Exeter Advocate, 1902-9-18, Page 6BANDEeD TO PROTECT BIRDS. }IOW CAUSTIC BURNS, POWER. rRom WATERFATrltS, An interna.tioval agreemeat for 1 1,4,, , e An engineer of Zurich, L. Thor - the protection of birds thot are tereel a Pleee Of woollen Cloth. or 111 Mena reports, after careful examina- nt piece Of a bleaket, and hell It there PA to agriculture Was signell eet cughly in a stroeg eolution of emistie etiOn, that seteejent electric power Paris on March 19tIn by representa.-1 aacia, aar could be develoPed hewn the water - a you will find the woe' will fads of the Alps to rue, all the reel- tives of Beigiura, Prance. Switzer- gradually be eaten away, leaving land. Sweden, Spain, Portugal, .Anao ways of Switzerland, There will be 1 leotlaing Out the skeletea. Wereet do little er no reduction of Cost, he tria-llungarsy, Greece and the prat- not reaii;e bow .. scan substitateo? . einalares et morgeeee Lic,ixtenstei.n which are generally earebargee with Ceylon- Tea 13 the finest Seys but the time may come VialeXt mid Luxemburg. Gerannee is exPee'd pease or pow common, alkaline seaela ed to join the. league. Nature cells Tea the world produces, taa7 bq dsi. bi .. eeme) erectreeieY the change from steam t 1 ' e attention to the fact that 'take. tney, week by week., subject eoetle and is sold only in lead 1"4 hu'S to 11111-4PC't abli ti'llS:CS°Walitze4;- !lestrefy their elethinge eenesequeetly s within. evluese boundaries many eel- fabric to Stith treatment. The hands uses. From twentyeoue waterfaIlIZ grating, blrds ere aealeallY hilled. Oboe are tenetnereed for heers in Such 4 Striae of which are alrearly partially tenet uot appear not011g the natio Is - --1 4 Selintiene. resulting In eczen3a. gears, utilized for ledeetidal eurlioshs. 80.- 1310Cif !VI ixed and Green. eigning the tegreement. Tine protee- eksin. and brittle Mile. The eateetle e , •y000 Itorsepower could be developed, tion adorded in the ease of the xliest• soda =ay loosen the dirt. but it eatatea dettlkta try “SAtore' orcentw but. only 00,000 horse -power would teeful inseetivormes birds is to be away the fabric and .this the hand% 4 be required to rePliece the steane abeolute at all emsons. covering There is no economy in sueh work.power now used on the railroads. then' eggs wed reste as well as tdie4 it is so easy for 3 woman to test the available plant, food. The quantit,y nes, thennselses. Proteetion is de- ogre -ewe between an alkali Ohared of soluble food SQ added is insigne, OPEN, flIJERt. eitel tea reeves. ADivigtoieS aud pees. 1.sorm and a eneueral vs u1 zoap, that sicaut con -toured with that already A negro was I -wining for torPon in „-,,---4,-----eo It, is strange that there is mane for oreseut in au insoluble state. but v 11 id The nsh which he heehda InIA.RVF.LLOUS MEDICIN1. iluny bet a Pure Soap on the Canadian the inemesed yields resulting follY was a big ope and la spite of all CQ^Matr .1.7 village was dilating tO a, 3 tested by uleakine -vendor in a market. Suelanerolletts a8nOtpRurfstsbeteht f=ltss tsratt;otculdt/blaet 1:easSOuirls4 pbryodutebt; :Ilia noevgerrouoc041:131d. ;1%nrIllene troholutu publeleedzi crowd epee tixe wouderful eilleienicY world wee. ned RS freedom frem feee amounts of its Plunk food which are 2 pelted into the boat again he re, of Ids iroe. bitters. . alkali or caustic eon Teem eemeenstrated more or less avalloble. rather than : mureed: eithy... tad Le. entent neneles by the highest medical authorities. by the Amounts of tbat ebewei len; "What I want •to kinow ie, is dis had oely tairea the bitters ore vedie Coineequently ao trine eaeing. "Sea- the extraction by a methoe oe an- ,a.,,,,,,..?,or aentbia,„ or was dat fAsh wheu he uas shoved into law Pr2sm114141t Se4P ecIlllee5 ezVellte*:". 