HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-9-25, Page 3++.14-1-144÷1-1-I4,14,1444,174-1, ,1-1-1-14,14•1444-1-144• 14*,Fitl;
f. The Power of Persuasion
Or Lady Caraveres Labor of
in the drawing -room. It did not re- If one had loved the other, mat,.
main their long; the end did not tors would, hove been msier. But it
like to hear the comments upou it. was not so; theio was nothing to
One morning he seid to Si Rama wbich he could appeal -alto love, no
"This portrait of lilltirechs is con- teudernees, on witich he couldbuild
niclered a, very line picture ; 1 think even the slightest emu -dation. It was
I should like it to hang M the pi- the husband's fault that his beauti-
tare gallery ea the castle." M1 young We disliked him ; he bad
dSiele by side witheall the dead been unkind, neglectful -he heel bard-.
and gone Let Caraseo ?" replied ened ber heart against himself. The
Sir Raoul1 do not blame you. earl visited on this, girl the wrong Every butterniaker knowhere
To me there apPears te be a quiet that be considered Arley liatosome Cannot be fixed rules for hantilieg
reproach in the face wbich it is not bad doue him The dislike and con, cream. to make a lira -glass article,
pleasant, to See," tempt he had for the the were writes hfr. Perry J. Johnson. The
-Thereis no eause for reproach,' venteu
ed on the dghter ; Although many and vea-yieg conelitioos and
tha oyoo so= to thino. the 1-v,a, quite innocent, 1,13m, fen on, surroundings make iL oemssary
that I deceived 1X1 ed Raoul. Preln hew. To him she was never bis wife thenge the treatment front day to
tast to lost there eas Men no men- Cotettees of Caravep. e, lovely. dny- TriQ works with which ; oto
Y est/strutted the beautY that he -lien of love between ii. it wee detrioltalred girl- She was eimpor miliar 1$ making butter from creem
1114tICLre"G PIMarial 1311V17..R.,
Sir Raoul Lauresten nas mu eor
ignored. S'uch praise would not cite° of =coley versus title. We Path Ithe money-leraZier's daughter. separated with a centrifugal Am-
ite:A. dislike. contempt, all lav lee -i the raith " the werigh-eao l'evsei1- 1
that time he has grew, te leo, the 'any one else; it he himeelf, for ia- ' more umd he said."
young cometeee, ao though she had
been a sister et his own. In pro-
portion as his love for her in-
ereaeed, lab affection for the. earl
decreased. In one he saw selt-con-
trot, in the other, unbridled self-
indulgence. Ile thought Over and
threo /yeas at now Remo , duriog!have the same value coming from , have what we wunted; therefore no, Pride, eolenes. ledif erence, negte- elintillit:v-e iItn;s ;41:fit: :14atct:ft:ec,beieve
stance, tittered et, tl3e earl would eor Ramil. leeng a wise man, sato tweet them. now were these to
leugh-conaing from Ltaniey Atter- A:,,o more 4ust theu. I bridged Glee or vantodeind ? Added fig,,,:eddam:Tudt: vo:neonioint,t.oh:"eingupas i
stooe, he virould not dare to do $Q, Novo! did the fine old Mansion Of to all the it was the dissipation, ';:heeesstsaou:aart:Tilif.efls'eer:itt.flavioviir:a wilfl
Ile told the Artist tlutt he be- liavensmere lool. fairer time in the the waist of purpcsee. the indolence,
hayed Lard Coreven wets even then leafy mouth ef 4 LIne. it mode 4 the self-halajgeece that char'actelized 'ts received, 1 heat it to the temper
in the /levee. and if he pleased he picture that gladdened one's heart-- Lord Qaraven.
would send fox- him. desired, useally ad degrees.
