HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-9-25, Page 1FIFTEENTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1902. iterilleeekeneeneeittetera .,,erente ienete eern telorelle tektite.. ESS .0QQDST Jibeline Dress Goods, 48 in, wide, French make, very fine weave. blade mid nevy. was $2,00, Oft which we got a cut priceniow $1.40 a yel. _ Jibeline Dress Goods. 48 rn. wide, beautiful finisb. French make. navy and broevri, was 81.75, hot to clear at $1.20 a yd. A bargain. Sibeline Dress Goods, 48 inwidein black, naenr, brown and green, lovely shadee, with brilliant finish, at MO 0. yard. a i Vstei Snitinge. very hevy, bright jet black, 58 in, wide. a L40 a yard. iae inked Suitiugs, 57 in. wide, pearl finish, jet black, very henv eight, at 81.25 a yard. e 'fittings. reS in. wide, hest weight and woke, splendia tialom end warp. black, navy.light, and dark greynnew Maltreat Voce% eel. vim ;settings, 58 in, wide. Made, light itnil fink greys, brown, best value in the trade, Vote. a lt 'Acts. Sultings consist of a big range of different gouils which we bot. to clear and caret Ire duplicated, nt tem. a yard, See one New Big Stock of Dress Goode. POPLESTONE 41, GARDENER. 0013P1ee. Moves k Randall's clothing is the best. One door north of. po3 oaze, ANOTHER SUO- assFuL FAIR • LARGE CROWD IN ATTEND- ANCE—THE BEST EXHIBIT IN YEARS — RECEIPTS A- Au.oarrEwro NEARLY $900 - The South Huron Agricultiwai So- ety in connection with:the Stephen Irshorrie -Branch held one of the most successful snows tbat leas ever been lield in Exeter. Owing to the ey catchy weather of late ?patsy feared that an impleiteant break 1 the weather 1111104 CEOS() Ital results but it proved otherwiee and the OVen Wm, Witzel; carriage borses,4. Load - roan, 4. F. Reese% R. N. Rowe; single: eitrilage norse, Wen. Kinsman, J. Hunter, A, J. Robinson. • Rteeerneetee. Brood, mare. .T. C. Sheardown, W. H. Elliott, R. Allan; /OM, Shea:Mown, A. Bissett, S, Davis; three,yeer-old, J. Geiger, J. Mc. leet, J. Sanders; two,yeenold, j. Me - Kee, J. Moir. J. W. Patterson; one - Year -old. Witzel, P. Madge, Moe. Foreeythe; roadsters, W. T. Acheson, Wtn, Hanson, M. Gardiner; single roadster, W. R. Elliott. A. Dancer), T. Foneeethei Saddle horse, Jno. Wood, A, Q. Boioiee; Into driver, Mts. G. elc. Mies Violet Russell, J. Deenen Jadge. —Pet. Farrel. Wocestteek. CATTLE,. Titonteroguern DMIU.--4ge4 n cow, IL Smith I mid 2. de Hunter; 8, yeete e •cow, 11. Srnilh„ onter. U. le:heath; 2-yeateo4d-heifee Smith I it b. NV. ill go on recordt as one of the best '1"1112` heSil"r4 vet- held in town. During the ft) noon the live stoce begeu to arrive I -lege numberarid were protamtly as- gneil, and ;shortly after 'mon crowd people from both tile town end tb untry rowed about began to pour it a sternly etreetu Mail late in th eerroon. W1WE there must reeve Wen le R. Elliott; heifer calk H. Stunt), J. Reuter II. Smith; bull calf. 11. n 4 J. Molten IL Sinith; beni., It Smith, 5 11 firAllE24S„—Age.4 cow, Pliineas Hun - tee. Tito.; Slug -nun ke Son. H. entwor. t.1 thy; noyeereild heifer. T. Shapton k Sone 1 and''g.,-yearadol bW orer, . Weeteett. 11.Ellweirtliy. T. Sheldon Son; I -year-old heifer. W. Weeteott. ne Sharma; &lc Son; heifer calf, T. Share ton ke Sun, I and 2. ATnentnne.—Cenv. R. Williams; ben •fer eale R. Wains 2n1. JEnanY.—Cow...Telin Stimlake. I and 2; 2-yeatoold heifer. te J. ilogerth. 1 j d 2; 1-yeamil4 heifer, J. Stenlake rid 2; heifer calf. nos, Paw: Irwin rotetteng; ealf. J, Store:eke. Poulin 4.11,:itiVat.