HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-9-25, Page 2\r,
Are Indifferent to All That is Vital for
Time and Eternity
pr V,74114.4
ieeeeieseee Ni=
TAro4s9, 4
cause be is a hopeless leper. ' She
hear a aini toss restlessly aaeut
upon his bed. $ae heare bite the
more readily because she is sleeping
in a, pearby room, at the foot of
Na.amanis wife's bed, or in a,n adja-
mit room t9 her raistress. Tben she
beers the general and hie wife talk-
ing of the cause of Neatean'a treu-
bie. $o one clay she timidly pulls at eig Twee ioleRSERY.
ber mistressSkirts and says :. "Mis-
tress. why do you not attire master Sim is only bah a mother who
seek the prophet 9f Isreel ? does not see her own ehilatin every
would cure him et hie leprosy ri
iThen the horses were laitehed to the Oite of our best writers saye: "A
?f) 11011SE1-111L0
fs =teal 'US. It le spreed eheigetio Teen the iourney was ta_ hik1brought up without the
hroughellt votaaranitY wolY by the en to the fareoff prophet's home. huowledge of pet aulinals, ie
leprous genii on one pbysical body
being brought lute contact with an-
other pbesical body when the latter
dcisflateii fro= Chicago sae's: is conflation fee-ore:We for the
Frank D itt Taimaeie •.developreent
ed from the following .text: THAT expRogs oRReo
gangs, v. 1, "Ent he was a leper."
The Syeian ettioa was a mtary, `Thus iu the lazi!.i. house established.
Here. ray brother, ie the Christ- tam
ry being, no atter if there be
Wes dety. The humblest alai of brothers and sisters; while a, ebild
God can perform it. The service ren- that has animals to teed is uever
dered to the grefte geeeral by this quite Won%
lathe phial you. cen render to the The iguorance aud mistaltes in
until lepers arouna you., I ant doi feeding ebildren appear little short
ing no more than thee front the pea of diabolical in their intent and ef-
pia I am teiliug you where there leas. it ls a. far cry from the stu-
*wawa with ail tbet the word hea 'in New Brailswicl" Candi ln 1865, fl, cure for this fatal disease, liew- Poi unteught Mether who feeds her
plies, awl caption Neemen was the it was found by investigation Gott ever great you may be, if you have /Rasing baby at the table with sail-
commejader,i/12,chief ot ea tis arozie.9. every one of the ninety patients con-
, in your nature rage, baked beans and pichle, varied
the beedquartees of wiiich were, to irtaltlit within that lel:imam hesPitai , with sips of +stong coffee, to the
be foetid ta the Danaaeees eenitei al coetracted taw disease of lep- THE GERea or sea;
painfully well -I -earl mother wile
Birt Naethiro wielded a higher infix:- riis.,' withir a radt'tis of saveotY I say, as dal the Hebrew maid : nearly banishes pleesure front her
that) that iota% betotihs even neiles froin the point where the first "oweold ued you would go to jesue. ChildrereS lives for fear ot passible
to the greetest aeldaer of a Rai:Mk-my kase of iCapadien leprosy was dis- ter ne would retere you hiht, twiny ieraut, Tee phreso heed teel;coverefl. Convinced of its infectious to you as aid th t htime preacu„erh sten ea, s a t sugar A teginniug of kleiney trouble lies
a e .. mI
inspired inishotert ea great mate et:erecter. Dr. Emerson. who Was for I who one aortae, day, started Cbar. had for children. It is, on the ene the fact that peopleespecially
with Lie inaster t»idlogionable,"1,nianY aeatt in the elaPleY o the liar' les H. Spurgeou upon ins glorious trery„ one of the roost nourishinw' w°tile°' do rot drink enough water
Phey tumberhuls of
iondiee -that he Leal aositIon more i'vi'aliatt Govertirtent. gave as his testli well; when he Cried man, articles of diet and taken hero with poor ClOWn ice
over them Aou
bt * cup sugar for
one quart. apples. Acid one cup wa-
ter, cover elcaely, and belie eeveral
hours in a moderete oven. When
red, take out the apple arid, put it
into hot glase jars, drain of the
syrup, aed let it boil up once, then
the jars with syrup and seal.