the quaint gray' towers covered with i I would rather be at the head of „,a'teenre
over agaho that so raw a „tri dh, coTuhide eallat‘le erzeeirta, wIo_.uteite-1;gAwainexitx.t, ictyingainegowilz,g*,. stotiethoireiteVtritiodnondwsulveinttlx, intagYe Leonridraet:Ilttianfechientge :seitiehmetzs,11(15tsarugy: 14 "VA. tettfarnosFira‘otiatFireatsetitixtatrtIteeadtet Wpiai
--Ade,. eerved e better fate. He lied olso
become *less sanguine as ties the re- stone to ask for him. The artist the square turrets, the (menet, pic-,lgle before me."' thought Sir Raoul. astinitleiel'est thao mom. 1 heheoe in low
cenciliatien of Illtehlud Int wife 'soon explaieed. Lord Certyk-ea look- turesque building that seemed to de- almost despairingly.
less bepeful abeut It. and be wow. ed at ilitu in wonder, ly and N'et to accord with all the
trro De Continued.) illeAS "ta triers. I 'do not uee them
r Tung r several reaseue.
tiered lee -e at thetr eetreogement, The "1°4 "Sh to Pale, Lad, am- rules of art. It rose. noble and
all ts
handeonte boy whom he loved so ,vea's a ortrait ?" be sad blankly. ' iofts. a perfect, pleture of harmotte ot in he pring and sten-Amer
ciataralsw TKIRS. wheat the ce;te can get. the goad.
was imieza char, ed hie ,1,1ut 1 thought s'aelit were ration, 11041S eolming. The castle was situate
seenuxt to bave completely bet eight Martlealar" -.17" ";;;aalv"." eat in the loveliest part of Devon -
a the wow ends of lite- Duty was :501d reply, ..N0 artist maid bole 4 were, was looties its fairest; thee
ezatly, for startere coo, in my ' ' 4 -
Deteile et Scheme. ' '15-1111 teke It Wilt
ft dead letter to him. Self -indulge •ialrer subject tot his who tima trees were 01 .i44 fun leo. tile 1.ted,..ei i
elite, pleasure. gatoing. betting, and .hha(ly harahoendr , were lona keret white -for the hew- - dovtioPtllent in tile ad hi te to overcome the eseatbl ;haSamtnhunehioyha:.(1
horeterosing filled up his time to, eh. Rh, s, hi ti e h i tone of thorn toaa t its It --the rich t;ettt:tolulgst !Iliar.tte‘c‘ton as a eclogue mos eneheatt tiollS Wheat the cowa canna
liSweet grass witich melees butter with
ttitat, high oroma about which we
't hone tam, My lord."' was tics* shire. During this June Ravenee 101r. Al-rTed 4:Que-4 WOrki-n4 O1j
bear our commission tem Nano, eo !tee 410"prf5etil
the total ond inexamsoble negleet oil ,i e i 4'4,1 shellarbellinat 0 think of the el a • tn is 1 mho' tours at en lesclueite price bo. gyt fresh Or and suusione. / bee Tbe last- brat o..r the
, XV, gnat on,seeer came oaer tee sun • r . . .
the beautiful Young wiPe who bore100 per cent. reciter
The cow Is at her
* old. After *la
. eau teat litttain and tauada. ere at eeerchong good 31,01Outent an
that I Ann blued. All can :eke is The tutelage of the Cat -tic Wes jos,. t.sie mood JoIm$. el Loudon. .14 jig. !very detail of the work. eepecially
hie name. Intiref4 after Sir Enoul that if oertorea ee 1 .aiti:ettlatbttpapIletheientro. vst.dh:vactrieti t.erest.i.zgo, 0,:irehieitt.hoiadt.ithowm,a aotrhetiuheaaar..d
undyed he neelected her mom than :hhall have ,t,o, abjection... he wet „h uo RIPENING THE
"CV' ITC' had l'eUn a"ust0raed tQ° He WAS rather struck after all ; etored to its proper mdse. fox t teattla year her pod
iilterests c'm h444.4 " the rilleating Procets told :Wavy teederii Ora Usually the MosIV
eoeort her to all public ni t but;
'It stortled nint to bald tbe twee judge earl told catudecs were expeetedslitajwta:„ 1, at MAO to be Utak- alwaye egy cream a great deal usetalln logeened.