— Heifer e44 1. Williame. Tinenigh 2ln SlirerSighl in toting the Pale15 Tirenbee we tiid not inenstre the nouniee de prize winners for , Butcher.: and fiereford Collo:troll the shWt) mei the tomb hernia Leen tele - en to Siesitortb we shell be ebligeil omit them this week, hot they will ap- pear nest. PIGS. Yonne:atm. —Agee Boar, In Bizet. I boar, I Fear, R. IUiii, Woe KO; boar I littered in Ilea R. Web, I. 2 and 3; aged sow. R. Benin sow, I ever, W. Earl, R. Birch. 2 and 8; sow littered in 1002. R. Melt I aid 2, W. Mel. TaerWeirril.—Aged War, IllaEP lit- tered 11102. aged sow, sow 1 yeee, ow littered liXe, J. Douglas. Fon P.i.ratmo.—Piga for paeking„ F. Dottglae, W. Earl, It. Birch. Dino:km—Any laved, R. Birch, Doughty, %V. Earl. Judgeencieorge Green, Fairview. Ards of 4,1,00 people 4111 the grounds. '1 iwElmie WES it very animated one. The Palaee irr49 erawded to diecomfoort I the afternoon with admixing sight- ers. Here and there and evetwwbere teield ;warn the voice of the vett. rSo peewits. grapes. tralltlie5 and and other tootheome delieaciee, tint; the stray voles from the old and young. And ate etowol was every. whew moving too and fro. some nint. lessly.others with the brisk toeventent f people with a definite obeect in w.Griee-heired Wfmilered bout fnim pletee to place looking at vezething onal mentally coot:waving all CUT VillifuesFefl a century ago. Tioe y000nag man taint his best gorl WES there. and lois 111311fle WES !won; and coy domes and sweet 6111110S and ten- der looke rewarded his tresidumis forts Le mitre her entufort and pleas- ure. Aeld the jogai, happy, eare.free children were preSea, running about iI1 every direetiomeager to See all that was gainer aud antbituons to moms all the pretty things eolleetable on a fair day. Tile indoor 41;tillity WELS par- tionlarly good. Th. !, bandiWOrk 'eat the ladles was a distinguishing diameter- istie on an sides of the pelnee and the trait Wee probably the best in many years. The root and vegetable exhibit was large and of an excellent quality, Mille the poultry department was a prominent and ottradive feature. In the flied every eldSS WES filled and it en be safely said it was the best show of horses Exeter has Me Sem both in entries and superior elites of animate. The ring as ;taunt NVIIS the centre of attraction and the entertainment was good The 2.25 trot or pace was con- tested by three 401111318 and a very retty race it was. Hodgins"romnry F. IL weut m and set the page for the two first beets with Pat Ellerton in the first and Afolly /1. in the seeond in lose pursuit In the fird and 4th hc'ats Molly II. came to the front and won two straight heats with Tommy H. a, close second. The race finished in the fiftieth heat owing to a termer of rain aud the horsemen agreeing to allow Molly IL 1st place, Tommy F. H. 2nd and Pat Ellerton Urd. The 235 trot or pace was watched with a good deal of interest There were five in the fidd, four of which iota to swal- low the dust of Joe Stanton, owned by T. Murdock. Remain who took the money in three straight heats, though Freddie Lee, a four-year-old colt, own- ed by Mr. H. Bossenberry, Grand Bend, was always in hot pursuit, and made a very pretey race. Following is 11. SU 111111ary:- 225 class. MollyIL. Mat:arty& Son, t. Marys 3 2 1 1 Tommy F. T. F. limigins Denfleid1 1 2 2 Pat Ellerton, Dosseriberry', Zurich, 3 2 3 188 class Joe Stanton, T. Murdock, Mensal' 1 1 1 Freddie Leedit. Bossenberm Grand Bend2 2 2 Lucy, Wm. Runt; Exeter 3 8 4 Nettie S., T. Skinner,Ifitehell 4 4 dr Joe 1310s.gom, J. C. Enapton, ..... 