69'. e'llicrtsiel! Te433hisPI°vViewPgeaeolorrile Mireiniatleerlayl, 4vq42.‘'-2geriunr" for mender; arra went does Steve ello 'r tet op•en a veie UP. Ild's aera mot teke rulalie a el7ewbatr" /Title widers ll'e 1 GREAT VALUE OF RUIN& ,,cm,,a4,-,..,°- Lerst,T,trw•- too., 0.-„,-.- is at, !i.e. 4. Mt'DU,Ittor. 5alreg fx soorge for ,,, A wn./. coxi,..oNy4NT QF *it vgBy ).their extrogee collier -than and tut-, 4t)141M•G x-rumoutilv1 cr-RFIGA ditiorm to that present in the soil., GIVES INVORTANT EVI, Eggl-li 07,11)Elt. The careful reiearches Of liollriegel. IMINTO,E. packets. ,Mta.p=.rka emphasized. for it explaius it a iron enough out oe his bleod led 4rage deg,ree the value of tile clover' landed the doors ouzo med /et Won- ' veld' out. Faetl" A ORATBFUL TRIBUTF„ ON A, NAN WITO 1.0clEND NIS CASE AS ECOPEI.ESS. TOWN TRIASURER, Wilforth, and other eineMisis. and e '44 by ProfesSer Shutt+, the eeepeolinents at the Experimental, Experimental Farm, I Vann int Ottawa. have Amen 131;19 WitheutFeet*, raver, or .Afice, Ottawa,. imp le-gm:nes obtain the nitrogen of , u,He Speaks Elainly the air existing in the interstices be- Nonest Sentiments, Adding tween the $oil peTtieles through the $ome wardoi Advice. eInagoode 9dSee Too. nuich importarce va • .4 t110•t91113ett, 01,1 Pigiveu to the value of Impale in thtnageney of certain micro-organisms • ed to Help HineenZlany ..7g.rowth of crops and in the outio.,,Ore$Ont. in the .soll. These bacteria • medies Were Tried Ile- ;enema of fertility- It is the PO•4.4tt1e1n themselves to the roots ol fen' a Cure Wn5 • :terra 51t0cit0111Fe eed keeper of :nit- the growing" Clever Of •Inli.er Wm% Fogad. ere.gen in the aeil. an element which oad form thereon nodules tuber. (de elle, morn expetigiee of an pienteclee. Tineee nodulea, mandrel' with Vectia the linedertie. SodsItridgewoderal'to their countless inhabitants. ere to 117 .eft . evoe neteseane lentrehatie it in counnereiol 'fertilieersbe found in siz.es varying .frone We SeineoW there is not a corner pnomees terniehes the food upon pitre head to a pea. awl frequently WO/1051,0WD1 Que., Sept. 8.--(Spia eini)--Mr. R. UOIll3lIgerr Secretary Treaeurer ol thie toWn. Iluene beret' meeting, the moSt preminent tied highly refileCted VitiZell5 of the countr,y- es oxygen, altrofren, OZId :foil/1,1;00y aaardpealguattv:Ihtags uhfueecavihacai abterztesxmiede. %neer: uatrebeepitTls:muLtio_n tbo a 4 0 Vatirn10U tic Whkell W1 t,„wt,Ich tbe eea zutero-organoints live, eentteral .114 Inst nutnilels over t1e7 pubile treat 41.41 there IN oo moug eot 141E44 Peelde Tlet heeo Pled which by their life fieeetioes roots of the legume. Ween they ore in eur community who contotandtgnte140.11-1"11, lir"PtQa 41" restored to hoolth and 1I4r1 its organic 14t14ge11 frAo„ alerent the clover. me regards its the uviNeefat respect oed esteem teantrelx the nee of pe. Williares° tee. It peeeeeses considerable nitrogenous foodis in the F44110 Al 0115 au oll It Pills- 'nein are 1nVilly teach QuiounIN of Vier eniteerea fired ecoa-e eetegorY we other Planta. Tile lbardaoger, orece lege in iteidgeventer &mei its etileteitan. Tneee. lit the Ineftl:ar tit-, tweeze elahorated by these microbes Teo" who norm iron weir are ticioity. re -ad we aro this wee4 given compositiOn 01 the hollou'o-4I14411"e41 ell 10 *140 130" PIMA end aware that for :gime time he wat Chhlee e°11litS are 49ali4e et thll• 4?e4'43ics-504.4 10 reread Pee for tte ter,- dees contienelly goirg3413. in P,4B541 it, Wilt, tip into the tIStiol Ner,y