ItimevIt that she Wad "an right" repoirouo terms about tbe emulates's.' This iltmuneolning had not been o, , 110,:or or, ug t a$vweartyhriciottziverxedergloeitnn4tiltexttojstthrec5aueld5
At 1:1tirieafittjacebal.;e,sta:3131 ollut7t eonsit
heto now went ids °ten road' saYing of beauty in England speak in such bottle v-ith it large PartY 81:estS' the Athintic hate to be approacned
-4/aoul wo6 there, Rama would at- !It wan mistahe. (tf entir„,e. silairce gkt great IDicatnile Ladylitiea,
tend to bor. above
to,- ihtt al') /1,1"'co., w44.11.4uSziolilt.“11:0, bbIS ails: from a sourtutercial etxtrter. or one .euee aeti 1t, Is returned in mint end
They agreed eery well toaether X ,ttetiet of such note aubtanen-it dial her; the elttidow of her unhappinefee ""
;the strange thing was to lind au Citrateri. All p1414 '3 ate alike
td,M 311a410 Of sii,lannied Milk, I skitat a:batter.
Nit tben llama wee always diderenth not ofteu happen. Ile left Sir Raoul ilarkereel them all, Iti Leindon, itset-11?„g,„°;°eD,a;,,Ittii,1111,,N,I, ,44,.T,.!:7,42.1,. P2ti : /417.17,1, e=tersttoarrtbeurt.terillattati4r w. 173 i'l teCrox,stilo:a4 he able to &Intl 1174'''
loom other inen-a. Keane chevalihrh. - to tell too new, to bie wife-lae withstandiug the erowde. the belle, ;s..eil,:,,u.1,43;1,4; teh,,u.s,..e..4.,,,,,,o.
When this prOviSiCat II
Ivor whale days together the earl oitt 'wow(' not have complimented her so the dances, the °Pero'''. the fetes. : land, both oseevellog loot notel. on" ;1 tbiule /5 to nal per cent. of starter ' If exalt ie not KOVided lite Iiiik
, ,;" se.a.„.W_Ini. can nearly always get a good flavor, oxot made the milk dow ts neeeenedo
than ever he dined front home- There * -* * * * * ow bad twee miserable. A noble and
mot see his wife. and oftener now highly. the admiration she bad met with* ie Sir Alitedhe opigion, would great-. is a right if it 15 a good QLe. I , 00W Wilt be ileenc4.
It' 'Aittrtiato trove, between the two' like ray cream to have o velvetY 0,11-1 Oaxe ponied Of grain is eiatol to two
ber fate. when she could not endure Acme with itim, Tee came to Bowe wamml the realfaiee of life -a hes- by h .merlie..
to remember that the gallon; solt ntouee at thlose, owl sometimes when hand to hoe hieeese, latehettid to .loode of the west atte oh a exegete ;;.crehited leo wed. on the othetothdina smith hut when the honturn
diet' and hero wee' a witness, or au '.mr Raoul felt wt.11 enough to escort love. ttir"gil th° l'iStircieu9 Weited otter Ond U Volttd toe v;41,Ta4, is no protiA to be &rived Mrorn),
the slighta and humiliations to !Ike countes?,, they went to the Going' haell to ittileov‘Otete goo, y sent ut caber o vo h if r uce
lei their moeilleremof e. Itlet aetreetunted thzeet If tiole, cold t-iolve au4e,marraa era, fahh, oft ti„e deLcielxv rau5t, Le, =Ado
'width she had to soththlt• Avhen site :studio. How it eiotneel to grow her ini ParticWor Ple"At'llre- "'-ide 'Men tO StlitiF trade eandittlettn itt , When Ile desired temperature is Ilrowgreell "fagirieetilf"a4DT: c'a:nthneOrit:
telt that elle Motit rim ownY from !Itunder his brittle. that fair face- Iowa, thx3t the extra woeld tote a :,,ettnado and /too United States,
it all, tor it 'was utterly unbearabl0. lode, pure, original. So exquisite in whole trooP ei Mends with hint, te-.,gh-0 1,44e eeme radvautage Ileaatacheelitritit,e5o1Oearllilletittertigi Ira% Petrd 4 l';124g-:1441, Ei‘ 4110Tlifte grafined gal.i u-eZI,
Among the Menne who cattle to :color, so 11441144^ in bloom i When eides which. she wos ritiddb' twit/RI to Feonie In 0, iDetter position tiDot, 9ml/thy. then tne ehara t% stattcd alma for to emmo 114em to rnoice.