5 3 The concert in the evening was largely patronized. but the perfor- mance—well it was simply deserving of such plain speech that if .we at- tempted to draw on our feelings we should be compelled to say some rather harsh and uncomplimentary things, but this we may say it was simply an imposition on the pnblic. We are sorry that tbe manager of the Opera House was as meanly deceived its the public. The music, howevenby the Davidson Orchestra was excellent and decidedly varied the monotony by interspersing very catchy and well renderPti airs. Following is the list of prize Winners: HORSES. Ladies Dress Goods Fancy Wrapperettes and Fancy Waists OurNew Fall Goods ,,Z1111".0erhyere 41.11.d 81'014O.to•alate in way m Newest Faneies and Style Features. We bought the very best the market pro Vo duces and if you want to test this Store's preparation for fall, you cannot do better than look through our stock now. All are here for your benefit, whether you care to buy or ROL New Fall Underwear Underw u4 for tlw LaUe ul New Underwear for Men & Boys. ------••--At Alt Prices— lettes We have a good line of up-to-date Fla Relate m stock in assorted coloring's. Grocery Department.—Mr groceries will always be fond fresh and complete in every line. IIIIIIINIONINININNOMIMMINOMIONMONIPM~MIN 1 wish to announce that the business will still be carried on as heretofore and ,that every effort will be made in procur- ing the best (rood and in giving our customers the best values possible. Thanking my many customers and friends for their past favors,1 again solicit a share of your patronage. Dirs. W. D. Yeo, Oddfellows Block. 'ottONET TO W.&X. Wehavaunlimiteapdvato 1und for az- vestruout upon farm or pillage property, DA lOvIest rates of interest. DICKSON & CARTANG, Barriaters, etc., Exeter, mONEY TO LOAN. rhave a largo anunint Of private funds to lean on farm and villtage properties at low rates erinterest. . . Barrister, Main Street Exeter ERNEST ELLIOTT Ileai Estate and Insurance Agent • Farms and ‘tillage properties bought and sold on reasonable terms. Several dwelling ill3USOS for sale. Lands in all parts of Manitoba and the North-West 1' for sale. .......isawalmn.••••••••••••••••••.,es slaw FARM TO RENT OR FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering for rent Or for sale that desirable hundred acre farm in the township, of Bay, being Lot 8, Concession 1, London Road. The premises are conveniently located to Exeter, and are supplied with good buildings, large orchard and other conveniences, Alt"rnOrrHoritaun, Ray P. 0. 100 ACRE FARM TO RENT. In the township of Stephen,being Lot 0, Conces- sion 0. There is on the premises a good frame house and barn, good fences, a windmill pump and maw; other conveniences. This is a splendid farm and will be rented at a reasonable figure. Apply to CX,ARIT, Executes Crechton, Ont. --HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE. Thelindersigned.is offering for sale that desirable hotel situated at Devon, on the London Road. This hotel is in geed condition, and is 2/ miles south of Exeter. This roan is largely travelled and for the right man chances are good for a splendid buSiness. Theri There is a good stable n connection also,* acres of land. Possession given immediately. This property will be sold cheap. For particulars, apply to Dimon & CARLING, Exeter, Out. FARMS TO 'RENT• . The undetsigned is offering tNio desirable fifty acre ' farms to rent, the south half of Lot 17, Con. 4, Step- hen; and the East half of Lot 8, South Boundary, Iray. The Stephen farm .has good frame house and barn, well watered and fenced and is in a good state of cultivation. The Hay farm is suited solely for pasture. Both vill be rented for a term of four years and at a reasonable rental. For particulars apply to atIAS. Box, Executor, Exeter, P. 0. Sale Renleter. SATURDAY, Sept. 27. —Household furniture, etc.: the property of Geo. ;Verner, Insolvent, Metropoli R tan Rotel, Exeter. Sale at one o'clock. Jonathan :tremor, Assignee; Ed. BosSenberty, anct. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1.