jig "d teen tato loom, time hr her eight illetieS to ten inches illic1t. ea einelee via'ZIPYS. eaec,deueneeeve Pitkritlfill 1151follifit4 4Vett- nitNi3e1;n,:ali eogeg4nendS 01 the t4t''' wee restored to good health. but It is calculated. therefore, that over 45 Wen Eifa0vgal 13as 111,34; able tmt o grircilczop..3, frairat f4403 Of tt4 roots, etentanti leaves. nrany of .04,n1 sna,,,, not aweee n.000.000 feet or timber ore otineed tme teeoeity oe tne dieterder Wes re-Jeent experimenne and re:Feet-eh _ bea clIete !carets repreeent the most leer tee meas mead oo, it noelnuecr yearly for collins in Chula, eeeeneades Teter eta yeatre Alfned Vel-eProi0311*.4 of tlee Vette portant dideoverY 111 ogrielatregrat in neseompliening tie wonders/al 'tee Mat, tenevegor of leaulher for illentral 1e7aittelmente1l reran, Ottawa, srleige of the toirteleelitit century. de,1/441,4 -de„ ifeAr 44..at Ate" Dawson Commission Co, To _ finoteo, ROHM, Can handle Mr APPLES, MOUES, PIA% P1,11144$ OBIONS. POULTRY <dead oraft BUTTERt ECCS, HONENt 10 VIA adliantageA 140 uo fistY0 VOW canalignineutai - Pelf you Sti3M1/4an1 POI on aPelleatttfla OUR BRANDS. King Edward vas ileadlIght° le" **Victoria" ft:Little Com Dont Experiment with ther and forlor ands, USE MQards When( lurntaimao s Mend CANADA ANTE kerViQiiiT larde.7er our EDDY S lo Men mon. We tar PAY zxrutnies te AaCk NRAthelliAlFiLeaatter firMJAN AAL VIA ysA Unatlefffey. JC•4440414 Idedicbte Voy 1. *mere letnee., lenoteotelarxwq teloolnintelies ti wets *ex latioerar loom area Mi•••illeeenie eINQRA•Nleir4•VICIVA•4,1 }eeirleee0e*3 .1,4•4"e4 '1•4444•41•10eirkeVaiferteeej effiltiflif ON erett haiaiver (44,41 ifitavieva til4rxi.o 10.410.,0 that Enverimentoi rwrat. ottaw4. Aus„. eaaery lie has been forttinat4i Antelter Triumph -Mr. Titomas /II Inuld's Kidney Pills cured lihn mid PfueelleYne;w8srtdvielirlaanaletwe:rilltlevith Ilfler5;rtil 4 giti2 enough to bring about. *Sons., was a Neel= Of ehrialls diee Mineral 4314513010'.fitretello a large, 1ti)02, Order 41 VW tstitrThuada, fiuly,tp. proportiou of the pantaele. 4410e. afid troncluded in our next) y a, MAO I ar Scribed for lean, get the egmeinateg:rellelitive Power of doile tdr 111oistid , HOW JOHN BILLL ECAS GROWN. lows.; Irvin enbject to quinsy for over for" to es. %Trio IN0flitiQ4bitig alid 3t0, Intil„lhe on. Odell bee 13 .4445..4445._1114°14, bonlit"; e hits neeie thio time public in at frequently I WM Ufidie le walk erste, 4 • • grettefall letter which reads ae fele turd'PhirnalPpletletIrielviViavured r br4w3allu•1••••••••.M.siti wo-ttel telt 5114ItiorIv. enactors /aye. Ferves ito-arriErtuVe afila thdire to say that I was cone- year.% but la:electric Oil cured la andy t Marrs inked isused by Physiclasi Pates remained- 31.my leinctilee eure, It reguletes and protects 4 Were tried hut to ra avail, The Leteeinet extreatiee of Hill tempera. Itrow ,TweletereSix Per Gent of the 14111A, enred Of latiriey Mean, nod wasa permanent cure in both ealesoux mete eves 440g:1(o-ell a . ratorrin of *Are. it tlrells Eli* "1141 91/1(4,711 World's population.. Ihertery Trouble by Beeld's Kidney ineteeitslieureet.11,FPilesnorieninsyhevetroubled Citeada lune 3.00.000 Indiarne the 'United States 270.000. the stomach. food hertuite distaste- lleavY :oils. It ter%e,. to mater*a- I i g I'd 1 81+w mita more " Vinf.' laill. life te hurtinex, Tee tpotage went '1Y dilainieh the lees of fertillAng Zulakite.1`. wa44;; tho human race. "41131.1 t,:loll:ostosoohitCettli 00.11 Was obliged ......a. h i A WOMail will serene at sight 0 ----- Help your ebillren to grow strong and ft mouse. but a millinery bill that robirst by