ae Sir Raoul was 14441111ey nuttier- ow palming was iingshix1 there woo fill ItoPe. lial Ports she hod hogd he le etolrieg the prenent &theme. i, axed if everothing Is riglat in «bout the romper growth.
stone. the famotuf artist -an MAIM 'but (me opinion -the Forarait woe that their goit'll to Ellvellfdnere,whiela. it may be atated. would ate hte5 minutes the butter iDa5 eagle in 1 Wheat, bran owl rtagiallings are vaTI-.i
to wham poet -Aldan: was sill-118er- Amino a, manterplece of art, with Its might bring Matta nearer together ; ., fret o vousitlerable rediactioaa in thendue grolalp5) about the :dee of wheat ounie foode for dairy cowo on aer.,'
et Ineeetemere she hed hored tiret eN e eto et re, t - 1
were times when lilidred's youth and Tile arilet, had Wade great progeeese lovine heart dee tort eethd not be countries. It 16 his firm that peerance in too utorrons, when 1 go s pocestrie 01 roongh.4 litedir:47, COW5,.
pride rone in hot rebellion ageinets with hie picture, it tean a wet* 14 ElAtisidad xv14h such fritetlities; she ootholehntee beve everythieg to gaiu to church, Then the tentoeratuate is I Whoa the paeture ie Itastariaut there
e e Titer Itlelleate beauty end rich coloring.
only according tt, their pelVera Of 1101i otethe one read° tile same re. in I.ounion tlaey maght, dtt;icioentai to a vow
idealitY. who was steelted in dreams merit -the face was so 0:10.1. -the darn itetter, thew no vaell 45144 4044 came wood, in the Neve ,grdra,alientSe.oifil, 1,s1,1¢tal_Ustluetdetcixelatih[lige but- geuenullInualr nathinPeall'4a,71Pallaxtlitli..4nelrnieet 14-43Fcirlanflttliraryi
liter to wash tbe audit out. Saltird
of beataty-.u1 artist, who wan also sitatlowed eyea did ilOt itiOk oF to her, She knew that tbere Woo no ;I The principal eitiett and resorts in comes nen"nd h have ray own w‘ls cows cen he fed ,7sio elayt,
in Nemo measure a mint of faeltion. though. they had ever smiled. they 110Pe-tilot she alights as well he. ot eauada wall be embraced in the are!'of doing
whose least word ill matters of were full of strange ead dreams; the .any other place as home ot novena- tetegeleeros, No details 4.0
,. Are t:et sold, other' butter meter. Saltiag 19 a of Middliege clailet
this work, in has every 'of vi et bran and flour to nes lha.
taste was ns low- Ile was instit beautiful lips were sad. and leoheal ;Mere.
ot,led, and the few= could met be:matter ot taste and the amount veto] The following is a good ration
how wealthy the person who wished ;giteitit teehion.