—Fain i Stock and ments, the property of Jerry McGee, Lot 18, North ' Boundary, Bickluiph. Stile at one o'clock. IL Brown, auct. FRIDAY. OCT. 3.—Farm stock, implements, house hold furniture'etc., the property of Hugh Clarke, Lot 6, Coa. 0, Stephen. Sale at one -o'clock. Brown, Anat. WEDNESDAY, OCT. s.---Fartn Stock and Iniple. mentsr the property of Flank TaN,10,,,, Lot 9, con. 4. Stephen. Sale at one o'clock. H. Brown, Allot. WEDNESDAY, OOT., 8—Farin, farm stock and Ln• plements, the ptoperty of Mrs. Thos. Cornish, Lot 17, Con. 8, West Boundary Blarishard, Sale at one ()clock, Jas, White, Auctioneer, GIRLS WANTED. IS anted about (50) fifty more girls. from 16 years of op and upwards, ran make /rent S3.00 to $17.00 per week. Steady work. Apply at once to Tun 11cC4runcx Berm &Cent:tummy Worms. London Ont. Amm.••••••••• I/WOE LICEXSE ACT. Thke notice that I have applied to the License Cofll1lhj8-jOf101, for South Huron for permission to (i-anskruw 'Rotel License in the village of Corbettto Albert Moser, of the Village of Dashwood. Any ob- jections to saad transfer must be made to the License Inspector not later than the first day of October next 1902. .7,4.Onts Strannoctr. FARM FOR SALE -50 ACRES. The undersigned is offering for sale his lifty.ftere farm, situated in the Township of Hay, being the West half of rete, Con. 9. There is on the premises a good frame house and barn, two acres bush, a good orehanl and it is well watered and in a good state of cultivation. For partictilars apply on the premises, or by mail to Loris lions, Dashwood, Ont IMPORTANT TO HOG RAISERS. You can save money, time and feed by keeping your pigs dry and clean. They will thrive better and keep healthy, Make the hog comfortable and he will put on flesh. You can do so with a very little 1 expense by erecting (Pedler's Patent). The Elevated Moveable Pigs Bed. Simple of construction, make it yourselves. Send MO in registered letter for farm right certificate and plan of construction to Patent applied for. Jens Psotsa, Exeter, Ont Township of Stephen—Court of Revision. Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Act, by Ms Honor, the Junior Judge of the County Court of the County of Duren, in the TONVI1 H11, Crediton, on the sixth and seventh days of October, 1002, at ten o'clock a.m., to hear and determine the several COM - plaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of the Township of Stephen for 1002. All persons having business at the Cotat are re- quired to attend at the same time and place. Dated at Crediton, this 10th day of September, A.D., 1902. 'HENRY EMBER, Clerk Tp. of Stephen. Village of Exeter—Court of Revision. Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Act, by Honor the Junior Judge of tbe County Court of the County of Huron, at the ToWn Hall, Exeter,fron the 9111 and 10th days of October, 1902, at ten o'clock a.m., to hear ttnd determine the several corriplaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Titunicipality of the Village of Exeter for 00) All persons having business at the snAd Court are required to attend at the said Mine and place. Dated at Exeter this 20111 day of September, 1902. GEM Brscrr- Clerk of the Village of Exeter. 0 HEAVY DRA.EGPIT.