counteracting auything that 11141<e5 her husband shake In his earisesill-beaPh. Ono greet tease of dine ettge in children is worm'. Remove them ehoes never jestles her. with Mother Graves Worm Extermin- ator. It leaver fella oa for 7eNtriy 0% yuiteF,„. lam, a good elemente by illreinage. and thus Pere letlen, when Vnetoria canne 10 the 'rimy have relieved Ine of the Pahl Setearrten advised tine ure of Dr, 1,21,olientlY hdevel light soils in thel throne, the ,Poloilation or 1410 r lotedtand the results in every way are . . Mali:ants" Pink Pill% Tioe pills were W'W' 'Elms It I" Oi idOnt thitt,, Kingdom of &r* *4. Britain given a fait pettent trial me veoelaanms should he rivirtled ne a eon i Iona was. In f0111114 drawee, 42,r1.01.11flge i mtti5r14"7. "I think it is prudent for every act visim about a dozen nosen. 11314 '1'140 of a ver.v WWI order. t 1 000 sows. anti of the colonies ay. family to teep them and use thou.., before thee? vere all gotte a. pennan-l'exTerbee're-lati" 44 lurill"19 'ar110/1t o proelunately 1211,000,000, or etny When a Man of Mr. Boulanger's ent eure Tilt!' ti.eeted. Mr. Veltiot Isloa;lett'llielndeirlr:r1P,14ftle:,n t.4(1,1ste,0,11,„tg"ilcitilrri „ 140.000.00U altogether. To -day tbe standing puts hinneelf on mord so tam eble to attend to IlLe bueiness coal/oast is p lea 0 4 i ea By constant. population of the ',Diked Ningdom frankly and positively, there can be when it loohed on if be WUS 1100Intaik'it has Lena noticed. too, that Ile , is as rear as possible 41,300.040, no doubt, but tbat .he has experienc- to die. Ile lc grateful tu 015 grKtt iitunount 01 bums ereeent oyes tut while the 00433.3.1105 hare 11`t'reaeti ed ell and Mere than he states !nein medicine for his cure and 14 4'. no 9 .. . . , . 1.2% . a and expanded 13141 4 the nusaler 01 letter, heeltatient ill 4.4pirAr so. ,•ezieetteut, taougot not. an emanitee in- ' tlication of the amount of orgunie thew inhabitants exceeds nrd.000.- Dotld'o Kidney Pills have now per- iteeauee of their thorough stud , nitrogen. penevend by the sou. it ollii, soaking a total 440414343111011of re:lineally established thenwelves as Pr"r4P1 "etilen tint thf Illmd 41111' has. also. been observed that as the an infallible remedy for all urinary as. „elitetotX1 souls tervee thine pille speedily cure ntrtle- bum" disappears the nitrogen goes 111 other words. the li'llish Ere- trouble and the closing 'words of pire's ehare of the evorld'e popula- tion is :nearly tin per cont., as com- pared with Ibissia'e 8.11 f er cella, France's 6.3, America's U.S.)i5.7. Germany's 4.0., Austria -s 3.1., and Italy's 2.2. It will thus he seen that Edward VII, was crowned Xing over more people than are to Ing ruled over at this prreent me-, ment by the Emperors of Massie. Germany, Austria, Italy, and the President et the French Itepublie combined, and this, of coulee, tak- ing Into consideration the popula- tions of all the colonies and de- pendencies of theze rive great powers. Never has there been before so mighty an empire ; Ronne. Greece, Egypt -all the chilleation,s of the ancient world went) utterly in- significant in comparieon aith it. And the end is not vet. Our child-, ren over the sea, the CariadianS, the Atistritlians, are still, its it were "in their teens." What it will be when they have grown to robust and lusty manhood --the enhanced glory and splendour and Majesty of it no man can foresee, save only "as through a glass darkly."