In Ids art; v° matter ' os though theY had never laughed In ,4 It tenh' a lovelY evening 'when theY 4enehed the castle`rhe brought 411 4) wen -Piing order bofore depends upon the mount of water on aeteridgo cow uer dayt Twelli. .s, won watn next EN,,,Q11,
for a PM -traits -no matter whether 4
ishe wore prince__ __. eh ,hesstturt _ ,, Sir Raoul Pointed this 9,ste ,. 119,1"ingefulhit an the tuwers and tur- . SUCCESSFUL ELliihwumns. ' titer byuotler intneuntA the
senu11111.41 tlitne fe44-eur'pdoSulaT oaft4:131134e'llignrdosaatedct oualttti
nes ol ot ll '-s'll The artist mused for a, little whaie, 10M Ntr ;tout meed out in delight
elm would make a pictore that , and then he weld to Sir Raoul : htehen Ite saw the place. Sir Alfivel Jones. who has on J. three-fourths of one ounce of nett tO eight pounds ma meat
wonld do credit to hint he would I periai teethe in overrides he does, the pound of butter, according to
sterldY refuse to paint it, 1,0aultlY I felt sure could never 130 happy ones, Woolard times in my dreams."
"1 have seen beautiful faces that 1 ' "This is just as I haw seen It a.
he ,lum found that by making similar ties adze 01 the granules and moienor FIll'Il."rREE PLANTING.
Atherstoue worehiped beauty. More- i I blew one In my Mind as .1 steel:. u -said. "There's no other spot itt 'provision for through itooting to Awe- I dissolve it In wetter the saute , The stavess of orcharde depends a"
over he loved beouty of mind as well as lovely Its a WoDuan's face nee be--' England one-bulf FO fair." the West Indies and the Canary le-OtetuPerature as the butter* This Is good del ,an the ioealtion. Orchards'
es neauty of face. A noble soul bad d e id 1 . 1 lauds, travel to these places has , done la order to preVent mottles and
Mit there 1,9 a tragedy in it. She to . "ITPon noe wor . se t to ear . ,
gleet attracti lof all kind- ehould he planted on
' • ons for hm; thw
iat as whom it below is 0, young girw
l taniug to hint suddenly, of wish , been steadily on Me, increase. to dissth
olve e salt quT
ieltly. hen I Idast, -de . n I . theae is both •
ses,.4111 'SiZ
ee the amitet a few revolutious,
why he 'Med Sir Raoul --the pictur- ;now; but I prophesy that* lier life that you had it instead of me: you and draleage. 1,ir drainuge is a
"At present," said Sir Anna
enque side of the soldier's charaeter + will end strangely. She has strikin 'o ;Id I
g e I Ina .0 a Ontialn MeS el, , 0
0 1 IA b -to gums, eau -mash a ;whew similar '04‘er which ; drohlminute's. onore important 1 -tor thou ie gPri-
had htleick hina, and they were the !eyes and beaution lips, •10ot 1 eau master." ' to the ono I, ant developing for Van- entity suspected 411.1 is meet genet --
greatest of 1* ende. eatter picture them smiling tumidly. ' And Sir Raoul could not help see- Ada it is Possible to go to the Gall- The thee It tn3ze9 me to w°rIt in, ally ceserlooked. I; •-electsug stook
Mg to Sir Raoul When Lady Care.- 'from his unteings. "there is hometito him with the samo wish most includes both hotel and tree -eying I do not tbink there will ever be o poseible - from a reputable
ven entered. Ile had not seen Iter -thing in this face of Lady Caeaven's 'Plainly written oat her face. expenses. No less than 3,000 peo...time when tve ear bare a fixed ride
nuraery in the r,,, ,see latitud44.
r_ oncerning the working of butter. •
before, and he at unce admired her. Welt interests 1110 greittlY-ft strange "You will be at better master '.et, I'll° a'vailed themselves af this °PyPelt, It must be left to the jUllgelent
Iiitdred had heard strange stories 0t'ietory, yet untold." then you have ever beetho oaid ;hie tinily last season, and this sI olytitierthotileteaveirtidaxixienliti.itiee titengttinurtelyd
'the operator. Afters the butter is .