--Brood mare, Ben Smillie, H. Dinsmore, W. Brock; foal, W. Brock, 1st and 2nd, H. Dins- more ; three-year-old, Dickson & Son, J. Creery ; two-year-old, J. Gardiner, Dickson 85 Son, J. Beattie ; one -year- old, .T. Beattie, 1, 2, 3; team, R. North- cott, Jas. Patterson, C. Httek.ney. AGRICULTURAL. —Brood. mare, Jno. Duncan, sr., S. Hunter, W. H. Mcir- lock; foal, Y. Creery, J. Moir, J. H. Morlock; three-year-old, W. Hanson, G. W. Wren, S. Stanlake; wo-year- old, W. Hanson, a W. Wren, Tchn Hey, jr.; one -year-old, Sohn Duncan, SI'., W. Delbridge, J. Thompson; team, Jno. pecker, J. R. Patter.son- GENERAL PURPOSE. --Brood mare, Wm. Delbridge, W. Fotheringbarn & Son, D. Golding; foal, J. Mole, J. Pat- terson, D. Golding; two-year-old, Jno. Rollins, Jno. Decker, Jno. Rollins; one- year -old, R. Birch; teatn,T. Handford R. Birch, J. Roeder. • Dow's special. —Jas. Beattie, W .Brock, j. Duncan, sr., Chas. Goclbelt B. and Gr. Williams. CARRIAGE. --Brood Mare, 'WM W'it- zel, Chas. Carnochan, J. Kent; foal, R. Hicks, J. _Harding, J. 131atehford; three-year-old, J. Essery, A. Bissett, J. C, Sheardown; two-year-old, Wm. "Vitze , 3. Esserv, L Johns; one-year- ld, Wm. Delbridge, Chas, Carnochan POULTIM Light Bralunas, Carling Bros, I and 2; Dark Beehmas, Geo. Irwin, 1 end 2; Barred Plymouth Itoeke, Carling Bros. Ilissette White Plvinoth Rockenron Senior, Geo. Bissett; Buff Rocks, J. Senior, Irwin; Buff Cochins, G. Ir- win. 1 .ind 2; Black Cochins, G. Irwin. Silver Grey Dorkinn C. C11111004 Week red game bantams, PhillerlS Hun- ter; Duekwing bantams, Irwin; ony varkty bantams, (e. Irwin, C. Camp- bell; Silver Spangled Hatuburgs, NV. Carter; Golden Spangled Ramberg% IV, Carter; Silver Pencilled liamburgs, W.Carter;Golden Penefikel Hamburgs, NV. Carter; Black Hamburg 1V. Car- ter; Maidens, W.Corter; W'hite (Vest. ed Black Polands, Wm, Carter, G. Ir. win; Golden Polands G. Irwin, NV. Carter; any variety Polands' G. Irwin land 2;White Leghorns, T.Douglas, G. Irwin; Brown Leghornssrose comb. C. Campbell; White Leghorns, rose comb, W. Carter; Bulf Leghorn% C. Campbell; Black Java, G. Irwin, An- daInsions, Thos. Brock, land .Black Spanish, T. Brock, G. Irwin; Black Minorcas, G. Irwin, T. Prior; White Minore,as; Wm. Carter; Silver Lace Wyandottes, W. Carter, C. Campbell; White Vtryandottes, 3. Senior; Golden Wyandottes, W. Carter; Red Caps, Sno.BowdenoBronze Turkeys,T.Dong- las, Geo. Irwin; White Turkeys, W. Carter; any variety turkeys, J.I3owden Toulouse Geese, T. Douglas; Wild Geese, A. Bissett, R. Williams; Bre- men Geese, J. K. Wise; Pekin Duck, G. Irwin; NV. Sadler; Rouen Ducks, G. Irwin, J. Bowden; Aylesbury Decks, W. Carter, O. Irwin, col. Pigeons, G. Bissett; col. singing birds, Mrs. jarnes Richardson, A. Bissett; Belgian Rab- bits, T. Brock; any variety rabbits, a Anderson, G. Irwin; Pea, Fowl, G. Ir- win. Bums BRED rs- 1902.—Light Brah- tnas, Carling Bros.; Barred Plymouth. Rocks, Carling Bros., A. Bissett; White Plymouth Rocks, W. Gardiner; Bnif Rocks, George Irwin, Joseph Senior; Buff Cochins, George IrWitl; black breasted red game, Carling Bros.- any variety garoe Carling Bros.; bled: red game bantams, G. II. Bissett; Brown red Bantams, P. Bowden, H. Speak- man; any variety Bantams, G. Irwin 1 and 2; Silver Spangled Hambergs, W. Carter 1 and 2; Golden Pencilled Homburgs, 0. Campbell land 2: 13Iack Ramberg, W. Carter; Golden Polands, G. Irwin 1 and 2; any variety Polands, G. Irwin 1 and 2; White Leghorns, 0. Campbell, GI-. Irwin; Brown Leghorns, C. Campbell; Brown Leghorns, rose comb, 0. Campbell; Buff Leghorns, Heywood, C. Campbell; Black Java, G. Irwin; Audalustans, T. Shapton 1 ancl 2; Black Spanish, T. Shapton, J. Bowden; Black Minorcas, C. Campbell, G. Irwin; White Minorcas, W. Carter, G. Irwin; Silver Lace Wyand'ottes, W. Carter, G. Heywood; White Wyatt.- dottes, J. Senior 1 and 2; Golden Wyan- dottes, W. Carter; Brenze Turkeys. J. Bowden 1 and 2; White Turkeys, W. Cotter 1 and 2; any variety Turkeys,; G. Irwin; Tout ouse Geese, T. Douglas Wild Geese, A. Bissett, R. Williams; Bretnan Geese, W. Carter; Pekin Ducks G. Irwin; Rouen Ducks, J. Bowden; col. singing birds, Mts. J. Richardson, A. Bissett; Belgian Rabbits, G. Irwin, j. Senior; any variety rabbits, H. Spacktnan, .T. Senior. Judge.