Ilard winter pears are good prepered
in the same way.
Barberries with Sweet Apple.—
Halt a peck of barbernes, two quarts
molasses mid one peck sweet apples.
Pick over the barbel:1'10S to remove
the stems and leaves; wash them arid
put on to boil with water eumigh to
float them. Add tbe inolaeses ettd
cook meal the berries are tender.
While these are cooltiug, Pare, quar-
ter and core the apples. Skim out
the barberries and cook the apples
ir tile syrup, as raany as ewe be
cooltera conveniently. When tender.,
put them into the jar with the ber-
rieshe and boil tsyrup down until it
is thick, Pour it over the mut, and
tbe next raornieg heat all together
again, and put away ie. a large
stone jar. Scald it eceasionally and
it Will keep without avaling.
Paitisrful iti the huagiloM thaa the I,' t4tttas i is 4 r Y. th (
alidicte4 wtth doubts gild *roubles, fo9c1 a$ quite wbolesome. Not so,1 '
beta of the path teoliati the prime ifight the leprini$ ilisease in Arai othe logic. to Jesits I Leek i Look a* hewever. In the form of sweets eaten meal' but at is We -0
orthou no
gjz4i:stor. er tee ,!,t.cietary of etate or Per Fay then by ivoletion. "To ex- him y Qn bathe hi hhhht,u .b1004 h at sh hours ht the hay. ihhe id of water. tchithll preventhey. digeetiou.
lar y of the treasuty. mid be „Val -towel, eald he, with this will you bathe now ? WM you go ,, more thou doubtful composition. and indigestion being a direct pro-
of do i
his telia;ary successes. soma or ane anfectieus theery Is dome -owe. Teo eeceed fact about the t f amour d t f m awe emcee of water sipped in the moruaug lena
al of thee t
A tumbler
hell tbrough the prestige ,se.ouriie int artY other theory than to Owlet and be epirituelly gured e Children. shoeld be instructed and 1 ninter of hlelneY iltensa•
euro o age o per or i _ e„., - ,,, „ a ,
ieoilies in ate own per- 'ed:lets insanitY."
- Irthe leper Naalnan with which I ' el hindnees to visiting gnestsi eueli; u:e" t"e'''' IanrIsi,us'"- g* ae" h'
san„ es great paellas often), n , As the disease of lepreay is fatale would imprees you was that Blithe, tee opening and eosin g a door for.in.g ) ' are teCentreett e y p ya
Orieritel Mode. Be oveupied pre-. 47 infetitlOUs. eo are the leProus the prophet, told lam to go und them, picking, up anything that WWI °ail" TrY to driuk. 46 litti° Wa'
tically the eame position in the Da- fternls of sin. The evil which is bathe in the river Jorden. lie die be dropped1 t erciwiliug vier/alter as possible with reeale
matis capit that te Duke o . but take
eefa ef „ Tv *thin . eau no
shall dwell within others. not tell aaamen to go und bathe :Wives rudely upon them. They ;ial ' „ * i
Weillugton ocetweed otter tile bat- The wrougu we do egainst our own in a pool. He dio not tell him to should be carefully trollied to itimele l'""°te "'rig'. This rule pereisted
lirgtoeby the overthrow of the tea -;sine whicl. other.; shall do unto told Nieman to go and dip in the one's bed chamber. A disregard oi l month, tile complexion 711 pal/roue,
efter day, mooth after
tie of Wateriou. The Duke of Wel- .eeliree ere tilde apt to become the wasti out of a email leasin, leelisba at the door before entering any
. .
poleimic dyeasty, pot (mai became then:slaves also. and US thiS lace- Jordan, There ben would have plenty this etiquette Is frequentlytte othwnsi the general health lOsv
ceese. Wae
minister of lendbut. tion implies that to ecatter the
of room. The river was so wide Loth, annoying to visitors who may bet ter drunk with meals shook! be elp-
prinie leng,
tw awhile toe recta, induential ,geries of sat we must ecene le con- deep that Nieman could wade into' surpriseil when in the act of fireese ped, as welt as A S11 ag Y''
Stotesuttut in all Europe. .
