept. 18,
Elizabeth Sane Turner, beloved wife
of Gen. Coleman, aged 27 yeers, 1
month, 27 days.
Hichs-In Riverside. Ce 1., on. Sept.
18th, Mervyn George 11 icks, 84)11 of
the late Andrew 1114 ke, in the nth
year of his age.
TOP OnlgaP10. VOar laaP
Mite OS 808ee' A glxiim
and is tough Bemire by'
*Mg nuneetee.
n088 011;.: Ten ,a'e
lengUAnn itliclue,00n:01;
lles; twiee 0.,1 teas .0 to
oral/tartly wongt.
Harness Oil
tnnknaannottonktnr twx..
awis like am MAIO Of'
lteATY 404104, *AA
peeIsU KePared VII4x14,
eleaa 149 weadmr.
EA1d4 VkertEskel
ton. MUS N. Tom; gold or siker tineel
work. 5. Wise; bead mark. Al. Creighe
tom Berlin wool work, 0. Camnhell,
Miss Symington; etsaw plait, S. Wise,
Mr$, Tom; lace. Vette:Abu% Dire. J.
White, Mee. Hele; lage. pond, Mrs.
Hele, Rev, sv. AL Martin; he, Hord- ee
ton, Miss Symington. Mrs. 3. White;
lace, knitted. Miss lie Tom, Miss M.
Creighton; lace, crochet. Mies Brooke,
Mies Ilishop; rick rack work, C. Camp-
bell, Miss Symington; tatting, Mrs.
Bele, Wm. Sweet; darned net, M.
Creighton, Miee Symington; drawn
threads and item etitcle Dr. Amos, let
and 2nd; silk work on Java, V. Camp.
bell; panels, any work, Alt's. J. White,
Miss Symington; Utley table, with
drapery or Rare C. Campbell, 2nd
only; loaf home made bread, G. A,
IL McLeod, J. Wood, M. CreighWte
SPEVIAL.-Silk center piece WO 3.
Restle; child's jacket. A. Gearing;
fancy haeltet. Miss Keetle ; Home-
made undergarment. Miss AL Brook,
A. Dearing; English embroidery,
J. E. Digitate
Judges. --Mrs. Douglas, Miss Russell,
Exeter, MSS Elleringten, Lomley.
Three varieties in pots, Alr$. J.
Richardson; fucholas, Jim, Cottle.
Mrs, Richardeon ; foliage plants..Itio,
Cottle, Mrs. Ricliardsou ; begoulas in
Rower. Mrs. Richardson ; geraniums
in flower, duo. Cottle, Mrie Richards
son; hanging basket, Mrs. Richard-
son ; collection of flowers. W1.11. Bar-
baro. Mrs. Richardson.
OUT FLOWER:S.-Dahlias, juts. Cot.
tie, W. B. Alceracken ; Dahlias, bow °
J. A. Stewart, Geo. Saniwell
ansies, Jno. Cottle; GUMMI Astera
Miss Fish, Mrs. J. White ; stock col -I At
lection, 11. Huston, Jno. Cottle ; Vere
boots, C. Birney, Jim. Cottle; Car-
nations, W. II. McCracken Petunias,
Jno. Cotte; Phlox Drummondi, Jute
Cottle, C. Birney ; Gladielos.
Cottle; Zennias Jno. Cottle, W.
Earle ; hest arranged biteket! below
Samwell; collection Annuals in bloom,
Jun, Cottle.
Judges. -11. E. Huston, G. A. K.
A committee, consisting. of Britiga
C0111111151401101' Ainsley, of Huron emat-
ty, and Commissioners Jamieson and
Armstrong, ot LaMiltOn county, met
the other day in the office of County
etallaliS4italeC Talbot at the County
buildings, London. It was deckled to
take tm itetion in the matter of erect-
ing a bridge over the Saul& Bleep,
biri ween the townships or Stephen,
MeGillivray and Lintiangnet, until suet,
time ne the llosanquet Coeneil pur-
chased a roadway te the bridgeside.
en 01 0
Timbers of oak keep the old
homestead standing through
the years. It pays to use the
right stuff.
" Men of oak" are men in
rugged health, men whose
bodies are made of the sound-
est materials. .
Childhood is the time to lay
the foundation for a sturdy con-
stitution that will last for years.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
gcott's Emulsion stimulates
the growing powers of children,
helps them build a firm
foundation for a sturdy consti-
Send forfree sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,
Toronto, - • Ontario.
500. and $1.00: an druggiStS.
Ott account of its terrible effects, blood disease is Called the king of all. disiases,
It may be either hereditary or contracted; so while it may not be a crime to have
the disease, it is a crime to permit it to remain in the system. It may. manifest
itself in the form of Scrofula, Eczema, rheumatic pains, stiff or swollen joints,
itchiness of the skin, eruptions or blotches, ulcers in the mouth or on the tongue,
sore throat, falling out of hair, isordered stomach, a,nd a general depression of
the system. If you have any of these symptoms don't neglect yourself, Tou have
no time to lode. Beware of "old fogy" treatment-bewate of inineraA poisons -
beware of Quadra and Palcirs. OUR mew AIDIPBCOD TRDATMENT
id guaranteed to cure this disease, never to return, Bank Honda will protect you.
Our, treatment is not injurious in auyr way, hitt reaches the very root of the disease
and elitiiinates all poison from the system, The symptoms of disease gradually
disappear. The blood beccnies pure and enriched, the whole system is cleansed
andpurified, and the patient feels prepared anew for the duties and the pleasures
Detroit. 250,000 Cured. -
CouseltatIon Free. Question Blank for Home Treatment and Books Free.
Uoc.Pdieliigtaxa Ave. and EihelbyBt., Detroit,
*V: :16cA1/2',KAIV:,', ,T".6i1K