HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-9-18, Page 8CLQTREI..
That give comfort, mate
411, e ,el f. fight and look
edapply them.
Fall goods and fall fash-
ions are in. Better select a
suit and overcoat now.
'. DOWN.
One door marth of Dr. Lug's.
C 1
orrn3l die hQ•actily ccirigraate .t the Tinnes on its deserved success
arty n
S G w t w e -h it abundant
Sa.g � in the past and i
all k of Lania
authorized $2,axlti,f100,00
Subscribed.. , . , .S1,3t10,000,00
President i cl inlev, who
was shot Miss Brickendon, of Clinton, is vis- i 9
`We, the yard for as fine range of down by a anarchis't at the Pain Argas- itingat Mr. a John Ha. Gregor, y's,
new American Alabama French
Flannels for Ladies'ew waists. erncan Exposition died, one year ago is visiting t
last Sunday,
tAeelc `
ve r. .
friends in London this
d d t
Rose, new Blue, n d Corrn a a lied- Mr. Saddler, of } uron College, Don- L a
Mr. Ed.l''ickard,of TorontQ,tsspeind
aril, Stewart's.
131u and ii n don, occupied the pulpit in the Trivitt inn a few days res ers Supplies
atStetvanrt's, � ys at his home here, .
Herbert Gregory lids t, ken tip the
study of law with Mr, J. G. Sta�tibury,
IRA laaege number, Of our citizens • are
taaking rn the Western. fairat London
this week..
Miss E, i'ai ingstune a young Canaa-
daan tatty, of \'nndeer, delighted the
audience aat Situpser .Axe, taliurcli with
her, sweet singing and Centicaal recitaa
trona.--Dettet t Free- Ryes.
As a general tonic for the system
and to enrich the blood, nodding will
equal 13iand's Laxative Blood and
Nerve Tonic Piiis. 100 pills in each.
bottle. Sold by C. Lutz, Price 50e,
The apple crop in Homo county
which bid fair to be an exceptional
one is noir seriously affected withrust,
sea,b and tonna to arid) an extent that
tete quanEtity fit for shipment will be
v cry Bunted.
Ton couldn't blame her for she read
about the lovely new Dress Goods a at
Statvaaik s, Then she went there aasntl
ordered a complete outfit --dress. coat
and swell hat, and she is going; to buy
her fears there too.
Time work an the sewer, south of the
Commercial Rouse, Is fast nearing
coria letion. much to the satisfaction The avkhill Gazette -Review of last
the driving public, particularly week says;-m•�►1Vhilst well boring Aper,
se conning in from the south. Rigs etioas were going- an lust week onn the
w at liberty to pass, farm of Mr. John Atmore, ;shoat one
t cattle from Cameron's biding and some
hire nniles from Parkhill a vein of gas
was c. • atof lad feet. and
't a• depth r< sstr�la>,.
ani boring farthergasand water were
elected. from the well with mucin force.
ikemoriaal church on Sanday,in the, ale.
sense of the rcctox•, Rev, J. 1' t'. Ten
Eyck, who is taking his holidays.
We are in receipt of a copy of the
Witkin County dews,, .published in
Cannbell, Minn„ containitag a lengthy
account of:the marriage of Dr. 11. P.
R('s`1 to Miss Claudia Oros, but the
lateness of the hour on which we re-
ceived it will not permit its insertion,
Suffice it to say the event, was cele-
braced with, more than the ordinary
pomp, beauty and eclat, and: was a
most gorgeous affair in every detail.
The Coal Trade .Journal in its latest
edition says there is no change io, the
situation at tIe canines. It declares
that the battle was lost long ago to
the men; that the old promised thecal
fvoan miners employed has root ben
forthcoming and that the younger ele-
ment who thought they could win
where, the older beards had failed would
discover differently through aa, season
of misery and sintering, The wane
lournal says that the consumer carves
ittle as to the outcome of the strike;
what he wants is coal at the lowest.
price. It add., that all alarm concern-
ing the coal supply for the corning
winter Is iiiosl� aiasurd.
i "arra nearly a thiel el as ten car
thirty years—the \V inglean3 Tisanes has
been at potent influence in the loeaality' •
in wrliich it eirctrt4at_es;tnt1 a bright and
newsjoa journal.
Everyone Las been showing LOY- i success for the future.'