tiiet with others. is it net a. start." it up to his thighs, olde eheuiders. Mg. Even very small cbildrea at
Leprosy. humanio sopa/degis an 'hug reflection that the people WhOM his chin. He eould dip bite a again be taugbt this courtesy, as well as
EAST INDIA rIcm...o.
itriewitio allecese, Seiezitiste ever ewe ere most liable to destroy by land again and ahemai
u to-cley, as some other pointssuch as risang vi-
site:le eastern, began leave been study...1'01er sins are those who MAY be near- with Neiman. I would hid you who spectiully when a stranger or old Slice a head of wbite cabbage,
tea the ototend menet of lads fatal !,('St. and dearest to use it win ho are eos ered with the wake of lea. person enters the room, to give up equal cputotity of sliced or ellopped
deatroeer. Although most playa- the mother. herielf stricaen with rasa. to wade dowaluto the that of . the moot to
• infortable seat. uearest ,ctieuinber, a few small ouloue. rad -
lent iiii the east, it is coneued to me ,,leiniesii of sin. Wile will destraY het' life, I would, bid yneu to dip iuto, the fire or light, and to avoid pang isli pod, green peppers, green
ciimete mid al peemier to no oge. ,iitiari dieeetiteri the father, hit; own that river which dawn trent out of' Mg between others when tenting, or grapes, nasturtiums. eta Break the
retie or condition, A reen v, -ho late 014 MO brollbor hie Own brotherthe throne of the Lambliecauee it between tlieni and the fire, and to cettliflower into bits, slice the pep-
pers, onions and redieh pods; seed
the grapes and sprinkle all with salt,
and put them together in a. large
wooden mixing bowl, and pour boil-
ing water One them and let reman!
hi this brine NW days. Then dratai
thorooghly and put into vinegar
which has been prepared as follows,
the Zepraus peieen Lie eiceiteni lets the wife ter Aster. handreal ties is a wide river, it is a aver 60 apologize for au occident or whit
to tAtie from rtiki'te le must, ;gird e14ttputii0ttShtp wIB onin active , wide and deep that all of its can take.
grow %Tom and worse tintillh to facilitate the trenemissloit of enter it at ono, side by side ewe Rest is areumay which may be
a (aims To That GRAvr:,, lide•aany infeetiou. therewill eta te enough water to given to babies in heroic doses,
hi, is iihuhaihe as that iheease 1 Leprosy is to be foune in the cleanse us all from our with only the happiest results.
hhi Ttcsii1 eaiher huh which honiee of the rich mid the Peer iwould have yOu wade to -day into Keeplug a, baby continually in the
oil a, haw test (hitt ito 1441„aus Ulna, AT in the Paliwiej In the the. river .of because I want to roora with a, noisy group of older
I t _e ta iei, 'hovel I at tihi 41150" gai I e take yom ha.nd in Mae. and. as people. frequeut Iturdling and caress-
Illnta' terrible are theee dietelase las Ve./1 41.1 in !he guitt s t r. l' or 11/r1,7,* your enstoe clad Mend, / went to ing. and, aboe.e all, the fashionable 1 two or three days before: To every
that ihohiehhih conftns thoushhis aeare the wornd suproeed that ep- eater this Saviour's river, so that 1 exhibitiOn of its Unusual precocity 1 tivo quarts of vinegar put in au
rosy was able to thrli e only In the ,eleo can b clamed f ra v s: e and letellectual ac ui em - •
un.ible to Cure! How stertiing 1 . „ , — , e e , , * • e - , -- 0. Y ta it an. . 6 r oohs to ad ounce of ginget root, one ounce of
hahh is the ihrithe statement thoh p.stilentoal allies lane mine uet$ oi by your side and have my flesh and Miring friends, add greatly to its long peppers, two ounces of alieed
:the eaSt. That suPpositiou woe yours. like Nei -oilmen. 'Weenie as too commonly inherited net in. onions, half an ounce of temerie,
i1e. eoul may be aillieted with such i
di'- - 11 1 to , d hot an totally wroi;g. Lerrosy may origin- pure as a. little child's. afy dear ritabilityo .