-Pearson's Weekly. ----4 ,....._ Nurses' Experience. rheumat ism. 404a1 100, partial, With it. 1e:wining the subettonce of punetleeie. St. \ Rust dance, scrofula the soil to um %ere as by nue nettin.. And eruptions of the Atha eryelPelas, sea!: methods of eareniug with the kidney and liver troubles, In141 theiplow. harrow. mul ho on, tends 4.9 functional eilmenats Which make the mese/we the humus, and, as a ut Ittes 01 so InallY Woloell doom' Oritural Consequence. to Ocereme 113.0 conetant misery. Get the genuine nitrogen. Soils growling grain ex - with the hal ileum "Pr. lclusitely gory year lose more nitro - Pink Pills for Palo People" on thel gen by this humus oxidation than is wrapper around each box. Sold by removal in the crop, and this loss is enedielem dealers or eent post paid ,gre;neet, in those soils which, are at 50 tents o. box or six boxes for irichest in nitrogen. Experiments at $2.50 by addressing the Dr. Will- the Ailnuesott., (US.A.) Expetiment ' lams* 'Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ,Station eliowed that. for every 23 . pounds of nitrogen obsorbed by the POINTI.M PARAGRAPHS. crop, grain followin- grain for a; Sickness is the. interest we pay on number of years, 1.4.epounds of nit- , rogen were'lost. due to oxidation of life's mortgage. Any woman who regards heauty os'it"*Tigtx.ualsi:axileeatftaecris that are of the Ut- sroerfluouS has never tried it. i, most iinpon twice and ev or Illy of An optimist is a man who Is sate; study by farmers ix% ("amide. not Jailed with what he doesret get. 4 only in the older provine.es but also It aill undoubtedly be a cold clay in those western areas whith are overlaid by phenomenally fine soils. During the past thirteen. yeers a great many Canadian soils, both virgin and cultivated, have been ex- amined in the lnboratories of our Experimentld Farms. The soils thes exatilined haVe been representtt- tive of large areas in every province in the Dominion. judged by. the standards accepted by agricultural chemists many soils in Canada proved fully as rich in plant food as the most fertile soils of any part of the world, particularly those soils Medical men say that a good nurse in Manitoba and the Northwest Ter - Pref. in a. difficult case is better that =- cross anti doesn't sleep well, give ritorxes; and the analyses by Baby's Own Tablets. This medicine Shutt, have proved them equal to di eine, but when we can get a good quickest and surest Cure -and the renowned black soil of Russia.. nurse and good medicine, the pa- is the the safest, because it contains MO in all the other provinces there ere tient stands a. much better chance of opiate or haunted drug. No matter virgin soils of more than average recovery. The few words of advice how young or bow feeble your little fertIllt37' comparing most favora.bly one is the Tablets can be given. with with those of other countries. giN'en beloW by nurse Eliza: Iding, a. certainty that the result will he The ascertained amount of plant are well worthy the attentiop of all good. For very -young irfants crush food contained in an acre of soil the Tablets to a powder. Mrs. Geo. taken to a depth of 8 inches, a readers: "1 have constantly ueed St.. Ja- ne r orter, Thor oId, Ont., says: quantity . that woold weigh about _ cobs Oil .in the various. siipations I "My baby had indigestion badly 2,500,000 lbs., Prof. Shutt °stint have 'occupied as nurSe, end ha,ve ont s ales' from - Iaboratorical experimen ts • . . variably ' found it ex.ceIlent in all when he was about three in li 111 - old. Iie was constantly hungry and o e, in out rit s 1...., rorri ,- his food did . him no • good as he . 