A,LTY to the KING and now is an op- Master Frank 'Weekes has been size -
Fortune time to show LQ :.11,,11" to cessful. in capturing three Pint and
yourself by opanina; a SAYINGS three seemed prizes at the Western
NS V IG\ y v
'�, . account in the Q 'ERlt �a cin for his ger clever and
BANK� 1~. ata London, l
BANE; at EXETER or G'lalNrox, a'rtistie wart in watercolor paintings,
where highest rates of interest are ep and ink. slcetcbes and ornamental
paid on deposits of Si arttl tipwartm tetttkring., The collection is 'indeed a
NOTES tlisa=ounated at reasonahle ;est trrcdrteble one and the attest is to
rates. DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD. t Amended for his taste and sl;dll.
�:� ..,..le Case and his sister were
SI'EC'I,ti.:attt�nrima:giresa tcnfarrrarcra tis•avin� atlm"'tail`;JolOoloFart,Oil itrn-
aantZ cattlemen's horai,aess, day night a rig containing three }*oun;
' to i liiltslan r .
► • tg as overturned
er urn 1 aanct
t tr r a'ww o t e+a
-a e1wS t i
+ The u
.1.4"TF. .
., ; Gi a ;:rt:a. Ii;+rse.ats. BarillNE-S Tu. -1 noenftt, IEFlae c c ggy
a was
l~ W.faaLla.D'elAMM, F. E. EARN,
Solicitor. Ma+nage
lr ��7��
ita�•at► a�atsa!aaua*'a�t a�aa$
:,"t?w eyes (it„nils, arty :\Pelle
Ladies' new It,lglan oats and new
furs. All ready for you at Stew.
25a' in ;tcvanaee for the :~`nr tae.
to Jan.ist,1O0 .
An edneated foal is a bigger fool
than a an 'uneducated one.
Tills town has souse good laws but
n poor way of enforcing there.
Jonah must have felt down in the
mouth when the whale swallowed
Use Foot Ease for tender. tired, a eh -
ng er swoolen feet. Sokl by C. Lutes
Price 2i1 cents,
? s Lorenzo, the Prince of I'lonabina,
I41r. WeLie's comedy was delicious. --
Windsor Record.
When you tnrn over a new leaf be
sere you have something sensible to
Write on its page.
Sometimes you see a woman whose
word does not have as mach weight
as her aruscuits.
One way to make people happy is to
visit theta and they will be happy
when you leave.
Two vocal selections by D. S. Wylie
added to the evening's enjoyment.—
Evening Echo, Alpena.
Don't make a practice of borrowing.
Itis only a second-class style of beg-
ging in many instances.
Mr. D. S. Wylie's fine voiceand breezy
songs made an enchore absolutely ne-
cessary.—Detroit. Journal.
The fall assizes will be held in God-
erich this week before Chief Justice
Sir William Ralph Meredith.
Miss E. Livingston rendered a beau-
tiful solo at the Colborne street church
last evening.—London Free Press.
Mrs. A. P. Smith will receive in her
new home, Andrew street, on Wednes-
day and Thursday, Sept, 2.lth and 25th.
The tax rate for the village of lien -
sail has been struck at 10 3-10 mills on
the dollar 1-10 mill less than last year.
t31i. Ed, 'Meer arid Miss Bella Gleed,
of Lonclon. warts. in town Monday.
.Mr. D. �irlcox returned. from at visit
to friends in Bow maanville Monday,
Mrs. Jos. Peart, who has been visit-
ing in Toronto, has returned: home,
;Miss Edith Sanders spent Smalley
and Monday with friends in Clinton.
Fred Sweet left Monday to attend
the Collegiatei. Institute at Goderich.
Mr. T. B. Carling, after a pleasant'
visit in Toronto, returned Saturday.
?1lrs. Trevethick, of London, was the
guest of Mrs, (Dr.) Rollins last week.
Miss May Matson, of Clinton. spent a
few days of last meek at Mr. Hugh
Mr. and M•rs. Jos. Senior and son,
Elmore, attended the exhibition ;at
London. this week,
Max (hats, 1lynbnan. of Buffalo,
N. Y., is spending his holidays at his'
home here.
Mrs. (Rev.). Hannon, after .tpleaasaant
visit with her sou in Toronto, returned.
Mr. John McConnell. of London, bee
aaecepted a pesitioli in Ur, Jas. Gould's
cooperage here.
Mrs, L. Thorne, after a pleasant vis-
at- with her friend, Mrs. Dolman, re -
trended Friday.