- , ally Mart among the low social out- friends, leprous with sin, will you "11 a child has swallowed any-
,— ,
lUilirailleIlt. Sin is a leprosy. lain
iee eiei 'meta but the hum -Pim germs can let me lead you co tbe river of thing that will not, digest." said u.
iii a 'Palle". af the r3eal gaa'wliat "' lac and Gnaw under the dezeling eternal cleansing ? noted physician, "particularly if it
Re vital% Sin is the forerunner of , ,.. , , ,,„„.,„„i ei,„rhum us
Is ellen), let him eat immediately
etignal deatb. There are men to- aritih as hi " triie"s"arth 'alt.' 01 the two or three pieces of dry bread.
day within the sound of my voice . e„.„h hovel et
Tbis is very apt to surround the
who iu Bath, own strength have been "'"
lightiug ein for the Iast twenty or A CRIMINAL'S RF.TREAT, object wallowed with a tont of
coating. in additionlet the food
thirty ewers. But as you grow By handling the coin which is pub-
. • fax several ds be more solid than
usual and under no circumstances
give purgative raedicine. The
chances are that the child will feel
no trouble from the carelessness."
Whatever the Boers though of Lord
tillner in the early stages of the
weeeer Ike power of our sin is hely used in India it traveler mny1 war, there is no doubt abont it that
growieg etronger. God have pity eeeome infected wttli leprosy, some he is Low almost us popular with
upon you, for you are a doomed per hoeing handled the same coin., them as is Lora Kitchener. He nev-
Lear. You are doomed by IePromi By simply tot:01111g it rock at the ex' losees en opportunity, when his
foot. of which a leprous beggar had official work is done, to mix freely
But thotieb from our starelpoint ere/lilted, a wince, arrayed itt all the with Boers of all classes. and his
leproey io Winnable. yet the 1+34'0119
robes of royalty, may be -geniality and perteet frankness al-
es re cleaned by tr. divine Pow. 'come a leper. ways enable him to Win his wey to
er. Itereforeit is to Christ anti iteeklees and indifferent was the at- the hearts of the people he chimees
to Christ alone, that we mast iooli titude of the people of London dur- to meet.
for the cure of in. The moral 10- ing the great plague about two ecu- Li 1897, when a good man was
er may go with confidenee to iihriettulles ago. Ainsworth, the hastier- needed for a Miceli. mission, Mi.
whin cured the Phrsital lepers by o• Ian, tells ins that during those bar- Chamberlaia said to Lord Sal/s-
word. When the ten lepers calm it/ rowing and gruesome months the bury:
the Savior pleading for help, Christ London stores were nearly all closed. "I have found the right man for
tureed and *aid: "Go show your- The doors of the private homes were South Africa."
aahes unto the priests. And it 'nearler all harm!and bolted Sa.V0 "So have I," replied the ex -Pre -
came to pass as they went they were when they were opened at the ap-' mica
demised." Newnan, the great cap- proach of a bell ringer who was Somewhat surprised, the Colonial
tain, was helpless in the bands of seated upon a pile of stencbful Secretary continued:
his human physicians. On account 'corpses because he was out driving "ely man is Sir Alfred Milner."
of hie wealth and fettle Nauman ,,the dead cart and collecting the dia "So ie mine," answered Lord Sal-
raust have had the best doctors the fereet bodies of the dead. Yet at isbury; and the interview closed.
royal court of Damascus could sum- that time in London there were, men Thirty per centof the people ot
mon; but when Nacanan, obedient to and women who whistled and laugh- Leading Miu•kets.
the divine command through Elisha, ed and danced and sang and blas -
went and dipped seven times in the phemed under the very shadow of ---a------
river Jordat his flesh became like these horrors. The noted wine cele CHEAP MARRIAGES. ,
the flesh of a little eluld. 0 my
brother and sister, you who are
cursed with leprous sin, will you not
come to the divine fountaite Will
you not bathe in Christ's blood?
IVill you not to -day by the Calvary
cross seek supernatural medica.-
Leprosy may take a very long
time in which to fatally develop, al-
thoughsuch is not always the way
the disease progresses. Sometimes
the scourge in a. few months may
change a beautiful body into
but the quick result is the exceptiou
and not the rule. At this first
touch of leprosy usually there may
only be a hardness, or rather a
numbness, of the skin in a spot
about the size of a. ten cent piece.