prices:, lea gentile -axed ehe was de--; uehappy. it might be llthe ' humility of the words.
lighted to meet him. She looked Ifor tIte sukes000tu )telvice,n316:01,.eer-yoypatogre: -----------------ii t , , htii t ,
acked iwell-soaked ing in the fall is not advisable. H
very lovely. and Mal:11011e- She might be a serious wa1ning. ete piled the earl,
No; I shall never improve," re- la a- a
With a 1-11ort launt. ular as a New Meier, rescset. It is The butter is struck off level with to plant seteiy, heel them in mid
' a Shipment IS delayed Until too late
artiet e Matey or nonsenee, orit .
wore a dress or pale pink nutslin could not rest until he had repeated "We shall soon nee the quiet -01 one of the countries of the future." , t
the top of the tubs, the paper fold- wuit. till spring.
trimmed with wide° laee-the eale, it. to the earl; it might be. ------ warnig Ineventanere disttarbed. Do you know Ilegarding the neW Canadian and ;0" over the edge of butter and a ' The trees given early planting get'
Ile WaS sitting ono morning talk- So," he continued, rousing ehtteelf ing that the young countees turned ary Islands and bark for Jeln, which butter depends on grain and body. for' plentlaig, net
the artist -of his fancies, his ett- That conversation made Ruoul Raoul, touched at the unexpected *People are egoing out In the summer _ be planted at OnCe. Very late plata-
p•etty pink set off the cenobite
coloring of her face to the greatest
advantage. The slender eapple
ligtire, rounded as Helm's, with ite
perfect, grate of movement, the love-
ly Southern face, the proud, noble
head with its crown of dark hair,
filled hint with. wonder and, delight.
did not say much to her because
he was so deeply engaged in etdmir-
ing her. When Blildred had spoken
to Sir-Retoul, and talked for a few
minutes with the artist, she went
away. With :dreamy eyes Lumley
• Atherstone looked after her.
"She is very beautiful, Sir Raoul"
he said.
"Lady Caraven is certainly a
lovely woman," was the•quiet reply.
The artist sat quite still, wrapped
in a drealu. Suddenly he turned to
the soldier.
"Do you think," he said, "if 1
Asked it, as a, great favor, that Lady
Caravel. would let me paint her
pottrait.' If she will but consent, I
Sao make her and myself immortal.
When may I ask her ?"
"1 do not understand much about
the etiquette of sueh matters, but I
should have thought it would be
etiquette to speak first to Lord
The fact was that Sir Raoul felt
proud of the artist's great admire. -
tion, and he wished the earl to hear
how the most eminent painter of the
to ham and make bine more thought- that only three out of twenty tie- . co se x , . t cloth circle is laid on to of the the advantage of fall rams. 'ihe sod.
dined my bwitation ?" said that it was ,opening a totally tub, water sprinkled •on the cloth packs round them and they get es -
Sir Raoul wus more troubled that new market to Canada, and as tenth ,and salt sieved on, atter whieh th‘ tablished before severe weather sets
Pil To prove to you that 11r.
and ovary fonn °amens, tion, ee he was to do uuything for
been before. , would lwing a prosperity to the two
e ' 'on the empire.
colomes wit
. ich would react faVorahly ;market.
tub is retiled up and. is ready
I believe every buttie°r1-:
endure the summer better.
ir. so that they are ready to begin
growth early M the spring and thus
C3 artse's Ointment is a certain
3 and absolute ours for each lie sat down to review th sittet-
night than he had ever
bleedingandprotrudfrisrsiles, , . . . maker should have a butter trier and
Om manufacturom bare guaranteed% seotea.. tII1S 131311apm. husband and wife, it learn to score his own butter; for , The land should be thoroughly pre-
timonfals in the daily press and ask yournelsthl must be done at once !, It was a 1 _______4„...........-
.. range position, and to him there' .how Can WO be good buttermakers oared. ih, vaahing, an orchard the
without knowing when we have a '
work is a permanent one and should
bora-what tbey think of% You eon use it and ,..4. HARD GN TIM 111A.I011.