—W, E. 'Hogarth, Plensall. IMPLEMENTS. Top buggy, W. J. Millar; single piano box cutter, McLaughlin eiTg Co 1 and 2; Portland cater. McLaughlin M'f'g Co 1 and 2- Iron beam plow, James ANDERS EDITO: Murray; wheelbarrow, Jas. I)-' 11.1 FR4C-ILE:6. E Arty Crawfo rental -4g Inn McCormick 1 and e; gang Powell, W. Sadler ; late Cra plow, J. Murray, I and 2i turnip ped- Thos. Ifavykins. P-Afeal‘n, DwesnMianflwde211FulemaPTIW2%.Trelic2rlierilki"4);1 o'f,ci3ani4nearir. R. leyild, tele. Jobn Kerr 47. Sou; brick, J. Kerr a. wise ; tioney in comb. A. Isic, k.S.9;:eca'lal,--W. J. Millar. Geo. Rook, ni, ra. Bagshaw ; home PbeesonW . . Bagsbaw ; honey in jar, Judge. -11 MeNicluil, keirwile noi ..e vanes. a Anne* lure. .tora ; DAIRY PRODrer84 t healed Pickles, Airs, jos. Itichardeon, '4 lbe. butter, W. Bagstotev, Attest S. Wise ; vanned vegetables, Mrs. Jos, Bishop, Jan Jeckell, Fred Hortartb 0,Richarileme. te, Melee ; collection of 10 lbs. butter., Mies Biebop. Robn ' canoed fruit. R. Kydd. S. Wise. le -de, wm. peobale. John Decker ; Judge. — F. Metcalfe, Blyth ; D. butter, pound mile Bobt. Iiydd. T. i Frencin Mama, 0S444fPeerrbeluagti-earmr: l'°.itell't'n131 lettrrilla: 1.5 .St7i °Si:ILI 37711°7: J.T°. vIeN1:11S4hel;;;NXIIZIOnAe4(flt reUirClitaEitr; Alf: /Frei:he: butter, A. Q. Bolder ; cheese, To• loan, S. 1,Vise; ilannet, all wool, S. NVise; sLy:iintlgttAx ; cbeese, home -wade, en litc,okets wool, S. Wise, T. A.Gleaden, Judge—Wm. Scott, Prneetleid. GRAIN AND SEEDS. Fall wheat, witite. J. K. wii,,,e. Beelltour; fall wheen red, J. K. Wise, S. Wise ; epriog wbeet, AL Beethoun S. NVise ; 0 ro;ved barley, entrlor furniture. R.N. Rowe. W. e, M. Brelbour, J. K. Wise ; 2 rowed , tlizetan; 1:Mellow fireoituee. NV. C. 'melee.. S. Wiee, M. lerethour ; large.' Ilustoo; stuffed birde, Alex. edePlier- epee, e„ K. wise, en teeneone ; cone son; bittrel fine e;elt Ireeter Sine worke; mon oats, J. K. Wise, S. Wise ; black. Fat tory mello welt, Joo. Muir; Fay - oats. J. K. Wise, M. Errthprip i my., tory tweele. Jrio. Muir; Factery flee - bushel timethy Ff'04.. A. AlcEwen, , net .11144, Moir. Feetory briehete. Jno. M,„ peettione ; flax seed. M. Bretboine Muir. Aseortment, uf eweetts. W. VC'. S. Wise ; merchant's 0 inr. Harvey : Taller -Mt iii4 Sttlielt ear:leen, it Ii. Rens.. let & .1rod ; white beans, S. Sweet; cured loam, T. Prier, Mos Jas. Wise. Y. IL Wise ; clover seed. en ,, Tel$11 hest colit'et'oa store goods, W. Rretholor. J. Rader : coll'ection grain W. Ti ,' wan; ..t,‘,..tiartaa.et.t ttpf en !water in ear. J. K. Mee. :M. pteorhollr ; pa, 4 !gala, lloe,..• at 1 5oylor; bekeire becai siiagp corm Geo. Rank. .T. Rader ; ' 3. T• °Teen. ,;, -. . Foilink specoal for speltz. M. Mott:roue. ', J lodge.— Won. .,;:ratt, t:- i. Judge.—W., R. 14 Vet I, Ea.'eter. FINE ARTS VRORTABLES L'ontlerape jinni!. Mts. W. Ilele, Mrs. Amerman Wonder poiatORS, W. R. ' re, t"eienletni,1„; litneen Feetete :t.t 0511, e, tee, Wm. Sadler. V. R. E. Trott ; Ill'IR all 6-4% (4. C.:414104:"* .24An: R. Ir. ; Boaillity taf tiehnee petato. t etripme• v. wen tilr,. tteie; true piurit,.. Pearl of Savoy potatoes. Won. S•ooller; Itgall'"-3 ;.;i 'n ” srgl.e la '12", „ " Umpire State. Joao, R. Potter. _'.j1.-1 1. , ('3ontobell. ".,„L9.