Mr. Rcaht Sanders, who liana: lacca
sojourning At Griannd Bend, returned
Q towe Tuesday.
Mrs. R. lCni ht and son, lJrew, after
pleasant vis with frieiid�s ill LQiiticnn.
as It t
In applying a match the gas burns basietnnint+d.
aka tai R n il-
fireely and at night axe s q tea Yrs, J. G. Statnhury, who luta item
lundriatiQn. A number from town
sisited the well and enjoyed the no - ! e home lrMondas is Ill �i hitlay,l taavii-
city of seeing a large volume of natter', Miss Carrie Davis, who has been cat
tbefiw ll." This is the pipe
her home, Exeter Forth, returned to
the Sylvan Oil Co., Limited, conduct- London Wednesday.
ed a :perirnentel tests on soaato few: Mrs. 3. D. Atkinson, after apleasant
years .a ;o, but without success, visit with friends in Whngham, re
A roan will keep a horse for- several Word home lest week.
years, get all the good out of tans, and lir. Follick, janitor of public school,
then salt tum for as sung to a stranger, who has been on the sick list, is still
who will stttrve and heat hilni,aind pass confined to his room
him on to the snap man. Yet the lir. sytit.. Sxacl!'s condition has iali-
Qrigistnl owuer, who got the beast ;as 0, proved somewhat since our last issue
colt, and meg Man while~ he Was In inns acod be is now resting wisies.
rine. will tell you that he havoc dumb
tLeor�a;arlx;intsihr�a►wn intra the ditch. p'•� y" ,
7o tune Wats hurt but tLe Z: etcr regi But he does nottell not.
the trutlh.thrnHe
knows very well when he sells Ins old
four -footed slave, no longer able to win
the regard of a strange master, that he
e and abuse
torment :rid r
is selling him to
until the day of his death, The cyan
is a hypocrite who, haaviug worked the
life out of an animal, turns him over
to the ill.usage of strangers, and pro-
fesses to he a humane wan because be
was splashed and Jaack,s buggy also
iujnied to some extent.”—Hens;.dl Ob-
TheTheemicompanyc f local c pr its l
that was benne; formed in the town of
Clinton some time aen to Matto Mono -
factory of pills. tablets, troches, etc.,
is about complete and they have op.
plied to the 1)oininion government far
as charter. The capitalization will be dill not beat and starve bun to death
$ 8,009 and the directors are Dr. Ross, in his own suable.
of ;wtfort�h, Drs. Conn hold Shtaw, and coy Wanted.
Messrs emetic and 11eTaggart, of
Clinton. They expect to be in naming printing.snna9applty boy
this o! leeo Ieartl
shape by the first of the year.
watch audit Cbattt Lost -
The Literary Society of the Bute At (Grand Bend, Levett's park on
Public School held their meeting on Sept, ist,open face silver watch. Find
Freda y ufternoan lest, Sept. 12th, at er will be suitably rewarded byreturn.
which the followin officers were elect- lug same to W. hrr, eCrediton, or F.
ed:—President, P. Hooper; Vice Pres., �;, . Baker, Crediton East.
R. White; Editor -in -Chief, A. Wood; The Vatcst.
Sub -Editor, W. Carling; Critic, C.
Hogartb;'Secretary, telearileiteTreas.
biOtien doozr3in cfine tlol taens danadcnpea
men D. Dickson; Organist, M. Wood;
Lender of Glee tlnb L, Elliott; lues- ulo,extrlg'
thin Drtveh; G. lodgert; Committee, Drug ;hullo,
These will hold
goo annul Oct. 4th. N. Cress.
M. Martin, V. Rowe, %.Elliott, Undertakers' Association.
A Hayfield correspondent says;—Mr. A new undertakers' and embalmers
cr ria his
THolmanr', moving his £a a lF t society has been formed in Canada,'
week to their new Lome at Se.nforth. under the naive of the Dominion Un -
Their departure will be a distinct loss dertakers' Association and College of
to own village. Mr. and Mrs, Holnatul Embalmers. The following officers
were very freeand friendly .citizens and were elected:—President, E. 3. Hump
always ready to put their bands to hrey,Toronto; Vice President, Newton
any good work to he done in the coin- J. Boyd, Mitchell; Secretary,Jaines M.
munity. They identified themselves Taylor, Tilsonburg; Treasurer, Geo. W.