000 to 20,000 p.o ends ofe nitrogen, ceses requiring outward ,aPPlication, . . - , • vomited it as soon as he took lt. from 15,000 • to 25,000 pounds . Jel euch as sprains, , broosesrheumatic Ile wits very thin and pale and. got potash, and fro= 5,000 to 10,000 affectionS, neuralgia, etc. In. cases but; Tittle sleep, as he cried nearey pounds of phosphoric acid. Simi(- of pleurisy it ie an eecellett remedy , all the time, both day and night. arly in soile of good :average fer- -well rubbed in.' • I. can strongly re- lit?. was constipated; his tongue tility lie has found from 2,500 to cOmMend it after seyeral years' use 5,000 pounds of nitrOger, from 5,- and' experience. It should be in ev-, coated and his breath. bad, Noth- 500 to 11.000 pounds of petash, and ery household." • Sister , Caroline, , St.. Andrew's Hospital, writes: "I have found St. Jacobs Oil a Most efficacious rem- edy in -gout; '-'also in sprains and bruises. Indeed, we cannot say . too much in its eleraise, and our doctor IS ordering .,in' constantly." "When .Ine North Pole is discovered. Nothing jars a ehronic invalid like being told that he is looking well. You ean't convince a girl that marriage is a failure until after she tries it. BABY'S OWN TABLETS, Help Little Babies and Big Child- ren. in. All Their Minor Illnesses. When your child - whether it is a big child or little baby - suffers from stomach or bowel troubles of any kind, is nervotts, fidgety or Ing did him any good until I got 33411 3. Own Tablets, and after giv- ing him these a short time he be- gan to get better. His food digest- ed properly; his bowels became re- gular, he began to grow, and is now • Ing, health:sr boy. f always keep the Tablets on hand and reconunend hausted by the leaching Of the food them to oth er mothers.' The Tablets can be obtaleed. at any drug atore or you can get them ey mail, post paid, at 25 cents a l'ox by writing direct to the Dr, I•Villiams Medicine Co., 'Brockville, or Schenectady, X. Y. - The comet of 1843 wan the only o ne during rho last, century visible in broad daylight. " from 3,500 to 6,000 pouncis oi phos- phoric acid. While these vast stores of -plant food are truly present, but a very Mall percentage of them is imme- diately available to plants, other- wie.e sons might soon become ex - constituents below the reach of roots, and by the selfish practices of farmers who would return noth":og to the soil. One of the chief func- tions of mechanical processes for distributing soil is to hasten the conversion of inert material into those more valuable compounds al- ready referred to. The principal ob- ject; in applying manures rvial ler- , tilizers is to add to,this store of ; COVfeTDD SCHOOL AWARD. In certaio Russian schools the highest reward given is the initial letter of the 1'4 -impress's name. It CousiNts of the initial in solid gold, an inch and a quarter height, on a blue bow, which. entitles the hold- er to a higher '.11 1131 than could otherwise .be obti.tined. .4 lAtESSIIS. 0. G. RICHARDS & CO. Gentleman -In June '08 7 bad my hand and wrist bitten and badly maugled by a. V2010145 horse. I suffer- ed greatly for several days and the tooth cuts refused to heal, until your agent gave me a bottleof MIN'ARD'S LINIMENT, which I be- gan using. and the effect was magi- cal. In live hours the pain had cenved. and in% two weeks the wounds Mr. Boulanger s Jotter are at. ad- had completely heated and Tay vice which every household should band nntl ;am 'were as well 34.8 ever. observe. An Oldo woman recently preaelned her husband's funeral Sermon. She wins bound to have the last vord. *Jae or Onia Car OT Tommie 1 ee PRANK J. elleINDY mattes oath .bat lie is senior partner of the firm of V. J. CIIENEY & doe doing bueinees In