The skin at that one place merely
turns as white as snow. If you
know nothing about the disease, you
may not worry about it. You may,
for a long time, be indifferent to the
numbness. Then, some day when
you are in a physician's office seek-
ing advice for some other cause, you
may turn to the doctor ard say:
e"By the way, doctor, I have a very
peculiar something the matter with
ray tand. It does not hurt me, but
It is numb in one place." Then the
physiciati with a grave face will
look at your hand. Then he will
take a pin Mit of the lapel of his
coat and prick that spot. Then he
will turn and say: "You are a lep-
eti Yon are already doomed, al-
though death may be years away."
But, though leprosy may come itt
a seemingly harmless way, the dis-
ease for four, five, ten, even fifteen
years will keep on steadily spread-
ing. It will spread mail the fingers
fall off from the hands and the toes
from the feet. It win keeP on
spreading until the skin bloats and
cracks and the hair falls out. So
leprous sin, comir.g in a seemingly
harmless way,- will keep on spread-
ing until it makes the face hideous,
the body deformed. It may keep on
spreadir.g for years until at last the
fatal leprous sin will destroy the
body ae well as the soul,
Leprosy Is an infectious disea.se. Tt
is infectious as the scarlet fever
laza of the aristocratic homes were
broken into and rifled. The churches
and the cathedrals were robbed of
their pews ancl puirdts, and turned
into dance halls. There the young
men and young women Would ca-
rouse during the Ione hours of the
night and day as though this awful
London plague would never strike
them. They would dance and sing
and blaspheme even while the driver
of the dead cart was wending his
way through the deserted street
ringing the bell and crying : "Bring
out, bring out your dead i" They
would laugh and shag and blaspheme
even when one of the dancers would
drop at their feet with the fatal
mark of death on his brow. They
would laugh and sing and blaspheme
even while they were throwing the
dead bodies of their late companions
out of the open. church windows
where they would fall into the gutter
and lie there poisoning the air until
the dead cart made another round.
So there are naen and women spirit-
ual ler ers living in the homes of the
rich and poor alike who are as ut-
terly indifferent to the approach of
eternal death caused by sin as were
some of the inhabitants of England
during the wholesale slaughter of
human life in the great London
plague of
But, though the leprosy of the
soul, like the leprosy of the flesh, be
a thee:Ise beyond the reach of the
human soul,. I would again draw
your attention to the fact that it
yields to the touch of the Divine
Physician, as the affliction, of Naam-
an yielded at the .Tordan waters,
And there are especially two or three
incidents about the physical cure bf
Naainan with which I would drive
this -.truth home and lead you to the
fountain of life. The first was that
he was induced to travel from Da-
mascus to the home of the Prophet
through the influence ofa
little captive Jewish slave bring
awake upon her humble couch as
night after night she hears the great
Syrian general tramping up and
down in his palace TOOLOS. She
hears him groan when he is awake,
She hears him moan in his sleep be -
A man can be married in Mel-
bourne cheaper than in any other
part of the world. Ministers ad-
vertise in the papers against each
other. One minister offers to unite
loving couples for $2.62, another
for $1.87, and so on down to 62
cents. Li some cases wedding
breakfasts and rings are supplied.
Candied Apples and Quinces„—Pare
wad cut equal quantities of apples
and quinces. First cook the quinces
le sufficient water to cover them,
till they are tentier. Take them
out and cook the apples in the same
water. Put in a jar or kettle a lay-
er of quinces, then of apples, till all
are used. Pour over them syrup
made of ialb. sugar to One ate quin-
ces, dissolved in a little water, and
let it stand over tight. The next
day heat them thoroughly and seal
in cans.
Saving the, Frosted Ones.—IVash
nice, ripe apples, or those new and
partially frozen. Put into dripping
pans in a hot oven with a little wa-
ter, to prevent burning. When well
browned, sprinkle a spoonful of sug-
ar over the bottom of a jar, and
pack closely a Myer of baked ap-
ples, then sugar, and apples, tili
finished. 1 have seen a. barrel of
frosted apples so saved, and they
were delicious. Keep in a cool
Canned Baked Apple Sauce.—Fill a
large bean pot with sour apples
pared, quartered and cored. Sprinkle
Don't you think Miss Antique is very
"Hardly; but 'she's well preserved."
sweet ?",
two ouncea of mustard seed, mixed,
and one tablespoonful of valerY Seed.