with St. Andrew's church and their Sponet;ourgh, Milburn; Executive, 3.
pew was never empty either at the 0. Van Camp, Mr. Dodds, Toronto;
morning or evening services. Mr. Alex. Broadfoot, Listowel; W. C. Hus-
Ffolman's teaching abilities are of a ton, Exeter; J. E. Lepine, Quebec; Dr.
high order and he has done excellent Elliott Myers, of Springfield, 0., will
work in the Bayfield school. They be the lecturer and demonstrator,
leave with the best wishes of their The Local Newspaper.
numerous friends at Bayfield. Senator Davis, of Illinois, is quoted
A number of the early risers in town for saying: "Each year every local
witnesseda very peculiar meteoric dis- newspaper gives front $500 to $5,000 in
play in the skies, Monday morning free lines for the benefit of the corn-
iest about six o'clock. With lightning munity in which it is printed. No other
rapidity an immense flame shot north- agency can or will do this, the editor in
ward from the southern skies aid as its proportion to his means does more for
brightness died out a light smoke -like his town than env other man, and in
streak was seen in its course. Those all fairness he ought to be supported,
witnessing it describe it as a very pret- not because you like and admire his
ty scene.A Forest correspondent des- writings, but because a local news
pa -
Bribes the phenomenon as follows: This per is the best advertisement a coin -
morning, about half -past 5 or a guar- munity can have. It may not be
ter to 6 o'clock, a large ball of fire, per- crowded with great thoughts but -fin
fectly round and about the size of a ancially it is more of a, benefit than
bushel basket, with a long tail ending • teacher or preacher.
in the shape of a huge fan,passed from
There was quite a frost Saturday the south-east to the north west. It
night and as a result sotne of the more must have struck the ground before
tender vegetables were slightly touch- reaching the lake, for as it disappear-
Photo buttons at 10c. or 3 for 25c.
Next door to Dr. Browning's Drug
Store. These prices will hold until Oct..
Miss Etta Kerslake, daughter of Mr.
John Kerslake, met with a very pain-
ful accident fast week by cutting her
left wrist severely.
The difference between a rich man
and a poor one is that one wants an
appetite for his dinner and the other,
a dinner for his appetite.
You may have a friendwho is wil-
ling to divide his Inst dollar with you
but it will take him a long time to
get down to his last dollar.
Theopen season for geese, grouse,
hares, pnttridge, plover, prairie fowl,
rail,snipe, uoodcock,and black squirels
opened on Mondaty last and will close
December 15th.
Miss Livingstone is anatural mimic
and the possessor of a beautiful sap,
rano; voice.;" We will all be pleased
to hear Miss Livingstone again.-Am-
herstburg 'Echo.
Turkish Scalp Food is the hest rem-
edy sold for itching of the scalp, pre-
mature falling of the hair,dandrufl',re-
storing color of grey hair: Price 50
cents. Sold by C.:Lutz, Exeter,
The Ilensall Observer has entered
upon its ninth year of publication and
wider the present management it has
been madeto represent one of our
brighest exchanges. We wish the
worthy editor every success in future
and that we may be able toelafw
brother Neeland as a conferer for a
long time to come,
ed from view there was aloud report,
as if a large cannon had been discharg-
ed. It waas seen by a great number of
Thoughtful citizens generally will
admit that there are too many boys
and girls who run the streets at
night.' In many towns the curfew
remedy has proved very successful
in guardingmgainst the growing and
dangerous evil of boys 'and even girls
loitering about the street until 10
o'clock at night, if not later. ` If an
example were made of a few small
boys it would he better observed.
Already 1000 cities and towns in Can-
ada and the United States have prise -
ed an ordinance when at a stated
time, in cases nine p. in., though
in some eight p.m. in winter, the town
bell rings and all boys and girls must
immediately get to their' homes. The
necessity for such an ordinance as
this haslong impressed itself upon the
attention of the managers and officers
of industrial and' reformatory `'institu.
tions. An officer for a state industrial
schoolfor boys says that official re-
ports show 197,222 youths arrested in
100 ofthe largest cities in the United
States in one year. He adds: "I feel
confident that a careful investigation
of this matter will convince anyone.
that at least 75 per cent. of those ar-
rests were
rrests•.were directly traceable to unlim-
ited street roving after dark. Leav
ip>r out of account the need of rest,
early sleep and healthy moral teaching
in the home, there towers over these
the almost certain destruction of pure
instincts and the inculcation of vici-
ous, soul-destroying thoughts where
children roam 'the streets at will after.