get_your money buck if not cured. GOo a box. ab --...
as to bow he should avoid his dint- ,recent supper in South Africa, was a. owe
tee- buttermakere can score their
P3002 of goods? By (IIC USA of
t le holes large enough to receive the
cll dealers or ltrotassmtnerse .t Co,Toronto. caul • . Among the assembled officers at a. line --1- --- -- .be as carefully done as possible. Dig
e no gleam of light -no inkling It 3 I.
Dr siChaq•eN Ointment culties-no knowledge of what would tvery pompous, self-opinionated Ma- been a gTeat help me. Good fee.
product everydayto, which hes roots without crewtling and cramp -
0 ,..3 e
be best to be don,. s jsw, whose rank conunanded for him, g Take out a few spadefuls of
The a respectful hearing, but whose ha.b- judgment, cleanliness, and a trier go -
earth: ilil it setae rich, well decora-
ful about her. Ile did repeat it, and He saw one thing eere- plainly.
1.0144 Caraven looked up with an present state of things Could not it of instructing his brethren in ter,
a great way in making good but- posed manure, not too much, but a
intredulous smilelast long. It was impossible to matters military both in and out of little; return the earth taken out
"The shadow of early death in her think Calully of each a life les Hit- DAIRY HINTS.
season made lum rather unpopular.
and then plant the trees. Do not
eyes ?" he said. "Raoul you ave. dred`s--always unhappy, always Captein IV— and the mlet the manure come in contact withajor sat ,
side by side at the table, and the ,trallt the milk through Turkish the roots. Do not dig the Tattiest
growieg sentimental -I do not under- lonely. Re renventbelod how with tlte
stand it," saddest 3.0100 144. had ever heard she 'martial potentate voiced his opin- toweling. This is a new idea but faster than you need them to avoid
Sit- Raoul would not contiatue the Said to him one day ; The cap_ a good one; try it. Care should be the drying out of the soil, and give
lions in his usual manner.
conversation; but, afterward, when "1 never feel so entirely alone as stain bore the infliction humbly for had in washing the toweling the water if the earth seems dry. Keep
the portrait, which Nona a gem of when I am in a crowded Maya. season; thentaking advantage of mune as in the care of any eloth the roots out of the tom and wind
artcame hoMehe asked Lord ball-room..•11. pause, when the maused in straining. jor wanted to and eut off all bruised roots. Read
Gaay-elf to look at it. Ile understood why -this brave, talc° breeth, he said, very complete-
- , , ,"
Use the best Turkish toweling you back the three thoroughiv. If it is
"See for yourself," he said, the noble soldier, to, whom had loon ently and IrrelevantlyCan buy.
perfect contour of head and face, given the delicate instinct that "Do yob know, major, I met a.
the beauty of eyes and lips; then reeds a woman's heart. She mimed man this morning who would gladly
see now utterly sad they are. One the love that should have been hers, forfeit; two hundred and fifty dol..
longs to .ze0. the lips smile and the Her noble, womanly nature revolted Jars for the pleasure of kicking
eyes grow bright. I am not e, man against her fate. She dielilced the Yell*"
of many word% Ulric, but I should lmsband Who lost uo opportunity of "Kicking me, sir!" roarecl . the
not like a wife of mine to hate a shoWing how little he loved her, angry major; "kicking mei J must
face like that."
The earl laughed lightly, but he
did not quite like Sir Raoul's re-
marks, The portrait was hung up
lens with tole of her earnest
nature, inuet deepen ,into hatred.
What then ? Sir Reoul WV that
things must grow worse..