the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid. and that said firm will pay the sum of min HUNDRED 1.101. - L ADS for each and every fuze of CA- TAltitil that emmot be cured by the use of IIALL'S CATAIIRII CURE, FRANK J. CIIIINEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this eth day of December. A .D. 111 $6. A. W. GLEAN SEAL : SO. * _Notary Pubrie. : IIall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. P. J. 0111e3.ieY 110., Toledo, O. Arad by all Druggists, 713c. Rail's Family ttre the best. LUCA% COUNTY', Some folks who don't believe in faith ClireS have unlimited faith in their plrysiciang. Suffer No More. -There are athonsand who live miserable lives because dyspepsia dulls the faculties and shadows existence with the cloud of depression. One way to dispel the vapprs that beset the victims of this disorder is to order them a course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pins, which are among the best 'Vegetable Pills known, being easy to take encl. are most efficacious et their actiou. A trial of them will prove this. Yours truly, A. E. Ray. Carriage enaker, St. Antoine, I'. Q. According 10 statistIcs, aut 01 each 1,000 people in Iwo sixteen be- come hopelesely imam. Tito other 984 are only temporarily out of their heads. IMM.LICIIMEMOM Etnnes Main crater is 7.728 1001 wide, and Sad feet deep. The moon. tain is 10,755 feet high. slalom the (*email awe vireo+ *I the fold Tooative lirorrio-tplelne TWO* MO &cold-leo* ar. lie Cum, No 1 47. Ptig•23 goat. The pig is the only domestic 44.424- 1114411 does not suffer from Can- ter, Mii•MIM•••••••• for ore: Sixty Veers. As OLD AND "WstroTento Riticsar. Whaley/a Scotbin g Syrup hot been unit for *Ter els* years by million* of maniere for their ehildrett arklie teethhig, with perfect surente. It soothes *a child, totterke thegttiOr allays all Nlad cella, and lathe bed rented*/ for Diarrhoea. Is pitman'. kr the tame. Sold lir ruggins in ere* pert of the or1. Enonty.gre eon* & bottle. lie value la trealeulable. lie cure and** for Afra. Whelan's Soothing Syrup. and take no other Mad Give Holloway's Corn Cure a trial. It Western Australia now produces removed ten corns from one pair of feet thirty million dollars worth of gond without any pain. What it has done nearlee once it will ao again. The dome of the Observatory at Greentvich, which weighs 20 tons, is made of paper. 111.11.11/.. s33.1n TO THE PACIFIC COAST. from Chicago via, the Chicago & North-Western Rey every day during September and October. One-way second-class tickets. at very low rates front Chicago to points, in Colorado, Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oro gon, Washington, California and ,,various other points. Also special round-trip llomeseckers' tickets on first and third Tuesdays, August, September and October to Pacific Coast and 'the West. Full particu- lars, from nearest ticket agcnt or address B. 11. 13ennett, 2 1Ditst King St., Toronto, Ont. Wife (to her husband) -"Arthur, love, I want you to give John a good scolding to -morrow morning." Plusbancl-"What for? I am perfect- ly satisfied with the fellow." Wife-. Phonographs have no brains, yet "Well, you see', he has to beat the they talk fluently. The same may be /carpets to -morrow, and he strikes said of dudes. ' ever so Immix harder when he's in a bad texxtper." Monkey Btand Soap removes all stains, rust, dirt or tarnish - but won't wash clothes. When marriage is a failure it is u sually d the masculine end of -the combination that is celled -upon to PaY tiP• • Why will you allow a cough to lacerate your throat and lungs and nut the risk of filling a consumptive's