To prevent shoes and boots squeak-
ing put a feW drops of all round the
tame between the uppers and soles'
with a mall all can.
All traces of mud enn easily be re-
moved from black clothes by rubbing
the spots with a potato cut in
Built by the Pullznaet Company in
the Year 1866.
The iirst dining car WaS called the
Delmontco," of couree. It must
ha.ve resembled our present beautiful
dining ears but slightly. Built by
the Pullman Company at their pio-
neer works in Chicago, it was put
into service in 1866; and after a
short but distinguished career, des-
cended to the position of boarding
car for constructors along the line,
but it did rot come to this, of
course, until great improvements
had teen made upon it in subse-
quent iaiodels. It was befit in two
sections, ivith a kitchen in the mid-
dle. One eud was reserved for lad-
ies and here no smoking was allowr
ed, but the other end was a. buffet
arrangement and got itself nick-
na,med "The Beer Garden" before it
had been In Service many moons.
The floor of the car \VMS uncarpet-
ed and the seats were ordinary low -
back coach seats, upholstered in.
leather. The car was finished In
walnut, but the ceiling was covered.
with oilcloth. The provision supply
store -room and refrigerator were
under the centre of the car, and ac-
cess could be had to theni only by
means of a little brass ladder eus-
pended from the side of the car. It
was rather a precarious adventure
for dining ear employes to make a
visit to the larder while the train
was in raotion, inasmuch as there
were a great many covered bridges
and other obstructions along the
line in those days, which would un-
doubtedly • have swept, them irto
eternity had they not timed their
trip down the little brass ladder
strietly according to schedele. The
kitchen, was supplied with an ordin-
ary soft -coal range. Still, in spite
of all 'these peculiar disadvantaees,
the bill of fare for that time was
considered most elaborate. -
• The most interesting -thing, how-
ever, about the "Delmonico" was the
way in which the employes kept tab
OD receipts. Wlien a passenger en-
tered the car the conductor handed
the waiter, who was to take care of
him, a, small paste -board ticket,
which the waiter straightway de-
posited in a padlocked tin box in the
kitchen. At the terminal station
the ticket agent came into the car,
unlocked the tin box, and with due
ceremony "counted • up the hoese."
The conductor and other employes,
while not being required to give an
exact account, were expected to
make att approximate check in ac-
cordance with the number of pas-
sengers served. Talk about your
graft! Are there any opportunities
like that nowadays?
The Dronk grass found i/ the
Transvaal has the effect of making
cattle and horses quite stupid and
sleepy, ,
Text of the Limon, quarterly
Review, oioe,:aeins,Text, Dent.
Lesson I.—The giving of maxim
Clew zoo, e-15). Golden Text, tiatt.
11, "Giie us this day OM^ daily
bread." If we would MS the people
oi God please Him, we must remem-
ber that in Hita we live
end move and lime our
being, that He giveth life and
breath and all things and that in
his Mind are our breath and ell (on
ways (Acts. Neil., 25, 28; Dan, v,
23). Therefore without a noinetur
we simuld gratefully accept day by
.day aU He mods Or pereette to come
zncldeiir, foeir). on Him in His word
Leeson 1L—The 'Pen Ceveinatot
mente—duties to God (Ex -
Golden Text, Luke x, :47, "Thou
alien love tho Lord thy God with
all thy aeart." Bemuse Be 4e -
livered them item the bondage fel
Egypt by HIS great power that they
Might for their own happiness and ur
tbe haereneas of °there be a special
people mite Himself He wake theft
whole heart1 and no true lover would
like leSe from one tie 10Ve11.
Leeson 111.—The Ten Comman4.
enentaeuluties to men (Ex. xx,
?":1L'ToUuQsilideallit loilerthyt4nteViltr ltt)eif
tbyteelf." Taw Goteen Text tells us
the cmly way in which we can shwa
to man that we love aQa is by lov-
log our fellow Men.