A Prize Winning Lot.
The Toronto Globe of Friday con-
tains the following concerning Messrs.
Bawden &McDonell's exhibit of horses,
viz:—"The admirers of thoroughbred
horseflesh found their way readilyto
the exhibit of. Messrs. Bawden & Mc-
Donnell, :of Exeter, for this firm have
become favorites and well known ex-
hibitors near the horse ring. There
Mr's..1. E, Barnes, who has been vis-
iting friends in Detroit the pact mouth
returned home last week.
Word bas been received that Mr, 3,
Il, y peck►uan arrived safely In Ger.
many the last. d of August.r.
Me. Geo. Seldon, atter a short visit
with friends here. returned to his
home in Ingersoll Wednesday.
1uliss Minnie Taylor, who has been
spending a few days at her home here,
returned to London Tuesday,
Ms. Frank Gill, after apeasant visit
with itis daughter. Map. Sw eet, of St.
Catharines, returned Monday.
Miss Lillie Rollins, of Detroit, who
has been visitingfriends in town, is
spending a few ays in Se:tforth.
ifissea Eva and Hazel Browning, af-
ter a few week's visit in Toronto and
Whitby, returned Ieowe Monday.
Mr. Aquilta. Shecre, who has been
engagedon the Sun staff. Seaforth,
returned to his home here Tuesday.
John. Crooks is at his home on the
sick list, and it was feared that he
was in for fever.. -p -(Tinton New Era.
Mr, 0. W. Sanders, who has had
charge of the Sombre Parish, evolved
home Tuesday to spend a few holidays.
Miss Verdi Levitt leaves shortly for
St. Catharines, where she intends tak-
ing a course as nurse in the city hos-
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ross, of Mont-
real, arrived in town last week and
are visiting the latter's mother, Mrs.
Mrs, Powell and daughter, Miss
Cora, after a few weeks' visit in Toro
to and elsewhere, returned to town
Miss Doupe, who has been visiting
friends in Kirkton, returned to towns
Sunday and left Monday for her home
in Blyth.
Miss Gill and Miss Carling, of the
Public School, .Mr. T. B. Carling and
son, Master Harry, spent Wednesday
in London.
"Mrs. (Hon.) Thos. Greenway left
Monday on a visit with friends at
Centralia and Exeter, Ont."—Orystal
City Courier.
Mr. Harmon Davidson who has been
visiting his parents and other friends
here, returned to Saginaw, Mich., on
Saturday last.
Rev. Millyard preached anniversary
services in the Liman Methodist church
Sunday, while the Rev. Ayearst filled
the vaeaucy here. .
She wise and prudent luau, be he a farmer or what he maty, never
leaves the things he requires till 'the lest minute. Neglect has put
many a mttn in a tight,inch, Now don't be caught napping, if you
want nuythng in the Bate of harvesting or threshing supplies we
have it, Here are few i specials:---
l�il�der Twine, Binder rlovea Brass Valves Checks
�� s
Docks, Ere., Gauge glasses, Gauge glass rubbers,
Leather Belting, all sizes from one to 6 inches wide,
Threshing (gloves, a new stock,
Special 8abbitet'�al
Pee 'less J.acbb.e 011,
glneers ps,ek , ,,
Cylinder 011,
Artie cup grease,ifpr
Successors to . Bishop & Son.
Miss Ethel Farmer Iefc Thursday
last for Toronto, where she will attend
the Loretta Abbey. She was accom-
panied by her mother..
Mr. Wm. Stewart, of Detroit. is
spending a few days with his grand-
sreuts here, Mr. and Mrs. James
are nineteen head in the exhibit,which .Stewart, Huron street.
completely fills one stable. The wis-
dom of tha firm in importing only the Messrs. W. C. Huston and J. D. At -
best and highest -priced stock is shown kinson, who were .attending the Un'
by the fact that almost every horse is dertakers Association at Toronto,- re-'.
a prize-winner. Connaught's Heir, turned home last week.
the imported chesnut hackney, which Mrs. J. D. Atkinson, Exeter, has
attracted so much attention, secured been holidaying for a few days with
the first prize, the 'sweepstakes, and her sister; -in-law, Mrs. A. Hooper of
also carried off the medal offered by town.—Clinton New Era.
the Hackney Society, of England. Mr. Wm. Brooks left on Wednesday
There are many other occupants of for Winnipeg, where he will remain
the stable of equal celebrity." fora time and in all probability will
Manday &Tuesday Sept. 22 and 23.