grave, when, by the timely use of Biekle's Anti -Consump- tive Syrup the pain can be allayed and the danger avoided. This syrup is pleasant to the taste, and unsurpassed for relieving, healing and curing all affections of the throat and lungs, colds, coughs, bron 'Otitis, etc,. etc. Keip MInard's Liniment in the House, Stylish Lady Visitor (to small boy, while waiting for hostess to come down) -"What is the matter with pussy, that you are watching lier' So cl00ely?" Small Boy-He/am- Ma Said that your hat was enough to make a cat -laugh, and 1 Wanted to Ece 'her do It IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP The (Inality etandard from Ocean to .„neettn. Your 'policy wok It not satirreatery. Rose, k flA.ELAMME, Agono. - Montreal. , . , , France ix -lakes annually 143,000,- 000. odunds of chocolate and, bon- bons. In this • respect she ,StandS second only to Great Britain. Ger- manly ranks third, eileeplessness.-When the nerves are un strung and the wbole body elven up to wretchedness, when the mond is filled with gloom and dismal forebodings, the resulteef derangement of the digestive organs, SleePleSsneis comes to add to the distress. If only the subject could sleet) there would be oblivion for a while and temporary relief. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will not only induce sleep, ben will act so beneficially that the subject will wake refreshed and restored to happiness. Sweden's death rate is the lowest ever recorded in a civilized country. It is only 16.49 per 1,000. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Tllk Luatiie Brom° Quinine Tablet," AA (Irme „ ekti to:und the monoy If it faila ,to mite. E. w G., ow gienatnre 41 on.each box. 25o. Ask for Minard's and 'take no ether, There are nearly 14,000,000 acres of land in Italy still uncultivated which would bear good crops. THE NEW YORK CIeNTRAL SPIRIT. The spirit of accommodating the public seems to be the keynote for the great saccess enjoyed by the New York Centrai Railroad. A trip. anywhere over this popular line will convince the most blase trawler on that point. Every employe seems to have caught the spirit of accommo- dation, of being obliging and mak- ing friends for the big company he is working for, and from the highest official to the lowest employe. "New York Central" employes impress pa- trons as being high grade gentlemen and very desirous of making the traveler's journey such a pleasure that he will come again and again. Ticket and baggage agents, train- men and porters can smooth or ruffle one's temper so easily f When you are given the impression tbera- is nothing too good for you, whether you are traveling love or five hundred miles, that road eareeinly possesses . the first big right to be popular.. Four smooth traehs 'all' the way, - from Buffalo- to New 1.ror4, over which a seem of fast modern equip- ped trains, including the Empire State Express hna the 20th Century Limited, run every day, surely shows a. Popular road. So do red -capped porters in stations, excellent- dining ear service and all the modern equipments for enjoyable travelieg. But best of all is the spirit of being obliging and civil, answering questions politely and asSristing ; -in short, helping the tra-veler, who may be making his first trip, to have such a good time that he will come often and feel at home. And the. New York Central can justly .be Credited Witli having inculcated this spirit of accommodation in its em- ployes to such a degree that it is so pleasantly noticeable as to be termed "The New York Central Spirit." -- From. the Commercial • West, Minneapolis. T. N. U. 383