Dreadful Case of it
Doctor Wanted to Burn the Skin With a Red Hot Iron—Patient
Was Cured by Dr. Chase's Ointment
Mr. Alex. McLean, Tarbot Vale,
V.S. writes :—For two years I.
worked as sectiomnan on the Do-
minion Coal Company's Railroad
between Sydney and Glace Day,
ti S., and during that time was ex-
posed to all sorts of wea,ther. G r a-
u all y my healtha=failed, and f be-
ta/De it victiun of protruding, piles.
At first 1 did not know what my
ailment was, but consulted a doctor,
and though he treated Inc for piles,
they 011 1 y grew worse.
-1 was forced to gi‘e, tap work and
return, to my home. My suffering
could scarcely be described. I could
pot walk or lie clown, but While the
rest of the family was sleeping 1
'Would be groaning and aching from
• the excruciating pains.
"Again I decided to consult a doc-
tor. This one stripped me, and said
the piles would has e to be burned
with a red hot iron. 1 shivered at,
; the thciught of burning the IleSh, and
told him 1 could not think of under-
going such an operation, 'so he gave
'Ine some salve, for which he charged
me two dollars, but it did not do
me any good.
'1 was in a ileiper.tte condition
and had given up hope of ever
being freed from this dreadful suffer-
ing when a friend told me about
Dr. Chase's Ointment. He said he
had seen so many cases that it had
cured that he would pay for it him-
self if it failed to cure.
I "My experience with Dr. Chas'*
Ointment is that (ho first applica-
tion did in More good than did
the two doctors, and it has Mede
otos as, well and as free from piles' a.s
'any Man. Since being cured I work -i,
`ed during the winter in the lumber
;woods and experienced no return of
my old trouble. I am not putting
lit too strong when I say that Dr.
Chase's Ointment wasworth $1.00
a box to me. You are free to use
my testimonial for .the :benefit" of
others, as I feel it my duty to make
known this great ointment.'.i
Dr. Qhase's Ointnient, 60 cents a
„box, itt cull dealers, or .13./0.n.lailsO4.,
ez co.. Tor000.,
ask you to- mention his mune
"But the fact is; major, 1 am not
sure that .1 ought to -tell you," re-
plied the captain, wih *ell -assumed
caution. ,
tBut I insist on knowing his name'
at once, sue" ahouted the eruculeet
officer, now red with rage, •
"Well, ;sir, I suppose' meet tell
you. It was a, poor fellow in the
hosPital, who has lost both .lais
legs by the but of a shell,'"
Modern chemistry has produced
such changes in thecolorings of
many of our stones end minerals
that it is possible to itnitate Many
of them to improve oroo nearly all.
Any colored onyx ca41 be obtained
by simple chemical processes, and
the common dull colors of this stone
can be converted into brilliant hues,
thus greatly increasing the value.
Not only can 'the whole stone be
made to change color, but sections
and lines of it can be • made to as-
sume a i•ed, black, yellow, or white
or black. Agates arc -easily convert-
ed into au oily, x-1 i IIO bstance and
character, whidh:Japidaries USC 101'
COI134 3', hie the ',„rcst is pi:re white
cameos and intagliOs.
Before churning, cool the cream
slowly to 58 degrees.
Never churn in a very hot or a
very cold room.
Have it as near 60 degrees as pos-
Never 4411 the churn more than halt
full; it is better one-third fell.
Always use a thermometer and be
sure it is correct.
Not, all of us know how thirsty
calves get in the bot days of sum-
mer. Just try giving them some
fresh water now and then. You will
branched, cut the branches oil one-
half, to a good, strong bud, leav-
ine the middle shoot the longer.
Plant slightly deeper than in the
nursery, incline the tree slightly to
the northwest, fill in the sod and
pack it firmly round the trunks to
protect. from injursr by mice and
grubs. .
• 4-
Doseleign-"Why do you insist up-
on the new pastor being a fat
man?" Deacon Broadaisle--''lle
cause fat, men are generally shore.
"Why don't you git 44 Panama. hea like rad'?"
' ""Tfo common ! W'y Cie horses'll be yvearin' 'em next year,.