• Hee; 1,1r.onthr'-o.f.,"P Blasi' Ilistett, ; Red Elephant putaleeD, Won, in niiP NM 4103% Mr.4., leaMPIZeig; liiialaitC* 8341er : earmen 'S'e. I. palate, J; ..b Mg on eilk in oil. teret Bele. Miss L. Better ; Rural New enorkere, Wm. Symington; celleetion in water colorfi .. Sadler, A. Bieeett ; any variety pata. 1,i Alen ih,10. MilF5 L. Symington; km toes, 'in. Settler, Jute Deeker ; win- fANAPP,, eolone Mies lielte N. It line - ter cabbege, NV. R. II Trott, Wm. dim; figure painting itt water crolors, Sadler ; fall Calabege. Mts. Ilawnine„ Mee. C. Camplrell„ late. Bele; flowers NN . R. E. Trott ; blood been:. M. Bne in water colore.Mre. itele, C.Campltell; thonr. I.ewis D:ty ; globe !vete. 1,V. animals in water conies, Arne Hoe; H. AlcCreeken, F. Teiebner ; sug,ar mom plaenne. Ain, J. n•Intes mrs, beete, W Trott, Rev W et Niartineong Mra. Bele; jardiniere er fern bowl. mapped% W. et. Alceneeeen, W. pm,. Arre flelte tray, Alre. Ilene ornament. hale, C Pe TM globe mat -wain W. H. hand painted. AIN. Hole; ecdteetion of McCracken, F. Trielmer. J 11 Potter; chitin. Alee. Ilele; Pluitographe, Jos. Senior 1st and :lade- bale dreesere work, Mies Fedi; solleetion oe coins and curiositiee, Geo. Andereor. let and 2nd; collection of etempe, Geo. Antler on. C. t'atimbelL Judge.—Jno. Biggine, Ilencefield. CHILDI1F.N'S DEPARTMENT. !knurled hanilkerthiefe, beef dozen. Wm. Earle, Geo. Manson; darned socks or etockiogs, Wen. Earle Geo. 'Afauson; crochet work. In wool:Rot*. Geo. Anderson ; Sweet Turnips, A. Kydd, NS re. E tele; erocliet work in MeDonalin, Nti'm. Sadler, Robt. Kay ; i cotton, 'Wm. Earle; hest dressed doll. turnips into other verlety, L. Day, C. Hy. Kraft, Roht. Kyclit; doll's clothes, Pyin. 2nd and fled ; pumpkins, A. Rota. Kriel; fancy pin eushion; Wm, Eissett Jno Decker ._. squash, W. Trott; Caulitlosvers, W. Trott, W. Mc- Cracken; onions red, W. Trott, V. Bit.- uey -,_ white or yellow onions, Jos. Baavden, NV. Trott ; Tomatoes W. Trott, J. .A. Stewart ; Celery, 'Geo., Anderson. W. Trott ; Citrons, el , Trott, F. Triebner ; parsnips, IL Hus- mg, M. Crewe -nom Horne made hotge 11 blankets. M. firctioonew Creighton; Woollen yarn. te. Beethome S. Wise; cotton temp. T.A le:adenine; eewinte Machine, Williams Mfg, 06, Singer Mfg. Co.; ornate Belt Gegen Co ; intermediate. 'W. H. McCracken. F. Hunter, Geo. Rook ; horn curate, W. Trott, Joseph Bewden ; Nantes carrots, II. Gregory, M. Newcorrthe long orange or red carrots, NV. Trott, M. NeWenntilo white or yellow field carrots, M. 'Newcombe. John Chad - ton : Weer earn; Brethome Mtn. Tom;3. Indian e0111, John Bowden, ABA Brock ; water melons. W. IL AlcCracken ; nmsk melons. W. Trott, Lade; plain sewing by cluld ;ruder S years of age Robt, leydd; work by children under le veers of age, R. N. Rowe, A. McDonald. LADIES' WORK. Rag carpet, woollen warp, S. Wise; ag carpet, cotton warp; Mrs, Tom, J. K. IN ISe; rag door mat, hooked, Miss ton. W. reott ; eollection Of "ge* Symington ALBeetbour• rag door tables, W. Trott, Geo. Anderson, L. mat, sewed; Mrs, Tom, L. MeTageart; Day. rag hearth mat, hooked, Mrs. liele. SPECIAL. — Pickling cabbage, A- - Jno. Dignan; rag hearth mattsewed, Bissett; squash, W. el. McCracken, Miss N. Tom, Mrs, 3, Tom; pair wool Geo.Anderson; whole pickling onions. socks, 31. Creighton, Mrs. Hele; pair Geaon.smAnoderson; white radishes, Geo. Manson. Judge.— joseph Atkinson, Tucker - smith. HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS APPLRS.,—Winter apples, F. Trieb- ner; fall apples, IL Kraft; Winter • apples, J. Hunter, las. Ford; fall apples, any variety , H. Gregory'; Rhode Island Greemngs, Miss Bishop, P. McTaggart ; Northern Spies, Wm, Fisher, Wm. Bagshaw ; Roxboro Rus- sets, Thos. 'Yellow, Jno. Blatchford ; Spitzenburg, Jas. jeckell, A. Ale- • Ewen ; Baldwins, J. Hunter, Geo. Bissett ; snow apples, Wm. Fisher, W. Trott ; Gravensteins, Silo. Potter, It Huston; fall pippins, Geo. Sam - well, W. liagshaw ; colverts, Wm. Fisher. Geo. Bissett; king of tomp- kins, P. MoTageart, Wm. Bagshaw; alexanders, Wm. Fisher, Jas. Ford ; Canada Red, A. Bissett, Miss Bishop; Ribston Pippins, Jno. Decker, Jno. Potter; Wagners, Thos. Smale; G..Pippins, F. Triebner W. Fisher. blenheim pippen. A etc Donald. W. Trott; duchess of Oldenberg, W. Trott, A. me Ewen; wealthy, Sohn Gill W. Trott ; ontario. S. Powell, Wm. Earl ; ben davis, A. Bissett, W. Trott; gol- den rubsett, John Decker, J. Ranter; maiden's blush, F. Triebner, WaTrott. SPECIAL.