Lesson aVe-allioraitiping the gold.
en calf (Ex. =AIL 1-ti5). Golden
Text. lax. NX, 3, "Thou sbalt hove
no other Gods, before Me." One et
the most amazing things recorded
in Scripture is the love end the long
eutTerieg of God. and another is the
great sinfulness Of man. Those
people who had said to God, "Ali
thitt Thou sayest we Will do," are
seen iu 0. few daye malaria' an idol
and catalog it their God; yet He
beleelecrnith ta.bernecie
xl. 1-38). Golden Text, rs.
"Enter Bite nis gates with thante.
and into Hie comae with
praise." Althougb they were each
as tliOy were and He knew them
thoroughly, yet He commanded it
tabernacle to be built that. He
might dwell in it among them. The
Lord JeSeISP was ludeed the L1410
tabernacle. God manifest in the
fleelt (Hob. ilia 2; I Thu. M., 16),
and now each believer is a, temido
of God (X Cori, J, 49, 20).
Lesson VL—Nadab and MAMA
(Lev. x, 1-11). Golden Twit,
Thees. v' 6, "Let us watch and be
Sober." God had sent from beaaen
the Aro to consume the Savvilie°
(chapter ix, 24) and had appointed ,
tbe way in which everything should
Ito done. but these men, like Coln.
diseegarded God's way end preferred
their own waY before the Lord, and
before the Lord they died...all in
our churches to -day that is not of
God may be counted strange fire.
Lesson VIL—journeying toward
Canaan (um. xi 11-13, 20-36). Gol-
den Text,' Ps. x-xxi, 3, "For thy
xittnie'S Sake lead rnen and guide me.
God never left them although they oft
provoked Him to do so, but the pil-
lar of cloud by day and of fire by
night was their faithful guide and
oracle and shield. Moses seemed in-
elined to lean a little upon his fa-
ther-in-law. but la that he was
Les*n VIIL—Tleport of the spies
(Num. xiii, 1-13, and xiii, 2S, xiv,
4). Golden Text, Ps. xl, 4. 'Pless-
ed le that man that inaketh the
Lord his trust." This looking to
see if God was as good as His word
and if the land was what He said it
was gave no evidence of faith in
God. But because they desired to
send the spies God permitted them
(Bout. i, 20-23, and we see the re-
Lesson IX.—The brazen serpent
(Num. xxi, 1-9), Golden Text,
John in, 14, 15, "And as Moses
lifted up the serpent itt the wilder-
ness," etc. There are many fore -
shadowings of God's way of redemp-
tion, such as the shedding of blood
and the coats of skins of Gen. iii,
21, and the sacrifice of Isaac in Gen. io
xxii, but none more suggestive than IL
this of the serpent upon the pole
to which our Lord refers.
Lesson X.—The prophet like eloses
(Deut, xviii, 0-22). Golden Text,
John vi, 11, "This is of.a truth
that prophet that should come into
the world.0 Every prophet, priest
and king, as well as every sacrifice
aud the whele tabernacle and its
ritual, all foreshadowed the true
Prophet, Priest and Xing, the true
tabernacle, the true and only Lamb
of God, of whom the Father said.
Hear Him!
Lesson XL --Loving and obeying
God (Taut. xxx, 11-20). Golden,k.—...
Text, John v, 3, `Tor this is the
love of God that we keep His com-
mandments ' ' The New Testament
comment upon this lesson in Born.
x points us to Christ, who is the
end of the law for righteousness to
every one who believeth, the only
one who ever truly loved and obeyed
God and who becomes the righteous-
ness and the life of every believer,
Lesson XIT.—The death of Moses
(Deut. xxxiv, 1-12). Golden Text,
Elac. xxxiii, 11, -The Lord spake un-
to Moses face to face." The great-
est of - earthly Prophets died; all
kings and priests die; it is appointed
unto men once to die, but our great
Nigh Priest, Prophet and King
tasted death for every man, died,
rose from the dead, is now at the
right hand of God iu heaven, crown-
ed with glory and honor, and will
come again to restore all things of
which Moses and all the prophets
have spoken (Heb. i, 1-3; ii, 9; Acts
iii, 19-21). Every believer is one
with Hire in the -glory, shall take
prelargtninwiththei monfirst in rmesus7keientaiodnoni. an
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