To the ladies of Exeter and sicinity we extend a coolie' invitattio
to visit one ilillinery Rooms whether intending to purchased or not.
Miss Barnes has charge and comes to us highly recommended. and
is preparing to show .you the latest and most stylish hats at modern
Black hats a. spechti:ty, up.toelaate outing tats,
Ladies lewwiiig their order will have prompt attention. We also
wish to say in connection with our 'Millinery Opening eve have ale ge and
well assorted stock of Dress fiuitinge, Elegant new 4"bed tat Roma*spans.
French Venetians, Jihelinee. Etc.
quarters for rite CelebrarteiZ W. E. Sandford Brady Made Clothing.
Mrs. Ed. Treble is visiting friends in
Mrs. A. Q. Bobier spent AVeclr.esday
in London.
Mrs.: Alex. McPherson is
in London.
Mrs. Hugh Oke, who has been quite
ill, is improving.
Mrs. Geo. Crawley is visiting friends
in Lucas and London.
Mr. W. W. Taman spent Sunday
with friends in Kinkton. Y
Mrs. J. Bawden is spending the week
with her sons' in London.
Mr. Geo. Blatchford, of Blyth, spent
Sunday at his home here.
Russell Southcott,who. was quite ill,
is able to be around again.
take a position in that city,
Miss B. Robinson, who has been at-
tending the millinery openings at Tor-
onto returned to town Monday and
left Tuesday to resume her position
at Blyth.
Fc#�'ed�aiTob � Pllllll0N
Business Law, Writing, Correspond-
ence, Typewriting, etc., thoroughly
taught by experienced teachers at the
Forest City Business and Shorthand
College, London, Ont.
We have no difficulty in placing
competent pupils in good positions.
College reopens Sept. 2nd. Send. for
Mrs. Chas. Wilson, who was remov-
ed to the London Asylum a few weeks
ago ismaking rapid progress and if
she continues to improye will soon, be
able to return home.
Mrs. J. R. Snider and son Briton,
who have been visiting at Mr. Samuel
Sanders' for the past few weeks, left
Wednesday for their home in Cleve-
land, -Ohio.
Mrs. Geo. Oakes, after a short visit
with friends in 'Clinton, has re-
turned to the home of her parents
here, prior to herr departure for her
home in Chicago.
W. H. Stapleton, of London, a deaf
mute, and who formerly resided here,
is itt town this week disposing of house-
hold and 'linen perfume. He seems
to have done a land :office business
here, notwithstanding his silent solici-
Mr. Wilbur Handford, who has
been conducting a photograph stu-
dio in Lucain for some time, is giving
up business in that town and has ac-
cepted a situation in some city.
Mr. Geo. Crawley was summoned to
London Monday to giveevidence in
behalf of the crown in the Sifton mur-
der trial. Thetrial, however, has
since been adjourned until the winter
Mr. Samuel Sweet, who visited his
brother-in-law, Mr. Jos. Davis, at Gra-
venhurst last week, returned home,
Friday, reporting Mr. Davis in a very
satisfactory condition and on. a .fair
way to recovery.
Mr. W, H. Trott, who has a case:
pending hi the courts, was in Gode
Tuesday in connection withsame, re-
turning home
'Wednesday morning.
Lawyer Dickson, who has charge of
the case, was also in attendance.
Supplied with either the
Angle Iron, Round
Rod or Wood.
These are 'without a
doubt the best ma-
chines obtainable
at any price.
awarded the only
medal and diploma
given on. Hay Forks
• at the World's
Fair Chicago.
Supplies at Russell's Blacksmith shop:
An extremely stout, Food -tempered
Englishwoman once contrived to wedge
'herself into a gallery seat at the Adel -
phi Theater that would have accommo-
dated a pperson; of ordinary size, to the
unconcealed annoyance of a smartly
dressed youth next to her. began
to peel an orange, and the youth, with
a gesture of complaint, removed his silk
hat fussily to a' safer position. "I• sup-
pose," said the good-tempered woman,
"that : you'd rather have had a gentle-
man sitting by the s y
side of sir,
, you,
,wouldn't you?" The " youth replied,.
snaPP ishly. in the affirmative. "Aha",
said the woman,:thoughtfully, "so would