— Crabs, Will. Sadler, A. Bissett ; crabs, A. Bissett. PEARS. -- Flemish Beauty, Jacob Rader. L. McTaggart; Duchess of Angoulime,IA. McPherson, Sohn Gill; Emirs Clairgeau, A. McPherson ; Olapp's Favorite, L. McTaggart, F. Hogarth ;Bell Lucrative, A. S. Dea- vitt. Sheldon, Jacob Rader, Mrs. New- combe; East Beurrp, A. S. Deavitt, A. McPherson ; Louts Ronnie de Jer- sey, Thos. Brock, Jr., Mrs. New- combe; Beure D. Angou, G. A. K. Macleod, Carling Bros. SPECIALS.—Bartlett pears, Carling Bros., Thos. Yellow ; Setzuma plums, George Manson; Mann apples, S. J. Hogarth, Washington, Mr. C. Campbell ; Imperial Gage, Joseph Bawde George Manson ; Duanes Purple, Thos. tlrock, Mrs. Newcombe ; Lone bards, S. Powell, C. Campbell; any other variety, A. Hooper, Thos. Brock ; Abundance. W. H. Mc- Cracken ; Pond's Seedlings, W. H. McCracken ; Grand Duke, S. Powell, 1. Arrostreng ; Masa Seedling, Car- ling Bros., Geo. eamevell ; Rein Claude, A. Hooper,. GRAPES.—ROgerS' No. 5, Rev. len M. Martin ; Rogers' No. 22; Jno. Mor- gan ; three bunches of any other variety, James Creech, wool stockings, Mrs. Jas. Richardsoni Miss Bishop; pair cotton socks M. Creighton, Mrs. Hele; pair cotton stockings, M. Creighton, Mrs. Role; pair ladies' wool mitts, Miss N. Tom, Miss Creighton; pair men's wool mitts, Miss Symington, Mrs. Hele; pair mens wool gloves Airs. Bele, Miss Syming- ton; counterpanes, knitted, Miss Creighton, Miss Symington; counter- panes; crochet, Miss Bishop, Miss Creightone counterpanes, tufted, F.. Hogartb, M. Brethour; patchwork calico, Mrs. Hele, C. Campbell; patchwork quilt, log cabin, 3iiss N. Tom, Miss Kestle'solk quilt, crazy work, 3tiss Bishop,0 Campbell; knit- ted or crochet fancy wool shawt; Creighton, S Wise ; man's shirt, hand. made, arcs Hele '- man's shirt, machine made, mrs Hele, 3 -no R Potter ; patch- ing, best and neatest, atm Hele, Thos Glendenning; darning on stockings, arra Hele, miss Tom ; Buttonholes, miss Brooks, miss N Tom ; best pair pillow shams, miss Symington, at Creighton ; one set table mats, miss brooks, miss Symington ; one set table doylies, miss Brooks, W. H. McCrack- en ; toilet set, 0 Campbell, ;,:tt, Brethour ; fancy pin cushion. m Creighton, airs Hele ; sofa pillow, :ars White, er Creighton ; crochet work, (twine) basket or hand satchel, Mrs Hele, At Brooks; macrame work, miss Symington. M Brethour ; toi- let special, miss teisbop ; patch- work quilt, cloth Mrs. J. Tom, M. Brethour; Patchwork quilt, silk, Miss Symington, Mrs. Tom; Etching, Miss Bishop, M. Creighton; Applique on Plush, AlisS Symington; Applique moasic. Miss Campbell, M. Creighton; Arasene, Mrs. Campbell, M, Syming- ton; Crewel embroidery, C. Campbell, 2nd only; Embroidery on silk, Mrs, lisle. nes. McCracken. EMbroidery, on flannel, Mrs. Hele, 2ticl. only; Sham stitch embroidery. AI, Creighton; Rib- bon embroidery, M. Creighton, M. Brethour; Buillion embroidery Mrs, Hele, 2nd only; Braiding, M. Creigh- ton, S. Wise; Wax flowers, Miss Sy- mington; paper flowers, Mrs, Tom, Miss N. Tom; piano scarf Miss Symin- gton, Miss Kestle; Table cover, Mee Creighton, S. Wise, whisk holder, S. Wise, M. Creighton, ottoman, Miss Bishop, 31, Oreigbton, painting 00 terra cotta, C. Campbell 2nd only; drawing room screen, C. Campbell; hand sereen, Miss Syining ton ; barmerettes, Miss Syrnington,C. Camp- bell; bracket drapery, Miss Symington, C. Campbell; penelope work, Mrs. Campbell; tidy, crochet, Robt. Kydd, Mabel Brooks; tidy, knitted; M. Ceeigh- ContinIted 07? Page 4,